fI,i'UNTINGIO) JW ‘ft:; tLi JAMES CLARK VOL, XIII, NO. 10, O.TiiANS' COURT SALE, BY virtue of an o der of the Orphans' Court of I tuntinctlon county, will he exposed to public sale, on the premises, by public vendue or outcry, on LITURD./IY, 25th March next, A Tract of Land, late the notate of James amp hell, of nhirley township, in said county, dec'd, Situate in - hirlev too nobip, in said county—ad joining Shade mountain. lands of John Moyer, !flack Log mountain, and lands of Mary Ann Pollard, containing 176 acres and 75 perches and allowance, being the same tract of land sold by James Campbell, `r.. of Perry county to James Campbell late of Shirley township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. The said tract of fond is valuable, told is unpro ved, end afroris a desirable opportuni:y to persona desiring to purchase a good farm. The title is Indisputable. T'linms--One third of the purehtwe money to he paid on au firmation of the sale, end the reel due to two equal annual payments thereafter with interest, to be 'mewed by the bonds and mortgage of the pureheeer. By the Court, JACOB MILLER, Clerk, Attendance given by HiNCE R. CAMPBELL, Alm', feh.22-'4S wirEW aL AT Till "Huntingdon Jeweller? Store." rivE undereigned herr just received from Phila .' dolphin another large lot of GOLD & SIL VER WATCHES, of almost every description end qi silty. Also. an additional supply of Jewel. lacy. Steel Beads, Bag clasps, Purse ilk. &c. The subscriber has made arrangements with an extensive establishment in Philadelphia, which will enable him to keep on hand end to supply at all time. the increased and increasing demands of the public, at the very lowest prices.__ JAS..T. SCOTT, Huntingdon,f422-48. AN OLD HORSE SHOE REWARD. D AN away from the subscriber, living in Morris IL township, Huntingdon county, on the 15th of February, 1848, an indented apprentice to the Farming business, named Henry Isenberg. He had on when he ran off a wool hat, dark caseinet frock coat sod mixed casinet pantaloons. The public are cautioned against harboring or trusting avid apprentice on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of his contracting. The above re ward, but no charges will be paid for his apprehen • •ion and delivery to me. feb22-3t- BENJ. F. WALLACE. 1:11101 FOR Sd LE. PRE subscriber will offer at Public Sale on the 1. 18th of March. 1848. a Small Farm situate on the Juniata river, in '0 est township, Hunting don county, near John NeffS Mill, and adjoining lands of John Neff. Dr. Metz, Jacob Knode and others, containing 76 acres, more o- lea, in a fine state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a good D\\ ELIANG HOUSE, well finished, end a Frame Stable. There is a fine young or. tA•ird of fruit teem on the premises, and ■ well of water near the house. kttendance will be given and terms made known on the day of sale, it, ROUT. B. WII:SON. If the above property is not sold, it will beotTer. ed for rent. Feb. 22• Orphau , s roirrl Nate. pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, there will be sold on the premiies on S'.7ITURDaY, 25th of March next, at 4 o'clock F'. M. the following descrilied Real Estate, late of Jame,. Conerin, deed, viz: A TRACT OF VALUABLE LAND, situate in th• township of West in said county of Huntingdon, on or near the waters of Shaver'. Creek, a stunt distance from the Penn's Canal at Petersburg,containinoloB Arms adjoininglands of Imo) Reed Thom. Johnston, Jonathan McAteer and others—about 40 acres of cleared Land thereon, and the balance excellent timber land. All of .yhich is conridered of the best quidb ity of font land . The Terms are easy. viz: —One third of the purchase money to lenient its the halide of the purchaser during the life of the widow of said James Conerin, deed., with interest Irmo the on firmation of the sale, payable annually to the said widow—the principa thereof at the death of widow payable to the heire and legal representa tives of sand deceased. One third of the balance to he paid at the confirmation of the sale and the remainder in two equal annual payments with in terest—the whole to be ecured by the Judgment Isom of the purchaser. Ily the Court. JA' 015 MILLER, Clerk, az,. The subieriher having been appointed by the 'aid ourt. Truatee to make pale of the above valuable property. wil attend on the prtrniaes et the time of ante above fixed. when and where all pnrchasers are invited to attend. JO tIN ARMITAGE, Truelee. febB-184 B. Ex,e•froes Estate of Jacob G. Huyett, late of Por ter township, deed. NOTICE is hereby Riven that Letters Testa mentary upon the last 11 ill and Testament of sold dwelled, have been granted to the under signed. All person. Ind. bted to seid Estate are requested to tyke payment