• , -- - Trouble' in' the Shunk •Camp. ~, I our State had shared more liberally of the terprising manufacturers prostrated and nition enough for a whole campaign, and [From the Germantown Telegraph.] The Friends of Henry A. Muhlenberg Desert. munificence of the democratic party. Draining Land. ing Shuck, Miller & Co. • But when some few weeks since these made bankrupts; for the benefit of Brie. completely disorganized their army. It 1 ish Monopoly. 'fheLocofoco advocates is reasonable to suppose that Santa A friend, writing me not long since Col. Seth Salisbury, late 'editor of the ! charges were boldly put forth by thei_ . Anna wishes peace, but whether he will on the subjects of drainage and irriga- Harrisburg, Intelligences and Telegraph, at Harris. i"f this state of things glory in the down- Argus, has written the fol. be able to accomplish it I know not.— lion, touching which I had propounded burg, 1 learned upon inquiry of Mr. Can- fall and di stress of their countrymen, There are various rumors of pronuncia- some inquiries, remarks : lowing letter to the North American, tine, the publisher of the paper I then I and boast of the additional millions im- mentos, factions, &c. It is said that "On the westerly side of the hen , frettn ceilidh it will be seen that the men edited, that the charges preferred by ported, the product of forein countries t Bustamente and Paredes have formed dred acre lot constituting the main body who now hold high stations in Shunk's those journals were substantially true -the consequence - of which will - be a total on one side, Valencia and Almonte on of my homestead, there is an extensive Cabinet, wrote articles in 1844, for the that he knew the Democratic Championthe other, &c. I fear there is more tract of "bog" soil, which was always "Democratic C ham pion, " violentl y op- had received articles from the pens of drainage of the precious metals, a pros- work for the bayonet. wet and cold, and in seasons distinguish- Messrs. Miller, Petriken, and others, tration of our banks, and a general stag- "After each of the battles, when the ed for wetness always overflowed.— posing, the election of Mr. Muhlenberg, and hispersonal knowledgeof nation• which• upon after he was nominated. A recent num- . these facts, respectfully declined pub- Scott's plans, he was received with the was in fact little else, and which was theea f the e • • into earnings o nterpising man, ber of the North ilmerican charged ! Baling in his paper an editorial article most vociferous cheers throughout the accessible to teams, I had taken some Jesse Miller and Henry Petriken with which I had prepared, in defence of those the hands of the rich and grasping. Is I whole army. The shouts must have six or eight hundred loads of muck, as gentlemen. Immediately subsequent to there any American feeling in such P° l- , reached Mexico. Even the captive Mex- 'an ingredient in compost intended for being the authors of those articles and ~ . . ~ in' finallyoccurred : tins, the proofs were placed before me, iticiansl Are they fit to control our l ean officers seemed Cheered their ; very dry uplands. It appealed to Dr. Salisbury for the truth, and the original manuscripts from the policy or rule our destinies 1 If such distress, to witness their enthusiasm.— Ito me that this bog might be reduced to of the charge. The event of that ap- ' pens of those gentlemen are now in my • • 'f he army have the greatest confidence ! profit, and on examining it carefully the policy is to govern us, what shall we be- Peal is seen below. Dr. Salisbury, says possession.—Such is the response which but a _ „. . „ in him, and justly. They know his I presumption was coefirined. In the au- I have felt called upon to make to y our come DUt a colony or Great Britain s— , care of them. They know his worth.