Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 26, 1847, Image 3

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    the city amidst the buzzes of soldiery.
As he entered, the mounted band of the
2d Dragoons astonished the " natives"
with HAIL COLUMBIA, SVIliCh was follow
ed, as the escort entered the Plaza, with
the soul-stirring YANKEE DOODLE.
One of the first acts of Gen. Stott was
to appoint Gen. Quitman Civil and-Mil
itary Governor of Mexico, and Col.-S.
F. Belton, Lieutenant Governor. Gen.
Qaitman's department embraces the fol.
loi'ing officers: Capt. F. N. Page, As
sistant Adjutant General, and Lieuts.
M. Lovell, M. Wilcox, and R. P. Ham
mond, Aid-de-Camps; Capt. G T. Da
vis, Secretary, and Mr. Levi, Interpre
ter. 'Throughout the 14th and on the,
morning of the 15th, the Mexicans con
tinued to fire from the corners and tops
of the houses, killing some and wound
ing many. The artillery was at first
tried on them, but owing to their unseen
position it was found useless.
The Rifle Regiment and some of the
Infantry were then sent in pursuit, and
soon silenced the firing from the house
tops. The Mexicans, during their rev
olutions, frequently resorted to this mode
of warfare, and continued it for several
days togeter without doing much dam
age on either side,but our riflemen picked
them out of their hiding places and soon
forced them to desist.
Since our army arrived in the valley
we have lost 3000 men, killed and
wounded. We have destroyed the Mex
ican army of over 30,000 men, upwards
of 6000 of which have been taken priso
ners. We have captured 70 pieces of
artillery, 27 at the battle of Contreras,
10 in a fort at Churubusco, and 33 on
the 12th, 13th and 14th.
The last of Mr. Kendall's letters da
ted the 28th, mentions the two following
rumors relative to Santa Anna—the first
that he had been taken prisoner by Col.
Childs—and second that he had been
slain by General Alvarez.
Mr. Kendall's latest letter is under
this date—
CITY or MEXICO, Sept. 426,.184.6
Assassinations continue—no less than
ten soldiers were found murdered this
morning in Cie quarter of San Peblo,
and eight yesterday. Our own men
arc to blame; they straggle from their
•quarters, and getting intoxicated at the
first palquesta or grogshop, are thus li
able to be beset by gangs of armed
ruffians, who are continually on the
watch. The fact of these murders
shows the feeling of revenge and deep
hatred which is entertained towards us.
The frequency of the murders is also
an indication that a regular system of
assassination has been planned—the
wire-workers being probably the priests
and thr leading men.
In m ; last I - stated that Col. Mclntosh
was sluicing under his wounds; he died
last night, and will be buried to-morrow
with full military honors.
He fell pierced with two balls while
gallantly leading his men to attack the
-Cain Matn on the Sth of September,
and his system suffering from wounds
received in former battles, was not able
to overcome the shock.
Yours, Ste. G. W. K.
Gen. Santa Anna has been proclaim
ed by Senor Gamboa, a traitor to his
country—having intentionally allowed
the Americans to defeat him in every
battle ; and lastly he accuses him of
having destroy* the nationality of
Mexico ; the honor and glory of this
unfortunate city, and of having compro-
Jnised, in the calamity, all classes of
,'' society.
Gen. Pillow is said to be severely
The New Orleans Delta and Commer
cial Times of the 14th instant, contain
further interesting details of Mexican
intelligence. The latter paper publiA
ßS Santa Anna's address on his resigna
tion of the Presidency ; but it is evident
that he intends to continue directing
the operations against the American
army. Of the scattered portions of his
army he has gathered twenty-five hun
dred regulars, besides a large guerilla
It is rumored at the Capital from Pu
ebla that on the 27th ult. Paredes, Bits
temente, and other influential persons,
intended seriously to invite a foreign
prince into Mexico, for the purpose of
settling the difficulties of the country.
The pnpers from the City of Mexico
to the 28th, state that Gen. Quitman
had issued an order on the 25th, notify
ing all the officers of the Mexican army
at the Capital to renort themselves im
fnediately to the Inspector General of
the American Army, and another on the
1.17 th, regulating the value of Corn.
I The shops were again opened and the
theatre was crowded to overflowing ev
ery evening. Contentment begins to
reign among the population, and numer
ous families, embracing many of the
softer sex, were to be seen walking the
streets with perfect confidfnce.
Gen. Scott had proposed issuing cir
culars to the different States, exhorting
them to appoint Commissioners with
full power to conclude a treaty of peace.
