Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 19, 1847, Image 4

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    HURD'S Ilea! Estate For Sale. I Orphans , Court Sale. t. Not for a Day but for All Time."
DY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of STANTON'S EXTERNAL REMEDY.
D Y shrine of authority given to the undersigned I) iluntingdon county, will be exposed to `ale, •
Or vocabulary of nearly two thousand of -I) in the \'‘ ill of James Entriken, Eeq., late of at The Court ilouse, in the borough of Huntin g don,
I Hopewell township, Huntingdon county,deceased, lon Wedricsday, the 27th day of October next. all lIAB now given abundant evidence of its heal-
the common errors of speech ; con
they will expose at Public Sale, at the house of I the right, title and interest of Agnes Stitt and Jane l ag powers, and proved itself the stoat extra
tabled in no other work : The Robe t Speer. in Oeseville, in said county, on Stitt, minor children of John Stitt, of Franklin ordinary and wonderful medicine in the world.—
whole explained, corrected I Thursday the 28th day of October, 1847, all the county, in, and to the following described Real Es- In the short space of two years. it has acquired a
and conveniently ar- tight, inspect and claim of the said James Entri- tate, (each of said minors being entitled to the one reputation for curing disease end relieving pain tor ,
ranged for the use ken, deceased, to the following mentioned and de- , undivided tenth part of the saine,) to wit: greit i e r than any medicine ever discovered. Its '
I scribed tracts of UNSEATED L.\ ND: ; A Lot of Gronod, situate in the borough of Shit'. wonderful cures have astonished the Medical F. ,-
of schools and
In .shur in said count on the West side of
PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, .N'o. 1. One Tract surveyed in name 5 g• Y•
Maine street and extending back from said street •
ulty, who now univernally concede its great value.'
The speak ait in th e highest terms, and cum
Dorsey Belt, situate on Shirley's Nob, in Cass 1 to on alley,ad j oining a I fMs
BY SEIM T. lIUR, township. about one mile from The town of Cass. —fe e t
. t . "
D. villa, containing 250 acres, more or less—tolerably e o r "" ''' Bow- mend its use.
e North West, and a lot of David I maker •
' It is condemned by none. On the cont: ary, //11,
Published by E. H. Butler & Co., Phil- well timbered ; adjoining lands of Robert Speer, east wi 1
n the ta a Log weather-lmarded . .
prt se is universal. The cases
altores are
' cal house t bl s den nd ITU of water on the
s a eq.,. . U L us that it would take volum ecount them.
adelphia. Daniel Kurfman and others.
premises—forrrerly occupied by JiClin Price as a
,rod ,
d it is a fixed fact, and Is not disputed, that as a '
CENTRAL Ilion Sc.., O. 2. One other Tract, being part of , L a v e rn stand.d.
Pain Extractor it has no equal. For the inane
Z ' a tract surveyed in the name of Adam Keith sit. ' Abe, A Lot of Ground, in the borough of Or-
Philadelphia, July 8, ;847. 5 `oats in Tod township, adjoining lands of John ' !Amnia, in said county, situated at the corner a astonishing eures, see the panqiblet, to be had o' r f
each agent. If you suffer with either of the disease
"We the undersigned cordially recommend Savage, Reuben Tie,. lees heirs, and others ; eon- Cruervel and Aahrnan streets, directly opposite for which it is recommended, resort at once to it:
Hurd'. Grammatical Corrector," as a text-book raining 100 acres, more t•r less—part of it can be ; the residence of Thomas E. Orbison, Esq., and on use and be cured. For the fullo:ing diseases it is
for schools, and as highly useful and convenient cultivated. which lot are erected A small Dwelling House and
~, infallible remedy ,
manuel for private families asid individuate, .Vo. 3. One equal undivided fourth part filaek.smith shop, now in the occupancy of Rich- '
Signed by JOHN. S. HART, Principal, of a Tract known by the name of the Saw-Mill , and t °legate. Spinal affections, Rl•eumatism, Paralysis
and nine Professors. Tract, situate in said township, formerly of the es- I Sale to commence at ten o'clock, A. M. I and all Nervous affections,Salt Rheum,
OWe the undersigned Principals of the Public tate of Philip Snare, deed., adjoining lands of i WILMA 54 DORRIS, Jr., ' Croup or Hives, Ague in the Breast
Schools of Philadelphia, recommend " Hurd's Adams Houck, Amos Chi k and others, on 'Plough ' Guardian of Agnes and Jane Stitt, and Face, ealtness of the Joints,
Grammatical Corrector,"
as wor k em in en t y cal- Creek; containing abort 200 acres, more or less— Huntingdon Sept. 14, 1847.-4 t Colds, Toothache, Sore Throat and
culated, not only to prevent the formation lum , e small part of which line been cleared, the residue
D. E. MOORE. • 1. N. ILISDON. Quinsy, Ulcerated Sores, Indolent Ul
rect modes of exprersion, hut to eradicate those al- tolerably well timbered.
