Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 07, 1848, Image 4

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A correspondent of the Rochester
American, writing from Albany, 4th in-1
•taut, gives the following characteristic
effort" of our Subterranean represen
tative, who, it seems, was entrusted
with the duty of asking, of the Assem
bly, leave of absence for Mr. Titus, (an
other city member,) who was suddenly' .
stalled home by an " interesting family
imnt." Though it does not impress one
with a very lofty idea of legislative dig
nity, it is nevertheless one of those lit
tle episodes thnt, now and then occur•
Img, serve to relieve the monotony of
ordinary debate, and as such we give it:
Mike, arising in his sent, with great
solemnity of tone and face said :
"Mr. Speaker—l have to announce
to the House that last evening, while at
his boarding house, my colleague, Mr.
Titus, had the fortune to receive a most
important communication by telegraph.
While rending the note, his countenance
betrayed strong emotions of joy. No
May morning, resplendent with the
sun's horizontal beams, ever shone more
brightly than the face of my friend.—
The bystanders anxiously desired to
know what had caused such excitement
in his mind. Utterance was denied him.
lie thrust the note into his pocket, and
went into a back room. Thither his
wondering and solicitous associates fol
lowed him. One of his colleagues, Mr.
Rodman, is a scientific man, and gave
It as his opinion that poor Mr. Titus had
been too freely taking that exhilarating
and wonderful liquid, chloroform. But
us soon as the state of his feelings would
permit him to produce the note from his
breeches pocket, the mystery was ex
plained. We read and were satisfied.—
The telegraph brought intelligence that
Mrs. Titus had presented her husband
with an heir; and not an heir only, but
a boy; and not a boy only, but a fine,
boy ! Tue exultation of Napoleon when
Mar a Louisa gave him a son to inherit' ,
his empire and his renown, was tame
compared with that of Mr. Titus. As
soon as he could command his facilities,
be called for champagne and segars.—
Oft!ial dignity was thrown aside. Our
friend was no longer Mr. Titus the leg
islator, but Mr. Titus the father of a
boy. Taking kindly leave of his friends,
and tendering his heartfelt thanks to all
who could be supposed to have contrib
uted in any way to so auspicious an
event, he departed in last night's cars
to see his happy spouse and infant heir.
1 ask leave of absence for him of ten
It is needless to say that leave was
granted amid roars of laughter.
Public Sale of heal Estale.
TXTILL be exposed to public sale on
S✓4TURD.IY, the 11th of alarch
nest. on the premises, in the borough of Petersburg,
the following described property,vit:
Biz Lots of Ground,
1 included in one equare. with two laigetwo
- story DWELLING tiOU E , , Stabling,
Wtiaon shad and Corn Crib erected the eon, with
a well or water convenient to the buildings.
A LSO --A small Lot convenie it to the afore
laid and not included in raid borough, with s
double stable, wash house and other improvements
erected thereon.
The terms will he, one third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
the remaining two-thirds in two equal annual pay
menu', to he secured by bonds and otherwise.—
Praweesion given on the Ist day of April next.—
When t .e last payment is mode, an iudiaputoble
Otte will be given.
dale to commence el 1 o'clock of said day ,
when due attendance will be
THE subscriber will sell the House now occu
pied by him, end formerly kept by Henry De
arnient, se a HOTS[., snowed in the borough of
Petersburg, at private sale between thin and the
let of March. The house is forty feet front, with
six room., large entry and kitchen down stairs;
*even rooms up stairs, a largo and good cellar, and
large garret wash house and amoke houar, a large
end fine hack p 'rch with a well of Wa t er i n th e
cellar and a pump in the porch—and a large and
good stable, and other out buildings. The lot is
gond. with a number of good fruit trees in fine
bearing. The hOUPP woe built expressly for a
Tavern stand and kept as such for a nnmber of
years. and has been well fixed up Kith in the last
two years as a privare residence and is now in
good ord.,. The Central Railroad runs close in
eh• lower end of the town, which will make the
property s first rate stand for a tavern. or any
other public business. Poe terns apply to the
subscriber. JOHN M'CULLOCH.