— l tumn, before the fall rains, I commen the American, has been for many years ' , ' article of the 15th inst. It is proper And yet President Polk, Gov. Shunk, He weighs his plans well, calculates the' cad clearing it,—cutting the stunted al prominent in the democratic ranks ; the that you should be furnished with tire and all the office holding and office seek- cost of every measure, and attempts no-, ders, and removing the roots and has. Marshall of Northern Pennsylvania un- facts themselves, and to that end I en. ing Locofocos are its open and zealous thing without a reasonable prospect of i socks, preparatory to plowing. I then der Mr. VAN BUREN j the Chairman of close herewith the original manuscripts, . success The march of General Scott a deep ditch through the entire advocates. What What American can sup- : Democratic State Committees ; the State which are respectfully placed at your . , , with his little army upon the capital, , tent, and plowed, forthing where neces disposal. port them 1 ! has been the boldest move in modern : sary, side or lateral passage-ways to the Librarian repeatedly chosen by his po- , , With sentimentsf 1 • o ugh considera- warfare. It is ascertained that the Mex. ' main channel, for the better conveying LATEII. - FROM MEXICO. , tin cal associates ; the Secretary of the Lion, 1 am, very respectfully, your obe- . lean army was thirty-two thousand ()if of the water, and throwing the whole celebrated Lewistown Convention, and , dient servant. S. SALISBURY. TERMS OF THE TREATY OF PEACE. strong. Twenty-seven thousand men, into beds. I then sowed on grass seed, the chairmen of the Committee of that' ; We have only room for two of the ar. from their own account, met us on the and the whole is now in grass; avera- PETERSBURG, Sept. 23. . • Convention to notify Mr. Muhlenberg of tides referred to, but these are a pret -1 The New• Orleans papers of the Kith midstof l ßing,annually, from one and a hall to 20th. They are in the their re- sources • we are a great distance from two tons to the acre of fine English hay." his nomination ; a delegate to the Na- ty fair specimen of the Champion I have been received by the mail this mor- ' ours." ' ' Clay draining is a branch that has not tional Convention in 1844, for the 12th ' editorials written by Miller and Petri.' nine. i "We are now located in one wing of as lam advised been much practiced in Congressional District, which nowina- ken. The American contains almost a I By the arrival of the schooner Char- : the Archbishop's palace. Chapultepec, : this country. In Gloucestershire, Eng ran, Tampico dates to the .sth have been ted Mr. Polk ; and in fact one of the column of extracts of the same charac- with its magnificent grove, is before us, land, however, where the soil is a stiff , received, The editor , of La . Patria has and we overlook the great city, surroun. clay, it is extensively practiced, puris t active zealous and consistent of ter from the ori , rinal manuscripts pre inns t t a . a letter from the Capital, which, though ded by its lakes, and embosomed in its ularly on grass lands, where it is espe his party—this gentleman has respond- pared by these gentlemen. Read thelater date, , o fr no date, says that the egotia- mountains. I never realized the beauty cially effectual, answering all the [stir ed to our appeal, and his response will following: : t ions, so far as made, have proved satis- 'of the valley of Mexico until I reached poses of tiles, and at far less expense. speak to the hearts of every lover of the w r itt en b y my, konded in by Henry Petri-' factory, and the impression is decided this spot. To see it now, lighted by the The plan, as detailed by an English air ken, Deputy secretary of Me Commontecolth. thatPshortlybed eace may expected. right, every despiser of ingratitude, eve-' soft, bright moon, with every village, . thor of much celebrity, is as follows : i We have within the last week received a num- The principal articles are, that the U. 