THE JOURNAL, Yuntingdon, Tuesday, October 26, 10,17. BLANK DEEDS and MORTGAGES, admirably executed on very fine pa per, for sale at this Office. o::rWe hope those indebted to us for advertising and subscriptions, will re member us kindly at the November Court. We have some very formidable demands to meet, and cannot do so with out money. Wood Whig friends should recollect that we were skialited at the late election, and can't stand these cold winds minus both hide and feel. Viewing the mat ter in this light, we hope those who pay in wood will neglect us no longer. ID-The most splendid assortment of Jewelry and Waeckes ever brought to Huntingdon, may now be found at the Store of H. K. NEFF & BROTHER. Ladies and Gentlemen would do well to give them a call. t 7 We do Kish our coteniporaries would cease their speculations upon tile result of the late election. For our part we should like to forget, if possible, that an election was held on the 12th inst. at all. THE ELECTION We are not yet able to give the offi cial vote of the State for Governor and Canal Commissioner. We shall do so in our next. Skink's majority will be about 18000, whilst, says the Pa. Intel ligencer, his vote will be about 20,000 less than Markle's in 1844. The %% higs will see from this how easily they could have carried the election had they turn ed out in their strength. We have no disposition however to complain. If the Whigs of Pennsylvania who failed to vote, did not consider the election of a Whig Governor worth a few hours time on the election day, we are content.— We can stand Locofoco rule as long as our neighbors. The Late News from Mexico. A large portion of our paper is taken up with the news received since our last from Mexico. Gcn. Scott is in full possession of the City, but the list of killed and wounded is appalling. The Pennsylvanians suffered severely. Our entire loss, since leaving Puebla, in killed and wounded, is estimated at from 3,000 to 4,000 ; and yet Gen. Scott en tered the valley of Mexico with only 10,000 men. What wonderfully brilliant deeds these 10,000 have achieved. Gen. Scott well says, that when the very lim ited number who have performed these brilliant achievements shall have become known, the world will be astonished and our countrymen filled with joy and ad miration. Gen. Scott, says the Penna. intelli gence; has added new laurels to those that previously encircle,' his heroic brow. With an army of 10,000 men that invincible Warrior penetrated the heart of a mighty empire, attacked and defeated a force five times his number, planted the glorious "stars and stripes" upon the topmost height of the enemy's Capitol, end covered the American arms with glory. All honor to Gen. Scott and his gallant little army._ Q - We observe that a number of our Whig exchanges put down T. C. Mc- Dowell as elected to the Senate in the 20th district. This is a mistake. That district has been gloriously redeemed by the election of Wm. F. Johnston, Esq. a staunch Whig, and one of the ablest men in the interior of Pennsylvania.— Mr. J. will be a bright and shining light in the councils of the State. I%Talicicus IVZischicf Notwithstanding the convictions at our last Court, a nia/ic;otes disposition to do mischief appears to be still rife in our town. On Sunday morning last we observed that the property of several of our citizens had been molested during the night previous. Cannot the author ities do something to prevent these out rages 1 e like the editors of the Leba non Courier very much, but we do tint like some of the remarks of that paper relative to the defeat of Gen. Irvin. We would almost infer from reading them that the editors were not very much grieved at the result. The jeers of Lo. cofocos are hard enough to bear without having them rubbed in by Whigs. Irvin and !Munk at Home. I In Centre County Gen. Irvin received about 150 more votes than the balance of the %Vhig ticket, and carried a inn jority of 20 in the borough of Belle fonte, where he resides, which has al ways given a Locofoco majority hereto fore. By dint of party drill he was beaten 695 in the county. In Dauphin county Shunk was largely behind his party ticket, and in the North Ward of Harrisburg, where he resides, and where in 1844 he had a majority of 137, Gen. Irvin's majority is now 45—showing a change of 18-2 votes in favor of the Whigs. ! In the two Wards of Harrisburg, in 1844 Shunk had 196 majority ! Now the same wards give Gen. Irvin a ma . jority of 48, showing a change of 241 ! and that too in the face of the most reck less and determined opposition of Cov. Shank and his official dependents! As the Globe of last week published Centre county with a flourish, suppose the editor gives his readers the above comparison of the popularity of Irvin and Shank among their neighbors. Fairness demands it. - Pennsylvania Legislature. The Whirrs have gained one Senator —Wm. F. Johnston, Eq.