r 7 :1 ,,,, ~,,,:t..,,,,-,,,,,,,,0111111.111.113111111Z.L1M111iafi. 40 .11111•11• EM —.--.--. l—. ITS %YORKS P ILA IS I rr. I Blood, and remove those impurities side,' have al- Slirit9, Scalds and all kind . ? of Inflamed rosily entered into its circulation; while a third I will effectually expel fr. m the system whatever im sores cured. 1 purit'es m ay hove been discharged into the stum- TOUSEY'S UNIVERSAL OINT- ad i ; and helm they MENT, is the most complete I Strike at tha Root of Disease, Born Antidote eve,. known. It instant- Itetnavo all Impure Humors; open the poreaex ly (and as if by illsgin,) stops pains tf trrnedly and internally; promote the Insensible -the most desperate Burns and Scalds. l'erspitation, obviate Flatulency, headaithe, &c., separate all Ibreign and 010 and particles from For old sores, bruises, cuts and sprains it is the bat ap. t i l l e r i t iyle L s i czro ik a u f iti eo l,i aL r, li . e ij a d lth,: h aLt h it y i re to s,o th r e , Sze., on man or beast, plication that can be made, Ththisands hew!th ere, wirn all other meant hare jwled. have tried, and thoissitni,l praisi it. It 1 The entire truth of the above eon lia ascertained is the most perfect master of pain ev- ! by the trial of a single box ; tr.' their virtues are er discovered. All who use, recent- iso pmitive and certain in restoring Health that, the mend it None can tell how soon prop ietor hinds himself to retur-. the money ;mid . I i for them in all cases where they do not give (mi stime of the family will need it. i verse! 6111;415:6nm (0' Observe each box of the genuine i :Retail Price, 25 cts. per 330 z. Ointment has the name of S. Tousty i Principal office No. 66 vpsey St., New Fork. written on the outside label. To imitate i Sold in Harrisburg, by D. Robinson, Market St. this, is forgery. i ft . ,:r Remember Dr. U. V. Clickener is the Inven- Boatinen, Livery men, Farmers, and for of Sugar Coated Fills, and that nothing of the surf was over beard of until he introduced theta in all who use horses, will find this Oint. , one. 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, always meat the very best thing they can Inn?' ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, for collar galls, scratches, kicks, &c. ' and take no others, or they will be madethe vi • • e. &c. &c., on their animals. Surely, ev. tints of a fraud. ery merciful man would keep his mil. AGENTS.—T. K. SIMONTON, Hun mals as free from pain ns possible.— tingdon, Jas. Clark, Birmingham, J. R. Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that ! Cox, G. 11. Steiner, Waterstreet, Moore is required. Try it. & Swope, Alexandria, A. &N. Creswell, Bites of Insects.—For the sting or bite ; Petersburg, Wady & Patterson, W il. of poisonous insects, Tousey•s Omt- liamsburg, Royer & Co., Springfield merit is Unrivalled. Hundreds hate' Firmace, M. Thompson, Doncansville tried and found it good. J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con Piles Cured! —For the Piles, Ton. ,iron, Frankstown sey's Universal Ointment is one of the best Remedies that can be applied. All who have tried it fur the Piles recent mend it. Old Sores Cured.—For old, obstith sores, there is nothing equal to Tut. e.ty's Ointment. A person in Manlius had for a number of years, a sore' leg that baffled the skid of the doctors.— Tousey's Ointment was recommended by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its first virtues,) and two boxes produeid snore benefit than the patieto , lied received from any and all previoos ' oa remedies, Let all try it. 'ALL-HEALING BALSAM. ; Burns and Scald, C I ared.—Thoasands: :‘,l; your friends it they knew or any thing that of eases of burtiw and scalds, in all parts ' Will so speedily cure a ring, and tedious a ongh of the countr, have been eurel by ' i l i t i : it r , t, . 1 ' , ±" , 1 ` 1 . ; 1-1 ;::!;c::" L ' , D) , 7"Pii ' a ana' a UlZ Tousey's UutWersal Ointment. Vert!- Ti ,,.'„,,, , ,;;;,,.:',,,,' " saiiii . ia ' n "z i 'l' a n it:'i tli d e7:7l7e °, rl , in; ficates enough can be had to fill the , —.No. There tomer yet has bre.. a remedy istra whole of this sheet. ' duced to public make which lies been productive Violent BrAises O ared.—Test inioni al s ' of so much good in au shurt a space of time. Read I.ID W ‘ RE OF IMPOSITION. `!'onset',, . the lul owieg . on testimonials, in favor of Ointment for curium braises, tare been I ASTONISHING CURES. Dr. Shernian's Poor Mane Plaster has his name with directions ',tinted on the back of the Plaster, ..