ready acquired. It contains newly two thousand .110011 E at R/SDOOI, cers, Burns, Frosted Feet, Corns,
No. 4.. .d part of a Tract of Land sur
of those common errors of speech which are not , . lb ~ ~,,,,. ,.T 11l .I.IM .:a 'SVC? l ir? &111 (DUI@ 0
y Foo t er. situate in Bunyons, Fresh ounds, Swellings
P for in Eng ish Grammars, and hence is of L e r ) , ,'„, l ,: i o ° "" m ° ".7ro 70 South Third Street, nearly oppo. and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections,
u 1 township, in Bedford erninty on t4road '
very great hop-fence . supplying a vacuum in 1' op ' • • site the Exchange Philadelphia, Musquito Bites, and Poisons.
t ! ip Mountain, adjoining lands or John Leer,
our Bet of school books. Such a work is much .
needed in our Schools, and we hope the Correct-
Richard Foster and other., containing 35 acres, (rs or o.'ll'his Liniment is sold by all the respectable
" coa l
or" may receive that consideration to which its ma 'eas*—This tract is said to have on Merchants and Druggists throughout the country,
merit so justly entitle it. lit.I it. and by the Proprietors at Sing Sing. N. Y.
Signed by JAMES tiI'CLUNE, Principal GEORGE E. STANTON,
of tne Master St. buy's grain. school, and 26 others.
Chamber of the Controllers of Public
" At a meeting of the 1 / 4 . ommittee of the Control
lers of Public Schools, held at the Centro lers'
Chamber, in the t ity of Philadelphia, on Friday
July 30, 1847, the following resolution was mum•
imously adopted.
Resolved. That " Hurd's G immatical Correc
tor." be inrroduced as a t. lass Book, &c.
Certified tom the Minutes..
" This is a highly useful publication, being an
exposition, accompanied by corrections, of nearly
2000 inaccuracies of daily conversation, which the
author has exhibited in a very strong light.' Mr.
Hurd merits much praise for bin indefatigable labors
in this department.—N. Y. Tribune.
"This work is precisely such a one as the com
munity has long needed. It should be in the hands 1
of all. Few persons will bu able to look into its
neatly printed pages without perceiving exprrs
lions with which their own lips are familiar, and
the inelegance or inacce•acy of which they have .
never suspected."--Phil. 7-pink of the Time,
..Th;s is an original and singular book, and it is
as useful so it is new and singular.--N. Y. Sun.
" There is here supplied a most admirable correc
tive of those provincial and barbarous expressions
which so extensively prevail in conversation, and
not unfrequently in wilting. The author has re
lied upon the best lexocograpbical authorities, and
evinces a nice and discriminating knowledge of the
meaning of words. For Schools and for general
reference, this work may be commended with great
safety as a guide to our vernacular tongue.—N. Y.
book of this kind was much needed as a
means of eradicating the many cant phrases and
barbarians already flourishing among us. We have
been much amused and edified in looking over its
pages. It is admirab y adapted tor the use of animals,
and must become a standard work throughout the
country. It will also prove a most useful manuel
to have at hand in a family, an a book of reference,
in cases where a phrase is used of doubtful charac
ter.—Phil, Sat. Post.
..Cou'd we aid in placing a ropy of this work
in the hands of every read. r, we should be doing
a public service.—Phil. Sat. Courier.
"This is a most useful little volume.--Phil.
Public Ledger.
"This is a highly valurble wrrk, not o ,ly for
Schools, but for private individuals. It contains
nearly two thousand common errors of speech, the
correction of which the author sustains by constant
reference to standard authors. and by exceedingly
well written notes and comments.--Phil. N. Am.
& U. S. Gan.
"This work must be productive of much good.
The author hes conferred a great benefit upon the
English language.--Dollar Newspaper.
"This is a very timely, entertaining and useful
book. We commend its introduction into all
schools and lamiliev.--N. Y. Observer.
