amount of the change is this, that the foreigner brings his iron into our mar ket, and the Treasury loses three-fifths of the former duty. On such a state of things this model of a Secretary eongra tulates Pennsylvania, and eludes to the result of the late elections as speaking her approval of his financiering ! will tell you one way in which he I . lowers duties. He takes off one-half 11tintins'tlon, Tuesday,o l ,Mary 25 1848. the duty on brandy and puts it upon tea and coffee He relieves the rich man's 1):".r e are again under obligations brandy and burdens with a heavy hand ! m il, to Hells. John Blanchard and A. Stew the tea and coffee of "the toiling lions." And for this he got the votes of art for favors from Washington. Also, Pennsylvania! He takes nearly one-Ito D. Blair and A. King, Esqr's, for nu half of the duty off of lints and fifty and ' merous favors from Harrisburg. thirty per cent. off of clothes and shoes. What for I To increase revenue. How will this inereaserevenue I By increas ing imports. He says he has redu-1 ced the duties one-third, so that now he must import one hundred and fifty mil- 1 lions worth of goods to get the same revenue that one hundred millions gave ! under the tariff 0f'1842, and he must send fifty millions of dollars to pay for them. So the foreigner sells us fifty millions to displace fifty millions now made at home, without paying our Treas ury 'one cent more revenue—foreigners have all the benefit and Americans bear all the loss. That is the beatitiful pol icy of our model President and his mod el Secretary; and a pretty pair of models they are !—[A laugh] But, there is a shadow over them ! Old Rough and Ready is coming to correct all this anti- American policy and see justice done to the American people. Under this pre cious doctrine of Mr. Walker we must import six millions more of foreign iron to get the duties we did, and leave so ranch of our own iron under the ground. Why must we take so much more of British iron while England will not take any more of our cotton Once more : this Secretary tells us that the uniform effect of a high tariff is to oppress labor, and that of low tariffs is to favor it. It will soon, lie says, become an axiomatic truth "that ALL TARIFFS are a TAX upon LABOR." A tax on foreign goods a tax on our own labor ! Indeed ! I will adopt the maxim, but with an amendment. I move to insert the word "foreign." All tariffs are a tax on for eign labor. So they are, when foreign labor comes in competition with our own. But, to encourage the latter, Mr. Wal .lter takes the duty off of foreign labor and puts it on our own. The reduction inures to the benefit of the foreigner, and the Treasury loses the revenue. He says that low duties are always followed bypublic prosperity ; and he very modestly says it was the effect of his report of 7845, which was published for the use of Parliament, that produced the repeal of the British corn laws. Sir, the corn laws are not repealed ; they never were repealed. They were tempo rarily suspended, it is true; and in a very few weeks they will pgnin go into ef fect. The Secretary says it is suscep tible of mathematical demonstration that, in all countries, this and every ! 'other, the public prosperity is advanced by low duties. I deny it. I say the ve ry reverse is the result of the whole ex perience of this country, and I will pro ceed to prove it by the secretary's own official reports. [Here the Chairman's hammer fell, and Mr. S. resumed his seat.] ARREST OF GEN SCOTT.—The arrest of Gen. Scott, by the Government, will ex cite very general astonishment. There should be the most overwhelming tes timony against the Commander of our army, whose career front Vera Cruz to Mexico, displays a succession of the most brilliant victories that were ever achiev ed, to justify, or even excuse, his Gov ernment for putting himitunder arrest ! We will not, however, prejudge the question, farther than to say, that in de tailing Caleb Cushing span that Court, it is palpable that the Administration has dirty work in hand. There is a base motive at the bottom of every move ment in which Caleb Cushing is to be employed. But the Administration, in opening this fire upon Gen. Scott's "rear," as his reward for planting our Flag upon- the "Halls of the Montezu mos," will need to be "thrice armed," or it must he prepared to encounter a storm of popular indignation that will "grind them to powder."—./llbany Eve. Journal. NOMINATION OF GEN. TAYLOR.