It AZI-7/L0.6.11 11 EETING. ject, as are presented by the Hunting-SHERIFYS SALES REGISTER'S NOTICE. Agreeably to previous notice, a very don or any other route whatever. More. i NTOTICE is hereby given to all per respectable and highly enthusiastic mee- over, our route, diverging as it does - IN sons concerned, thut the following Y virtue of sundry writs of Lev. Fri. ting of the citizens of Shirley, Crom- from the State works at Drake's Ferry BY named persons have settled their ile x; well, Springfield, Clay, and adjoining is on a direct course from Lewistown to and Vend. Ex, now in my hands, I will sell at the Court House, in the bor. counts in the Register's Office, at Hun townships, without distinction of party, Bedford, and will cut off at least fifteen ough of Huntingdon, on Monday the 10th tingdon, and that the said accounts will was held in the Borough of Shirley sburg, to twenty miles in the entire distance day of April next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., be presented for Confirmation and Al low on Wednesday the Ist day of March between these two places. at Public Vendee or outcry, the follow- ante at an Orphans' Court to' be held at inst , for the purposes of eliciting public Resolved, That we respectfully ask ing described Real Estate, viz : Huntingdon, in and for the county of opinion, und of having a free interchange i and' urge our Senator, Mr. King, and Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 12th of views in relation to the contemplated lour Representative, Mr. Blair, as well All the right, title, interest, proper day of April next, to wit : claim and demand, of David Milliken, in Rail Road from Drake's Ferry to the' as the Legislature generally, to pass the a certain tract or plantation of lend corn- 1. George Borst, surviving partner of coal lands on Brand Top mountain. , Bill now on the files of the House, for posed of several surveys, situate, lying ceased. Jacob Borst, late of West township, de- On motion, JOHN MORRISON, Esq. the construction of a Rail Road Irom and being in the township of Brady, in 2. George Borst, Administrator of Ji- Philadelphia, march?-3m. was chosen President ; Thos. E. Orbi- Broad Top to Drake's Ferry. Huntingdon county, containing 575 Non, William Madden, Geo. C. Hudson, : On motion of Henry Brewster, it was : acres of Land, be the same more or less -- - cob Borst, late of West towuship, dec'd. Cheapest in the World ! I_,____ Randal Alexander, Esq., Thos. A. &net- Resolved, That the foregoing proceed- 3. Samuel P. Wallace, surviving Ad- Steam Refined Sugar_. Cantlitl, : -adjoining lands of James Irvin & Co., MARBLE %VORIS, ker, Capt. J. W. Galbraith, John Long, logs be published in all the papers at ministrator of Michael Wallace, late of 123 cts per pound, Wholesale. John Wolfkill, James Lane end John r J. RICH ARDsort,Nti. 42 Mt t ket gtreet, - E 1 Sh rrer Abraham Long and Iluntingdon, and that at least our own • Esq., antic a , Goodman 's heirs, [ the said land being Morris township, deed. THE attentien of gentler:len depfroug a pendia 4. George B. Yount , . and Robert Car- dn : i ~,n c. oit. he e „, / eee„e(we to " his ' very it ) PIII.OBLPIIIA, takes pleasure in informing ; ... N P: , . I A RBLE MANTELS, MONUMENTS Samuel Carothers, were appointed Vice immediate members in the Legislature, formerly owned by - William Woclverton, mon, Administrators of John Kennedy, Presidents ; William B. Leas, Richard Messrs. King and Blair, be furnishedor . 11 ; ; ATUARV, is equested. . 1 . the and now claimed by Henry steely's late of the borough of Alexandria, dee'd. ot $12.50 per Superior Steam Refined Candy at the low r c l r e v e Ashman, end David Fraker, were ap- with copies through a committee appoin- 100 pounds, and the quolit p y is Ni n a ) ; 6 h ' '' l "• 4cribe r . blusirg lor a n "'Pi"' its the heirs,] having about 200 acres of clear- 5. John Morrison and George Eby ; equal to any manufactured in the United state. e I.lBlllf. for lld .1. t hi n. yet.. in pointed Secretaries. After a few brief ted for that purpose. delphia, and having mattulactural wet!: tor olntest led land, two apple orchards, a grist mill, Executors of Martin Etnire, late of Shir- He also offers afi kinds of goods in the ctinfeC. ',cry p art o f t h e U n i on , ca n r ef e r t o all who have remarks by Benjamin Leas, Esq., stating ,' On motion, Resolved, that John Brew- , . saw mill clover mill,nn a lava-story ory he andd t • t tiomme and i l' i [u . l: ti a i e w s a i t n : ll er p r i ema n d r l:g ihe le o u r v . f ( 1 , ..v 0 . n n ,i e j . , 1 4. 