'lbis is a very uscful book.--Gudey's Lady's
This it nn extremely valuab'e, an well as curi
ous little volume; tho t cult of great labor and re
search. We recommend it strongly to our school
directors, and all concerned in education; nor to
such only; we would recommend every toots who
wishes to correct his colloquial errors, to carry a
copy of it in his pocket for 6 months as wo intend
to do ourselves.--Phil. American.
al" On the Bth of lull" last, a large stereotype
edition of several thousand copies of the "Cor
rector," was put into the market, since which time,
being a little more than a month, the entire edition
has been exhausted ; more than two hundred teach
ers having already introduced the work into their
The sanction it Itas received as a claw-book, by
an official resolution of n committee of the control
lers of the puhlic schooht of Philadelphia City and
County, (which 'schools number upwards of forty
thousand pupils,) end the unpnrs'e led favor with
which it has been received by teachers and school
directors, in various other petit°ns of the country,
as well as by the publie generally, have rendered
necessary an immense edition of twenty thousand
copies, in order to supply the present, and keep
pace with the increasing demand.
Ready-Nl:lde Clothing.
THE subscriber offers for sale n splendid and
seasonable ussultment of Ready-Made Cloth
ing, just opening at his new stand, in the corner
room of the brick bui ding upposi.o John Whit to
ker's Tavern, in the Borough of Huntingdon ; con
sisting of the following seasonable articles, warrant
ed well made and fashionably rut. viz:
2 dozen Blanket uvur-coats of different sizes and
1 do Gentleman's Fashionable Cloaks.
12 do Dress and Rack COMM
12 do well made Fancy Vests.
12 do Pacts—eassinter. satinett. caa•inelt and
corduroy, plain, tiaured and striped.
12 do Shirts (pleated loraosta.)
F 8 do Plain checkered cAton shirt.,
Also, a variety of aotin and silk stock., handker
chiefs and rhort stockings, together wills a variety
of articles of men's and boy's wear ; all of which
will I. cold CHEA I ER than at any other estate.
lishment sn the county.
Please call and esamine for
,yourselves. Cue.
iol33tel work puntually attended to.
/opt. 14,'47.1 EENJAMIN liikrA PE.
1)ESN:: '!'FULLY
announce to their friends
and rho public that they are constantly pre
'Hired to make to order, of the finest and best mate
rials, and at moderate prices, every article of Fash
ionable Clothing constituting a Gentleman's Ward
robe, for which their complete stock of choice and
carefully selected Cloths, eassimeres, Vesting, &c.,
of the latest and most desirable patterns, are partic
ularly designed.
Their own practical knowledge of the business
and a personal attention to every garment, enabler
thorn to give entire satisfaction, and to both old and
new cu-corners they respectfully tender an invita
tion to give theta a call.
Having been for years connected with some of
the best mid most fashionable establishments in this
coantry, employing none but first rate workmen,
and being in the run-toot receipt of the latest fash
ions, and beet styles of good, they are fully prepar
ed to accommodate customers in the best manlier.
Pintail., Aug. 24,1847.
or Physical Training, to snake their
Lives in this World Long and Happy,
JAMES ENTRIKEN, by the uthor of tt Education: 4s
It h, Ought To Be, and Might
E seeutors of hill. triken, dee'd.
Sept. 21, 1847.-ts Be" , l'irst american Edition,
i with 4dditons
SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK Being on elementary and interesting treatise on
.11.1. AUF.I III: Self K.nowled4e. (nankin% short and entertain.
' ing articles on
ifreberttit Breit, : Fats!, Heart, Glands, Strength,
Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Remotions,
RESPEG I FULLY returns thanks t r his Digestion, Liver, Brains, Old Age,
friends and the public for past favors, and ; Mood, Lungs, Mind, Man,
takes this oppo tunity to inform them diet he still Secretions, Arteries, Screws, Woman,
continues at the old mend, one door east of tar-'Head, Veins, Health, Disease,
mont's 'l'avern, and nearly oppri.ite the Post Of- I &c.. &c., &e.
flee, where he is at all times prepared to mannfac- I Together with the Great Secret—Success in Life
Lure All kinds of I-farness, Sark! es, Trunks, Mat. how attained—How to do Good—Causes and
tresses, Was, Cushions etc. etc., at the shortest' Effects of Error—Habits—Passions—Womende
notice and most reasonable piks. I scribed—Alan described—Mao's Errors--Rich and
All kinds of hides and skins, and country pro- Poor—Sexes--Virtue and Vice—Youthful Eonrrs
duce, fa which the highest market prices will be I —Woman how made delicate--Woman's Virtues,
allowed, taken in exchange. Ambition, &c.