- Wm. 13oN v, the celebrated Boston craeker !Ink i er, offered the proprietors. ILintrcs in 1 raid a foe 8. mile of the Doctor's written name un i 9 1 2 ,, N i a ,fli cin i lls d tr , :e d t i . i Ll A rt . ro o k i, l i y i . a n i, $ ) t r a a te o s that his wif could lZl;eneus will certify to its great tnerits der the directions. None others are genuine, or to to relieving the pain of the inmost severe not find permanent relief front the Y r. 'II. eat ineilieul ad- 106 Nassau street, Now York. bruise. All persons should try it. ; vice wittca New Yolk and Brooklyn could produce, Aire:i.e.—T. K. SIMONTON, Huntingdon; Scald Head Cured.—Sores or cases of . was induced to try this great remedy. ;;ale"ow Jas. k lark, Birmingham ; J. IL Cox, %A arriurs we . life daughter, who was sulrerin,g : min k ; J. sA se rt, scald head have been cured by Toitsey's , nearly It ' ti,,it the same disease tried it. and w. alro cured Spruce Creek ; G. H. Steiner, Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails. : Water Street , Moine & Swoope, Alexandria; A. .:;••lt Rheum. Cured.—Of all the rent- by I ' III '• ll ' ind i ' 11°w s' well lhat ' l ie i. ub °c& N. Cresswell. Petersburg; Orlady & son. .... '..... .-.'er discovered fur this most this- I° 6' from her ibeil curly in the morning a• d, a- 1 wiiii.......; Royer & C '" S• P rin g fielli•ce ' • , teal to ,ter usua duties through I.le day without ! M. Thompson, Dencansville ;J. M. Lindsey,Hul ,.. 7' ta ' - de complaint, Tousey's Culver- any Raney:ace firm, b isticasag malady. lidaysburg; Jas. Caldron, Fnkstown. .. . IJ.ittinctit is the most complete. it . Hasa ir JACltsos, treet, near the Catholic 1 o hamy • c...s never known to fail. centotry, canto to th e fir the purpo. of ob• of th e °histamine, bee f s been Chapped Hands can be Cured—Ton- ! t A t i r t,' 4 ,. l a 1!","1,7 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &X, ,ys Universal Ointment will , al wa Y, ' ' and ‘,... 1 i:o vi e u x i tarits . t ' e s il l ' o l i i i m h t i ' s ' it ' r li ti..:l 'I LI:: :1T years , :111HE sitbseriber o ff ers to the trade , or by retail Bare the wo r st cases of chapped - hauls. ~,,t speak. lle purchased a bottle and rode home. ;1 a large and general assortment of the following Scores of persons will state this. ; Four days eke wa•d he waited from his residence ' articles, being all of his own importation or menu- Sore Lips C tired.—For the cure of to the ranee without fatigue, a dislanee of over two, facture. sore lips,. there was never anythinrr l mites, to led of the wench -tie' relief which he had I Buyersof goods in this line a. e invited to ex ! expo. kneed from using about one half of one hots ! amine the assortment. and ardersaresolicited.with made equal to Tousey's Ointment. Ft rte. 1 the assurance that every effort will be male to give is sure cure fur theta. Try it. Conmemaption ofthe Lung's. 1 i f eatm.ection and Insure a continuance of custom. It is a scientific compound, warren. Gold &Silver Lever \N etches of ordiautoy quality. ted not to contain any preparation of M "• C ''''''',7' 35 White street , w oo no low in ' Do. do. do. of superior finish. the month of ueceinner last, that he was given up Do. do. do. Anchors& Lepinee. Alereury• ity his physicitn. Ii is friends erstertatned no hope [-'f rice 25 cents per box. For far- his °lye double ea ed En Huh end Swiss verge of recovery. He was pe..aded to try the ''' Watches , h with caret! English i• d heavy ea their particulars conc.:emir this really Obi...lien and to his surprise it hue so far rest. Gold l t e e rve r ri:yin all v t a ' r t i . e l ti l e e i: ' re : I nd in L 7 • valuable Ointment, Ow p , 4 le are refer. not hen to health that he le mow able to walk about Silver Plated, and Silver Wares. ' real to phemphlets to be had Erati= of I the str , i'iii• Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes. respectable D:ue - gists and Alcrehants Ml ' s ' A.1.1. " E "' 'he wife ‘ V " I ' H. A " 1 " , Geld and Silver Spectacles. 1 Januar Haim., Esq, and George W. I lays, Esq., Di amoh d la i„ ta d G o ld 1 , ,, throughout the United States. can all bear testi:nous , from their own experience of AGENTS.