Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 07, 1847, Image 3

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    raozvx mEzzco.,
The news from Mexico during the
past week has been unimportant: A
despatch for the North .grnerican, dated
Richmond, Nov. 28, brings a few rumors
favorable to peace. It was supposed a
sufficient number of deputies would soon
aSsemble at Queretaro, to open a Mexi
can:Congress. It was supposed that the
Mexicans have about 30,000 soldiers
yet in the field, in the different States.
Gen. Patterson had arrived at the Na
tional Bridge, and was to leave that
place on the sth. It is said that a scheme
is on foot to establish a monarchy in
Mexico, but the rumor is not entitled to
much weight.
Intelligence had reached Queretaro
of a design entertained by the stock
jobbers at the city of Mexico, to form
the Republic into two great States, and
annex the same to the American Union.
The " Rayonador," a newspaper pub
lished at the Capitol, maintains the .
opinions of this new party.
From a later despatch to the same paper,
dated Dec. 2, we clip a few additional
Maj. General Quitman, Genh Shie
Colonels Harney, Garland, Andrews,_
Morgan, Ramsey, Burnett, Major Dyke r
man, Lieuts. Porter and Sweeney, of
the New York Volunteers, Midshipman
Rogers, and George Wilkins Kendall,
arrived at New Orleans in the Alabama,
.3 passengers, besides many other gal
lant officers.
General Quitman has left Mexico, in
accordance with the orders of General
Scott, directing this greatly distinguish
ed and efficient officer to proceed to the
United States, and report personally or
by letter to the War Department, as
since his promotion he has had no per-
manent assignment of a division to com
mand. The object of his return is to
obtain this.
General Shields returns to seek trres
toration to health, being broken down
by th e wounds received in the service
of his country. _ _
A national . salute was fired at New
Orleans in honor of the arrival of these
distingnished officers.
Among the passengers on board the
Alabama are no less than 210 sick, dis
abled and wounded soldiers.
Three died on the passage—one ntr
tned Richard McManus, of the 2d Penn
sylvania Volunteers, was buried at sea.
The large train, numbering six hun
dred, which left thei city of Mexico on
the Ist of November,
arrived at Vera
Cruz on the 15th, without molestation,
save a few scattering shots.
General 'Butler arrived at Vora Crnz
on the 17th and was received with the
honors due to his station.
From two to three thousand troops
arrived nt Vera•• Cruz on the 17th and
18th. General Butler was to return to
the capitol in a fortnight with six thou
sand men.
rho troops left of the division of Quit
man at the capitol, had been incerpora
ted with the divisions of Generals
Worth and Twiggs. The Pennsylvania
and New York. Volunteers have been as
signed to the former.
Nothing positive was known as to the
whereabouts of Santa Anna, and many
believe him to be secreted near Vera
Cruz, waiting an opportunity to escape
in a British steamer. The Arco Iris,
of the 18th, states that he had arrived
at Orizaba with 1500 ragged followers,
but gives no hint of his future move
Ilatest News.
The North American. of Saturday last
contains the iollowin4 despatch :
Louisviur, Dec. 3
, .
The Steamboat Pretona, from New
Orleans, arrived here to-day, and hav
ing left that city on the 26th ult, brings
later dates than you have received by
The papers tarnish additional
items of :Mexican intelligence received
by the Alabama from Vera Cruz.
The publication of the. Genius of Lib
erty has been stopped, and the editor
thrown into prison.
A revolution had broken out at Goad
alaxara with the design of elevating
Gomez Fades to the Presidency-A san
guinary conflict ensued between his
troops and the mob opposed to- him,
headed by the Priests. In the action,
General Ampudin and many others at
tached to the party of Ferias were kill
ed, and in the end the Church party tri
Paredes was at Tulacingo and had
openly pronounced in favor of his mon ,
nrchical scheme; seconded by the gar;
rison at Mazatlan.
The Mexican population still exhibit
nn unquenchable hatred for the Ameri
cans and express no desire for peace.