.Vo. 5. IMPROVED L.I. YD—One
other tract situate in Hopewell township, I lunting
don county—surveyed in the name of George My
ers—adjoining lands of Matthew Garner, John
Shultz, and land devised by said James Entri
ken, tlec'd., to James Steel—containing 300
acres, more or less. There is a smell improve
ment on this tract—about 40 acres cleared--hav
ing thereon erected a hewed log house and a cabin
.Vo. 6. ✓also, one other Tract of Unseat
ed Land situate in Hopewell township, aforesaid,
adjoining lands of John Garner, William Steel's
heirs and others--surveyed in the name of James
Entriken—containing 250 acres, more or less; tol
erably well timbered.
erne terms of Sale will be CASH.
Any further information will be given on appli
cation to James Entriken, Jr. at his residence at
Coffee Run, Hopewell township, before the day of
..... ..-.., ----
Huntingdon, Aug. 31 0
1847. 1
. 1 1 , 11 I'l C O . ' proving and extending education amongst the pea
I ple, imparting VIIIIIIibIe kllOwledgon the phyoiol-
To the heirs and Legal Representatives of Jacob ogy of t h e ' limn' , frame an d th e l aws whi c h gov.
Stouffer, late of West Latnpeter Townsldp.l ern mental and bodily health. cet etc.
Lancaster Couuty.decea.tred. I c Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in a
,k 'r an Orphans' Court held for said county, on ,letter shall receive one copy by mail, 0 , fire copier ,
4 : V Mondry the 20th September, 1847, on rms. i will be sent for $l. Addtees,pestage paid,
lion of N. Ellinaker, Attorney for (MAO., , G. R. ZIEBER & Us.
Rohrer and wife, rule granted upon the said heirs' may 26-47 ly] Philadelphia.
and legal representatives and all ',moons interest- '
ed in the estate of Jacob Stoull'er, late of West
Lampeter towmhip, dec'd, to appear in the Or
phans' Court of Lancaster county, on Monday the
11th day of October, A. D. 10.17, at 10 o'clock
forenoon, to accept or refitse the retl estate of said
deed, at the valuation thereof made and confirmed,
and in case of reincii, to show cause why the same
should not be sold according to low.
Attest, JANI ES DYSA 121`,
Sept. 21, 1847.] Ckrb of Orphans' Cour'.
At the Cheap Corner !
rr E subscriber would most respectfully invite
j the public to call and examine ono of the
most splcudi
Stock of GOOdS
ever opened in this county. It is needless to un
dertake naming the articles or price: as the price
would be no low you could not believe it until you
would see it, and the variety so great that I could
not do justice to myself or the goods by attempt
ing to give you any idea of the quality. Thank
ful for past favors, I still hope to receive a liberal
share of pu:dic patronage.
CHEAP Con,: mt,"
Huntingdon, Sept. '2l, BA 7. 5
• • -
N. 13. Country Producer taken in exchange
for goods.
f ray Seer r.
-- Come to the residence of the subs
scriber residing near Greenwood
Furnace, .hickson township, Hunt
ingdon county, about the 12th of
August last, a red and white spotted STEER two
years o ld l oo t Spring, both ears slit there has been
two letters paimed on his hip which can not be
distinguished now. fits owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges and
take him away, or otherwise he will be disposed of
according to law. MI:6BE R.
wept. 21,1847-34
THE subscriber respectfully announ
ees to his friends and the public
generally, that he continues to manufac
ture, in the borough of Petersburg, the
very best quality of BRICK, which he
will dispose of on the most reasonable
terms. All orders will be filled at the
shortest notice. Those wanting the ar
ticle for building, paving or any other
purpose, would do well to give me call.
Petersburg, Aug. 31, 1847.
Religions 'Notice.
►PHE Methodist Church at Winchester Furnace
in the neighborhood of Othisonia, 'rumination
counly, will by Divine permission, he Dedicated to
Almighty God, on the seventeenth day of October.
