The Wilinot Proviso in New Perk. ! one of the oldest articles in the code of trAk BuitiiN , a ismilca. democracy. [Laughter.] Mr. V. 8., in view of all this, begged leave to say . The following witty and sarcastic to that distinguish ed gentleman—if words from so humble a prrsonage could speech of the son of Ex-President Van reach him—that hisp rotest against the Buren, will give our readers a pretty movements of the freemen of New York, •lenr and comprehensive idea of the it was a foreign protest, which by the 1 cause of the great blow up in the ranks laws of the Empire State, had no valid of kyr: [Cheers.] We have, continued the Democracy in the State of New Mr: B. followed Southern lights to the , ' York. It was delivered a few evenings very verge of freedom: We have fol. previous to the late election, before a l lowed their will-o-the-wisps so far that, large meeting held at Albany. if we go farther, there is danger that we may be mired. Hereafter, he. for [From the Albany Journal . Oct. 30.] one, should be guided by the lig ht of The Wilmot Proviso Meeting. liberty—he should be guided by the The meeting last evening was one of ' light of true patriotism—by the light the largest and most enthusiastic we o f human freedom—in short, by the ever attended. The multitude moved Norther'n lights. [Tremendous cheer by the inspiring watchword of '‘ Free- ing and great applause.] If Mr. Ritchie den;" begun to wend its way to the Cap- supposes that a democratic creed can be itol. * * * * * * be made for the North as tt is made for .JOHN VAN BUREN was perseveringly the South, where democracy stands still called for after Mr. W ilmot closed his under every stimulant to progress, he speech. When he took the stand, the . mistakes the taper of the progressive walls of the elpitol shook with the democracy of the North. (Cheers.) If tamers and plaudits of the dense throng. : such a thing could be, he might have the l'principles of '9B' as the eternal princi- He commenced by a reference to the in hospitable welcome which Mr. Wilmot pies of the democratic party. But in had received at the hands of the editor the State of New York—amidst her gi , a the Argus. As a Dutchman, he re- gantic energies and her devotion to free gretted his inhospitality, Albany was ' don and progress—the man who desires wont to give a cordial welcome to all to keep pace with the spirit of the age, her guests; and such a welcome this and with the onward movement of her selecting, and the courteous of till par- ' democracy, must move on with it, or be tics, had extended to this eloquent nod rode over and crushed. (Cheers.) He truthful champion of freedom. He all u - must raise his eyes from the tow-path ded to the progress which fret princi- of Southern apathy, and look out upon pies were making throughout the world. the broad ocean of freedom—he must Austria arid Prussia were giving way. lay down his jews-harp ' and hearken France was becoming progressive! and to the shrill bugle-blast of progress; he .must lay down his pop gun and listen to the inspiring cry of liberty was even t sounding from the portals of the Vat- the shouts of the millions of freemen ican. England had expended 294000,- . who tire determined to plant the stand- WO to abolish slavery in her dominions, nrd of liberty upon all free soil conquer and Denmark was now striking the ed by the treasure and blood of freemen. manacles front her bondsmen. When (Immense cheering.) If Mr. Ritchie will do this, lie may then deem himself these glorious things were occurring all around its, and the despotisms of the possessed of the dignity of character old world were giving way before the which will justify him to lecture the de , prighe lii , ht of religion and democracy mocracy of New York—not before.— shall the model republic hold back 1— . We are told, continued Mr. V. 8., that Shall her treasure and the precious blood we are opposed to the pending war with of her sons be poured out to conquer free ' Mexico. This charge is brought against Yet us by that great fighter of the Argus, territory to curse with slavery 1 . such was the position it was sought to i Edwin Croswell: (Great laughter.) It , is a slander to say that we are opposed give the country. The effort was being, made, and under such circumstances it to the Mexican war, or any other war. was time that the free people of the (Laughter.) If half that he has said be North gave utterance to their views.