The Mexican Congress had moved from
Quaretero to Morelia, to get IA of the
military, by which it was overawed✓
Gen.tßea and Santa Anna, with a sin
gle brigade, are at Trisentra, intending
to make an attack upon the next train.
Bustamente, who had gone to Quere
taro, has a force of 5000 men at his
command near the city of Mexico.
Canales had been encountered by a
small American force, and defeated with
some loss.
07- Gen. Houston has been nominated
for the Presidency by a Loeofoco meet-
Ing in Texas.
[By Magnetic Telegraph.]
Burning of [lie Propeller Phoenix on Lake
Melancholy Loss of Life.
PiTTsnuito, Nov. 26th, 9 P. M
News has just reached here, by way •
of the Lakes, of a sad catastrophe which
happened on Lake Michigan, by which
nearly two hundred human beings have •
beeh hurried into an untimely grave. I
On Suhdtty lust, the Propeller Phrenix,
bouhd up to the Laltes was discovered I
to be on fire ; when within 19 miles of
Sheboygan. The fire broke Out under 1
the deck, and, a fresh wind prevailing,
spread with fearful rapidity. The tit-
most consternation prevailed among the
passengers, and it was impossible,
amidst the excitement which followed, !
to make the proper eflorts to stay the
(lames and save the bout.
There were over two hundred passen
gers on board, and the scene was heart
rending in the extreme. Mothers cry
ing is frantic madness for their children
—wives clinging to their husbands, and
crying aloud for mercy from above.—
Some in desperation plunged into the
Lake- •others in their wild delirium
rushed headlong into the flames.
It was a harrowing spectacle, and hu
manity shudders at the recital of it.—
Most of the passengers succeeded in
escaping in the boats, and the rest e:•
ther perished in the flames, or were
Capt. Sweet, who was lying on a bed
of sickness, was saved in one of the
Those who so miraculously escaped
in the boats were shortly after picked
up by the steamer Delaware, which hove
in sight just in time to witness the aw
ful fate of those on hoard the ill•starred
Pha nix, but too late to render any
earthly assistance. Every attention was
paid to the survivors by the oflieers and
crew of the Delaware. One hundred
and fifty of the passengers were Ger
man imtnigrants. The Pluenix was
owned by Pease & Allen, at Cleveland,
and insured for $15,000.
I3urFALo, Nov. 26,
There has been n very heavy gale on
the Upper Lakes. Four vessels, hav
ing on board 30,000 bushels of wheat,
were driven ashore and lost.
The schooner Lawrence, loaded with
13,000 bushels of wheat, was sunk in
Detroit River.
From the Lewistown Gazette.
The result of the Letting was announ
ced on Monday last, until which a large
number of those interested in bids re
mained in town.
TIMBER.- The contract for one mill ion
feet of hemlock Sills was allotted to S.
Hopper & J. Hamilton, of Lewistown.
The Cross Ties to Connelly & Haugh.
ey, of Maryland.
GRADING & MAsoNnr.-The following
is a list of the Contractors to whom the
several sections were allotted :
Sue-eisa 22, Nagle & Leo.
23, Joseph Bailey.
o 24, D. Custer & Co.
25, do. do.
26, Roily 51ngre„
27, P. Donne ly.
28, W. Buffington.
29, do. do.
30, James Mead.
51, Thorium O'Bryan.
32, M onaughy & Fitzpatrick.
33, Eamon, Adams & Co.
54, J. Neater.
ii 05, Waltman & Mils. ,
36, J. Latterly &Co.
37, Means, O'Hara & Co.
ad, Vt m. G. Thompson.
39, McAllister & Co.
40, Wen & I.:chott.
41, Wm. Mead.
42, Lafferty & Irvine.
43, do. do,
" 44, Michael Quinlan!,
" 45, Shoemaker Sr Fassmore.
" 40, do. do.
47, J. & D. A. Dougherty.
" do do,
40, A. & P. Martin.
50, Wells, Mcßeynolds & Co.
51, & I°. Collins.
" 52, Edward Kearns,
" 53, John Gaynor.
" 54, Casper Dull.
