FROM MEXICO. Late and Important from Mexico. SANTA ANNA AT SI7ZISZA. The steamer James L. Day arrived at New Orleans on the 23d, from Vera Cruz, bringing dates to the 17th. There has been no later arrivals direct from the Capital. Santa Anna was at Puebla on the 25th September, and had addressed Colonel ("hada, stating that he had taken poi: session of the city with 8000 men, and requesting his immediate evacuation of that post, permitting him to form a junction with Gen. Scott or the Amer ican forces at Perote, but threatening in 'the event of a refusal that an immediate assault would be made upon his posi tions. Col. Childs replied that with re gard to the threatened attack upoh the positions under his command, he was fully satisfied that he shOuld be able to defend them successfully, and having been honored with the duty of guar ding them, was deterinined to defend them to the last, . The Arch lria; Of the 13th October furnishes further iimpOrtant news: A letter from Puebla, dated at film o'clock bn the evening of the 27th September, says the points of San Juan de Dies, San Juan, Santa Rosa and Shiite Mon ica, commenced a heriiv cannonade up: on the American Works. The fatter mediately began to throw cannon shine; bombs and grenades into the centre of the city, which sußred considerable in: jury. About 8 o'clock the cannonade ceas , ed, but commenced again at dawn oh the following day. By order of Santa Anna a breastwork of bbttoh bulbs had been erected, with Nur hundred edttrin bales which he had ecikintiihncled the Commerical houses of Valescq to furnish for the defence of the city. To preVent the completion of these Works; the Americans from the first had kept up a 'continued fire frohi ?San Juan updn the workmen, which being briskly returned by the Mexicans, the discharge of bombs and grenades from the Atineri can lines greatly ineretised; but night supervening aery thing been rrie quiet. Sept. 30th.—A pbrtial tranquility reigns in that city; but General Rca having concluded the erection df h bat tery to open upod San Jose, the greatest enthusiasm agaist the Americans pre. vails throughout the city. On the Ist of October, Santa Anna; at the head of 200 d catralry rind infantry and three pieces of artillery; sallied out from Puebla, intending to attack the American train which left Jalhpa oh the Ist, and reached Perote on t h e hut before arriving at Thpeydbalco, his designs were wholly frustrated by all of his men, with the exception of 130 hussars, composing his personal guard, having pronounced against him, attribu ting the unfortunate events of the war and their want of success against the invaders, to his incapacity and unsuc eessfullness. Some loudly declared him a traitor, and unworthy of holding any Command in the Mexican army. Santa Anna having reached Tcippm hualco with his 130 hussarh received an order from the government at Quer= etero, ordering him to repair thither at once but he did not think it eonirenient to comply with the demands of his goir ernment, and took up his line of tharch for Noce, he having publicly decla: red his intention of prtietbding tli that place, where he designed to raise anoth er army, with which to renew the com bat with the enemies of the Republic. All the letters from the interior coin bide in the opinion that Santa Anna con sidered himself as impotent to effect anything more, and state that he was Making his way towards Guatemala, for the purpose of leaving Mexico foreter i and that his march tb Nada is Only a pretext to aid lh the tiiitet accomplish= ment of his designs; PUEBLA, Oct. 2.—Since Santa Anna's departure, the canhbnading has entirely slackened off. The eotttin house of Vet= esco took fire and burned downs The inhabitants of Puebla hearing the , ring ing of the bells which announced this in cendittrism, were very much alarmed, believing the Americans had left their entrenchments and were storming the city.. Other Mexican papers deny tluit he is endeavoring to reach Guatemala, and Insist that he will continue the war without respite. . _ The Genius of Liberty says, that Pe na y Pena was discharging the duty of President, at Queretero, but had refu sed to recognize his associates appoin ted by Santa Anna, and proposes that