immediately; end all claims and demands. against the same to be pre sented, duly authenticated for settlement, to DANIEL PIPER, HENRY NEFF, Executors. febr49-6t. a - L he book. and paper. of said d. ceased are in the hands of Daniel Piper. residing in A lexan drin. Auditor's Notice, THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Plea. of Huntingdon county, to appropriate the moneys in the hand. of the Sheriff arising from the sale of the Heal Estate of Christian Oyer. hereby gives notice to ell per- Pone interested that he will attend, for that purpose, at his office, in Huntingdon. on "aturday the 18th day of March next, at 10 o'clock A. M. GZO , TAYLOR, Auditor. Ahl J. MKS% rUNEXLAL Or _7OIIN QUINCY ADAMS. Correspondence of the Deily News. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26, 1848. This day has been devoted to the hon or ()lone of the greatest of our race, now no more to guide or counsel us on earth. The military companies were out, at an early hour parading the streets. The whole length of Pennsylvania Avenue was n continuous string of mourning ap pendages. All the hotels and public buildings had flags at half-mast. Black muslin hung in profuse folds from the hotel windows. Jackson Hall had its flag at half-mast, and showed the weeds of woe. The shops were generally clo sed, and covered with black muslin.— The public buildings were also in mour ning, everything spoke a nation's grief at the sad calamity that had befallen us. From the lamp, elevated a hundred feet above the dome of the Capitol, flew a black streamer, while the pillars and ornaments of the Capitol were begirt with black. The flags of both Houses were at half-mast all day. At nearly one o'clock the body was brought into the House of Represen tatives, ar.d placed in front of the speak er's chair, the friends of the deceased, mourners, &c. &c., surrounding it. The Hall was clothed in the deepest mourning, the chair of Mr. Adams was vacant, and the desk in mourning. Mas sive folds of black crape hung over the Speaker's chair, completely covering up the large curtains surrounding it. The full length portraits of Washington and La Fayette, friends and acquaintances of the deceased, were appropriatly in mourning. The clock over the centre door was surrounded with crape, and the recording genius of time above it rose from clustered mourning, as if she wept at the death of her noblest son.— The mace of the Sergeant-at-Arms was veiled in mourning, as if even power itself paused in the exercise of its func tions to pay a tribute to its most virtu ous, wise, and prudent servant. All was in keeping with the deep and melan choly spirit of mourning which darkened every heart. There are times when these things are worse than mockery, but to-day it was sincere, and the heart of every man woman and child respon ded, in dark and melancholy musings to these outward signs of woe. The audience inthe Hall was such as is seldom seen together. On the right of the Speaker's chair sat the President of the United States, on his left sat the Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate. In front of the Speaker's chair sat the entire Cabi net, Messrs. Buchanan, Walker, Marcy, Mason, Johnson, and Clifford, with the President's Private Secretary. The whole bench of the Supreme Court of the United States were in attendance, with the exception, I believe, of the Chief Justice. The foreign Ministers, particularly the Prussian Minister, were conspicuous for their splendid dresses.— The military also were largely repre sented. Among others, I noticed Gens. Jones Quitman, Shields, Col. Harney, &c. I noticed several Commodores of the navy. Among the pall bearers present were Messrs. Calhoun, Benton, and Jus tice McLean. Mr. Webster came in with Mr. Davis as chief of the mourners. The domestic calamities which he has recently endured, the sorrowful feelings of the occasion, added a deeper shade to the dark outline of his features. Mrs. Madison, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Bodisco, Mrs. Polk, &c., &c., were in the ladies' gallery on the right of the Speaker. The religious exercises were conduct ed by Rev. Mr. GURLEY, Chaplain of the House. He was an intimate friend of the deceased, and, unless my memo ry decievee me, Mr. ADAMS was the mem ber who moved and carried, by his in fluence, the election of Mr. Gurley as Chaplain. Mr. Gurley is an eloquent speaker and his sermon was able and appropriate. His sketch of the life of the illustrious deceased, the Religious coun sels of his mother, in which she tells him upon one occasion, that she would rather see him perish in the ocean than that he should be an immoral man. The comparison of the character of the mighty dead ton granite column, massive in its proporition, immovable in its proud ac tion and towering high to heaven, the place to which his soul aspired was su blime. The journey of Mr Adams to Cincinnati to lay the coiner stone of the Observatory, there the Religious cast of his mind, were beautifully described.