'sirep, hut, and mountain reflected in its !" a trench is dug three feet deep, in the ry contemner of political duplicity. ber of communications (tom different parts of the States restore to Mexico the Californias I silver lakes, you would think it even , shape of a wedge: at the bottom of this, State, urging the nereedlr of ...Aber eshereate- and all the ports, cities and towns wind] surpassed the descriptions we read of it. a certain number of pieces of wood, re- Dr. Seth Salisbury's Letter. I vial candidate in the field. as the forced notninatimi the American forces now o • • mum . The There arc also some stupendous works ! sembling tiles are placed, and attached HARRISBURG, Sept. 20, 1847. a Hen'Y A• M nilkollerif will not grr amen with ~,. Statesu. to forever retain thet rrit the hard-fisted anti honest portion of the Demur:re- " ory of art around us." to each other by Means of iron chains, To the Editors of the North .'7mericaii p of Texas, which is to extend to the left of Penns Ivania. Muhlenberg will do for np- which act as a hinge. On the top of and U. S i . Gazette.—Gentlemen :--Your 7„, b ,„ , , onn Y lt aristocrats, anti-stitool, or rather - anti- bank of the Rio del Norte, and comprise Broad Top Rail Road Meeting. ' these clay is thrown and rammed down, paper of the 15th inst. has been placed e q ual ri g hts party. From the communications in Matamoras by means of a canal cut for I Agreeable to public notice, a large to the depth of twelve inches, the re- ___ in my hands, and my attention has been our possession, and a number of them written by that purpose. and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens, irrainder of the soil is thrown in and the I JAMES ENTRIKEN called to an article. headed " Governor men who have never swerved from . their are,full : The letter Spunk and Barks County." Of the ar- or their duty, when honestly req 1 uln '' ' w° - 'Executors ofJames Entriken, deed well convinced that H. A. Muhlentierg elm tover then withdrawn, by a strong lever being ' Sept. 21,1847.-ta title, in the main, it is not my purpose , the G overnor be toe of the party. We suggested inn agreed upon. ty, arid Tod anti Hopewell townships, i fixed at the ouster end, by which the I to speak, but to a portion of that article I former number, the holding of a Convention on the It was found impossible to assemble Huntingdon county, was held at Stoners- drain is left perfectly in form, and as I .IVOTICE. feel called open by every consideration 4th ofJuly next, we there gave our reasons. We the Congress, and a Junta of notables town, Bedford county, on Saturday . the smooth as a polished table." This drain, To Me heirs and Legal Representatives of Jacob• of duty to myself, of justice to the coup- have conceded, on al occasions, the right to West- had beet/ formed for the express purpose 25th inst. The meeting was organized it is said will last for years, and carry ' %offer, late of West Lompeter Township, try, and to the memory of one of the ern Pclsy d le rv an e in ar t: hearvfaettihe Waigrthn; of devising a treaty. Other articles by the appointment of GEORGE F. the water off admirably. "In draining Lr a c n as o ter p Lo n t7ttee li a: i e d d. purest men, most exalted patriots and e slc n o n u r l'd make their one Choi Y ce. We have several are mentioned, but they are of secondary STEEL, Presti't ; HENRY &MU?, LE-ms a small orchard lately," remarks the for said county, on _A,„ Mortally the 20th September, 1847, on ;nu eminent statesmen, that Pennsylvania names , , toot hove been suggested to us by Western 111)1)071'mM KEITH, Esq., Capt. JOHN LONG, and HEN- writer above quoted, " a dritin was cut non of N. Ellmaker, Attorney for Christian ever produced, to respond. . Democrats, and we to-day publish a communica- ' Valencia has surrendered himself to sty PUTT, Vice Presidents; Isaac Ken- across which lied been in use eighteen Rohrer and wife, rule granted upon the said heirs Yoe say "no one conversant with ' lion, setting forth the claims of one of the citizens the government and been sent a prison- singer, Esq., and Levi Evans, Secrete.' years without exhibiting any signs of and legll representatives and all persons Interest. Pennsylvania politics can forget the vir- of the star of tha West, Ntichael Meyers, Esq., e er to Guadalope, where he is to be tried. ries. damage." The price, including every ed in the estate of Jacob stouirer, tate of Wm ulence and abuse which assailed Mr. honest fanner of VVestmore and county. I t towns up, •decd,' • 0 Amps er ownt up, to appear le the r wri,er of