— : true, the reverse is the fact. And to f Cries of yes ! yes ! and cheers.] w e prove it, it will only be necessary to re lieve been told by the Union, the organ fer to the columns of the Argus, where of the government at Washington- -that the names of those who have been woun it was wrong for the people of the North ded by the unterrified democracy are to meet and discuss the Wilmot proviso. duly recorded. (Laughter.) But inqui . red Mr. V. 8., who are fighting in Mex- Mr. Ritchie, the editor of that journal, is a man of talent and agreeable man- lice I—in Mexico, remember, not in the nere Bet he mistakes his vocation if ' .Irgus office 1 (Laughter.) Where is he thinks it any part of his province to Gen. Worth 1 Who are his York.--friends— . who are his connexions 1 Where would lecture the freemen of New He has been recently translated (laugh- he be if he were herel He, sir, would ter) from Virginia to Washington, to be the leading spirit of this meeting of ! take care of the democratic family. His j `traitors,' as we are called. He would predecessor was an able nine, and had i be the foremost in this gallant band of led the democracy through many sac .ldenwerats who are rearing aloft the bright banner of 'Freedom upon our icessful battles. But what has Mr. Rit chie to show, that he has, in any degree, soil !' (Loud cheers.) Many of this mee contribnted either to the harmony, num. , thug have friends in the service in Mee hers, or triumphs of the democracy 1— ice; and if, as has been intimated in a Arkansas wits once so strongly demo- high quartet, supplies were withheld; erotic that you could hardly find a Whig , where, sooner than from this assembly, —with a search warrant r (laughter) and I would go up an indignant protest? Who, .yet it Is now under the dominion of the ! if it became necessary to call for more Whigs ! Tennessee the home of the troops from New York, would be more : President, and once a pillar in the dein- ready again to shed his blood in the be• oeratic temple—had lapsed, and now half of his country, than the President rests in the arms of whiggery ; although jof this meetingl There was nothing there has been executive patronage i Mr. V. B. would not do to carry on this enough bestowed upon her citizens with. war, so long as it was necessasy for the in two years, to have converted Massa- honor of the country. But lie did not chusetts herself ! (Great laughter.)— believe in fighting one day and granting And Massachusetts, whose democracy an armistice the next—in striking a fel had more than once triumphed, during low one or two blows and then stopping the editorial reign of Mr Ritchie's pre. to ask him if he wouldn't hollow enough. decessors, is now so sunken that it can He was told by men better skilled than reject a resolution of freedom! Not himself in such matters, that any man only so, its democracy has so far degen. could cry 'enough,' when he had enough. erated that it can nominate 'a fixed fact' His friend S—g could have told this as the 'progressive democratic' eandi- much to the editor of the .drgus. (laugh. date! (Excessive laughter.) Pennsyl. ter.) If, said Mr. V. 13., Mr. Polk would intimate a desire to give Mr. Crosswell eagle alone bears up the old democratic banner; and she is the home of the au. a commission in the Mexican service, he thor of the Wilmot Proviso. Mr. V. would cheerfully sign the recommends 8., in view of these facts, expressed the tion. (Laughter.) II he should exhib hope that if the people of New York it one quarter of the animosity toward were to elect a tutor front south of the the Mexicans which he has exhibited Potomac, they might have the usual toward the democracy of the State who would not bow to his dictation, the war privilege of making an examination of his qualities themselves. The editor of would soon be brought to a close. If lie the Union says that the Ordinance of would exhibit one half the venom toward 1787 is in ' interpolation' in the demo- the Mexicans he has towards the thirty two signers of the call for the Herkimer cratic creed. This is not the first time this gentleman has denounced democrat- convention, he would consider the war is measures as ' interpolations.' H e half finished. (Cheers.) If he should exhibit one quarter of the malice and seems to deem the democratic creed to be composed, like the creed of the Syn- venom toward Santa Anna, which he od of Dort, of a certain number of Ar- has exhibited toward the great leader of titles,revokable only by the Synod Northern democracy, Silas Wright, Mr. itself (Laughter.) Mr. Ritchie decla. V. B. would consider the war at end as red Gen. Jackson's proclamation against soon as he enlisted. (Cheers and laugh nullification an ' interpolation.' But ter.) But to render his labor effectual would any citizen of New York, if h e and characteristic, Mr. Croswell would had been called upon to maintain that first have to enlist under the Mexican proclamation, have scanned the requisi- banner, and then betray it. (Immense tion, to ascertain whether it contained applause.) Mr. V. B. referred to the an abstract declaration of democracy 1 charge in the Argus, that himself and When the process of freedom is issued, friends were acting with the Whigs.