A general attendance of Prea. hers end People is
alft.erinnotelv requested. Service.. to commence at
11 o'clock A. M
Oct. 3, 1/SIT
.ii °rice
THE undersigned, auditor appointed
L by the Court of Common Pleas of
Huntingdon county, to apportion and
distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's
Sale of the Real Estate of Christian
Couts, of the borough of Huntingdon,
to and among those entitled to receive
the same, hereby gives notice, that he
will attend to the duties of his said ap
pointment on Friday the Ist day of Oc
tober next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the
Register's Office in said county, when
l and where all persons interested are re
quested to attend and present their
claims. JOHN REED,
aug3l-4.t .1/Miter.
Exer , anes .1 olice.
Estate of .fibsalom Plowman, late of Bra.
dy township, deceased.
NToTicE is hereby given that Letters Testa
.ol memory upon the last NA ill and Testament
o f said deceased, have been granted to the under
signed.—:\ persons indebted to said Estate arc
requested to make payment immediately; and all
claims and demands against the some to be pre
sented, duly authenticated fo settlement, to
AnT. 31,-fit.]
ran 01011inury Goods,
U:D11.131 0 te,VSIA es ajlYliap
Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons
and .11illinary Goods, Ab. 45 South
Second Street, Philadelphia,
A RE now opening for the Fall Trade a very
II rich assortment of library Gooda, a large
proportion of which are of their own importation,
viz:—Bonnet ilks, figured and plain.
Bonnet Satins, of all colors and (palace.
Fancy bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a very hand.
sonic aavorlment.
Silk flushes.
Silk Velvets, Hack and colored, of all qualities.
French and American Artificial Floweis.
Fancy Laces, Cap `fulls, Lace Trimmings.
Bonnet Crowns, Tips, B uckrams, W illoo a, &c.
They have also received by the late arrivals a
very beautiful assortment of Fancy Feathers, direct
from the manufacturers in Paris.
Phila. Sept. 7, '47.
John Scott, jr.,
AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Has removed his office to the middle room of
.Bnaro's Row," directly opposituFi.tict & M'Mur
trio's store whore he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all business with which lie may he
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties
Huntingdon Sept, 23, 1846.
S. Steel Blair,
,t TToRNEY AT LA W, I 1,414110,1 mm, Pa.,
Will attend attend to all buainc, cutruatrdto
hi. cocain Blair, Huntingdon and [r.diatiu coon
AGENTS.—T. Rend & Son, Huntingdon; B.
F. Patton, Warriorsinark; James (lark, I inning
burn; J. R. II un ter & t, 0., Petersburg; Milliken
& Kessler, Mill Creek; O. Brawn, "hirleva•
burg, T. E. Orbison si• Co., Orbisoniu ; Blair &
Maddon, Cromwell township; A. C. Blair, Clays
Aug. 21, 1847-3 m.
- - -
Tt; subscriber oilers for sale, a tract of land, sit-
uate in Hurree township, Huntingdon county,
ott tho South side of Stone creek, next below
Uouche's Iron Works, containing about one hun
dred and twenty one acres—about eighty acres
of which are cleared, including about fifteen acres
of bottom land, with a good two-story ;
D\\ SLANG HOUBE, anti a bank ... 4
Barn thereat. erected; there is also a ;V:1
good bearing orchard, and a spring of _
never falling water near the house: there is also
lime-stone, and the appearaaco of Iron Ore on the
Any person wishing to purchase will be shown
the said property by Jacob Zook, who resides on
the same. An Indisputable title will be given
and the terms made easy for the purchaser.
Near Allenville, Mifflin county, Pa.
August 3, 1847.
N, B, If the Ebo ve property is not sold before
nest Novemlicr, it will then be offered at public
sale. A. Z.
MHE offers to the trade, or by retail
1 a large and general assortment °fib° following
articles, being all of his own importation or manu
Buyers of goods in this line ate invited to ex
amine the assortment and orders ore solicited.with
the assurance that every effort will he made legion
satishiction and insure a continuance of custom.
Gold &Silver Lever kVatches of ordinary quality,
Do. do. do. of superior
Do. do. do. Anchors& hepines.
Silver double cased English and Swiss verge
Watches, with light, medium and heavy cases.
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, line and common.
Silver Plated, and Silver Wares.
Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tune,
Gold and Silver Spectacles.
. .
Diamond I'• inted . Gold Pens.
Mantel and Office Clotks, in gilt and other frames.
Watchinakers"rools and Materials or sll sorts.
Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Beads, &c.
Having every facility for obtaining goods on the
most advantageous tot ins, corresponding induce
ments will be offered to purchasers..