it is on.: of the oldest Democrats in Penn. , The llvaret has announced his intention to : The meeting was ably and eloquently , item, damages and all, is, I believe lid. phase'Court of Lancartter county, on Monday the .Multlenberg through the columns of the sy'vania, it man who has filled high places. and in assemble a force for the purpose of et- ' addressed by - Alexander King, Esq. anti', per yard. There arc some soils that •II th day of October, A. D. 1847, at 10 o'clock Democratic Champion, a paper started w ho m there istro g uile ; with it we received a large tacking the Americans at the first oppor- John Cessna, Esq. of Bedford, and Alex. cannot be well managed without ender i forenoon, to accept or tefuse the rev I estate of mail at.. Harrisburg to advocate the nomina- addition of subscribers, all with the ready cash. tunity. Gwin, Esq., and Capt. Geo. W. Speer, draining, arid where this is the case the tiara. at the valuation thereof made end cent - limed: tion of Mr. Shenk, and oppose the se- We ask that serious perusal for it that the emerges- Paredes is reported to be marching on of Huntingdon, after which the follow- above plan is doubtless the most profit- should" "" of " i t 1 " s h e" "re w nhy th e "we lection of Mr. Muhlenberg, and that t'S et there. require., the capital with a respectable body of ing resolutions were adopted. able that can be adopted. e not be sold according to kw. Attest, JAM ES DYSA RT. • • there are many of the original menu- . . • • troops. I Resolved, That we, the citizens of Mitten h i Pelethen, handed in by C. Stikr. A PRACTICAL FARMER. Sept. Si. 1847.) Clerk of Orph 1,..0' C a m. . script editorial articles written for that • Selas declares that the battle of Con- Liberty and Broad Pop townships, Bed- Bald Eagle Farm, .ditg. 17, 1847. T. Moe. POWEn.—In the late Democratic ' paper yet in existence; and upon the convention, of all the candidates proposed for nom- treras was lost by the unskilfulness of ford county, and Hopewell and Tod town- NEW GOODS I authority of persons connected with the illation, Mr. Muhlenberg had the greatest wealth ; Valencia, and the cowardice of Torrejon, ships, Huntingdon county, and the adja- TIRUP'TION OF THE SKIN.—It should be Al .7-- d , 7 1, r tur (...neap uorner, office of the Champion," and "affirm that indeed a 1 the other candidates are comparatively who, instead of obeying the orders of cent townships, without distinction of 1 i remembered, when the coarser particles of im they are written by Jesse Miller, Mr. poor, and I believe that MLitt, could easily buy Santa Anna to charge upon the Ameri- party, are unanimously favorable to the ' purity aro diverted . from their proper channels and rpHE subscriber would most respectfully minima Spunk's Secretary, and others, all be- them all, Bell. Sru. eon, Shunk. Eldred, &c., and i cans with cavalry, pusilanimously fled, construction of a Rail Road from some ' become deposited . in the skin, that cutaneous etup- I the public to call and e • e of the doubt his wealth did in a great measure, pro- • tions are the certain consequence. , most qielldl I longing to the Governor's body guard ; n u ci re his nomination—hut we can ~,e e 4,.. Nf. that I bringing rain upon the infantry. point on the Pennsylvania improvements Wright'. Indien Vegetable Pills will be round i aStaek of Goods • and if the Democracy need further ed- e t . , i , ltit , money and . 1 the money of his Middle- I The Picayune thinks it probable that 'at or near Huntingdon, to the great coal s delightful medicine for all disorders of the ski • ' ification on this subject, they may al ,- town and Barbs County Banks, at his back. can- I a diplomatic arrangement will yet be region of Breas! Top. , because they expel from the body those poisonous n• ' ever opened in this county. It is needless to un dertake naming the articles or p, ire: as the price peal to the Harrisburg Argos for facts not secure his election—politicians and office hun made changiqg our occupancy of tire Resolved, That it is the earnest desire , humors which aro the cause of all kinds of crup- ' - %vault! be so low you