— As an offset to this charge, he read S. it does not become freemen to higgle about the terms of the process. [Cheers.] Strong's celebrated affidavit, amid So when the Independent Treasury was cheers and laughter; and after stating broached. That was an 'interpolation' that it had never been contradicted, lie in the opinion of Mr. Ritchie, not to be proceeded to say that when it was tie admitted into the democratic creed.— nied, he would bring forward further ev- But 'when the annexation of Texas was idence, and prove to the democracy that, made an issue by the Baltimore Conven., for the second time, Mr. Croswell had tion, you didn't hear him say any thing ' got his foot in the grating. (Great laugh about 'interpolations.' He took it up ter.) Sad carried it forward with as much Mr. V. B. denied that the simple fact ast i e f ac ti en an d zea l as if it had been . that the Whir concurred with the rad- ical democracy in regard to the Wilmot proviso, was nny evidence either that it or its advocates were federalists.—But for the Whigs the law in relation to the new constitution could not have been passed. But for Whig votes, the new constitution could not have been adopted. The conservatives opposed them both. Why were not the radical democrats branded as Whigs in those casesl The man, said Mr. V. 8., who tries to make a ti big of me, will end in making an ass of himself. [Laughter.] He was not baby enough to run whenever any one cried out "spook." He would as adon think of running away from the Mexicans because a reinforcement of Whigs were coming to the rescue, as to run away from the support of the Pro viso because Whigs were in favor of it. [Prolonged cheering.] Instead of bran ding such a report as evidence of its federal Character, he would deem it ev ' dence of its righteousness. No wise man will repudiate a good thing because it has the countenance of those with whom he differs generally.—(Cheers.) He doubted whether all the brave men in our army in Mexico were democrats. At Yorktown, Chippewa, Buena Vista and Churubusco, Whigs fought bravely. If the crimson soil of those battle fields should be analyzed, there would be found some spots of Whig blood.— , (Cheers.) He would deem himself a craven at heart, if he should find himself hesitating to admit the gallantry of Tay lor because he was a Whig.—(Cheers.) There are times when all good men rnl. ly to support the correct principle. He was the last man to be driven off from a righteous measure, because he found it supported by men connected with other denominations. (Cheers.) He had been accused of leading the democrats astray in the contest. *He would guaranty that I those who make this charge will be loth to credit him, with the majority against them, when the votes are counted,— (Cheers.) He had been charged with being influenced in his present conduct with ; by the action of the Baltimore Convention in 1840. He appealed to democrats and whigs . to say if there was any man in the State who had labored harder than himself to seem.° the elec• tion of that Convention. Whatever good (polities he may have he had the gunk ities of frankness. When he was for a man he was for him with all his heart. When he was against a man, Ile was against him just as sincerely. He went into that campaign because, besides men, the Baltimore Convention sent out principles under which the democracy could rally. But the Syracuse Conven tion has not only given us no principles, but men whotn a majority of the repub licans of the State do not want. Still, if he was an editor, with no more prin ciples than some editors, be might run up the name of Ilungerford, for Compt roller, and on the election day, vote for Huogerford, for State Senator. (Cheers.) He had no fear of the issue of this contest. Even though the government should fall into the hands of NV Ligs they could do but little harm so long as they were kept in the straight jacket of the new constitution. (Cheers.) Mr. V. would leave every man to do as he pleased in regard to supporting the Sy racuse ticket. The democrats who had heard him might do as they pleased.