—at the late election, and the Locos pave gained argely in the lieuse. The next Legis lature will stand thus JVhigs. Locos Senate, House, 56 77 56 Loco majority on joint ballot, 21 19th Senatorial District—(Official.) The following is the officiol vote for Senator in this District : WALKER. KING. 1644 1941 1271 1825 2407 2242 Huntingdon, Blair, Bedford, 5322 6008 5322 King's majority, The True Whig Spirit. The Pittsburg Telegraph very just ly attributes the recent rout of the whip to an imperfect organization, and appeals to the young men of that city to rally immediately, for the purpose of effecting a thorough organization. Let this be done throughout the State. Let us again unfurl our banners, and pre pare to do battle with patriot hearts and strong arms, for the cherished prin ciples of the whig party. Now is the time to commence operations, so that a systematic and effective organization may be perfected before the commence ment of the next campaign. To reap a rich harvest in the Autumn of 184.8, the seed cannot be put in the ground too soon. Young Whigs ! To you we look for AcrioN! The veterans of the cause will lend you their counsel and influence. Pennsylvania must be redeemed in the next campaign, and one of the most hn portant steps towards its accomplish meat is a systematic organization throughout the State. Whigs, remem ber that " the price of Liberty is eter nal Vigilance." Be watchful and active —do your duty—and victory will re ward your efforts. PENNSYLVANIA MUST BE REDEEMED ! [l's. Intelligencer. Reprehensible. We are informed by the agent of the Reliance Transportation Company that the only boat containing Dry-Goods, &c. which was lost above Huntingdon by the late flood, belonged to said Com pany; and that notwithstanding he has given public notice of this fact, many persons who have found small parcels of goods, evince no disposition to re spond to his demand upon them to de- liver the goods to him. He also informs us that whole boxes of goods have been found in Mifflin county, and that the names of the owners have been torn off to prevent identification ; and that the finders refuse to give them up. Such conduct is highly reprehensible. To find goods and keep them, when the owner is known, is ns bad morally as to commit theft of any kind. And those who suffer themselves to be guilty of so doing deserve the execration of every honest citizen. But we hope all who have found goods, after reflecting upon the enormity of the crime they commit by keeping them, will suffer their better feelings to predominate, and deliver all goods in their possession belonging to this company, to the store of Fisher 4. MeMurtrie, m; desired by the agent.— Remember that 4‘ Honesty is the best policy.," always, Travel to the West. The Pennsylvania Intelligencer sags : —Since the great destruction of the Ju niata Division of the Penna. Canal, the Packet Boats from this place to Holli daysburg have been taken off, and the travel is now done in stages. We learn that Messrs. COLDER & Co., the enter prizing proprietors, have placed n num ber of excellent coaches on the line, and made ample arrangement for the accom modation of travellers on the route. The roads too, have all been repaired, and the travel is made safe and com fortable. The regular line of Packets run daily from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburg. The canal on the Western aide of the Alle ghenies being unimpaired. TUANKSGIVING.—The Governor has issued a Proclamation, designating Thursday the 23th day of November next, as a day of general thanksgiving and prayer throughout the Common , wealth of Pennsylvania. Foreign News. Two Atlantic steamers arrived from Europe, the beginning of last week—the Missouri at New York, and Cambria at Boston. The news is 15 days later. An insurrection had broken out in Sicily, and the regular troops bad refused to fire upon the insurgents. The Liver pool advices announce a further decline in flour—alio is euttoa--i.:;“!, 01.,!ics,ny market was in a sadly deranged condi tion. Further failures had also occur red in England. This, we trust and be lieve, will terminate the bad news from the other side. [ is stated in a letter from Lewes, Delaware, that the wife of Capt. Thorn ton, whose fate it was to sacrifice his life in the cause of his country, is now in the county poor-house, in a state of par tial derangement. The first symptom of partial derangement was observed the day after hearing of Captain T.'s fall. SENTENCE OF A GAMBLER.