roamzert NEWS. The steamer Britannia arrived at Bos ton on the Bth inst., bringing Liverpool advicea to the 19th ult., inclusive. The British Parliament was convened on the 18th. No business was trans acted beyond the mere ceremony of opening, which was done by royal com mission. The corn market was steady and firm. Cotton market languishing. An announcement had reached Lon-; don that a formidable conspiracy I , •! been discovered in Paris, which hid' he effect of seriously depressing the tng lish fund for a short time. The corn-1 mittee of the stock exchange had corn menced an investigation into circum stances connected with the report, but it could only be traced to Follistone, from which it was received by electric telegraph. Hostilities have at length commenced in Switzerland, at the fortified city of Friberg. Some skirmishing had taken place, in which the troops of the Son derbund were worsted. Count Bresson, French Ambassador at the Court of the Two Sicilies, commit ted suicide on the 2d ult.; and a short time previous, Count Mortier, French Ambassador to the Court of. Turin, at tempted to murder both his children, and cut his own throat, while laboring under a fit of insanity. A convention has been entered into between the Pope, the Grand Duke of Tuscany and Lucca, and the King of Sardinia, for the formation of a tariff, based upon the principle of the German Commercial League. The measure has been hailed throughout Europe with the greatest possible satisfaction. The Packet ship Stephen Whitney was totally lost at 10 o'clock P. M. on the 10th ult., on her voyage from New York to Liverpool, tinder circumstances the most perfectly appalling, that the imagination can possibly conceive. Mis taking the light upon Rock Island, near Cape Clear, on the smith coast of Ire land, for the old Head of Kinsale, she continued her course, intending to make Cork Harbor, but in less than a quarter of an hour, with a suddenness which defied all human effort to avert her fate, she came broadside on a rock called the West Calf, four miles inside the Cape, and in less than ten minutes after stri king, she dashed to atoms, overwhelm ing no less than NINETY-TWO of her helpless crew and passengers. Eighteen only were saved. CHRISTMAS OMER.— During this sea- Son of feativity and joy, when all are p• one to in dulge to the good things of life to excess, let us not forget that the pleasures of the table, when en joyed beyond tit • I:ounds of moderation, are at the expense of health. To those, however, who are inadvertently led into cams in eating Or drinking, and who, it; con• sequence, stiffer from headache, sick stomach, low - nese of spirits, indigestion, and o.hcr complaints, the penalty of over-indulgence ; tae recommend a trial of Irrigh 'a Indian Vegetable Pills, of the North American College of Health. This elite will remove all complaints which arise from irregularity of diet ; and cleanse the body from those bilious and corrupt humors which arc the cause of the above distressing symptoms, and of every malady incident to man. T. K. SIMO NTON, Sole Agent for Hunting- 'don; Cherie. Forcer, Alexandria; Blair & Robin son, Shade Gap; I" lair & Co., Frankstown; Orbison & Co., Orhisonia; A. O. Brown. Shirleysburg; Hunter & Co., West Barre and Petersburg; Graff & Co., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, M'Elasy's Fort; J ames m a ggire, Saulsburg; John W. Mcton, En nesville; George H. Steiner, Water :Street; A. & W. Crosswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Mill-creek; and wholesale and retnil at tho prin cipal office, 169 Race street, Philadelphia. Sep. 7, '47. anED, In Perote, Mexico, Sept. 2d, 1847, of diarrhoea, JOHN G. SINCLAIR, formerly of Birmingham, Huntingdon county, aged 21 years and 1 month. The deceased was a member of Bir mingham Lodge, I. 0. of 0. F., and on the receipt of the above melancholy in tolligence, the members of the Lodge met at their Hall in Birmingham, and appointed a committee to draft resolu tions expressive of the sense of the meeting, who reported the following : W hereas, It has pleased the All-wise Creator and Dispenser of all things, to remove from this earthly Lodge, we trust to that " Grand Lodge not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens," our well beloved and much esteemed brother, John Sinclair ; and his brethern of Bir mingham Lodge, No. 152, being deeply impressed with a sense of his ardent attachment to the Order—being an Odd Fellow in spirit and in truth—and dying as