Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 22, 1848, Image 3

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Two of the missing mails have come
to hand to-day, together with expresses
up to the 7th inst.
The steamship McKim had arrived at
New Orleans with Vera Cruz dates to
the 24th, and.Tampico to the 31st ult.
The letters from Vera Cruz bring
quite contradictory rumors in relation
to the prospects of a peace.
A courier sent by Mr. People's, with
the President's message, for the Amer
ican Star, was on his return taken by
the guerillas, and taken into the bushes
beside the road, and stripped and shot
by them. This outrage was committed
in the vicinity of Vera Cruz.
Col. McClelland, with 300 infantry,
and 200 mounted men, had started up
the Orizaba road to cut off; the robbers,
who are represented to be in large force
on the main road to the Puente Nacional.
Fifteen cases of small pox had occur
red at Vern Cruz.
It is positively asserted by merchants,
well informed as to the state of affairs
in the interior, that General Lane was
moving on Orizaba with 500 cavalry.
Dates from Vera Cruz to the 26th ult.,
had also been received at New Orleans,
by the arrival of the barque Archimedes.
The Free American of that date says,
that Capt. Whipple had arrived from the
Capital, which place he left on the 19th
tilt. He brings the news that Orizabi
had been taken by the troops sent from
the Capital for that purpose.
By the arrival of the ships Napier
and Danbers, from Vera Cruz, dates to
the 29th ult., had been received at New
The train that left the capital on the
14th, had arrived at Vera Cruz on the
27111 ult., without having been molested
on the route. The train comprised
about 200 wagons. On the 17th they
encountered General Marshall and Col.
Allies, with their respective commands,
tit Puebla.
The American Star of the 14th, states
that at the latest dates from Queretaro
a quorum of the members of Congress
was not in attendance.
General Annya had been succeeded by
Pena y Penn, as President, and a new
one was to be chosen from the Congress
It was rumored that Mr. Trist had
been in conference with the Mexican
commissioners and that certain term
had been 'agreed upon between them.—
There is no authentic intelligence on the
The attack made by the Padre Jarmaa
upon the force under Col. Hays, consis
ting of 100 Rangers, and It few Illinois
volunteers, is confirmed. The attack
was made by Jarman while the Ameri
cans were reposing at a hacienda, with
their horses unsaddled. The contest
that ensued resulted in the death of 8
Mexicans, and Jarauta was beleived to
be severely wounded, as his horse was
subsequently captured with much blood
upon the saddle. Col. Hays and his party
had arrived at Teotchuacan.
Late 31.0nt The no Grande,
PETERSBURG, Feb. 17,1848.
The overland express contains New
Orleans papers of the 11th inst.
By an arrival from the Rio Grande, in
telligence had been received from Sal
tillo, which iiidieates that there is a
prospect of seine warm work for the
American troops encamped at El Paso,
on their way to Chihuahua. The Mex
icans, it is said, have a considerable nu
merical force with which to oppose their
progress, and are strengthened by twelve
pieces of cannon.
Squire Collins, who with a small par
ty had started for Santa Fe, had been
token prisoner by the Mexicans at Pre
sido del Norte.
Alexander Newson, also a member
tf Captain Mears' company, was hung
at Saltillo for wilful murder, in shooting
a Mexican at Queretaro, one of the Reve
nue Gaurd.
Government averages, for the six weeks
ending January 3, 1848, per bushel of
each kind of grain, in United States
monef, were as follows : Wheat $1 58;
Barley 93c ; Rye 930; Beans $1 213 ;
Peas $1 40. The bushel of wheat is
sixty pounds, and the English shilling
is twenty-four cents. _ .
The London averages, for the week
ending Jan. 11, were: Wheat $1 614 ;
Barley 93c.; Oats 69c.
ID- This morning's mail brings sad
tidings to the Hon. J. W. Davis, of Indi
ana, who is now about to take his depar
ture for the scene of his mission—China.