--A man named Kerrison, convicted in Philadel phia of Gambling, has been sentenced to pay a fine of $5OO, besides the costs, and to undergo an imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary, in solitary con finement and labor for three years. This is the first conviction under the new law, and Judge Parsons, in passing sentence, said he considered gambling worse than larceny, and that he was de termined to break up the numerous houses which are kept throughout the city, and in every case that came before him, he intended to enforce the law with vigor and to its full extent. KrCol. Wm. M. Smyth left Washing ton on Saturday for Mexico, as bearer of despatches to Gen. Scott. He carries to Mr. Trist an order of recall. , "rhe President recalls Mr. Trist (according to the Journal of Commerce correspon. dent,) because there is nothing further for him to do. The oiler of this govern ment having been rejected, no armistice will again be asked for—no negotiation invited, and no terms of peace proposed on our side. Such, at least, are pro nounced to be the instructions sent out. PROSECITTLNG THE WAft.—The Wash ington Union, of Wednesday last, an nounces that the War Department has determined to raise two new Regiments of Volunteers forthwith—one from Ten nessee and the other from Michigan.— Why not accept the services of 50 regi ments, and bring this war to a close at once. The interests of the people and those of the nation demand a speedy peace. WHIG NATIONAL CONVENTION. --The Whigs of Philadelphia at their meeting last week, adopted a resolution in favor of a Whig National Convention to nom inate a candidate for the Presidency, re commended Philadelphia as the place, and suggested that the Whig members of Congress should fix the time. Whig Victory in Ohio. We have complete returns from Ohio. The Whigs have carried both branches of the Legislature—the Senate by two majority and the House by six—making a majority of 8 on joint ballot.—The Buckeye boys have nobly done their du ty. This result is the more important, as on the Legislature elect will devolve the duty of districting the State for some years to come. Georgia EleCtiOa. The mist that fur a few days hung over the result of the Election in this State, has at last cleared up and reveals a Whig majority of nine in tho Legis lature, 4 in the Senate and 5 in the House, which secures two Whig U. S. Tow:.s (Locoloco) is elect.ed Governor by about 1500 over CLINCH, the Taylor Whig candidate. Three Cheers for Florida I We have glorious news from Florida! The Whigs have redeemed the State. Both branches of the Legislature are de cidedly Whig, which secures another WHIG U. S. SENATOR! The Locoforo majority on joint ballot last year was three! _ Tile Whig standard is triumphant ev erywhere, save in Pennsylvania. Our friends are too fond of their deceivers to cast them overboard ! FROM MEXICO. By Special Express and Telegraph for the North .dmerican er U. S. Gazette. From Qen. Scott's Army. IMPORTANT FROM THE SEAT OF WAR! Glorious American Victories ! OPERATIONS OF GEN. SCOTT AT THE CAPITAL, tree to Four Thousand Americans Killed, Wounded, and Missing. I Cols. Mclntosh and Ransom, and Lieut, Cols. Scott, Graham, Baxter and Dick. I tnson among the Killed. CONGRATULATORY ORDERS FROM OEN. SCOTT. MOVEMENTS OF &c. RICHMOND, (Va.) Oct. 20. The steamship Fashion, Captain In gram, arrived nt New Orleans from Ve ra Cruz, via Tampico, on the evening of the 13th, bringing dates from Vera Cruz to the 11th inst, and Mr. Kendall's let ters from the City of Mexico down to the 28th of September. The news is glorious for the Ameri can army, though at the same time our losses are severe, and the details of the killed and wounded are heart sickening. "Thank God !" says the Picayune, " none of our Generals have been killed, but Major General Pillow and Brigadier General Shields were both wounded, se ' verely wounded, but were doing well at last accounts. The