he had lived, a lover of his God, his country ; his fellow man, and the Order of which he was a most worthy member—leaving an example behind him for charity fidelity and kindness, worthy the imitation of every member of the brotherhood ; therefore, Resolved, That Birmingham Lodge, as a mark of respect, wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, Tilt the thanks of this Lodge be tendered to brother Robbins, of Lodge No. 98, for his attention to brother Sinclair, during his illness in Mexico. _ . Resolved, That a copy of the above be transmitted to brother Robbins, and one to each of his immediate relatives, and published in the Journal and Globe, Huntingdon, and in the Hollidaysburg Register. • SAM 'L MUTERSBAUCH, A. L. CHESNUTWOOD, Committee. W. P. GREEN, Bi r mingham, Dec. 6, 1847. THE LEWISTOWN BANN: HE failure of this Irstitution has caused a T great sensation, but it scarcely equals that produced by the late ar rival of a superior assort ment of clocks, watches, &c„ at " Tire Hunting don letvefry Store," long acct pied by D Buoy. The stock consists of gold patent levers, gold RA anchor levers, gold lepinee, silver patent levers, silver ,cl 2 ; anchor levers, silver !opines, a 5D English vertical and horizon .4l tat watches, and quertiers of D „different qualities. Also, 8 day and 3u hour clocks, I.e. dies' and Gentlemans' breastpins, of almost every nod to snit ell tastes, Bracelets of exquisite finish and latest styles; gold pens, at various prices; gold and silver pencils, gold vest and neck chains, gold keys, gold linger rings, me- duffle., gold slides and locket., and every article usually found in any Jewelry establishment out of the cities, Also, Silver Wore, consisting of table, tea, and salt spoons, I utter knives, thimbles, shields and spectacles. Also, Steel fob chains, keys, beads and bag clasps, tassels and fringe; a superior assortment of &deers' celebrated pen knives, scissors, razors and Chapman's magic strops. A lot of Roussel's perfumery. including soap, oils and essences of vurrous kinds, tooth powder, &c. Also, Fancy Stationary, such so note paper, note and letter envelopes, motto wafers, visiting cards, smiling wax, &c. The undersigned has also a very handsome as sortment of mitcellaneous and fancy articles, such as pocket books, Ladies' work boxes, Ladies' cotn minions, pin cushions, ink stands, toy boxes, disr3's, &c., all of which, having been purchased for CARR, and at rates unusually low, will be sold at such prices as they have never before beetioffered for in this county. [D An experienced Workman—one who has become proficient by practice in the best shops in the Union.—is em ployed to do all kinds of clock, watch and Jewelry repairing, which will in all cases be done with punctuality. . - Work will be warranted for one year dI3-tf.] JAS. S. SCOTT. Valuable Farms For Sale -WHEREAS, by precept to me direct ed, dated at Huntingdon, the 20th day of November, 1847, under the hands and cents of the Hon. Abraham S. Wit ' son, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and general jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of the coun ties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and the Hons. James Gwiti and John Stewart, his associates, judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assign ; cd, appointed to hear, try, and determine all and every indictments and present ments, made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the Com monwealth are made capital or felonies' ; of death and other offences-, crlntes and tuisdemennors, Which hate been, or shrill be committed or perpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shall ' hereafter be committed or be perpetra ted, for crimes aforesaid, I am common- No. 3. Called 'Tire Cross Roads," now occu pied in part by John Nail. containing about 12.1 ded to make proclamation throughout my acres, three fourths of which ore cleared and cal- whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer tivated ; with a hog D\A ELLIN r; and Terminer, of Common Pleas and HOUSE, Smith f Shop. Stable,or quarter Sessions, will be held at the ii =: The whole izNpflrst . I i g t) . • d 4 ior Court House, in the borough of Hunting culayntion, anti well fenced. The Meadows ore don 3 on the 2nd Monday (and 10th day) wry fine, a sufficient portion of which are attach- .of January, 1848, and those Who Will ed to each farm. 