Petersburg, feb I-1 84 8.
Estate of Samuel Hampson, late of Brady
township, deceased.
LETTERS of administration having
been granted to the undersigned on
said estate, all persons having claims
against the same are requested to present
them for settlement, and those indebted
are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
Vrtbrricit Breit,
10 ESP . EG FULLY returns thanks bi his
friends and the public for pact &mots, and
Wes this oppo tunity to inform them that he still
ecratinoes at t e old mond. one door eaft of ter
m an's Tavern, and nearly opposite the Post Of
ti 4. where he is at all times prepsreil to manufae
t ire All lei, eh of . N. men. B,idd et, Trunks, Mut
t .etnea, Sr, fN. Cft Alb. ele. etc., at the shortest
D gire and mast reasonable primes.
All kinds of hide. and .king, and country pro.
du.w, fu wirier] the highest market prices will b.
*owed, liken in excbange.
licletlngatcm, Atrg. 01 ISO.
Parasols, Parasolettes,
The only one in the United States,
No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia
MER.:HANTS are respectfully informed that
I continue to Manuiactureall the above goods
by the nid of steam, notwithstanding the great op
position of parties opposed to the introduction of
expensive improvements. My assortment is com
plete, and prices so low, as to give entire satisfac
G:j• As there is an Umbrella Store next door, of
nearly the same name, it is important you should
Steam Factory, and PATENTEE of the WALmica
Sign of the Lady and Eagle,
No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia.
. _
r.C . ? Attention is requested to the ee'ebrated
WALKING CANN UMBRELLA, a neat and beautiful
article. combining all the advantages of a CANE
and tht n ELLA.
W LT E air, IS Alt V EY,
(Late Hazlehttret & Wehero)
Nos. 15 and 15, Spear's Wharf,
Liberal Cash advances made on consignments
of all kinds of Produce.
Baltimore. fcliS-1948.
13 Y co o ti r i t i l t e ; o t
t r o t li m e ! e O t i r t a h n e s' fo C lrw ' i t n o g f p H ro u p ' e n r i t i ytill
take place on 'Thursday. the 23d Marco nett, viz:
All that certain tract. piece or parcel of land lying
and being Ritmo in Tod township, Huntingdon
county, containing 250 ncres more or less. adjoin
ing lands of Samuel McLain, dec'd, and Joseph
Martin, on which J. Houck tesides. There is a
BARN on the premises. Also, a
tes" I; first rate Orchard of bear
There me also four good Springs of
water thereon. There are about hund
red acres of land cleared. twenty-five of first rare
meadow, and shout one hundred that ran be made
into meadow, all of which is in one hotly.
Tmtsts.—One-third of the purchase money to
he paid on confirmation of the sale arid the bal
ance in two equal annual payments, with interest
and approved security.
Sale to commence at ten o'clock of said day,
when attendance will he given by
Jen. IS, 1848-tn.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Dr. JOHN C. R./LAXLY,
dec'd, late of Barree township.
N°Tam is hereby given that Letters
of Administration on said Estate
have been granted to the undersigned.
Ali persons who are indebted to said es
tate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having accounts
against the same, are requested to pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for set
tlement, to JAMES GILLA.M.
jan2s-6t. 4dotinistrator.
Lumber! ...souther!
A LL kinds of Lumber may be had at
11 Thomas Maize's Saw Mill, situate
on Meshanon's Creek, twenty miles front
mouth of Spruce Creek, and five miles
this side of Philipsburg. All descrip
tions of stuff, used for railroads, build
ings, &c., such as Spruce, Ash, Pine,
Locust and White Oak, sawed to order
and furnished at the shortest notice
jy 18, '48.1 THOS. MAIZE.