—The following resolution has passed both Houses of the General Assembly cf Ten nessee. In the Senate it passed by a strict party vote. In the House one whig, the representative from Knox, vo ted against, and one Democrat, the Rep resentative from Claiborne, for it. Resolved by the General .Isseembly• of the State of Tennessee.—That the people of Tennessee, by their Representatives, do hereby reccommend to their fellow citizens of the Union, GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR, as a candidate for the Presiden cy at the next election, in whose ability, impartially, patriotism and devotion to the Constitution, confidence can be safe ly deposited by the people. "If the Whigs had their way, if they could carry whatever appropriations they pleased, the people's money would flow like water."—X. Y. Globe. V- The President has had his way in the Mexican war, and the consequence baa been that blood has " flowed like water," and money has flawed like Wood. —told/tine Journal. THE JOURNAL. fl On our first page will be found an able speech by Hon. A. STEWART, the champion of American Industry, in re ply to the President's Message, and Sir Robert Walker's Treasury Report. The gross misstatements and attempts nt de ception of the latter document, are held up in a manner that will not be very pleasing to its author. Every paper in Pennsylvania should publish, and every citizen of the State should attentively read this speech. Huntingdon--•The Railroad, The first survey for the Pa. Railroad, passed through this borough in Wash ington street, third from the Canal. It is now rendered pretty certain that the location will be in Allegheny street, be ing the first street from the Canal. This location, it must be apparent to all, will be decidedly the best for the interests of this town. It will bring the two great improvements into close proximity, and thus afford an equal opportunity to bu siness men, for the entire extent of the town, to secure the advantages to be de rived from the road. And it will thus, too, enhance the value and stimulate the business of every portion of the town. A large quantity of goods will be transshipped here during the whole season, and when, as is often the case, the navigation of the canal between this and Hollidaysburg is impeded by low water, the trade of the entire west will be transshipped ai this point. Hunting don is therefore looking up, and bids fair to be the most important point on the Juniata. Will not all her citi cent lend their aid to secure the advan tages that are now placed within her grasp 1 We understand that the Pa. Rail road letting which was expected to take place in this borough in March, has been postponed until May next. Manufacturing Capital. In giving a list of the counties that have nominated Gen. Taylor for the 1 Presidency, the Pa. Intelligencer puts down Huntingdon among the number!— A week or two since a County Conven tion, representing the entire party of the county, unanimously declared General SCOTT to be their first choice for the Presidency. This fact we considered conclusive on the subject, until we recei ved information from Harrisburg of our mistake! If our friends at the Capitol had informed us sooner who old Hun tingdon preferred as a Presidential can didate, it would have saved us the mor tification of making the awkward blun der we did ! Why was the information withheld I ID- What have our Whig friends of Dauphin who participated in the Taylor meeting been doing, that they are ap plauded by the Locoloco papers of Har risburg 1 Meetings to advocate and de fend Whig principles have heretofore in variably called forth the abuse of those. papers! THE BROAD TOP RAILROAD We neglected to mention last week that our Senator, Mr. KING, had intro duced a bill into the Senate to incorpo rate the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Coal Company. The bill will doubtless pass the Senate, but from the Locofoco complexion of the House, we are inclined to doubt whether this bill will be allowed to go again before the Governor at the coming session. Cc:r The Legislature of Kentucky has passed a resolution recommending Gen. Taylor for the Presidency. ID - Samuel Singer has been appoint ed Recorder of Dauphin county, in the place of R. F. Black, dec'd. CANAL BOARD.—We learn from the Pa. Intelligencer that Mr. Longstreth took his seat hat week, as a member of the Board of Canal Commissioners.