POLITICAL. tages of education and gave him all that GREAT ATTRACTION!! a country school afforded. Small were such benefits, except to a mind resolved Welch's Xational Circus! ! upon advancement. Self-taught many From the Olympian amphitheatre, are best taught, because they feel that PHILADELPHIA. Knowledge is Power. Even at thirteen r - • HIS splendid equestrian company composed these small advantages of a country', R. PERFORMERS, will ex- We remember General Irvin as a mem- school was denied him, and he was call- . hibit ands their splendid Water Proof Pavillion, ber of the memorable Sessions of Con- ed home to serve his father in the va- I commodiously furnished for the comfortable recep gress of 1841—'42. Of this Congress tied occupations of a busy life. Paren. tion of 3000 persons at there were three Sessions, and each re- I tal affection and confidence he enjoyed , Hurrlseeost, Friday, Sep. 24, 1816— markable for the importance of the sub-' largely, and contributed much to the AFTERNOON and EVENING : happiness of a home every day jects discussed, and the excitement at- becoming admission-25 cents. ' tending the discussions. The Abolition i Independent of Willis's celebtatedprass Band, niore blessed .by his care and presence . Independent • raged, and memorials were literal- will . be saluted , o n . their . arrival,try ;Here were his triumphs, and here he i the company ly poured into Congress from all the I Mr. Wallace', String band, playing airs from the won honors to be envied. His studies ntostpop o„,. o ,„ ns . free States, remonstrating against the were in the workshop and his college In the evening the pavinion will he illuminated odious rule of the majority, practically 1 among the utensils of a country store. by the patent sylvic Gas, invented by B. P. Uas declaring that men might not even pray' He studied men snore than books, and ! ton, Esq., of the United States Navy Department, for the redress of what they regarded, . learned front the great book of NaturelWashiugton ii . i l i t t. is fr a o n e e fr n o t t i s re a ly ll new nauseousm otl io de,fil effluvia, P • what, no doubt, is a public griev- when the schoolroom was debarred his a ih s e u p, m e u ri l o t r of all g o ' ther atteMpts, an.l casting a light auce. The Compromise Act, which, ten presence. Good habits, great industry, ! scorcely i ess brilliant than the noonday sun. years before, had been born of the Nul- and a knowledge of business have made constituting this complete will be found Mr. J. lification excitement, was only passing Latta a rich man, but neither parsimony ;O. Cadwallader, who will ride hie much admired through the last stages of its legal ex is- , on the one hand, nor extravagance on ' acts of the "Russian E , nvoy," th. " T i e so ir d o e rs of of th a o fence. -The whole country, too, "'" . the other hand, ever controlled his con- S ,c'rc r e i r i e e r s o , f id Bi i 7:l , " st an w l in t g ire " b eaut i f u l 2,3, e a p ad 4 horses Bankrupt. The vices and follies of pre- duct. He is kind as a neighbor, liberal Madame Louisa Ilurod rd, the Brent. ATIVE en vious years had stamped misery and as a friend, just as a citizen, and in ,all MALE EqUESTRIAN, whose admirable personelle., misfortune upon the face of the people. the relations of life a true gentleman on a single horse charm and delight all who behold The country had been reveling in spec-' , and an honorable man. His Aristocracy, her, justifying public opinion in awarding to her ulation, until her dissipations made Men, if he has any, is that of Merit and not of the high position she has so successfully held Corporations, and State rock, as it were, I gold and silver. Poverty was his inkier- • amidst a hoof, -.°J. rival slags. • I like a ship upon the billows. of CLOWN— D arr a ice, the , mut i provoking Dan,' mince and riches the mere incident whose in fi nite JEST and FUN, unstained by rude- Never had a Congress met under continued labor. We admire the man , nese and vulgarity, places hint fur beyond the reach greater excitement—never, indeed, in , and commend his life and example to of IMITATION. time of peace, did party passions run so : those who, by a course of manly con- Mr. Horace Nichols, the Prince of Ring Mae high. The so called "Democratic par- sduct, aro-ambitious to be of service to ter7,A, Biters ' Family, whose union of talent, is ty, ' had been so long in power, that I the State and country. they seemed to regard the country as without a parallel in the world. Charles Rivers, THE ISSUE.