MLNTIIN " - Ir j i 'rft EY JAMES CLARK VOL XII, NO. 51. TERMS: The HUNTINGDON JOMINAI." will be puplished hereafter at the following rates, viz $1.78 a year, if paid in, advance; $2.00 if paid during the year, and *2.30 if not paid un til after the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered to in all cases. No subscription taken for less than six months, end no paper discontinued until all arrearagee are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. 1:0 . To Clubs of six, or more, who pay in ad- Vance, tho Journal will be sent at $1.50 per copy for one year; and any ono who will send us that number of names accompanied with the money shall receive the Journal ono year for hie trouble. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. THE Subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on THURS DAY, the 23d of December next, at 12 o'clock i\l., the following valuable Real testate, to wit : TWO TRACTS OF LAND, situate on the banks of the Little Juni ata river, one mile below Birmingham, and within four miles of the . Pennsyl. vania Canal, at Water Street: One tract situate in Warriorsmark township, Huntingdon county, the other tract sit uate in Tyrone Township, Blair county, the River being the line between the two tracts, and also the line between Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known as the property of Andrew Rob eson, of Warriorsmark township, now deceased. Talc NIANSION TRACT, in Warriorsmark township, contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land, about 100 ncres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, with Three Dwelling Houses, a stone Barn and a good ap ple orchard thereon. THE OTHER TRACT, in Blair county contains 400 acres of excellent timber land, with a house and stable thereon erected; there is an Ore bank on this tract, from which a quantity of Iron Ore of an excellent quality has been raised. A large part of this tract is good limestone land for farming. On these two tracts are FOUR SITUATIONS FOR Forges or Furnaces, perhaps the best sites in the State. There is a number of springs on the two tracts of never failing water that keep the river free from ice for wore than a This tract is all woodland, and well covered with timber. The survey for the Central Rail Road runs through the property. TERMS :—One Third of the purchase money to be paid in hand, and the bal. lance in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchaser. Persons wishing to purchase are in vited to call and examinp the premises. Attendance will be given by DAVID ROBESON, Surviving Executor of 4ndrew Robeson dec'd. - Nov. 9, 1847. SADDLE. HARNESS AND TRUNK 01.1 XU.F.I C TOR I'. jyrebeticit RESPECi'I FULLY returns thanks his friends and the public for past favors, and takes this oppo• tunity to inform them that he still continues at the old stand, one door east of tor mont's Tavern, and nearly opposite the Post Of where he is at all times prepared to manufac ture All kinds of Harness, Sadder, Trunks, 111,11- trestle., SS file, Cushions, etc. etc., at the shortest notice and most reasonable prices. All kinds of hides end skins, and country pro duce, fur which the highest market prices will be allowed, taken in exchange. Huntingdon, Aug. 31:1847. Fall Millinary Goods. aulza otemina D Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons and .ifillinary Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia, ARE now opening for the Fall Trade a very rich assortment of Mi!Unary Goods, a large proportion of which are of their own importation, tisi—Bonnet Silks, figured and plain. Bonnet Satins, of all colors and qualties. Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a very hand. some assortment. Silk Flushes. _ . Bill; Velvets, black and colored, of all qualities, French and American Artificial Flow ei e. Fancy Laps, Cap Stuffs, Lace Trimmings. Bonnet Crowna, Tips, Buckrams, Willows, &c. They have also received by the late arrivals a very beautiful assortment of Fancy Feathers, direct front the manufacturers in Paris. Phila. sept. 7, '47. A. W. Benedict, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon.Pa.