Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 16, 1847, Image 1

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    T G N
;t •
' and wringing his hands. "God in mers Such is the •extrenie purity of the air Telegraphic. 1 been fbr years in force in that State,
The .. HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" will be cy grant that it may be false! that this' - that . we could trace with ease the long Two men from the interior, apparent- ' where its effects are tnost salutary. You
tluplished hereafter at the following rates, viz ' dreadful sin may not be upon me'l" 1 The Americans in possessing the im line of aqueduct that touches the base Ily tharketeers, halted at the corner of ' once expose the radical to the i,gnomin.
1.78 a year, if paid in advance;
aid during the yearned
$3.50 if
not paid
il after the expiration of the year. The above 1
down, and looked at
an- the judge and the witness with a eal - penal city of Mexico and the neighbor
m mg hill and fountain of Guadeloupe, •
of the hill of Chapultepec as it passes ! our alley last evening and listened at- I uous disgrace - public . •
of a whipping, and
— • havel . holdMexicaninto the city. Even then, as we fixed : tentively a few moments to the clicking !he clears out—leaves the State, and you
terms to be adhered to in all cases. I ness which had something almost fiends a pecu taron the old on it our admiring eyes, we spoke of ;of our press. 1
I are never troubled with him afterwards;
No subscription taken for less than six months, I lab in it, when contrasted with the ex- race. By immemorial tradition the lord Chapultepec as a lion in the gate to Hex-1 " What on yearth is that rnttlin' ma- Out of hundreds I have knotvii to be
End no paper discontinued until all arrearages are'' treme agitation of the one, and the men- of the spot on which the Aztec eagle ico. The circular dome rich its many ' chine'." inquiredof' ' Whipped there , I never knew ohe of thenf
i ,„ one the ether. -
ipsid.uniosa at the option of the publisher. tal agony of the other. paused in its flight, is Master of the colored mosaic work duo ' •
cotera l. "D 'no,”
. answered the questioned Ito show his face ih that community of-
GO- To Clubs of six, or more, who pay in ad- At last the oldstooped infront
man Mexican valley. In the eyes of the sacred fount ' ain - attrheted
Vance, the Journal will be sent at $1.50 per of ; • .us at least to twat • standing ready, at the same time,' t r de "
y, e ! e war ...
in military science—Mexico
him , and with a calmness so sudden- m assesen? ' ~ e , •, d discovered hil l!!
copy for one year; and any one who will /tend us • an we the to par- to beat a retreat if the noisy "varmint" ; The gentleman
sat down, .satisfied
that number einem. accompanied with the money . ly assumed in the midst of his paroxysm ,falls
. with tier tespitai. The prowess and take of its waters. The edifice is of should make a sudden el earance that his " ractical illustration" was a
Shall receive the Journal one year for his trouble, !of remorse, that it even overnwed the skill that has reached and struck deem
• • peculiar and most Orientel character, as " D'no what the thunder ' i ' t P is, but . it' • • p killbill.'
clincher, and would the Cor
eaes criminal, said; "You are one whose life the head, may easily reduce to submis
is natural, for it was erected bythe
re de- keeps on a tremendus racket—it must win arose very gravely, and remarked:
IVIISCELLA.N E 0 US. has been a tissue of falsehood and
crime. You must prove what you have
sion the broken members. The second
pledge of final obedience is in the guar- scende t of the Moorish
Grenada, n who died 11en the
e rin o c r e d s er of of b e ,l l Gr e o t o e dle g a r saf : .0 1 , i e k e e t ." I have often endeavored, Mn. Speaker,
- -.5e...- said, or I'll not believe it." dianship of the dearest and roost sacred ci • •• ,by g,ravy, 'tis the to solve the questioh why there woe
Christian sanctity. His portrait shows ielegraf, shore enuf, Sam, replied Ike ; such an immense emigration from Con-
Capital Punishment. "Be it so," replied the prisoner. el object of the national veneration—the a noble looking man, and fitly decorates "I heard they war gittin' it fixed ' • 'theW butalwaysuntil
up yur necticne to West,
saw the wole transaction, and heard , Church, rock and fountain dedicated to
In the Democratic Review for No Vein- ' the interior of the building. The loon- in St. Louis. 'Spose'n we take a squint' now without success. The gentleman
bar,1842, there was an account of the all your testimony at the trial ; for I• " Mary, the mother of Jesus, patron fain is circular and not far from twenty at the flashin' thing while les a goin !" lexplained •
1 has it to my entire satisfac
trial of Harry Blake, for murder, who : Was there too. I'll now tell you what 1 saint and perpetual intercessor of tire feet in diatnetdr, and as it boils up con- They cautiously approached the win. , tion."