'The most of the nuililinas are prosecute the said prisoners, be then new and well finished. There is a good Spring of and there to iirosecute them as it shall Water at each. House, and numerous Springs so be just, and that all justices of the said the pencf,. distributed in to afford Water in olmost every field. Each Fartn has a sufficient ORCHARD of the coroner, and constables with choicest Fruit. county, be then and there in their prop- The Property is in one of the best settlements er persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said in the county, within 43 miles of Huntingdon, the day, with heir records, inquisitions, ex , county town—the same distance from the town of animations and retnembrances, to do Alexandria, and within Si toiler of the rennsylva- . . those things which to their offices res nia Canal, and abortt the some distance from the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, nrimaking. PectivelY al)Pertain• which tvi I bring the property within ours ride I Dated at Huntingdon, the 20th day of of Philadelphia. Two Public Roods c o at about INovember, in the year of our Lord, one the centre of it, within e3l.'ealeat distancetoe ee- I thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, eral Houses of Worship. Public Z , cltools, "alt and the 71st year of American Indepen and :Mechanics; of altogether vt ry desire- I ble situations for those wishing to purchnse gond deuce, farms in a flourishing settlement. Other divisions MATTHEW CROWNOVER, may be mode of tire property to those wishing. to SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Sheriff. purchase. Tire land has been patented—the title Huntingdon, Dec. 14, 1847. S is indisputable. The Terms will be, Otte third of the lunch.° money to he paid on the Ist of April next, and the remainder in three equalannual payments with interest, to be securrd by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. The subscriber hos also a few Hundred Acres of THo subocriber will sell, at Pultlic Sale, on the premises, on WRIINESDAY, the 29th day of December, Ihet., tic Woodcock Valley Farms, at the Cross Roads, in Porter cnd Wa'ker town ships, Huntingdon county, viz: No. I—now oc cupied by Major Jam. Porter, containing about 27E acres : 225 of which are cleared i c • g nod tinder cultivation, with a well ), 1' 1, finished two sit ry brick DVI EL t;'LING IjOliSli, tit Mill HMI., Spring House, a large completely finished BANK Barn, Wagons Shed, Corn 1. tilt, Hog House, and every other necessary building. N 0.12. Occupied by David Enyettrt, containing about 300 acres, 220 of which are cleared and un der cultivation, with a large two story DNA BLI,INq HOUSE, a Tenant House, a Large Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, spring I louse, Hog House, slid every other necessary building. On this 'tract is an extensive lied of I'ossili ferous Iron Ore. WOOD-LikVi'D, in the immediate neighborhood, which will be offered for sale of the same time. Any information before the day of Salo, will be given hy Major Porter and Mr. Enyeort, on 111,i premises, Gen. A. P. Wi 4011, of Huntingdon, or the subsbriber in Hartisbum. DAVID R. PORTER. Dee. 14. 1847. ISTIER'S .10TICE NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons concerned, that the following named persons have settled their ac counts in the Register's Office, at Hun tingdon, and that the snid accounts will be presented for confirmation and allow ance at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 12th day of January next, to wit: 1. John Loser, administrator of Abra , ham Ditsworth, late of Barree (now Jackson) township, dec'd. 2. Alexander Bell and James Ewing, administrators of Thomas Bell, late of Barree township, dec'd. 3. John B. Mang, one of the execu tors of George Mong, late of Warriors mark township, dec'd. 4. Jonathan McWilliams, guardian of William J. Ingram, one of the minor children of John Ingram, late of Frank lin township, dec'd. JACOB MILLER, Register: Register's Office, Huntingdon, Dec. 14,1847. BLANK DEEDS and MORTGAGES, of a very superior quality, for sale at this office. Notice to Contractors. THE Committee to build Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, will let said work on Saturday, January 1, 1848. Plans and specifications can be seen at any time by application to George Bucher. By order of Committee, 1 GRAFFIUS, Chairman. TAVERN LICENSE To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun ty, now composing and holding a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for said county, for Jan uary Terth, 1848. • The petition of James