— Office at his old residence in Alain street,a raw doors west of the old Court Nouse. He will attend to any business entrusted to him lit the sev eral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, PRIVATE SALE. 1 SHE subscriber offers for sale a tract of land situated in Tyrone township, Blair county, three miles from Tyrone Forges, containing One hundred and ten acres, the principal part Limestone Land, in a high state of cultivation, with wa ter in all the fields except one ' • a Foun tain Pump at the barn, and running water at the house. The improvements • are—Two Dwelling Houses, a u ; :!ii good Bank Barn and Stable, a si Cabinet Makers' Shop, Wagon House, Carriage House, Cider Mill, and other out-buildings, all sub stantial and in good repair. Also, a new Draw Kiln for burning Lime. There is also on this farm an Orchard of Two Hundeed apple 4 % Trees nearly all of the very best grafted fruit. n.•• The Central Railroad will puss within three miles of the above property. JAMES E. STEWART. Nov. 30, 1847-61 n. THE GREAT CENTRAL HAT AND CAP STORE, Wholesale ii►.d Retail. No. 284 Market Street, Ninth door above Eighth Street, South Ado, PHILADELPHIA, Comprises one of the largest and meet beautiful so. sortment of HATS, CAPS and MUFFS in the Union, and of the latest and most approved styles, manufactured under the immediate superintendence of the Subscriber, ia the best manner, of prime materials, and will be sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. The assortment embraces a splendid variety of Silk, Moleskin, Beaver, Brush, Russia, Nutria, and other Hors of beautiful finish, and a complete stock of all kines of Cloth, Glazed, Fur and Plush CAPS, of the most desirable patterns, together with a supply of Muffs, Furs. Buffalo Robes, &c. Country Merchants and others are respectfully invited to examine the stock, which they will find it their advantage to do before purchasing, as it is his determination, having adopted the cosh system to sell for Cash only. and at the (owes! prices. JOHN FAREIRA, Jr, d7-6mj CITY OF MEXICO TAKEN! Beady-1111de Clothinu. THE subscriber otters for sole a splendid and seasonable assortment of Ready-Made Cloth ing, just opening nt his new stand, in the corner room of the brick bui ding opposite John Whitta ker's Tavern, in the Borough of Huntingdon:con sisting of the following seasonable articles, warrant ed well made and fashionably cut, vie: 2 dozen Blanket over-coats of different sixes and qualities. I do Genilemsn's Fashionable Cloaks. 12 do Dress and sack coats. 12 du well made Fancy Vests. 12 do Pants—cassimer, satinett. casdnett and corduroy, plain, figured and striped. 12 do Shirts (pleated breasts.) 3 do Plain checkered cotton shirts, Also, a variety of satin and silk stocks, handker chiefs and chart stockings, together with a variety of articles of men's and boy's wear ; all of which will be sold CHEAPER than at any other Web ishment in the county. Please call abd examine for youiselves. Cue• Miner's work puntually attended to. Sept. 14, '47.] BENJAMIN SNARE. Auditor's Notice. Estate of wILLIam HUNTER, late of Warriorsmark township, deed. THE undersigned, appointed by tho Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county to audit the ac counts &c., of the Estate of William Hunter, dec'd., will attet d for said purpose at the public house of Janie. Chamberlain in NVorriersmark township, on Friday the 31st day of December, inst., where all persons interested may attend if they think proper. JOHN OWENS, Auditor. Dec. 7,1847--4 t. ddmiteistralos•s 2 ri ice Of the estate of Daniel Kuifman, dec'd, late of Tod township, Huntingdon Co. I‘..l.tTh.e pe rsona Estate olttatshiclaimsu said ded ld t e t n o t m a nntkl e against theeame to them without delay, and those being indebted to the some ore requested to make imme diate payment to SUSAN KURFMAN, Adm'x. & JOSEPH KURFMAN, Adm. of Cass Township. JOEEPH HEIFNER, Nov. 19-81. of Tad AWFUL CA LA Mil V! AGREAT number of valuable lives were very nearly sacrificed in tho rush to H. K. NEFF & Biro's WA7'CH & JEWELRY STORE in Market Square. There you will see Gold and Silver Levers of every style, quality and price, Also, gold fob chains, guard chains and keys of every description. Breast Pins and finger rings in great variety ; gold and silver pencils, silver thimbles, tooth and nail brushes, steel beads, clasps for bags and purses, puree silk. spectaclee, accordions, gold pone of su perior quality, pen holders, a fine assortment of fancy stationery, motto wafers, fancy boxes, perfu mery, Diaries for 1848, envelopes, &e. &c. Call and examine, before it is too late. Clock and Watch repairing done as usual, and warranted. ELLWOOD SHANNON, Dealer foe Tea, Warehouses 63 Chesnut shove Second and Elev. enth and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia, HAS constantly in Store, choich as , sortment of Fresh Imported,. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Country Merchant. are invited to call at 63 Chesnut street, and examine his stock, which he offers at the lowest wholesale prices, for Cash, and whore he attends personally. 1)14-6m; HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1847. T zit DAILY NEWS THt unexampled success which has thus far attended the News Estab lithmenti encourages the proprietors to spare ho ekertions to make the Daily News a paper Which shall he second to none of its cotemporaries in Philadel phia. They will make it their especial aim to impart a dignified and high inor , al tone to the paper, and to exclude from its columns everything of an indelicate or offensive nature. They have the most ample resources, in every respect, to en able them to give to its readers the latest and most accurate local, foreign and do mestic intelligence, and also full and re liable accounts of the Markets and Com mercial news generally. The Daily News will continue to ad vocate Whig principles as originally ex pounded by the Fathers of the Consti tution, and adopted by the acredited or gans and champions of the Whig cause at the present day. It will urge the holding of a Whig National Convention for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, and will battle, with all the ability, zeal and energy it can command, to secure the triumphant election of the nominees of that Convention. Sunset, like a golden shower, fell over I the broad prairie; and the beautiful flow ers that stood cheek to cheek in loving, embrace, stretching away in long pro eession ike a fairy army, far as the eye could.reach, sent up their incense through the air, brilliant with many-colored sects; until it hung in a transparent cloud upon the verge of the sky, where the graceful curve of the horizon was lost to the eye in the depths of the un fathomable ether. Northward, the told pure blue, steadfast and solid tie Mar ble, stood like a wall bounding the vast prairie ocean ; while in the east, the gor geous pageant of the dying day-god was reproduced in dim and broken light, which whispered to the soul, sorrow and farewell. From the south, a curtain seemed to have been suddenly withdrawn —so fresh and elastic looked the pale green atmosphere, and so sweetly sigh= ed the evening wind, as it stopped to murmur to the wild bee, hid in the crim son chalice of the trumpet-flower, of her far-off forest tree, and remind her that the hour of night and rest had come. But another sound came also upon the breeze—a strange, startling sound, in the midst t hat vast flowery solitude, where never yet, as it should scent, hu man foot had crushed a flower, or hu man voice disturbed the fairies in their moonlight revels. Creak ! creak ! it is the groan of a poor tortured wagon, over laden and shrieking with thirst, as it rolls slowly and painfully along. And now there are voices—quick shouts and lowrinonstrances, and a peevish min gling of unhappy noises, making the heart thrill with an undefinable dread— noises which none but man, and the poor helpless creatures he is set to guard and. cherish on earth, can make—nor they, save when the gripe of poverty, sick ness or starvation is strong upon them. A sad and miserable cavalcade, in sooth ! First came a sturdy, iron-faced man, roughly clad in frock and broad brimmed straw sombrero, urging, threat ening and coaxing, by turns, four lank and jaded oxen, led by a poor, tottering ' and infirm skeleton of a horse. There Eie Wochentliche Neuigkeiteb, I was a strong dash of manliness in the A weekly German Newspaper, devo- teamster's hard face, and a shadow of ted to the advocacy of sound Whig, prin- deep feeling, which redeemed its other ciples, and to the dissemination of local, wise sterile aspect, and told that this foreign and domestic intelligence, will man was bound to earth by straw , and be published from and after the first of heart-woven ties. He was a husband, a March next. father; and as he cast his eyes hurried- Tzttms.—One copy, $1.50; five co- ly over the landscape, already darken pies, $6; ten copies, $lO. ins beneath the dusk, anxious and pain pa- In no case will either of the above fur expressions lit them up, as if he were papers be forwarded, unless payment be in need of aid and protection. made in advance; and no paper will be By the side of the sturdy emigrant sent after the expiration of the time, un- walked a pale and dreamy looking youth, less the subscription is renewed. with large, melancholy eyes, which made Money remitted through the mail, . 