—The letter of Mr. Bu- 1 the most finished artist in his arrangement and ex theirs, by a sort of proscriptive right.' citation, to the Loco Focos of Berta ecution of scenes and . gym i nas k ti i es o ou f p l s .. . re F i r n ed a e c r t: They had ruled, and they had ruined, county, establishes one important and by virtue of long precedent and bad . , Point. , ;hit c ß a i n ve s i t . l a r p i :L e :TY ' no e v v e e it y v, and Master Allard exam le the claimed the ri ht to rule rliose who vote for Mr. Shenk vote for Rivers, (the 'inimitable,r) will perform his act on p,y g , Mr. Polk and for the extension of sla- a single horse, as performed before the President on, and ruin more. It was two weeks , . . or more, under the resistance of the will ! N .. e ,c ry.in th e territory to be acquired by and Senators of the United States, and by all prep. ent declared the most perfect union of Vs ONDER present war. Every issue connect of the majority by the minority, before ' ti ed with the present, Administration Is AND diat G ie n..C N E e v t 17 1, world „r ho e s h ~ e a r s n a e c w q . the popular branch could be organized. uire d the rare Day after day Congress met—day after' an issue now in Pennsylvania. Our cif - art of . ridi - ng, and executing the most difficult feats day, prelitninary questions were discus- izens must determine whether they ap- backwards, on a single horse. I prove the imperial power of the Presi- Mr. Wan. Stoat will . ride his fine classic acts, on sad, but in all, through all, the Demon ) dent to commence it tour without the 2, 3 and 4 horses, forming a pyramid office per of Discord stalked abroad, and threaten- .. sorts, whom he will bear above his horses at Wit- I unction of Congress —the creation of a ed something worse than the rising andl i. . . r ing speed. i s debt that will mortgage every term in , subduing of stormy passions. Signior German', the mighty Italians equestrian I the State and overspread Pennsylvania will r ide his incredible nicromarelic scenes, intro- The French Assembly of Paris during i with an army of tax oppressors—and docing, "Les batons du dial/e,” and his Golden the Revolution, when the Jacobins and i the expenditure of five hundred mil- Peletons, &c., &c. He will also bring forward the Constitutionalists were battling to- lions for the fetters that are to make our his two wonderful dogs, whose feats are without gather, was no more the scene of strife fellow creatures slaves. These are the , equ i n fr i . in lv tl e . i ll A w r iTd . , the Spanish scenic rider, and than occasionally our own legislative issues presented by Mr. Buchanan. And rent representative of the Red len of Ito Forest. g chambers. Some there were who had upon th i s i ssue he says : i M i r. Charles Poster, wino rides a great dramatic been elected as Whigs, not being chosen ii The field is a fair one; our candidate scene,and a Grand Military act, entitled to reign, were determined to rule with- well tried, able and honest ; and he has HONOR TO OUR HEROES,. out a choice, and the prevalence of that been regularly nominated by the party. Or All for our Country, in which by the aid of sin elate which the angels fell," has Should he be defeated, the attempt will , correct for hi countpecEN..zAcK Ip,attit comp mastery over such men as be vain to explain the decision of the n a h ft Pr et Y M ln o g ntere ' v7l:n7'svirr, a yankee vole!). Henry A. Wise and a few of his corn- ballot-boxes, in any other manner than tier, Santa Ann - a the commander of Mexico, con peers. They could not rule and they by admitting that the Whigs have the chiding with the SOLDIER OF FREEDOM, would not serve. bearing the memorable resolve—"GEN, TAYLOR Itteas in such an - assembly as this, Itn i •il y l .' b ' ma j or it y. be seen that the Secretary ac- , ,11 .:vER ...""Ni'.".." made up of the factious opposition and a cedes to our party its olden and honor- , iiit l o t' u T e D ii e ns ri " n 3 ;: i f thi ti N s e s i e r i g r Zg a i L m Pt e :::: ll , few discordant spirits, together with an ed title of Whig, taus rebuking the whs . ° able and powerful body of Whigs, tlAtt be autiful dances far surpags anything of the efforts