At Orpiment' Court
N purouance of an order of the Orphans Court
of Huntingdon bounty, will he calmed to
sole on the premises, in Clay township, Hunting
don county, on Wedneada
,y the 22d day qf March
next, the following property, late the estate of
Thome. Bradley, d ' I suz •
A Certain Tract of Land,
situate in the said township of f lay, adjoining
lards of George Hudson, Esq., and of Jonathan
Miller, containing
One hundred Acres,
more or less with about seventy-five acres cleared
, . thereon, six of which is the beat g0a1_,,,:4,
_,,,:4 , it yof meadow. 'l'here is also a first
•' rate ORCHARD of the best assorted
fruit trees on the premier...
The improaements are a good TWO
I Double Burn. There is also a never- al
failing opting of water near to the
Dwelling House.
The land is in a good state of cultivation, end
affords all the advantages for any one wishing a
good and eligible farm.
Terms—One third of the purchase money to be
paid on Confirmation of the rale, one third in one
year, and thy balance in two years.
of Thomas Bradley, dec'd.
feh9-1134 8.
rpHE subscriber offers for sale a tract
of land situated in Tyrone township,
Blair county, three miles from Tyrone
Forges, containing One hundred and ten
acres, theprincipal part Limeston Land,
in a high state of cultivation, with wa•
ter in all the fields except one ; a Foun
tain Pump at the barn, and running
water at the house. The improvements
are—Two Dwelling Houses, a
good Bank Barn and Stable, a
iii Cabinet Makers' Shop, Wagon
House, Carriage House, Cider
Mill, and other out-buildings, all sub
stantial and in good repair. Also, a
new Draw Kiln for burning Lime.
There is also on this farm an -44 '-
Orchard of Two Hundeed apple 4 4. e&
Trees nearly all of the very best
grafted fruit. ' •
7 The Central Railroad will pass
within three miles of the above property
Nero. 80, 1847-tim.
A Lot of ground, with a two-story Frame
Dwelling Hoses, having three rooms awl hall
below, and tour above, with a good cellar, extend
ing underneath the whole house; and also a stable
and oven erected thereon; situate on Tyrone
street, in the town of Birmingham, Huntingdon
county, and will be a desirable location for any
person wishing to reside near the Central Railroad.
Any invson wishing to purchase will please ap
ply to John Owen, Esq., in Birmingham, or the
subscriber, residing in Newry, Blair county.
Jan. 11, 1848-3 m.
At 11w Cheap Corner !
THE subscriber has just received
another large and well selected stock
of WINTER GOODS, among which
may be found all kinds of
Ladies Dress Goods.
A splendid assortment of Calicoes at low
er prices than ever was known.
Boots and Shoes—Caps and Bonnets :
.MUFFS and AIITTENS ; also,
Hardware, Qacensware and
Persons wishing to purchase CHEAP
GOODS, will find that they will be ac
commodated at the Cheap Corner. Goods
shown with pleasure at all times; they
shall be thrown down on the counter
snd therefore save you the trouble of
pointing them out with the yard stick.
Thankful for past favors, I still hope to
receive a liberal share of public patron
Cuter Coasts,"
Fluntingdon, Dec. 21, 1897. S
ATt he "Phi ladelph ia 1.2."..6
11 Watch and Jewelry EP"
(I — r"
dime," No. 96 North Sec- ,‘ 2 ..1 11 .1
andStreet.corner of Qum- :\ 1 •:, ,. 7 , 43,
ry. Gold Lever Watches, 0 ~ ...
full jewelled IS carat cases • 4 9 ,"_
and gold Dial, 40 00' \I - -,at.. •' ''— '
Silver Lever 'Watches full jeweled, 20 00
Silver Patent Lever Watches, seven jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepine Watches, jeweled, 12 00
Quartier Watches 8 00
Imitation Quartier Watches, 6 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
Fine Silva Spectacles, 1 50
Gold Bracelets with 'ropas Stones, 3 50
Gold Pens with silver Pencil and Holder; 125
Ladies Gold Pencils, 1 75
_ __
Tea-spoons, from $4 50 per set to 600
Gold Finger-Rings, front 37i cents to 80 00
Watch-Glasses:—Plain. 12i cts; patent ;
Lunet 25 ; other Articles in proportion. Allgood*
warranted to be what they are sold fur.