55, Crisswell Sr Oliver.
56, E. & .1. McGovern.
57, D. & H. Salisbury.
55, Wm. Clark & ,bun.
" 59. Ralph Bogle.
' 00, Galliroith. Walters & Co.
" 84, John McCord.
" 85, do. do.
Sections 94 and 85 comprise n deep cut and
embankment at Newton Ilemilion.
fa- The Washington correspondent
of the Philadelphia Ledger says that
the Whigs in and about Washington are
announcing their preference for Gen.
Scott ; the Webster men openly prefer
ing Scott to every other candidate.
The rkrt s.
From the Dai'y News.
PIIILADftriIIA, Dec. 3, 1847.
LF OCR AND GRATN—Since our last re
port the market has been characterized
with but little activity, but prices have
improved. Sales of Wheat Flour $6,50
per bbl., for common, and $6,75 for good
brands; choke brands to retailers are
selling at $7 a 7,50. Rye Flour Sales
'at $5,25. Corn Meal—HOlders ask
• $3,25 per bbl. Wheat—Sales of good
reds at 13S a 140 c per bus. and 14 , 5 ti 148 c
for prime white. Sales of Rye et 93 a
950. Corn—Sales of old Southern yel
low et 11 a 72r, and new at 56c pet' bus.
' Oats dull at 42 a 43c;
SPITTING OF Br.oon.—When the stream
of life is encumbered with morbid humors, its vol
ume or quantity is increased, and the blood-vessels
are filled to overflowing; hence u rupturing of
those which terminate in the hinge, and spitting
of blood, ronsuinption, null other dreadful com
plaints. Wrtglit's Indian Vegetable Polls are
ceded', put a stop to sp. !ling of blovd; because
they expel from the eireulatian those corrupt lin
inore which ore the cause of the hir rstirm bf tilosd
vessels, and of every ma'ado incident tie mein.
From three to six of said ITldicit Vegetable Pills
taken at night on going In bed, will in all cocci
give relief, and if repented a few blows, will most
assuredly restore the body to a state of sound health.
ci_jllettrare of Bflgar coated counterfeill.,l:l)
lute only original and genuine burlap; V geta
ble Pills have the eignature r f William Wright
written with a pro on the lop label of each b.
None other is genuine and to counterfeit this is
Fwl4frill• The amino, for solo by
T. IC. SIMONTON, lobe Agent for Hunting
don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; their & Robin
son, khade Gap; l• & Co., Franksbm
& Co., Orlibionin; : 1. 0. Brown, Shirleysbura:
Hunter & Co., West Harre and Petersburg; Groff
& Co., Manor Hill; H. S. Bell, AVElavy's Fort;
James Maguire, Slaulsloag; John W. Mvion. En.
nesville; George 11. Steiner, N\ ater Szroct; A. &
W. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler,
Atilt-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin
cird °Moe, I 69 Dace street, Philadelphia.
Sep. 7,
raint. ls BALSAM OP WILD
ÜBE endeavoring to impress upon the
minds a cur citizens the superior efficacy of this
involuah e rome,ly for Consunipti.m and Pulim ,
nary Diseases in general, we wish to asstne
readers that we are actuated solely by a desire ci
benefit the aillieted. Our faith in the remedy is
founded upon the universal success attending its
use and we fully hello, timt the most faithless
:tit incredulous, alter w•itnr= , i.,g its surprising
virturP, will no long, doubt that Consumption
such indeed to the fact, and, so astonishing have
been the cures t ifet ted by the Flakam, (hat it may
in inetice be considered tie greatest triumph in the
^healing art" that has yet been uchieved. And we
Lre well satisfied, front our experience, that their
a a thousands now lingering upon the brink of the
grave under a disease of the lunge, in some form
who may be rescued from no early death, and re
stored in perfect health by the timely nee of thie
ScCj - e :Wye:lke:non( on fourth page.