Congress shall elect. A report prevailed at Vera Ctuz on the 18th, that a company of Texas Ran gers were attacked by guerrillas twelve miles distant, and all but two cut off. An express had arrived, stating that one man was killed and eighteen missing: Some difficulty had occurred in the Massachusetts regiment, and Gen. Cush. , ing had disarmed and detached 65 from the regiment: Gen. Lane was at Perote on the 4th bf October, and no doubt entered Puebla a few days afterwards. The Aral iris of the 16th, speaks ofl extensive preparations making to dos- , patch a train for the interior, and says that more than 1000 troops are all arm- 1 ed and ready to start. The editor conjectures that General Patterson has a new expedition in pros' , pact against some State not hitherto in vaded by the Americans, instead of joining General Scott. The expedition against the Guerillas, planed by General Patterson, had re turned after successfully encountering and dispersing several parties. Herrera, according to the Arco Iris, had collected 10,000 men at Queretero, all of the National Guard. The Guerillas hake full sway at Ja lappa, iriaking War only upon their de fenceless coutitrynidm and the Mexican authorities of the State of Vera Cruz were talking of adopting Measures to put them down. Padre Jarauta has threatened to shoot all that carry provisions into Vera Cruz. The Delta publishes a protest issued by the City Council of Mexico on the entry of Gen. Scott together with his answer. It also gives his proclamation of martial law. The vomito had again made its ap• peurance at Vera Cruz in a mild form. The steamer James Cage had burst her boiler thirty miles from Vera Cruz, ihjuring several persons. ~~az On Tuesday night, 12 o'clock, Nov. sth, inst. of croup, at Barree Forge, thb residence of his father, SAMUEL MILES GREEN, aged three years, one month sad ten days; The pathof sorr o w, ehil thit path aiohli, Leads to that land, where sorrow is unknown." kin Monday, Oct. 25th, ult. at Barree Forge, SARAH ECUs, daughter of Mr: William Ellis, of croup, aged taro years and three monals. SMALL Pox generally begins with lan gaol• and weariness, chilliness and vomiting, sore ness of the throat, great thirst, and many other un pleasant cotvplaints. VV right's Indian Vegetable Pilte will be foudd the very beat niedicine ih thb World for the cure of Biiiall Pox, because they cleanse the body from those poisohohs hbmore Which are the cause 61' Small pox and other crupOe complaints. From three to six of said Indian Vegetable Fills, taken ebery night on going to bed, id a short time Slake a perfect cure of the alum, dangerous com plaint, and the blood and other fluids will be rea torfiFl to a state of purity, 4. right s Indian Vegetable also aid and iiiiprotre digestion, and therefore give health and vigor to the whole frame. (ryßetvare of augur could counterfeits. The wily original and genuine Indian Vegeta ble Pills have the signature of William Wright written wish a pen on the top label of each kr. None other is genuine and to counterfeit this is Forgery_ The genuine fur sale by SIMON TON, tiole Agent for Hunting don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin don, Sliade Gttp; lildlr & rrankstown; Orbison & L'o., Orbisohia; A. b. Brottim, Shirleysburg; Hunter & Co., Weil Blare titid Peterriburg; Graff & Co., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, M'ElaWe tbrl; Jartek Magffire, Aatihiburgi John W. Mytoh, n nesville; George H. Steiner, Water Street.; A. & W.'treeiswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin cipal office, 169 Race street, Philadelphia. Set'. 7, '47. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. THE Subscriber will offer at Public Sale; on the premises; on THURS; PAY ; the 23d bf Deceltiber fiext; at . 