0 2ne think of spirits but to gaze upon, will be at the risk of the publishers. and whose indolent glance fell cold and Notes of till specie paying Bunks, in any indifferent as it ray of moonlight over part of the - anion, will be received in pay. the scene. For the most part his head PANsON, SANDERSON & KILLINGER. Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1847.4 t. was bowed sadly upon his bosom, and ; the motions of his limbs were painfully - - slow and uncertain. But at intervals he It oTll'li. raised his head to an attitude of haugh• NO'T'ICE is hereby given to all per- ty command—his eye dilated and burnt sons concerned, that the following! with a strange fire—his lip quivered, named persons have settled their ac-' and his whole form assumed the posture counts in the Register's Office, at Hun- of proud and triumphant disdain. But tingdon, and that the said accounts will i this aspect of the youth melted away in be presented for confirmation and allow- I stantly—almost before the eye had ta ance at an Orphans' Court, to be held ken it in and fixed it in the memory— at Huntingdon, in and for the county of; and again the suffering young man, as Huntingdon, on W ednesday the 12th day if bowed with some premature yet crush of January next, to wit: ing sorrow, crept meekly on as before. 1. John Koser, administrator ofAbra- I The wagon stopped, and the jaded ham DitsWorth, late of Barree (now horse and weary cattle stooped eagerly Jackson) township, dec'd. to the ground to regale themselves upon 2. Alexander Bell and James Ewing, the flowery and fragrant herbage, which administrators of Thomas Bell, late of grew every where so thick and matted flarree township, dec'd. that the foot felt as if it were treading 3. John B. Meng, one of the execu• upon the most luxurious carpet. The tors of George Mong, late of Warriors- elder of the travelers, driving his short mark township, dec'd. goad into the soft soil, turned to his 4. Jonathan McWilliams, guardian of young companion and said, William J. Ingram, one of the minor tt Wilfred, my poor boy, you must be children of John Ingram, late of Frank sadly wearied. Come, get into the wa lla township, dec'd. gon and try to sleep and refresh your- JACOB MILLER, Register. self- , --for I fear we must pass the :light Register's Office, here. I have as yet discovered none of Huntingdon, Dec. 14, 184.7. I the marks given us as our guide to the settlement, amid I think we must have lost our way in the prairie." The young man turned as if to obey, but was met by a beautiful young girl who bounded from the covered wagon, TERMS.—To mail subscribers, single copies will be furnished 'at $4.00 per annum. Twelve or more copies, ordered at the same time, and addressed to the same Post.oflice, will be sent et the rate of $3.00 per copy. THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS will be issued from the same office, from and after the first of January next, on Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays of each week, and will contnin the seine mutter as the Daily, including the news of the day on which it is issued. The regular subscription price will be $3.00 for a single copy ; four copies, $2.50 per copy ; ten copies, $2.00 per I "IV' THE DOLLAR WEEKLY NEWS, published at the same office, on every Saturday moraine, is a cheap Family Paper, will be furnished to subscribers at the following low terms : One copy, $1 ; six copies, X 35; Thirteen copies, $lO ; twenty copies, $l5 ; twenty-seven copies, $2O, Re. Re, BRICK! BRICK!! THE subscriber respectfully announ ces to his friends and the public generally, that he continues to manufac ture, in the borough of Petersburg, the very best quality of BRICK, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. All orders will be filled at the shortest notice. Those wanting the ar ticle for building, paving or any other purpose, Would do well to give me call: ABRAHAM STEVENS. Peterstarg, Aug. 31, 1847. BLANK DEEDS and MORTGAGES, of a Very suptiridr quality, for sale at this offieri, [CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED BY TRUTU.J MISCELLANEOUS. [From the Weekly North Anterietin.] TEE PRAIRZE FUNERAL and, running like a bird over the b;oaci flowers, caught him by the arm and whis pered, "Wilfred in usn't go in there—mama's sleeping, and she has been so ill to-day. Oh,l hope it will do her good. Sister Bela has gone to sleep long ago, for she has watched poor mama these two-days, and is very weary." Then turning to her father, she said, "Dear papa, where is our new house in the middle of the `prairie ? I can see nothing but these BY G. G. FOSTER great beautiful flowers, which look Names of Countries. little trees; and are so pretty." I The following countries were named " Poor Child !" said the father, stoop- by the Plicenicians, the greatest coin.; ing down and embracing her, "1 know mercial people in the ancient world.