— They can vote it if they choose ; but, said Mr. V. 8., I am the man that wont' do it. (Tumultuous cheering.) I won't, because no principlls were expressed by which it was nominated. I won't, because it refused to declare itself in fa vor of freedom. I won't, because I could not and maintain my self respect. I won't because to do so would be to grat , ify the men who last year crucified Si las Wright. (Great applause.) Now you may take your own course—do what you choose. Those of you indebt ed to conservative banks, better vote the ticket: Doctors who have conservative patients, better vote the ticket. Law yers who have conservative clients, bet ter *te the. ticket. Chicken pedlars and fish mongers who have conservative customers, better vote the ticket be cause, if they do not, the conservatives will sacaifice you if they can. But for me, I won't vete that ticket. (Protracted cheering.) Mr. V. B. had been told that he had been giving Croswell too much consequence. But this was a mistake. You could not have give a man too much consequence who has the power to thrust from the Executive chair, if not into his grave, such a man as Silas Wright. It was true he had no respect for his integrity, veracity, or patriotism; but he had respect for his zeal, talents, and energy, He is brains for the whole conservative party. (Cheers.) Where would your Peckhains, your Hoses, your Gallups, your Seymours, and your Wat son's be, if it were not for Edwin Cros well! They wouldn't know enough to go home in a dark night. (Latiaiiter.) In conclusion, Mr. V. B. said, he had taken his stand deliberately and believ ed he had the sympathies of the masses. If men can read the papers—attend the Herkimer convention—and witness this enthusiastic gathering--and are still unable to realize that the backbone of the party is broken, they may wig• gle along until after election in their blessed ignorance and then they will re. alize. (Cheers.) I repeat, you may all do as you please ; but I shan't support that ticket. (Cheers.) I am aware that I am accused of violating the usages of the democratic party ; but cheating isn't a usage of the party. (Laughter.) The Herkimer Convention declared that the action of the Syracuse Convention was of no binding force. This I believe. (Cheers.) I shall choose my own can didafes. I shall vote my own ticket. I shall vote to Maintain Freedom"—to "Rebuke Fraud"—to "Retnember Silas Wright." (Treitiendous and prolonged cheers.) It is for you tb do as you please. I know you arc intelligent. I know you are patriotic. I know you are discreet, and I believe you will act right. (Cheers and "we will.") The political sea is now tempest tossed ; but in the midst of the dashing billows I think I see the spirit of liberty moving upon the face of the water ; and I think I hear, even above the roar of the tem pest, a sprit whisper "Be of good cheer; it is I be not afraid." [Shout after shout, and the most tumultuous enthu siasm followed this termination of a speech, of which we have given but lit tle more than a skeleton.] FROM CA LI VOW% VA . CINCINNATI, Nov. 9 The St. Louis papers received to-day contain some further interesting intelli gence from California. Corn. Stockton, accompanied by a party of forty-six, among whom arc a number of army and navy officers, set out from California in July last, and came almost direct through to St. Louis, where they arrived on the sth inst. At Turkey River they were surprised at night by a party of Indians belonging to the Wash kee tribe, anti had quite a skirmish with them ; in which Coin. Stockton receiv ed a severe wound from an arrow.— The Indians were finally repulsed, but they succeded in carrying off four hor ses belonging to Coat. Stochton's party. The Corn. made no stay at St. Louis, but immediately set out to Washington city.—He seemed to be on the most ur gent business [To attend as a witness on Freemont's trial.] The party met quite a number of em igrants on their way to California and Oregon, from whom they learned that everything was quiet in the country thro' which they had passed— there not being the least disposition among the inhabitants to molest them Cot. Mason had been appointed Gover nor of California, and was most zealous in his endeavors to preserve peace and good government throughout the part of the country over which he had control. In fact so admirably have his arrange ments been carried out, that there was not the least appehension of any hostil ity benig manifested towards him by the l Apple of that far off country. "Markets. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 12, 184.7, FLOUR AND MEAL.—The market has given way, owing to the unfavorable news fromTurope. Wheat Flour is sel ling at $6,25 a $6,50. Rye Flour 145,- 25, Coo,. .Ileal, 143,25. , GR AIN .