Picayune says—We are not about to repeat the details of our loss—it will be found in Mr. Kendall's letters; but we may mention, however, that c o ls. Mclntosh and Ransom, Lieut. Col. Mar tin Scott, Lieut. Col. Graham, of Infan try, Lieut. Col. Baxter, of the New York Regiment, and Lieut. Col. Dickinson, of the South Carolina Regiment, are dead. For the rest of the deplorable list we re fer to Mr. Kendall's letters. In the bat tle of King's Mill the loss was seven hundred. On the Bth, Gen. Worth's division lost about 600 men in_ killed and wound ed. In the battle of the 13th the storm ing of Clumultepec and the attack on the citadel, Quitman's division lost three hundred ; Twigg's two hundred and sixty-eight; Pillow's one hundred and forty-two, and worth's one hundred and thirty-eight—making the loss 848 in all. Worth had scarcely one thous and men in the action. Our entire loss since leaving Puebla, in killed, wounded and missing, Ken dall sets down at full 3000. Another authority makes it 4000, and yet Gen. Scott entered the valley of Mexico with an army of only a little exceeding 10,- 000 men. The Mexican accounts representing that we were at any time seriously re pulsed, are not true. The Mexican loss is not definitely as certaided, but was enormous. Gen. Bravo was not killed, but taken prisoner. We do not see that Santa Anna was wounded. It is true that he has resign ed the Presidency; since his resigna tion he has made an address to his countrymen. Santa Anna has returned to Toluca, fifteen miles from Guadaloupe, and the remnants of his army, intending it is thought, to attack our trains. Many more deserters have been hung, but the reader will be grieved to hear that Riley, the commander of the For eign Legion, escaped that punishment, on some ground, and was only flogged. All will be glad to hear that the Amer ican prisoners, Capt. Clay, and others, have joined Gen. Scott. We annex here Gen. Scott's order ni ter his victorious occupation of the city of Mexico, by which it will be seen that General Quitman, who gloriously dis tinguished himself on the 13th, is Gov ernor of the city:— GENERAL ORDER, No. 184. Headquarters .dritty, Mexico, Sept. 7, 184.7. Under the favor of God, the valor of this army, after many glorious victories, has hoisted the colors of our country in the capital of Mexico, and on the palace of their government; but the war is not ceded. The Mexican army and government have fled only to watch an oplantunity to return upon us in vengeance. We must then be upon our guard. Compa nies and regiments will be kept togeth er, and all stand on the alert.—Our safe ty is in military decipline. Let there be no drunkenness—no disorder—no straggling. Stragglers will be in great dant•er of assassination, and marauders shall be punished by courts martial. All of these rules, so honorably ob served by this glorious army in Puebla, must be observed here. The honor of the army and the honor of our country call fur the best beha viour on the part of the valliant, thus to win the approbation of all the good of their country. Be sober and merciful. His noble brethern in arms w:11 110 L Lc deaf to this hearty appeal from their commander and friend. GENERAL SCOTT. Major General Quitman is appointed civil and military Governor of Mexico by command of Major General Scott. Two days after he issued the following additional order: GENERAL ORDER— No. 186. Headquarters .11rmy, National Palace, Mexico, September 15th, 1847. The General in Chief calls upon his brethren in arms to return, both in pub ' lie and private worship, thanks and gratitude to God for the glorious and signal triumphs which they have re. cently achieved for their country, be ginning with 19th of August, and end ing on the 14th of September. This army has gallantly fought its way thro' the fields and forts of Contreras, San Antonio, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chepultepec, and the gates of San Gos ler and Tucubnya, into the capital of Mexico. When the very limited num ber who have performed those brilliant deeds shall have become known, the world will be astonished and our coun try filled with joy and admiration. But all is not done. The enemy, though scattered and dismayed, has still many fragments of his late army hoverinc , about its, and aided by an ex asperated' population, he may again re unite in treble our numbers, and full upon us to their advantage, if we rest inactive on the security of past victo