Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 07, 1848, Image 2

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liantingdon, Tueeday, March 7, 1848
Estate of James Cone Dec'd
We are requested to state that on no
count of the recent death of the widow
of James Conerin, dec'd, the Terms of
Salt, of the Real Estate of said deed,
advertised on the 4th page of this paper,
ere altered to read thus : One third of
the purchase money to be paid on con
firmation of the sale, and the remainder
in two equal annual payments, with in
ay. The attention of Merchants and
others is invited to the Philadelphia ad
vertisements in our paper. Those who
invite custom invariably have the best
articles and sell cheape s t. Those pur
chasing in Philadelphia will consult
their own interests by giving them a call.
Q - From an advertisement in our
paper, it will be seen that the Tavern
Stand in this borough, best known as
"John McConnell's Black Bear Tavern,"
will be offered for sale on the 14th inst.
The location is one of the very best in
Huntingdon, and is therefore, on account
of the business prospects of Huntingdon,
a Tory desirable property.
TECEI s.6.Altzrl',
Attention is invited to a call for a
State Convention of persons interested
in the manufacture of Iron or of mining
of Coal, to meet at Harrisburg on the
22d of March, inst. It is said that or
ders for five millions of dollars worth of
rail road iron have lately gone abroad
from the Eastern States alone ; and that
agents of the English manufacturers are
new taking orders at prices which would
be ruinous to the American manufactu
rer. Under she tariff of '46 English
iron pays but a nominal duty at the pres
ent importing price, and unless there be
a speedy change of prices in England
(of which there is but little probability),
or a change in the tariff, half the iron
works in Pennsylvania will be compelled
to suspend operations before the end of
the present year.
This state of things is indeed alarm
ing : and to take into consideration the
best means of bringing to the attention,
of our rulers the necessity of a change
in the present Tariff policy, appears to
be the object of those who have called
the Convention.
WHAT'. UP.—The last Globe puffs
Boss Law for the creditable manner in
which he has performed his duties nt
Piper's dam ! Has our neighbor's
means of information improved since
last fall I
Ds Tavern keepers who intend to
apply fur license at the April Term,
should remember that next week is the
latest date at which they can publish
their applications according to law.
ay- Does our neighbor of the Globe
justify the paying of the canal hands in
Lewistown money, after that institu
tion had failed '1 The question directed
to us in the last number of that paper,
would seem to justify the belief that he
The Legislature,
There has been little that would in
terest our readers done by the Legisla
ture during the past week. The sup
plement to the Pa. Railroad was defea
ted in the House on the 26th ult., by
one vote. Subsequently a motion to
reconsider was mude, but not as vet
acted on. This fact leads us to hope
that the suplement may yet pass. A
supplement to the Hnntingdon and
Broad Top Railroad bill has passed both
Houses, but we know nothing of its pro
ay. On our first page will be found
an account of the funeral ceremonies of
the lamented John Quincy Adams.
Locofoco 'State Convention,
HARRISBURG, March 4, 3 P. M
Friend Clark :—The Locofoco State
Convention met here to-day, and nomi
nated that distinguished leader of the
old Federal party, Jas. Buchanan, for
President. The vote stood as follows :
Buchanan 64; Dallas 34; Gen. Cass 10;
Van Buren 5. A very spicy debate is
now under way on a resolution of in
structions, requiring the delegates to the
National Convention to adhere to Bu
chanan throughout. Your's &c.
ID- Kentucky and North Carolina
have appointed delegates to the Nation
al Convention without instructions. Vir
44Oitt has instructed for Gen. Taylor,
Rail Road Meeting.
In another column will be found the
proceedings of a meeting held in Scotts
ville (Three Springs) in favor of It Rail
road from Broad Top through Hill Val
ley to the public works. The meeting
is said to have been quite large. The
people of the lower end of this county
are warmly in favor of the project, and
arc therefore moving with commendable ,
zeal in the matter. We invite the fa•
vorable attention of our Law-makers to
the views entertained by the friends of
this route. We believe that the rich
and extensive coal fields of Broad Top
can be profitably tapped at more than
one point, and therefore hope that the
Legislature may grant a Railroad char
ter in accordance with the wishes of our
lower end friends.