IHE followin g d,,rrowd Pi,' Estate. late the
property of Henry P. DOl,l, dee'd, will be
offered at ['oldie nuts at the Court Hell,. in the
borough of Huntingdon, nit SATITIMAY. the 18th
day 01 December, at 1 o'clock P. hi.. viz:
Totten LOTS of ground in the borough
of Huntingdon, lying east or the old Cowl House.
adjoining each other, and fronting on A !leg he ny
and Market ' , fleets,. which ore er .o.rd
, large BTN
LI Ki tch e ntche and other buildings. Also, a
j,FRAME Dwcturn Huron, &e, With it
well of good water. The above lots will be divi
ded if desired by purchasers, on the day of sale.
. .
The tonna will he—one third of the purelme
money on the et:intimation of the Fah.; the re
mainder in three equal annual payments, with in
terest, for which bond and mortgage will be re
Guardian of Oreenberry and lienry P. Dorsey
.lar4rsale aml
No. 284 Market Street, Ninth floor above Eighth
Street, South ride,
Con:prises one of the largest and most beautiful as•
sortmert of HATS, CA and MUFFS in the
Union, and of the latest and most approved sty les,
manufactured under the immediate superintendence
of the Submilicr, i t the best manner, of prime
materials, arid will be sold at the lowest possible
prices for cash.
The assortment embraces a splendid variety of
Silk, Moleskin, Denver. Brush, Russia, Nutria,
and other HAT,' of beautiful fioish, and a compicto
stock of all kinds of Cloth. (3 hard, Fur and Plush
CAPS, of the most desirable patterns, together with
a supply of Mufn, Fors. Butlido Robes, &c.
Country Merchants and others are rcspectfully
invited le examine the stock, which they wdl find
it their advantage to do before purchasing, as it is
his determination,having 'Mooed the each system.
to sell fur Cash utile. and at the I , west prices.
Dealer 1:1 ifras,
WarehouFea 63 Chesnut shove Seem! and Lie,
enth and Chesnut Streets, Pkiiudaphia,
HAS constantly in Store, a elloich
sortthent of Fresh Imported,
Country Merchnos are invited to call at 63
Chesnut mreet, and examine his snick. which he
io tha insvext whiiieiotle pikes, for and
wheri, he sit , mik po,onnliy. 7517. 6 en.
Auditor's Notice,
Estate of WILLI.I.II HUATER, late
of Warriorsmark township, dee'd.
THE und,rsi g i.d. appoinb dby the 0 hoot'
I Court of Iltionnuden county to audit the ac
counts &e., of the Estate of Willie, hooter,
dec...J., will suet d for said purpose Ht the 'addle
house of J emee ChliMberhlill \ tier:quash
township, on Fridsy the 31st day of Decentbt,
inst.; where all persons interested May attend it
they think proper
JOHN OWENS, Auditor.
Dee. 7,1817--4 t
• ILI, be offered at Public Vendne on the
prolohoft en Friday, the 10th (lay of
ember next. all that eertein 1,0 of land. situated
in Tyrone township, Blair ro. late the residenei, or
Jennet Hogg, and containing aboOt 95 acres, of
which Mani, 65 are clea,d, and a spring or never
failing water, huvieg thereon erected a
d a log lialyth adjoining lends of J. 51'Nli11,11.
Thomaa Moo,s and others. Sale to nommen,
at one o'clock of Paid day; !wont *ill be made
knowd on day of sale by,
kest. 23.-3 t.
SHE subscriber offers for sale a tract
I of land situated in Tyrone township,
Blair county, three miles from Tyrone
Forges, containing One hundred and ten
vleres, the principal part Limeston! , ,Land,
in a high state of cultivation, with wa
ter in all the fields except one; a loun
lain Pump at the barn, and running
watdr at the house. The improvement:,
• are—Two Dwelling Houses, a
goad Bank Barn and Stable, a
ii S , Cabinet Makers' Shop, Wagon
House; Carriage House, Cider
and other out-buildings, all sub
stantial and in good repair. Also, a
netvDrawliil tftir burning Lime.
There is also on this farm an
Orchard of Two Hundred ..qpple c; f 7.8::;
Trees nearly all of the very best
grafted fruit.
gy- The Central Railroad will pas,:
within three miles of theahare property.