12 o'clBclc M.; the fdllottrifig viilutibl6 Real estate; to Wit : TWO TRACTS OF LAND, situate tili the banks df the Little Juni ata river, one mile below Birmingham, mid within four miles of the Pennsyl vania Canal, at Water Street ; One tract situate in Warriorsmark township, Huntingdon county-mhe other tract sit uate in Tyrone Township, Blair county, the River being the line between the two tracts, and also the line between Huntingdon and Blair counties ; well known as the property of Andrew Rob eson, of Warriorsmark toivriship; now deceased: 11111 E 11114141510 N TRACT, in Warrior Smart township, contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land, about 100 acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, with , Three bwelling Houses, 11 a stone Barn and a good ap ple orchard thereon. THE OTHER TII.IIOT, in Blair county contains 400 acres of excellent timber land, with a house and stable thereon erected ; there is an Ore bank on this tract, from which a quantity of Iron Ore of an excellent quality has been raised. A large part of this tract is good limestone land for farming. On these two tracts arc FOUR SITUATIONS FOR Forges or Furnaces, -- perhaps the best sites in the State. There is a number of springs On the two tracts of never failing water thdt keep the river free from ice for more than a chile: ----- This tract is all woodland, and Weil covered With timber. The survey for the Central Rdil Road runs through the pro,perty. TERMS :—One Third of the purchase motley to be paid in hand; and the bal. lance id two equal :tenant payments, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and Mortgages of tlth purchaser: Pqrsdns Wishing to purchase are in vited to call and examine the premises. Attendance will be given by DAVID ROBESON, Surviving Executor of 4ndrew Robeson dec'd. Nor. 9, 1847; It S WORKS PRAISE IT. Bfirns, Scalds and all kinds of Inflamed sores cured. ToIJSEY'S UNIVERSAL OINT MENT, is the most complete Burh Antidote eVer known. It instant ly (and As If by Magic,) stops pains of the most desperate rns and Scalds. For old sores; bruises; cuts and sprains &c., on man or beast, it it the best ap plication that can be made. Thousands have tried, and thousands Oraisij it; It is the most perfect master of Paiii ev er discovered. All who use, recom mend it. None can tell how Bobo some of the family will need it. 0.'3 - Observe each box of the genuine Ointment has the name of S. TOUSEY written on the outside label. To imitate this is forgery. Boatmen, Livery men, Farmers, and all who use horses, will find this Oint ment the very best thing they can use for collar galls, scratches, kicks, &c. &c. &c., on their animals. Surely, ev ery merciful man would keep his ani mals as free from pain as possible.— Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that is required. Try it. Bites of Insects—For . the sting or bite of poisonous insects, ousey's Oint ment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have tried and found it good. Piles Cured! —For the Piles, Ton- 'sty's Universal Ointment is one of the best Remedies that can be applied. All who have tried it for the Piles recom OZI~ Sores Ctifeti.Fer old, obstinate Beres; there is nothing equal to Tou sey's Ointment. A person in Manlius had for a number of years, a sore leg that baffled the skill of the doctors.— Tousey's Ointment was recommended by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its, first virtues,) and two boxes prodbced irior6 benefit than the patient had received front atiy and all previous remedies. Let all try it.. Burts OA Scalds Cured.—Thousands of cases of butns rind scalds, in all parts of the country, have been oared by Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certi ficates enough can be had to fill the whole of this sheet. Miens Bruises Cured:L--Testimonials on testimonials, ib faLtir Of, tousey's Ointment for curing bruises, have been offered the proprietors. Hundres in Svracus will certify to its great merits in relieving the pain of the most severe bruise. All persons should try it. Scald Head Cured.—Sores or cases of scald head have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it—it seldom fails. Salt Rheum. Cured.—Of all the rem edies giber discoirered for this most dis agreeable cottiplaiiit, Tousey's Univer sal Ointment is the most complete. It was nei , er,knowptit fail; C happed Hands edit be Cured.—Tou seys Univerbal 011itment will always cure the worst cases of chapped-hands. Scores of persons will state this. _ . Sore Lips Cuied.