Since the above vas in type, we have
received the proceedings of another
meeting held at Shirleysburg on the Ist
inst. in favor of the same project. We
are unable to publish them this week
but shall do so in our next.
C* - Henry Clay and Daniel Webster
have each lost a son in the Mexican war.
One fell a year ago at Buena Vista at
the head of his troops; the other has
become a victim to the climate in Mex
ico, and died of disease. And yet in
every Locofoco paper we pick up we
find these old grey-haired patriots—
Clay and Webster, denounced as Tories.
Shame, shame !
0:'. Mr. Clay has consented to visit
New York before returning to Ashland.
He was expected to leave Philadelphia
to-day. It is estimated that between
four and five hundred Ladies of the let
ter city availed themselves of the oppor
tunity of kissing the old Statesman du
ring his stay among them ! Lucky man !
Who would not rather be Henry Clay
than be President I
E D - The notes of the Susquehanna
County Bank are now quoted at about
the same rate of the country Banks gen
erally, and are redeemed whenever pre
sented at the counter.
Clmonoroazt.—The New Bedford Bul
letin relates a case in which n young
man in a drug store in New Bedford, be-
came a raving maniac from inhaling
ceedings of the conferees, it will be seen
that Gen. JAMES IRVIN has been selected
to represent the Whigs of this Congres
sional district in the National Conven
tion. An excellent selection.
[D'.. The "Blair County Whig" and
its correspondent are informed that the
Huntingdon Journal has no disposition
to call Conferee meetings at Huntingdon
or elsewhere, although its power to do
so would seem to be as manifest as that
of the Blair County Committee.
ington correspondent of the Pa. Intelli
gencer says that information has been
received from the very highest authority,
that Gen. Taylor is the firm and decided
ICAN INDUSTRY—that he regards the
policy, not as a party, but - a high nation
al question, and, if elected, he will "re
commend to Congress to extend ade
quate and ample protection to American
manufactures and industry in every de
part ment."
MRS. ADAMS.—The following is the
reply of the widow of the late Mr.
Adams, to Congres, in acknowledgment
of the franking privilege, which was
voted her a few days ago. Mrs. Adams,
Mrs. Harrison, and Mrs. Madison, now
enjoy this privilege.
WASHINGTON, 29th Feb., 1848.
To the Hon. Rob't. C. Winthrop,
Speaker of the House of Reps. U. S.
Sir:—The resolutions in honor of my
dear, deceased husband, passed by the
illustrious assembly over which you pre-
side, and of which he, at the moment of
his death, was a member, have been duly
communicated to me.
Penetrated with grief at this distress
ing event of my life, mourning the loss
of one who has been at once my example
and support throughout the trials of half
a century, permit me, nevertheless, to
express through you my deepest grati
tude for the signal manner in which the
public regard has been manifested by
your honorable body, and the consolation
derived to me and mine from the reflec
tion that the unwearied efforts of an old
public servant have not, even in this
world, proved without their reward, in
the generous appreciation of them by
his country.
With great respect, I remain, sir,
Your obedient servant,
county selection of a Senatorial delegate
has been concurred in by the conferees
of Bedford county.,
Gen's. Scott and Worth,
The New Orleans Delta has published
the correspondence of Gen. Scott and
Worth, relative to the late difficulties in
the army, subsequent to the publication
of the Army Orders, censuring severly
certain letters written to the United
Gen. Worth, it seems, addressed a let- 1
ter to Gen. Scott, stating that he learned
with astonishment that it was the opin
ion of the Army that the imputation of
scandalous conduct, mentioned in the
general Order, referred to him, and as
king if such were the intentions of the
Gen. Scott replied that the Order
clearly expressed that he meart to apply 1
the imputation to the author of the let-1
ter signed " Leonidas."
Gen. Worth rejoined, and said he did
not consider the answer satisfactory.—
Gen. Scott replied that he could not he
more explicit. He had nothing to do
with the, suspicions of others, and if lie
had valid information of the authorship,
he would prosecute the parties before a
Court Martial.