— Mr, Burns was elected President, and Thos. L. Wilson re-elected Clerk. ID- Hon. Henry Clay made a speech before the Colonization Society of Wash ington last week. He was received by meeting with great enthusiasm. Approaching CrisiS, It ap p ears from the Philadelphia Led- ger, that a crisis in money matters is evidently approaching with the Govern ment. The Mexican war is causing heavy drains,, and the banks and mer chants are contracting to meet the con sequences. The Sub-Treasury, at New York, has been nearly exhausted, and the Secretaty of the Treasury has invi ted to Washington several cashiers from Philadelphia and New York--for what purpose is not stated. It is evident, from the condition Of the Treasury, that the Government will soon want money. and it is true, that some capitalists and bank-officers have suddenly gone to Washington. A few days will probably determine what these movements are all about. "Conquering a Peace." Maj. Gaines, who returned from a year's captivity in Mexico, a few weeks ago, said if there was any man in Mex ico favorable to peace with the United States he had not seen him. Col. Jeffer son Davis, in a speech in favor of the Ten Regiment bill in the Senate, on the sth instant, said, "1 hazard the asser tion that there is more hostility against us in Mexico now than there was at the beginning of the war. Mexico is not conquered." Where is the contest to end, or when will our rulers become ac quainted with the people they are deal ing with 1 A peace can never be secu red by Mr. Polk; and the evils of war will have to be endured until his suc cessor takes the rein of government. THE ARMY. The National Intelligencer says : " We repeat what we have already said —that it is highly expedient that Con gress provide, if in their power, to meet the immediate demands on the Treasury for supporting the Army already in the field, before they make provision for an other ; and we may be allowed to add, that it appears to us the height of ab surdity to authorize a vast additional expenditure of pnblic money before pro viding the ways and means to defray expenses already incurred, the creditors for . which will soon be, if they are not now, thundering at the doors of the Treasury." Q - A decision was made by the Su preme Court of the United States, on Thursday of last week, in the case of Mrs. Gaines, wife of Gen. Gaines, which gives her the right, as heir, to four fifths of the immense estate left by her father, David Clark, ut his death'. It is said her share will be worth some thirty millions of dollars. The decision so affected her that she burst into a flood 1 1 of tears, and was borne from the Court i room by her friends. THE PASS AND TIIE PASSER. Mr. Bancroft's order to Commodore Conner to allow Santa Anna, "•to pass freely," was, of course obeyed by that gallant officer ; who, however, in his despatch, August 16th, to the Secretary, notifying the landing of the President's protege, let fail an expression by which it may be judged that obedience to such an order was not particularly agreeable to his feelings and officer-liko sense of honor. "I could easily have boarded the Arab," says Commodore Conner, " but 1 deemed it most proper not to do so, allowing it to appear as if he enter ed without my concurrence." The Com modore was, plainly enough, ashamed of the duty imposed upon him, and took the most delicate way of showing the world, as well as of informing the Sec retary, that he washed his hands of it.— North .dmerican. THE WILMOT PROVISO IN NEW YORK.- The New York Legislature, on motion of Mr. MYERS, a Barn-burner from St. Lawrence County, has adopted a resolu tion by a rote of 107 yeas to 5 nays, reiterating the sentiments of the Wilmot Proviso, and declaring that one of the fundamental conditions, to the admis sion of territory into the Union hereof- ter should be the prohibition of Slavery in its bounds. The Senate has concur red, 26 to 1. This is "cold coffee" for Messrs. BUCHANAN, DALLAS, CAss and other Northern dough-faces. ried to a son of Mr. Clay. Thus the children of Mr. Clay and Col. Benton be come sister and brother-in-law. Mr. Clay was at the weddiug, as was also ID- The Richmond Star says :—,‘Folks Mr. Buchanan, but no other member of who don't like the way newspapers arc the cabinet. edited, ought to ask leave to put in a [la- specimen of the right sort. Every man The Lancaster Examiner esti mates the value of flour, wheat, corn and that thinks it easy to edit a paper ex oats, exported from that county during , actly right, and to universal acceptance, the past year, at two millions of dollars. ought to try it. May be he would suc ceed, and if so he would be better anti- Brown's celebrated paintings of Gen. tied to a reward than the discoverer of Taylor, were placed in the Capitol on perpetual motion." ' last Wednesday. The Administration and Gen. Scott. TUE PRESIDENCY. The Daily News of Friday last says: I DAUPHIN COUNTY.