Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 15, 1848, Image 3

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rozionoN NEWS.
The steamer Sarah Sands, Capt W. C
Thompson, arrived at New York on the
10th inst. from Liverpool, whence she
sailed on Saturday, the 22d of January.
.The advices brought by the Sarah Sands
are one week later than those of the Aca
dia ; the latter having sailed from Liver
pool on the Saturday previous.
The political news by this arrival is
generally unimportant.
The Money market in London was
decidedly easier.. The active circula
tion of the Bank of England had large
ly increased. We notice no important
changes in the market for American pro
,, duce. The prices of Iron had advan
ced, and that branch of trade seems to be
On the day of sailing from Liverpool,
there seemed a better feeling in the Corn
Market. Wheat, in consequence of hea- i
vy arrivals early in the week, had rece
ded 4d. per 70 lbs. Corn 2s. per 180-1
but on 21st, Corn recovered 1 shilling.—
American Flour 27 to 28e.. which is a
decline of 1 shilling. Meal, 14s. Cot-
ton has again declined, fair Mobile sel. TROHDLE ON THE FRONTIER.- - A tele
ling at 44, and New Orleans at 4 7.8. graphic despatch, dated St. Louis, Feb
The accounts front France express '7, says a messenger has arrived from
some anxiety respecting the health of , Fort al ,
news p lace,
Louis Philippe. The King had been . arm, from that
taken ill, but was becoming better. dates to the 20th of January, ten days
The deputation on the Tea Duties, later than the advices received on Sat
have requested Lord John Russell to . urday. By the messenger we have news
name an early day when it would suit his , or much importance, and learn that Col.
lordship's convenience to receive them.
It is the determinatoin of the Associa- , Gilpin was still at Fort Brent, in much
tion•for the Reduction of the Dnty on trouble. It is said that the Mexicans
Tea to persevere with vigor in their and Camanche Indians are gathering in
]audible intentions of forcing this great the South in great force, about 250 miles
question on the attention of government
I from Fort Brent, and were preparing tor'
and the legislature.
Pk The Lord Lieutenant, and the whole of ,an attack upon that fort. The means
the vice regal establisnment, have taken in Col. Gilpin's command were very
••up their residence at Dublin for the win- : limited, but he hoped to be able to march
ter. ,by the middle of February. The great-
The difficulties continue in that devo
e st di ffi culty was experienced at the fort
ted country. The o ffi cers are kept busy '
in obeying the orders of Col. Gilpin.—
in the search for concealed arms and the
His horses are all dead, and of 800 cat
offending parties are to be henceforth sub
jected to the law, which imposes two tle only 70 now remain, and the wolves
years imprisonment. I are daily lessening this number
A letter from St. Petersburg repre- I
seats the cholera as being much less ma
lignant than it was in 1831. It was ex
pected at St. Petersburg, and prepera
lions were made to meet it. At Moscow
there were 119 cases, and 54 deaths from
the sth to the 11th ult. The Russian
Army in Caucasus has suffered severely
from it
A SCENE IN MEXICO.—A member of
the Virginia Regiment, writing from
Saltillo, says:
" Yesterday, one of the most painful
scenes took place here, that I ever wit
nessed. A soldier by the name of Vic
tor Galbraith, a bugler in Captain Miers'
company of volunteer cavalry, was shot
for threatening the Captain's life. The
—A meeting of the loco loco members
troops were all mastered to witness the
dreadful tl
brought fu sce n
r .'arrhde
underun a p p t
p prisoner ,
of the Legislature was held last Wed
nesday, at Harrisburg, to give nn Marshal and guard. Sixteen men were'
pression in regard to the Presidency.— detailed and formed in single file. The
Mr. Speaker PACKER presided, and a , prisoner calmly sat down on his coffin at
dis i tance, and looked
committee was•appointed to prepare an
executioners xeig"itio
address expressive of the views of the sentence wtts " e lf read lly 111111'1'e face.
he . threwie His
meeting. To hear this address, the mee- • his head backward, and said to the men :
ting, adjourned until Tuesday last, when Thek good aim lam ready to die."