To this letter Gen. Worth made one
of these ill•natured replies into which
men are sometimes betrayed, and enclo
sed charges against Gen. Scott, address
ed to the Secretary of War, which
commences as follows :
4 , Sin—From the arbitrary and illegal conduct
—the malice and gross injustice practiced by the
general officer,commantiet-inchief of this Army—
Major General Winfield Scott—l appeal, as is
my right and privilege, to the constitutional corn
mander.imchief, the President of the United
I accuse Major General Winfield Scott of hav
ing acted in a manner unbecoming an officer and
a geneeman." &c.
After such an ebullition of passion
against one to whom Gen. Worth has
been more indebted for his fame than to
any other man living, he was very pro
perly placed under nrrest. Tit! Delta
states that in these proceedings General
Scott is sustained by the whole army.
MR. 50112/SON'S BILL.
Mr. Johnson, of Armstrong,_ has in.
troduced into the Senate, a bill to "In.
corporate Companies for Manufacturing
and Mining purposes, and to form a,
Sinking Fund for the payment of the
State Debt."
The title of the bill must at once strike
the reader. Its object is one of high
importance to every citizen of this
great State, and we had concluded to
transfer it entire to our columns, when
we laid our hands on the following ab
stract of its main provisions, in the col
umns of a Pittsburg paper. It has at
tracted considerable attention through
out the State, and, we doubt not, will
prove a very satisfactory enactment.—
We reserve the remarks we have written
out, in connection with it for a future
The bill provides for the incorporation
of any company of three or more persons
with a capital of not more than $500,000,
for the purposes of manufacturing or
mining, who shall present their plan
and articles of association to the Court
of Common Pleas of the county, with
the names of Stockholders and the a
mount of shares to each, and after ap
proval thereby record the same. It then
provides for the general management
of such company and their liabilities.—
The company shall then deposit an a
equal to one-fifth of its capital,
in State Stock, in the Auditor General's
office. The company then to issue their
own notes, which shall be signed by the
Auditor General, to the amount of four
fifths of such deposit of State Stock.—
This gives to the company a money cap
ital equal to 80 per cent. of the stock so
deposited on which, during the time of
its deposit, they are to draw no interest.
But the interest on all stock so deposit
ed is to be calculated by the Auditor
General, and the amount appropriated
semi-annually to the purchase or ab
sorption of State Stock.
The object is to encourage the for
mation of manufacturing and mining as.
sociations, facilitate the payment of the
State debt and to afford at the same
time a safe and reliable eurrency. It is
supposed there might be twenty millions
so invested, causing a deposit of four
millions of State stock, the interest sa
ved to the State on which would be
$200,000 annually, which would be
operating as a sinking fund on the State
debt, at compound interest, as the bill
provides for the cancelling of the stock
thus accumulated, every ten years.—
Besides, it would furnish a sure and re
liable currency, based on State stock of
over three millions of dollars. This
gives to the measure a free banking fea
ture, with a direct benefit to the State,
which the free banking bill has not.—
The bill also provides, that in compen
sation for the cessation of interest on
the stock deposited, the property of the
company shall be discharged from taxa
tion for State purposes. The bill has
many features to recommend it, and
coining from a well informed and practi
sal mind, claims favor and consideration.
—Daily Sun.
al lntelligencer says, a private letter
from Mexico, of the 13th ultimo, states
that the news of Gen. Scott's suspen
sion from command and of his intended
trial was just received, and had caused
great excitement both in the army and
among the people..
Correspondence of the North American,
The Preshient's paper makes a feeble
effort to enlarge upon the value and ad- ,
vantages of our acquisition of territory,
under the pending treaty—it would like
to produce the belief that California and
new Mexico are worth the cost of this
war and twenty millions besides.—
This attempt is a little too extravagant
for the pubtie credulity. The capacity,
soil and adaptaion of this territory is not
a matter of speculation--it is a misera
ble and parched desert for more than
two-thirds of its whole extent, and never
I can be of benefit to the United States,
or its population, for every acre of val
uable land is_already granted away.