, He had also projected an expedition
if with 1500 men against Toluca.
IThe corporation of the city of Mexi
co had addressed several proclamations
to the inhabitants, to be peaceful and
ib.verse from injuring in any manner the
American Army; but if this Maus not
complied with, they would not guaran
tee the safety of either their lives or
property, as Gen. Scott had issued direct
orders that every house from which shots
had been fired, should be immediately
. . . .
levelled with the ground by the artillery. I Walker ; Solomon .Myerly, Cass; Thom- PUBLIC SALE.
The functions of the Mexican execu- as Miller, Barree; Henry McCracken, WILT. be exposed to Sale by public outcry. on
tive was discharged by Senor Pena y West; James Moore, Walker ; Aaron the premises, . Thursday the 19th day of
, t 10 o'clock A. M a tract of land
Pena, associated with Senor Pacheco, Loveall, Cass; Samuel Miller, Barree; 1% . 1 .
and a General whose name is not men- Daniel G. Nash, Henderson; Na illiatn * l o u s ou: Z i bill s r e li s sn
th side of township , Ston e creek , next below'
tinned. Oaks, Barree; Moses Swoops, Union Hunlin lo 4 county,
Couche's Iron Works, containing about one han-
It was supposed that Pena y Pena, Benedict Stevens, Springfield; Samuel deed and Overtly one acres—about eighty acres
would decide to form a cabinet on the Smith, Henderson; John Wicks, Shirley. lof which are cleared, including about fifteen acres
27th. I of bottom land, with a good two-story
The Delta contains a long and graphic TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK, rd ,, W m - ELT-; , 111 ,.. G .
.I;:::ZEth,:l3l,,ahlg,llk. alai
description from its correspondent Mus- . W ill iam A ddlerntin Warriorsmark ; g ood bearing orchard, and a spring of al a
tang, of the battles of the 13th and 14411. I William Appleby, Dublin; Conrad Bu- never failing water near the home: there is also
lime-stone, and the appeara,ce of Iron Ore on the
(I... The number of men in Riley's cher, Porter; Gabriel Burr, Jackson; . h
company of deserters, executed at Chu- James Boggs, Henderson; John Bum- Prem.'.e • ,
bough, Sr Henderson; John Bruce, An indisputable title will be given, and the terms
rubusco, was only eighteen, instead of I made easy for the
Wrest ; Thomas . Cissney, Tell; a N. Pure"" ABRAHAM ZOOK.
seventy-two. The Diario del Gobierno !
i Carothers, Cromwell ; Henry Davis, Oct. 241. 1847--pd.
of the 10th ult. has the following de- West ; John Donaldson, Hopewell; John
11. ti WS' AO I 14;C.
scription of their execution :—[News. : Duffey, Springfield; , ! Jas. Ewing, Frank-
ALL pewee. indebted to the late firm of J.E.
George Eby, Shirley; Michael Fet-
And in what manner did they hang
tin; & SIMONTON are requested to make payment
terti?o f, Morris y' James Forrest Barre • previous to November 25th, ensuing, as no longer
them 'I Noosing them by the neck as
David Graham, Dublin; Adam Gree e r, indulgence will be given.
they stood upon the ground, and so sus.
thy inches,' Barree; Daniel Kyper, Walker ; Sebes
pend pending them that they died
than Keely, Hopewell; Henry Knode, cm 26, 1847-4 t.
stranded bytheir own weight, the mode
Porter; John B. Logan, Clay; Miles I — RIIGISTER'S NOTICE.
adopted being such that their horrible
agony lasted more than one hour.—Apersons
Lewis, West; James Mitchell, Sr., Jack- ; TOTICE is hereby given to all
spectacle worthy of such men, or rather
son; William McLain, Cromwell; Henry I j concerned, that the following natned
Matthias, Jr., Clay; John Alyerly, Tod; persons have settled their accounts in
of demons escaped from hell ! This they
Isaac Neff, the Register's Office, at Huntingdon,
did with eighteen of these unhappy Merl ; James Neely, Dublin ;
West ; John Owens, Esq., War- and that the said accounts will be pre
and among them the, brave Capt. Riley, .
riorsinark: James Porter, Porter; John vented for Confirmation and Allowance
whose head they stuck upon a pike and
Stever Cass; Thomas F. Stewart, West; nt an Orphans' Court to be held at Hun
planted at Churubusco. To six others, '
George ' Wilson, Porter; Richard Wills, t• d i and for
the County of Hun
who proved that they hod not volunteer-
Morris. ing on, n
Warriors ark; B. F. IV Ilace, i tingdon, on Wednesday the 10th day of
ed but been impressed, they gave two m
November next, to wit :
hundred lashes each, and compelled w„, ss .,,, ', piss , ar„ ss .,„,„„ p,„„, i s °J-'
Cressy acting Executor
1. John ' II, of
them to dig the graves of their compan- dition to being one of the beat anti-bilious medicines
ions. in the world, possess a power in removing pain, Matthew Cresswell, late of West town
which is truly astonishing. Four or five of avid ship, dec'd.