cool.; lia in ]eve it until you and proofs." ' ters—iatsbiers and bank Dirwors may nominate. ! Californias front conquest to that of par- of this meeting flint the Representatives rive di""e". aid Indian Vegetable Pills would see it, and the variety so gnat that I could I anti improve dieeation and as " Its proprietor and editor, tve have l e , itir p e. the pC , /,l n e i t ii e n 'et n N i l: e wi tr h , " , c: chase. ! to be elected this fall from the Counties ' theyti 11 ; t i :o n is add, direct not do 'justice tom inyself or the h oods Ity attempt. purifier of the blood, they will every reason to believe, are in posses. doubt been opposed 11 1 1 r u " lilentierg. On Y d whose editor is [That part of the above news relative of Bedford, Blair •• and Huntingdon, ; most assuredly give heal t h and vi ,Y , ', l ing to give you any idea of the quelity. Thank • sum of the evidence to fasten the pater- conscientious in his opposition, will he bought our. to the negotiations is discredited by the should use all fair and honorable means I frame, which in turn will . sure to give a mouth f gm' L° ine "we ' fog for past favors, 1 still.li .e to receive a liberal share o pu . tic patronage. nity of the Democratic Champion upon (an editor may honest y sell out, fir printing a pa-' ~,,... . . Ito secure the charter of a Company for I and healthy complexi on. JOHN N. PROWELL.." the officials.llloW about Mr. Shunk. W e per is not a p ()Malan business in general.) and 1` nshington Union.] I the construction of such a road, belies , - I ctsjsßeware of . augar corded corinterfeilt.CO - ~, CHEJU* COnnEll," Z know that Dr. Seth Salisbury, the etli• then it will he proclaimed flier the paper has come • The only o, igmal and genuine Indian V fiats - . , ing as we do, that the interests of this . . Huntingdon , Sept. 21. 1847.5 up all, out for Muhlenberg. And having b ought .. , Interesting from the Army. , i ble Pills have the siirnolure if William Wright I tor of the Argus, has publicly stated in x , N. B. Country Producee taken in exchange or nearly all the Democratic presses in order to Greetner of ~ Gen. Scott by file Army—Their • community would be greatly promoted i wri tt e n with a pea o'n the to I bel 4 . each b Harrisburg, that be is in possession ofthereby. I None other is genuine and t p o c a nt; &et felt this is :f" g"' 18. stifle opposition in tleir ranks, they will then turn 1 1 Confidence . 1 his Milker Skill—Tl Sr • such evidence, and have long wondered their attention to us contown people. And for niietice--.Pa i r ' etles and ' H Y tistantenta 'e s ' 1.- • Resolved, That the people of Bedford I F o r g ery. The genuine for sole by I Stray Melt*. • why he suppressed it." - : electioneering purposes we may expect plenty of ' . " county have alreadyneglected their best I T. K. SIISIONTON, Sole Agent for Hunting- I ' eery around Mexico- si , •, 1 , Came to the resldeuee of the sub . In reply to this, I will speak direct. ' premises of and money too will flare ilia .., . ' inters sts by remaining idle spectators ' don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin- I ~ q , yi 1 ""‘ *critter residing near Greenwood You have been so obliging in your orti- oil spilled upon water. Thu leading politicians s m 'file Washington Union, of Monday, of the great effor t s made by other per- : son. Shade Gap; I: lair & 0., Frankstown; Orbison 1 1.:P.•„,...,. , Furnace, Jackson township, Hunt cles as to refer to the friendship which the d various suppliedcounti t els p il n l de b ni e ncr with r, l e,,, =,cmitaMstwo letters from distinguished tions of the State to obtain public and ' titiunct:.,,aourtuesoeigetstai,,,Gri... ~8 , ,T , w,t,n _ s . it,i rlTl:.,u r r a g,!. 