Chamberlain, of Warriorsinark Town, in the county of Huntingdon., respectfully sheweth : That be is desirous of continuing to keep a public house or tavern, in the house he now occupies in Warriorsmark Town ; that he is well provided with necessaries for the ceuvenience and ac commodation of travellers and strangers. He therefore prays your honors to grant him a license to keep a house of public entertainment in said house, and he will pray, &c. JAMES CHAMBERLAIN: bee, 14, 1847. We, the subscribers, do certify, that James Chatnherlain, the above applicant, is of good repute for honesty and Tem perance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers. Peter .4. Burket, George Bumbarger, John Bratton, Jon B. Gelrin, Funk, David Diller, John .4ddleman, SAvgert, Samuel D. Miller, Jacob Buck, John Spanogle, Jr., B. F. Young, J. B. Sitwell, David Parker, David B. .11fong. r h0t:L.4.71.1140.V PROC L./I.MSTIO.Y. IHEREAS, by precept to me direct• %V ed by the Judges of the Common Fleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear ing test the 20th day of November, A. D. 1847, I am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole bail ' iwick that a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, on the third Monday (arid . 17th day) of January, A: 1). 1848, for I the trial of all issues in said court, which THE GREAT CENTRAL remain undetermined before the said judges, when and where all jurors, wit- c .. • -1 - - - - I . _ 7u -- s__ w.r . . E ... ~. a D nesses and suitors, in the trial of all ' I HAT AND CAP STORE, said issues are required. . Dated at Huntingdon, the 20th day of ! whoh ,,, de and Road. November, A.D. 184 , 7, and the '7lst year ! N 0.294 Market Street, Ninth door above Eighth of American independence. Street, South side, MATTHEW CROWNOVER, Sh'ir. PHILADELPHIA, SHER IFF'S OFFICE, Comprises ono of the largest and most beautiful.. Huntingdon, Dec. 14., 184.7. vortuiert of 11A I'S, CAP, and MUFFS in the __ . _ PUBLIC SALE. manufactured under the immediate superintendence THE following described Real Estate. late the , of the Subscriber, i i the bent aiailarri al Prime prop er ty of Henry P. Durso,, d e „.d , w i lt h e , materials, and will Be sold at tho lowest possible I offered at 'Public Sale, at the Court Holm, in the l prices for resit. borough of Huntingdon, on SaTunnsir, the 19th The assortment eall"aces a nPleadid variety . of 1 doy at December, at 1 o'clock. P. M.• viz: ISilk, Moleskin, Beaver. Brush, Russia, Nutria, 1 THREE LOTS of ground in the borough i and other HaTs of beautiful fiats'', and a complete stock of all kinds of Cloth, tiliaril, Fur and l'lush of Huntingdon, lying east of the old Court House, CAPS, of the most debitable patterns, together with adjoining each other, and fronting on Allegheny 1 i and Market streets, ou which are erected . is ! a supply of mMeurTti!'tuer:'elLtjtuefftat:e'relle't"e'tkepet:etfetty i• large STONE DWELLINU HOUSE, ' C Alas, a invited to examine the Mock, which they will find i l a 1 : Kitchen and oilier buildings. 6 , a.. witt ; a lit their advantage to do before purchasing, . it is " " INAME DWLLINd Hones, , his determination, having adopted the curb velem. , well of good water. The above lots will he divi ! dial if desired by purchasers, on the day of sale. I to sell for Cush only. and at the ',trod pricer. ! The terms will be—one third of the purchase I JOHN FAREIRA, Jr. I money on the confirmation of the Pair; the re- ' d7-6m] ! mainder in three equal annual paymen!s, with in- ! John Scott, jr., i terevt, for which bond and inortgago will be re- j , i TTORNEY Al' LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— .....:L... - __. ______-. - _________-______ quircd. THOMAS DUNCAN, IIL Has removed his office to the middle room of , BARLEY! BARLEY! ; ' 'Mare. Haw." directly opPo.ii , 1. ) , 1.e , , s , AVAlur- ' A quantity of merchantable Bulky, if delivered JOHN P. DORSEY, i trie's store whore lie will attend , lilt pioinpinc,s ' soon, will he takenatilt AlexandriaP y WILLIAM DORRIS, , and fidelity to ail business with which he may he f f • • . ,a, . . " we '- or w hi cha fai t rice, in CASH, will he given. Guardian of Granberry and Henry P. Dorsey.' entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties ; HENRY FOCKLE R. 47-3w.1. , Howtingdon Sept. 23,1946: i Alexanetio, 0,1. la, 1847.