WINTER.—The Portland Advertiser In d i a n Ve geta ble P .. l s, ta.
en every night on going 2. John Baker and Jacob Baker, Ad
of the 13th inst., says :—"The White to f bed, i will hi o a id sh l lrt rn t?ri s e w c i o il rr e Vet i e f ly lo i d i g d the dit b , n i t:
; Y ministrators of Jacob Baker, late of
Mountains, yesterday, covered with
of t hos e nu, cause st pain in the stile, seometime's Springfield township, dee'd.
3. Williton Matilit and Daniel Massey,
snow as entirely as in the depths of win- extending to th r i:h i ou i l e de g r b o la m il s e,dilliculfy of br,,eta,the
i Executcrts of John Maffit, late of Barree
ter, loomed like an immense snow-drift,
n is i t7a fl ual"4 , si c k ness,
or of a pp etite r T oi c ji : . ion :
township, des d.
apparently but a few rn ilea beyond theani. i other symptoms of an inflamed or torpid state i 1. Jacob Frank, Guardian of David
ridges of Westbrook nod Falmouth. , of the liver. Summers, a minor son of Henry Sum
; avriahes Indian Vegetable Pills also thorough
-- . '..- mars, late of Hopewell township, den d,
COUli r .r AFFAIRS, a nd tweets from al! b lious
1 1 , Y :„, 1 =7,,! . , i r,„ *. i t ,,,": 1 1"„ e ,„ ri i , . „„, 1 hhe , et „, ~,,. s „,.. 5. Dr. Mordecai :Massey, Guardian of
G,, -, • ' tcholera u Wins and
_________.___ _ ...,______ tarn ime ~,, ;,• ~. ~, •i; ary.ii , , William Wilson and Mary Jane Wilson,
- I other disorders of the nitestines. t see of the minor children of Nathaniel
u. 1 0.4. '
.`i'llemai , ~f aug, raatrd coun PUO1'1:J.11.1"I
le,feitt.,PD ;\V ilsoo, late of Barree township, dec'd. •
TRIAL LIST. The oulll ci, ig,not and gen oine Indian V; geta- REGISTER'S OFFICE,TITHEREAS, by precept to me direct.
ble Pitts have the sigaature of William Wright I Huntingdon, Ore. 13, 1847. i 1 1 ed, dated at Huntingdon, the 21st
FIRST WEEK. I wriftesz with a pen on the top lobe! of each b in. JACOB MILLER, day of August, 15,17, under the hands
Julius McGonigal vs. G. Mong's Exr's. Norte other is geonine and to enuate , frit this is
Register. and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil-
John Dickey's ndmr. vs. A. P. Wilson. F"gf . r• V i i . : l‘ , s i T o g, N7 , 2 ol n Ne l ',"l" l . ", g l 'Y . ;
Agent for Hunting- • PUBLIC S A I.E.
S. Good & Co. vs. John Shaver. don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin-. ; Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and general
James Stewart vs. Dennis Coder. i son, It. bade Gap; ll'air 1 1 / 4 . 0., Frankstovvn; Orbison TO the heirs and legal representatives of Jacob jail delivery of the 20th judicial district
Same vs John Love. & Co., Orbisonie; A. 0. Brown. Shirleysliorm it Stou ff er, late of West 'Ammeter township, of Pennsylvania, composed of the coun-
Sam'l Caldwell vs. Robert Moore's ears. Hunter & co., West Vivre and Petersburg, Graff , a,7. ,,,, : , r_i, .n. ,, Y , ,
Pm deceased.
I , ' • • • ties of Huntingdon, Mifflin arid Union,
&c„ Manor mi . D 5. Be m i Di „„ y i s 1 ,-„ ri . 1 kl, ?we're— hitt the undersigned admin.