1 , 1 , 7 17 pith o f ~teliir hexcut ma i n i( l t. i t o :1 , p m l i t e ,' ( 17, k i .., the object of the meeting a committee ster, Wm. B. Leas, and John Lutz, bey township, dec'd. log dwelling , house, several tenant houses of twelve persons, viz : Benjamin Leas, , said ' committee. 6. John Morrison and George Eby, paces, " quick der of the day. Kinsey L. Green, John Lutz, Samuel L [Signed by the Officers.] and other out buildings thereon. Executors of Elizabeth Etnire, late of Call or send your orders. and you cannot Nilo , ti a , r t et „• 30,1 , T m 17, , 1 ;71:7, , n, , 1,"; u n ' e ' s w " ; ;,, l dl r d k n i s i s u l it Tc t m o r i' g r i l , i ; Seized and taken in execution, end to Shirley township, dec'd. Shaver Dutton Madden, John Brewster, ' : A very malignant form of fever is at 7. Jacob Eyer and John Eyer, Exec- street, be sold as the property of David Milli- be satisfied. Don't forget the number, 42 Markt t for Monuments ind Other work eopieti of which, Maize S. . Harrison, Jesse Hollingsworth, Ph,trdelphia• with prieee, will be forwarded. James R. Brewster, Allen O. Brown, present, prevalent in Danbury', Conn.- ken-. .4 LSO, utors of Christian Eyer, late of War- j• J. RICHARDS". i cc r All w'o'rk shipped is insured from ht.', morel:7'4B-3m. Peter M. Bare and Henry Brewster, were Something of it has been there since riorsmark township, dee'd. ass. A Lot of ground situate in the town 8 John Fowler, Administrator of - . The); call refl.,' fo any Mercantil. (ten •re ii. Phil. appointed to prepare resolutions ex res- , November last. From 25 to 30 have of Saulsburg, in Barree township, H ' J h amesLr nard, late of Cromwell town. To the Honorable the Judges of the adelphia fur mending .d eltorneter as al-mime n. sive of the sense of the meeting, tvlio, ' died, and there are, at present, 13 or 15 tinadon county, a d joining lots of Johne'JOHN STIIT7TIIEIIB & sON. after having retired for a brief interval, ..s ip, deed. Court of Common Pleas, and General No. 360 High f•cl rt et, I kilo. reported the following which were unan- , The cases.disease is erysipelas of a McCrum„ William Hirst, Esq., and °qt.-. 9. James Clayton, Administrator of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and March 7. 1948.3113. era ; having thereon erected a log dwell county of untingdon, at April imously adopted : malignant character. John Clayton, late of West township, f or t h e fr • N. 8.-There is nothing in their line which ..-.-.......---........--...---........ ing house. Also-a tract of Land situ- d e ed . Resolved, That we freely and heartily Term, A. D. 1848. they 110 flOl furnish either do me s t i c or i m ported. ate in Barree township, aforesaid,. con- 10. James Marshall, Executor of Re- concur in a series of resolutions adop- GIDDINESS AND Dizzesess.-Wright'sThe Petition of Alexander Carmen 7311.. zri mom - , s led at a meeting held recently at Scotts- , Indian 'Vegetable Pills are one of the best medicine. tlands 13 acres, more or less, adjoining bent Marshall, ~, ...lute of Dublin townshiPt of the 13orough of Huntingdon, in the ir ...• .g• 1t . I 1 - • . •i• i 6) of Peter ! for 010 cure of giddiness; because Livingston , James tevi dec'd it ~.t ai t itl t i a 11h+, . said county of Huntingdon, respectfully , c , • • • ville, in this county, in relation to a con l'''l' world for the body those sloganit and tor- a rt, and' rt others. 'du knoti.i. Medic:me that at the same templated Rail Road from Drake's Fei.- they ,P'"' ll . James Stewart Samuel Myton rand sheweth : That your petitioner is desi- The 1 . 