it was reported by J. PORTER BR AWLEY, y firect; he fell immediatel, having
r a eceived three balls in his body; but in
and is all Buchanan, froei top to toe. few moments he again arose, resting
( r - The Western Texas Conference on his elbow, and asked for water and
of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
a dra d nk. l. He then said, "kill me at once
South, adjourned on the 3d of January. four n o r
men: t e sa ‘‘ f, h o n . ad y' n r i e s s e e r r y v ' e " d ‘ t v l h i
The Conference was held at Cedar Creek, I li re, advanced, and placing the muzzle
and presided over by Bishop Capers.— I of their gulls within a few inches of his
The increase of members during the body, fired, almost cutting him asunder.
past year was 663; whites, 384, colored Truly, he was the moat resolute man I
ever saw. Some of the officers were en
-279. The Eastern Texas Conference was
' tirely overcome by the distressing sight.
held at San Augustine. The increase of
em bership was 391. I V- The Washington correspodent of
the Baltimore Sun still insists that a
ral Purviance has given a written opin-
Treaty of jeace has been negotiated by
Mexico, and thinks that it will be recei
ion, to the effect that moneys at interest
wed by the next arrival from Mexico.—
are not taxable for borough,road or school
purposes. In many of the townships they On the other hand, the President and
have heretofore been taxed for such pur- • his friends deny that the Government
poses. has any knowledge of a treaty having
POSTAGE.—TiIe State Legislatures of been concluded, and say that Mr. Trist
New York, Vermont, Ohio, and Penn-
has no right to negotiate one. A few Sylvania,
aylvania, and we believe several others, i days will determine who is right.
have each passed resolutons instructing DIsTREss AMONG OPERATIVES.—The
their Senators and requesting their Rep- Eastern papers are filed with accounts
resentatives in Congress to vote for a of the distresses existing in the mane
repeal of the alterations made last ses - jfacturing districts, on account of the
Rion in the Post Office Law. low priced wages, and the general stag
nation of business. The manufacturers
are compelled to limit their operations
in consequenceof the heavy importations
from abroad ! 'rhe blessings of the Tar
iff of '46 is intolerable!
The Vice Presidency.
At a meeting of the Whigs of Faquair
county, Virginia, on the 22d ult., the
following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That with reference to the
Vice Presidency though there is a host
of worthies any one of whom would fill
the post with ability, yet in the opinion
of this meeting in view of local position,
solid acquirements, varied information,
sound views, business habits, and incor
ruptable integrity, there is no one they
would sooner honor than ANDREW STEW
ART of Pennsylvania
THE PEOPLE in all quarters, are speak
ing out against the Administration for
its wanton abuse of GEN. WINFIELD
SCOTT—the Hero of Fort George, Chip
pews, Lundy's Lane, Vera Cruz, Cerro
Gordo, Contreras, Cherubusco, Chepul
-1 tepee and Mexico—whose brilliant
achievements, during the war with Bri
tain and Mexico, have reflected more
honor on American arms, than those of
any other General, living or dead.—
sub. Her.
. ,
FREE BANKINGI.—An act to regulate
the business of Banking in this State
has been reported by commitee on Banks
in the House of Representatives. In its
general features, thinks the Lancaster
Examiner, the bill is modeled after the.
free banking law of New York: There
is room for improvement in the present j
bill, and we hope it will be amended in
several important respects before it is
permitted to become a law. 'rite system
of free banking is undoubtedly the true
one; but as there are always schettiing
and unprincipled men on the look out
to take advantage of such laws, great
care should be taken to render it as per•
feet as possible before giving it a trial.
Gov. Shunk's objections, in his late
message, to the Free Banking system,
show clearly enough that he has no con
ception whatever of the principles of
the system or its manner of working.—
That the Governor should not be able to
comprehend the subject is not at all sur
prising to any one acquainted with his in
tellectual calibre ; though it is a source
of much regret that such a man should
have so potent a voice in the decision of
a question which he possesses neither
the ability nor the inclination to under
i The report of the Commissioner of Pa
tents shows that the tobacco crop was
1219,964,000 pounds; the cotton crop
1,026,500,000 pounds; rice, 103,400,-
500 pounds; silk, 404,600 pounds of
cocoons. The potato crop 97,018,000
bushels. - This last crop, it seems, has
very much diminished in consequence
of the rot. The report of the Commis
sioner may contain come valuable sug
gestions on the subject.