There never was a treaty of any sort
in our whole history, as utterly odious
as this is in every feature, and to men
of all parties. There is not a single
member of the Senate, who would to day,
take it of its own free accord. No, not
one. And yet, the alternative which is
presented between peace and war—be
' twen closing this bloody strife and con
quering the whole of Mexico—between n
cessation of hostilities and indefinite
war, induces men to look upon it, if not
with an eye of favor, at least with one of
. _ _
It displeases the Locofocos, because
it flagrantly falsifies every principle ad
vanced by the administration, and places
the party in an attitude of humiliation
and dishonor. It is unacceptable to the
Whigs, because it acquires unneeded ter
ritory, a debased population, and exacts
additional millions from the people to
pay for a desert which they do not de
The Senate was addressed by Mr.
Benton in opposition to the treaty, in
what is represented to have been a very
learned and powerful speech.
Gen. Cass also figured, but on which
side, the Senate had not determined
when he concluded. He hangs suspen
ded like Mahomed's coffin, waiting the
dictates of opinion. The General is
really in a delicate situation and in coun
ting his chances for the Presidency, is
likely to fall between two stools.
We shall be able to understand to
morrow, whether the Senate will approve
the appointment of Commissioners or
not. If they refuse, a purpose is expres
sed to obtain the final vote within this
At present, the oppostion—open and
avowed—exclusive of those who are
wavering—on the "Democratic" side
stands as follws :—Allen, Atchison, Bag
by, Benton, Breese, Davis of Mississip
pi, Dickison, Douglass, Hannegan, Hous
ton, Rusk, Westcott-12.
Doubtful—Johnson of Georgia, Cass,
There is some division of opinion on
the Whig side, which I hope may be fi
nally reconciled ; but, there will still be
a tew votes in the negative, in all prob
ability, if the test is made directly on
the treaty and not on the commission.—
Steps were taken to-day to have a full
understanding of the views of our friends
and a conference in the morning will de
termine their course of action.
In my view there is but one policy
for the Whigs to pursue that is to vote
for peace. To oppose this treaty, odious
and offensive as it is, would be to pro
long the war and practically to invite
the conquest of Mexico ; at all events
that would be the construction of Mr.
Polk. The necessity is pressing, and
the issue is between a very great evil
and a lesser one. Between these al
ternatives we should not hesitate.
A IVashington letter says that the
Treaty will be under discussion for at
least a week, and it may not be dispo
sed of for several weeks.
A SPECIE BASIS.—The proposed Free
Banking law is objected to by Gov.
Shunk, because it has not a "specie
basis ;" though it requires all banks or
ganized under it to keep on hand specie
amounting to at least 20 per cent, on
their circulation. An examination of
the Auditor General's report will show
what kind of " basis" some of the exis
ting banks have. We learn from that
document that in last November the
proportion of specie and treasury notes
to their circulation in some of the banks
was as follows :
blast Branch Bank, less than
Farmers & Drovers, (Waynesburg)
less than 6 ..
Honesdale, less than
Farmers, (6chuylkill)
Bucks and Lehigh•--O®ciaL
We have full returns from the coun
ties of Bucks and Lehigh. They sum
up as follows:
Bridges, Dem, Trexler, Whig
2674 2563
2276 ;2271
Majority for Bridges 116. This dis
trict gave Van Buren, in 1840, 539 ma
jority; Polk, in '44, 647; and Shank, in
'47, 688.
And this is what the Locofoco papers
call a glorious victory ! A similar re
sult throughout the State would give
the whigs 5,000 majority.
" INDEMNITY fur the past and security
for the future" means the hundred mil
lions we have spent in the war, and fif
teen millions we are yet to give Mexico.
Pursuant to previous notice, a large
and respectable meeting of the citizens
of Huntingdon, Bedford, and Mifflin
counties, convened at Scottsville, Hun
tingdon county, on Monday the 28th of
February, 1848. The meeting having
assembled in the public School House,
was compelled, in consequence of the
great concourse of persons present, to
adjourn to the Methodist Church, where
on motion, JOHN LUTZ, Esq. was ap
pointed President; John Brewster,Col.
John Stever, William McNite, ram
Smyers, and Joseph R. Woodcock, Vice
Presidents ; Benjamin Leas, James R.
Brewster, Joshua Greenland, Esq., Har
rison Gorsuch,
George Askins, and Da
vid C. Ross, Secretaries.
The object of the meeting having been
stated, on motion of Henry Brewster, a
commute of sixteen from the different
counties here represented, was appoint
ed to report resolutions expressive of
the sense of the meeting. The chair
appointed Henry Brewster, George W.