—T. K. SIMONTON', Hun- Mantel d 091. Clo kir i gilt and other frames tits hyalite; prime. ties or 'hi. Great Remedy in a N h r , i 7 t h era t ;r o m a it . ri d ' m n .t er i a i. o f all aor t a . • tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R. Consumptiou of the Lungs. I Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, i-qeel Beads, Ike. Cox, Warriorsrnark ;J. S. Gett, Spruce Sptiling; Blood. I flaying every facility for obtaining goods on the Creek ; G. 11. Steiner, lV aterstreet ; Mrs. TilouttounNe, 35J Monroe street, who most advantageous te i me, corresponding induce Moore & St , Alexandria ; A. & N. h a d been troubled Fos a great length of time by a meaty will be offered to purchasers. Creswell. P erg ; Orlady tk Putter- revere cough, aud raised qutnitaies of blood, was ii JOHN C. FARE, son, w ink, i erg; R o y e r „ss Co.' relieved by one be le of the Olevaiinion,and declares 112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. Springfield Furtlatte ; AI. Th ompson, it the greatest re yin the world. ju1y20,1847•6m. • - - ------- _____ Dune:um/bile ; J. AI, Lindsey, Holli- 'ELL • , 6 Water street was also rer. sumo complaint, alti:ough he was CHEAP WATCHES & JEWELRY daysburg ; Jas. Condron, Frankstown. il ' 1 " ::7.17: " It'l l : , %ter) much reduced when he commenced taking it A T thetiPhiladelphia - -- ' --having been under the care of his physician du• CLICKENEIVS ring the past winter. AlthoUgh he coughed con- ...e./...,. A L Watch and Jewelry. ifs` ~. Stole," No. 96 North Sec- SUGAR-COATED PILLS, 1 stonily arid w. very much troubled witii night ree ." -• end Street,eorner of guar sweats, Iwo battles or the remedy enabled him iu : ka \ , ,, . , ry. 0. ,, Lever wmches, The Wily 'Effectual PuNative, return to his daily work. He w. entirely relieved. ts. ., ~ sc ~ ~,, cured within the lard year full jewelled 18 carat cases D•etu It NNW:news, 60 Laight s t reet, George t .. ,i i iL.,_ r i OVEN 200,000 I'EICSONS w. Burnett, formerly of Newark, N. J., Homy 4 -- and gold Dial, 40 00 of the following Complaints: Lisbon, 109 Riving:ton rtreet, and numerous other ' Silver Lever Watches full jeweled, 20 00 i p;ri t c;) , :t . a na lT i v e e c h o e n e ) ; l e a l i t nt t l ) i y ly th a i t i l , t r l , p rn e e rt i nanently cured , Silver 1 1:: p te .n nt e L m everWatnhee,.se . ven jewel., 18 00 ilea la.the, Giddiness, Rheumatism . Piles, Dis• IY• i Watches , 12 00 pepsia, scurvy, smut pox, Jaundice, Pains in the . • AGENTS.—T . K. SIMONTON, Hunts . g uarlier Wald's 8 00 Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Imitation Quertier Watches, . 0 00' Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Freers o( i ingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R. (;,,Id Spectacles, - 4 7 00 all kinds, Female Complaint.. ith...i e ., S a lt Rheum Cox, Warrioremarli ; .1. S. 'sett, Spruce Fi ne 5it,..,. sp ee t ac i e ., 1 50 Heartburn Wort., Cholera Moth., Coughs, Creek ; G. H. Steiner. Wttterstreet ; Gold Bracelets with Top. Stones, 350 Quinsy, Whooping (7° ". h ; C° ""'"P"""' Ft " Moore & Swoop; Alexandria ;A& N. Gold Pens with silver Pencil and Holder, 125 Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Dea6lestr, Itchings of Creswell, Petersbarg; Orlady & Patter- ' Ladies Gold Pencils, 1 75 1 the Skin, Colda, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com ouinis, and a var i aty „f „L), / ,', dj„,.,., arising fe,m, son, Williamsburg ; Royer & Co. Spring. . silver Tea' oons,front $4 50 per set to 600 I I Gold Firtge ' r p •Rings, front 37i cents to 80 00 impurities of the b sod, and obatrutiiiona in the or- field Furnace ;M. Thompson, Illincvs. Watelt-Glasses:—Plain. 123 Ms; patent I.Bi t gaps of digestion. Ville ; J.. H. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg; Lunet 25 ;other Articles in proportien. Allgeode ExperWacehtu t limy" that nearly every die." , Jas. Condron, FrankStown. werrented to be what they are sold for. originates (tem impurities of ti.e i•lond or Derange- -- ' On hand some Gold and silver Levers, Lepinee means of the Digestive Organs; and to SC , tire lE. E. mooRE. I. S. RISDON• and QUartiers Imp. than the above prices. Heolth we must rein.ter. those Nips 'ales and re 'MOOR It; A' Rlf 8 DOA!, Constantly on hand, an aseortment of hilver 'Pa store the blood to ire rowel state. Therefore. . , , . „ _ „ , •_... c hie, Dekteit, Tr. ~.it ort d me. or d.- poen., soup.' when ilia alitzialma ilvme4einent of Clio system is Yd. "...1.1 41 at _if LI ~ ..il Ist 4..tt A 4 14 11 Ithi . ./ a ' Leal., Suieusl'onge, Katikueliings, Fruit and indicated by Costiveness, ur any other sign, it ati• .At . o. 71) South Third Street, nearly oppo- Hotter Kniees, Thimbles. shields, Knitting Nee nl,Milikell us that sapornultiea aro gathesing in them site the Exchange, Philadelphia, . rile Cages and Shred., Purse and Reticle Claspe, system, which shun i l be hicat..cliately 1,111 , 3Ved by E ,,,,, • T f ,,u LIN , 00 „, „, t o t h ei r r ;, 1 ' —Tito dilyer warranted to he equal to American act elnetuallitaxing. This fad. am stated, fa uni- It . il ' ,I. th a t i ~I " te o , r I ' Ili ' Coin, vera.illy kaa . vvii; but people have such an aversion po r',.. S i t i O • o t t , ll,; 7 ol j o l : ' ,f er " :. - . lr t i l e o , Y f t , ' ,, r , ' , t :: ' 1 1" 1 4 1 . 