N. 30, 184:7-6in.
roliE partnership heretofore existing
between John Gemini!! and Charles
Porter, of the borough of Alexandria,
trading in the name of Gemini & Pot
ter, was dissolved by mutual consent on
the 16th of April Inst. All personshav
ing unsettled ;accounts with said firm,
are requested to call and settle the same.
The books are at the old room. Air.
Gemmill having kept the hooks of said
firm while in business, will attend there
every afternoon from this date until the
75th of December, ;Or the purpose of
making settlements.
CHARLES rortma
Ale:modria, Nov. 30, 184.7-3 t.
VitiztatOr itrat 71,4tatr at
Orphan's Court Sale.
1N pursuance of an order of the Or
' plums' (..'olirt of Ilinitingclon county,
will be oilered for sale at Public Vc,tlue
or Outcry on the premises, on Thursday
the Nth. day of Dumber, 1547, all that
certain Messuage, Plantation, and tract
of land, (part of the real estate of Rob
ert Moore, of the borough of Hunting
don, deed,) situate in Walker tcmnship,
in Raid county, near the village of Smith
field and the Turnpike road, and about
one mile West of the borough of Bunt ,
lngdon, adjoining lauds of John McCa
ban, John Hildebrand, John lier, and
others, containing 247 acres, be the
same more more or less, :thaw, 150 acres
of which is cleared; about 50 acres there
beih2- meadow ground, with a new
fraitte dwelling house, a large new frame
barn, and a young apple orchard thereon:
.iananw r
if ilv m ,
. 1 ,, 011
ALSO, On Friday the 17th day of De" • 0 f the estate of H., iel Katmai', deed;
releer, 1847, will be offered on the prem- ,
tate of Tod town,hip, Huntingdon Co.
ices, all that other certain niessmige, •
ALL persons having Athos or demands against
plantation, and tract of land, (also part
the Estate of the said devedent to make known
of the real estate late of the said Robert . tliesaine to them without delay, and those being
Moore, dec'd,) situate on Spruce Creek, indebted t o the same are requested to make Minn
near Colerain Forges, in Franklin town- diate payment to .
ship, in said county, adjoining hinds of SUSAN KURFII %N. A dnix.
Shorb, Stewart & Co., of David Homier
rif Cass Township.
son the Huntingdon Furnace Lands, JOEE PH HEI PNEH,
and ' lands of , others, contamin:2; : - WO N.w. qf MS Twenship.
acres and 135 perches, and aNi,.„ :imp,
be the same tnore or less ; a 1,, , , p:i is! CITY Of MEXICO TAKEN!
. . ,
of which is cleared, with a lm ~.. 1,, t• :: dy. ..V1 a d e cl.' i 4)1 h i it 4.% .
s tory brick dwell irm house, n large frame f 'I, i, ...e!,.. ~ii,,., off,. for sale a splendid and
.1. ~..1,.,.i Id
.. ;.5.,11111011 or Heady-Made Cloth
barn, and other buildings and improve
nients thereon. ni g , pm , i ,ening at his new gland, in the corner-
NOM Of !he brick bui ding opposite John Whitia
TERMS Or SALE.•-One third of the Pur
chase money to be paid on the contirma- !„ k i ,1 . 7 4 .1 17 1 `,' Eu i1 j h , 11 ,',, e • 13 1 ; 1 ' 41 °Elluntin g thn ''''' -
cd welt wade and fa i sLo a t e n a ll7l3 "s c l u il t 'fi v r i t n ici"' warrant-
Otto of the sale ; another third in one
year thereafter with interest ; and the , 2 door's Hooka( over-coats ' of different sizes and
remaining third on or immediately after ' qt , liiii's.
the death of Margaret Moore, widow of . i tin 6..ntlenitn's 'fashionable Clinks.
l i t: do press and sack coats.
the said Robert ,Moore, deed., the inter
est of which last mentioned third to he 1, 2 2 do d i n , ..r ii iLini c i a n ,, l:sncy Pests,.