—W heat—Southern reds at $425 a $1,35 cts per bushel. Rye, at 85 aB7 etc. Corn—Sales at 72 a 75 cts. for old Southern and Penn'a yellow; 62i cts mixed and 56 cts for new, all weight. Oats—About 8000 bushels Southern sold at 4.3 a 15 ets---the latter for prime quality. luoN—The stock of Pig continues light with a moderate demand, and sales comprise some 300 tons in lots at $35 a 37 for Charcoal, and 34. a $36 for An thracite, on time. In Blooms and Bars sales are limited. Boiler Plates sell freely, and transactions to sonic extent have come under our notice at 44 a 5 cts for No. 2, and 6 a 61 per lb for No 1, on the usual credit. T.u.Low—ln fair demand, but prices are rather less firm ; we quote to-day at a).)i cts for city rendered. WHISKEY in brls sold to the extent of 400 brls at 29 cts, and hhds at 28i a 29. BALTIMORE, Nov. 12, 1847. Five hundred barrels Howard street Flour sold at $5 814, and City Mills brought the same price. The inspec tions of Flour for the past week are 20,- 000 barrels. Sales of Corn Meal at $3,; 25; white Wheat 124 to 127; red 120 to 122 ; White Corn 56 to 58 ; yellow 67 to 70 ; Oats 40 ; Whiskey 281, Cocos, Cowing, CONSUMPTION. &C.—II shOUIll be remembered that o cough is an evidence that some impurity is lodged in the lungs, which, if not removed, will so irritate those delicate or gans as to produce intimation of the lungs, a dis ease which we all know is the high road to con stimptio9 Wright's Indian Vegetal & Pills ore a safe easy and certain cure for colds and coughs, because they carry by the stomach and bowls those mor bid humors which, if deposited upon the lunge, are the cause of the above dangerous complaints. A single twenty•five cent box ut Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills is genora ly sufficient to make a perfect cure of the must obstinate cold; and at the same time the digestion is improved, and the blood comp'etely purified. _ . o,Betvtire of augur coaled counterfeits..D3 The only original and genuine Indian Vegeta ble Pills have the signature if William Wright written with a pen on the top label of each box. None other is genuine and to countoleil this is Forgery. The genuine for sole by TON, sole Agent fee Hunting don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin posi,khado Gap; Illair & 0., Frunkatown; Orbiaon & Co., Orbisonia; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg; Hunter & Co., West Barre and Petoreburg; Gruff & Co., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, IWBletry's Fort; James Maguire, Saulaburg; John W. Myton, En nessille; George H. Steiner, Water Street; A. & Vl'. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler,l Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin cipal office, 169 Race street, Philadelphia. Sep. 7, '47. BLANK DEEDS and MORTGAGE, admirably executed on very tine pa per, for sale at this Office. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE, T HE Subscriber Will offer at Public Sale; on the preMises, on THURS.: DAY, the 23d of December next, at 12 o'clock M., the following valuable Real estate, to wit : TWO TRACTS OF LAND, situate on the banks of the Little Juni ata river, ono mile below Birmingham, and within four miles of the Pennsyl vania Canal, at Water Street : One tract situate in Warriorsmark township, Huntingdon county, the other tract sit. uate in Tyrone Township, Blair county, the River bein g the line between the two tracts, and also the line between Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known as the property of Andrew Rob eson, of Warriorsmark township, now deceased. IrmsE 3IANSITON TRACT, in Warriorsmark township, contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land, about 100 acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, with M,:. Three Dwelling Houses, ; 1 ; a stone Barn and a good ap -1;; ple orchard thereon. v i TI - 02 OTHER TnACT, in Blair county contains 400 acres of excellent tirtibcr land, with a house and stable thereon erected ; there is an Ore bunk on this tract, from which a quantity of Iron Ore of an excellent quality has been raised. A large part of this tract is good limestone land for farming. On these two tracts are FOUR SITUATIONS FOR - - - -- FOrgCS i' nuennees, perhaps the best sites in the State. There is a number of springs on the two tracts of never failing water that keep the river free from ice for more than a mile. This tract is all woodland, and well covered with timber. The survey for the Central Rail Road runs through the property: TErnis:—One Third of the purchnse Money td be paid in hand, mid the hal lance in two, equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchaser. Persons