John Van Buren, son of the Ex-President,
has been nominated by the Democrats
of Erie county, New York, as a candi
date for the Presidency.
Later From Mexico.
CITY OF MEXICO, Jan. 13, 1848.
On Monday last, the commander-in
ehief was informed of a movement de , ,
signed here io attack the quarters of the ,
officers of the army, and, if possible, to I
take them prisoners or kill them. The
plan was, that the population, or so
much of it as could be induced to take
part in the conspiracy, should rise, and
aesisted by a body of gurrillas which
were to enter the city at a certain hour,
Make the attack. During the day, the
commander-in.chief informed the chief
officers of the intended attack; designs.
ted rallying points for the different regi
ments, and made every disposition ne
cessary to defeat the insurrection. At
night scarcely a Mexican was to be seen
in the streets, showing that the whole
popUlation had a knowledge of what was
to be attempted. The precaution adopt- ,
ed, it is supposed, prevented an attempt
Ito execute the plan.
1 During the night Lieut. Baker, of the
sth Indiana regiment, commanding a
patrole, came in sight of two carts near
the Plaza del Toro, in the southeast
' ern part of the city, one of which, con
taining ono hundred stand of arms, lie
captured ; the other he was unable to
come up with before it was placed in
concealment. _ _
I regret to say there is n great deal of
sickness among the four volunteer re
giments from Kentucky, Tennessee, and
Indiana, which Gen. Butler comman
ded to this ciiy. That measeles, the
mumps and the diarrhea, are the pre
vailing diseases, and on an average, one
half the men in the four regiments are
unfit for duty.
The .111 a rice, x.
JUDGE McLEAN.--A Washington COT- PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 10, 1848,
respondent of the Boston Journal says Floun AND MEAL—The market since
that Judge McLean has many friends at our last report has been more active, a
Washington, who urge him as the Whig fair demand having resulted from a con
siderable concession on the part of hol
candidate for the Presidency,
ders, and we notice sales or about 6,000
L A London correspondent of the i bbls. Flour, chiefly at $5 75 per bbl. for
National Intelligencer, says: "I know standing brands ; some better lots at
not how far Great Britain will have to $5,811 a $5,871 ; fancy Western nt
2p 50,and 1,000 bbls. receiv
v aOr
depend upon foreign countries for this
l fins at $5 55. Rye
year's supplies of bread stuffs; but you I Flour is lower, being freely offered at
will have one competitor less in the mar- $3 75 per bbl. Corn Meal has declined
ket than you had last year, the wheat with sales of about 4,000 bbls. Penn'a
crop in Egypt being said to be deficient. nt $2 50 and some lots of Brandywine
at $2 621 as 2 68. The market closes
KTA double coat has been invented I to-day, however, with more buyers at
in England so arranged as to lorm a , $2 50 than sellers, and holders seem in
dress coat one side out, and a weather I dined to advance their rates 121 c. per
proof travelling coat the other side. I barrel.
GRAlN.—There is: but little demand
for Wheat and prices have with Flour
receded. We notice sales of about 6000
bus. good and prime reds at from 130 to
125 c. per bus., closing to day with h sale
of 1000 bus. Penn's red at the last fig
ures. Sales of prime white at 128 a
130 e. Rye is coining in slowly. In the
absence of any recent sales we quote at
Mane. per bus. There has been con
siderable inquiry for Corn, with sales of
about 20,000 bus. yellow, at 55c. per
56 lbs. Oats are dull at 41a43c. per
bus. and we notice only limited sales.
lecturers around Boston have commen
ced the work of reducing the operatives
wages. The Lawrence, Suffolk and
Tremont Mills, at Lowell, end the Stark
Mills at Manchester, have already adop.
ted this course. Cause, low price of
the goods.
The Pope has lately suppresed nine
convents, viz: two at Rome, two at Gub
bin, and five at Urbino; their incomes
are to be applied to benevolent purposes.