of the Union to degrade hint, ! hind ever yet brought before she public. Also the Mr. Irvin was introduced into the House Woodbury, Cass, and others by the re-' comic ponies, Romeo and Juliet, wilt, by their of Representatives. I remember well proach of Federalism. We do not hes.l comic denier scenes, leaps and counterleaps, prove his courteous demeanor, his constant at- itate to acknowledge the truth of Mr. their instinctive bent for drollery. . tendanco and the general respect mini- Buchanan's views of the issue. Like bring thou ii P i r nt ' !.' I eon(' 41 families, n d ns unde r g uar di ans may e "wit watchful i Ca :e n c o t f l tested for him, both by his colleagues .1 tale last p0,,,.,ca, contest at this State, i. the Proprietor, nothing approaching a shade of vul and his associate members. He was will establish that, in Pennsylvania, , gorily can find its way through the choice reprosen there notaltogether unheralded by fame," the Whigs have the majority."—Norsk miens of the Arena. since the people who sent him to repre. american. The afternoon and evening performances en/ ire. sent them had done so, alike- from per. ly varied. sonal respect and undoubted confidence .01-1347. in the ability and honesty of the man of their choice. He had beaten in fair fight the strongest man of the opposi tion and that in a district which for ma ny years had been signalized by its de votion to men and opinions not at all in harmony with their present choice. His own immediate constituents had always voted for hint with increased favor, than that of men of kindred opinions associa ted and his own numerical support was always more with hint. Where Gov. Porter received a majority of 1147 in 1841, Gen. Irvin received a majority of 342 in 1843. Never was favor and con fidence more worthily bestowed than in the person of the Whig candidate for Governor. In Congress, he was devoted to his constiuents and State, and though not one of those garrulous members whose feet and tongue more nearly illus trate perpetual motion than any thing else ever invented, or likely to be dis covered, yet he ever had a word in sea son when a seasonable word was neces sary in defence of the right. Nor was he as some have said amongst that class of men whom the poet paints as "repu ted wise for saying nothing," though in Congress no members are more service able or more intelligent than those who are rather heard by their votes than their speeches. We remember a speech of Mr. Irvin in behalf of the Tariff of 1842, and emi nently is this gentleman and the whole Whig Party identified with this wise and patriotic law.—We commend the speech to those who would see the mu tual dependence between labor and cap ital, and the advantagesof the protective policy to the working man. It is indeed a speech for every Pennsylvanian to read, since it strikingly illustrates the benefit of Protection to a State like this, and is a truthful and eloqtient exposi tion of the affairs of the State. We look upon Gen. Irvin as happily illustrating the Republican character and power of our free institutions. He is a Pennsylvanian all over, born some forty-seven years since in Penn's Valley, in Centre county.—Whig Revolutiona ry blood runs in his veins—his meter• nal grandfather being one of the Revo lutionary Whigs of Lancaster. His father was born in Ireland, and settled in the Valley in 1792. His poor and honest parents appreciated the advan• (From the Pitieburgh Gentle.] WIN. :amain IRVIN. BY ERASTUS BROOKS Tolls on the Public Works. From the annexed statement of tolls received on the lines of Canal and Rail- B. E. MOORE. I. N. RISDON. roads of the Commonwealth, during the ./PIOORE A' RISD010; present year, it will be seen that our 4 11212 1 L'ilagra l t a aals®W 0 0 public improvements are in a more pros- No. 70 South Third Street, nearly oppo perous condition and yield a larger rev- 1 site the Exchange, Philadelphia, enue to the State than they have done DESPECTFULLY announce to their friends 11, and the public that they are constantly pre at any former time: n p i s a re a t n o d make to l order, of the finest and best mate- Tolls received on the Public Works of the Commonwealth for 1847, up to Tuna b le c ' ens e ti P tu ri t c t e „ a g' a " o " e Y m a lt r . tick ' a I:" h - ,m a n s NA' ard- Sept. 1, 1847. . robe, for which their complete stock of choice end In August 1847, $191,739 1 I carefully selected Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting, Arc., of the latest and tenet desirable patterns, arc panic- In August 1846, 136,313 _2O __ . ularly designed. their own practical knowledge of the business Increase in August 184.7, $55,425 91 .