1 i• n • i i Seized 1• rapt nitmors w iic t, vs ten outing in tto genera and taken in execution, and to • • 1 t nic urges purifies and strentztheits ry to the coal region on Broad Top, as mass of the circulation, are t h o ... u s e o f a do er . be 801(1 as the property of Charles Cow , , , William 11 yton, Administrators of John rous of continuing to keep a Public ' r '', - W VI on decd s y ~ who was one of the the system. well as in the general sentiment which munition °r rush of blood to the head, giddiness •House of entertainment in that old and ' - tlen. Lomas, July 7 1846 Administrators of Josiah Ball, late of established stand where he now resides •••,. ' • ' • .' ' now prevails throughout this section of heath:eh, lONS of mei. y, dim. ess of sight, drow. .1 LSO, rjrt. LE Ifo . l '8 Pin's tire a new medicine which country in relation to the same. 11 e be- sine... pain of . the In•ail, and many r other sum Jackson township, deed. ! -that he has kept a house of entertain- I All thatpiece,parcel or tract of land, .1) h. just appeared, dad i':: fast taking the places, !lave that it is calculated in an eminent 14";(rifiem,Iliiii2.Iniennx.:.,,,,huilti;ItepthitILenriatii:ooio,rn; of 1 12. John Robb, noting Executor of uncut in said stand for the last eight or 'of alt others of the some close. These lithe rice tin ofthebranch yitig on waters castWilliam D. Robb, late of Porter town- nine years, and that he has provided composed Or tunny ingredients, but the two pond degree, not only to promote the highest he vet; ' best rnedirine . ! ' fin 11 • ••• cure of indigestion, 'of Stone Creek, in Jackson township, ship, deed, who was one of the Exec and best interests of the people of this and will therefore m. st assuredly restore the body himself with all neeessnry conveniences pal ones are Sarsaporilla and Wild ( bent. so uni- Huntingdon county, containing about section of cetnitry, but it will serve as to a suite of sound health. utors of William Robb, late of Walker for the accommodation of thed public an ted that they act together; the one ilitough ill 27 acres be the same more or less- admix ere with other substances. putiiy tog tied a link in the great chain of internal irn- I a isfe.,„,„.„ . f ~„. 2. ,„. Coa l e d,„„„,,,,Aifr . f-D , . township, deed. , the entertainment or strangers and tray about '7 acres ' • of which are cleared, ad- purging, while the other is strength:clue ific syx provement which seems to be rapidly I The only original and genuine Indian V l ien- . . . ... T .,_ „,., 13. Livingston Robb, surviving Exec- oilers. He therefore prays your Honors ,„„,. Tiin„ those pills are at the same time ton c regressing towards perfection, and hi i prog .. g . .., Pil.s have the signature i f nsuo ns w r i g st jointers- lanes of N% imam Stewart, w 1 ' - utor of William Robb, late of Walker to grant him a license, and he Will ever oral opening; a desideratum long and (agt•rl'y bind which Is destined, eventually, tous wrillen with a pen on the lop !sibs! o f each bx. llama McDowell, Rattle & Hall, and oth- township, dec'd. I pray, &e. ALEX. CARMON - . I sought for by medical men but never b. I i , re (113 Nim e Ober is treortine and to erninte, fell this is era. 'more closely together as one people, hay- pa ,,,,,,. y. , rho genuine for sale by I Seized and tel in execution, and to 14. Charles Duff and Reuben Duff, • 1017 I , .• I.• •, , covered. In other woids they do the %yolk of me n c, the undersigned, citizens of the Administrators of John Duff, late of medicines, and do it much better than nay 1,,.. we ing one object in view-the highest and 5 T. K.SIMONTON, sole Agent for Hunting- • be sold as the property of Joseph Kyler. borough of Huntingdon, in said counts- Jackson township, dec'd. s , know of; for they remove ninhing from the system' best interests of our beloved State. don; Medea Porter, Alexandria; Blair 19 Robin- .ILSO,do hereby certify that a Tavern or House t , out the impurities ; so thet :slide they purge they Resolved, That we urge this project, son. Shade Gap ; ' , Mir & t •o.,Frankstown; Orbison 15. Charles Dull' and Reuben Duff All that certaintract of land, situate; of entertainment at the above mention- : strengthen; end hence they cause no dchilitation i not as a rival project, or as one set in tut Co., Orbisonio; A. O. Brown, Shirleysloirg; . •. hi