On the 3d inst., his eldest son, Mr. Sam
uel Francis Davis, of Carlisle, Indiana,
being present at the turning of a flat
boat about to be launched, was struck by
she falling piece of timber, both the iron
bolts used in the process of turning that
boat having broken. The blow killed
him instantly. His age was 23 years.—
It might be considered needles to add,
that Dr. Davis has, in his affliction, and
that of his family the heartfelt sympa
thy of this community, where all who
know him nre his sincere and personal
friends.—Washington Union of Satur
day last.
ay-Chesterfield having been informed
by his physician that he was dying by
inches, thanked Heaven he was not so
tall by a foot us Sir Thomas Robinson,
George W. Robbins, formerly a resi
dent of this place, met with an accident
on Monday, January 17, which, we arc
pained to say, resulted in his death on
Tuesday, January 25. Having left home
on that day with n wagon drawn by oxen
lie wns thrown from the wagon on his re
turn, and the wheels passed over his
body, dislocated his shoulder, broke his
collar hone and two of his ribs, arid in
jured him so much otherwise as to cause
his death.—Holl idapburg Standard.
FIRE AND DEATI-I.—We learn that
on Sunday the 13th inst., the house of
Mr. Michael Bossier, two miles south
of Williamsburg, was consumed by lire.
—Mr. Philip Skelly, a near neighbor,
on seeing the smoke arising, ran to ren
der some assistance, and when about one
hundred yards from the house he fell and
immediately expired. The deceased
was 74. years of age.
The house is supposed to have taken
fire front a stove pipe. Nearly all the
houehotd goods of Mr. Bossier were de
IsoN FROM ENGLAsD.--There seems to
be just grounds for fears of disaster to
our iron interest. The Pittsburg Gazette
learns on high authority that commis
sion houses in Buffalo have received, via
New York, with orders to sell at almost
any price. Every ton of iron that goes
to Buffalo, via New York, says the Ga
zette, is so much taken from the amount
that Pennsylvania should sell.
The Kittaning (Pa.) Free Press, says
that offers have made by English agents
to deliver in the city of Pittsburg, du
ring the present year, not less than term
thousand tons of Scotch pigs, at less
than $25. This iron is sought after in
England as ballast for shipping.
O In his late speech on the Ten Re
giment Bill, Senator Niles declared him
self decidedly in favor of closing this
disgraceful war. Mr. Ritchie and oth
er advocates of this g!g,antic scheme of
National robbery, will hardly forgive the
Connecticut Senator, who is a locofoco,
for so frank and emphatic an admission
as that "Mexico desires peace on terms
not unreasonable," and that "there is no
justificatibn for prolonging this war."
A GENERAL RISING. -At a wedding
party in the church, at Ilath, Me. the
Minister made this request : "those who
wish to be married will please arise ;"
whereupon the heads of a bevy of young
girls handsome and otherwise ; shot up,
they taking the remark general, which
was only intended for the contracting
parties, and being fully convinced of the
evils of single blessedness.
Santa Anna.
0:7-The personal appearance of Santa
Anna when ncornpanied by his young
and beautiful wife, and clad in panoply of
Mr. Pollt's pass, he landed at Vera Cruz,
to head the Mexican armies in a war
with this country, is thus described by
Mr. Buxton, who has recently written a
work upon Mexico :
"lion Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
is a hale-looking man between fifty and
sixty, with an Old Baily countenance
and a very well built wooden leg. Senora,
a pretty girl of seventeen, pouted at the
cool reception, for not one "viva" was
heard; uncerernoniosly congeed from the
procession, which she took in high dud
geon. The General was dressed in full
uniform, and looking anything but pleas
ed at the absence of everythig like ap
plause, which he doubtless expected
would have greeted him. His counte
nance completely betrays his character;
indeed, I never saw a physiognomy in
which the evil passions, which he noto
riously possesses, were more strongly
marked. Oily duplicity, treachery, av
arice, and sensuality, are depicted in
every feature, and his well known char
acter bears out the truth of the impress
his vices have stamped upon his face.--
In person he is portly, and not devoid
of n certain well-bred bearing which
wins for him golden opinions from the
surface-seeing fair sex, to whom he ever
pays the most courtly attention."