1 ,;, Y no P o ;:: , . _Also a great variety of Fine Gold Jewelry, eon to ine,licine. that. Unit. the e.t.a ur2ent. they pre- so r ting in part of Finger-Rings of . all styles, wet rmls. and at moderate rives, ever, art i cle of l'asit ferret' the die.. to the cure, genteelly. Since the . . . to-able Clothing emmtituting it Gentleman's Wald- "' l li Di a mmw• Hull's, Lateral r'qui. , T.Pazi inveution, however, of Garnet, Carnelian, Jasper , Cape May, Amethyst robe, for which their complete mock of choice end • , Cliekeaer's Vegetable Purgative Bills, I c a refully retorted cl o th s , c as si iiieres ,v es ti n ,,& e ., t an. ' , nor sto . t t l . es..... i ltreastep n in d s 71 . 13:a , :ele n t d e E nf all this oirje4n , slaes not exist... they are compktely 'of the latest and meet dearable patter., are paqie. ! sty 1!.....1...?, •'' : awned. ser-Kings o n f eh a . lll " styles; Gold Chains of na enveloped with a raining r! rate while Bak, utility designed. ' all styles arid cantle finest comity, together with ell (we di•dinet fiem the intro.! ingredients . a lint 'Their own practical knowledge or the business her articles in the line. which will be sold unam - shell from the kernel) hare nn rage , f medicine, and it personal attention to every garment, enables ally low, wholesale and re . tail.—Also . l'lmina Light tend are ite easily swallowed . hits of candy .- them to give maim satisfaction, and to both old and Moreover they neither neertaente an gripe in the new cuidomere they respectfully tender an invite- ' ning'n°' Prince , by the ' e ' en er "'o h ' lin e• slightest degree. They operate equally en at the lion to give theme cell. .. I O. CON RAD. diseased parts of the system, instead of confining Having been for years eonneeted with some of I Watchmaker. it Jeweller themselves tn, and racking env particular region. the heal end mom fimhionableestablishmento in tide / N. B.—On hand M. J. Tobias & Co'f. held 'Chas' for exairp e. if the Liver lie aff'scistl.one fn. country. employing none but first rate workmen,i quality fu Ifjewelled, Patent Lever Movernents, in gee liner will operate an that pact:Muter wen, end, and being in the el:instant ,reeeipt 1)f the latest faith. I 18 I arst Gold Came, Alan a quantity of Moves by (lemming it of that Exec , . of Bite it in, em - lone, and best styles of good, they aro fully prepay- I msnte which will he case d any style required, and anintly dlatheriting into the st..ma , h, ' ,q ui , i t to ed to ace ... o am e customers in the best manner. : 'old at 5 per cent above the price of Importation.. its natural state. Another will operate oat the ~ Philada., Aug. 24, 1847. 1 July 20, '47-Iy. Ask the Sufferer kliOn A , 4 'is 53 it what lius his chiliculty a short ;lino fruni 't,ugh aikif.6utroca• now tle will tell you it was ifte 01 Ajl Bhlsain." Ask :ha uysumptive what has I,ll3yed 11 . 14 . ciugh, rrtuu ve,l the Pain to Ilia :Side and Ch, pldeetl t tic!..e..l his eight nweate and use at health upon his cheek ? taild lie wilt tell you OLOSAONIAN, Sickness in Children. And the suffering which they undergo from worms' often tend to a fatal %erininatien, white 'the CAUSE is never suspected. thfentive breath, picking at the note, grinding the teeth during sleep, starting in steep With fright and screaming, troub lesome cough, and feverishness, me among some of the Prominent Symptoms of the presence of worms. A timely use of . , . SHERMAN'S WORM i&ZENZ; ES will immediattlly remove all these unpleasant art'', toms, and restore to perfect health. Si...ter lanenue, &metier of the Catholic 1 - la I Orphan Asylum has added her testimony in their favor, to the thousands which have gone before. I. he states that there are over 100 children in the Asylum, mid that they hove been in the habit of going !' hermsn'a I.niett gew, and sht has always found them to be attended with the movt beneficial effects.. They have been proved to be infallible in over 400,000 cases. CONt,TiMPTION, Influensa, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, 'l'ightness of the Lungs or Chest may be cured.