Huntingdon , , Trustees appointed by the Orphans ed stand is necessary to accommodate and are follow. dby no re-action. Dr. Le Boy'rl hostile array against other projects of a Hooter & Co, West Barre and - Petersburg; Graff I I in Jackson town. hip, o cloun- Court, to sell the Real Estate of John pills have a wondeiful influence . n the blood ;the y • lar character over the State ; but we B c, (;'"•• ManorSlMl 11111; D. S. Bell, M'pavy's Fort; ty, containing 160 acre!, more or less; ; Duff, late of Jackson township, deed. the public and entertain strangers and travellers-that the petitioner, above na- not only purify without weak, Ling it but they re- JainesMarrurre, snulshurg; John IA . Mvtan. Ern- 'theta 140 acres of which are cicared • DULLER, Register. • • ' move all noxious particles from the (-11, le tame it JACOB fsf f - TZT? urge and ask it as a sister project. One Tn „ rith , ; Georg. H. s • ‘‘. s . . . . . . , toner, ater Street; A. & ndjoining lands of William Mears, John teed, is a man of good repute for hon- REMSTER'S OFFICE, . 1 is converted into fluid, and thus make impute which will go hand in hand, and side by W. Cresswell. Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Ruch lands b I • cr he e ongin, to t Monroe Huntingdon, March 11, 1818: i esty and temperance, and is well provi- stood an utter impossibility. As thew Id 110 J. Itit side with the others. So that they may Milhereek; rind wholesale and retail at the prin- v ., 1 dad with necessary house room and oth - nation. so there iv no nausea or sickness attending mutually co-operate, and vie with each eipal office, 169 Race street,Philadelphia. Furnace Company, and others, having, a ----- - - i the operations of this moat excellent of medicines ier coneeniences for the accommodation .. . aaesta-s-s-a.a.eseas log -dwelling horse, log barn and spring • p Roc La.11117:10.Y. other in unfolding the rich, varied, and inexhaustable treasures of the State. The Markets. house thereon erected. i tios,but causes them to work innyerfcctly :mini- . IVH e E d R , E h A te S d byr i trec t ept to me direct- strangers and travellers. Resolved, That said contemplated Rail I PHILADELPHIA, March 10. Seized and taken in exectition, and to V Huntingdon , the 22d ' Geo. A. Steel, J. Williarti'sOn, T. K. T manner; and hence persons taking Ilium do not be sold as the pro pert of James Leon- • Si - 01- breoine pale and emaciated. but the contrary; for day of January, 1818, under the hands I Road from Drake's Ferry to Broad Top The light stock of breadstuffd in all the Atlantic ' aid, deed. y mouton, Satn'l Steel, C. S. Black, while it is the properly of the Sarsaparilla, united is highly important, not only in a mining ports has trevented the reduction of prices abroad , aLso, and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil-1 Frederick Krell, William Johnston; 'oxit is with other ingredients, to '''nave all that ca point of view, bat in view also of that from It any material influence, and small sales son, President of the Court of Common Henry Alexander, Jim. Artnitage, C. foreign and •impure, it is equally the property of All that certain lot orpiece of round P : g Pleas , Oyer and Terminer and general the Wild Cherry to retain all thot is nathial ai.d Coats, T. B. Miller, David Colestock: process of improvement, which of rapid Flour continue to be made at so per brl, and ' . . .- sit . uate i in . iarree now Jackson town ( jail delivery of the 20th judicial district , sound; and hen. a robust stall of health is the has been for a number of years, and is some good brands, for city use, at $6.25 a $6.50 march7'4B. ship Huntingdon county, described as now, progressing in that section of coon - ' per bd. Corn Meal has , however, declined 25 cue fol lo ' n R • . , s : Beginning at a post thence b of Perms lvania • -- - , y , composed of the coml. - , , try known as the Aughwick valley :cons- per bdh with sales at $2.25, at which it is now . the public road south 63 14 4 10 ' west- - . Y tics of Huntin d Mill g on, 1 in and Union, ;Es ii .. - eLwar - ,...ta . •,, I (o•Price 25 lien la pen. BOX. I AGENTS.