Was convicted upon circamstantial es- ' occurred at the spot of the murder, elll hallowed people d ."
to li t ?s site has been tinunlly like a hubbling cauldron, seems (low of the press room and peeped in. I Corwin's bill passed !—Ohio paper.
id, nee and hung. About three months which you did not mention, but winch I i date o f
.. native races a hot spring, and of the color of nen ' e That's it, shore enuf," says Ike, ,
after his death, the judge who presided • snw. When you rode up, the man with from the of their earliest records, rust; hut on taking it up in a gless; it is "end that feller is takin' dowh on them Ahecdote of Banta Afilla.
at the trial, received a note from a pris- ' you jumped off his horse and seized A temple dedicatedto rt beneficent god- ! cool, transparent; and not of unpleasant ' sheets what thur snyin' in New York. ! The following is copied from the Dia:
ones under sentence of death, requesting ! Blake by the collar; your hat fell off on , dess, the mediator between man and the : taste. Prayer, faith, fasting, exercise I Well, if these times don't beat [mein' rig, the official paper of the Mexican
to see him without delay, as his sen. ' the pommel' of your saddle, but you ! higher duties, crowned at the time of of mind, and copious use of the waters, ! taters, then I'm a sinner. What on ! government:-- During the action of the"
fence was to be carried into effect the caught it before it reached the ground.ltho r conquest, to the r o e f rnarltt ‘ t ‘ b l le e lail s l now have produced many cores little short airth's guilt' to corn of these poor prin. : 20th instant; Whilh bur troepe Acerb re;
day following. On his way thither he You then sprang off your horse, and . sac ed the name ‘ her• to 1 cm- ,
t-, ,of miraculous, on those who have tested ter fellers When the gas telegraph bin' ! tiring frbin the bridge bt Chtiriibtiseo td
overtook an old man walking slowly, ! whilst Walton held Blake, you examin- rum styles i blessed ante i ng sienottrien, I its virtues thoroughly. Before we left ! • r I I'll - I 1 • d ' drive !
gin en sear, i t Ity on t Candelaria, still combatitig With the
who accosted him and recognized him •ed the body. You attempted to pull and
. the medicinal founti • tl boils'
ithe village we returned to the Church 'ten all to plantin' corn." . forces that charged after them; four
to be Caleb Grnyson, who had been a the knife from his breast, but it was continually at its foot, has ever been to to see the anitta of Juan Diego, with its "13itt whar is the I ightnin', Ike I" in- ' dragoons and a captain of the enemy
witness at Blake's trial, and had a sire- covered with blood, and slipped from the . inhabitants of the plains a centre of i miraculous picture of the Virgin of quired Sam, "I don't see nuthite but threw themselves forward in our column
tlar note of his own, but equally at a Your fingers. You rubbed your hand on religious pilgrimage. The stones of the I Guadalupe. It is framed in massive gold ; black streaks about that thing." I, itli Snell rapidity, that they were trot
loss to know the meaning of the sum- the ground, and going to a bush on the , heathen temple have been remodelled and is placed directly behind the high I "I reckon it's wrapped up in that observed till they arrived at the winks
mons. They both entered the cell to- . road side, broke off some leaves and wi- i into a Christian Church anti and science i
Haar. It is certainly a simerior produc- I wheel thin where the feller's puttin' on of Candelaria; They were there first
gaiter. The prisoner did not move, : ped your hands upon them, and after- has explained the healing virtues of the tion, and artists say that, however exe-1 the sheets—you see how it keeps them ; recoghised as Mexicans, and fired bn by
but only raised his head, when Grayson : tvards , the handle of the knife. You then fountain ; but under 11l changes, the cited, they know of no means of imitra ' other thinos in a continual jerk, jest as • the garrison, by which the foes dragoons
recognized having seen him at the drew it out, and washed it in a small i natives
_theong to the p ace
. Avitts never- tine its rich, yet delicate colors.—.V.! it might Inc expected that thunder and , and the captain's horse emris killed.—
tavern the night before Blake's e „ eu . puddle of water at the foot of a seine:ell eatial faith. Gen. Scott will find that 1. Sun. 1 lightnite wtittid do," The captain, on regnieeng his feet; i'vai
tion at the gallows. ; bush. As you did so, yod b oo k e d his protection and respect for the sacred • 1 " What in the yerrth ar t this Lee serroundeti by same bf the president's
"Well Judge," nsid Ile, "I sent for I round ht Blake, who was standing with edifices of Guadalupe will do more to Singhlar lode of Puniginnent: livith that nigger, then I—what's he aids aiid other officers who came with,
Son to see if you can't get me out of ! win over and disarm the populace than A e o••spectacle• witnessed
his arms folded, and who said "Don't , , , , , s ran e e, was , holdin' on to one of the wheels for l e his column. They were abofit to kill
this scrape. Must 1 hang to-morrow I" be uneasy about me, Caleb; I didn't kill P '
roc proclamations or bayonets. NI: e start- lately, at Arnheim, in Holland. A I
i inquired Sani hint when the President interposed; aid
The Judge shook his head; "It's idle Wickliffe and don't intend to escape." ed to Visit the shrine of " Our Lady of Catholic priest, named Gepkins, having. • "Now you stump me," says Ike, "for . ordered them only to disarm him. Hlfte
to hope, nothing can prevent your ex- 'et one time you were within six feet of Guadalupe," on one of those balmy been condemned to death for assassina- , cuss me of I kin see what he is dohs' : excellency after taking a turn along the .