Isaiah Fleck vs. Smith & W igloo. ; james °, 9 i
Jiro s .' ~,,,' ,; j, ,, ; Iv. my ,. ro ' r r ,,i,... „r sa id ,i sco i, s mo lt., will i n rorsooneo o f and the Hons. James Gwin and John
Foster'fi exrs for Steel vs. Jas. Gillam. • , s , ssiss ' i s g korg ' s H. St u ei l t r, wn „, streEt , . A. .. e . ,. an order of the Orphan's t sort of nonl county, try Stewart, his associates, judges of the
John Smith vs. Thomas Hooper. 'W. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, public Vendee on Wednesday the 3d day of No county of Huntingdon, justices assign-
Comm'th for Elliman vs. J. Shaver et al. Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin- vember, A. D. 1847, at 2 o'eloek in the after non , cd, appointed to hear, try, and determine
Brun. for Jackson vs. C. Garber's ears. died office, 160 Race street, Philadelphia. at the public house of Daniel Ketidig, in I .empeter all and every indictments and present-
Samuel Caldwell vs. Geo. Davis. Sep. 17, '47. Square in said township and county, sell the real
estate of said Jacob stnufl.r, dec'd, consisting of ' meats, made or taken for or concerning
John Marks vs. David Barrick. lite Otiarkils. I a tract of 196 oven of land, more or less situate all crimes,. which by the laws of the Coin-
John Morningstar vs. Jas. Wilson. • ' in said townsiii i adjoining land of Isaac Hooper,' monweilth are made capital or felonies
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. O-1., 1847. ;
J. Cunningham vs. Charles Duff The Daniel Krug. and Frederick Flo '
imerl, %rib a one of death and other offences, crimes and
The Hoer market cottinues quiet, rtnry log dwelling home, two frame stables , i • • '
Wm. Scott's ears vs. John Jamison. " " misdemeanors, which have been, or shall
but prices have not varied. Sales of other improvements thereon—% hi, ii sale you can • '
John S. Fulton vs. Matthew Garner. ' be committed or perpetrated within said
standard brands at $6,75, good brands attend If oti think proper. I
Same vs. John Geisinger. DAVID LANDIS. county, or all persons svlio are or shall
$6,87, choice do, at $7 per bbl. In Rye ,
Samuel Coen vs. Wm.. Hirst, Esq. " ancosier 1 hereafter be committed or be perpetra.
Flour and Corn meal no sales. Latter , • • Oct,• • 1847.
John Rudy vs. Leonard, Mayer, et al. eeo bbl ted for crimes aforesaid lam common
_ per . ORPU4.I SO Cf/ liit 1' Ab.I.LE. '
led to make proclamation throughout my
GRAlN—Wheat in moderate request. s GI'EEABLY to an Order of the Orphans'
SECOND WEEK. whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer
—Sales of 350 bush. good red Wheat at IA Court in end for vie County of India., there
J. Cryder's admrs vs. D. Cryder's exr. 1,40 for southern and western. Corn will be exposed to ' , i odi c .. , d „ b y \r em i t' , or ow , and Terminer, of Common Pleas and
Same vs. I. Cryder's exr. —sales of 150 bush. yellow at 80cts. ; cry to the "id Tuesday and 9th day of November Quarter Sessions, will be held at the
Comm'th for Robinson vs. John Shaver is
b ii . ext. a I th ; it re tail' rUcre, pared, or tractof bind, Court House, in the borough of Hunting
and MARKET 0ct..2. A sale timer in Last Malnitung town •hip , 1
, "•!!! • seen's , don, on the 2nd IVlonday (and Bth day)
and sureties, '
of 1000 barrels Howard street Flour was adjoining hinds of Peter Sutton, 4,1%111 Ida.'
Jas. Dearment's heirs vs. A. & N. Cres- '
n to day' • City Mills : John
lade at $6 50,
at the sameprice, but without sales. with a lag house, .. hou r, lint apple or-
I held P r o secute the said prisoners, be then
John Bumbaugh vs. John Vanzant.chord thereon, and land theretotheist as it shall
'about one hundred acre. clear- . prosecute iem
Fl Flour inspections for the week are
C. Coots vs. J. Hildebrand et al. I Tbe ° td thereon fifteen of % bich are meadow, contain. be just., and that all jost ices of the peace,
15,000 barrels. Corn meal was sold at • • '
David Wood's odour vs. C. Coats. mit in the whole two hundred and Iwo acres and ; coroner, and constables within the said
368 • white wheat 1 36 to
,$356 to $ , three fourths of un erre and allowance for roads, &c. co , '
David Fraker vs. W. B. Hudson. nt bethenandthere
139 c; prime 145 c; red wheat 128 to 133; ' late rho estate of Jere m i a h Brown, ilec'd. Sale •
C. Pothers vs. S. &J. Fickes et al.r • 10 'clod: A lof said
persons, at o A. LI.