(*— The New York Tribune has learn
ed something farther in relation to the
early amiable intentions of this admin
istration towards 'Mexico. It has come
out in evidence before the Committee on
Military Affairs, in the Senate, that
Capt. Gillespie, of the army, was des
patched in 1845, to Col. Fremont, then
in Upper California, with a letter in cy
pher, directing the Colonel so to shape
his course there as to excite a rebellion
against the authority of Mexico, of
which he could take advantage so as to
effect the independence of California,
and prepare her for annexation to this
country—in other words to Houstonize
SMALL Pox.—This loathsome and dan
gerous disease is now prevailing to an
alarming extent in Erie, Pa. A corres
pondent of the Gazette, stongly urges
the procuration of a public hospital.
CD Clarion county was visited by the
singular phenomenon of a « thunder and
lightning snow-storm" on the 17th in
stant. The Democrat says there were
vivid flashes of lightning, followed by
heavy thunder while the snow fell thick
and fast.
(From the Blair County Whig.] 03PrIANS' COURT SALE;
In accordance with previous public 1 DY virtue of an a: der of the, Orphans' Court
notice, the Conferees from the Senato- 1-1-) of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
rial District composed of the counties of outcry,
sale, on the premises, by public yendue or
Huntingdon, Bedford and Blair, met at °n
the usual place in the Borough of Holli- 1 SaTURDXY 25th March next,
daysburg, on Tuesday the 15th day of I
A Tract of Land, late the estate of James C amp-
Febunry, A. D., 1548. 1 hell, of Shirley township, in said county, deed,
On motion of John Brotherline, Es I situate in Shirley township, in said county—ad
q., !i„,„i" Shade mountain, lands of John Moyer,
JAMES Wtt.sox, Esq., of Bair county, wits Mack Log mountain, and lands of Mary Ann
chosen President, and J. Smyth Read, of Pollard, containing 176 acres and 75 perches end
Huntingdon county, selCeted as Secreta. allowance, being the same tract of land sold by
James Campbell, Sr.. of Perry county to James
canine, Campbell, ,e late ,d of Shirley township, Huntingdon
On motion of Samuel Shellenbarger,
Esq., NICHOLAS HE WIT, Fsq., of Hol- T he said tract o f l im a i„ a l aa bl e , an d i a imp ,.
lidaysburg, was unanimously chosen a seal, and affords a deeirable opportunity topers°.
Delegate to represent said Senatorial desiring to purchase a good farm. The title he
District in the Whig State Convention ' indisputable.
to be held in the Borough of Harrisburg • beT:inz-mr,',,h!ril'oc:foltr::::..suendmiolle7rei:r
on Wednesday the 15th day of March due in two etiftal annual payments ;hereafter
next; for the purpose of putting in nom- ' interest, to be secUred by the bonds and mortgage
ination a candidate for the ollice of Ca-' of the purchaser.
nal Commissioner, &c. : By the Court, JACOB MILLER, Clerk,
On motion, Resolved, That the Whig' Attendance given by
editors in this district arc hereby re- feb.22-'49. BAIN ,R. CAMPBELL,
quested to publish these proceedings. _
On motion—adjourned. .•7L I4' .111111 IF .11. L
JAMES WILSON, President. l AT Ton
J. SMYTH READ, Secretary. 1 "Huntingdon Tewollory Store."
„,, . Irrii E undersigned hes just received from Phila-
FATHER AIATTIIEW.-- - rne various tern- i delphia another large lot at GOLD & .9./L
-peratice associations in New York arc VER WATCHES, of almost every description
tithing measures to make the reception and qt slily, Also, an additional supply of Jewel
of Father Matthew, the great apostle of lery, Steel Beads, Bag clasps, Purse silk, &c.