SUDDEN CHANGES.—There is nothing
more trying to the humairconstitution
than sudden changes of weather. Heat
rarities the blood, and increases the per
spiration ; but when suddenly checked,
those humors which should pass off by
the skin, are thrown off inwardly, caus
ing coughs, colds, consumption, difficul
ty of breathing, watery and inflamed
eyes, sore throat, and many other com
Wright's Indian Vegcalsle Pills are a
delightful medicine for carrying off a
cold—because they expel from the body
those humors which are the cause of the
above complaints. Four or five of said
Indian Vegetable Pills taken every night
on going to bed will, in a few days, car
ry off the most obstinate cold ; at the
same time the digestive organs will be
restored to a healthy tone, and new life
and vigor will be given to the whole
all-Beware of sugar coaled counterfeilo.
The only o, iginaland genuine Indian Vi geta.
Lle Pills have the signature if William Wright
written with a pen on the tap label of each b .x.
None other is genuine and to counterfeit this is
Forgery. The genuine fur solo by
T. K. SIMONTON, Sole A gent for Hunting
don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin
son, [.hale Gap; Blair & Co., Frankstown; Orbison
& Co., Orbisonia; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg;
Hunter & Co., West Barre and Petersburg; Graff
& Co., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, M'Elavy's Fort;
Janos Maguire, Saulaburg; John W. My ton, En
nesville; George H. Steiner, Water Street; A. &
W. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler,
Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin
cipal office, 169 Race street, Philadelphia.
—Beau Biummel, once the "bright particular
star," of English fashion, being on one occasion
asked the cause of a trifling hoarseness with which
he was afflicted, attributed it partly to his having
got up "before the world was aired," and partly to
his having breakfasted in the the room with "a
damp stranger." In such a climate, hoarseness or
slight cough may he very good subjects for a joke,
but in this country, where the thermometer some
times rises or falls litrty degrees in twenty-four
hours, even these apparently unimportant symp
toms are not to he neglected with impunity. If
* there is a predisposition in the constitution to pul
monary disease, Consumption will tread close up
on the heels of the indications. There is no dif
ficulty, however, in escaping the danger, if the
proper precaution is token by a timely use of'
Witdar's Masan' of Wld Cherry. One bottle of
this invaluable panacea usually relieves the worst
cue of cold, and restores the sufferer to health.
criSee A.hettisement on foul th page.
of a very superior quality, for sale
tathis office.
List of Jurors
For an adjourned Court of Common
Pleas to be held at Huntingdon, on the
first Monday and 6th of March, 1848. '
Henderson, John Armitage, Thomas
Adams, S. R. Boggs, Henry Cornprobst,
James Saxton, James Effnis f Cromwell,
Samuel Book, A. Bolinger, Wm. Thomp
son; Tell, Alex. Beers; Dublin, James
Cree, jr., John Swan ; Jackson, W. Cum
mins, Samuel Cummins; Tad, Mordecai
Chilcont, G. Lilts, James Snare, Jacob
Taylor ; Cass, Andrew Crotsley, Robert
Speer, Lewis Stever; Brady, Jacob Det
weiler, John Walfkill ; Clay, Jacob
Drake, John Keith, Josh. Shore; West,
Charles Duff; Shirley, David Eby, Sam
uel Shaver, river; Barree, Gilbert Che
ney ; Warriorsniark, W. Hutchison ;
Penn, Isaac Peightal ; Franklin, Hugh
Seeds; Union. William Smith; Porter,
Hiram Williamson; Morris, P. Moore.
I Shirley, George Bowman, Dutton Had
don, Hez. Rickets, George Smith ; Hope
: well, Samuel Beaver, John Vanvliet ;
liarree, Wm. Couch, Hez. Crownover,
G eo. Henderson; Henderson, John Cole
stock,A. S. Harrison, H. Shoemaker ;
Franilin, Daniel Conrad, Hays Hamil
-1 ton, Anderson Harvey ; Tell, William
Campbell, Jacob G. Jones ; Jackson,
Wm. Dinsmore, John Hirst, Jas. Mitch
ell, jr., John Stewart, L. R.; Penn, John
Geisinger, John Garner, jr., Sebastian
I Keeley ; Morris, Daniel Hileman, Peter
Tippery, John M. Tussey ; Dublin, Da
vid Hudson; West, Geo. Hallman, Math
ew Stevens, Jonathan Wilson, John
Henry ; Cromwell, Thomas Hooper, jr.;
Tod, John Henderson; Warriorsmark,
, John K. McCaltan.