Speer, Kenzie-L. Green, John Sharrer,
John Ashman, Daniel Teague and Sam
' uel .McVitty of Huntingdon county
David C. Ross, Joseph R. Woodcock,
Thomas Campbell, Michael Barndollar
end George Sipes, of Bedford county ;
, George Askins, John F. Cottrell, Joseph
Postlewait and W. Smith of Mifflin
county, said committee. During the
absence of the committee, Col. A. Kt'
Cornyn, of Huntingdon, was called on,''
and addressed the meeting on the im
portance of the projected railroad.
The committee reported the following
preamble and resolutions, which were
considered and unanimously adopted :
WHEREAS, the project of a rail road
from near Drake's Ferry to the Broad
Top Coal Field, has been recently
brought before the attention of the Leg
: islature of Pennsylvania, and as the suc
cess of the enterprise is of vital impor
tance to the immediate interests of this
section of the Commonwealth, therefore,
Resolved, That in our opinion, it is
the legitimate design and aim of every
legislative body to facilitate as far as
practicable the prosperity and happiness
of the people for whom it legislates, and
that too, irrespective of sectional preju
dices and peculiarities.
Resolved, That in our view of the
vast mineral resources of the State of
Pennsylvania, it is of the highest im
portance that these resources be devel
oped as speedily as practicable, and thus
rendered available to the wealth and
prosperity of her citizens, as well as to
the emancipation of the State from the
large and onerous debt, which now like
an incubus, bears down upon the indus
try and energy of her citizens.
Resolved, That a rail road from
Drake's Ferry to Broad Top, would not
only develope the Coal Field of that re
gion, but would be important in anoth
er point of view, inasmuch as it would
traverse a region of country abounding
in all the rich varieties of Iron ore, thus
tending to develope and render availa
ble at least two of the grand elements of
wealth with which our State abounds.
Resolved, That a Rail Road from
Drake's Ferry, would in our view be not
only of immense importance to this sec
tion of country, but also of very consid
erable advantage to the state generally,
as it would increase the tonnage on our
State works more than any similar im
provement, it would also supply the
Eastern market with a better article of
Coal, and from its proximity, eta cheap
er rate than can be had from any of the
sources from whence they are now sup
Resolved, That in consequence of the
low state of water on the upper section
of the Pennsylvania canal during the
fall when the transportation of Coal can
be effected at the very lowest price, we
consider said rail road project of vast
importance in this point of view, as the
transportation business from Drake's
Ferry Eastward, is comparatively unin
terrupted by tow water during the en
tire navigation season.
Resolt; - ed, That from surveys already
made, and plans now exhibited, as well
as from a thorough knowledge of the
ground over which the contemplated
road would pass, we are decidedly of
opinion, that said rail road route is alto
gether practicable ; and that from the
regular ascending grade, and the paral
lel position of the vallies, a road can be
made shorter and with less expense than
any other possible route connecting the
Broad Top Coal Field with the Penn'a
8 per cent ,
9 II
10 1,
Resolved, That we, the citizens of
Huntingdon, Bedford and Mifflin coun
ties, immediately interested in the con
struction of said rail road from Drake's
Ferry to Broad Top, hereby urge our
Senators, King and Middleswarth, and
our Representatives, Blair, Miller, Kirk,
and McKee, to use all proper means to
secure the passage of a Bill now before
the House, for a company to construct
said road ; and we hereby ask the re
spectful attention and co-operation of
every member of our State Legislature
in the same.
Resolved, That the proceedings of
this meeting be published in the papers
of Huntingdon, Bedford and Mifflin
counties, and that the following named
persons be appointed a committe to wait
upon the Legislature with the same:—
Hon. John Morrison, Brice Blair, Henry
Brewster, Robert Speer, Benjamin Less,
George Hudson, Thomas T. Cromwell,
James R. Brewster, John Ashman, Ken
zie L. Green, John Brewster, Col. John
Stever, James Lyon, Coorge Chestnut,
John Dougherty, and John Sip es.
On motion, Geo. W. Speer w as called
on and addressed the meeting, after
which, on motion, adjourned.