Temperance, one of the most im sing The subscriber has made arrangements with an
extensive establishment in Philadelphia, which
demonstrations of the kind that ha ever will enable him to keep on bond and to supply at
been witnessed in that city. He will ail times the increased and increasing demands
arrive there in April. of the public, at the very lowed pm-ices.
A FATAL EXPERIMENT.—The Livings- Huntinplonleb22,4B.
ton, N.Y. Union mentions the death by :
hntiging, of Samuel Trist, of Nundn, I AN OLD 1101155 SHOE REWARD.
need about 16 years. He used n trace D Atli away from thesubscriber, living in Morris
chain, and it is supposed he was trying It br w u nshiP is4 " 3 "n a t t i t n i g n d d n e n nt:d ount p . y, o t r! e th e tO ls th " e l
of Fe '
the experiment of hanging by the neck , Farming ar b Y u . sinese, named Henry ap
Isenberg. He
and for some reason could not disengage bad on when he ran uhf a wool hat, dark cassinet
himself. 1 frock coat and mixed casino pantaloons. The
-- -- - - -- - -=-- ' public are cautioned against harboring or trusting
ONti WORD TO THE SEDENTARY.—Those said apprentice on my account. on! am determined
who labor within doors are compelled to to pay no debts of his contracting. The above re
paid for his apprehen
breathe an impure atmosphere, which is sea l, but will he
wholly unfit for the proper expansion of ' "foh22_3,_ Y "' BENJ. F. WALLACE.
the lungs, and, owing to want of exec- ---
cise, the bowels become constipated, the , PROCL4.III.ITIO.V.
pores of the skin closed, and, indeed, lITHEREAS, by precept to me direct
all the functions of the body become de- ' VV ed by the Judges of the Common
ranged : hence proceed asthma, cough, Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
pains in the breast and side, palpitation tog test the 22nd day of January, A. D.
of the heart, rheumatic pains in various 1848, lam commanded to make public
parts of the body, giddiness, and a vari- proclamation throughout my whole bail
ety of other distressing complaints, coin- iwick that an adjourned Court of Com
mon to those of sedentary habits. Anon Pleas, to continue two weeks,
Wright 't Indian Vegetable Pills dis- will be held at the Court House in the
perse all these unpleasant symptoms. A' borough of Huntingdon, in the. county
single dose will in all cases give relief, of Huntingdon, on the Ist Monday (and
and, if reputed a few times, twill most 6th day) of March, A. D. 1818, for
assuredly restore the body to health. the trial of all issues in said court, which
cjiletuare of sugar coaled counlerfeits...Q) i remain undetermined before the said
The onl original and genuine Indian l'i gela- judges, when and where all jurors, wit
bk Pills have the signature of William Wrighl senses and suitors, in the trial of all
written with a pen on the lop label of each 1, , ,x.
None other is genuine and to counloilcit this is said issues arc required.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 22nd day of
Forgery. The genuine for sale by
i January, A. D. 1848, arid the 71st year
T. K.SIMONTON, Sole Agent for Hunting
don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin- of American Independence.
eon, iihrole Gap; Blair & Co., Frankstown; Orbison ' :MATTHEW CROW NO VER, Shy.
& Co., Orbisonia; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg t SIIERIFF'S OFFICE,
Hunter & Co., West Barre end Petersburg ; Graff Illatingdon, Feb. 16, 1848.
& Go., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, M'Elavy's Fort; , --
James Maguire, Soulsburg; John W. Myton, En-1 V.ILU./IB LE RE.,I L 1::81'.12'E
oaayillet George H. Steiner, Willer Sireell A. &I At Orphans' Court Sale.