112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia
1.. t T the" Philadelphia
~...___..„. 4 , ilWatch and Jewelry
A . , -... fir Stote," No. 96 North See
r \, l , i i al and Street. corner of Qum
' c',,,
,4 4 ry. Gold Lever Watches,
tk e a ' , /./4/0 full jewelled 18 carat cases
ii, .....i. -- - - qra. -• ' and gold Dial, 40 00
Silver Lever Watches full jeweled, 20 00
Silver Patent Lover Watches, seven jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepine Watches, jeweled, Id 00
Quartier Watches 8 00
Imitation Quartier Watches, 5 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
Fite Silve• Spectacles, 1 50
Gold Bracelets with Topas Stones, 3 50
Gold Pens with silver Pencil and Holder, 125
Ladies Gold Pencils, 1 75
Silver Tea-spoons, from $4 50 per set to 600
Gold Finger-Rings, from 373 cents to 80 00
Watch-Glasses:—Plain, 123 cts; patent 181 ;
Lunet 25 ;other Articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold fur.
On hand some Gold and silver Levers, Lepines
and Quartiers lower thou the above prices.
. . .
Constantly on hand, an assortment of tlilver Ta
ble, Desert, Tea , alt and Mus ord.- peons, Soup-
Ladles, Sugar-Tongs, Napkin-Rings, Fruit and
Butter Knives, Thimbles, Shields, Knitting Nee
dle Cases and Sheaths, Purse and Reticle Clasps,
—The silver warranted to be equal to American
Also a great variety of Fine Gold Jewelry, con
sisting in part of Finger-Rings of all styles, sot
with Diamons, Rubys, Ewers! Torquiae, Topaz,
Garnet, Carnelian, Jasper, Cape May, Amethyst
and other stones. Breastspins and Bracelets of all
styles set with Stones. and Cameos and Ena
melled; Ear-Rings of all styles; Gold Chains of
all styles and of the finest quality, together with all
other articles in the line, which will lie sold unusu
ally low, wholesale and retail.—Mao nouns Light
ning-Rod Points, by the duzen or single one.
Walelunu4•rr 4 Jeweller
N. B.—On hand M. J. Tobias & Co's. best
quality full jewelled, Patent Lever Movements, in
IS I oral (told Cases. Also a quantity of Move
ments which will be cars el any style required, and
sold at 5 per cent above the price of Importation..
July 20, '47—ly.
George Taylor,
LiTTORNEV ATLAW—Attends to practice
in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators'
accounts, Scrivening. &c. Office in the diamond,
limo doors east of the "Exchange lintel."
rpm undersigned take this method of
I informing their friends and the pub
licgenerally, that the clawing enumerated articles,
together with all manner of work pertaining to
their business, will he disposed of to purchasers,
and made up to order in a workmanlike and ap
proved style, very cheap, for cash or country pro
duce. All that is necessary fur those who wish to
he accommodated in any article in their line of
business will call at their shop,
. _ .
Three doors west of Buoy's Jewelry Es ,
tablishment, HUNTINGDON,
Where tho public can at all times bo accommated
Red and Oak Sole Leather, Skirting,
Harness and Bridle Leather, Upper
Leather, Calfskins, Spanish and
Country Kips and Sheepskins.
ALSO, a first rate quality of
110 1 „, . 4 4Se for .111 - en,lVomen'
and Children, of
ffs. all qualities and
They alma continue to carry on in all its valises
branches, SA DDLE and II AR-
N I SS making. and are randy ti.
furnish their customers with all
4 ".:" kinds of Trunks, Valicen, Carpet
hags, Plush, llogekin and Tub (from
the cheapest to the best.) A Ls°, Shaffer Saddles.
of rill kinds, Waggon and Carriage Hairless, Bri
dles, Collura, 11' hips, &c.
All of which will be disposed of cheap for
C.rsh or nny kind of country produce. The high
est price, in trade, given for beef hides, calf hides,
hack, &c. .1. J. & A. H. BUMBAUGH.
. . . .
N. 11.—T wo apprentices will he taken at the
above eataiilishment if application ho made coon.
Hats, Caps, Ladies' Muffs, Boas, &c.
To Merchants, Hatters, and Others.