I white corn 68; yellow 71; oats 38 to 41; ' to ink place on the promises, when and where due
D. McMahon vs. John .Th•Malion, attendance will be given, and terms made known ...4 ,
e clat , with their records, inquisitions, ox-
Allen,l bacon, hog round, 7 1-2 to 8. Provi
Wilson & Co. vs. Martin Gates. Iby Elisabeth Brown, surviving and actin:: Wren.. ' emulations andremembrances, to o
1 sinus are in better demand.
Bell & Orbison vs. John Savage. 1 iris of the said Jeremiah Brown, deed. By Order those things which to their offices res-
I iiii555..............
ISAAC M. WArr, Clerk. ; pectively appertain.
N. G. Chilcote vs. Jacob Gehrett. i -
net. 19.18.17.
Wm. Scott's heirs vs. Wm. Scott's exr. ;
1 On Tu d •19 I b Rev David ,
es as•, the .i i, y ev. Dated tit Huntingdon, the 21st day of
M. Garner vs. S. Keely, Esq. .Ea GOODS' ! August, in the year of our Lord, one
llVlcKinney, Mr. GEORGE H. STEINER, Of'
B. Armitage 's exr vs John Frees exr. .. , thousand eight hundred and forty-seven,
Waterstreet, to Miss JANE E. ...z - •
.lITII, of At thf Cheap c .
Alex. Steel vs. James Reed. .-- " 111 " • and the /Ist year of American Indepen- '
Blair county. qinE subscriber would most respectfully invite :
Waggoner asses of :Shit' vs. D. Parsons. dence. JOHN ARMITAGE, Sheriff. i
On Thiirsdny, the 7th, by Rev. John I the public to call and examine one . of the
A. (leer, Mr. JOHN HIGHT to Min SARAH - Most splendi d
' 'INN AI VToN ail of this county.
i , I Mork of Goods Huntingdo, Oct. 19, 1846.
—_ . ,
GRAND JURORS. , On Thursdny, the 14th, Ly Rev. eonn . ever opened in this comity. It is needless to un- , PROC L.1.11 . .4710.V.
' A. Geer, Mr. RoBEET MORGAN to Miss dertake naming the articles or price i as the pri" AjT HEREAS, by precept to me direct-
Caleb Brown, Clay; Amos Clarke, Tod;AN N ~,- t ., would be se low you could not believe it uniiisou
Jusia Fr OLFKIT.L, all of this 420.'11 )•. V ed by the Judges of the Common
A. Chilcote, Cromwell ; Samuel Coen,would a d the
see i, an le variety so greet that I could
Barree; Wm. Dean, Hopewell; James G i not do justice to myself or the goods by attempt . Fleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear-
A V4' Fills CA LA M 11 Y !
Doyle, Shirley; David Freaker, Shirley; ' , into give you any idea of the quality. Thank. ino test the 21st day of August, A. D.
Jacob Grove, Hopewell; Jos. Gibboney, ' ' s (MEAT number of valuable lives were veer / ful for past favors, I still hope to receive a liberal 1847, lam commanded to make public
_ L a nearly sacrificed in the rush to H. K. Nave share of pu .lie patronage, proclamation throughout my whole bail-
Barree; George Guyer, Warriorsniark; & B no's WATCH &JE WELRY STORE in i JOFIN N. PROWELL. iwick that a Court of Common Pleas
'William Hoffman, Henderson; George Market Square- ! " CHEAP COHN.," .1 Will be held at the Court House in ilia ;
D. Hudson, Clay; A. J. Hunter, Frith): lin; ' '. r hero you will sec C t old and Sih'er Let.ers of ; Huntingdon, Sept. 21. 1847. $
Frederick Netter, Tpd; Josephstither. ' eery style, quality and price. Also, gold fob i N. B. countr
y Producee ifiken is exchange borough of Huntingdon, in the county
ger, Morris; Henry Lies 'ffiOntobert ; chains, guata chains and I‘of
..eys every description. !f or goo d s , of Huntingdon, on the third Monday and
McCall, Hopewell; Jas. etirphy, `Vest; ; Breast Bins and finger rings in great variety; geld ' 15th day) of November, A. 1). 1847, for .