execution." where I was. Its lucky you did not find , cloudless mornings that are peculiar to lion, the King comuted the sentence into than, 'ce t I Id• 'tl tl ' ' •
. , plo in le ring to keep it • embattled ranks, returned to the place
"An application might be made to the rue, for i was ready at that moment to the climate of Mexico, and after a de- perpetual imprisonment, and the appli- from takin' a general rip." . where they had the prisoner, *heti tine
highest authorities," said the prisoner. • send you to keep company with Wick- 1 . h f Irideof ,
tg t u three miles aloeg a per- cation of the punishment called PP from
"1 never know'd," says Sam, "that a i of his officers said to kiln—" General;
"Pardons have come sometimes even on lifie ; but I saw all, even when you feetly straight and level road, bordered iliehing of the axe," which consists hil nigger could hold the fluid that-a-way I this man ought to be sleet; he hies him:
the scaffold." stumbled and dropped your gloves, as .by a double avenue of trees, glittering „ u ee t ,-- a
g prisoner undergo a pretended ,
, afore; an' now I've found it out I'll jest', self confessed tent he came here for the
"None will come in your case replied you mounted your horse." with scarlet fruit, our carriage drew up • execution, I e Pise my nigger Jake perfect Israel earn ! purpose df killing joist. excellency:" ,
the judge, it is needless for me to dwell ! "God have mercy on me?" ejaculated between the stately cathedral of Guad- , A seaflOl4l was prepared exactly as I I git home; for !coin' the lightnin' kill • e Holy so; what says he 1" inquired
on your offence now, hut it was one that Grayson. This is all true!" But one i
a Imo mid the over brimming fountain of , for execution, and a coffin was on it, as t
toem steers of Mint last July. T he ' the President. " Tie says," wet the re;
bud no palliation, and you rosy rest as- word more, 1 heard Wickliffe, as we ' the Plaza. Not the fountain under the if to receiVe the bloody and mangled re. nigger sad Ire couldn't help it, but I Ply, "that )carbine et Chbrubusco froiri
slued, that whatever may have occurred rode up, shriek out, "Mercy, Mercy, : protection of "Our Lady," but such as mains of the condemned. At 12 o'clock know'd he could if he'd a mind to. Jest ! one of our prisoners that yout excellehz
in other cases, no pardon will come in , Harry !' belongs to many other towns in Spanish in the day, Gepkens was driven in a see dint valyable boy tear how he holds Icy was with this column, he with the'
yours. In fact,l understand that ar
"He was begging for his life—my America, and which, with much less ad- cart to the scatibld. His heed and on to the fluid!" four soldiers wpb felleieed hitti took the
application has been made for one, by first name is Harry !" , vantage of jet, makes our New York of. neck were bare, he wore no coat; his
"Stop I" shouted the pressman to the resolution of reaching arid Matting vete
your counsel, and has been refused," : The old man clasped his hands across fairs look superlatively mean.. We did , hair was cut very close, and his hands , negro at the Wheel: excellency, for if they accoMplished
The features of the prisoner under. his face, and fell senseless oft the floor. , not stop long, howev i er, outside of the; were tied behind his back. Two priests' " Lean SUM !'' cries Ike; " she's going this, it would be a most glorious act /
went no change ; nor did the expressions It is needless to go into the details of , fe t hh e u i r i ch i ,.. t for it mens w a er c e ttyof festival ;
w a t i t e i • were with pun; giving him religions to rip,
saran, and l i d rather heir tiro and still more so if they should perish
of his face alter in the least. But the prisoner's confession, which was so I . II I. 11 1 girls t. celebrating
~ .
ty inn and dance lle, praxesof
, "the'. contained the officers of justice arid the Admiring their daring bravery, tile!
after a moment's pause he said : "Is this frill and clear, that it left no doubt on ' any time!"