-T. Reuel & Son, I' woope end Al% prising the townships of Shirley, Crom- freely offered. Rye Flour is without movement of p i t p t thence by land of ' d the Floc : in s. James Gwin and Joini To the Honorable the Judges of the . .. kam ,,,,, , , , ,,, ; ~ W. ~,,,,,,,,,..,,. „,,,, m , T , T , well, Springfield and Clay. Wealth and any kind. The stocks of all kinds of grain are anillßoriL - ::„111 471 east . 4 perches Stewart, his associates, judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Hunting- and Kessler, Mill-Creek ;S. Hatfield & son. Juni population have doubled in that regioncounty of Huntingdon, justices assign- don county, now composing and Ito!- eta Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore & ligl tin fa o et is now almost bare of 1 .1 , fact tiro mark ' bD I to a post, thence y landof John Dear of country within a period of two years. .., .., .ed, appointed to hear, try, and determine ding a Court of General Quarter Ses- S,Vollpe, H. C. %Volker, .Irexandon;G.ll.Steitlet ~, heat. W e notice a sale yesterday of 2,500 bu meat north 67 east 12 9-10ths perches Agricultural operations are assuming a . ._. all and every indictments and present- sions of the Peace, in and for the said Waterstreet. (Aug. 31, '47. fair Western ted at 1294 c per bu., and a lot of in. to a gum, thence by lands of Joseph aspect. The Iron bit- ' new aiii imposing ments, made or taken for or concerning County, of' April term, 181.8. ferior the day before at 115 c. Corn is a shade Halley with 25 west 4 8-10th perches " Not for a Day but for All Titne. • IV sines lie leg developed to a very con- all crimes, which by the laws of the Corn- The petition of Samuel Steffey, of siderOlfseiffent. Factories have gone lower• sales of 5.000 bu. Southern yellow, since I i ') serected t the place of beginning ; upon which m w are ma d e capital or felonies Jackson township, in the county of Hun- STANTON'S EXTERNAL REMEDY. t a trio story frame house. i into operation at various points, and in the receipt of the nerve at 53c., and 2,500 .of death and other offences, crimes and tingdon, respectfully showeth, that your ! HUNT'S LICIIIIVLEN T, Seized and taken in execution and to a _word,a spirit of enterprise and im- , Penn's round yellow yeoerday, at 54c. Oats aret misdemeanors, which have been, or shall petitioner is delirious of keeping a pub- . TT A s now g i ven e sold as the ro ert of John Dear- ,attentiont evidence of its heal• provement is abroad among the people, dull of sale at 40 a4l c per bu. ClCloverseed is in , .P P Y be committed or perpetrated withia said lie house or tavern, in the house he now it ing powers, and proved itself the most extra and With notice to Jacob Elklv terra ' it requires only a fostering care-a moderaM request, with sales of fair and good par-1 menu, . t - county, or all persons who are or shall occupies, being in said Jackson town- mdiliary and wonderfut medicine In the t, orld - amidtenant. liberal and well directed line of State eels at $3.75 a $4 per 64 lbs., and fine field seed I hereafter be committed or be perpctra- ship, on the road leading from Pine- ,In the short space of OM yells. it has acquired a I d to ' policy toward us, such as will ten ,at I2i a 25c. more. Flaxseed is wanted at 145 a ..inso, I ted for crimes aforesaid, lam common- grove to Lewistown ; that he has provi- ' reputation for curing discs.° and relieving pain far A tract of land situate in Clay town- I ' greater than tiny medicine ever discovered. Ita ''. facilitate and give efficiency to these op- 1147 e pet hu. Whiskey is steady at 25c in Ws, dad to make proclamation throughout my dad himself with necessaries for the • eration s s, to render this a rich and flour- I ' Huntingdon county,containing ' 5 11 1 , ,g , whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and 24c. in Mids. lof wonderfid cur. have astonished the Medico, Fac er convenience and accommodation nity. who now universally concede its gteat slur. 9-09 acres, be the same more or less ad ishing district, abounding in wealth, , ...... --and Tertniner, Quarter Sessions and strangers and travellers ; he therefore l'hey speak of it in