—For the cure of sore lips, there was never anything made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It is sure cure for thbin. Try it. It is a scientific compound, urtirati ted not to contain any preparation of Mercury: ID Trice 25 cents per box. For fur ther patticulars concerning this really imluable Ointment, the public are refer red to phamphlets to be had gratis, of respectable Druggists and Merchants throughout the United States. AGENTS.-T. K. SIMONTON, Hun tingdon ; Jas. Clark, Birmingham ; J. R. Cox, Warriorsmark ; J. S. Isett ; Spruce Creek ; G. H. Steiner ; Waterstreet ; Moore & Btiroope, Alexandria; A. & N. Creswell ; Petersburg ; Orlndy & Patter son, Williamsburg; Royer 4• Co., Springfield Furnace; M. Thompson, Duncansville ; J. M. Lindsey, Holli daysburg; Jas. Condron, Frankatown. cLicKENEws BUGAR-COATED PILLS, The Only Effectual Purgative, cured within the last year OVER 200,000 PigRSONS of the following Complaints Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, Piles, Dis pepsia, Scurvy, 811181 pox, Jaundice, Pains in the Hack, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of all kinds, Female Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Morbus, Coughs, Quinsy, Whooping Cough, Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaiht, Erysipelas, Deafness, Itchings of the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Com plaints, and a variety of other diseases arising front impurities of the b.odd, and obstructions in the dr genii of digestion. Experience has proied that nearly every disease originates froth Impuraties of the Blood or Derange ment. of the Digestive Organs; and to secure Health, we must remove those Impurities and re store the blood to its natural state. Therefore, when the slightest derangement of the system is indicated by Costiveness, or any other sign; it ad monishes us that superfluities are gathering in the fiterh, which should be immediately removed by oil effectual purging. This fact. as stated, is uni versally known; but people have such en aversion to medicine, that, Wale the case urgent, they pre ferred the disease to the Curb, generally. Since the invention, however, of Clickener's Vegetable Purgative Pills, this objection does not cutlet, es they tire completely enveloped with a coating bf pure while sugar (as divtinct from the interdict ingtedietits as a nut bholl from the kernel) huit nb lade of medicine, bard are as easily swelfowed ati bits of candy.— Moreover they neither neauseate or. pipe in the Slightest degree. They opertite equdlly un all the diseased parts of the eyetem; iirsteetil of confining themselves to, and racking any particular region. Thue, for examp'e, if the Liver be affected, one in gredient will operate on that particular Organ, and, by cleansing it of that, Excess of Bile it is con. stonily discharging into the siceesch, restore it to its natural state. Another will upciate eta the IBlood, and remove those impurities which have al• ready entered into its circulation ; while a third will effectually expel fr m the system whatever im purities may have been discharged into the stom p ach ; and hence they Strike at the Root of Disease, Remove all Impure Humors; open the pores ex ternally and internally ; promote the Insensible Perspiration, obviate Flatulency, Headache, are., separate all foreign and obnoxious particles from the chyle, secure a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs, and Liver, and thcreby restore health even when all other means have failed. . . , The entire truth of the above can he ascertained by the trial of a single box ; and their mines are oo positive and certain in restoring Health that, the Or °juicier binds himself to return the money paid fol them in all cases where they do not give uni venni) satisfaction.-„ Reicil Price, 25 cts. per Box, Principil. office No. 66 Vesey St., New York. Sold in Harrisburg, by D. Robinson, Market St, Cr Remember tit: C. V. Clickener is the inven tor of Sugar Coated MU rind Unit nothing of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced then' in June. 1843. Purchasers ehould, theretnre. 41Whys oak for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no others, or they will be made the tic time of a fraud. , AGENTS.