-- Mit where our new.home is amid these These names in the Plirrnician language„ vast solitudes, ithd lam distracted at the signify something characteristic of :he thought of your mother passing the places which they designate: . night beneath the open sky. But I see EUROPE signifies a country of white not how to avoid it. Alas, alas ! that I complexion--so named because the ip was tempted to uproot my peaceful and habitants there were of a lighter corn happy home, and plunge thMl rushy in• , 'flexion than those of either Asia or to the untried wilderness ! What will Africa. become of you, dear one!" Ast.i Signifies between or in the mid . : The little girl shook her shadowy hair ; die—frotri the fact that geographers phi from her face, and looked up in mute 1 ced it between Europe and Arden. AFRICA siznifies the land et eOrii of wonder; but the young man seemed to ear.. It was celebrated for its abuit& have become suddenly possessed of u huiv energy, and seizing the hand of the c ance of corn . and . nil sorts of grain. old man, he said, cheerfully, ..!.IIIERIA, signifies thirsty or dry— " Come, my more than father, don't very characteristic of the country. he unhappy. We will .gather some dry • i SPAIN, a country of rabbits or cones. ills country was once so infested with branches—there muse be SOMC.near at hand—and light a fire ; and while Bella ilise ahinials; that they sued Augustus and Mimi rest with their mother in the for , an army to destrby them. till ITALY, a country .of pitch--11 -in its wagon, ive will keep a stout watch . yielding great quantities of black pitch. Morning; when we shall soon find our CALABRIA, also—for the same home, and all will be well." . Garr., modern France, signifies yel- My brave boy, you are indeed " low-haired, as yellow hair characterised its inhabitants. blessing to me, and I feel stronger un- der your cheerful and hopeful words.— , The English of Caledonia is high hill: But mb' poor wife—ybur ISabella'S rho- . This was a rugged mountainous pros': tber, NVilfred—much I fear this is to be ' ince in Scotland. her last earthly journey. Dark fore- HIBERNIA, is utmost, or last habitation bodings sit heavy upon my heart, and it for beyond this westward, the Phceni almost seems as if I heard a living spirit I dens never extended their voyages. in the air, that sweeps this mocking 1 13iirAIN, the country of tin—as there desert, reproaching me for what I have 1 Were great qeantities of tin found oil I done, in dragging her amiy from the . the adjacent islaeds: The Greeks calk home of her youth, into new scenes and ' ed it Albion, Which sii:;nipei in the Pha, trials. But the hand of poverty was , nician tongue, eitlibr *hite Or high sore upon us, and I did all for the best." ! mountains, from the whiteness of its "Nay, my father, be cheerful—be full ' shores, or the high rocks oti the west of hope. lam strong, and ambitious to ern coast. show you how useful I shall become in I CORSICA a woody place. our new home. And I,abella, too—we SARDINIA signifies the footsteps of will both live and work for you and our man, which it resembles. dear mother. You shall yet be happy. RHODES, serpents or dragons, which I am sure that It must soon recover it produces in abundance. from the dreadful er which has set. I SICILY, the country of grapes. tied upon her for these three days past. SCYLIA, the whirlpool of destructions Would to heaven we could reach sornO i CHARYBDIS, the holes of destruction. place where we might procure medicine }ETNA signifies a furnace, or dark, or and assistance—that is what lam most smoky; . _..._ .., . anxious about." Svaiteust signifies bad savor ; called At this moment Isabella came nut of so from the unwholesome marsh upon the wagon, and going quietly ep to her which it stood. father, said, Partridge, the Weather Prophet, "Dear father, come and look to mo ther. She has been sleeping these three An English paper tells a pleasant an hours ; and her slumber, which last ecdoteofPartridge, thecelebrated alman night was so wild and restless, seems so I ac, maker about one hundred years since. calm and still that I cannot bear it any I In travellieg on horseback into the coon longer. Father—Wilfred—it is the sleep try he stopped for his dinner' at an inn, of death—l feel it in my heart !" and afterwards called for his horse; that Wn i Where he "Girl, girl, what mean ?On!" exclaim- he might reach the next to ed the old man, springing to the wagon intended to sleep. and tearing away the canvass covering. "If you will take my advice, sir," He raised the frail form of the sleeping pace said the ostler, as he was about to mount his horse, "you will stay where you arcs woman in his arms, and turned her f for the night, as you will surely !obeyer ' to the fast fading light in the west.