— Rev. Darius A nthony was very lo* front Consump tion, Jonathan Howarth, the celebratedternperance lecturer, was reduced to the verge of the Crave by raising bloood. Rev. Mt... Dunbar, of New York, the Rev. Mr. De Fore.t. Evangelist itl thh Wein ern pa: t of this state, Rev. Sebastian Streeter, of Huston, the wife of Orasmus Dibble, Esq., in Mo ravia, and hundreds of others, have been relieved and cured by u proper use of Sherman's Cough Lozenges, and no medicine !mover ben n offered to the public which has been more Obi:tool in the relief of those (lissom's, or which can be recommended with ino•e confidence. '1 hey alloy all itching, render the cough easy, promote expectoration, remove the cause, and produce the most happy and lasting effects, HE /ID4CHE, Palpitation of the Helot, Lowness of Spirits, Sea sickness, Despondency, Fsitress, Cholie, Spasms, Crumps of the Stomach, i• uninter or Bowel Corn (Halms, also all the distressing symptoms arising from tree lining, or a night of dissipation are quick ly and entirely s telluml try using Sherman's Camphor Lozenges.. They net speedily and relieve in a very short space of time, git ing tone and vigor to the system, and enable a parboil using them to undergo great urea• till or bodily fatigue. RHEITOMTISM, Weak Back, pain and weakness in tne Breast, Back, Limbs and other parts ul the body are speed ily end cactua ly reliesrd by Sherniutes Poor Alan a Pi , aler, which coats only l 2i cents, and is within the reach of all. no great has become the reputstiun of this article, that one million will nut begin to supply the annual demand. It is acknowl edged to be the best etrengthening Plaster in the world. Beware of Counterfeits. CURM FOR CONSUMPTION. 7,000 Cases of obstinate Pulmonary Corn: plaints Cured in One Year ! 444 4 4 4 WISTAR'S 4 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The Gredt .hmerican Remedy for Lung Complaints ant all affections of the Respiratory Organs. (rj-We do not wish to trifle with the lives or health of the afflicted, and we sincerely pledge ourselves to make no assertions as to the virtues of this med• icine, anti Co hold out no hope to suffer ing humtihity which facts will not war rant, Wye aitt the attention of the candid to a few considbrations; Nature in every Piirt of her works, has left indelible marks of adaptation and design. The constitution of the animals and vegetables of the torid zone s is Built that they could not thdure the cdld df the frigid zotie, and vice versa. In regard to disease and its cure, the adaptation of remedies is not less striking. The Noss of Iceland and the Pine and Wild Cherry arcs justly celebrated for the cure of all diseases of the Lungs and Liver, which are so fearfully preva lent in all Northern latitudes. From a combination of Chemical Extracts pro cured from this 'Moss' and those 'Trees' DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY is chiefly formed. v-rr CURES !. Wherever Wis. tur's Balsam of Wild Cherry is intro duced, it at once attains that high rep utation which it so richly deserves. What can prevent its sale when on eve ry hand can be witnessed its wonderful cures 1 The worst cases of Asthma re cent• and dangerous Coughs, (and also those that are of long standing,) Bron chitis and Consumption, (in its early stages,) are always cured by this re markable medicine. Important to those afflicted with Diseases of the LUXGS and BRIMST. Will miracles never cease I :Vlore eVitlence of its surpassing health restorative virtues! [From Dr. Baker, Springfield, 'Washington coon ty, Ky.] Bruirtorratn,ky , May 14, 1845, Messrs. Sanibrd & Pork :—I take this oppor tunity of informing you of a most remarkable cuie performed upon the by the use of Dr. Wis. tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the year 1840 1 was taken with an indama tion of the hovvels. which I labored under for six weeks, when I gradually recovered. In the fall of 1841, I was attacked with a severe cold, which seated itself upon ray lungs, and for the space of three years I was confined to sly bed. I tried all kinds of medicinces, and every variety of medical aid, without lwnefit ; and thus I wearied along un til the winter of 1845 .when I hearilof WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD C HERM% Sly friends persuaded me to give it a trial, though I had given up all hopes of recdvery, and had prepared myself for the change of another world. Through their solicitations I was induced to make use of the ()ermine 1/1 istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The effect was tru y astonishing. After five years of affliction, pain and suffering, and after having spent four or five hundred dol lars to no pvrpose, and the best and most respecta• ble physicians had proved unwilling, I war soon restored to entire health by lire blessing of God and We use df Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher ry. em now enjoying good health, and such is my altered appearance, that I am no longer known when I meet my acquaintances. I have gained rapidly in weight, and my flesh is firm and solid. I can now eat as much as any person, and my food mems to t greo with me. I have eaten more during the last six mouths, than I had eaten in five year. before. Considering My case almost as a miracle, I deem it necessary for the good of the afflicted, and a duty I owe to the proprietors and my fellow men, (who should known where relief tuay be had) to make this statement public. May the 1.1 ssings of God rest upon the proprie tors of an valuable a medicine a. Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry. Yours, Respectfully._ N' M. H. IfAHER, BEW,IRE OF COUNTERFEITS Those who counterfeit a good medicine for the purpose of adding a few dollars to their pockets, are far worse titan the manufacturers of spurious coin. For while the isstter.only job us of our pro perty, the former tali; properly, and health an d life away. Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is admitted by thousands of disinterested witnesses to have effected the most extraordinary cures in cases of pulmonary end athmatic character s ever before recorded in the history of mediate. The young, the beautiful, the good, all speak forth its praise. It is now the favorite medicine in the most inteligent families of our country. Such a high stand in public estimation hasbeen achieved try its own merits alone. And so long as a discerning public are careful to get Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and refuse with scorn, counterfeits, and every other srtic'e proffered to them as substitutes, so long will eines, positive eures,cheer the fireside of many a despairing fans ' sly. }The true and genuine Wistar's Belssm of Wild Cherry is sold at established agencies in all parts of the United States. Sold in Cincinnati, on the corner of Fourth and NA'ainut streets, by 8 INFORD & PARK. General Agents for the Western States REED & SON, Huntingdon; Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg; Morris & Nicodemus, Martinsburg. NEW GOODS ! At the Cheap Corner ! THE subscriber would most respectfully Invite the public to call and examine one of the most splendi I Stock of Goods ever opened in this county. It is needless to un dertake naming the articles or price: as the price I would be so low you could not believe it until you would sec it, and the variety sa great that I could not do justice to myself or the goods by attempt ing to give you any idea of the quality. Thank ful for past fevore, I still hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. JOHN N. PROWELL. Cll., Coma," Huntingdon, Sept.:?:, 1847. N. B. Country Produces takers in mature for goods. ii*OOWAAAZI SOME x. ABOR. A DAMN do BOATS CaRRIaGE XND W' GON XSJV- UFrICTORY; . Opposito the Presbyterian Chitral, liiiniingdon. HE h E athy s tit e :r i er aita l ltimes respectfully tespep informiaprepared dt to oe execute public, any orders in their line of business, at the shorteet notice and on the moat reasonable terins. Ciirrag es; Buggies, Wag gons, Sleighs, Dearbrns, and Carts, trade to order, of the beet niateriala, and at rea sonable Repairing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the shorterit notice. (0-Those wanting neat, cheap and durable ar ticles in our line of business, are respectfully re quested to give tre a call.• . _ _ ADAMS & BOAT. dec3o;4o•ly HARRIS, TURNER & IRVIN, WHOLESALE UDMILU CE3`. Ei43 Mi. 201 Alarkft Street,. one door above Fifth; North Side, Philadelphia. IM PORTERS and Wholesale Dealersin DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIEMR . ALS, Patent Medi cines,Obstetricallnetruments,Driiggi.stkGlaisware, Wham* (Wei. Paints, Oile, Dyes , Perfuthery, Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians, supplied with the above articles on the most favoro ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or ders. Every article warranted. JOHN HARRIS, M. D., aept23. JAS. A. TURNER, ILle of Va WM. IRVIN, M. D. Eats, Caps, Esclies'Blutili, Boas, &c. To Merchants, ['atlas, and Others. GARDEN & BROW N, Hat 4- Cap Ware House &..11anufactory, No. 106 Market Street, Second Door below Sixth, Philadelphia, T) ESPECTF LILLY solicit attention I I, to their large and complete stock of HOTS and Caps, manufactured under their owl. immediate direction and su• perinteudence with all H.e advantages of modern improvements to enable them to'com- I ine the intoortani ttualitirs of durability, taste and beauty of finish with extreme cheapness of price An immense anti beautiful aasortment of all va rieties and prices of Beaver. Brush, hilk. Moleskin. Russia, Cassiniere, Wool, Sporting and Ashland I lets. Also, a general assOrtment of every variety of Cues—Otter, Ft r seal, Hair Seal Musk tat, Plain and Fancy Cloth every style, Red, Nark and Brown Mohair,Sealette,Glazed, Oiled Silk & Fur Caps • Ladies' Muffs, Boas, &c., ut the very lowest prices. Buyers by the dozen or less, are invited to call and