-61. Valuable itcal Etitate at • VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THE DAILY NEWS. Orphan's Court Sale. PUBLIC SALE, T HB unexampled success which has IN pursuance of an order of the Or- AT . I thus far attended the. News Estab -_____ plums' Court of Huntingdon county, THE Subscriber will offer at Public lichment, encourages the proprietors to Will be offered for sale at Public Vendee Sale, on the premises, on THURS- spare no exertions to matte the. Daily or Outcry oh the premises, on Thursday DAY S the 23d of Deceinber next, at 12 News a paper which shall be second to the 16th day of December, 1847, nIl that o'cloek M.,.the renewing Valuable Real i cone of its cotempornries in Philadel certain Messuage; Plantation, and tract estate, to wit phin. They will make it their especial of land, (part of the real estate.of Rob- ,si., ' ' aim to impart a dignified and high mere; art Moore, of the borough of Hunting- TWO T RACTS CI- LAND ai tone to the paper, and to exclude fro m . don, dec'd,) situate in Walker township, .. , . 1 its 'columns everything of an indelicate in said connty, near the village 'of Smith- situate en the banks of the Little Juni- or offensive nature. They have the most field and the Turnpike road, and about ata river, one mile below Birminghain, ample resources, in every respect, to eii. one mile West of the borough o f limit- and within four miles Of the Penney!. able them to give to its readers the latest ingdon, adjoining lands of John AlcCa vanla Canal, at Water Street : One and most accurate local, foreign and rlO han, John Hildebrand, John Ker, and tract situate in Warriersmark township, mastic intelligence, and also full and re, others, containing 247 acres, be the Huntingdon county, ilm other tract sit- liable accounts of the Markets and COM same more more or less, about 150 acres time in Tyrone Towindlip, Blair county, mercial news generally. of which is cleared, about 50 acres there- : the River being the ,line between the The Daily News will continue to ad of being meadow ground, with a new two tracts, and al s o the line between vocatt Whig principles ns originally ex frame dwelling house, a large new framellluntingein an d Blai r counties, well pouiided by the Fathers of the Consti barn, and a young apple orchard thereon. known as the property of Atidr . r. , W Rob- intim', and adopted by the nerediled or• Asso, Ott Friday the 17th day of De- eson, of Warriorsmark township, hoW grins and champions of the Wing cause. cember, 1847, will he offered on the prom- : deceased. at the present day. It will urge the ises, all that other 'certain inessesge, I TnE MANSION 'ER Aviv, holding of a W big NntiOnal Convention plantation; and tract of land; (also part in Warriorsmark township, contains '2OO , for the purpose of nominating. candidates, of the real estate late of the said Robert acres of excellent limestone land, about for the Presidency .and Vice Presidehey; Moore ) dee'd,) situate on Spruce Creek, 100 neres Cleared, and in a good stateland will battle, with 'all the ability; zeal near Colerain Forges ; in Franklin town- o f cu l tivat i on , with ' and energy it can comineol,.lo seem: ship, in 'said county ; adjoining lands of Three Dwelling rZonses, I , • i ii i! , ,,, ristoneßarn arid a good up- i Shorb, Stewart & Co., of David Bender- .-,-,,,, t lof that Convention. • son the Huntingdon Furnace Lands; i ~,,, plc orchard thereon. TEIDIS.—To mail subscribers, single and lands of others, containing 380 --, l . copies will be furnished at $4.00 per acres and 135 perches, and allowance, Til" - fl °TEM% TilP CT I a, , annum. Twelve or more copies, ordered. be the same more or less ; a large part at the same time, and addressed to the in Blair co unty contains 110 acres of of which is cleared, with a large two same Post-o ffi ce, will be sent at the rate excellent timber land, with a house story brick dwelling house, a large frame of $3.00 per copy: and stable thereon erected ; there is an • barn, and other buildings and improve- Ore bank on this tract, from which a meets thereon. quantity of Iron Ore of an excellent !.'runts OF SALE.