On hand some Gold and silver Levers, Lepinee
and Qoartiers lower than the above prices.
Constantly on hand, an assortment of Silver Ta
ble, Desert, Tea -lilt and Mos ard. , poona, Soup-
Ladles, Sugar-Tongs, Napkin-Rings, Fruit and
Butter Knives, Thimble.. Shields, Knitting Nee
dle Cases and Sheaths, Purse and Reticle Clitspa,
—The laver warranted to be equal to American
Also a great variety of Fine Gold Jewelry, con
sisting in part of Finger-Ring. of all sty lee, set
with Diamons. Rul.ya, Enteral Totquise, Topaz,
Garnet, Cornelian, Jasper, Cape May, Amethyst
and other stones. Breastspins and Bracelets of all
styles set with Stone.. and Cameo. and Ena
melled; Ear-Rings of all styles; Gold Chains of
all styles and of the finest quatity, together with all
other articles in the line, which w ill be sold unusu
ally low, wholesale and retail.—Also Platt. Light
ning-Rod Paints, by the dozen or single one.
Walchinakrr 4 Jeweller
N. B.—On hand M.J. Tobias & Co'a. beat
quality fulljewelled. I'atent Lever Movements, in
18 I seat Gold Caere. Also a quantity of Move
ments which will be cas. it any style required, and
sold at 5 per cent above the price of Importations.
July SO, '47-Iy.
Dealer its Teas,
Warehouses 63 Chesnut shove Second and Elev
enth and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia,
HAS constantly in Store, a choich as
sortment of Fresh Imported,
Country Merchants aro invited to call at 63
Chesnut street, and examine his stock, which he
offers at the lowest wholesale prices, for Caah. and
where he attends personally. (t17.6m,
or Physical Training, to make their
Lives in this World Long and Happy,
by the Author of " Education: As
It Is, Ought To Be, and Alight
Be," First American Edition,
with Additions :
Being en elementary end interesting treatise on
Self Knowledge. Containing churl end entertain
ing maul. on
Food, Heart, Glenda, Strength,
Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations,
Digestion, Liver, Drains, Old Age,
Blood, Lungs, Mind. Man,
_ .
Secretions, Arteries, Senses, Woman,
Head, Veins, Health, Disease,
&c., &c., &c.
Together with the Great Secret —Succeasin Life
how attained-1 - 1 ow to tin Good—(' tinges and
Effects of Error— liabits—Passions—W omande
scribeti—Mandescribed—Man's Errors—Rich and
Pont—Sexes—Virtue and Vice--Youthful Er rots
—Woman how made delicate—Woman's Virtues,
Ambition, &c.
The whole designed for the noble purpose of im
proving and extending education amongst the peo
ple, imparting valuable knowledgon the physiol
ogy of the human frame and the laws which gov
ern mental and bodily health. eel etc.
cry Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in e
letter shall receive one copy by mail, or five copies
will be !muff,. $l. Addles. postage paid,
G. 13. ZIEBER & Co.
may 26-47 ly]
Sohn W. Thompson,
WILL attend to all legal huainess entrusted to
hi m in Hair and Huntingdon counties.—
Communiew ions from a distance will receive the
most prompt attention.
13 of a very superior quality, for sale
st this office.
!DUE Rots,
Vegetable Universal Fills,
The only known Medicine that at the same
time purges, purifies and strengthens
the system.
L 0.,, Dow , July /, 1846.