ree if it is riot to their interest to il al with us. Particular attention paid to the packihgrof Hats, Caps, &c. Cash paid for Muskrat and Shipping Furs. GARDEN & BROWN, No. 198 Market Street below Sixth Street. Philadelphia, July 20, 1847-3 m. CLOTHING STORE THE subscriber, of the late firm of Buck & Moore; takes this Method of informing his friends and the public in general, that he has h.rught out the interest of N. L. Buck, at the old established CLOTHING STAND, No. 254, MARKET STIIELT. PHILADELPHIA, and is now prepared to furnish all kinds of Ready-made CLOTHING, at prices which cannot but secure to him the patronage of all who desire to purchase cheap clothing. I have splendid French Cloth Dress and Frock Coats from $5.50 to $18: do. Panto from 75 cents to $6 ; Vests, from 623 cents to $4 ; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Aloe, all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishlhg Goods at ex+ tremely low prices. Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well to call at the store of JOSEPH J. moonE. 254 Market street, Philadelphia mayl9•tf. SAA, HARNESS & LEATHER 111.11 5 1 5 1.CT0RY. THE undersigned take this method of informing their friends and the pub , hcgenerally, that the flowing enumerated articles, together with all manner of ',yolk pertaining to their !ruttiness, Ivill Ire ,ilisposed of to purchasers, and made tip to ordet , o workmanlike and ap proved style, very cheap, for cash or country pro duce. All that is necessary for those who wish to he accommodated in any article in their line of business, will call at their shop, Three doors west of Buoy's Jewelry Es tablishment, Where the public can at all times be accommated with Red and Oak Sole Leather, Skirting, Harness and Bridle Leather, Upper Leather, Calfskins, Spanish and Country Kips and Sheepskins. ALSO, a first rate quality of BOOTS and SHOES, eNlitifer. a dia for Men, Women and Children, of all qualities and prices. They also continue to carry on in all its various branches, SADDLE and H AR NESS making, and are ready to , furnish their customers with all _ 4 " , - kinds of Trunks, Vallee., Carpet bags, Plush. Hogskin and Tub Side.saddles, (from ihe cheapest to the best.) A Lso, Shelter Saddles, of all kinds, Waggon and Carriage Harness, Bri dles, Collars, Whips, dec. All of which will be disposed of cheap for Cash or any kind of country produce. The high est price, in trade, gioen for beef hides, calf hides, bark, &c. J. J. & A. H. BUMBAUGH. je23:'47-13rn. N. 11.--jrvio apprentices will be hken at the above establishment if application be made soon. BRICK! BRICK! ! THE subscriber respectfully announ ces to his friends and the public generally, that he continues to manufac ture,. in the borough of Petersburg, the very best quality of BRICK, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. MI orders will be filled at the shortest notice. Those wanting the ar ticle for building, paving or any other purpose, would do well to give me call. ABRAHAM STEVENS. Petersburg, Aug. 31, 1847. IDLLE Rork 'egt la btu I arret.i . bui Fines, L _ _ The only known Medicine that at the same time purges, purifies and strengthens the system. LONDON, July 7, 184& I) it. LE ROY'S Pills are new medicine which has just appeared, and is fast taking the pieces of all others of the same class. These pill. ari composed of many ingredients, but the two princi pal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry, ro uni ted that they act together; the one, through it. admix ure with, other substance., purif3ing and, llitirgihk; While the other is strengthening the sp.- tern. Thus those pills are at the some tints tunic and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly caught for by medical Men, but never before die covered. In other iiv,orils they do the work of tw e medicines, arid do it much better than any two we know of; for they remove nothing front the system but the impurities; to that while they purge they stiengthen; and hence they cause no debiliiation, and are follow. dby no re.action. Dr. Le Roy's pills have a wonderful inilhelice n the blood ; they nut only purify without weakening it. but they re; move ell noxious particles from the chyle before it is converted into fluid, aild thus make impure blood an alter impossibility. As there is no dr WI, Italie!), so there is no nausea or sickness attendinit the oneratiebs of this tnesfexcellempf medicinei. which never strains or tortures the diiestive tune ; ) dons, but causes them to work in a Perfec4 neter i al manner; and h'enit persons taking them do not, becohre pale and emaciated, but the contrary; fon while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united as it is with other ingredients, to remove all that is. foreign and impure, it is equally the property Of the Wild Cherry to retain all that is naibral ar.d sound; and hence a robust stole of health is thy certain result of their united operations. i'Price 25 CCIliB peg• BOX. AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoops and Af. rice, Huntingtlon ; W. W. Buchanan, and Ketisler, Mill-Creek ; S. Hatfield & Son. Juni. ata Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, Moore & Swoops.. H. C. Walker, Alexandria; U. H. Sieinar Wateratreet. [Aug-. 