paid regularly and annually, to the said . c 6 riliir ,, Y , n c n n e r r e'd ' a n i t tr striped.
widow during her life---said payments, 12 do tSliirts (pleated breasts.) Pe
&e. to be secured by the bonds and i 3 do Plain checkered cotton sldits,
mortgages of the purchasers. t Also, a variety of B u rin andsilk stocks, handker•
c,icfs and short stockings, together with a vari e ty
By the Court, °rookies of inen's end boy's arse nil of .11 1 .`t
JACOB MILLER, Cleric. will b,, sold wiE Al , ER than . ' Iv other ‘,,' '''
:i;ale to continence at 1 o'clocl: P. M., .kinnent in t h e •• at
'ln ' . 'nll"
of each of said days. Attendance will Please coil und ) c in x i n % ;nine for vou:selves. Cus
h, g i ven b y OEO. H. sTEINEB , 1 boner's work( puntually nuonl.ti t o.
'r of Robt. Moore, dec'd. ''.'l n ' It '47'l
The farm on Spruce Creek is first A Willi. (ALAN*
rate lime stone land, in a good state of ; CHEAT number of valuable hves wen , rery
cultivation, and, for productiveness, is nen"in ""eillie' ,l in lb" ni"
not surpassed by any farm in the coon- & 11'd '1 • ( & JEWEL" 61 '''RE in
ty, It is, moreover, tt'el l situated, being
~,T , n ers t o w ou v u l see C, /d air! Silrer LCITYS of
in desirable neighborhood, and where
there is always a good cash market for c h,:i ) ,, s ,,;,: ri l t e l j i t u i i i t i ) s . naniiittapr'.yrswn'f. fob
everythiog produced on a farm. It is Breast fins nod linger rings in area P t r- itrZtv g. 1,1
situated near the Water Street and and sliver pencils, silver thimbles, tooth and nail
Spruce Crick Turnpike, and is about one 1 ""r 1 " . "4,'L" 1 bel" 1 "• " 1 .1 , " lb , bugs sind purses.
mile from the probable route of the Pa. P ur " '""1" 1 "" k "' ""."'diain` gild liens
tits property
could he i i!, e i r i. i . e y r .. . i.ll ,:a . tity, pen r. l t i . ,..rlrle , rs, a tine assortment of
buses, perfu
divided so as to maketwom
farms, bidders Dii:„",„"L I"q
ln l ,esrnve &e. &C.
tiny'possibly make arrangements to pur- (7,01 and examine, before it is too late. Clock
chase in view or a subsequent division. • nt•il Watch rilt3iduedotett...s.olitnidwurruniNl.
The t roP ertv near fluntiwtdon
valuable rain its !oration, and the on-
provetnents upon it. The purchaser •it B. C I'Oli E
will find it necessary to spend but little
upon either the fences or the buildings. tis(ririt UKtU,
G. H. S. I)ESPEG I FULLY returns ,hooka t • his
IV friends and the politic tar post Enema, and
takes thin oppo sanity to inform them that he still
Nov. .2.3, 1817
continues tit the 1)111 !stand, one doer east or •
'audit°, 9 m .lolice.
taint's Tavern, and nearly oppo.ite the P ee t Of.
/! HP. undersigned, Auditor 1
(.Dort of t'omtnon )'leas al3oinitiettt i ntin)i . edttiine„fi"'.
Neitily, to distrilgite the roe, eds of the estate of •(;„,/,,•„„., a/c., the shortest
\‘'t•filewart. in the hatids el bavid Sum', Esq., notice and most reaxona hl e pricer.
Adoonistrator, gives untirr rn all persons interest- All kinds of hides and skins, and country pro.
tit that he will attend for that purpose at his office. d e , 6, wide!, lino highest market prices will be'l
to Huntingdon on Thurgdos, the 16th clay of De- t
lit , emen, tit,. in exchange.
eeinher next, at 10 n'eloek A. N. I luntingdnn, Aug. 31 10.17.
twwl6.4t GEORGE 7•A11,01t. Auditor. i
mauximw!mAnzmy! A LI, perming indebted to the lota ffrin of Jo•xl.