— That meek and holy-looking face, which taken by a pelting rain," . 1 but a few hours before had been almost "Nonsense, non , eusditexclahned the almanac maker, "thertPit a sixpenee for purple with the flush of fever, was now cold and pale. The quick instinct of a you, my honest fellow, and good after daughter s love had too truly divined— 1 nom to you." she slept to wake no more. He proceeded on his journey, and sure * * * * * * * ' enough he was well drenched in a heavy Slowly and sadly rose that grief st rick- shower. Partridge was struck by the man family from the shallow grave, made in's prediction, and being always in- tent on the interest of his almanac, he with quick yet trembling hands,—part rode back on the instant, and was recei ing that flowery turf, till then virgin from creation to the hands of man—not, veil by the ostler with a broad grin. "W ell, sir, you see I was right after as was once their hope, in ordinary and cheerful toil and industry, trustful of . all. " bread and sustenance from their honest , "Yes, my lad, you have been so, and . labor ; but all mournfully to plant a life- here is a crown for you; but 1 give it t you on condition that you tell me how less body there, to quicken no More bet : in eternity. you knew of this rain." "To be sure, sir," replied the man.—: There *as a sublime melancholy in ' "Why the truth is, we have an rA.annae the picture of that widowed old, m ' an at otir house called 'Partridge's Alma surrounded by his weeping children, 1 ill,c,i and the fellow is such a notorious standing around the grave of the depart- , liar, that whenever he promises us a fine ed wife and mother, in the midst of the s we always know it will be the direct c d o a n y trary. Now, your honor, this day, so in unison with the pensive grandeur the 21st day of June, is set down as 'set.- of the place and time that even the tied fine weather,' now I looked at tha t mourners themselves felt a soothing in- before I brought your honor's horse out fluence steal into their souls, which hal- ' and so was enabled to put you on your lowed the blow that had crushed them i d. " to the earth. The mother there in her , gaur gorgeous grave, canopied with wild flow- Farmers Remember, ers—the wife who for so many years had 1 That in all your operations, you should smoothed away the thorns or life around ' be regulated by system. It is utterly use that miwly heart, or soothed the anguish less to expect fortunate results, unless when they wounded—lay now forever 1 they are essayed on philosophical prin. peaceful in her dreamless slumber.— cipels.—The laws which pervade and Their sad work wile clone j and the moon : govern the material world, are regular rose golden and glorious over the ocean and uniform, and it is only by proceding of verdure—lighting up its undulations in conformity with their obvious :aid un with alternate gleam and shadow ; when equii'ocal indications that we can reason that bereaved arid heart-broken old man, ' ably expect to secure success. wrestling with his great agony fell upon In the farming art, this obseriranee is his knees. Then, for the first time since an indispensable duty. We have known the creation of the world, arose through some cultivators who appeared to have that perfumed air, the solemn accents, no regular system in anything, and we' "Let us pray !" ' have never known such to succeed in; business ; unless by accident. The a.• BREAD Pea HORSES.—Oat or rye meal, ' daptatiou of means to ends, is, nothing 3 parts; mashed potatoes, 2 parts ; a ' more necessary than in the cultivatioit little salt and yeast to ferment. Mix and of the soil. The person whO cultiVates bake. Give 4 four-pound rations daily. ' one acre systemaitcally, realises more It is stated that this method effects a actual profit than the one who attempts great saving over the cot - ninon plan of to cultivate five, and performs the work feeding horses. . badly.—a. Tel. Elwr()P. \\ I'ROPEII.I OR AN HOLE NO. 621,