, pure, the . merciful, the sinner pitying ; executioner ne e his assistants, the replied—" Nuts'less
President than ever
Satisfied that they had seen the tele
true, judge—upon your honor l" the mind of the judge that Inc was gull- mother of God." On entering the door 1.
0 latter carrying an axe. A strong detach. graph in motion, Ike and Sam leaned ! will 1 allow any harm to be done. He
"It is,"replied the judge. W• i-rir ' and that fi
ty of lc . i e s murder, ate
, ! the senses are confused and overwhelm- • spentof
solders accompanied , the erne, i and let hies e•lid
is a prisoner of war, . .
"Then 1 know the w(.. et," replied the i i
ry sileee was another of those who hadnonificonce an prolusion el
!ed the m'•
'' • • d ' • ' and another surrounded the scaffold. Toni Corwin-1 Le r• 1 •
ph anon. lays a hand on him beware. Alas! if I
criminal coldly, "and still now tell, gone to swell the list of victims of cur- ! the by 'Gold, • ' • •
: spectacle. silver, carvings, G ep e ees ascended to his appointed , Judge 11 ---- e an old and respecta. ihad niaey officers like him, Scott Would
what I have to communicate, which I cutnstantial evidence. : paintings and statues, crowd upon the' place with a tottering step. His eyes ble citizen of Franklin county, related not now be so near us:" He then plan
would not have done, while there was a
Important Process. le ye in lavish display. Presently the were then baselaged, and his head pia. to us some years since the following an- red the officer in charge of young Don
hope of escape. "You," said Ise, turn- I towering columns arid the noble syme- red on the block. One of the assistant ecdote of Gov, Corwin, which we do not Augustin Tomei, with whom he was
ing to the judge, "presided at the trial Mr. S. Bentz, of Boonsborough, Mary. e,
I try of the vast arcades the ceiling''
of ; seized ' l by I •recollect ' ' • -
excent.oners e.m the hair, to ever to hate seen•Jkl print. _ seen) entering the palace last evening."
of f young Harry Blake, who was accused land, has sent tis two papers containing
d t d himto dentin." samples of wheat. No. 1. is wheat in a I
of me. ..., an sen ence reveals their chaste splendor of are k eel) his head in the right position, and At the same time the "Wagon Boy," The above extract (says the Washing
white and burnished gold, with brilliant tivo other assistants held him by the was first sent to the Legislature by the ton Union) from the Diario Official of
"I did." natural state, es grown with the bran
Ile e - e turns with, .te of Warren he found n law ••• istranslates! from tee La Pat-
distinctness. Then t - shoulders.—The chief executioner then good peo;•: , . Mexico, e
"And you, said he, turning to Gray- on. No. 2 has the bruin taken off, and
surprise and admiration to the wonder- i w o e th e axe, fl o urished it in the air, and on the statute Book providing for the via of New Orleans. We trust the sto
son "were one of die witnesses against is as nicely denuded of its outer Coating
ful choir, which stands, like a church : let it descnd or. the prisoner's neck, so punishment of certain offences by public ry is trite, not only because it is pleas.
him ' . You swore that you saw him stab as is pearl barley. He has also sent us
Wicklife. On your testimony prime. a third paper containing the bran taken
, within a church, in the immense central! as to make him feel the cold steel. The whipping. It was i t o unusual tiring at ing to meet with as rare instances of
pally he was hung." off of No. 2. Mn. Bentz is the inventor space of the nave. It is a miracle ol man who held his bend afterwards re- that day to see a whipping-post in every generosity from so unexpected n source
I rich carving and solid silver work• A I leased it, and for about five minutes the Court House yard, where, whenever oc- as the breast of Santa Anna, but clad
was,"replied theold ;"I saw of the process by which this operation
"1 man heavy balustrade, som e f ee t hi g h o f pure , executioner continued to brandish the casion required, the stealers of pigs and because the daring act of the American
him with my own eyes." is performed ; and without pretendingcaptainand his four dragoons reflect
silver, rails in the assage from tine choir :axe around the prisoner's head, so close chickens were drawn up by the Sheriff; .