Hat 4. Cap Ware House &.4fanufactory,;
No. 196 Market street,
Second Door below Sixth, Philadelphia,
RESPECTFULLY solicit attention
to their large and complete stock of
HATS and CAPS, manufactured under
\ their owr. immediate direction and su
perintendence with all the advantages
of modern improvements to enable them to cent
! ine the important qualities of durability, taste and
beauty of finish with extreme cheapness of price
An immense and beautiful assortment of all va
rieties and prices of Braver. Brush, Silk, :Moleskin,
Russia. Cassimere, Wool, Sporting and Ashland
t Tats. Also, a general assortment of every variety
of Cars—Otter, Ft r Seal, Hair Seal. Muskrat,
Plain and Fancy Cloth every style, Red, Black
and Brown Mohair, Sealette,Glazed, Oiled Silk &
Fur Caps.
Ladies' Haifa, Bons, &c., ut the very lowest
pric. .
13uyers by the dozen or less, aro invited to call
and see if it is not to their interest to d 111 with us.
Particular attention paid to the packing of Hots,
Caps, &e.
Cash paid for Muskrat and Shipping Furs.
No. 196 Market Street below Sixth Street.
Philadelphia, July 20, 1947-3 m.
Ab. 201 Market Street, one door above
Fifth, JV'orlh Side, Philadelphia.
ht PORTERS and Wholesale Dealersin DRUGS,
cines,Obstetrical Instrumen ts, Druggists' Glassware,
Window Glass. Paints, Oils. Dyes, Perfumery, &c.
Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians,
supplied with the above articles on the most favora
ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or
ders. Every article warranted.
sopt23. JAS. A. TURNER. kte of Va,
. .
VOR the cure of Pulmonary Consamp
j2 lion, Coughs, Colds, asthma, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous TlT
mours, Hooping Cough, 4.c.
Proof follows upon proof of the virtues fo
DR. D./11 7 1S'S SYRUP.
Read the following New Certificates
M 1 Lron D, Perry co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1996
Messrs. Robinson, Collins & C o i—Sirs : Thin
is to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years
with a violent pain in my Incest, so much so that
I could hardly lay in bed at night. Cough attended.
followed by emaciation and other decided symp
toms of consumption. I applied to several eminent
physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with•
out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr.
Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and
'Par, of which I took two bottles, which entirely re
lieved me of my complaint; theretore I can with
confidence recommend it to all who are in a like
meaner afflicted, us a most valuable ;Medicine.
The authenticity of the :dove statement is
vouched fir by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of
Milford, who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circum
stance. of his case. Mr. T. is now sixty years of
Price, $1 per bottle.
Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen
eral agents.
For sale by THOS. READ & SON,
Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his
Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces;
Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F.
Bell, Laurel Run Mills,. and Spencer &
Flood, Wi I I iainsburg.
French Burr 11111 cloned.
TIRE subecriber t espectfully informs the trade,
1 and all concerned, that he still continues the
manufacture of French Burrs, of all size..; war
ranted equal in quality and workmanship to any
that can be made in ,merica. If (tenured he will
deliver Burrs at his own risk, at any point on the
Railroad or Canals.
All orders addressed to him by mail, will receive
the Sarno prompt attention ea if application were
made in person. %VAL H. KEPNER.
Ilurrisbur.r. Aug. 28, 1947.-3 m.
ca The Hollidaysburg Register will ineett tha
above three months, and ehasp this Mike.
DR. LE Royt
%eget:able t 'ski t Irma. a si.
The only known Medicine that at the 8.
time purges, purifies and strengthen,
the system.
Luz..., July 7,164,
n R. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine •
has just appeared, and infest tukmg t... ,
of all others of the some class. These
composed of many ingredients, but the lei. •
pal ones are Barsaparilla and Wild t hci r -
ted that they act together; the one thioi.
admix are with other substances, purityi., •
purging; while the other 13 strengthening Ili. •
tern. Thus those pills are at the sante thor
ar.d opening; a desideratum toil§ and eq...
sought for by medical men. but never berme
coeered. In other words they do the work of
medicines, and do it much better than an) .
know of; for they remove nothing from the s) •
but the impurities ; so that while they po c.
strengthen; and hence they cause no del.i.•
and are follow. dby no re.action. Dr. 1..
pills have a wonderful influence n the ;
not only purify without weakening it hic .• all "xi... Particles from the ' hi hi
is converted into fluid, and thus 11.. i
blood an utter impossibility. As thew
Ration, so there iv no nausea or sickness et
the operations of this most excellent of tut. .
which never strains or tortures the digi st • •
lions, but causes them to work in a pro. i.•
al manner; rind hence persons N 0..; hi..
become pale and emaciated. bur the cow
while it is the property of the Surenparr 1,.
as it is with other ingredients, to mese of
h foreign and impure, it is equall the
the Wild Cherry to retain all i ron.-
-I, •
sound; and hence a robust state of heali
certain result of their united operations.
ciryPrice 25 Cei.lB pe , . 1302 C.
AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, ,ie. ,
rico, Huntingdon; . W. Buchanan
.d ICessler, Mill-Creek S. Hatfield n
tutu Iron Works; Porter & Bucher, M.
Swoope, H. r'. Walker, ,%lexantliint U.. . •. •
Waterstreet. [Aug. 3 l.
JAS. P. PEROT, C. J. 110 F
PEROT & norrnmaLi
__6 ' ll_lll2_7l.
Produce and General Corninic.:,i,
N 0.79, North Wharves, below Vine St., Phi! ..
RE prepared to receive all kind..
Li produce on Consignment, on wit i
they will make liberal oil entices, when rtvored
They trust, with their knowledge of, arid otient
to business, they will receive a shore of the pat,
age of Merchants, Millers, others. They
ter to
Dutilh & Humphreys,
Platt,yollingshead &
Lea, Bunker — et Co
F. & W. S. Perot,
Smith, Brother. & Co. , j
'l'. C. Rock hill.
.1. & J. Milliken,
Francis McCoy,
Dr. J. H. A rtl
Samuel Milliken,
F. J. Hoffmnn,
Philadelphia, April 14. 184 . 7 Gm
THE subscriber, of the late firm I
I3uck & Moore, takes this nictl,,
of informing his friends and the pubic in or ,
that he has bought out the interest -
at the old established CLOTHING STAND
254, MARKET STU mr. Put cAnsumi A, and is I.
prepared to turnish all kinds of Ileud
CLOT I lINO. at prices which cannot but s.;
to him the patronage of all who desire to purr!.
cheap clothing. I bane splendid French
Dress and Frock Coots from $5.50 to PS;
Pants from 75 cents to $6l Vests. from 62,1 c.
to $4 ; suit of summer clothing fur $2.25. Al.
all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods ut
tremely low prices.
Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well
call at the store of JOSEPH J. MOORE,
254 Market street, Philadelphia
may 19-ff.
NO. S 7
North Thfrd Street, PhilaiielFtn;
From Dr. Liam. the celebrated P111.(1.01
Chemistry in the University of Vann's.
Phlatle!phis, Oct. 11. IS t:.t
"Dear Sir—Having tried of your 11.1 k, I
thankynu to send tee another bottle, as I &lid it
heexcellent. lam yours, truly,
R011"1'. H , RE .
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, cliatingui
for hia numerous scientific researclica.
"Medical College of Ohio,;
January 17. 1844.
Having need Mr. Hover'e Writing Ink. 1 a
satisfied that it is the heat Which has eve corm m
knowledge, and especially is it excellent lr
use o. the , teel Pens, and will not corrode 0,
even in long use. JOHN LOCKE,
Prof. of Chemistry."
Illoveios Adamantine relate in
From a well known ecientifie gentleman.
" Philadelphia Felt. 87. :84R.
Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Stri A use of your C
mem, and some practical tests of its superiority h
nttuced me to recommend it to others as en inert
able article for mending (hina, Glass or
Ware. CAMPBELL Monet,
Analytic Chemist."
For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Mat
factory, No. 87 North Third street, opposite Mei
street, Philadelphia, by
.10 E . ll E. HOVER, Manuf er
jro: jy 275'474y.
Important to Stove Deal..e.ft
TE attention of Stove Dealers in this pine,.
invited to our assortment of Cooking, Petit
Hall and office Stoves, and espeehdly to
allumoWs ititepOre Doi ail
Cooking Mote,
An that bentcooking apparet. ever invented, it ha
ing obtained a c,lebrity, wherever it has been inn
duced, never before attained by any Cooking Sto,
The operation of etakirg being performed in .I
stove by hot Air, instead of heat radiated fret
oven plates, renders it equal for liaking to a B.
Oven, or to the Tin oven for roaming; maid,
unnecessary in turn or change the article n I
cooking, and removing all liability to burn. V
are desirous to have the Stove introduced in 1.
market, and to that end, liberal terms will be gi‘ l
too responsible dealer, willing to take hold of tbyl
and only one will be permitted to sell them in t'
Wholeoole Stove Desk. 221 North ` . eeond at
may 211.47.]1phi0