„„,i a ~,,„„,,„1 attent i on ~, every garment, „able„ - them to give entire satisfaction, and to both old and Total amount ree'd from Dec. 1 new customers they respectfully tender an invita 1, 1846, to Sept. 1, 1847, $1,211,373 09 j lio n ,_ tt „t t o i Z e ll e ' t t l.e i n o a t;rs a e l a l • connected with some of Same period last year, 8 ' ”47,2Q1 58 the best and most fashionable establishments in this ' country, employing none but first rate workmen, Increase in 1847, $364,171 51 and being in the constant receipt of the latest rash- The above statement shows an increase ions, and best styles of good, they are fully proper. in the revenue already over that of last . ed to accommodate customers in the best manner. year, of three hundred and silty-four 1 _Philada., Aug. 24,1847. _ _ thousand one hundred and seventy-one dol. HEALTH MADE EASY FOR THE PEOPLE lars and fifty-one cents ! The nett rev- or Physical Training, to make their elute this year will reach, if not exceed, Lives in this World Long and Happy, ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS— a sum by the iluthor of "Education: as nearly double that of former years.— It Is, Ought To Be, and Alight That this improvement in the condition i 13e," First ilmerican Edition, of our public works is mainly attributa- with 4dditions : ble to the agency of JAS. AI. POWER, Being an elementary and interesting treatise 011 Self Kno i wledge. ontaining short and entertain- Esq., the faithful and efficient Wirin CANAL COMMISSIONER, is too evident to I To g or, "." °" Hea„, Glands, Strength, admit of a doubt. The people now see Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations, the beneficial effects of WHIG POLICY , Digestion, Liver, Brains, Old Age, and Whig management and economy— , Blood, Lungs, Mind. Man, the interest of the public debt paid off; Secretions , Arteries, Senses, • Woman, ' and the credit of the State redeemed— Head, Veins, Health, Disease, the public works enhanced in value and Together with tte ' ere c a . t ' S ik elt—Success in Life yielding a larger revenue than they have how attained—How to do Good—Causes and ever before done—and all this owing to , Directs of Error—Habits—Passions—Wm-liana scribed—Man described—Mates Errors—Rich sod the wisdom of the people themselves in electing an honest Whig Canal Commis ; Po w or T, S exes—Virtue and Vice--Youthful Errors ian &e this made delicate—Woman's Virtue., sioner, whose faithful guardianship of the public interests the candid of all Ambition, The whole designed for the noble purpose of im parties acknowledge. Elect another proving and extending education amongst the peo Wltig to assist Mr. POWER, and the pie, imparting valuable knowledgon the physiol work of Reform will be still more sec- ogy of the human frame, and the laws which gov ern mental and bodily enclosed in cet etc. cessfully prosecuted. —P a. Intelligences. co- Any person sending 25 cents n a letter shall receive one copy by mail, in five copies will be sent for $l. Adthese.postage paid, G. IL ZIEBER & Co. may 20.47 ly] Philadelphia. Sheritrality. FELLOW CITIZENS:—Being encouraged by a number of my Whig and Anti-ma sonic friends in different parts of the County, I take this medium to ollbr my self as a candidate for the office of Sher iff, at the ensuing general election, and respectfully solicit your support. Aug. 11, 1847.] WM. SMITH. A. W. Benedict, A TTORNKY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Wilco at his old residence in Main street, a few doors west of the old Court House. Ho will attend to any business entrueted to loin in the sev. eral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, 44 Not for a Day but for All Time." STANTON'S EXTERNAL REMEDY. HUNT'S LINIMENT, HA i S n g n p o o w w ogri:eannadbupn, oved j e t v ,e i I r e nt h c o f e nm. i t t she el extra ordinary and wonderful medicine in the world.