Ole highest terms, and COM. prosperity, and happiness such as are -I 11/IELID, - joining lands of William Corbin, Benja- , c •PI 'II hoheld' I Honorsl • 1 . -•- otnmon ens, Wiat the Court prays your to grant um a 1- , mend its uec. min Lees, Robert McNeal and others, j enjoyed by tnorehighly favored sections In Hollidaysburg, on the sth inst., ,real estatehased from ' House ' (being the pure in the borough of Hunting- cense to keep a house of public enter- It is condemned by none. On the ennto ary, its pro-xe is an! versa . rh caeca ot cures ate fo of the the laud. MARY, an interesting little daughter of don, on the Ist Monday (and 10th day) tainment in said house, amid lie will &c. , Stunlcard) about 120 acres of morous that it would tuke volumes to reeount.them; Resolved, That having just understood John Penn Jones, Esq., aged 5 years, 7 ,Robert. . of April, 1848, end those who will SAMUEL STEFFEY. which are cleared ; having thereon erect- and it is a fixed fact, and is not disputed that as a a Bill has been passed by oor State Leg- , months and 19 days. prosecute the said pisoner be then 'We, the undersigned •t* fJ 1 P • • 1 i• citizens o ac r- 1 _ urn _xtractor arse Aus no qua, _or the mom" ............., ed a frame dwelling house, two stories islature authorising . the construction of I ss __ and there to prosecute them as it shall' '•I • - - h -II i dof rip,hereby certify that the sere.. bee t e esioe i e.. son towns{ • to o: ha o - - - high and a cabin barn. n Rail Rood from the borough of Hun- aDAILVISTR.iITORS' NOTICE. t-- e , . . be just, and that all justices of the peace, house now kept by Samuel Steffey, as an each neent. If you st.ffer svith either of the diseases Seized and taken in execution, and to for which it is recommended, resort at once to its tingdon to the coal region on Broad Top, Estate of William McKee, late of Jackson of Charles ' coroner, and constables within the said inn or tavern in Jackson township, is I be sold as time property count bethenand there their• wmg diseases it to find that it is presumed the same will township, deceased. y, - necessary to accommodate the public I son. ' I' NM 1 an in a 1 e reme y : er persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said become a law, it may be contended that L ETTERS of administration having aLso, and entertain strangers and travellers, , Spinal affections, Rl•eurnatismi Paralysis any other project the purport of which da with their records, inquisitions, ex been granted to the undersigned on All those two Lots of ground situate y' • and that the said Samuel Steffey is of and all Nervousaffections,Salt Rheum, L is to unite the coal mines of Broad Top aminattons and remembrances, to do said estate, all persons having claims in the borough of Alexandria, in thegood repute for honesty and temperance, Croup or Hives, Ague in the Breast ' with the public works is hereby obvia- those things winch to their offices res- and is well provided with house room and Face, SS eakness of the Joints, against the sonic are requested to present county of Huntinedon, being lots No. te, and that our project is superseded them for settlement, and those*nd bt d 13 114 • g i. e e rand in the town plot; adjoining a pectively aertain. ' arid conveniences for the accommodation Colds, Toothache, Sore Throat and and rendered nugatory. But we answer are requested to make immediate pay- Lot of Samuel Spyker, fronting on the Dated at Hunlinedon, the 22d day of or stranoers and travellers Quinsy, Ulcerated Sores, Indolent Ul nny, this only stimulates its to greater Januar •the ° of e ' Wilson, ' yin year our Lord, one mint to the undersigned. turnpike road and extending to an alley George John Fegen, Lewis cars, Burns, Frosted Feet, Corns, and more strenuous exertions. We now thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, , Evan', RobertCummins,' Nickolas Bu- Bunyons, Fresh ml4-6LI JOHN OAKS, admr. -having thereon erected a small frame Wounds, Swellings ask it as a trintter of right. We ask it - dy, George Steffey, Samuel , - and house, a shop stable . and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections, on the prineiples of justice, equality, RI. & J. MI. Si OW E, Bence. _Seized and taken in execution, and to John Stiim, W. M'Clelland, W illiain Mosquito Bites, and Poisons. AMTTHEW CROWNOTT.R, Sleff • Mears, Henry Rudy,James Flemming, and fair reciprocity. And as our project BROOM & WOODEN WAff/ STORE, be sold as the property of Michael in point of distance, ease of grade, ~., Sr., Samuel Rudy, George Rudy. 1 Merchants and Druggists throu e hout the country, and is prefer- One wv cheapness, practicability , 0. 