, and silver pencils, silver thimbles. tooth and nail Ilifialeli! BRIll'Id! ! the trial of all issues in said court which'
Thomas M w
orro, Tell; D ' blushes, Patterson, steel beads, clasp. for bags end purses, , F HE subscr i ber respectfully announ-
Dublin; Wm. Snyder, Henderson; John purse silk, spectacles, accoriliana, gold pens of au. ; es to his friends and the public remain untletermitied before the said
L. Travis,Eraiiklin; George Whittaker, perior quality, pen holders, li f ine bAsortinent or -
generally, that he continues to tnantifac- •
judges, when and where all jurors, wit.;
Porter; Jordan Wright, Union. fancy stationery, motto wafers, fancy bones, peril'. - •- • . tresses and suitors, in the
tore, in the borough of Petersburg, the • • trial of all
merry, Diaries for 1848, envelopes 8:e. .... r , said issues are required. i
quality- of BRICK, Which he
CAll and examine before it is too late Clock I verY best
TRAVERSE JURORS—FIRST WEEK. • • • .Datedat Huntingdon,the I t dayof '
e s 1
II 1 . • ft - bl
mid Watch repairing done as usual warranted. o i t ispose o on ilia most reasona e August, A. D. 1847, and the 71st year •
Jacob Africa, Henderson; John Appel.; s : terms. All orders will be filled at the o f A • id . s
by,Dublin; Jacob Brubaker, 1•I est; Jno. I asal ISlilllFF'Oi SALE. , shortest notice. Those wanting the ar- American sn el.e..dence.
Boinger, Cromwell ; Geo. Borst, West; I In addition to the list of Sheriff's i ticle for building, paving or any other
Jacob Brumbaugh, Hopewell; George Sales inserted on our fourth page, we I purpose, would do well to give me call. H •
tatingdon, Oct. 19, 1847.
Bell, Barree; John D. Bell, Franklin; I). ' are instructed to publish the following, ABRAHAM STEVENS. -
Barrick, West; David Beck, Warriors- to be sold by the Sheriff at the Court Petersburg, Aug. 31, 1847. i BARLEY! EARLEY !
mark; William Brown, Henderson; Jas. House door in Huntingdon, or. Wednes-
'el ffillitOr'S . ti nt l ess. I A squirtionfientioekt"."tta„ l : l :Atiht%iiiii,:ileivw7 l
Bell, Warriorsmark; Nicholas Corbin,' day the 10th day of November next, atY
Cass; John Clayton, Union; Matthew F. the calling of the Court in the morning, /pm undersigned, Audiior appointed ;
by the for which a fait price, in c.assit . will be given.
jt_ 4, omit ol mullion Pleas of H utitingdon coon- . . .
Campbell, Henderson; John Curftnan, ' viz . i
' t . ,,, to distribute mite proceeds arising lion, the Sher. , Alexandria, Oct. 13, 1847-6 t.
Tod; Abraham Evans, West; Joshua All that small piece or parcel of land iirs sale of the real estate of Umber & [McFarland,
Edwards, Tod; John Flenner, Hender- ; situate in Shirley township, containing hereby gives notice to all persons intended thst hr , ddnituisfralor's elloiire.
son; Henry Fodder, Porter; John Gills. ! 14 acres and allowance, lying on the will attend for that i•urpose, at his office, in Hunt-, Estate of Thomas Montgantery, late of
land. Jackson; David Garrett, Warriors- bank of Alighwick creek, adjoining lends iii a don. on Friday the 29th day of October next, Franklin township, Huntingdon coun
mark; Jacob Heffner, Hormel); R. F. 'of Lewis Berkstresser, deed, and James alt t''118k•41,.7111 GEO. TAVI.OR,
v ty, deceased.
Hazlett, Morris; George is i mon, Weat; W. Galbraith, being cleared and cultiva-1 c'ei'•s,
oTicE is hereby green that Letters of Ad-
Andrew Ilagey, Cromwell; Joseph !far- ted, alit a ...isill plaistered house and Sohn Scott, Jr., ile ministration upon the estate of the writ] de
vev, Fl.irley; Jol.. ' T . ' , 7' , , a ^'^. ir. thereon. I a TTOPNE VAT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa,— ceased have been duly granted to the undersigned
cell; Robert Johnston, Jackson; Enos - Seized and taken in execution, and to .sl_ Fine le ttttt ved his office to tut.
; middle room of —There d fore all persons k inildurd . to ~11,1 art ;,,d,
M. Jones, Henderson; Enoch Kline, Per. he sold as the property of James N. , • , 'stare's Row," er d e tr i e e ctlyopposi n tey w is it ue i r &M'
i ‘i ' o r ; ' t ali i ' Z e n. a i n ° ,l r d n e ' inan ° o7l4 l l 7n li a t t t i a m a i a e n d l i e i t e o lY b i e ;le
ter ; Andrew Lies, Tod ; Nathaniel Ly- I Thompson, dec'd, with notice to Elliott i trio's it"! where he . will nite. , d .. I ,il dl "P "''. I
i and fidelity to all businesa wish witien he may e , i , y ,
b sei ted dul ou'henticated for settlement, to
tie, Morris ; Samuel McVitty, Shirley;lßobbley, terse tenant. ' entrusted in Huntingdon or thc adjoining countiee WILLIAM 1.1. JOHNSTON, A dm'r.