Pursuant to previous notice, the con
ferees from the several counties of thin'
congressional district met at Brow's
Mills, in Mifflin county, on Wednesday,
the Ist March, for the purposed select
ing'a Delegate to represent the 17th
Congressional District in the Wltig Na•
tional Convention which is to asseniblo
on the 7th June next. The following
gentlemen having been duly appointed,
were admitted into the conference:
Blair County—Jas. Wilson, Matthew
Dean, and Jno. Brotherline.
Centre—W. C. Welch, Richard Miles,
and W. J. Parsons. .
Huntingdon—S. Miles Green, Jona
than McWilliams, and Brice X. Binh'.
Mifflin—George Carney, Wm. Broth
ers, and William Ross.
uniata—A. K. McClure, James M.
Sellers, and Adam Greer, Jr..
The conference was organized by ap
pointing WM. C. WELCH President,
and JAMES M. SELLERS Secretary; alter
which, on motion of Gen. S. Miles Green,
GEN. JAMES IRVIN, of Centre coun
ty, was unanimously chosen to represent
this congressional district in the next
Whig National Convention.
On motion of J. McWilliams, Esq.,
the chairman appointed a committee to
prepare and report resolutions expres
sive of the sentiments of the conference.
The chair named Messrs. McWilliams,
Parsons, Brothers, Sellers and Wilson.
The committee reported the following
preamble and resolutions, which were
ananimoudly adopted
[The Preamble is omitted for want of
Resolved, That it is the duty of the
higs of the 17th district to support,
cheerfully and zealously, the nominees
of the Whig National Convention for the
office of President of the United States,
be that nominee Scott, Taylor, or Clay.
Resolved, That our delegate to the No
tional Convention be, and is hereby, in
structed to support the nomination of
Resolved, That while we thus declare
our preference for the scar-worn veteran
of Chippewa, of Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo,
and Mexico, we will cordially support
the choice of the nominating convention,
feeling assured that lie will be a good
and eminent %, hig:
Resolved, That we fully approve of
the resolutions submitted by the Hon.
Henry Clay at Lexington, Ky., and also
of his speech delivered at the 01111()
place ; and that we commend this great
effort of that distinguished patriot and
statesman to the serious consideration
i of the American people.
Resolved, Thai the prominent mem
bers of the tvhig party form a galaxy, so
bright and luminous, that any selection
made therefrom for the important offices
of President and Vice President, will
add to the honor and dignity of those
high stations.
Resolved, That this conference recom
mends that each county in this district
be entitled to an equal representation in
our Congressional conferences, and that
three conferees be appointed hereafter
from each county
Resolved, That it be recommended to
each county to hold meetings at as ear
ly a day es practicable, for the purpose
of appointing delegates, of unlimited
number, to the National Whig Ratifica
tion Convention, to be holden at Phila
delphia on the Bth of June next.
Resolved, In case of the inability of
our Delegate to attend the Whig Na.
tion a I Convention, that he be. and here
by is, empowered to appoint a substitu t e
for that purpose.
WM. C. WELCI , "
.lis. M. SELLERS, Secretary
WM. C. WELCH, President
tors of the Chester County Bank on
Tuesday last, burned $420,000 of the
old issues of this institution. The ba!•
once of the old issues now in circulation
is so small that it will render it difficult
and dangerous for the robbers to pass
their stolen notes.
MR. ADAMS' DEATH.—When this ven.
enable man was stricken down on Tues
day last, and it was known that he
could not recover, there seemed a gen
eral melancholy wish that he might die
on Washington's birthday, as his FATEER
and JEFFERSON had died on the 4th cf
July. He lingered, however, until the
23d, but as this date is new style, he
actually expired on the anniversary of
Washington's birth which was the 11th
Februnri, old style, which brings the
anniversary correctly on the 23d adding
the twelve days for new sty.le.—North
On Tuesday 29th ult., by Rev. Rob•
ert Beers, Mr. PHILIP D. STEVENS to
Miss SUSAN, daughter of Lemuel Giecu,
of this county.
On the 2d inst., by Joshua Greenland,
JANE C., daughter of Capt. Abein Shore,
all of Cass township.
In this borough, on Friday last, Mrs,
old Yevolusionary •soldieiLln the 99th
year of her .age: • ••••••