— In the short space of two your, it has acquired a reputation for curing disease and relieving pain far greater than any medicine ever discovered. Its wonderful cures have astonished the Medical Fac ulty, who now universally concede it. ;peat value. They speak of it in the highest terms, and cam: mend its use. It is condemned by none. On the contrary, its praise is universal. The cases of cures are so nu merous that it would take volumes to recount them; and it is a fixed fact, and to not disputed, that as a Pain Extractor it has no equal. For the many astonishing cures, see the pamphlet, to be had of each agent. If you suffer with either of the diseases for which it is recommended, resort at once to its use and be cured. Fur the following diseases it is an infallible remedy : Spinal affections, Rheumatism, Paralysis and all Nervous affections,Salt Rheum, Croup or Hives, Ague in the Breast and Face, Weakness of the Joints, Colds, Toothache, Sore Throat and Quinsy, Ulcerated Sores, Indolent Ul cers, Burns, Frosted Feet, Corns, Bunyons, Fresh Wounds, Swellings and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections, Musquito Bites, and Poisons. (0 - . This Liniment is sold by all the respectable Merchants and Druggists throughout the country, and by the Proprietors at Sing Sing, N.Y. ... GEORGg E. STANTON, AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; B. P. Patton, Warrioramark ; James Clark, boo) ; J. R. Hunter & Co., Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler, Mill Creek; A. 0. Brown, Shirley. burg , 'l'. E. °ibis. 41. Co., Orbiaonia ; Blair & Maildon, Cromwell township; A. C. Blair, Clays ville. Aug. 24, 1847-3 m. PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber o ff ers for sale, a tract of land, sit uate in Name township, Huntingdon county, on the South side of Stone creek, next below Couche's Iron Works, containing about one hun dred and twenty one acres—about eighty acres of which are cleared, including about fifteen acres of bottom land, with a good two-story DWELLING HOUSE, and a bank ••• . Barn thereon erected; there is also a II good bearing orchard, and a spring of never foiling water near the house : there is also lime-stone, and the appearance of Iron Ore on the premises. Any person wishing to purchase will be shown the said property by Jacob Zook, who resides on the same. An indisputable title will be given and the terms made easy for the purchaser. ABRAHAM ZOOK, Near Allenville, Mifflin county, Pa. August 3, 1847. N, N, If the r hove property is not sold before next November, it will then be offered at public sale. A. Z. WATCHES, JEWELRY, 86C, rpm: s.tbscriber offers to the trade, or by retail a largo and general assortment of the following articles, being all of his own importation or tnanu• facture. Buyers of goods in this line are invited to ex amine the assorttnent, and orders are eolicited.with the assurance that every effort will be made to give satisfaction and insure a continuance of custom. Gold &Silver Lever Watches of ordintuy quality. Do. do. do. of superior finish. Do. do. do. Anchors& I.cpinee. Silver double cased English and Swiss verge Watches, with light, medium and heavy cases. Gold Jewelry in all varieties, fine and common. Silver Plated, and Silver Wares. Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, S and 10 tunes. Gold and Silver Spectacles. Diamond Pi inted Gold Pens. Mantel and Office Cloche, in gilt and other frames. Watchmakers' Tools and Materials doll aorta. Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Heads, &c. Having every facility for obtaining goods on the moat advantageous terms, corresponding induce ments will be offered to purchaser.. - JOHN C. FARR, 112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. ju1y20,1847.6nt. CHEAP WATCHES & JEWELRY ,t . -. 0 a . A T the "Philadelphia , - ~Watch and Jewelry - ",C.1 1 ' - ', , )„ Stole," No. 96 North See ( : \,, i .. .4 . , , ond Street,corner of Quer “ '.fr4 ry. Gold Lever Watches, , • '' , l ~, ..3:i fall jewelled 18 carat cases ( -----'---- --'-' and gold Dial, 40 00 Silver Lever \Vetches full jeweled, 20 00 Silver Patent Lever Watches, Seven jewels, 18 00 Silver Lepino Watches, jeweled, , 12 00 gnarlier Watches 8 00 Mutation Quartier Watches, 5 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 50 Gold Bracelets with Topas Stoney, 3 50 Gold Pens with silver Pencil end Holder, 125 Ladies Gold Pencils, 1 75 Silver Tea-spoons, from $4 50 per set to 600 Gold Finger-Rings, from 374 cents to 80 00 