—One third of the pur- quality has been raised. A large part chase money to be paid on the con fi rm- of this tract is good limestone lend for tion of the sale; another third in one farming. On these two tracts are year thereafter with interest ; and t he remaining third on or immediately after FOUR SITUATIONS FOR the death of Margaret Moore, widow of I Forges or Furnaces. the said Robert Moore, dee'd., the inter- perhaps the best sites in th State. est of which last mentioned third to be There is a number of springs on e the two paid reg ularly and annually, to the said tracts of never failing water that keep widow during her life—said payments, the river free frogs ice for more than a &c. to be secured by the bonds and mile. mortgages of the purchasers. This tract is all woodlandy'and well By the Court, covered with timber. The survey for JACOB MILLER, Clerk. the Central Rail Road runs through the Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. Al., property. of each of said days: Attendance will TERMs :—One Third of the purchase be given by GEO. H. STEINER, I money to be paid in hand, and the bet- Acting Ex'r of Robt. Moore, dec'd. • lance in two equal annual payments, E --.. The farm on Spruce Creek is first with interest, to be secured by the rate lime stone land, in a good state of bonds and mortgages of the purchaser. cultivation, and, for productiveness, is Persons wishing to purchase are in not surpassed by any farm in the coon- vited to call and examine the premises. ty. It is, moreover, well situated, being Attendance will be given by in a desirable neighborhood, and where DAVID ROBESON, there is nlivaya a good Sash Market for Sirrtring Executor of everything produced on a farm. It is 1 4ndrew Robeson dec'd. sityllid near the Water Street and I N ow. 9 1847. Sp .e Creek Turnpike ; and is about one -------- - L - - --- mile froiri the probable route of the P . a. ri M 0 SOLVTXO: 6 37. ITHE artnershjilicretolore existin g ROl Road. As this preperty could be between JohnWn mill and Charles diiided so as to make two farms, bidders a, may possibly make arrangements to Porter,per of the borough of Alexandri trading in the name of Gernmill & Por chaSe in view of a subsequent division. d . I Iby mutual consent on ter, was isso vet The property Oar Huntingdon, is the 16th of April last. All personshav; Valuable from its location . , and the itn- leg unsettled accounts with said firm, provements upon it: 'flee purchnser are reqbested to call and settle the sato,e. will find it necessary to spend but little The books are at the old room. Mr. upon either the fences or the buildings. „ ~„ ~ 1 g keptthebooksof sai d G. H. S. tiennum m m e , firm while in business, will attend there every afternoon from this date until the 15th of December, for the purpose of making settlements. JOHN GEMMILL, CHARLES PORTER Alexandria, Nov. 30, 1847-3 t. Nov. 23, 1847 PRIVATE SALE. M-lE subscriber offers for sale a tract of land situated in Tyrone township, Blair county, three miles fromTyroile Forges, containing One hundred aid ten I Autiiie'r's - Notice. .Irres, the principal part Limeston Land, Estate of W I LL1.1.41 HUNTE R, late in a high state of cultiVation, with wa of Warriorsmork township, deed. ter in all the fields except one; a Foun- T HE undersigned, appomtcd by th e O r ph ans ' tamn Pump at the barn, and running o tingon county to audit the se ouf, purpose at Hunter, counts s oukt ,:a e i f iu th " water at the house. The improvements are—Two Dwelling Houses, a dee'd.,win"stier d for said good Bank Barn and Stable, a house of James ChamberlL l in eXaViti e "Wilt° Friday the It ist day of " E r :C r :l 3 le r , a 1 t 01 7,..i Cabinet Makers' Shop, Wagon township, an r. — `House, Carriage House, Cider in.a., where 01l persons sate fed may attend if `'..-- Mill, and other out-buildings, all sub- they think proper. JOHN 0 'ENS, Auditor. stantinl and in good repair. Also, a Dee. 7, 1817-4 t. new Draw Kiln for burning Lime. There is also on this farm tin ISM A .1"8 " 41.11 " 14' •"" Of tire estate of Daniel Kutfman, der'd, Orchard of Two hundred ..gpple , ' , .7Vrkr' T rees nearly all of the very best late of Tod township, Huntingdon. Co. - A 1.1 , pew. haying claims or demands against grafted fruit. il the Estate of the said decedent to snake known The ;ne- The Central Railroad will pass these,. to them without delay, and t h,,,, being within three miles n( the above property: indebted to rho same are requested to make inn JAMES E. STEWART. 