W. Crewmen, Petersburg; Milliken at Kessler,
Mill-creek; and wholesale stud retail at the grin-
N pursuance arm order of the Orphans' Court
ci t ed of fi ce, 161) Race street,Philadelphia. I
of p Huntittdon toasty, will be exposed to
— ii i .„..,,,,,,, , i , apron , T . wont. --- n . A T lii.: „ sale on the premises, in Clay township, Hunting
—Beau Hammel, once the , •bright partirular don county on Wednesday the 22d day of March
aiar, „ „ Eng li sh fashion, being on ono
occasion next, the following properly, late the estate of
asked the cause of a trilling hoarseness with which Thomas Bradley, dec'd., viz
lie was afflicted, attributed it partly ti. his !loving /L Certain Tract of Land,
got up °before the world was aired," and partly to situate in the said township of Clay, adjoinin g '
his having breakfasted in the the room with "a lands of Georg. Hudson, Esq., and of Jonathan
dump stranger." In ruck a climate, hoarseness or ; Miller, containing_
slight cough may be very good subjects for a joke,l Ono ilundrea Acres,
hut in this country, where the thermometer some- more or less, with about severopfive acres cleared
times rises or falls forty degrees in twenty-four. .1.,..wa thereon, six of which is the best quill
hours, even these apparently unimportant symp- Wk --p iv of meadow. There is ales a first
toms are not to be neglected with impunity. If rate ORCHARD of the best assorted
there is a predisposition in the constitution to put- i : fruit trees on the premises.
monary disarm, Consumption will tread close up. The improvements are it good TWO
on the heck of the indications. There is no dif- STORY DWELLING HOUSE and ,
fieultY., however, in escaping the danger, if the : Double Born, There is also a never- II yf
proper precaution' is taken by a timely use of failing spring of water net; to the
Wistar's &hum Wld Cherry. One bottle of Dwelling House.
this invaluable panacea usually relieves the worst ; The land is in a good state of cultivation, and
case of cold, and restores the su ff erer to health. ' affords all the advantages fur any one wishing a
cO`Seo Advertisement on fourth page. good and eligible farm.
eramemser=sse. Terms—One thind of the purchase money to be
The ...Marker". paid on Confirmation of the sale, one third in one
year, and the balance in two years.
The Foreign news has depressed the of 'Phonies Bradley, deed.
market for Flour and Grain. and there " 94818 . "
was little or no movement in either.—
orpiittii's Coral Sale.
Flour—Common brands can be had at N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
$5,75, but there is no enquiry for ship- ; I of Huntingdon county, there will be sold on
meat ; good brands are selling in small tho premises on
lots for city use at $5,873. Corn Meal; S.ITUR.D.RY, 25th of March next,
is without demand, and nominally held l at 2 o'clock M. the following described Real
at $2,50. Rye Flour is wanted, and Estate, late of Jamee COIICI in, deed, viz:
400 a 500 brls, all that could be had, I A TRACT OF VALUABLE LAND
sold at $2,621. Wheat is scarce, and I ,
of u n a
t t i e n i g n d toll: ton
900 bushels prime reds sold at 128 eta .
tuleir t West in
he water a s a id of c o u n ty
Corn has become heavy, and holders. Creek, a short distance from the Penn's Canal at
anxious to sell ; a small cargo of South- Petersburg,containing 108 Acres adjoininglands
ern yellow was sold at 52 cts. Oats are at Joseph Reed, Thotnas Johnston, Jonathan
McAteer and others—about 40 acres of cleared
wanted ; 2000 bushels prime Jersey
brought 46 cts, in store. Whiskey— Land thereon, and the balance excellent timber
ty and. All of which is countered of the best qual.