53 .1 ortle l'hird Street, Becker. PROC L.4.114T10N. -- l and by the Proprietors at Sing Sing. N. Y. door above Arch. east aide, .4LSO, able-nay eminently superior to anyHEREAS, by precept to me directs Lr.'3 area ft cra (Ea ,a 1 ottaßOE E. STANTON P , III, \ DELefita, All that certain tract of Inlet situate W other project having the same design in ed by the Judges of the Common To the Honoiable the Judges of the Court of Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in all kind. in Barree township. Huntingdon coun view, we respectfully any, let both bills of Broome, 13tualies, Buckets, Cedar Ware.- tI :• K ler's P Ga theW Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear- O f or ke m i o , n e Pleas and General cool Sessions y, .? ing in y p,.near titers o are, to n for the county of Hunting pn sa,-let them stand or fall upon their Willow and French Paskets, Shoe and Wall of Stone-creek-containing about 200 • ing test the 22nd day of January, A. D. don, at April Feim, 1848: own merits-let the willingness or die- B. ushes, he, übs, Duelers, Maio, Blacking, Fart- 18.1,8, I am commanded to make public of landadjoiningl dof Ab e „„„ a ,,, cri ,„ ior , &c. acres ; an s mt. The Petition of Peter Livingston of the Nor position on the part of capitalists to take Titiestio Wooden ware in . , t • • ••• • ••-•. ••• ‘',• ••• •proclamation throughout my whole bail - en ,at lle ioweet market prices. ham LOOK, rump olihnitter, John - c- M hof Huntingdon don i the 'd g g n le am county of Hun- Stock in the respective routes be the "••hvick that a Court of Common Pleas • MANLY ROWE, Callan and others, having thereon erect- 3 .tlon,.respectfully sheweth: That your petition test-the grand criterion by which to March 7,'48. i"HN M• fli ) " E. ed a saw mill, a small log dwelling house will be held at the Court H • '"" House in the , or is desirous of continuing to keep a Public House determine their relative merits rand ad- borough of Huntingdon, in the county of entertainment in that old and estoblished stand, and a log barn. vantages. We respectfully any to our a 11'.11:1 1 .1 ER IF ~a.N'irtati of Huntingdon, on the Ist Monday (and 1 where lie now resides. And that he has provided Seized and taken in execution, and to 11„ in the Language of Esau to N - r_. the Wholesale B , t Retail Hardware Trade, the - 17th day) of April, .....c., ach•to, tot himself . with all necessary conveniences for ac- Legislature his good old father Isaac, " bast thou 1 Stock of which is new and recently selected. be sold as the property of Charles C. the trial of all issues in said court, which I eominodating the Public and entertaining strati- This is deemed an opportunity seldom to be met Ash. gers and cravel era. He therefore prays your not reserved a blessing for us also." with for an active person from the interior of the (V.BO, rema in undetermined before the said Honors to grant him a license, end he will ever Resolved, That as it is understood to state, who has some knowledge of the German A certain lot of ground situate in Jack- judges, when amid where all t r i'o's, wit- pray. PETER LIVINGSTON. be one of the contemplated objects in Language, and also a good country acquaintance. •nesses and suitors, in the trial of all 1 We, the untlersigned, eitisens of the IS of township,in the countyof Hunfn the construction of the Huntingdon and L ... Broad Top Rail Road to continue the fame in the direction of the town of Bedford, and perhaps beyond that place s so ns ultimately to connect with the The amount of Cash Capital required would be from $2OOO to $3OOO. Bait. & Ohio Rail Road, we declare and with attention. mis t i k k p n e e zon with . q 8011.. don, containing about 3 acres more or the above re uirites and a par. less adjoinine lands of John iteffey and - ' •f ' henry ' %% lb ' Seizedand taken• edge of the business. with sons.oetory . 