1 3, 1 1 11 .,,, i nation county, about the 1241 of existed between Mr. Muhlenberg and re ogrer i ;t: i t n it will not avail ; for Mr. Muhleni- I officers its General Scott's Army, rein- private improvements in their respective , & 00., %limn, : r ill; D. S. 8ei 1 i, 1 m 7 1 : 1 •,. , 'ic ii n ; • August last, a ‘ red . end white spotted STzErt two five to the recent battles, from which Y years old last Spring, both ears slit ; there has been myself. berg with all his I, sin of banks, cashiers, and di-1 localities. JamesMatruire. Seuisietre t J o h n W. M,r ou E n . Of my obligation to him, to his mil. recto's and money too, car: never buy the unpur- ,we make the following extracts : ' Resolved, That we are anxious that 'way' • two letters pititi.ed on his hip which can not be Ile; (I "`ge H. 81 eW” , " nier Str" l, A• & distinguished now. Beh owner is requested to nificence and friendship, which had been chaseable Democracy or Pennsylvania. I " The greeting. of GEN. SCOTT by in the charter for the incorporation of al W. Cresswell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Ciotti, fortveril, proveroperty, pay charges and steadily extended to me for more than ' •. A FARMER. ' the troops after the action, on seeing the , I Company, tine interests of all classes . • Mill-creek; and wholesale arid retail at the prin. take him away, Of othe r rwise he will he disposed of twenty years, I cannot be unmindful. , ! success of all his plans, was loud and I fri 169 R t Ph•l d' 1 • . , , eq. e ce, nee s reet, la mt.. according to law. W5l. MUSSER. The British Tariff Humbug. vociferous. It must have the Halls should be regarded, and that in order to sop. 7,'47, i Fein. 21,1847-4 t The tribute which 1 can pay for all this ' accomplish this that the Company should --- The recent news from Europe, says ~ t h e i h , te ...„ mas Ti s t ,• ~ _____ is indeed feeble. 1 can only say in truth , ,f . n _ . T h eir en busies !'" be authorized to open their books for MARRIED, To Purchasers of Unseated Lands. I loved him while living, and cannot be the Pa. Telegraph, has knocked out the seemed to cheer the Mexican officers :•11 the subscription of stock in this and the On Tuesday the 7th inst,, by the Rev. , - DEEsoNs wt. a purchased unseated lands at onjust to his memory when dead. last prop of the British Tariff humbug; their captivity. The army has implicit adioining counties. S. H. Reid, Mr. CHARLES W. KENNEDY , 1 the Treasurer's Sate of 1846, and have ne- I only wish, that in responding to your the price of breadstufn which rose ton"ii him, and apprehend noth- - - c confidence i , Resolved, That in promoting our own and Miss AMANDA GIVEN, of Alexandria. ' Ilected to lift their Deeds are requested to do an inquiry, it was in my power to make great height on account or the famine, ' ing where he commands. He sees ev. , interestio we are not willing to sacrifice On Tuesday the 21st instant, by the • 1 . ) or before the 20th of October i next. After that that response in the negative. Articles . cry thing, and calculates the cost of ev-it.. they will be left In the halms of an officer for written for the Champion so offensive and the dos' f l nos o the nave-ration a le early s ~ cry measure; anthey know and feel and the interests of others, and therefore same, Mr. CURTIS KIDDER to Miss 'W ' are desirous that the stockholders of MINA Pool s of Sinking Valley. "" , colleen.. i JOS LAW, 'Framer. to the political as well as personal char. 'of the Black Sea, is now lower in Eng- ! that their lives and labor will not be use- said company should be made individu- soesesee o . aster of Mr. Muhlenberg and his friends land than it has been for many years, lessly expended. During the day, we ally liable forthe debts of said Com- DIED, • too, should not attach to the present and nothing but ruin has marked those took 2,700 prisoners, 8 generals, 37 pony. n At Burnt Cabins, Bedford county, on : CITY OF MEXICO TAKEN! Secretary of State and his deputy. But who engaged in the speculation. By the 'p i ece ff s i of tor artillry, and a . minutsihtieo Resolved, That Levi Evans, Isaac Thursday 16th inst., Mr. WILLIAM CA- Heady-Made Clothing. honesty and good faith to the public, as (mot., i w iole campaign. T ir latest advices, flour wasselling • . InEng - e; defences were completely turned, and Kensinger, Esq., Jos. Crisman, Abed- lionises, in the 36th year of his age, rpHE subscriber offers for sale a splendid and well as justice to the memory of depart. nego Edwards and John Hamilton be leriving a beloved wife, and