Scarce, with sales of brls at 23 cts, and iof farm land .
hhds at 24 eta. The Terms are easy, viz c—Ore third of the
ests.aitierstssistataat=ra=atia...... purchase money to remain in the hands of the
I'.l 11.71 E 0 S 1G Purchaser during the life of the widow of said
James Conerin, deed., with interest from the on-
THE subscriber will offer at Public Sale on the lir:nation of the vale, payable annually to the said
19th of March, 1848, a Small Farm situate] widow--the principal thereof at the death of acid
on the Juniata river, in West township, I 1 unting- widow payable to the heirs and legal representa
don county, near John Neff's Mill, and adjoining tines of said deceased. One third of the balance
lands of John Neff, Dr. Melt, Jacob Knott° and I lo be paid at the confirmation of the sale, and the
others, containing 76 acres, more or less, in a fine !remainder in two egtial anbual payments with in
state of cultivation. The improvements consist tereat—the Whole to ho secured by the Judgment
of a good DWELLING HOUSE, well finished, notes of the purchaser. By the Court,
and a Frame Stable. There is a fine young or- JACOB MILLE,R, Clerk.
churd of fruit trees on the premises, and a well (0- The subscriber having been appointed by
of water near the house. .Attendance will be the sold Court, Trustee to make sale of the above
given and terms made known en the day M . 1411113, valuable property, wil' attend on the premises at
by ROBT. ft. WILSON. the time of sale above fixed. when and where all
If the shove property is not sold, it will be offer- purchasers are invited to attend.
ed for rent. JOHN ARMITAGE,
Pelp.'.32* febB.lB IS. Trustee.
Auditor's Notice.
u u t nde i rs c iFned m , o A ri ud p i i t e o . r . appointed
T "
subscriber. will sell at Public Bale on the
county, to appropriate the moneys in the hand. of pre mises on
the Sheriff' wiping from the sale of the kcal Estate Thursddy, the 2nd of March next,
of Ehristian Oyer, hereby give, notice to all per- A farm containing about 249 acres of first rate
sone interested that he will attend, for that purpose, wheat land. About 200 acre. le cleated and in
at his once, in Huntingdon, nn I , aturday the 18th a good state of cultivation. The remainder is well
GEO. TAYLOR, Auditor.
day of Much nest, at 10 o'clock. A. M.
timber m
ed. The improvement. area west finished
Bank Born, 100 feet by 50 all complete With the
. : .
___ -
--------_. ____ necessary atisehrnents; and ri bergs
ttil l atEi
s LitS
iarabols, 14arasolettes, :tlrohg:rut:lvil l Sf;herrasary
np,rten:c:‘naieisptit;AND ti°t:s, ,e. WALKING CANE UMBRELLAS,
The farm is firsii quality of land well fe n ced and
in a good state of Cultivation. There in about 15
WM. N. RICHARDSON, Ken Bof Meadow. The moat of the buildings 8! ti
STE.II.II .E.d C TORY new and well finished. The• ehi a spring of good
, water near and numerous spring. rd
The only one in the United States, distributed Se lo all'orti water in rvery field but one.
No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia. ' A good orchard i jp theieon of 6/mice fruit. The
A T ERC H ANTS are respectfully informed that Q r. r . in w :, 1110 ,. c. k.;, 1 7 i .7 the . cenir6 of th e valle y o f
la I continue to Manufaetnreall the above goods — ', l , aver e '-'"'". 'I rtn Public r o ads. Mills, &c., 7
by the aid of steam, notwithatandlng the great op- ni n ee A". PeterOun where the Canal and mitt;
position of pant. opposed to the introduction of rood i° now l°6ated. -.
The terms will be oar third of the Orange me. ,
expensive improvements. My assortment is rum-
plete, and prices so low, as to give entire satisfac-
ney to be paid on lot April next. 'rhe remaintlet*
; in four equal annual payments with interest to Le
As there is an Umbrella Store next door, of " cured h Y the hood lind mortgage et-l he Pu r ch.. -
neatly the same name, it is important you should see. The greater port of the back money might
'Member be unpaid for years by paying the interest thereon,
for the benefit ol the'n'idow and helm under age,
Steam Factory, and PATENT). of the WALKING
Sign of the Lady and Eagle, 7 N . of the Edith. of And; ew N, well, elec'el.