Watch-Glasses:—Plain, 121 eta; patent 18i ; Lunet 25 ;other Articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be whet they ere sold for. On hand some Gold and silver Levers, Lepines and Quartiers lower than the above prices. Constantly on hand, an assortment of Silver Ta ble, Desert, Tea Salt and Mustard• Spoons, Soup. Ladles, Sugar-Tongs, Napkin-Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Thimbles, Shields, Knitting Nee dle Cases and Sheaths, Purse and Reticle Clasps, —The silver warranted to be equal to American Coin. Also a great variety of Fine Gold Jewelry, con sisting in partof Finger-Rings of all styles, set with Diamons, Robyn, Enteral Torquiae, Topaz, Garnet, Cornelian, Jasper, Cape May, Amethyst and other stones. Breastspins and Bracelets of all styles set with &once. and Cameos and Ena melled; Ear-Rings of all styles; Gold Chains of all styles and of the finest gustily, together with all other articles in the line, which will be sold unusu ally low, wholesale and retail.—Also Matins Light. ning-Rotl Points, by the dozen or sipgle one. 0. CON - RAD. Watchmaker t Jeweller N. B.—On hand M. J. Tobias & Co'.. best quality full jewelled, Patent Lever Movements, in 18 Carat Gold Cases. Also a quantity of Move ments which will be cased any style required, and sold at 5 per cent above the price of Importations. July 20, '47-Iy. George Taylor, ATTORNEY A TLA W--Attends to practice in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators' accounts, Scrivening, &c. Office in the diamond, hree doors cast of the "Exchange Hotel." fe.b.7B-,44 SADDLE, HARNESS & LEATHER MANUFACTORY. HE undersigned take this method of T informing their friends and the pub lacgcnerally, that the following enumerated articles, together with all manner of work pertaining to their business, will be disposed of to purchasers, and made up to order in a workmanlike and ap proved style, very cheap, for cash or country pro duce. All that is necessary for those who wish to be accommodated in any article in their line of business, will call at their shop, Three doors west of Buoy's Jewelry Es- tablishment, HUNTINGDON, Where the public can at all there bo accommated with Red and Oak Sole Leather, Skirting, Harness and Bridle Leather, Upper Leather, Calfskins, Spanish and Country Kips and Sheepskins. Atso, a first rate quality of BOOTS and SHOES, .421 for Men, IVomen and Children, of all qualities and prices.... They also continue to carry on in all its various branches, SADDLE and LIAR tItkrA, i 4, NESS making, and arc ready t i , V i fe'r Agg li k - furnish their customers with ell mie - kinds of Trunks, Wk., Carpet bags, Plnsh. Hogskin and Tub Side-saddles, (from the cheapest to the best.) Aeso, Shaffer Saddles. of all kinds, Waggon and Carriage Hotness, Bri dles, Collars, Whips, &c. All of which will be disposed of cheap for Casio or any kind of country produce. The high est price, in trade, giuen for beef hides, calf hides, bark, &c. .1. J. & A. E. BUMBAUGH. je23:37-6m. N. li.—Two apprentices will be taken at the above estaillishment it application be made 130011. Hats, Caps, Ladies' Muffs, Boas, &c. To Merchants, Hatters, nod Others. GARDEN & BROW N, Hat 4 Cap Ware House & .Manufactory, No. 196 Market Street, Second Door below Sixth, Philadelphia, 5 - 1 - 1 11 . Et S o P their E lj. gUoland solicit complete te a t s t t e o n c t k i o o n r UPS and CAPS, manufactured under their own immediate direction and su perintendence with all the advantages of modern improvements to enable them to corn -1 ine the important qualities of durability, taste and beauty of finish with extreme cheapness of price An immense and beautiful assortment of all va rieties and prices of Beaver, Brush,Silk,Moleskin, Russia, Cassimere, Wool, Sporting and Ashland 1-lats. Also, a general assortment of every variety of CAPS-Otter, Ft r Seal, Hair Seal, Muskrat, Plain and Fancy Cloth every style, Red, Black and Brown Mohair, Sealette, Glazed, Oiled Silk & Fur Caps. Ladies' Muffs, Boas, &c., at the very lowest prices. Dryers by the dozen or leas, are invited to call and see if it is not to their interest to del with us. Particular attention paid to the parking of Hats, Caps, &c. Cash paid for Muskrat and Shipping Furs. GARDEN & BROWN, No. 196 Market Street, below Sixth Street. Philadelphia, July 20, 1847-3 m. HARRIS, TURNER & IRVIN, WHOLESALE 13DM'Cl703.12%f3'U'M Ab. 201 Market Street, one door above Fifth, North Side, Philadelphia. IMPORTERS and Wholesale Deatersin DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Patent Medi cines, Obstctrica I Instruments,D ruggists' Glasswa re, Window Glass. Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c. Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians, supplied with the above articles on the most favora ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or ders. Every article warranted. JOHN HARRIS, M. D., aept23. JAS. A. TURNER, kte of Va WM. IRVIN, M. D. RDIiFfIIsi2LETXII4 DR. DAVIS'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND TAR. ▪ lOR the cure of Pulmonary Consump ▪ tion,, Coughs, Colds, dlsthma, Influen za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous Tre mours, Hooping Cough, 4.c. Proof follows upon proof of the virtues of DR. DIMS'S SYRUP. Read the following Jrew Certificates Muronn, Perry co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1846 Messrs. Robinson, Collins & Co:-.Sirs: This is to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years with a violent pain in my breast, so much so that I could hardly lay in bed at night. Cough attended. followed by emaciation and other decided symp toms of cobsumption. I applied to several eminent physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr. Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, of which I took two bottles, which entirely re. hewed me of my complaint; therefore I can with confidence recommend it to all who are in a like wither afflicted, as a most valuable Medicine. JOHN ToomET The authenticity of the _above statement is vouched fur by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of Milford, who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circum stances of his ease. Mr. 'l'. is now sixty years of age. _ _ Price, $1 per bottle. Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen eral agents. Far sale by THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces; Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F. Bell, Laurel Run Mills, and Spencer & Flood, Williamsburg. French Burr RIM Stones. T" subscriber respectfully informs the trade, and all concerned, that ho still continues the manufacture of French Burma oil sizes; war ranted equal in quality and workmanship to any that can be made in America. If desired he will deliver Burrs at hie own risk, at any point on the Railroad or Canals. All orders addressed to him by mail, will receive the same prompt attention as if application were made in person. WM. H. KEPNER. Harrisburg, Aug. 28, 1947.-3 m. trThe Hollidaysburg Register will insert the above three months, Atd charge this office. OLLERoYS: Vegetable Universal Pills, The only known .Medicine dug at the same time purges, purifies and strengthens the system. Lsonotrr,.July 7,1846. ROY'S PHIS ire a new medicine which J has just appeared, and is fast taking the places of all others of the same class. These pills are composed of many ingredients, but the two princi pal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry, so uni ted that they act together; the one, through its admixture with other substances, purifying and purging, while the other is strengthening the sys tem. Thus those pills are at the same time tonic and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly sought for by medical men, but never before ills ' cueered. In other words they do the work of twe medicines, and do it much better then any two we know of; for they remove nothing from the system but the impurities ; so that while they purge they strengthen; end hence they cause no debilitation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy's pills have a wonderful influence on the blood ; they nut only purify without weakening it, but they re ' move all noxious particles from the chyle before it is converted into fluid, and thus make impure blood an utter impossibility. As there is no debit itation, so there is no nausea or sickness attending ) the operations of this most excellent of medicines, which never strains or tortures the digestive Cum , lions, but causes them to work in a perfectly natur e! manner; and hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but the contrary; for while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united as it is with other ingredients, to remove all that is foreign and impure, it is equally the property of the Wild Cherry to retain all that is natural sound; and hence a robust state of health is the certain result of their united operations. fry Price 25 Cents per BOX. AGENTS.