11 ourn. in te•erences, by early application to NO. 1274 North execution, anti to be sold as the proper ad St., or at Eagle Hotel, Col. Webb, will meet of John ty Thompson. MATTHEW CROWNOVER, ' g - said issues arc required. Dated at Huntingdon , thed dayof 22n January, A. D. 1848, and the 71st year of A • I d d merman n epen ence. MATTHE us CROWNOVER, Shff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, 1 Huntingdon, in said county. Do certify that a tavern or house of enterlitinment at the above mentioned stand is necessary to accommodate the Public and entertain strangers and travellers.- ' And the Petitioner above named is a man of good repute for honesty and temperonce, and well pro vided with necessary houseroom and ennvenien affirm that from a personal and thorough knowledge of the ground over which the said extension would pass, our route presents as few obstacles, as many Neil , Wes, and embraces as great, .if not Philadelphia.feb29-'414. T. H. CItEMER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Huntingdon, March 14, 1848. 5 ---- ? Sheriff. . . T 1 LANK DEEDS and MORTGAGES, k Hutting don, .March 13, 1848. Hut ' d FOR S.IL E. , ces for ellere. the accommodation of strangers and tray- T. K. Simonton. B. 8. NA'harton, Thar. Fisher, Ow n Bost, Geo. Groin, Jno. Armitnge, Wil number of TOWN LOTS, suitable either liam Jolinaton, David Haszord, 144 Snore, for garden. or building on. W. McMurtrie, J Williamson, John Fackler. in the counties of Huntingdon, Blair and _LY of a very superior quality, for sale For particulars inquire at this eStee.D. Buoy, Jas. Clerk, Geo. A. Steel, Win. A. 1 greater advantages in relation tai said ob- , Militia willbe promptly and carefully attended to.' at this office. feb2o-48-31. ' :Aston, Janes Salton. 7/3lW,lll@falia WEA.V.ING tic =ZING. CLOTHING WAREHOUSE; a -, HE nohnoriber, residing two miles .„ tcr NO 152 k MARKET STREET, 1 leysliorg, in the shop formerly Limo ird I y David Long, niches t 6 inform the public that ho The subscriber respectfully solicilathe attention will carry ott the of Country Merchants and Defilers generally to Coverlet inuring an examination of a complete stock of in all its various branches. Alao , —Corpoting. READY . -MADE CLO THING,! Girthing & Ingrain. Also, Dye every fariety of shades colour. Having served a tertir of vii VN loch for extent, variety dad workmanship, he flatters himself will give universal satisfaction, years wit h "",id Long , he tic t ul l lit that while his reduced scale of prices presents to pur- he ett " e " attua business.. "" u '• blrict chasers inducements which cannot he surpassed , attention hopes merit a Itheral " tee el u 6. by any other establishment in the [Tidied State.. lie patronage. For the accommodation of curio , morn, work will be taken at Fiche ," memnrc "C°B REED ' trje's f-tord. Huntingdon : Keesler's Blom, Mill Creek ;. at Jacob Eby'', Path Valley. Morel, 7,184 R-if. WM. itr.EFLo. A G E N7'S. —T. Rend & Son, Huntingdon; B. F. Patton. Warriorsmark ; James Clark, inning ham ; J. R. Hunter & 0., Petersburg; & Kessler, Mill Creek; A. 0. II row n, burg , 'l'. E. Orbison 4 CO.. Orbisonin ; Blair & ‘taddon, Cromwell township; A. C. Llair, Clays ville. Aug. 24,1847-3 m. liitiftli! BRICK!! THE subscriber respectfully announ ces to his friends and the public generally, that he continues to manufac• ore, in the borough of Petersburg, the very best quality of BRICK, which ho will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. All orders will be filled at the shortest notice. Those Wanting the ar, ticle for building, parting or any other purpose, would do ivell to give me call. AERAHAM STEVENS. Petersburg, Aug. 31, 1841. . A. W. Benedict, TTORNEY AT LA W, H untingdon. Ps.— ti. Oflico at his old residence in Albin mu et. I few doors west of the old t owl flim.e. lie wit attend to any business entrusted to bun in the set cal Courts GC Huntingdon and adjoining countit