1 dims payment to SUSAN KURFM \N, Ailm'r. Nov. 30, 1847-tim.l & JOSEPH KURFMAN, Adm. -- elf' Cass Township. JOEEI'II HEIF.NEH, of Toll Township. Nov, ICJ-lit. A INFIUL CA 5. A Mt I IN: ! t GREAT number of valuable lives weal very 11 nearly sacrificed in the rush to H. K. Nore er Boo's IFAT[H &JE WELRY STORE in Market •S'quare. Thera you will ROC Gold and Silver Levers of every style, quality and mice. Also, gold fob chains, guard chains andikeys of every description. Breast Pins and finger rings in great variety; gold and silver pencils, silver thimbles, tooth and nail brushes, steel beads, clasps for hags and purses, purse silk, spectacles, accordions, gold pens of su perior quality, pen holders, a fine assortment of Haney stationery, motto watitm, fancy boxes, perfu mery, Diaries Mr 1848, envelopes, dre. &t. ! Coll and examine, before it is too law. Clocit !and Watch repairing done as usual,and warranted. ELLWOOD SHANNON, Dealer iir Teas; I Warehouses S 3 Chemil abode Second and E lev- emit and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia, HAS constantly in Store, a choich as sortment of Fresh Imported, GREEN AND BLACIt TEAS, Country Merchants aro invited to call at 63 Chesnut street, and examine his stock, Which he orrery at the lowest Wholesale prices, for Cash, shit where he attends personally. [tl7.6m. THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS will be issued from the same office, from and after the first of January next, on Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays of each week, and will contain the same matter as the Daily, including the news o f the day on which it is issued. The regular subscription price will be $3.00 for a single copy ; four copies; $2.50 per copy ; ten copies, $2.00 per copy. . . TOE DOLLAR WEEKLY NEWS, published at the same stfice, on every Saturday morning, is n 'cheap Family Psper, will be furnished to subscribers at the following low terms : One copy,. $1; six copies, $5; Thirteen copies, $lO ; twenty copies, $l5 ; twenty-sevetti copies, $2O, Die Wochentliche Tl 7 euigL item. A weekly German Netpd'oer, devo ted to the advocacy of sound Whig prin ciples, and to the dissemination of local, foreign and domestic intelligence, will be published from and after the first of March next. ESMS.—One copy, $1.50 ; five co pies, $6 ; ten copies, $lO. Bp.' In no case will eithr of the r il :qve papers be forwarded, unless illq•inent be made in advance; and Oiler will be sent after the expiration Of the time, un lese the subscription is renewed. [l7-Money rebutted through the Mail, will be at the risk of the publishers: Notes of all specie paying Banks, in any part of the Union, will be received in pay. PAXSON, SANDERSON & KILLINGER. Philadelphia, Nov. 24., 1847-4 t. CITY OF MEXICO TAKEN! Ready- 31 adc Clot i z: T HE subscriber offers for sale a splendid and 1 seasonable assoittnent of Heady-Made Cloth= fug, just opening at his new stand, in the canner room of the 'nick bui ding opposite John Within kers Tavern, in the Borough of Huntingdon; con sisting of the following seasonable articles, warrant ed well made and fashionably cut, viz: _ . 11!anket over-coats of dfferent sizes and 1 do Gentleman's Fashionable Ctoehs. 12 do Drees and sack co 12 do well made Fancy 12 do Pants—cassimer.llllrn, ca.inett and corduroy, plain, figured and striped 12 do Shirts (pleated breasts.) • 3 do Plaih elleekereil cotton shirts. Also, a variety of satin and silk stocks, handker• uniefs and short stockings, together with a variety of articles of men's and boy's wear ; all of which will be sold CHEAPER than at any other estab ishment in the county. • Please coil and exominc for youiselves. Cus tomer's work puntuolly attended to. Sept. 14,'47.] t ENJAMIN SNARE. TAVERN LICENSE. To the Honoreesle the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county of Huntingdon, at Junuury Sessions, .11. D. 1848 : The Petition of John Nivling of the Borough of Birmingham, in the county of Huntingdon, sheweth : That he is de sirous of obtaining n license to keep an lnn or Tavern, - at his old public stand in the said Borough of Birmingham ; and that the said Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and enter: tain strangers and travellers. Dec. 14, 1847. JOHN NIVLING. We, the undersigned, citizens of the Borough of Birmingham, hereby certify that a public house in said borough is necessary to Accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers: That John Nivling; the ffetitioner, is of good repute for moral honesty and in tegrity, and is well prepared with house room and conveniences for the accom modation of strangers and travellers. S. K. Sunew, John Calderthood, D. S. Spencer, Wesley P. Green, John Wilson, L. C hesnotwood, S. S. Detre), Wm. Cunningham, .41. H. Ddreir.,h, John Cra mer, James Clark, Geo..4lyerly. LAWS' All I ICE, LL portions indebted to the late firm ef Jurcas LI. & tiumoryros are requested to make payment previous to November 25th, emitting, as no longer ulgen :e will be given Ott. 20,1847-4 t E. M. JONES.