-T. K.:SIMONTON, Hun. tingdon, Jas. Clark, Birmingham, J. R. Cox, G. H. Steiner, Waterstreet, Moore & Swope, Alexandria, A. & N. Creswell, Petersburg, Orlady & Patterson, Wil liamsburg, Royer & Co., Springfield Furnace, M. Thompson, Duneansville, J. M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Jas. Con dron, Frankstown. Ask the Buffeter FROM A S 'l' II RI A, bl/hal has relieved him in such a short time from his difficulty of breathing, Cough and suffoca tion 1 He will tell you it was " the Ok.- saonian, 01 All Healing Holum." Ask the Consumptive what has allayed his Cough, remo ved the Pain in his Side and , Chest, checked his night sweats and placed the rose of health upon his cheek ? and ho will tellyou ..Strzaman's 0L06A.024 OR ALL-HEALING BALSAM. Ask your friends if they know of any thing that will so speedily cure u long and tedious Cough, Raising of Blood, Brdnchitls, Dyspeptic ( onsump lion, thiarseness, Influehta, and diseases of the Throat, as the Olusaonian t and they will tell t uu —No. There never yet has been a remedy intro. duced to public notice which has been productive of so Mitch good in tio iihott d Spike Of tittle. Read the fcll . Miring , ASTOXIS'IBG CURES. Wm. Bexu, the celebrated Boston cracker baker, 09 Nassau street, Brooklyn. Meta that his wife has been afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, and could not find permanent relief from the best medical ad vice which New York and Brooklyn could produce, was induced to try this great remedy. She is now nearly well. His slaughter, who was suffering from the same disease, tried it, and was afro cured by it. Mm. Bond is now so well that she is ab'e to rise from her bed early in the morning a d at tend to her usual duties through the day without any annoyance from her distressing malady. HENRY JACKSON, 13th street, near the Catholic Cemetry, came to the store for the purpose of ob taining a Witte of the Olosoanian, having been Afflicted with the Asthma for more than 30 years, and was so exhausted on his arrival that he could not speak. He purchased a bottle and rodehome. Four days afterward he Walked frorii hie residence to the office without fatigue. q dikance of over two Miles, to tell of the wonderful relief which he had elects fenced front using about onb half of one bot tle: ConSilinplion ofthe Lungs. Ihi.Comecitr, 35 White street, was so low in the mouth of December last, that he was given up by his physician. His friends entertained no hope of his recovery. He was persuaded to try the Oloaannion, and to his surprise it hes so far resto red him to health that he is now able to walk about the streets. Mrs, ATTREE, the wife of Wm. H. Altree, James Harman, Esq, and George W. Bays, Esq., can all bear testimony front their own experience of the healing properties of this Great Heiniirij in Consumption of the Lungs. Spntieng flood. Mrs. Tirocuottitss, 352 Monroe street, whd hod been troubled for a great length of time by a severe cough, and raised quantities of blood, woo relieved by one bottle of the Olovionion ,and declares it the greatest remedy in the world. Dmsts KELLY, '26 Water street, was also re- Howd f•om the same complaint, although he was very much reduced when he commenced taking it --having been under the care of his physician du ring the past winter. Although he coughed con stantly and was Very much troubled With night sweats, Iwo bottles of the remedy enabled him to return to his doily Work. He Was entiiely llsvin Hissosnios, 60 Laight streei, Uedrge W. Burnett, formerly of Newark, N. J., Henry Lisbon, 199 Rivington street, and numerous other pehions hove been speedily and permanently cured of the same complaint by this remedy. AGENI'S;-T. K. SIMONTON, Hunt ingdon ; Jas. Clark ; Birmingham ; J. R. Cox, Warriorsinark ; J. 8. lsett, Spruce Creek ; G. H, Steiner; Waterstreet ; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A & N. Creswell, Petersburg; Orlady & Patter son, Williamsburg ; Royer & Co. Spring field Furnace; M.. Thompson, Duncans ville ; J. H. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg; Jas. Condron i Frankstown; cCD WIS eAR'S BALSAM OF WILD , ' CHERRY.