— The sermon in its simple eloquence, ex pressive character, and in its touching appeals to the audience to imitate our deceased friend, was a model worthy of imitation. The text from which Mr. Gurley preached was taken from Job 11th chap. ter 17th verse. Before the sermon Mr. Gurley read a portion of scripture from Job, and offered up a fervent prayer.— There was singing whioh came upon the [CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED BY TRUTH.] HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1848. audience with effect, by a band in the gallery on the Speaker's left. The fe male voices sounded well in the House. At the conclusion of the services, a procession was formed which swept round the grounds west of the Capitol, contrary to custom, which is to go direct ly to the burying ground which lies East of it. In the procession I noticed some 60 or 80 members of the Maryland Legislature accompanied by their Sergeant at Arms with his Mace. The following is the inscription on the lid of the coffin, just as it is engra ved, line by line: (An Eagle, with a wreath in its beak.) John Quincy Adams, BORN An Inhabitant of Massachusetts, July 11th, 1767. DIED A citizen of the United States, In the Capitol at Washington, Feb. 23d, 1848, Having served his country For half a century, And enjoyed its highest Honors. Thousands called to see him yesterday and to-day. The coffin was ornamented with flowers. His features seemed to retain their expression wonderfully. ADVICE TO A SON.—Do not begin to quarrel with the world too soon ; for bad as it may be it is the best we have to live in—here. If railing would have made it better, it would have been re formed long ago; but as this is not to be hoped for, at present, the best way is to slide through it as contentedly and innocently as we may, The worst fault it has, is Want of charity, and calling knave or fool, at every turn, will not cure this failing. Consider as a matter of vanity that if there were not so many knaves and fools as we find, the wise and honest would not be those rare and shining characters that they are allow ed to be ; and (as a matter of philosophy,) that if the world be really incorrigible in this respect, it is a reflection to make one sad and not angry. We may laugh or weep at the madness of mankind— we have no right to villify them for our own sake or theirs. Misanthropy is not the disgust of the mind at human nature, but with itself, for it is laying its own exaggerated vices as foul blots at the door of others ! Do not, however, mis take what I have here said. I would not have you, when you grow up, adopt the low and sordid fashion of paliating existing abuses, of putting the best face upon the worst things. I only mean that indiscriminate, unqualified satire can do little good ; and those who indulge in the most revolting speculations of human nature do not themselves always set the fairest examples or strive to prevent its lower degradation. Virtue will catch as well as vice by contact ; and the public stock of honest manly principle will daily accumulate. We are not too nicely to scrutinize motives as long as action is irreproachable. It is enough (and for a worthy man perhaps too much) to deal out its infamy to con victed guilt and declared apostacy.— (W. Eaditt. A JURY VERDICT.—A case was recent ly submitted to a jury in this county, which for its novelty and happy result, deserves a place in the reports." It arose from the following circumstance: Two men, living near neighbors, had a falling out about the cow of one of the parties frequently getting into the en closure of• the other, and which finally resulted in the death of the cow, she having been set on by dogs and chased till she ran against a stump and broke her neck. The case was submitted to a jury of respectable and wealthy far mers. After hearing related all the cir cumstances, the jury made up their mieds that the owner of the cow could not afford to lose her, and that the own er of the dogs was not able to pay for her ; they therefore rendered the follow ing verdict : that the jury should pay the value of the cow, the magistrate trent the party, and the constable pay the cost. The verdict was immediately ratified and satisfied, to the great joy of the en tire neighborhood.—Kentucky Democrat. MlLLEntsm Al:MIN.—The Millerites have fixed upon another day for the grand burst up of worldly affairs. It is to come in May next, when, according to their calculations, the world will he 6,000 years of age for certain, and will take its final blow out. They are geting ready for it at Leroy, New York. ANOTHER VICTIM.