TAR. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine which
has just appeared, and is fast taking the places
of all others of the same class. These pills are
composed of many ingredients, but the two princi
pal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry, co uni
ted that they set together; the one, through its
admixture with other substances, purifying and
purging, while the other is strengthening the sys
tem. Thus those pills are at the sante time ton i c
and opening; a desideratum long and eagerl y
sought fur by medical men but never before din
covered. In other words they do the work aim,
medicines. and do it much better then any two we
know of; for they remove nothing from the system
but the impurities; so that while they purge they
attengthen ; and hence they came no debilitation,
and are followed by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy's
pills have a wonderful influence to the blood ; they
not only purify without weakening it but they re
move all noxious particles from the chyle before it
is converted into fluid, and time make impure
blood an utter impossibility. As there to no debil
itation, so there iv no nausea or sickness attending
the operations of this most excellent of medicines
which never strains or tortures the digestive tune
tions,but causes theta to work in a perfectly natur
al manner; and hence persons taking them do not
become pale . and emaciated. but the contrary; for
while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united
us it is with other ingredients, to remove all that is
foreign and impure, it is equally the property of
the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natt,ral era]
sound; and hence a robust state of health is the
certain result of their united operation,
crl'Price 25 Ceptv per BOX.
AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoope and Af
rica, 14 untingdon ; W. W. Buchanan. Milliken
and Kessler. Mill-Creek ; S. Hatfield & Son. Juni
ata Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore &
Swoope. H. C. Walker, Alexandria; G. 11. Steiner
Waterstreet. [Aug. 31, '47.
rI : j,r . VMMT.:7 4I IM 7
UM. the cure of Pulmonary Consump
-12 flan, Coughs, Colds, .dsthma, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous 7re
.If?oping Cough, c.s•c:
Proof follows iiponii:oofof the virtues of
Read the following New Certificates :
Mt Leone, Perry co., Pe., Oct. 1, 1846
Messrs. Robinaon, Collins & C o t—Sirs : This
is to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years
with a violent pain in my beast, so much so that
I could hardly lay in bed at night. Cough attended.
followed by emaciation and other decided symp
tome of consumption. I applied to several eminent
physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with
out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr.
Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and
Tar, of which I took two bottle., w hich entirely re
lieved me of my complaint; therefore I can with
confidence recommend it to all who are in a like afflicted, as a most valuable Medicine.
aotis l'ooluLT
The authenticity of the above statement is
vouched for by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of
Milford,who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circum.
stances of his case. Mr. T. is now sixty years of
Price, $1 per bottle.
Robison, Collins, & Co ,Phila'dd, gen.
eral agents.
For sale by THOS. READ & SON,
Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his
Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces;
Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F.
Bell, Laurel Run Mills, and Spencer &
Flood, W illiamsburg.
if Not for a Day but for All Time."
TT AS now given abundant evidence of its heal
th, ing powers, and proved itself the most extra
ordinary and wonderful medicine in the world --
In the 'Aloft space of two years, it has acquired a
reputation for curing disease and relieving pain far
greater than any medicine evet discovered. Its
wonderful cures have astonished the Medical Fac
ulty, who now universally concede its great value.
They speak of it in the highest terms, and com
mend its use.
It is condemned by none. On the contrary,its
prose is universal. The cases of cures are 140 nu
meroue that it would take volumes to recount them;
and it is a fixed fact, and is not disputed, that as a
Pain Extractor it has no equal. For the many
astonishing cures, see tho pamphlet, to be had of
each agent. If you suffer with either of the diseases
for which it is recommended, resort at once to its
use and be cured. For the following diseases it is
an infallible remedy :
Spinal affection's, Rl , eurnatism, Paralysis
and all Nervousaffections,Salt Rheum,
Croup or Hives, Ague in the Breast
and Face, Weakness of the Joints,
Colds, Toothache, Sore Throat and
Quinsy, Ulcerated Sores, Indolent U I-
cers, Burns, Frosted Feet, Corns,
Bunyons. Fresh Wounds, Swellings
and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections,
Musquito Bites, and Poisons.
ozyl'his Liniment is sold by all the respectable
Merchants and Druggists throughout the country,
and by the Proprietors at Sing Sing. N.Y.
AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon ; R.
F. Patton, Warriorsmark; James Clark, !timing
ham; J. R. II outer & Co., Petersburg; Milliken
& Kessler, Mill Creek; A. 0. Brown, tshirleys
burg , 'l'. E. Orbisan 4 Co., Orbironia ; Blair &
Maddon, Cromwell township; A. C. Blair, Clays
Aug. 24, 1847-3 m.
THE subscriber respectfully announ
ces to his friends and the public
generally, that he continues to manufac
ture, in the borough of Petersburg, the
very best quality of BRICK, which he
will• dispose of on the most reasonable
terms. All orders will be filled at the
shortest notice. Those wanting the ar
ticle for building, paving or any other
i purpose, would do well to give me call.
Paterabwg, Aug. 81, 1847.
Burns, scalds and all kinds of Inflamed
sores cured.
-IVIENT; is the most complete
Burn Antidote ever known. It instant.
ly (and as if by Magic,) stops pains of
the most desperate Burns and Scalds.
For old sores, bruises, cuts and sprains
&c., on man or beast, it is the best ap.
plication that can be made. Thousands
have tried, and thousands praise it. It
is the most perfect master of pain ev
er discovered. All who use, recom
mend it. None can tell how soon
some of the family will need it.
Ce:7 - Observe each box of the genuine
Ointment has the name of S. TOUSEY
written on the outside label. To imitate
this is forgery.
Boatmen, Livery men, Farmers, and
all ivho use Icties, will find this Oint
ment the very best thing they can use
for collar galls, scratches, kicks, &c.
&e. &c.; on their animals. Surely, ev
ery merciful man would keep his ani
mals as free from pain as possible.—
Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that
is required: Try it.
Bites of Insects.—For the sting or bite
of poisonous insects, Tousey's Oint
ment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have
tried and found it good.
Piles Cared ! —For the Piles, Ton
sey's Universal Ointment is one of the
best Remedies that can be applied. All
who have tried it for the Piles recom
mend it.
Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstinate
sores, there is nothing equal to Ton
sey's Ointment. A person in Manlius
had for a number of years, a sore , leg
that baffled the skid of the doctors.—
Tousey's Ointment was recommended
by one of the visiting physicians, (who
knew its first virtues,) and two boxes
produced more benefit than the patient
had received from any and all previous
remedies. Let all try it.
Burns and Scalds Cured.—Thou sands
of cases of burns and scalds, in all parts
of the country, have been cured by
Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certi
ficates enough can be had to fill the
whole of this sheet.
Violent Bruises Cured.—Testimonials
on testimonials, in favor of Tousey's
Ointment for curing bruises, have been
offered the proprietors. Hundres in
Svractis will certify to its great merits
in relieving the pain of the most severe
bruise. All persons should try it.
Scald Head Cured.—Sores or eases of
scald head have been cured by Tousey's
Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails.
Salt Rheum Cured.—Of all the rem
edies ever discovered for this most dis
agreeable complaint, Tousey's Univer
sal Ointment is the most complete. It
was never known to fail.
Chapped Hands can be Cured.—Tou
sey's Universal Ointment will always
cure the worst cases of chapped-hands.
Scores of persons will state this.
Sore Lips Cured.—For the cure of
sore lips, there• was never anything
made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It
is sure cure for them. Try it.
It is a scientific compound, warran
ted not to contain any preparation of
r i .• [rice 25 cents per bor. For fur
ther particulars concerning this really
valuable Ointment, the public are refer
red to phamphlets to be had gratis, of
respectable Druggists and Merchants
throughout the United States.
tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; .1. R.
Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. lsett, Spruce
Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A. & N.
Creswell. Petersburg ; Orlady & Patter
son, Williamsburg; Royer S Co.,
Springfield Furnace; M. Thompson,
Duncansville ; J. M. Lindsey, Holli
daysburg ; Jus. Condron, Frankstown.
