THE JOURNAL. Runtingdon, Tuesday, October 19 1847. D- Sickness, absence of mails, &c. &c., is our excuse for not issuing a pa. per last week. We shall not ask the indulgence of our readers for a like omission soon again. WOOD ! WOOD ! Will those of our subscribers who pay us in wood, have the kindness to bring us some immediate ly. We are a little chilled by the elec tion returns, and therefore require more fuel than our Locofoco neighbors to keep our blood in circulation. tp-On our first page will be found two interesting Letters from the West, by a native of this county, who has taken up his abode in the "Sucker" State. We hope to hear from him again. O :-On our first and third pages will be found all the news from the army, received since our last issue. It will be seen that no hope remains of a speedy peace. Zuntingdon County. By reference to the official table pub lished in this paper, it will be seen that OldHuntingdon is still true to her ancient faith. The majority for Irvin is not so large as it should have been ; but con sidering the way things have gone else where, and the disorganization produced in our ranks by opposition to the Sher iff candidate, we think all will admit that the Whigs of this county have sus tained themselves well. The whole Whig ticket, with the exception of Sher iff; has been elected. NN e shall not of fer any reflections upon the defeat of Mr. Stewart, at this time, further than to remark that it has been brought about by Whig votes, and that before the meeting of another Convention to nominate a Ticket, we shall comment upon the nomination of Mr. Stewart, the opposition to him and his defeat, freely and fearlessly. At present it would be of little avail. 'lce a Newspaper. The election is now over, and we shall 1 have more time and space to devote to the wants of the general reader. In view of the present situation of our own coun- try and the world, no family should be without at least one weekly newspaper. The war is still going on, and no one can now foresee its close. An impor tant session of Congress is about to con vene, the proceedings of which will be interesting to every American reader. Next fall a President of the United States is to be elected, and the People will soon be called upon to choose their candidates. These matters of public importance, together with all local news of interest, will find a place, and be ani madverted upon in the columns of the Journal. We therefore bespeak, not only a continuance of the favors of pres ent friends, but ask them to aid us in extending our list among their neigh bors. If each subscriber now on our list would secure us an additional name, we think we can safely say that Loco focoism wi!l not soon again rejoice over the defeat of a Whig candidate for an important County office, in Huntingdon county. Let the Whigs, therefore, ex ert themselves a little to aid us, and we promise, in return, to aid them in ad. vancing their principles, and to give each one who patronizes us, more than an equivalent for his money. MARYLA\U ELECTION.—The Whigs have carried four out the six Congress men, being a gain of twa. The Locos have elected their Governor. The Whigs have also secured majorities in the State Senate and House of Delegates, which secures two Whig U. S. Senators. GEORGIA ELEcTiox.—The returns from this State are not yet complete. It is thought the Locos have carried their Governor and the Whigs both branches of the Legislature. The sessions of the Legislature are biennial, and during the corning term two U. S. Senators are to be elected. fl We wish every Whig who cut his Ticket in this county, could have wit nessed the excitations of the Locofocos in this town at the defeat of the Whig candidate for Sheriff'. It would have effectually cured them of voting for Le oofocos in future. THE ELECTION From the returns already received,) we conclude that Gen. Irvin has been badly beaten in the State. This result has come upon us like a thunder-clap.— And we have no desire to conceal our disappointment. That he would be tri umphantly elected, was the opinion of some of the most sagacious politicians in the State, of both parties. That he has been most ingloriously defeated, is now rendered positively certain. In the language of the Pa. Intelligencer, it is useless to lament or speculate upon the probable causes of our defeat. The Whigs defeated themselves. Had the friends of Gen. laviN been half as effi cient in the management of the cam paign as were the Locofocos, the result would have been different. But as Jacob Faithful says, " what's done can't be helped—no use crying for spilt milk— better luck next time." Cheer up, Whigs ! Instead of striking your flag, ' raise it still higher, and be ready to " pick your flints and try your Whig rifles again." Whigs must 4 ‘ NEVER S URRENDER." Remember that " TRUTH IS OMNIPOTENT, AND PUBLIC JUSTICE CER TAIN." Then do not despair. Stick to your party and your principles and maintain your organization. Let us pro fit by the experience of the past, and all will yet be well. Souse Adams, 700 Allegheny, 1300 Armstrong, 609 Bedford, 220 Beaver, Berks, Bucks, Blair, Butler, Centre, 707 