four small : ,11. seasein able assoi uncut. of Ready-Made Cloth edupset. worth, compel me to speak truthfully land at '2l shillings sterling, per barrel, plans . . have en- appointed a committee to prepare a me- children to mourn their loss. In record- ing, juin opening at his new stand, in the col tier on the subject, and in view of that re- which is rather under the price it brings tered Mexico that evening or the next neon of the brick bur ding opposi.e John Vl' hilts morial to the Legislature praying for an ing this mournful event it is not our sponsibility, I now aver and solemnly here ; and the probability was that it morninl, rt . t our pleasu n re,_sci complete act of incorporation fora company for purpose to say anything. more than that ker.s avern. in th . Borougl i t o u r Huntigdon; con declare,. to the people of the State, and , would go down still lower. This must teas 0 disorganizatio or their army : said purpose. those who knew hint will bear witness to aiding ot the in ea. la le artmles warrant especially to the democracy, that the of 2,000 teen. We learn that 27,000 :/, ed well made and faaltionabl • ' ' y cut. viz: convince the Farmers, and all who feel men were opposed to us at all points on I • d 'That seso ve , at the proceedings of the integrity of his character, and his • 2 dozen Hanka over-coats a different sizes,and original manuscripts t written by Messrs. ' this meeting be s i gne d b y the officers worth as a citizen—while those who I qualities. Miller, Petriken, and others, and which ;an interest in good prices for produce, the 20th, and they acknowledge in kill and published in all the papers of this knew him in tlie more intimate relations I do Uenticmon's Fashionable Cloaks. 'appeared in the Democratic Champion , that they have nothing to expect from eel and wounded 5,000. On the 21st as Senatorial District. 12 do Dress and sack coats. of life, feel the extent of that calamity • • of that day, are all in my possession, : the repeal of the American Tariff of the army was in motion towards the I [Signet[ by the Officers. which has deprived them of a warm and - 12 do well made Fancy Vests. and that I stand ready to prove and yin- : 1842, and the enactment of the British city, Gen. Scott was met by a proposi- I _ 12 do PaLts—c.simer sannett. i t . ett and. encrous heart a much beloved husband, corduroy. plain, figured and striped. tic for a cessation of hostilities, for I SACRIFICE oe LIFE.—It is estimated g , dicate this statement at the bar of pub- , i Tariff of 1846. • the purpose of taking care of the killed ,by the officers of the army, and those and a kind father.— [Communicated.] 12 do Shirts (pleated breasts) lic opinion and before the legally consti- • toted tribunals of the country. I Besides this, the pernicious conse- and wounded. This Inc refused ; but in who have the means of ascertaining the : Al., a variety of satin and silk omits, handker- And here, I must be permitted to state ' gnomons of this Locofoco measure, can tine evening agreed to an armistice , to , rand loss of our army since the coin- • ateeditosos Ablice. elite& and short stockings, together with a variety my surprise and pain, when the facts, I now be seen, and will soon be felt allenable • . 1111 Trish, f ' enc ent of the war with ,to t c r o c itimissioners to meet s . * . e, m em . THE undersigned, auditors appointed he the o w f i a u rt h i c cl s e c e dd of e men'e l and ER ! boy's wear ; allof wh ic h t for peace. This armistice that the bodies of 50,000 men lie min- • Mexico, 1 u tiodi ci, te line tweeds of thef.herifFs oln . aft Ut HE I than at any other Web the "damning proofs" were placed in i , around us. Our factoriesare stopping," au a • • • . • • • • h A i • sale of the real estate of Po lock, Lightner and Cu., has been officially ratified. It is difficult gling with the soil of Mexico and that 'stollen' in the county. my hands. I had heard such things ru- , whets, and report the facts, &.e.. wit meet for that ' Please call and examine for yew selves. Coe. and the stores of our merchants are to forsee the result ; though I can very at the present time fifteen die eyery moved, but I gave no heed to it—l sup- , purpose at the office of J. Sewell Stewart, on Fri- tomer's work puntuaity anemic.' to.. pose the personal gratitude under which ' filled with common muslins of British , well see that It is for Santa Anna's ad- day !Is Texas worth this SaClifice I—l day the 22d day of October next, (A. 1). 