\ quantity of merelnietable Dinky, if deli, ered ti nTONTON tire requested to make payment
soot), will ho taken at tho Alexandria ' , rower, previous to November 25th, ensuing, as na longer I
for which a frin price, in CA,411 be given, ndolgence will be given
Afemindria, Oa, 13, 1817-6 t. bit. 26, 1847-4 t
. •
IFTIHE unexampled success which has
1 . thus far attended the NewsEstab,.
THE Subscriber will offer et Public huhment, encourages the nroprietors to
1 Sale, on the premises, on THURS-
!spare no exertions to make the Daily
DAY, the 23d of December next, at 12 1\ aws a paper which shall be second to
o'clock M., the following tamable Real ; none of its cotemporanes in Philadel
estate, to wit : iphia. They will make it their esPfreial
' aim to Impart a dignified and high nor
t Vil TeACTS OF LANE" l e l tone to the paper, and to exclude from
its columns everything of an indelicate
or offensive nature. They have the most
ample resources, in every r , speet, to en
able them to give to its read,. the latest
and most accurate local, foreign and do
mestic intelligence, and also full•and re
liable accounts of the Markets mill Com
mercial news generally.
The Daily News will continue to ill
vocate Whig principles ho originally ex:
pomided by the lathers of the Consti
tution, and adopted by the , ricredited or
gans and champions of the Whig cause
at the present day. It will urge the
holding of a Whig National Convention
for the purpose of nominating iaindidates
for the Presidency and Vice Presidency;
and will battle, with all the ability, zeal
and energy it can command, to secure
thb triuMphakt dectiuti of the nominees
of that Convention:
Tullis.—'l.'o mail subscribers, sirgle
copies will he famished at. *l.OO per
annum. Twelve or more copes, ordered
ut the same time, and udiresi-ed to the
same Post-office, will be sent at the rate
of $3.00 per copy.
situate on the banks of the Little Juni
ata river, one mile below Birmingham,
and within four miles of the Pennsyl
vania Canal, at Water Street One
tract situate in Warriorstiiirlt township,
luntinadon county, the other tract sit
uate in Tyrone Township, Blair county,
the River being the line between the
two tracts, and also the line between
Huntingdon and Blair counties, tecll
knnwn as the property of Andrew Rob
of Warriorsmark township, now
in Warriorsmarlc toWn.ship, contains 200
acres of excellent limestone land, about
100 acres cleared, and in a good state
of cultivation, with
Three Zwelling mouse:,
ira a stone. Haiti
and a good ap
tut' .
pat orchard thereon.
THE, OTHER 71111017,
in 131 air County contains .100 acres of
excellent timber land, with a house
and stable thereon erected ; there is an
Ore bank on this tract, from which a
quantity of Iron Ore of an excellent
finality has been raised. A large part
of this tract is good limestone land for
Ifarming. On these two tracts are
Form,. or a;‘ornar,.s,
perhaps the best sites in the State
There is a number of springs on the ten
tracts of never failing water that keep
the river free from ice for more than a
This treat is all woodland, and well
covered with timber. The survey for
the Central Mill Road runs through the
Ter :—One Third of the purchase
money to be paid in hand, and the bal.
lance in two equal annual payments,
with interest, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgages of the purchaser.
Persons wishing to purchase are in
vited to call and examine the premises.
Attendance will be given by
Surrtring Executor of
.10firele Robeson dee'd.
Nov. 1, 1517.
i,.tied from the same office { from hnd
after the first of January next, on Tues
days, Thursdays, and Saturdays of each
week, and will contain the same mutter
as the Daily, including the news of the .
day on which it is issued. •
The regular subscription price will be
$3.00 for a single copy ; ;bur copies,
$2.50 per copy ; ten copies, $2.00 per
published at the same office, on every
Saturday morning, is n cheap Family
l'aper, will be furnished to subscribers
at the following low terms : One copy,
$1 ; six copies, $5; Thirteen copies,
510 ; twenty copies, 515 ; twenty-seven
copies, .'s2o, &c. &c.