—An extra from the —We have at last, what, we presume, i office of the Pa. Intelligencer informs us can be depended upon as authentic intel- I that a large and enthusiastic meeting of ligence, with regard to the designs of the the Whigs of Dauphin county, friendly Adminstration towards Gen. Scott. The to the election of Gen. Taylor to the many reports in ciculation for some days I Presidency, was held ,in Harrisburg, on past, have not been entirely groundless. Monday evening, 16th inst. JOHN C. The National Intelligences of yesterday KUNKLE, Esq., presided, assisted by a states, and it never makes any uncoil- i number of Vice Presidents. Wm. P. sidered statements, that Gen. Towson, COULTER, Esq. reported a series of spir- Paymaster General, did set out on Mon-1 ited resolutions, nominating old Rough day night for Mexico, where he is, in and Ready, and speaking in terms of conjunction with Gen.Cushing and Gen. deserved praise of his brilliant military Butler, of the volenteer forces, to form a I services, which were adopted by aCcla- Court of Inquiry ordered by the Presi- mation. The names of those who par dent of the United States on Gen. Scott. ticipated in this demonstration aro all A very singular Court, by the way, to familiar to us, and we are happy to add sit in judgment on the General-in-Chief i that they arc all Whigs of the true of the army. I stamp. It seems to be generally understood that the Court is to sit at Perote. What SCOTT MEETING. next will this Administration do l— [Correspondence of the Dully Newel Will the people see this high-handed HARRISBURG, Jun. 19, 1848. outrage committed upon General Scott, Close upon the heels of Monday even ing's Taylor demonstration, there was without evincing their utter nbhorenco held lust evening a meeting in favor of of the motives that actuate the President the Hero of Lundy's Lane. Upon en and his advisers ? We hope not. tering the Court House, the eye was ar rested by numberless placards posted ID.- The last Lehigh Bulletin annori- upon the walls, and bearing the signifi cess the death of Hon. JOHN W. HORN- cant inscription—" LET JAMES K. BECK, the distinguished \Vhig member IPOLK RECALL GEN. SCOTT IF HE of Congress, from the district composed ro r o ec in ec l i v in as nebvoeuntina: well filled as on the of Bucks and Lehigh counties. He died the meeting was ' far more spirited.— on Sunday evening 16th inst., at his That veteran Whig, NER MIDDLESWARTH residence near Allentown. lof Union county, presided, assisted by Senators Williamson, of Chester, Levis, of Butler, Boas, of Lehigh, and a large number o other ,Vice Presidents. The meeting was ably and eloquently addressed by James Fox, Esq., of Dan , phin ; Hon. Wm. F. Johnston, of Arm strong t Gideon J. Ball, Esq., of Erie ; David Blair, Esq., of Huntingdon, and Thomas Nicholson, Esq., of Beaver. The Hon. Alex. Ramsey of Harris burg reported a preamble and series of resolutions, from among which we clip the following: Resolved, That we have full confidence that a National Convention, composed of delegates elected by Congressional districts and immediately responsible for their action to those who elect them, will not nominate a candidate for the Presidency or Vice Presidency who does not fully and openly subscribe to the recognized principles and measures of the Whig party, and who will not freely declare, in advance, that He will acquiesce in the decision of that Con vention and join in the support of its The Washington Advertiser says Col Benton, it is said, will prefer char ges of impeachment against the Presi dent, if Col. Fremont is not acquitted by the Court Martial. KrThe Hon. B. Johnson has been ap pointed by the Governer of Georgia to represent that State in the Senate of the United States, in the place of Mr. Col quitt, resigned. Ity-As the Globe and other Locofoco papers have been speaking so highly of the speech delivered by the Hon. R. Johnston, bit the subject of the war, we suppose they will be villing to assent to the truth of the following closing para graph of that speech : The President hereafter, when in re tirement of private life, and reviewing the scenes of these bloody conflicts, however it may be now, will take no joy in the remembrance of our triumphs. The voice of conscience will tell him that all the blood of the battle was his shed ding. The tale of its glory