ries. Compactness, vigilance and dis cipline are therefore our only security. Let every good officer and man strict ly regard these cautions, and enjoin them upon all others. By command of Major General Scott. H. L. SCOTT, A. A. A. G. We have no time or room to make a summary from our correspondence. In addition to Mr. Kendall 's letters, we give two others written in the city of Mexico, on the 28th, by foreign houses. One is translated from the French. It is well to have evidence of disinterested foreigners in these matters. By the way of Tampico we have let ters kindly forwarded to us, dated Osen lima, Oct. ad. The letter is so brief that we will give it here : OSENLU MA, Oct. 3, 1847. When you requested me to give you news from Mexico, there was nothing more than what you were acquainted with, regarding the capture of the city of Mexico; and although they are still very meagre and doubtful, I am going to tell you what we have learned by let ter from Bachrea. General Santa Anna is in Tlascola, with only five hundred men. It is said, though I do not believe it, that lie is going to Central America. General Herrera has gone to Queretaro to or ganize the government.—Bustamente is said to be directing himself for Mex ieo with the National Guard of Guan aloguate and other places. It seems there are but two papers published in Mexico, in Spanish and English. The Post is to be re-estab lished. Gen. Scott has imposed a con tribution on the corporation of $150,- 000, payable in three weeks, in instal ments of $50,000. To this letter we have a postscript written by another hand, as follows: Taurico, October 7, 184.7. Gen. Santa Anna went, on the 18th of September, to Toluca, fourteen leagues from Gnadaloupe, with a rem nant of his army, in his carriage. I saw hint enter it at Polander. That Santa Anna should be at Tlas cola, as reported in the letter of the 3d, is altogether probable. Tlascola is di rectly north of Puebla, about 20 miles distant. Move directly cast from Tlas cola and you strike the road to Perote. Perote is less than twenty miles. He is near enough to threaten our trains, but not strong enough to effect much. The American Star was issued in Mexico on the 28th ultimo, by Peoples & Bernard. We have several numbers of it, but can make but little use of them to-day. The Geneta Republican and the Cour ter Francaise hr cc been revived in Mex ico. Copy of a letter written by a Foreign er to one of his countrymen, at Vera Cruz, dated MEXICO, Sept. 28, 1847. Dear Sir:—Availing myself of the departure of the British courier, I send you a sketch of scenes which I have witnessed in this capital and in its im mediate environs. The Mexicans were beaten at all points and in every man ner in the battles and skirmishes, which took place from the Bth to the 13th inst. Santa Anna left the capital on the evening of the 13th and took the road for the interior. The Americans enter ed the city on the morning of the nth in a very quiet, orderly manner, and Gen. Scott had taken possession of the palace, when suddenly the lower class of the people, who had congregated up on the house tops, commenced throwing stones upon the American soldiers, and guns were fired from the windows and balconies. General Scott ordaled pieces of artil lery to be placed so as to command the different streets and grape shot to Le discharged upon the mob. This was found, however, insufficient to quell the insurrection. Companies were then sent in every direction with orders to sack every house out of which firing should proceed and to put to the sword L • 101.111ki Lilei This order was promptly executed, but with great moderation, owing to the secret Instructions with which General Scott accompanied his orders. This plan effectually subdued the insurrec tion, which lasted three days, from the 14th to the 16th inst., during which time scenes of the most heart rending character were enacted. I assure you we were much alarmed during the whole time. All foreigners, including those imbued in other respects with prejudice against the Americans, agree on one point, viz—that the Amer ican Army has not done the hundredth part of the injury it had a right to do, and which European armies would have done in similar circumstances. A foreigner myself, and having been an eye witness to European warfare about the close of Napoleon's military career, 1, judging by comparison, give it as my candid opinion, that if a Con• tinental army had been