Die Wochentliche Nouigkeiten;
A weekly German Newspaper, devo-:
ted to the advocacy of sound 11' hig prin,
eiples, nod to the dissemination of local,
foreign and domestic intelligeLce,
he published from and after the first of
March next.
TERMS.—One copy, $1.50 ; five co
pies, $6 ; ten copies, $lO.
Er - In no case will either of the above
flapers be forwarded, utilet . payment be
made in advance; and no paper will be
sent after the expiration of the time, un
less the subscription is renewed.
0:7- Money remitted through the mail,
trill be at the risk of the publishers.
Notes of all specie paying Banks, in any
part of the Union, will be received in pay.
Philadelphia, Nov. N., 1847-4 t.
Dr. littler's regtiable Peat-
Fur the removal and permanent cure of nil dis
eases from an impure state of tho Blood
and habit of the body, viz: Chronic offections of
the Chest, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Catarrh, &I,—
ofuta in all as stage,, 7etter, Scald-head
lancores affections of the body, f,ce and ext.: cr,
ilia, Chronic Rheumalbon,ChTMlie en Is rgenmn t
of the lig,,lnents and joints, White Sweliings,
Syphilitic Affections, Cartel tutlonal disorders
arising from debility, Mercurial and hereditary pre
dispositions. &c.
It is now admitted by Pathologists, thYf no'
original temperament, complexion, con,iitiniiin, or
form of b„nly, , confers complete immunity Ire m kJ en:
editury diseases; that scrofulu, consumption and
other atTeetions having a similarity of origin occur
in all: although observation convinces us, that in
dir iduals.und families, possoising eel tnin chnructer
istir A are more frequently the subje.t cif these mot.'
tidies than others. These diseases nre n morbid con
dition of the whole system of nutrition—these po
dia.t a being but the effects of nn alteration of the
Itloo I and ecretiona—the ulcers, abuses, cola' gerl
glands, intimations, &c., being Inertly attr nentit
phenomena. ThEcause exists prior to the pheirom- .
eon, and must be destroyed before perfect heslili
ear) to eAtitbltslwil. This may be done by Dr. Kiri
li•r's Vegetable Pnnueen, the most ern Win innerly
114 all diseases arining from an impute state of !Us
blood and system of nutrition, ever presented is
the notice of the afflicted.
Prepared corner of ad and South streets, Phil
adelphia: and sold by John N. Prowell, and Jones .
,irnonton, 1 luntin4don, and by Druggists and
Merchants throughout the county. Price—sl per
bottle, large size.
jolts 9, n 47.
Fi~fl.?lillinary Goody
CricVsf.lS ass G.M.r@D
Importers and Dealers in. Sias, lilblons
and .11illinaty Goods, .A 1). 45 Song
Second Street, Philadelphia,
RE now opening for the rail Trade a very
rich assortment of Milfirmry Goings, a largo
proportion et which aro of their oWn
viz:—Bonnet figured and plain.
Bonnet Satin., of all helms and qualtrt a.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap' labond, a very hand•
some aoortment.
Silk Flushes.
Silk Velvets, black and colored, of all qualities.
French and Aitrerioan Artificial Flowma.
Fancy .Lace.;, Cap Lace Trimmings.
Bonnet Crowns, Tips, Buckman.. &c.
They Itaro aisti received tiy the l a t e arrivals a
very lwantirtil assortment of Fancy Feathers, duet!
from the manufacturers in Paris.
Fhila. wept. 7, '47.
John Soot,
TTORNEY AT LA %,‘ , minehipion, Pa.—
HaP removed hie olliee to tlie roiddle room of
snare's Row," directly eprtcteitt Fit.itet h :11'lliur
'He's %tore where he will attend with preinottets
and fidelity to all Itesinees with n hid' he way he
entrnoted in Ilittiinailon or the adjoining counties
HUntingdon Sept. 23,1846.