The Only Effectual Purgative,
cured within the last year
of the following Complaints:
Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, Piles, Dis
pepsia, Scurvy, Sinai pot, Jaundice. Pains in the
Pack, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of
all kinds. Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum
Heartburn Worms, Cholera Morbus, Coughs,
Quinsy, Whooping Cough. Consumption, Fits
Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itchings of
the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com
plaints, and a variety of other diseases arising from
impurities of the b nod, and obstructions in the or
gans of digestion.
Experience has proved that nearly every disease
originates from Impurities of the Blood or Derange
ments of the Digestive Organs; and to secure
Health, we must remove those Imps ities and re
store the blood to its natural state. Therefore,
when the slightest derangement of the system is
indicated by Costiveness. or any other sign, it ad
monishes us that superfluities are gathering in the
' System, which shou d be immediately removed by
an effectual purging. This fact, as stated, is um
vernally known ; but people have such an aversion
to medicine, that, unless the case urgent, they pre
ferred the disease to the cure, generally. Since the
invention, however, of
Cliekener's Vegetable Purgative Pills,
this objection does not exist...they are completely
enveloped with a cooling of pu , e while sugar
(as thrtinct from the internal ingredients ass nut
shell from the kernel) have no taste of medicine,
end are as easily swallowed as bits of randy.—
Moreover they neither neauseate or gripe in the
slightest decree. They operate equally on all the
diseased parts of the Hymen], instead of confining
themselves to, and racking any particular region.
Thus, fur exstrp e, if the Liver be in
gredient will operate on that particular organ, and,
by cleansing it of that Excess of Bile it is con
, stsntly discharging into the stomach, restore it to
sR Weal state. Anothar will apatite am tits
Blood, and remove those impurities which have al
ready entered into its circulation; while a third
will 'effeetnaHy expel fr; m the system whatever im
puritiee may have been discharged into the stem.
ach ? and hence they
Strike al the Root of Disease,
Remove Baia ?tire Humors; open the pores ex
ternally and intitnally ; promote the Insensible
Perspiration, obviate Flatulency, Headache, &e..
separate all foreign and obnoxious pellicles Item
the chyle, secure a free and healthy action to the
Heart, Lunge, and Liver, and th,reby restore
health even when all other means hare fulled.
The entire truth of the above can hot ascertained
by the trial of a single box ; arid their etnoes are
so positive and certain in restoring Health that, the
proprietor binds himself to tett... the money paid
for them in all cases where they do not give uni
versal satisfaction.
Retail Price, 25 ots. per Sox.
Principal office No. 66 Vesey St., New York.
Sold in Hurriaburg, by D. Robinson, Market St.
Ty- Remember Dr. C. V. Clickener is the in•en•
for of Sugar Coated rills, and that nothing of the
sort was ever heard of until he introduced them in
June. 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, always
ask for 'lickener's Sugar Coated Veg. table Pills,
and take no others, or they will be made the •ic
tims of a fraud.
tingdon, Jas. Clark, Birmingham, J. R.
Cox, U. H. Steiner, %Vaterstreet, Moore
& Swope, Alexandria, A. & N. Creswell,
Petersburg, Orlady & Patterson,
liamsburg, Royer & Co., Springfield
Furnace, M. Thompson. Thincansville,
J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con.
dron, Frankstown.
Ask the Sufferer
A % T II M A
what has relieved him in such a short time from
his dilfsculty ol breathing, Cough and suffoca
tion lie will tell von it writ the 011-
monian, of All heeling Balsam."
Ask the l'on,umptive what has
allayed his ( ough, rem..
red the Pain in his Side and
Chest, checked his night sweats and
placed tine rote of health upon his cheek 1
and ha will tellyou ..811ERMA . 1,'S OLOSAONIAS,
Ask your friends if they know of any thing that
will so speedily cure u ong and tedious t ougb.