—In endeavoring to impress upon the minds of ens citizens the superior efficacy of this inveluab!e remedy for Consumpiion and Pulinct. nary Diseases in keneral, we wish to assure our readers that we are actuated solely by a desire to benefit the afflicted. Our faith in the remedy is founded upon the universal success attending its use, and we fully believe that the most faithless and incredulous, after witnessing its ritirprising virtues, will no longer doubt that Consumption may and can be cttred." such indeed is (lie feci, and so astonishing have been dui cures effected iiy the daleam, that it may in justice be considered the eretteet triumph in the "healing art" Ma lies yet teen achieved. And we ere well satisfied, from our experience, that there aro thousands now lingering upon the brink of the grave under a disease of the lunge, in some form, who may be rewired from an early death, and re stored to perfect health by the timely use of this medicine. "." ..*... 4 ce Advertisement. Su kness in Children. And the 'airing which they undergo from finis flouriohing Inotitution is 15 hutted in Tue worms' often tend to a fatal termination, while 1 carora Valley, Juhiata Co., Pa., 8 miles 8. the c•uso is never suspected. Offensive breath, W. of lftifflihtown. It has been in successful picking at the store, grinding the teeth during sleep, operation for iseier°l years ; end is believed to be starting in sleep with fright and screaming, trout- equal to any Academy in the Stale, in affording lesome cough, and feverishness, are among some facilities to young men for acquiring a thorough of the Prominent Symptoms of the presence of education, eider for business or for worms. A timely use of College. Being intuit.' in a very pleasant and SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES • healtbcul Ablghborhoull iii the courtri, the pupil. will immediatdfy remove all therm Unpleasant symp• I . 7, , , p re 4 .fi l i d ta fre ,T ee t t ,, l Z h tr l i t i Z tie to j a s l i e m m i ' l :t tome, and restore to perfect health. hinter Ignatius . , Institutions in tEtivii. .. Superior of the Catholic Hal Orphan A 4 litin hje ' The buildings ire itirg , and commodious, twills added her testimony in their favor, to the tholierin . i I ' which have gone before. 1-he states that there are! icen ' to a"°lnin'l'ite a large number; and PuP"s frorn.a distance pre required to board in the Ineti over 100 children in the Asylum, and that they i ution with the Principal. 1-ut if it is desired by, have been in the habit of using I.l:mien's I.ozen gee, and she has always found them to be attended their parents, good boarding con be obtaiiird in the with the most bene fi cial e ff ects. They have been neighborhood of the Ail l . .erny. proved to be infallible in over 400,000 cedes. • T h . liM S : CONSUMPTION, 1 For Hoarding, (per week) $1 25 Washing. (per (jokier of 1I weeks) 150 Influenza, Coughs, Colds. Whooping Cough, Bed 1 00 Tightness of the Lungs or Cheat may be cured.— incidental, " II 20 Rev. Darius Anthony was very low from Consumes grave by i l For TuitioU r ilT,t7., F Br i e l ek Tl Zl Them ' at tion, Jonathan Howarth, the celebrated temperance lecttfrer. was reduced to the verge of the nasiug Mooed. Rot. Mr. Dunbar, of New York, • i " , ( p er q uarter) Natural Philosophy, Chemistry. Rhetoric, '$El C43' thi Rev'. Kr. lie Paiwit rviikeitst in the Wrist s erninfi t ,of this mete, Rev. 6ebnetian ,Mreeler. of Political Economy, Buck-Keeping, Dots • Boston, the wire of Orasmus Dibble, Esq., in M. ! an Y• H i'd"Y' &e. &e. 450 mitt, and hitridretle of other's, Use been relieved , Arithriietic. Ensile!' Grammar, Geography, and cured by a proper use or 1 Rending, Writing &c, dce. (per quarter Sherman's Cough Lozenges; ~ ! ri a ll i t, " l . l7 soil Stationary are 43011; X: and no medicine has ever bern offered to the public Pupil; and may be obtaihed of the klioree id the which hes been more effectual in the relief of those nelghbothood. There erb no eitra che'rgee What . - diseases, or which can be recommended with tno•e earn, confidence. They allay all itching, render the The acadeniicru year ie divided into two sessiong cough easy, promote expectoration, remove the ci , 22 . weeks each; and each session into two qua.