31, '47. 1C0.„::.. - ..1PFKiRTF/.1:P DR. DAVIS'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY .AND TAR, pOli. the cure of Pulmonary Consump.; tian, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Influen za, Bronchitis, 'Pleurisy, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Xerrous Tre mours, looping Cough, Oc. Proof follows upon proof of the virtues fo DR: D./W.lB'S SYRUP. Read the following .Mew Certificates MILFORD, Perry co., Pa., Clet. 1, 1846 Maims. Robinson, Collins & Co:—Sirs: This is to inform you that I wan afflicted for 20 years with a violent pain in my bteast, no much so that I could hardly lay inc hed at night. Cough attended, followed by emaciation and other decided symp toms Of crinsumption. I applied to several eminent physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with: out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr: Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild ( berry aid Tar, of which I took two bottles,which entirely re lieved me of my complaint ; therefore I can wick confidence recommend it to all who are in a liki mant,er afflicted, an a most valuable Medicine. Join T.Bmir The authenticity of the stove statement it vouched for by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of Milford, who know. Mr. Tourney, and the eircum , stances of his case. Mr. T. is now sixty years of age, Price, $1 per bottle. Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen , end agents. For - sale by THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his Furnaces ; Boyers, at all their Furnaces ; Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F. Bell, Laurel gun Mills, and Spencer & Flood, Williamsburg. .. Not for a Day but for All Time." STANTON'S EXTERNAL REMEDY. HUNT'S LINIIVIEN T, HAS now given abundant evidence of its heal.' ing powers, and proved itself the most extra-' ordinary arid wonderful medicine in the world.— In the short space of two years. it hm acquir.o a reputation for curing disease and relieving pain far greater than any medicine ever discovered. Its wonderful cures have astonished the Medical Fac ulty, who now universally concede its great value: They speak of it in the highest terms, and com mend Ito uso. It is condemned by none. On the contrary, its praise is universal. The caries of cures are no nu merous that it would take volumes to recount them; and it is a fixed fact, and is not disputed, that as a Pain Extractor it has no equal. For the many astonishing cures, see tho pamphlet, to be had of each agent. If you suffer with either of the diseases for which it is recommended, resort at once to its use and be cured. For the following diseases it is an infallible reMedy Spinal affections, Rheumatism, Paralysis and all Nervous affections,Salt Rheum, Croup or Hives, Ague in the Breast and Face, Weakness of the Joints,- Colds, Toothache, Sore Throat and Quinsy, tllderated Sores, Indolent UI-. cers, Burns, Frosted Feet, Corns,• Bunyons, Fresh Wounds, Swellings and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections,. Mosquito Bites, and Poisons. ' collas Liniment is sold by all the respectable(' Merchants and Druggists throughout the country,' and by the Proprietors at Sing Sing. N. Y. GEORGE E. STANTON. AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; B.• F. Patton, Warriorsmark ; James Clark, P ham; R. Hunter & Co., Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Mill Creek; A. 0. Brown, ....Marva. burg, T. E. Orbison 4- Co., Orbisonia ; Blair & Maddon, Cromwell township; A. C. Blair, Clays , vine. Aug. 24, 1847.-3 m. French Hurt. 31111 Stones. THE subscriber tespeetfully informs the trade, and all concerned. that he still continues the manufacture of French Burrs, of all size,; war ranted equal in quality and workmanship to any that can be made in America. If desired he will deliver Burrs at his own risk, at tiny point on the Railroad or Canal.. All orders addressed to him by mail. will me ivn the same prompt attention as if applieatlen were made in 'lenses). %Vitt. H. KEPI R. Iftsrristruiv, Aug. 28, 1.847.-11 m. ]