On the 10th inst.,
by the Rev. A. K.
Bell, Mr. N. G. M'Divlrr of West town
ship, Huntingdon county, to Miss SUSAN•
NATI A., daughter of Mr. Jacob Cheney,
of Antes township, Blair county.
H e E d R b E y A
the , by g r e e c s e t t o h
e m Ldniirne,cotn
Fleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 22nd day of January, A. D.
1848, I am commanded to make public
proclamation throughout my whole bail
iwick that an adjourned Court of Com
mon Pleas, to continue two weeks,
will be held at the Court House in the
borough of Huntingdon, in the county
of Huntingdon, on the Ist Monday (and
6th day) of March, A. D. 1848, for
the trial of all issues in said court, which
remain undetermined before the said
judges, when and where all jurors, wit
nesses and suitors, in the trial of all
said issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 22nd day of
January, A. D. 1848, and the 71st year
of American Independence.
,Hubtingdon, Feb. 16, 1848.
At Orphans' Court Sale.
I N pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court
I of Huntingdon County, will be exposed to
sole on the premises, in Clay township, Hunting
don county, on Wednesday the22d day qf March
next, the following property, late the estate of
Thomas Bradley, dec viz:
A Certain Tract of Land,
situate in the said township of Clay. adjoining
labds of George Hudson, Esq., and of Jonuthan
Miller, containing
One Hundred Acres,
more or less, with about seventy-five acres cleared
• , thereon, six of which is the heat goal
ity of meadow. There is also a first
• • rate ORCHARD of the best assorted
fruit trees on the premises.
The improveniente are a good TWO
Double Born. There is also a never- 1 1;
failing spring of water near to the
Dwelling House.
The land is in a good stale of cultivation, and
affords all the advantages for any one wishing a
good and eligible farm.
'farms—One third of the purchase money to be
paid on Confirmation of the sale, one third in one
year, and the balance in two years.
of Thomas Bradley, dcc'd.
feb9.1648 ,
Auditor's ritotioe,
THE undersigned, Auditor epgointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
county, to appropriate the moneys in the hands of
the Sheriff arising front the eak of the Real Estate
of Christian Oyer, hereby gives notice to all per•
eons interested that he will attend, for that purpose,
at his office, in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 18111
doy of March next, at 10 o'clork A. M.
(3EO. TAYLOR, Auditor.
_ .
161 :4848.
It Ii EL LA . S, -
Parasols, Parasolelles,
The only one in the United S'a'es,
No. 101 Market Street, Pliiladeliaa:
ERCH ANTS are respectfully informed that
ill I continue to Ma:inf.:tumuli the above goods
by the aid of steam, notwithstanding the great op
position of portico opposed to the introduction of
°apt naive improvements. My assortment is com
plete, and prices so low, as to give entire satisfac
Cl' As there is an Umbrella Store next door, of
neat ly the name name, it its important you Ayoub)
1911. 11. RICIIA 11 DSO N ,
Steam Pac!ory, and PATENT.: of the WALK isa
CANE Um unEm.a,
Sign of the Lady and Eagle,
No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia.
it" Attention is requested to the ee'ebrated
WA mtitvo CANE UM !MELIA, a neat and beautiful
article, combining all the advantages of a CANE
land UM BM.. .
Orphases Court 'Vale.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, there will bo sold on
the premises on
B.ITURDSY, 25th of March next,
at '2 o'clock P. M. the following described Real
Estate, late of James Conerin,dec'd, viz:
situate in the township of West lei said county of
Huntingdon, on or nem the waters of Shaver's
Creek, a short distance from the Penn'a Canal at
Petersburg, containing 108 Acres adjoininglands
of Joseph Reed, Thomas Johnston, Jonathan
McAteer and others—about 40 acres of cleared
Land thereon, and the balance excellent timber
land. All of which is coneidered of the besPqual 7
ila of farm land .