No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1848.
..., __ _ _
(0. Attention in requested to the ce'ehratcd l'ublic. Safe of Real Estate,
WALT:MI CAN!, UM Ilk E LiA,.a'rient end beautiful
ILL be exposed to public sole off
article, combining riII the advant4ges of a CANE i W
S. TURD. the 11th of ;Mara
sexton the premises, in the borough of Petersburg,
Exec tt I orN okfce. she following described property, viz:
Estate of Jacob G. liuyett, lath of Por- Six Lots of Ground,
ter township, dee' , l.
.fr* included in one square, with two largetwo-
VOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa- story DWELLING HOU,ES, Stabling,
1.)1 'moony upon the last N ill and Testament Wngon Shed and Corn Crib erected the eon, with
of said deceased, have been granted to the under- a well of water convenient to the buildings.
signed. All persons indebted to slid Estate are ALSO.--A smell Lot convenient to the afore
requested to make payment immediately; and all said anti not included to said borough, vvith
claims nod demands against the same to be pre- double stable, wash house and other improvements
seated, duly authenticated for settlement, fo erected thereon.
DANIEL PIPER, The terms will be, one third of the purchase
HENRY NEFF, auriey to be paid on confirmation of the Mlle, and
(68 '4B-6t. Executors. the remaining two-thirds in two equal annual pay
-7 The books and papers of said di ceased are menu., .43 be secured by bonds and othei wise.—
in the honda of Daniel Piper, residing in Meson- Poseession given en the Ist day of April nest.—
dria. When the last payment is made, an indisputable
tale will be given.
Sale to cororrieriee at 1 o'clock: of said day,
IV it LTE.: It s & lIAItVEY, • when dne OtiendanCo will be giver.,
(Late Hailelitirst & Walters) I fe1t.1843. JOHN RUNG
Nos. 15 and it, Spear's Wharf,
BA vrtmons.
Liberal Cash advances made on consignments
of all kinds of Produce.
Baltimore, feb9-1848
Sohn W. Thompson,
_ .
\V I
i T :n a i t n te n ti tl l t a u ,
r o a ll leg a lnd Huntingdon liusiiesse c n o t u r entrusted to
Communications from a distance will receive the
omit prompt attention.
fit -6 m:
B Y order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon
county the sale of the following property will
take place on Thursday, the 23d March next, viz :
All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land lying
and being Ritual,' in Tod township, Huntingdon
county, containing 250 acres more or less, adjoin
ing lands of Samuel McLain, dec'd, and Joseph
Martin, on which J. Houck resides, There is o
L -k,r .; : BARN on the premises. Also, a
1 I I wfirst rate Orchard of bear- ..„ 4 .
There are also four good Springs of r
water thereon. There are about hund
red acres of land cleared, twenty-live of first rate
meadow, and about one hundred that can be made
into meadow, all of which is in one body.
Teams ,—One-third of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of the sale. and the bal
ance in two equal annual payment., with intcrcat
and approved security.
Sale to commence at ten o'clock of said day,
when attendance will be given by
Jan. 18, 1848-la,
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Dr. JO ILV C. 12.4.YK1N,
decQ, late of Barrce township.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters
of Administration on said Estate
have been granted to the undersigned,
All persons who are indebted to said es
tate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having accounts
against the same, are requested to pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for set
tlement, to JAMES GILLAM.
jan2s-6t. .ndtninistrator.
- -
Sreberick Brett,
D ESPEGI FULLY returns thanks to his
11, friends and the pliblic for past favors, and
takes this oppot tunity to inform them that ho still
continues at the old stand, one door east of Car
mont's Tavern, and nearly opposite the Post Of
fice, where he is at all times prepared to manufac
ture All kinds of Harness, Sadcker, Trunks, Mat
tresses, Was, Cushions. etc. etc., at the shortest
notice and most reasonable prices.