"And you," said he, turning to the to an extraordinary knowledge in the
to the altar, and tine wide semicircle in that he could hear the whizzinge—'rite and received "thirty-time lashes on the honor on the country, if the incident re
other "swore to a falsehood. Harry art of milling, we are to admit that this
front of it. At short intervals silver emotion of Gepkens was so great that bare back, well laid on." Tom was ally occurred, the names of the heroic
Blake did not kill Wickliffe. He was improvement appears to us, what his
as innocent of the sin of murder as you circular designates it, nn "important" statues with candleholders in their lie fainted. When the certnony was made Chairman of the Judiciary Corn- I live, it is to be looped, will ere long be
were—more innocent than you are now." I one. He affirms that all varieties of hands crown the costly balustrade and ! completed his hands were united, and mittee in the House ; and being as is ! known. But we are compelled to say
the fence around the altar, while the al-ilte was reconveyed to prison in the cart. : well known, a man who is dead set that we attach little credibility to any
The old man staggered as if he had wheat, white, red, and yellow, are at
tar itself shines an enorttious mass oil About 30,000 persons waited from day- against all such relics ofbarberism t as report which appears in the La Petrie.
been struck, and leaned against the ta. once improved from 5 to 15 per cent.
gold, More than a thousand pounds' light to witness this singular proceed- public whippitig, forthwith brought i !
ble to support himself, while the con• by the process—and that the red and
weight of gold and silver (some say' hos the like of which had not occurred bill to repeal the aforesaid enactment.
Ceturees - Joxie—A few years since,
damned felon stood opposite him, look- yellow wheat will make
. as good and
' h• with a cold, indifferent air. fair meal as the white viresties now do.
mg at ins than )wasused inthe bales-withinf P • toThe bill met with considerable oppo. , when the Rev. Ilawks, the celebrated
more tan a ton
l the memory o man.— revious . .
trade and altar ornaments of . sp en- the prisoner's arrival the crowd was
salon from the "Old Hunkers," among Episcopal clergyman, was about leaving
"Yes, old man," said he sternly, "you NN e, of course, cannot be presumed to
did edifice. This new church is at the very merry and boisterous, and roared I whom was one old gentlemen from the ! New York for the South, he Was waited
have blood and perjury on •your soul, for form any definite opinion upon the ye
foot of the hill of Guadalupe. On its forth severalsongs • but on ' the conclu-; Western Reserve, who was particularly upon by the vestrymen of a small
1,1," said he stepping forward, so that lidity of his conclusions, but judging by ./
the light of the lamp fell strongly upon the sample of unhulled, and hulledsharpsummitstands the originalchapel • •'
sion of the mock execution, 1
. dispersedl
' feature,"l murdered Wil- wheat, we should be disposed to yield
his savagebuilt its consequence of anlndian named , in silence, and apparently feeling strong .
i he termed the wisest and the most prac , : gently solicited to take charge of the
directed in ft dream emotion
Juan . Diego being
Liam Wickliffe! 1 did it! Thank God our acquiescence in the justness of his
or vision to call upon the Arch-Bishop'i wide: ' salted the Committee; but respectfully
I did it, for I had a long score to settle declaration, and we are the more readyMARRIAGE.-1 never knew a marriage
' of Mexico to raise a citeiel on that sot, I Corwin made an eloquent speech when I declined tire proposal, urging as a chief
with lime But Blake had no hand in it. to yield this point, as by the separation i t•
• - to thehonor andservice o trot" :
I the question df engrossment was before I objection that the salary, though liberal
:hermit she- Id - --e 'sit -,h thee tresented
I met Wickliffe on that afternoon, alone
with none to interfere between us. I told
him of the injuries he had done me, and
I told him that the time was come for
redress. He endeavored to escape ; but
I followed him up ; I grappled with him
and stabbed him, As I did so, I heard
the clatter of horse's hoofs, and I leaped
into a clump of bushes which grew ut
the road side. At that moment Blake
.came up, and found Wickliffe lying
dead in the road. You know the rest.
The tale he told was as true as the gos
pel. Ho was only attempting to draw
the knife from the man's breast, when
you came up and charged with the mur
der !"