-Mr. I sa a c Thomson fell dead from his chair while drinking liquor, in Indiana Pa. He drank about one quart of whiskey, fell from his chair and died. He was a man of some prop erty, but intemperate habits. [From the American Messenger.] " GOD HELPS THE HEAVY BAT• TALIONS." Just before Napoleon headed his ar mies for the invasion of Russia, some one remarked to one of his veteran Gen erals that God would never lend his blessing to such an enterprise. The war-worn soldier replied, "1 have al ways observed that God helps the heavy battalions." With this sentiment inspiring his mind, Napoleon assembled his hosts on the banks of the Niemen. It was the most brilliant spectacle of military pomp and power, probably, ever witnesed on earth. Five hundred thousand men, glittering with a formidable enginery of war, were marshalled before their Em peror, whose very name was a passport 1 1 to victory. As battalion after battalion ; in their solid strength, made the very earth seem to tremble beneath their tread, Napoleon felt, and all Europe felt ' with him, that there was no earthly pow er which could stay his vtctories, The armies of Alexander are assembled to resist the invaders, but at every point they are met and routed by the Conquer or of Europe, and the Russians, though contending for the protection of their own homes, invariably flee, after a scene of awful slaughter, before the heavy bat talions of their foes. At every river's side, and at every mountain pass, the discomfitted troops of Alexander make a stand, to repel the invading army, but it is all in vain ; the veteran armies of the South mow them down, and ride im petuously over them, as they march un impeded on their way from victory to victory. In the course of a few weeks the domes and the palaces of Moscow were seen glittering in the rays of the setting sun, and the soldiers, with shouts of exultation, rushed forward to revel in the halls of the Muscovites. The heavy battalions of the invaders had tri umphed, and the Capital of the Empire was in their hands. But the end was not yet. Napoleon, intoxicated with power, stands upon the balcony of the Kremlin, gazing upon the resplendent spectacle before him. It was the dead of night. An unclouded moon illuminates the gild ed domes of two hundred churches, and discloses to his enchanted eye a bound less expanse of pillared palaces, and magnificent streets, and parks, and gar dens, and rivers, all decorated with Moorish architecture, and rendering the whole scene peculiarly fascinating to a mind still alive with dreams of Oriental conquest. Suddenly a bright light is seen to shoot up the northern sky. The cry of fire resounds through the streets. With loud explosions and meteoric glare, new volumes of flame and smoke burst forth, with almost miraculous rapidity, in ev ery part of the city. A rising tempest fans the flame. And as the gale increas es to a hurricane, the whole horizon is filled with the terrible conflagration.— The devouring element, rushing, roar ing, crackling on its way, strides along from street to street, until one wide, wasting sheet of fire envelopes the city. Napoleon and his officers, and the whole army paralysed with consternation, ga zed upon the resistless march of these heavy heavy battalions of flame and smoke, and hastily retreat in utter discomfiture. The victorious fire takes possession of the city, and the vanquished troops, in despair, throw themselves upon the fro zen ground of the black heath. . ASHLAND. And now inclement Winter darkens the sky. Cold, and winds, and snow, and diseases and famine combine, and with their heavy battalions, ns the allies of Russia, pour down upon the unshel tered hosts of France. They sweep over the dismayed army with whirlwind fury. Resistance is unavailing ; the drifting snow is the winding-sheet of tens of thousands who, during the win try night, freeze on the storm-swept plains. The driving storm is pitiless.— The piercing cold knows no mercy.— The sleet which fills the sky, and is whirled by the howling wind, has no ear to hear, and no heart to feel the aw ful wail of dying men, which swells louder than the roaring of the storm.