to him, will be lost amidst theagonizing cries of the widows and orphans it has made. Sit, I repeat it, I afledge no improper motive to the Executive, but as I believe that I •am now addressing you, do I believe that upon the President rests the blood and expenses of the war, and upon him, there fore, 1 charge them. [D -The Whigs of Ohio, in State Con vention, have nominated SEABURY FORD, as their candidate for Governor. The Convention also passed resolutions against the war, and sustaining Mr. Cor win. There was no expression on the subject of the Presidency. fg:TTlie Washington correspondent of the Baltimore American thus speaks of the decision of Mr. Sergeant in the Pea Patch case : It was delivered in the Senate Com mittee Room on Pensions, in presence of of the counsel, Messrs. Clayton and Dayton, of the Senate, and other dis tinguished persons. The Opinion was I very long & very elaborately drawn, con taining many things of historical inter eat to the States of Maryland, Deleware, I Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and a mass of information, legal and historical, which will make the opinion valuable as I a state paper. It was decided that the ' Pea Patch Island originally belonged to the State of Delaware, and not to New Jersey, and that the property in this it land was now vested in the United States under a transfer made by the State of Deleware in 1813. In the Opinion many interesting reminiscences were stated, collected with the boundaries of Mary ! land, and of the contests between Wil -1 Liam Penn and Lord Baltimore under ! the original grant of territory front the j Duke of York 0A letter from Washington to the Clipper says :—The daughter of Col. Benton (Sarah) was on Monday, mar ried to Mr. Jacob, of Louisville. They left in the afternoon cars, en route west ward. The sister of Mr. Jacob was mar nominees, Resolved! That whilst we declare our determination to support the candidates nominated by such Convention, and to use every fair and honorable means to secure their triumphant election, we have at the same time no hesitation hi declaring GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT to be our first choice as the next candidate of the • Whig party for the Presidency, and in expressing the opinion that with him for our candidnte, Pennsylvania can and will be redeemed at the next Presi dential election. FINANCES Or PENNSYLVANIA... 7-110 re port of Mr. Banks, the State Treasurer, exhibits a flattering picture of the finan ces of Pennsylvania. He estimates the receipts of the present fiscal year, as fol lows : Recepts from all sources, $3,921,900 00 Balance in the Treasury on the let of Decetn ber, 1847, exclusive of the unavailable depos it in the United States Bank, . . . 680,890 85 Total amount, . 4,602,790 85 Estimated expenditures, 3,576,390 00 Estimated balance in the Treasury on the lst of 1,026,400 85 December, 1848, The total funded debt of the Common wealth is $39,220,325. "Relief" notes in circulation, $881,664. Outstanding interest certificates, $353,956. Domes tic creditors' scrip, $96,095. The Trea surer is decidedly in favor of the imme diate withdrawal of all the outstanding "Relief" issues. It is hoped the legis lature will second him. " A Bull Blooded Whig." The Washington correspondent of the Pittsburg Gazette, relates the follow ing incident: "General," said one of Taylor's offi cers, now in public life, "tell me if you are a Whig or a Democrat. Some say you. arc the one, and some the other, which is trne 1" The response was characteristic enough. "As an officer of the army in the public service, I am neither. But when the lineation is plump ly put to me, as now, I am a full blooded Whig, and one quarter over." Irl-From the recent report of the Su perintendent of Common Schools says the Lancaster Examiner, we learn that there were 2,391 scholars in attendance at the Common Schools of forks county last year, and that the tax levied to sup port the Schools was $9,533. In Lan caster county for the same period -14,644 scholars attended school ands3o,- 858 of school tax was levied. There is as little similarity between these coun ties in the matter of education as there is in pulitcs. [By Express for Ilia tollimore Stn.] FROM THE ARMY, PrmiSanae, Jan. 20. The overland poesy express for the "Sun," has just' arrived, bringing New Orleans papers of the 14th, and Mobile papers of the 15th instant,. From the Picayune of the 14th I extract the fol lowing highly important intelligence from the seat of war. There were several arrinalif . i►r the river below New Orleans on the 131 h in stant, from Vera Cruz, the latitsr of which was the steatnshipVirginia, 4hick brought dates from that place ►o ►he 4th instant. She also touched at TalrppiCo. on her route. The most important intelligence siier brings is an indefinite, but eurreel ru mor of the progress of secret negotia-: t ions between Mr. Trist and the Mexi%• can Government, which promise an ear ly peace. Such intelligence is constant ly afloat, but this seems to be founded on something more tangible than any of its predecessors. The restoration of peace would cause ten times more re joicing among the Americans in Mexico, who arc suffering from home-sickness, than it would to the natives of the soil. Dispatches were received at Vera Cruz in the course of the 31st ult, by a courier, from Mr. Boyle, the British charged af fairs at Queretaro. They were imme diately dispatChed for NeW Orleans by the British brig of war Daring. Not ing positive concerning the tenor of the dispatches was ' known, though it was the opinion Of some at Vera Cruz that they were offers of negotiation for - peace being forwarded to our government through the intercession of the British Minister. So great was the haste in dis patching them, that although the Vir ginia was to sail in a few days, the Dar ing was immediately ordered to set sail. Colonel Dixon H. Miles, with a force of 1,500 men, left Vera ruz on the 20 inst., for the capital. Gen. Marshall was at Jalapa waiting the arrival of Col. Miles there. On the 20th ult., John Reynolds, of company D, Bth Infantry, was hung at Vera Cruz for murdering a Mexican wo _men. There was a report mentioned in 'the Mexican papers that Gen. Santa Anna had embarked at Acapulco for the port of San Blas. A letter from Queretaro states, that the Government was doing all in its power to get the Congress together. It was to assemble in the middle ofbnuary. Advices from Mazatlan had 'been re ceived to the .30th ult. The guerillas under Mijares, had made an attack upon the Camp, but were completely routed. Mijares, and many other Mexicans were killed. An engagement with the guerillas had also taken place further north, and the Americans were also victorious. On the night of the 21st, an expedition was sent to Chalula to apprehend some Mexican officers, when a skirmish took place. Three Mexicans were and three wounded.. A number of Anierican prisoners, who. had bean taken 1 . 3 k. the Mexicans at various times, .bave: been sent by Jyunsea to.the Mexican Gover nor of Puebla. Jyunsea.:askeil .an .ex change of Col. Pavor for them„ .. and. and., that was not admissible an equal. Tim ber of Mexicans,—also stating that if Col. Childs would not accept either 'offer, ' to receive them as voluntarily restored.. Col. Childs answered. that he could not comply with either proposition—that the Mexicans were already indghted to our army for a !Atte number of prison ers liberated. He returns his thanks to the Governor for the prisoners thus vol untarily liberated, as well as for the kind treatment they had received whilst in captivity, and assured him. that he would take pleasure in emulating his kindness towards any Mexicans who might be taken prisoners by hint. . SOMEBODY TO BLAME.—The New Or leans Delta of a late date, tells a sad story of the condition of the Mississippi Volunteers, who had for several weeks been kept below the city in a very ex posed condition. The editor says : "We learned yesterday, for the first time, and we were then rather astonished at the information, that companies A and B of this Battalion have been, for about six weeks past, encamped in a swamp at the rear of the Barracks, and that company C has been there sinco the 17th ult. As migt be anticipated, sickness and death are rife among them. There are now, we are informed, over seventy of them in the Hospital ; five men were reported dead there yesterday morning . . The cap tain of company A reported yesterday that, of his wohle command, not twemy men were fit for duty: The preveard sickness is pleurisy. ' A DUMB MAN'S WiT.—it a recent examination of the mutes of the Ohio Asylum at Columbus the following ques tion was proposed to a deaf and dumb teacher in the institution : "Would it be wrong for a white man to marry a black wife?" The mute replied by writing— "l do not know that it would boa sin . Who wants one?" The questioner sloped. [0:- It is estimated that one in eirery twenty-two of the population of New York city is arrested in the course•bf a year, for the perpetration of some kind of crime.