Raising of Blood, Bronchitis, Dyspeptic I, onsunq
Lion, Hoarseness, Influenza, and dise.sea of this
Throat, as the Olosaonian 1 and they will tell
—No. There never yet has been a remedy intro.
duced to public notice which hue been productie•
of so much good in so short a space of time. Read
the fol owing
WM. BOND, the celebrated Boston cracker baker,
9$ Nassau street, Brooklyn, states that his wife has
been afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, and could
not find permanent relief from the best medical sd•
vice which New York and Brooklyn could produce,
was induced to try this great remedy. the is now
nearly well. His daughter, who was suffering
from the name disease tried it, and was also cured
by it. Mrs. Bond is now so well that she is sb •
to rise from her bed early in the morning a- d at.
tend to her usual duties through the day without
any annoyance from her distressing malady.
ilarcur J•cKoow, 13th street, near the batholia
Cemetry, came to the store for the purpose of ob
taining a bottle of the (Armenian, having been
Afflicted with the Asthma foi more than 30 years,
and was et) exhuttated on his arrival that he could
not speak. He purchased a bottle and rode horn,.
Four days afterward he walked from his residence
to the office without fatigue, a distance of over two
miles, to tell of the wonderful relief which lie had
expo. ienced from tieing about one half of one bot
Consnn►plion ofthe Longs.
MH.0031701,, 35 White street, was so low in
the month of December last, that he woe given up
by his physician. .}lie friends entertained no hope
of his recovery. lle wee persuaded to try the
Oloseonian, and to hie surprise it has so far resto-
red him to health that he is now able to walk about
the streets.
Mrs, ATTRIX, the wife of Wm. H. Attires,
James Harman, Esti, and George W. Have, Esq.,
can all bear testimony front their own experience o
the healing properties of this Great Remedy in
Consumption of the Lungs.
Spa Mug Blood.
)Mrs. Tuounucarrx, 352 Monroe street, wbo
had been troubled for a great length of time by a
severe cough, nod raised quantities of blood, was
relieved by one bottle of the Olosaonion,snd declares
it the greatest remedy in the world.
DENNIS KELLY, 26 Water street, was also ea
liev.d f-om the same complaint, although he was
very much reduced when he commenced taking it
--having been under the care of his phybician du
ring the past winter. Although he coughed con•
atantly and wan very much troubled with night
sweats, two bottles of the remedy enabled him to
return to his daily work. He was entirely relieved.
DAVID hENDEDSON, 60 Laight street, George
W. Burnett. formerly of N ewark, N. J., Henry
Lisbon, 199 Rirington street, and numerous other
persons hare been ape, dily and permanently cured
of the same complaint by this remedy.
ingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R.
Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. !sett, Spruce
Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet ;
Mopre & Swoope, Alexandria ; A & N.
Creswell, Petersburg; Orlady & Patter
son, Williamsburg ; Royer & Co. Spring.
field Furnace ; M. Thompson, Duncans
ville ; J. H. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg;
Jas. Condron, Frankstown.
Wharsale filed Detail.
No. 284 Market Street, Ninth door above Eighth
Street, South side,
Comprises one of the largest and most beautiful aa•
sortmeet of I I A TS, CAP' and MUFFS in the
Union. and of the latest and most approved etylrs,
manufartured under the immediate superintendence
of the Subscriber i t the beet manlier. of prime
matelials, and will be Feld at the lowest possible
prices for cash.
'rho assortment embrace. a splendid variety of
Silk, Moleskin, Beaver, Brush, Russia, Nutria,
and other HATS of beautiful fiaish. snit a complete
stock of all kinds of Cloth. Glazed, Fur ned Plush
CAP., of the most desirable patterns, together with
a supply of Muff, Furs, ButTalo Robes. &c.
Country Merchants and ',taws are respectfully
invited to examine the stork. whirl, they find
it their advantage to do before pm hasine. as it ie
his determination.having adopted the rash pN , lein,
to 881 1 lot Cash only, anti at the b tre,l prices.
dire7.6rB.l JOHN PARMIRA,