1847,) wept. 14.'47.1 BENJA MIN SNARE. I knew Mr. Secretary Miller rested to manufacture, the whole trade and con- . vantage to make pence. I Philanthropy looks on this picture with; where and where all persons interested are iequired , , ipso another letter from Tacttbaya sorrow and weeps 4nd Christianity ' Pen , ' n'en chnon , or be &horn , ' thereafter I To 'lltose Interested.. Mr. Muhlenberg forbade it—l supposed , sumption of which had, under the Tariff F • • : from coming in for u share of such dated gust 22d we take the follow- blushes to think that it was brought I g proceeds. 1 I[TILL take notice that you who neglected to that his high regard for the usages of , GE ). TAYLOR, .of 1842, been supplied by American ! I ing closing extract: , about and is now defended by professing ! al settle your accounts with the subscriber, se the democratic party, of which he had ;. THOS. P. CAMPBELL, ; cording to former notice, will be expected to sett! s been so long a bountiful recipient, for- •workmen are thus i o ' andmembers of the church I factories. Our own We took altogethea 2,500 prisoners, ! Christians, I J. SEWELL ISTE VV ART. ! them shortly. JOHN N. TRO WI.L. ' 8 generals;, 37pieces of cannon, ammit- of God ! Dade it for no mad of his rapacity in ' thrown out of employment ; our own en. Real Estate For- sale. B Y viriue of authority given to the undersigned in the Will of James Entriken, Esq., late of Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, decesmd, they will expose at Public Sale, at the house of Rolm, t Speer, in Danville. in acid county, on Thursday the 2arth day (1 October, 1847, all the right, interest and claim, of the said James Entri ken, deceased, to the following mentioned and de scribed tracts of UNSEATED L -t ND: .Mo. I. One Tract surveyed in the name of Dorsey Belt, eiluate on Shirley's Nob, in Gass township about one mile front the town of Cass. vine, containing 250 acre., more or less—tolerably well timbered ; adjoining land. of Robert Speer, Daniel Kollinan and other.. No. 2. One other Tract, being part of a tract surveyed in the name of Adam Keith. sit. ante in Tad township, adjoining land. of John Bavnge, Reuben 'fret ler's heir., and other.; con teini u; 100 acrea, more t r less—part of it can be cultivated. No. 3. One equal undivided fourth part of a Tract known by the name of the Saw-Mill Tract, situate in said townehip, formerly of the es tate of Philip Snare, dec'd., adjoining lands of edema Houck. Atone Cie k and other.. on Trough Creek; containing amnia '2.00 acres, more or lea— s Mill port of which has been cleared, the mato, tnlerahly well timbered. )co. 4. .4 part of a Tract of Land sur veyed in the nftme of Mary Foster, 'Mutate in Broad Top township, in Bedford county; on Hroftil Top Mountain, adjoining lands of John Leer, Richard Foocr and when, containing 35 acres, more or :en.—This tract is mid to have coal on it. No. 5. IMP ROVE D L.d.A^D—One other tract situate in Hopewell township, Hunting don county—surveyed in the name of George My ers—adjoining lands of Matthew Hamer, John Shultz. end land devised by said Jatnes Entri ken, deed., to James Steel—containing 300 notes, more or les.r. There is a small improve ment nn this tract—about 40 acres cleared—hay iog thereon erected a hewed log house and a cabin born. No. 6. .11so, one, other Tract of Unseat ed Land situate in Hopewell township. aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Garner, William Steel's heirs and others—surveyed in the name of James Entriken—containing 230 acres, more or lees; tol erably well thrilieted. cd-The terms of Sale will be CASH. Any further information will ho given on appli cation to James Entriken, Jr. at his residence at Coffee Run, Hopewell township, before the doy or eale.