7he Terms are eaey, :—Ono third of the
purchase money to remain in the hands of the
purchaser during the life of the widow of raid
James Conerin, deed., with interest from the r on-1
firmation of the sale, payable annually to the said
rpm subscriber will sell the Norse now occts
widow—the principal thereof at the death of scid I pied by him. and formerly kept by Henry De
widow payable to the heirs and legal represents- arment, as a HOTEL, mitua.eil in the borough of
fives of said deceased. One thirst of the instance Petmsburg, at private sale between this and the
to be paid at the confirmation of the sale, and the tat of March. Thelt./rte is forty feet front ,
remainder in two equal annual payments with in- six rooms, large entry and kitchen down stairs;
terest—the whole to be recured by the Judgment seven rooms up stairs, s large and good cellar, and
notes of the purchaser. By the Court, large garret, wash house and smoke hoes:, a large
JACOI3 MILLER, Chrk, end fine back parch with a well of water in the
(0 The subscriber having, been appointed by cellar and a pump on the porch—and a large and
the said T r ., to ma k e Hi l o o f the above good stable, arid other out buildings. The lot is
valuatle property, wit attend en the premises at good, with a number of good fruit trees iu fine
the time of sale above fixed. when and where all bearing' The 1.." was built expressly for a
purchasers are invited to attend. 'l'avern stand and kept ns such for a nnmbcr
JOHN ARMITAGE, years, and has been well fixed up within the last
T rus t,. two years Or 11 private residence. and is now in
good order. 'fire Central Railroad runs close to
the lower end of the town, which will make the
property n first rate stand for a tavern, or any
other politic business. For terms ripply to the
subscriber. JOHN M'CULLOCH.
Petersburg, febl.lB4B.
febB-18 18.
Estate of Jacob G. Iluyett, late of Por
ter township, dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa
mentary upon the last l\ ill and Testament
of sag deceased, have been granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted to raid Estate are
requested to make payment immediately ; and all
claims and demands against the same to be pre
sented, duly authenticated fat:settlement, to..
fe:,8 . 48-61,
a 7 The Wolin and papers of said d. ceased are
in the hands of Daniel Piper, residing in Alexan
IV A Ills El{ ar, 611 AIC V E
(Late Hazlehurst & Walters)
Nos. 15 and i 6, Spear's Wharf,
13. t vrimons.
Liberal Ca ~11 advances made on consignments
of all kinds of Produce.
Baltimore. 168-1948.
John W. Thompson,
. .
- K7 attend to all legal business entrusted to
'V him in Blair and Huntingdon counties.—
Communiew ions from a distance will receive the
moat prompt attention.
re bl-6m.
BY order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon
county the sale of the following property will
take place on Thursday, the 23d Mayen next, viz:
All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land lying
and being shush, in Tod township, Huntingdon
county, containing 255.) acres more or less, adjoin
ing lands of Burnuei ;McLain, deed, and Joseph
Martin, on which J. Houck resides. There is
- -
tik a BARN on the premises. Also, a
first rate Orchard of bear
. FRUIT TREES. '14111 , *
'there are also four good Springs of
water thereon. There are about Mind- '
red acres of land cleared, twenty-five of first rate
meadow, and about one hundred that ran be matbk,
into meadow, all of which is in one body.
TERMS .—One-third of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of the sale. and the bal
ance in two equal annual payments, with interest
and approved security.
Sale to commence at ten o'clock of said day,
when attendance will be given Say
Jan. 18, 184840.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Dr. JOILIV C. ILIXKI.N;
dcc'd, late of Barree township.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters
of Administration on said Estate
have been granted to the undersigned.