David Miller, Jackson; Thomas McCoy, ! Oct. 26, 1847. Huntingdon Sept. 23, 1816. ' act. Er, '47-6t•` Franklin township.
• ____ ___
Tuscarora Aendeviiy. HURD'S
. .. .• •.. . •
T":„srotuTit7lnl.'nditaltam(!:.°l. ;: i . ed B
W. of Mifflintown. It has been in successful Or voetibulary of nearly two thousand
operation for sever2l years ; and is believed to be the common errors of speech ; Con
equal to any Academy in the State, in atTurding tamed in no other work : Tho
facilities to young men for acquiring a thorough whole bxplained; corrected
academical education, either for business or for
and conVeniently ar•
College. Being situated in a very pleasant and
healthful neighborhood in the country, the pupils ranged for the nse
are removed from those temptations to idleness, of schools and
dissipation and vice which are the bane of similar PRIVATE INDIVIDU A LS,
Institutions in town.
The buildings are large and commodioua, min- BY SETH T HuRD
cient to accommodate a large number; and l'upils / .
from a distance are required to board in the Insti. Published by E. H. Butler Iv Cu., Phil
lotion with the Principal. Put if it is desired by
their parents. genii boarding can be obtained in the
neighborhood of the Academy.
For Boarding, (per week) $1 25
Working. (per quarter of I I weeks) 150
Bed 1 00
Incidental, " 25
For Tuition in Latin, Greek & hlathemat
ice, (per quarter)
Natural Philosophy. Chemistry. Rhetoric,
Political Economy. Butrk-Keeping, Bot
any. H istnry, &c. &c.
Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography,
Reading, Writing, &c, &c. (per quarter
of t I weeks) a 00
Light, Books and Stationary are found by the
Pupil; and may ba obtained of the Stares in the
neighborhood. There are no extra charge. what
The academical year in divided into two sessions
of 22 weeks each, and each session into two quar
ters of 11 weeks each. Cf. One quarter must be
paidinadvance,wh.othe Pupil enters; and all
bills must be paid off befre 11- le ,ves the Acad
emy ; otherwise 7 per cent on the whale bill for
the guar ter will be added. No deduction for ab
sence during the (warier unless caused by sickness.
The very beet testimonials can be elven both as
to the scholarship and of the Principal ; and
his long experience in the profession entitles him
to the confidence of the
Th. V,c ./i,ns occur in April am! October.
Address (poet paid) all communications to tho
Academia P .0.
DAVID WILSON, A. Principal.
Tufo:flora Vnllry. Jurtata Co., Pa.
N. 13.—Pupils front a distance can niwnytt find
a ready convey.. from Mifflin up to the Acade
my, by npplying to MeAllkter's
CNNTRAL Hinu &tient,
Philadelphia, July 8, :847. 5
°We the undersigned cordially recommen,
0 Hurd'. (grammatical Corrector,' as a tex Wan,'
for and as highly useful and convenicii
manuel for private families and individuals.
Signed by JOHN, S. HART, Principal,
rr We the undersigned Prim.litsls of the Puh li•
Schools of Philadelphia, recommend rr Hurd'
Cramm meal Corrector,' as a work eminent y cal
calmed, not only to prevent the formation of incor
reef modes of expression, hut in eradicate thuse . al
ready acquired. It contains nearly two thoumu
of those common errors of speech which are nu
provided far in Eng ish Grammars, end hence is. ,
very great imp.••tance ea supplying a vacuum ii
our list of school hooks. Such a work" is mucl
circled in our Schools, and we hope the -Correct
or" may receive that consideration to which it
merits on justly entitle it.
$0 00
Signerrby JAMES M'CLUNE, rrineipal
of the Master SI. boy's gram. action', and 20 other
Chamfer of the Controllers of Pu!li:
At a meeting of the I ominittee of the Control
tern of I' üblie Stimuli+, held at the lent
Cit3other, in the t ity of Philadelphia, on Frida,
July 311, t 847, the following resolution ands unom
iniottaly adopted.
Revolved. That •" Hurd*. G timmatieal Core
tor," lie ittrroduetd as a t lan Rook, &e.