Cumberland, 426 Cambria, 165 Columbia, 1400 Dauphin, 918 . . Delaware, 200 Franklin, 450 Huntingdon, 371 Juniata, Lancaster, 3800 Lebanon, 600 Montgomery, 1400 Mifflin 144 Phil. dity & County, 1691 Schuylkill, 1020 York, 909 Fayette, 572 Northumberland, 742 Sullivan, 260 IVestmoreland, 2200 Lehigh, 342 Luzerne, 1200 Washington, 200 Greene, 900 Clinton, 250 Perry, 900 Union, 891 Carbon, 307 Clarion, 900 Indiana, 650 Lycoming, 400 Northampton, 500 Venango, 450 80,000 Whig Voters at Mane 1 D a- The Penn'a Telegraph says: From the returns that have come in from different points of the compass, we have no doubt but 50,000 Whig voters in this State, did NOT go to the polls on Tuesday last! These apathetic, or lazy Whigs, were as good to the Locofoco candidates as 25,000 votes, at least ; and had half of them done their duty, Penn sylvania would not now be destined to three years more of Locofoco misrule, Gen. Apathy has a monstrous army in the Whig ranks in this State. THE CANAL.—The Board of Canal Commissioners, Messrs. Burns, Power, and Hartshorn, passed through this place yesterday. They are examining the ex tent of the injury to the canal by the late flood. 'We understand they intend to commence repairing forthwith. The water has been let into the Canal west of the mountain. Lost Child, We learn from the Hollidaysburg Reg ister, that on Tuesday the sth instant, a lad named James Fisher, son of Mr. Isaac Fisher, of this place, left home, and has not since been heard of. He has blue eyes, light hair, pleasant coun tenance, two teeth out before, and a very sore head, caused by Scrofula. j - le is nine years old, had on light cotton pants, long brown coat very much worn, with out shoes or stockings, and an old white hat. Any information of said boy will be thankfully received by his distressed father, and may be communicated through the mail or left at this office. An important ukase has been pro mulgated in Russia, which commands all civil functionaries who possess a for tune to state exactly in their returns by wh'ze Invms eh.y leave acquired it! "Ilurd's Grammatical Corrector." An advertisement, with appended no tices of this popular little work, which appears to be all the go just now, in the Eastern cities, will be found in to-day's Journal. The favor with which it appears to have been received by the public, and the extent and rapidity of its sale and introduction into schools, are not only unusual, but unparalleled. We had de signed to write a more extended notice of the work, but finding it done to our hands by the Newark (N. J.) Daily Ad vertiser, we adopt the comments of that paper. [From the Newark (N. J.) Advertiser.] " HURD'S GRAMMATICAL CORRECTOR. " —We had supposed the material for any thing rare, interesting, or really valua ble, pertaining to the Grammar of our language to have been long since exhaus ted ; and yet we have before us a neat little work of 124. pages, containing " nearly two thousand Barbarisms, Cant Phrases, Colloquialisms, Quaint Expres sions, Provincialisms, Fa - ^ Pronuncia tions, Perversions, 3 I ist., plication of Terms, and many other kindred errors of the English Language," embraced in no other work. No parent, no teacher, no private in dividual desirous of avoiding or having his chilrren or pupils avoid such a host of the common blunders and barbarisms of speech, need be told of the immense value of this little work, either as a school-book or a hand-book. We perceive that it has passed the or deal and received the sanction not only of the Public Press, but of the Public and High Schools of Philadelphia, where it was published. These facts, however, are not necessary to satisfy any one of its merits who will examine its pages for himself. The author is SETH T. HURD, whom many in this section will doubtless recollect, and who will require little further proof of the merits of the work and its claims to public favor, than that it is the production of this distinguished grammarian." 5000 500 Mr. Clay and Gen. Taylor. The Pittsburg Gazette, noticing the recent letter from Gen. Taylor, in which he says that if he had voted at all in the last election, he would have voted for Mr. Clay, adds : " We have been made acquainted with the receipt of a more marked letter than this from Gen. Taylor, in which he speaks in warm attachment of Henry Clay, and the Whig principles of this eminent Patriot and Statesman. These are evidently esteemed by him, as in truth, they are, based upon the most correct and honorable estimate of the Constitution as appreciated by the early Presidents. The views of Gen. Taylor, in regard to Mr. Clay, accounts" suffi ciently for the shameful treatment he , has received from the Administration." Powder Mill Explosion, A correspondent, writing from Cin cinnati under date of October 15, says: " We learn from Nashville, that a most terrific calamity occurred there on Tues day evening. During the prevalence of a violent thunder storm, the lightning I struck a powder magazine and the stroke was followed by an awful explosion, which could be compared to nothing but an earthquake! At least one hundred houses were des troyed and the loss of life cannot yet be told. Ten dead bodies have already been recovered, and the citizens had turned out en masse to search the ruins either for other corpses, or perhaps to extricate those who may be lingering wounded or in agonies worse than death. This dreadful calamity has fallen upon the city of Nashville with appalling force." TILE PA. VOLUNTEERS.