"Good God ! Can this be possible !"
aculated the old man. "I cannot !
Villain, you are a liar I"
"Pshaw !" muttered the man.—
"What could I gain by a lie 1 To-mor.
sow I die."
"1 don't believe it; I don't believe
it !" exclaimed Grayson, pacing the cell,
of the outer-coating front the farnicious
parts of the berry, nearly all the color
ing matter being removed, there can
be but little left calculated to discolor
the flour made from it.
Among the advantages claimed for
this process, the circular of Mr. Bentz
sets forth that a saving in time in grind
ing is effected of from 25 to 5U per cent.,
while from 40 to 52 lbs. of Wheat it
saved in each barrel of flour : and that
this system imparts to flour made by it
the capacity of keeping in hot climates.
This opinion he predictates upon the
hypothesis, that it is the bran, which re
mains in all meal ground after the old
method, which causes it to sour. This
opinion derives support from the fact,
that what is termed dyspeptic flour—
flour containing the bran—will not keep
, longer than a few weeks without becom
ing sour. Wh.• this is so, we ure not
chemists enough to determine, and only
, I note the fact as one has come under our
observation.—.lmerican Farmer.
The Virgin of ituadaloOlia.
Mother of Jesus." At first the Arch- , unhappily. Yet managing mothers ank.
Bishop hesitated, but when the vision heartless daughters are continually play
was repeated to Juan Diego, with the in , the same unlucky game. I believe
gift of some roses gathered from the that men more frequently marry for love
bare rock on which roses never grew than women, because they think they
before, which she threw in the lop Of, will not hate a better chance and dread
his mint:, or frock of native linen, ant. being dependant. Such marriages, no
when unfolding his mitte to produce the doubt, sometimes prove tolerably corn
roses the copy of the vision was found I fortable, but a greater number would
impressed in glowing portraiture on its lire beets far happier single. If I may
coarse texture, faith triumphed and the tors , art? uy my observation of such mat
chapel rose. A steep and difficult path , -marrying for a home is a most tire ,
cut in the rock leads to this chapel which, s c oze d. way of getting a living.—.ll2 . B.
like all Mexican churches, is profusely 1
1 decorated with gilding, paintings and 1 A CLEVER ANECDOTE.—Mr. Kendall
statuary, but leas no special merit. The i in one of his letters says:— ,, Speaking
platform on which it stand scommands a i of Mr. Trist reminds me of a story cur ,
delicious view of the Valley of Mexico, , rent on - the 13th. It is said that short
-1 smiling blandly on its bright vesture of ly after Chapultepec was carried, that
eternal spring. At a few miles distance' gentleman rode up the height, and on
rises in solitary grandeur from the far- being recognized by a gallant Irish dbl.
stretching level of the plain, the giant dier, the latter accosted him with " I
1 Chapultepee, wearing like a helmet the say, sir,
it's a beautiful thraty we've
fortifications that overawe the city.— ma de w id ' e m to-day-sir."
the House appealing to the members, as , for the parish whic !y rep',
Christian Legislators and enlightened , would be inadequate lor his expenses;
freemen of the Nineteenth Century to ! having a considerable family of small
come up and erase this relic of the dark i children to educate and provide for;
ages from the Statute Boole of the great' One of the committee replied "the Lord
republican State of Ohio. 'He took his' will take care of them; he has promised
seat the House completely electrified ' to hear the young ravens when they
with the eloquent powers of the young , cry, and provide for them." "Very
orator, The old Yankee arose and re. true,"gsaid the Bev. gentleman, "but he
plied as follows : has not promised to provide for the
"Mr. Speaker—All the gentleman young Ildtbks," .
from Warren has said is well enough in
ID -"This is a world of business and
its way, I am glad to see young men
said a minister in a sermon.—
of du r State growing up inspired with bustle,"
those feelings of philanthropy which the "Yes, but more bustle than business,"
gentleman has so eloquently giVen at- whispered a pretty girl. She knows.
teranco to. But that is not the thing. ! The complete happiness Of Man de-
We must look at the matter in a prac - ends upon his having due flied habits
tical light. Now I can give one illus- '
tion, one wedded partner for life—one
stration in favor of my side of the ques
omnipotent Cod fer worship.
tion, that will entirely upset all the gen
tlemen's fine-spun theories. You know, Off' Let the slandered take comfort—
Mr. Speaker, I was born and raised in , it iv only at fruit trees that thieves throw .
Connecticut. A law similar to this has ,'ones.