All'persons who are indebted
,to said es
tate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having accounts
against the same, are requested to pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for set
tlement, to JAMES GILLAM.
ouliceril3eni will 011 II Public Mole on Iho
1 premises on
- - -
7'hursday, the 2nd of Aftfrek next,
A form containing about edg xerem of Rot rely
wheel land, About 200 neres le dem ed mid in
a good Mete of cultivation; The remtilnder Ig well
timbered, Tlie improvement' , area well finished
Dank Barn, 100 feet by bil ell complete with the
Iweennart. einehnlttits I and a large
OfW Eat N fint.h•
et) throtighnnt o , ith ell the heeemity
spourtenancee, sell end Sprits
House, &e, Nc, . _ .
The farm is first mrtidity of lara Weil kneed and
in a good state of cultivation, There is stout Ifs
of Meadow. The most of the buildings s'• 6
new and well finished. The eis n spring at' gbedl
water near the house, and numerous spring, an
distributed an to afford water in every field but one.
A good orchard in therein of choice fruit. The
farm in well located in the centre of the valley of
Shavers Creek, near to public wady, mills, dc., 7
miles above Petersburg where the Canal and rail
road in now located.
The terms will be one third of the purchase mo
ney to be paid on lot April next. The remainder
in friar equal anneal paymenta with interest to I'd
secured by the bond and Thrtrlgrtge of the porrha.
aer. The greater part of the bark money might
be unpaid for years by paying the interest ilitreon,
for the benefit al the widow nail heirs a,,,l e e age ,
Eve of the Estate of And. etc N. Well, deed.
January 11,1848.
Public Sale of Real Lstate.
AVILL be exposed to public sale oil
S.ITURD.:I3", the of Alarcit
next, on the premises, in the borough of Petersburg,
the (aiming described prOperty,sisi
SIX Lots of Ground,
fin% included in one square, With two Ittrgetivo
.=l.. story DWELLING 110U,E•=, Stabling,
Wogon uhed and Coin Crib erected the eon, with
a well of water convenient to the buildings.
ALBO.--A small Lot CODVOIIIO.II to the afore
said and twit included to said borough, with a
double stable, mash house and other improtethente
erected thereon.
The terms will he, one third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
the remaining two-third. in two equal annual pay
mettle, to be secured by bonds and otherwise.-- ,
Possession given on the let day of April next.—
When tire last payment in 'node, an indisputable
title will Ire given.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock of said day,
when due attendance will Le
_ .
Estate of Samuel Hampson, late of Brady
township, deceased,
T ETTERS of administration having
been granted to the undersigned on
said estate, all persons having claims
against the same are requested to present
them for settlement, and those indebted
are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned.
An Apprentice Wanted.
THE subscriber, living in Sltirleyeburg, would
take an a prent ice to the (•arpenter business.
He wou d also take a young man who would wink
under instruct ion, to whom immediate employment
.d like, al wages would be given.
Shirleysburg, clam 70, 1848.
Adesirable Tract of Land situated in
Wells' Valley, Hopewell township,
Bedford county, Pa., with the buildings
and improvements thereon erected, con
taining 342 acres, and the usual allow
It is now tenanted by E. Skipper, and
was formerly occupied by Ebenezer
Oakman. This farm is situated on the
Road leading from Broad Top to the
Three Mountain Road, and from thence
to Mr. Sprout's Tavern on the Turnpike
on Ray's Hill. The soil is excellent.—
The place is well timbered and well sup
plied with water, as the Aughwick
Creek flows through it. It would be an
excellent situation for a Store, Tavern,
Mill Works, &c. Title indisputable.
For terms apply to John Gest, near
the Gap, Lancaster county, or John B.
Gest, No. 49 south 4th St. Philadelphia,
Att'y nt Law, Bedford, Pa.
N. 13. If the above property is not pre
viously sold, it will be exposed to Pub
lic Sale on the premises, on Wednesday
the Bth day of March next et 1 o'clock
A. M., where the terms and conditions
of sale will be made known by the owner
Jan. 25, 1848.
ddminixtrators , Al,lice.
Estate of James Walker, late of Dublin
township, deceased.
jUTTERS of Administration having been
A granted to the undersigned. on the estate of
said deceased, all persons having ...taints against
the same are requested to present them duly au—
thenticated, for payment, and those knowing them
selvi s indebted are requested to make imniediee3
payment. JOHN WITH.EROW.
Administrator. jry I-6t• Administrator ,