—The Pittsburg Commercial Journal says letters have been received in that city, with the in telligence that Lieut. Col. Black, and, we presume, the greatest part, if not all the First Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers were at Pueblr on the 12th of September. They cook not, there fore, have been engaged in the late op erations around Mexico. The Second Regiment was in garrison at Perote pre vious to Gen. Scott's advance from Puebla. GEN. SCOTT'S DEMEANOR Di BATTLE.- A correspondent of the N. 0. Delta thus writes of General Scott's demeanor in battle: Gen. Scott at the head of our army during the engagement received a slight wound in the leg, and what is very re markable, no person whatever except himself was aware of it until after the battle was over. A great deal has been said and written in reference to the ability of Gen. Scott as a military man, but those who have not seen him in command and under fire, cannot form any just conception of his abilities. His cool consideration of every thing around him—his quick perception—his firm re solve and immediate execution—equal if they do not surpass those of any of the great generals whose deeds have been made so conspicuous in history. GREAT FRESHET ! One of the greatest and most alarm- ing Floods ever known by the oldest inhabitants, took place in the Juniata River on Thursday night, 7th inst. Rain commenced falling a few days previous and continued without intermission until Thursday sight about 10 o'clock, when it came down in a perfect torrent.. Never has such a scene of devastation and des truction of property been witnessed up on this River ! Farms were completely overflowed by the rushing flood—dwel ling houses were suddenly lifted from their foundations—stacks of grain and hay were torn from their places—fences torn up—canal boats torn from their moorings—all came rushing down in mad confusion upon the bosom of roar ing flood. Citizens residing near the banks of the canal, in this borough and adjoining villages, were driven, in the dead hour of night, from their dwellings to seek shelter elsewhere. It was in deed a most frightful and distressing scene to behold ! The bridge across the Juniata at this place so much injured as to render it impassable for some time. The farms in the neighborhood of this town have all suffered severely. So, too, with those lying along Stone-Creek; some farmers, in addition to having their fences des troyed, losing their entire corn crops. Raystown Branch we learn was sev eral feet higher than ever it was known before, and the farms lying along its banks have suffered severely. Bridges across this stream have also been much damaged. Indeed we are unable to give any thing like a correct account of the dam age done to Public and Private Proper ty. The Canal between this place and Petersburg, is almost in ruins. A por tion of the Huntingdon Dam is gone, and the Lock entirely swept away.— The towing-path bridge below Peters burg gone, and the two Guard-Locks very much injmred. The destruction to private property in Petersburg and vicinity, has been very great. Shoenberger's Iron Works , completely inundated, and four horses 1 belonging to Mr. S. drowned. At Alex andria the damage to private property we learn has not been so great as in '3B, although many have sustained serious losses. We shall not attempt to specify the numerous breaks in the canal banks.— The Lock and a portion of the Dam at Water-street, gone; and the canal banks in the short level above, we learn, are entirely swept away.—Between Water-street and Hollidaysburg, we learn the damage to the canal is not so great. Below, we learn the destruction has been none the less severe. Jackstown and Shaver's Aqueducts are both gone. Drake's Ferry and Mill Creek Bridges are both gone—several houses at Lewistown carried away, and Iron . ‘t orks very much injured. At Duncan's Island, McCoys Tavern is swept away, and great damage to the Canal. We are unable at this time to give further particulars, as we have received no mails from any direction since the flood. [The above was prepared and put in type with the view of issuing a paper last week. Since which, we have re ceived papers from the neighboring counties, containing additional particu lars, which we append.] The Hollidaysburg Register says:— "During the morning of Thursday, the Juniata rose rapidly, and by 3 o'clock in the afternoon had swollen beyond its banks. The water unable to find an outlet under the viaduct between this' place and Gaysport, gradually dammed back until the whole of Gaysport was overflowed. In the houses on the North side of the Railroad, it rose to the height of two or three feet on the first floor. Several buildings were carried ottamong which were the Store-house of Mr. Jas. 1 R. Patton, Snyder Carr's Barbershop, Justice Smith's Office and Store, Her ron's Blacksmith Shop, Charlton's Tai lor Shop, and a Warehouse of S. J. Roy ' er & Co. These buildings were swept into the current of the river, and crush ed to pieces by the boiling flood against the walls of the viaduct. The damage done to private property in Gaysport is immense. Stables, fences and lumber were swept off, and entirely lost.