wishing to purchase are in vited to call and examine the premises. Attendance will be given by DAVID ROBESON, Surrtving Executor of .Andrew Robeson dcc'd. Nov. 0, 1841. dirdiiorls oiiie THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Conn of t. ontmon Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds of the estate of %Valiant Stewart, in the hands of David Snare, Esq., Administrator, gives notice lo all persons interest ed that he will attend fur that purpose at his office, in Huntingdon on Thursday, the 10th day of De cember next, at 10 o'clock A, M. novlo.4t GEORGE TAYLOR, Auditor. diain Of reit 0 rti , .I'ol lee Of the estate of Daniel Kutlinan, dee'd, late tf Tod township, Huntingdon Co. persons having claims or demands npinst the Estate of the said decedent to make known the Pomo to them without delay, and those being indebted to the same are requested to make imme diate payment to SUSAN KURFM AN, Adex. &JOSEPH KUHFMAN, Mm. of Casa ThwnBVp. JOEEI'fI HEIFNER, Nov. 19.6 t. of Tod Township. CITY OF MEXICO TAKEN! Ready-Made Clothing . . rpuE subscriber offers for sale a splendid and 1. seasonable assottment of Ready-Made Cloth ing, just opening at his new stand, in the corner room of the brick bui ding opposite John Whitta ker'. tavern, in the Borough of Huntingdon ; con sisting of the following seasonable article., warrant ed well made and fashionably cut, viz: 2 dozen hlankot over-coats of different sizes and qualities. 1 do Gentlemen's Fashionable Cloaks. 12 do Dress and sack coats. 12 do well made Fancy Vests, 12 - do Punts 7 caosimerl ootinett, enoinett and corduroy, plain, figured and striped. 12 do Skirts (pleated breasta.) 3 do Plain checkered cotton'abirts, Also, a variety of satin and silk stocks, handker• chiefs and short stockings, together with a variety of articles of men's and buy's wear ; all of which will be sold CHEAPER than at any other estab lishment in the county. Please cull and examine for youtselvea. Cue. , tower's work puntually attended to. sept. 14, '47.] BENJAMIN SNARE. A WFUL CALAMITY! A GREAT number of valuable lives were very mark sacrificed in the rush to H. K. Herr• Bno's WA TC:11 & JE WELRY STORE in Market Square. There you will see Gold and Silver Levers of every style, quality and price. Also, gold fob chains, guard chains and keys of every description. Breast Pins and finger rings in great variety; gold and silver pencils, silver thimbles. tooth and nail brushes, steel beads, clasps for bags and purses, purse silk, spectacles, accordions, gold pens of su perior quality, pen holders, a fine assortment of fancy stationery, motto wafers, fancy boxes, perfu mery, Diaries for 1849, envelopes, &c. &c. . - Call and examine, before it is too late. Clock anti Winch repairing done as usual, and warranted. BARLEY! BARLEY! Aquantity of merchantable Bailey, if delivered itoon, will be taken at the Alexandria Brewery for which a fair price, in CASH, will be given. HENRY FOCKLER. Alexandria, Oct. 13, 1847—Gt. A. W. Benedict, ... A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon. Pa.- 11 at his old residence in Main street,a few doors west of the old Court House. He will attend to any business entrusted to him in the sev eral Courts of Huntingdon and inhuining eedniir!, Tuscarora Academy. TIM nourishing Institution is 'trusted in Tus. , carom Valley, Juniata Co., Pa.. 8 mile. B. W. of Miffintoun. It has been in successful operation for several years ; and is believed to be equal to any Academy in the State, in affording facilities to young men for acquiring a thorough academical education, either Mr Lusinese or ler College. Being situated in a very pleasant end healthful neighborhood in the country, the pupils are removed from those temptation. to idleness, dissipation and vice which are the bane of similar Institutions in town. The buildings are large and enmmodioua, eufli icent to accommodate a large number; and Pupils from a &stance are required to board in the Inati , lotion with the Ptiocipel. rut if It is derired by their parents, good boarding eon be obtained in thei neighborhood of the Academy. TERMS:" For nons(ll4, (per v: , e;.