stoned and fired upon by the population of a vanquished city, the inhabitants would have been dealt with more roughly. Now we are tranquil, but it is a sad tranquility, living as we do in dread of new disturbances. Our precarious situation will not be improved unt:l peace be concluded or the Americans send at least 15,000 men more. The army of invasion is much too small. Fancy to yourself 7000 men in possession of a city containing up. wards of 200,000 hostile inhabitants. The Americans have gained great glory in all the battles--they are col lectively and individually heroes. It is a wonderful sight to see a handful of men cut their way through three hun dred miles of densely populated coun try, and hoist the Star Spangled Ban ner on the dome of the Capital. They have only 1500 men in Puebla, against a population of more than 50,000. Ex-President General Herrera has gone to Queretaro where a Congress is to assemble next month, he took with him 4000 men, and Santa Anna fell beck upon Puebla with 2000 mounted troops. These two bodies are the remnants of ti,e rer:•;! troops which defend ed the City only two wee: Some persons hope that several mem bers of next Congress at Queretaro will advocate an immediate peace—but I doubt it. The folly of these people is not vet at an end. When will they open their eyes to their true interests"! Never, I fear. All communication with the inte n or is cut off. Yours, &c. The report that Gen. Rea was at Yu ebla is fully confirmed: and the Ge nius of Liberty" of the 27th ult. says— " Our troops under Col. Childs were bombarding the city from the surroun ding heights." The sante paper of the 2nd inst. has the following—Gen. Santa Anna, never so badly discomfited, was, at the latest accounts, at Puebla. His force, after its junction with that of Gen. Rea, amounted in infantry and cavalry to 3000 men, and was quarter. ed in the Convent of St. Carmel,. The Americans under Col. Child; strongly fortified in a massively built and very capacious convent belonging to the same city, conscious of the strength of their position, were await ina reinforcements in the utmost secu rity and tranquility. At intervals bombs were thrown, but the city, we are happy to state, has not received much injury front their explo sion, up to the date of this account. LATER FROM Er/Eric°. Further Interesting Detitik. Our latest papers contain further ad ditional particulars of the recent battles near the City of Mexico. Two columns in small type of the North American, are occupied giving a list of the killed and wounded. Our space will not per mit us to copy this list. The Pennsyl vanians suffered severely. Capts. Wnt, H. lavtil and JAS. CALDWELL, of Mifflin county, and Private Wm. H. Deitrich, of this county, nre among the wounded, Capt. E. C. WILLIAMS, of Harrisburg, slightly wounded. The total in killed and wounded is summed up thus: Gen. Worth's Division 140 killed, 766 wounded, and 27 missing. Gen. Twigg's Division-38 killed, 194 wound ed, and 10 missing. Gen. Pillow's Di vision-21 killed, II 1 wounded, and 10 missing. Gen. Quitman's Division-41 killed, 267 wounded. Total killed, wounded and missing, 1623. The Delta's correspondent furnishes the following account of the entrance of our troops into the city. Gen. Scott tended on the morning of 14th to make a lodgment on the New Pasco, en. tering by the San Cosmo Gate and bot,i• bard the city; for this purpose he ori. •; ed Gen. Twigg's division to leave Piedad and to proceed to support G- Worth. On the night of the 13th, Santa Anna evacuated all his positions and retreaticl from the City, having had more this: one-half of his army killed and wound. ed or taken prisoners ; among the latte r Gen. Bravo, with his stall; at Chapuhe pec. Santa Anna found that if he foug at on the 14th he would have hardly a tu dy guard to cover his retreat. Early in the morning two colurrhia took up their march. Gens. Quitman at the head of their corn mands entered the Graud Antional Pin. za at 7 o'clock. The columns having formed in the Plaza by order of General Quitman, the National Standard of the Cerro Gordo Division, whilth the com mand came to a present, was flung to the breeze over the National Palace, and it now waves triumphantly over the Halls of the Montezumas. Gen. Worth's command halted four or five squares from the Plaza, where Col. Garland was wounded. About B o'clock, Gen. Scott and staff', in full uni• form, escorted by the cavalry, entere4,