—T. Read & Son, Swoope and Af rica, Huntingdon; W. W. Buchanan, Milliken and Kessler, Mill-Creek ; S. Hatfield & Son, Juni ata Iron Works; Porter & Bucker, Moore & Swoope, H. C. Walker, Alexandria; G. H. Steiner W aterst rect. [Aug. 31, '47. JAS. P. PEROT. C. J. HOFFMAN PEROT a HOFFMAN Produce and General Commission Merchants, No. 79, North Wharves, below Vine St., Piffled., ARE prepared to receive all kinds of produce on Consignment, on which they will make liberal advances, when required.— They trust, with their knowledge of, and attention to business, they will receive a share of the patron age of Merchants, Millers, and others. They re fer to Dutilh & Humphreys, - 1 Platt, Hollingshead & Co., Lea, Bunker & F. & W. S. Perot, }Philadelphia Smith, Brothers & Co., 'l'. C. Rockhill, J. & J. Milliken, Francis McCoy, 1)r. J. 14. Aril, Samuel Milliken, F. .1. Hoffman, Philadelphia, April 14. Mi..-- Cm }Lewistown J CLOTHING STORE rJIHE subscriber, of the late firm of 1 Buck & Moore, takes this method of informing his friends and the public in general, that he has iwught out the interest of S. L. Buck, at the old established CLOTHING STAND, No. 254, MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, and is now prepared to furnish all kinds of Ready-made CLOTHING, at prices which cannot but secure to him the patronage of all who desire to purchase cheap clothing. I have splendid French Cloth Dress end Frock Costs. front $5.50 to $18; do. Pants from 75 cents to $6 ; Yeats, from 62, cents to $4 ; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Also, all kinds of Gentlemen'. Furnishing Goods at ex tremely low prices. Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well to call at the store of JOSEPH J. MOORE, 254 Market street, Philadelphia. may 19-if. HOOVER'S FIRST PREMAIM INK. 1% 0.. S 7 North Third Street, Philadelphia. _ - From Dr. Hare. the celebrated Professor of Chemistry in the University of Ponn'a. Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1843. Dear Sir—Having trier' of your Ink, I will thankyou to send me another bottle, as I find it to beexcellent. lam yours, truly, _ . ROB'T. HARE." From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguished for his numerous scientific researches. Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, January 17, 1844. Having used Mr. Hovel's Writing Ink, I am satisfied that it is the best which has ever come to my knowledge, and especially is it excellent for the use of the Steel Pens, and will not corrode them, even in long use. JOHN LOCKE, Prof. of Chemistry." glover's Adamantine Cement. From a well known scientific gentleman. Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1846. Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of your Ce ment, and some practical tests of its superiority, has nduced me to recommend it to others as an invalu able article for mending China, Glass or Cabinet Ware. CAMPBELL MOUPIT, Analytic Chemist." For Sale, Wholesale end Retail, at the Manu factory, No. 87 North Third street, opposite Cherry street, Philadelphia, by JOSEH E. HOVER, Manufacturer, je9: jy 27:'47-Iy. Important to Store Dealers. r attention of Stove Dealers in this place is invited to our assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Hall and office Stoves, and especially to Alwood's Empire hot Air Cooking Stove, As tha best cooking apparatus ever invented, it hav ing obtained a celebrity, wherever it has been intro duced, never before attained by any Cooking Stove. The operation of baking being performed in this stove by hot Air, instead of heat radiated from the oven plates, renders it equal for baking to a Brick Oven, or to the Tin oven for roasting; making it unnecessary to turn or change the article while cooking, and removing all liability to burn. We are-desirous to have the Stove introduced in this market, and to that end, liberal terms will be given to a responsible dealer, willing to take hold of them, and only one will be permitted to sell them in the place. GILDER T ALLEN, Wholesale Stove Dealers 223 North Second sire* may 26.47.1 Philadelphia.