— And gaunt Famine and torturing Pesti lence come in rushing squadrons more terrible than Polish Lancers or Mame bikes, and no solid columns or bristling squares can repel their charge. God has raised the heavy battalions and equip ped them, and commissioned them, and nerved them for His dread work of ret ribution. And now he helps them, and before their stately march the army of invasion is scattered like chaff by the whirlwind. Infidelity gazed upon the carnage of Lodi and Rivoli ; upon the battles of the Pyramids and Mount Tabor; and the slaughter at Marengo and Austerlitz and exclaimed, " There is no God who cares for Man. The weak perish. It matters not which is right or wrong." But in the flames of Moscow—in the horrors of those wintry nights on the plains of Russia, when uncounted thousands found in the snow their death-bed, and in the howling of the tempest their requiem, even Infidelity was abashed, and ex claimed, ".God has at his disposal bat talions heavier than man can marshal." And when the retreating army, having strewn its dead, like snow flakes on the frozen ground, all along its path, under took the awful passage of the fferesina ' —as the dark flowing waves of the icy river were before them, and the fur-clad squadrons of the North behind them, with artillery and musketry, and gleam ing sabres, and pestilence and starvation and benumbing frost, and despair, per- waded the camp, and the storms of win-' ter were shrieking over ther heads—in that horrible day, when all that was mer- ' ciless in man's fury was combined with all that was terrible in the warrings of the elements, the horror-stricken fugi tives felt that God was indeed helping the heavy battalions 1_ . _ It was - on the 23d of June, 1812, and one of the loveliest mornings that ever dawned upon mankind, when Napoleon, with a more magnificent array than earth had ever before witnessed, crossed the Nemen, for the invasion of Russia.— At that time, Napoleon was on the high est pinnacle of greatness ever attained by mortal man. And as the resplend ent mass of five hundred thousand, with gorgeous banners, and glittering steel, and soul-inspiring music, poured across the bridges which spanned the stream, every bosom glowed with assurance and pride. "The glittering of the arms, the splendor of the dress, the loud shouts of the men, inspired universal enthusi asm, and seemed to afford certain pre sage of success." In the middle of December of the same year, a rabble rout of about twen ty thousand men re-appeared upon the banks of the same stream, haggard, squalid, emaciated with cold and starva tion, the sole survivors of the vast host which, but five months before, had cross ed the river in all the pomp and pageant ry of certain triumph. " When this miserable band of fugitives," says Al lison, "arrived at a certain point where the passage had been effected five months before, when they beheld those bights, then crowded with splendid bat talions, now covered by a miserable band of fugitives, and passed the re mains of the bridges, now deserted, which then groaned under the march of glittering squadrons, the magnitude of the contrast, notwithstanding their pres ent sufferings, brought tears into the eyes even of the common soldiers.— Casting a last look on the shores of her savage regions—then so ardently desi red, since the scene of such grievous suffering,—they plunged into the forest, and abandoning every appearance of military order, dispersed like private travellers over the boundless plains of Poland." The lesson will not soon be forgotten in Europe, that God helps the heavy battalions. And woe be to that individ ual, and woe be to that nation upon whom God lets loose, in an avenging hour, his Heavy Battalions! A SIIARP REPLY.-TWO physicians of considerable skill and eminence lived in a town in America. One of them used no spirituous liquor—the other drank freely—while one had acquired consid erable property, the other remained poor. Meeting each other one day, as the former was returning from a distant town, with a richly painted and well made carriage, the latter accosted him : "Doctor, how do you manage to ride in a carriage painted in so costly a man ner l I have been in practice as long and as extensively as you, and charge as much ; but I can hardly live and drive the old one" "The paint on my carriage," he replied, "did not cost half as much as the paint on your face." A SALUTARY THOUGHT.—There was it man who was universally reported to be a very liberal man, and uncommon lib eral in his dealings. When he had any produce of his farm to dispose of, lie made it an invariable rule to give good measure, over good, rather more than could be required of him. One of his friends observing him frequently doing so, questioned him why he did it, told him he gave too much, and said it would not be to his own advantage. Now my friends, mark the answer of this Pres byterian : God Almighty has given me but one journey through the world, and when gone I cannot return to rectify mistakes. Think of this, friend, but one journey through the world." SHIP FEVER.