Certified fioin the Nlinutea.
This is a highly useful publication, being sit
exposition, accompanied by corrections, of nearly
2000 inaccuracies of daily conversation. which the
author has exhibited in a very strong light.' Mi.
1-lurd merits much praise for his indr•edtigable
in this departinent.—N. Y. Tribune.
-This work is precisely such u one as the cons.
muroty has long needed. It alionld be in the hands
of all. Few persons will bu able to look into its
nearly pinned pages without perceiting expt•es
sions with which their own lips ore Windiar,
the inelegance or inacca•acy of w&ch they lows
never so -pouted pirit of the 'nines.
...Phis is an ori4inal and singular book. and it ie
as useful as it is mew and singular.- -N. Y. Sun:.
"There is here supplied nmost admirabla correo
Live of those provincial and barbarous expressions
which so extensively prevail in conversation, and
• not unfreguently in waling. The author has
lied upon the best lexocographical authorities, and
evinces a nice sod dist:rim listing knowledge of the
meaning of words. Fur Schools arid fur gi tieral
reference, this work may be commended anti great
• safety as a guide in our vernacular tuogue.—N. Y
• Evangelist.
t book of ibis kind was much needed as s
means of eradicating the many cant phrases and
barbarisms already &gowning among us. %A e bay,
been much amused and edified in looking over it, y adapted for the use of sebools
and must become a standard work throughout thi
country. It will also prove a most useful mantle
to have at hand in a tout u ly, us a book of reference :
in cases where a phrase is used of doubtful chum.
Nr.--1110, S at. Post.
Cou d we uid in placing. a copy of this woi
in the hand. of every reader, we shuuld be doir
a public service.—Phil. Sat. Courier.
' _
...This is a most useful little volume.--Ph
Public Ledger.
This id a highly valurble w , rk, not
Schools, but for private individuals. It contail
nearly two thousand common errors of speech, tl
correction of which the author sustains try consta
reference to standard authors, and by exceeding
well written notes and commente.--Phil. N. Al
do U. S. Guz.
This work must ho productive of much go
The author hne eunforred a great hearth upon
English langunge.--Dollur Neopper.
ie a very timely, entertaining and use
book. \1 e commend its introduction into
schools and families.--N V. Observer.
This is a very uscful book.--Gotley's Lad;
This is an extremely valuab'e, as well as ct,
ous little columns; the m moult of great Inhor and m
search. We mccomentend it strongly to our echo
directors, and all concerned in education; nor
such only; we would recommend every mcilti,vl
wishes to correct his colloquial errors, to catty
copy of it in his imecliet for 6 months as we ',of,'
to do oureelves.--Pliii. American.
j" On the Sth of July last, n large sterentyl
edition of Reverel thousand copies of the "Cc
rector," was put into the market, since which tin]
tiring a little more than n month, the entire eilitii
Lag liven exhaul.ted ; more thou two hundred leas
cis having already introduced the work into thi
The sanction it has received as a class-boob, I
1111 olUcial resolution of a committee of the roma
lers of the puhlie schools of Philadelphia ( ity at
C +linty, (which Khoo!s number upwards of tin
thousand pupil 4.) and the attpara e led laver wt
wlsich it ham Peen received by teachers and sells
directors, in various other portions of the count,
as well as by the public generally, have rend e r /
necessary au immense edition of twenty th ous .,
copies, hi order to supply the present, and her
pace with the increasing deataad.
Ll'endy-Nladle Clothin
mil El subscriber oilers for stile a splendid al
1_ seasonable assortment of Ready-Made CMI
itag, just opening at his sew stand, in the enrol
room of the brick bui ding opposite John VIA
kern Tavern, in the Borough of Huntingdon ; cc
sisting of the following seam - m.6lc articles, svarrm
cd well made sod Isshionaltly rut. viz:
2 dozen Itlanket over-coats of different sizes si
1 do Gentleman's Fssitionable Cloaks.
12 do Dress and sack coat,
12 du well mode Fatiev Veins.
12 do Pants—eassinter. satinett. cowinell si
corduroy, plain. figured and striped.
12 do Shirts (pleated ltressta.)
3 do Plain checkeied shirts,
Also, a variety of satin and silk stocks, handl.,
chiefs and short stockinet': together with a vari,
of articles of ineWs and tioy'll• woo? a!l o ,
will be sold CHEA I Ea than at any other
lishment In the county.
Please call and examine for youiselves. et
tomes work puntually attended to.
Sept. 14,'4;.' 14F: NM SI IN SIV A RIL.•
end nine Prufeeso