All kinds of hides and skins, and country pro
duce, for which the highest market prices will be
allowed, taken in exchange.
Huntingdon, Aug. 31, 1847.
Lumber Lumber .!
A1f.1411 o h rr i inadss g a Lu c !I s t
w m y i
s h i a t d t, a a t
e t
M I,
on Meshanon's Creek, twenty miles front
mouth of Spruce Creek, and five miles
this side of Philipsburg. All descrip•
tions of stuff, used for railroads, build
ings, &c., such as Spruce, Ash, Pine,
Locust and White Oak, sawed to order
and furnished at the shortest notice
janlB, '4B.] THOS. MAIZE.
John Scott, jr.,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Has removed his office to the middle room of
Snare's Row," directly oppositclisher & M'Mur
trie's store. where he will attend with promptness
mid fidelity to all business with which he may he
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties
Huntingdon Sept. 23,1848,
rrHP subscriber will sell the Motive how occu•
1 pied by hint, and formerly kept by Henry De
arment,ae a 1 - 10 T EL, situated in the borough of
Petersburg, at pi enle between this and the
Ist of March. The hnt.•sc Li forty feet flout, with
six rooms, large entry and kitchen down stairs;
seven rooms up attire, a large and good cellar, end
largo girret, wash house and smoke house, a large
and fine bock porch with a well of water in the
cellar and n pump OD the porch—and a large .d
good stable, and other out buildings. The lot is
good, with a number of gond fruit trees in fine
bearing. The house was built expresely for a
Tavern stand and kept ns such fora number of
years. and Lae been well fixed up within the last
two years as a private residence. and is now in
good order. The Central Railroad runs close to
the lower end of the to - . , .;'n, which will make the
property a first rate sfaitd for a tavern. or any
other public business. For terms apply to the
subscriber. JOHN M'CULLOCH•
Petenkurg, febl- iB4B.
Estate of Samuel Hampson, late of Brady
township. deceased.
LETTERS of administration having
been granted to the undersigned on
said estate, all persons having claims
against the same are requested to present
them for settlement, and those indebted
are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
An .A.pprentioci Wanted.
THE subscriber, living in Shirleyshitrg, wnuld
take an a, prentice to the Carpenter business.
He woo d also take a young man who would work
under instruction. to whom immediate employment
and libel al wages would be given.
CHARLES bownßsox.
Shirley sburg. Jan. 10, 1848.
ro *ALE.
A desirable Tract of Lund situated in
Wells' Valley, Hopewell township,
Bedford county, Pa., with the buildings
and improvements thereon erected, con•
taining 342 neres and the usual allow
It is noiv tenanted by E. Skipper, and
was formerly occupied by Ebenezer
Gillman. This farm is situated on the
Road leading from Broad Top to the
Three Mountain Road, and from thence
to Mr. Sprout's Tavern on the Turnpike
on Ray's Filth The soil is execllent.—
The plaCe is wt•ell timbered and well sup
plied with water, as the Aughwick
Creek flows through it. It would be an
excellent situation for a Store, Tavern,
Mill Works, &c. Title indisputable.
For terms apply to John Gest, near
the Gap, Lancaster county, or John B.
Gest, No. 49 south 4th St. Philadelphia,
Att'y at Law, Bedford, Pa.
N. B. If the above property is not pre
viously sold, it will be exposed to Pub
lic Sale on the premises, on Wednesday
the Bth day of March next at 1 o'clock
A. M., where the terms and conditions
of sale will be made known by the owner
Jun. 25, 1848, •
ddministral ors , lice.
Estate of James Walker, late of Dublin
township, deceased.
LETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned, on the estate of
said deceased, all persona having claims against
the same are requested to present them duly au
thenticated, fur payment, and those knowing them
selves indebted are requested to make immediate.
jry I l-601