—This disease is prevail to such an extent at New Orleans, that it is propossd to establish a quarantine station below the city. The Charity Hos pital is filled with ship fever patients. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR WHOT,F, NO. €B2 Pro fits of Panning. Messrs. Editors.—l have been muoh interested with the various papers that have appeared from time to time in the Cultivator, on the profits of farming; but in my opinion, some of the writers have taken a wrong view on the subject --making the profits of farming to. re• solve itself into the mere question of dol• lays and cents ; than which, nothing can be more foreign to the object, or less se. tisfactory to the reflecting mind. But, as example teaches before precept here are the reflections of a man, an adjoining neighbor, who two years ago left a lu crative business in Philadelphia, end bought the farm on which he now resides, for the sole purpose of making a pro fi t, . and in which he has succeedd beyond I his hope, and equal to his most ardent I desire. To the question, whether he did not find the profits of farming few and small when compared with those of trade 1 he answered .4 Quite the contrary, ' I have already realized far more than the most 1 had dared to contemplate, and nm, at the end of two years, richer than I ever could have become in twen ty years of successful trade. It is true, I made more dollars and cents in trade than I now do, but that is dross, when compared to the blessings of health of body and peace of mind, which gold and silver can never purchase. Do you re member what a heavy paunchy fellow I carne among you I See me now leap this gate—there; why the attempt then would have burst me up! And the best article I could take to the city for sale, would be my appetite at 12 o'clock din ner; at which the bacon and cabbage re quire no topping off with either pie or pudding. You remember when I was as broad as long I am now as proportionate las yourself ; eat, drink and sleep with an appetite ; yawn at bedtime, and never in the morning; am up before the sun, yet the day is never too long : and more than all, 1 have no acceptances to tale up. 1 Money ! why what use have I for it 1— , I grow my own bread and meat, poul try end eggs, honey, milk, cream and cheese, with vegetables and fruits of ev ery kind, and in the greatest abundance; feathers for my beds, wool for my stock ings, blankets and common clothing ; lard for my lamps, candles and soap, and straw for my hats, enjoying the luxury of my dog and gun, a carriage and a pair for myself and family, with house-rent and fuel free! At the same time by good management my estate is annually increasing in value ; while my properety—no longer consigned upon trust to the four winds—is secured on the surest foundation ; surrounding my ' dwelling , and under my own eye. Then what on earth is the use of money 1 I can't eat or drink it, even if it were cut into mincemeat. It is not only the ..root of all evil," but the source of disease of body and anxiety of mind, insepera So 1, for one am content with the profits of farming; for the fact is it leaves me scarce anything to wish for, touch less, to care fur."—Boston Cultivator. IDOLS MADE IN ENGLAND. -q have been informed," says a missionary to India, "that some merchants in Birmingham have made a good speculation lately, in manufacturing idols of brass for the In dia market, for which they found a ready sale. It was mentioned to me as a fact last year, that two missionaries were embarking for Calcutta on board the same ship which carried several chests filled with idols." rt- The New York Tribune notices a iamb which was seen in Washington market, in that city, on Tuesday, which was quite remarkable. It had three ears, one of which was exactly on the top of the head—four fore and four hind legs—one body above the loins, and two distinct bodies below that—two tails, two fair, well formed breasts on each side, and its color was white, with one mouth, nose, &c. To attain the size it had, it must have lived for sonic time. [l:7-A number of colored persons, both free and slave, were arrested in New Orleans on Sunday, the Bth inst., for the crimes of assembling to worship God ! A New Orleans paper mentions as an evidence of their criminality, that one of them.had a bible and three prayer books. [l_, A recent English writer says : "A sheep, to be in high order for the palate of an epicure, should not be kill ed earlier than when five years old, at which age the mutton will be rich and succulent, of a dark color, and full of the richest gravy; whereas, if only two years old, it is flabby, pale, and flavor less." [la- "Bless my heart," said Mrs. Can. dor, "I see that some of the men ani mals ta'k about canvassing the entire state! If they intend to make a circus of Louisiass, I shall remove.