—The bridge over the dam, on the upper basin, was carried away, as was the Aqueduct of the Feeder, about a mile below town. Houses, fences, bridges, locks, and grain have been destroyed, and the country traversed by the River, and Ca nal presents a scene of desolation and distress never before witnessed in our community. We have just returned from a ride down the Little Jnniata,' and such a scene of destruction we have never gaz ed upon as marks the course of that stream. From the very head of Pleas ant Valley to the mouth of the river fences were swept, and other damage done, but from Bell's Mills down, the devastation and destruction is wide spread and fearful. Davidsburg was entirely inundated. The street is wash ed in deep gullies, and strewed with drift-wood. The Tannery of Mr. John Campbell suffered severely. One of the abotnients of the bridge just below the town was torn so much as to make the passage of the bridge on horseback dan gerous. Messrs. MeCarnant and Crotz er have sustained heavy damages; so also Messrs. Lyon, Shorb & Co. at Ty-' rone works.—The little town of Irons- villa suffered severely. Wm. Caldwell's Tanyard is greatly injured. Union Fur- , nace and mill there are complete wrecks. Isett's store at the mouth of Spruce I I Creek is swept away, and all-along the river are wrecks of buildings of various kinds, houses, stables, &c., which have been carried down by the raging flood. Lewistown suffered severely. The Gazette says : .‘ On Friday morning until about elev en o'clock, the river continued to swell , with great rapidity, having by that time attained a height of eighteen or twenty ' feet above low water mark. From that hour until about three o'clock it rose very slowly, and created a general hope that it would not be much higher. This belief, we regret to say, was ultimately productive of much loss, a great amount of property having been subsequently injured or destroyed, which at that time might have been removed with safety. As evening approached, the water again commenced swelling at the rate of from twelve to fifteen inches an hour, and continued to rise until after midnight, when, it is stated by old watermen and others, to have been from thirty to thirty one feet above low water mark ! A mighty torrent like this, it may well be suppos ed, did not sweep by us in its wrath without leaving ruin and desolation in its course." The merchants of Miffiintown, we learn from the Sentinel, first moved their goods on the second story of their ware houses, and on Friday night were com pelled to remove them either on the third story or out on the street. The Perrys ville Bridge was raised from the piers and swept off about 12 o'clock on Friday night, and the Bridge at Millerstown, or at least a portion of it, has shared the same fate. The first span , of the Mifflin town Bridge, next to town, was carried off about daylight on Saturday morning, and the second span so seriously injured that it is doubtful whether it can be re paired without taking it down ; the re mainder is but slightly injured. lii Mexico the loss of private property was considerable—a Grocery, Warehouse, Stable, and several other smaller build ings were carried off. DAMAGE BY THE FLOOD.—The flood which has proved so destructive here, has extended in various directions thro' Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. The damage along the Susquehanna has been very extensive. We understand I that the Canal at Duncan's Island, above Harrisburg, is swept away, as much soi as after the flood of '46. The West Branch has been so seriously damaged, that it will be impossible to repair it du ring the present season. The Pennsylvania Canal,between Har- 1 risburg and Columbia, is also seriously injured, the Tide-Water but slight ly. A colored boy was drowned at Har risburg on Sunday. The farmers along 1 the banks of the river have suffered se verely, many of them having had their entire crop of corn swept away. The lumber merchants have not escaped ; and at Columbia, lumber to the amount of $7OOO dollars has been lost. We learn, however, that the authorities will make the most vigorous efforts to re pair the Canal breaches as rapidly as possible. The Pittsburg Journal of the 11th inst. says:— The Allegheny commenced rising last Friday morning and the water reach ed an unusual height. A vast quantity of rubbish, sheds, one or two houses and a bridge, were swept past this city on Saturday morning. We have heard of a death by drowning a few miles up the river." WEST BRANCH. The Philadelphia Bulletin, says: " We have letters from Williamsport, which give a fearful picture of the dis asters caused by the almost unpreceden ted rise in the West Branch. On Fri day the river commenced rising with alarming rapidity ; and late on Friday evening, the citizens