- cause, and produce the moat happy and lasting sera of I i weeks each. Ary One ()garter must he effects, paid in advance, wlrn the Pupil enters; and all 6illa Otost le pair; 0y In:Are he leaves the Acad. toty a citheiivhle 7 per reel nri th'e,Wbolc OP. for the quer ter will be added. No denuction for ab sence during the quarter unless caused by sickners. The very best testimonials can be given both as to the scholarship and ability of the Principal ; and his long experience in the profession entitles hini to the confidence of the public. The Vacations occur in April and October. Address (post paid) all communications to the Academia P .0. DA V wmsbN; A. M.; Pilitbipal: i . iiscatora W Valley, furniti.egt., Pa: . . . , N. B.—Pupils from a distance cans lwg'ys find 'Tidy conveyance from Mifflin up tp the Aie my, by applying to McAllibter's Hotel. lIE4D4CFIE, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits,'Ses sickness, Despondency, Faitness, Cholic, Spasms, Cramps of the Stomach, Summer or 130 wel Coin dlaints, also all the distressing symptoms arising from free living, or a night of dissipation are quick ly and entirely relieved by using Sherman's Camphor Lozenges. They act speedily and relieve in a very short space of time, giving tone and vigor to thb sitbm; and enable o person iißing ilia to undergo great nicit tal or bodily fatigue. RHEU.III4TISM, 'Weak Back; pain and weakness in Inc flack, Limbs and other ports of the body ate speetl ily and effectualy relieved by Sherman's Pooi. Man's Plaster, which costs only 12,4 cents, and within the reach of all. 8o great has become the reputation of this article, that one mllliah will not begin to supply the annual demand. It is acknowl edged to be the best otrengthening Plaster in the world. , . . ntwAnt OF IMPOSITION. Pr. Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster has his name With directions printed on the back of the Plaster, find afire simile of the Doctor's written name der the directions. None others are gehbine; or to be relied on: Dr. eltermah'i *arehbuge it; No. 10G Nassau filled, Noiv tort., Aotorra.—T. K. SIMONTON, Pitittihgtjon I Jas. Clark, Birmingham; J. IL Cox, Warrior& mark ; J. S. Inert, Spruce Creek ; O. H. Steiner, Water Street, Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg; Orlady & Patterson, Williamsburg; Royer & Co.. Springfield Furnace; M. Thompson, Duncensville; .1. M. Lintlsey,Hol lidayslourg; Jas. Condron, Frmlistovv. nov9ly aidminixtrators l Abtice Of the estate of Daniel Kutfman, dec'd, tate of Tod township, Huntingdon Co. ALL perseila iiii;rlng claims or demands against the Estate of the said decedent to make known the ionic to them without delay, and those .being ihdebted to the ham are requested to make juin., diate payment to SUSAN KURFMAN, Adnix. & JOSEPH KURFMAN, Adm. of rasa Township. JOSEPH HEIFNER, novlo.6t, of Tod Township, SHERIFF'S SALE. In addition to the list of Sheriff's Sales inserted on Onr fourth tinge; Abe are instructed to puhilsk . the fellotving ; to be sold by the Sheriff tit the' . Cdttrt House door in Huntingdon, do Wedrreti day the 10th day of November next; tit the dolling of the Court in the morning; viz:. Ail that small piece or parcel of land situate in Shirley township, containing 14 acres and allowance, lying on the bank of tin hwick creek, adjoining lands of tewis Berkstresser, dec'd, and James W. Galbraith, being cleared and cultiva ted, and a small plaistered house and a stable thereon: Seized and taken in aecntion, and to bl sdld di the pidpgriy of Janies N. de'c ti with notice to Elliott Robbley, terre tenant. Oct. 26, 1847. SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK a71.1.111F.1 C TO R Ornierfrit arch; DESPEGTPULLY returns thanks tt his _Lb friends and the public for past favors, and takes this oppm tunity to inform them that he still continues at the old stand, one door east e l t . thont's Tavern, and nearly opposite the Post Of *here he is at all times prepared to marnifac; Lure All kinds of Harness, Sadd ee, Trunks, Mat tresses, Grfus, Cushions, etc. etc., at the shorted notice and Meet reasonable prices. All kinds of hides and skins, arid country pro duce, fur which the highest market prices will bo alloted, taken in exchange. Huntingdon, Aug. 11. 