(li) 1;1 2 Waehing, (per quarter of 11 weeks) Igo Bed 1 00 14 InCiaentSis 44 20 TERMS FOR TinTioN • For Tuition in Latin, Greek & Matlanott ics, (per quarter) Natural Philo.mpliy, Cheini.try, Rhetoric, Yolitiral Economy, Book-Ke,ping, Bot any. History, &c. &c. Arithmetic, F,ngliah Grammar, Geography, Reading, Writing, &c, &v. (per quarter of Iweeks) - Light. Hooka arid Stationary are found by the Pupil; and otay ho obtained of the &tures th the neighborhodd. There are no extra chargee whid ever, The jcadetnical year is divided into two (vitals. of 22 weeks ouch, and each session into two quo', tern of I t weeks each. rry. One quarter must be paid in advance, when the Pupil ewers ; and ulj bills must be paid off befitre he leaves the Acad emy ; otherwise 7 per cent on the whole bill fur the quarter will be added. deduction fur ab sence during . tho quarter unless caused by sicker.: The very best testimonials can Inc given both ant to the scholarship and ability of the Principal ; and his long experience in the profession entitles him to the confidence of the public. The Vae•rtivi a occur in April and October. Address (past paid) all communications to We . Academia P DAVIO WILSON, Principal. Tos•curorn Valley, Juriata Co., Pa. . . N. B.—Pupils from a distance can always find a rea•!y conveyance from Mifflin up to the Annie. , my, by nppking to McAllister's Hotel. HEALTH MADE EASY FOR THE PEEP:. or Physical Training, to make their Lives in this World Long and Happy, by the .duthor of " Education: It Is, Ought To Be, (mil *Wight lie," First" ..4 mtrican Edition, with .additions: Being nn elementary and interesting treatise oil 5 if K towled4m. witaining shat and entertaiti3 ing articles on rood, I I 6art, Oltifidg, Strength, Noting, Stutnach, Nerves, Recreations, Digestion, Liver, Brains, Old Ago; Blood, Lungs, Mind. Men, ......, Secretion., A rteries, Sense., Woman Head, Veins, Health, Dion e; dr.e.. Ile., &e. Together with the Great Secret—Success in Life how attained—blow to do Good—Comes and Effects or Error—li allits—Pagsions— Woman de scrilicd —Man described—Men'. Errors--Rich end --Sews_-Virtie end N'icc--Youthful Errors —Woman hots tirade delicate-r-Wornan's Virtues, Ambition, &c. The whole designed for the noble purpose of in proving and extending education amongst the pro ple, imparting valuable Icnowledgon the physiol ogy of the human frame and the laws which gov ern mental and bodily health. net etc. 13 --- y Anv person sending 25 cents enelOsed in et letter shall receive one copy by mail, nt live copir¢ will be sent for I. Adchess,postage paid. G. B. knwit 8,, co, Philadelphia may t 6.47 ly] ra:lolifliorar . y Goods Importers and Dealers in Silks, Rthhon. and Ofillina, y Goods, JVo. 45 South. Second Street, Philadelphiac • A RE sow opening fot the Fall Tritdo a rery j . A . rich as;ortment of Millinary Goods, a large proportion of which are of their own importation, viz:—Bonnet Silks, figured and plain. Bonnet Saline, of all colors and gushier,. Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a very hand. some assortment. Silk Flushes. Silk Velvets, black and colored, of all qualities, French and American Artificial Flowers, Fancy Laces, Cap Stuffs, Lace Trimmings. Bonnet Crowns, Tips, Buckrams, Willows, fk, They have also received by the late arrivals a very beautiful assortment of Fancy Feathers, dire, t from the manufacturers in Paris. aria. 7, '47. SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK .747.1.1`1 U IACTOft Afrecririt Itrell, D ESPEGTFUL IN returns thanks t his fliends and the public for past favors, and takes this oppo: trinity to inform them that he still continues at the old stand, one door east of Car mones Tavern, and nearly opposite the Poet Of fice, where he is at all times prepared to manufac ture All kinds of Harness, Sadder, Trunk 3, Mat tresses; &fits, Cushions. etc. elc., at the shortest notice and most ressonable prices. All kinds of hides and Aim, and country pro: dune, re , which the highest market prices will he allowed, taken in exchange. tfuntingdon, Aug. 21, 1847. LAS'I' NI/TIC.% LL persons indebted to the late firm of & St uoYTos are requested to make paynit n t previous to November 25th, ensuing, as no longer indulgence will be given. E. M. JONES, Oct. 2G, 1847-4 t French Burr Mill Sionct4. rpHE subge,ibr r respectfully informs the trade, and all concerned, that he still continues the manufacture of Po enelt Barra, of all size-; war ranted equal in quality and workmanship to any that can be made in America. If desired he wilf deliver Burrs at his own rick, at any point on the Railroad or Canals. All orders addressed io him by mail, will receive the name prompt attention as if application were made in person. NA M. I I. KEPNER. Hurrisbunz, Av. 28, 1847.-3 m. John Scott, jr., A TTORNEY A' LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— II Hos removed his office to the middle room of Snare'. Row," directly opposite Fishes & ur trie's store, where he will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he Duly he entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining enuelter ituntinidee Sept. 23, IP41; $6 00