of Williamsport were alarmed with the ringing of bells and loud cries of 'turn out,' 'turn out,' 'the flood,' 'the flood,' Sze., &c. Men, women, and children, rushed from their dwellings, and alarm, trepidation, and excitement seemed to be the order of the night.. Every effort - was made to guard against an inundation ; but at about 4 o'clock on Saturday morning, the river broke - ever the embankment at the Foundry, and came through the town with a rush, filling the houses on the low grounds to the second floor. A cor respondent writes us that he found no difficulty in making his way in a boat from the Eagle Hotel, which is on the main street, to the packet boat landing, Pine Creek aqueduct in reported to have been swept away ; and en the creek above it, the destruction of property has been immense. On Friday afternoon, at one time, one mile of saw logs, as thick as they could run, passed by Williams ' port. The flood in the West Branch is said to be 2i feet higher than that of . 04 1810. We have no direct or reliable in telligence from the North Branch." THE FRESHET—The Susquehanna.— Ac counts have been received from , the whole line of the Tide Water Canal, that it has received no injuiy by the late fresh et. A report was published that the Port Deposite bridge had Ix en carried away. This is a mistake. Some sta ging that had been erected under the,. bridge to make some repairs, was car ried off, but the bridge itself was not in jured. The telegraph wires over it were swept away. Preparations are making to have them replaced, as well as for putting up some poles that have been washed down on the tow-path of the anal. The tide was very high at Have-Grace on Saturday and Sun day, overflowing most of the wharves; but there was no damage of any conse , quence done to either the wharves or the property on them. Further Particulars, Lock Haven Inundated—Great Destruc lion of Property. Letters from Lock Haven dated the 10th inst. state that the destruction of property by the flood of last week was immense. The West Branch was swel led to a greater height than has been known since 1810, the river being eiglla feet higher than it was at the time of the memorable Pumpkin Flood. Lock Ha ven was completely inundated, the wa ter being ten feet deep in Main street. The citizens were obliged to take their horses, cattle, &c. into their dwelling houses to save' them. The destruction of property in the town . was very great. The steam Saw Mill of Mr. G. E. KIN ZER was completely overflowed, and the machinery somewhat damaged. The destruction of property alt along the river above Lock Haven was immense. Houses, Stables, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Fences, &c., were swept off, and many farmers lost all their grain, cattle, &c. —Pa. Intel. The Encarnacion .Prisoners. Several of these liberated prisoners arrived at New Orleans pn the steamer McKim. Their sufferings while in Mexico were very great. The New Or leans Delta of the 29th says: The night after the fight of Swigert and his companions, a much larger num ber of the prisoners started from Hue jutla, the place of their captivity. They were hotly pursued by a large force, ar rested some eight leagues from the toiVii and marched back. They were all then I huddled into an old, damp, badly-venti i lated monastery, where,- with a large ; guard over them, they were kept in I close confinement night and day, and on bad and insufficient food, till a few days before the battle of Churubusco. They were then, numbering in all over one hundred and forty, marched to a town some thirty-six leagues farther into the mountains, within about six 1 day's march of the city of Mexico. On this march, as well as on their return to Tampico, they suffered much, some of them being without a shirt, some with out shoes or hat, and scarcely any of them having a coat. Bud as was their condition, it would, but for the prover. bial humanity of the Mexican women, have been measurably worse. Many of them they supplied with garments, and 1 both while in prison and on the march. 1 they would break in through the guard and supply them with nourishment. _se A scamp, clerically dressed, ing himself McMann, and representi4 himself to be a student of theology of N V: the Episcopal Church, is travelling about and swindling pious people out of their money. His last operation' was in Wilmington, Delaware. NOTION. ALL persons who have found goods or merchandize of any description, along the river or canal, since the late flood, are requested to send them to the store of Fisher er aleAlurtrie, Huntingdon, for the Reliance Transportation Company, as soon as convenient. The only boat containing Dry Goods, &c. which was lost above Huntingdon belonged to this company, and her car go, consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware and Groceries, were being transported by them to Pittsburg. All reasonable charges fobs finding, ta king care of and delivering any part of the cargo of said boat will be paid by Fisher & 1 1 4cMurtrie, or by the under signed, agent of said company, now at Huntingdon. F. B. DENNISTON, .gent for Reliance Transp'n Co, Huntingdon, Oct. 19, 1847,