1847. LAST NOTICE. A LL personti indebted Its the late firm of Josef; LI. & Slaws'roe arC imileated to make payment previous to November 25th, *quitting, as no longer indulgence will be given. E. M. JONES. . _ 1847-4 t. MARLEVIDARLUVI 1 quantity of merchantable bailey, if delivered coon, will lie tailed it the Alexandria tireweay for Which' a fait mite, in CASH, will he given. HENRY ' , CURLER. Alexandria, Oct. 13, 1847-13 t. John Scott, Jr.; A TTORNEY AT !JAW, filiitingdon, Po.— Pies removed hie offfcB to ihe middle room of goitre's Row," directly opritiiite Fisher & M'Alur- Wee store, whore ho will attend with promptness and fidelity to all husirMaa with which he may he entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties Huntingdon Sept. 23,1846, Tuscarora Academy. ;PUBLIC LE; WILL be exposed to Sale by public outcry, on, VV the prethises, on Thursday the 19th day of; November, at 10 o'clock A. M., a tract of land situate it Barren township, Huntingdon county: O;1 thb i.ionth side of Atone creek, treat below Ctair'eliit'S I run Works, containing about one hun dred and twenty one acres—about eighty Beret! ct which are cleared, includinfs aboirt itfteeii area Of bottom land, withatgPoi two - 0 0 U DWELLING FIGUSE, and a bank ' Darn thereof. erected; there is also a I good be3ring orchard, and tr . spring of friiling water near the bouse : there is also Illite:itotio, and the aspedrd.,ce of Iron ore oh th.s premises An indisputable title will be given, and the terme mode easy fur the purchaser. ABRAHAM ZOOK Oct. 26, 1847 REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to an persons; concerned, that the named persons have settled th6ii aabliufits in the Register's Offict , ; ht Huhiingdon, and that the, talc! ahcouhtit be pre sented ,fer Cbilfirlitation and Allowance at Nli 11[1rilhans' Court to be held at Hun tingclim; ih and for the County of Hun tingdon, on WedßeHtty the 10th day of November next, to wit : 1. John Cresswell, acting ExecutOibf Matthew Cresswell, lute of West town: ship, dec'd. 2. John Baker and Jacob Baker/ Ad ministrators of Jacob Baker, late of Sprifigfield township, dec'd. Willitiin Mdffiit and Daniel Massey; ExecutOrs of Johh Maffit, late of Barrec tOinsjilp; deed: Jilco'b 'Fran; Guardian Of David Summers minor son of Henry Sum- Hopewell township, dec'd. 5. Dr. ' ordecai Massey, Guardian of Williadf Wilson and Mary Jane Wilson, two of the ftiinor children of Nathaniel Wilson, late of Byree township, dec'd: REGISTER'S UFF/CE, Huntingdon, Oct. 13, f 847. JACOB MILLERf._ CITY OF MEXICO TAKEN! It eady. 7111 ti e t;lothin g•. H 1 subscriber offers for sale a splendid and' T seasonable assortment of Beady -NI ode Cloth ing, just opening at his new stand, in the cornet'. room of the brick bui ding opposi'e John Vl' ker's Taxern, in the Borough of Huntingdon: con ihe tollowing seasonable articled, warrant i4 Well made and fashionably cut, viz: doien 11lanliet over-cuatd of different sizes arid' t' irlities. do clienliernan's icsltlonable Drees 86'0 sack cove. 12 ffe well Made Finir:•y Vests. 12 do Pacts—ceithner, ,satinett, caiwinelt end corduroy. plain, fignreJa:9 striped. I'2' do Shuts (pleated !uvula) 3' do Plain checkered cotton chins. . . Also,a variety of satin and silk stocks, handket• &tel and rhort stockings, together with a variety of e'rtiithls of men's and hoy's wear ; all of whieil will be sold CHEAPER than at any other estab ishment the county., Please call amt examine tor youiselves. Cus tomer's Work puntually attended to. Sept. 14.'47.) BENJA M IN SNARE. AWFUL CALANM Y . , A GREAT number of valuable lives wern very ,A nearly sacrificed in the rush In H. K., Nave & no's fdATCH& JEHBLRY STORE its' Markel Squar e. There you will see Cold and Silver Levers of every style, quality and price. Also, gold Olt chains, guard chains and keys of every description. Breast l'ins and finger rings in great variety kg! .la, and oilier pencils, silver thimbles, tooth fad nail blushes, steel bends, clasps for hags, gild purses,' purse silk. spectacles, accordions, , gkild pens of su perior quality, lien holders, a Vue mesoillitdrit of fancy stationery, motto wut'crd, limey boxes, perfu mery, Diaries for 1818, envelopes, &c. Call and examine, before it is too late. Clock and Watch repairing done as usual, sad warranted. LANK DEEI* arid 31ORTGAGE'S; adMirably executed On very fine pa: per, for bale at aria Office. 'Register.