Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 21, 1847, Image 3

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Our Canal Commissioner candidate,
Maj. PATTON, had the misfortune to "fail"
and take the benefit of the bankrupt act.
Although thousands of members of the
Locofoco party took the benefit of the
same act, yet the party is now loudly
condemning Mr. Patton for the same
thing !
From a statement published in the pa
pers, tt would seem that-less than four
thousand dollars of all the liabilities of
Mr. Patton, remain unpaid. What say
-poor men, therefore, to the attempts
made by the Locofoco papers, to hunt
-down an honest man, because he had the
misfortune to fail in business I One,
too, who has been struggling nobly to
pay all demands against him, when there
was nothing to-compel him to do so, but
his own stern integrity ! The letter of
JACOB M. HALDEMAN, Esq. of Harris
tburg, and the certificates of nine other
creditors, some of whom belong to the
Locofoco party, given below, should
forever close the mouths of these un
principled slanders who have been at
tempting to filch from Mr. Patton his
good name, in order to subserve their
political purposes. It would be exceed
ingly gratifying to the creditors of some
Locofoco editors we know of, who have
been engaged in this unholy crusade
against Mr. Patton, if they would only
evince the same disposition to pay off
"old scores" that Mr. P. has done. .
To all we say, read the FACTS and
•evidence, and then doubt, if you can,
the incorruptible honesty and "purity of
character of the Whig nominee for Cnnal
Testimony of Jacob DV Haldeman,
and others:
To the Editor of the Penna Telegraph :
SIR-I have learned that Joseph W.
Patton is charged by some of his politi
cal opponents with defrauding his cred
itors by means of the Bankrupt LaW.—
Believing the charge to be unfounded
and unjust, and having an intimate
knowledge of the cause of his pecuniary
difficulties, I have thought proper, as an
act of justice to Mr. Patton, to make
the following statement :
In'lB3l, I owned one-third of an Iron
establishment in Cumberland county, at
which Mr. Patton had managed the year
preceding. Mr. Patton, although with
out capital, was induced by the solicita
tions, and liberal offers of assistance
from the owner of the other two-thirds
of the property, (who was anxious to
have his services in the management of
the concern,) to purchase my interest
for $22,750, besides agreeing to pay my
share of the debts then owing by the
concern. Some time after making the
purchase, he discovered that the owner
was very much involved in pecuniary
difficulties, and that it would most like
ly involve himself, and prevent him from
paying for the property. Ile expressed
a wish to sell out, but did not succeed
in getting a purchaser. I advised him
to go on and do the best he could. The
next year his partner failed, and from
that time Mr. Patton carried on the
works himself under many difficulties
and embarrassments until the fall of
1835, when he failed. I then stated to
him that if he would pay me a balance
of about $l5O of unpaid interest, 1
would take back the real property and
release him entirely, which he was then
not able to do.
He paid while he held the property,
the yearly interest on the purchase loo
ney ; (excepting the $150,) 412,750 on
account of the principal, and a portion
of the debt due by the concern when he
purchased. His personal property was
sold for the benefit of other creditors,
and the real estate was bought by me at
Sheriff's sale for about twelve thoasand
dollars less than he was to pay me for it.
In 1839 he paid me the balance of inter
est due at the time he failed, and I then
told him I would give him a release• at
nny time he wished. It appears that as
the judgments were still unsatisfied, he
thought it necessary to return the
amount of twelve thousand dollars in
his statement of liabilities, although 1
never intended asking him to pay it. Mr.
Patton was young and energetic, and
easily led to embrace an opportunity, as
he and ns I thought it of rising in the
world. Unfortunately it turned out
very differently front his expectations,
when he entered into the concern. Mr.
Patton came to live with me upwards of
twenty years ago, a young man, and as
sisted me in carrying on my Iron works,
milling and farming for several years.
I can state with pleasure that I never had
in my employment a man with whom I
Was better pleased, and I cheerfully give
my testimony as to his industry, sobriety,
integrity, and qualifications for business.
CARLISLE, Sept. 7, 1847.
This is to certify thut when 3 - os. W.
Patton failed, I was liable for him to the
amount of about two thousand dollars,
from which I was relieved by the sale of
his personal property, with the excep
tion of about sixty dollars, which he paid
me some years after; and; although dif
fering in my political opinions with Mr.
Patton, 1 consider it due to him. to say
that his conduct towards me was hklly
honorable. WM. MOORE.
MlLLEnsTowtt, Sept. 6,1847.
When Jos. W. Patton failed in busi
ness ho was indebted to the firm of J. D.
Paxton & Co. about eleven hundred dol
lars. He made several payments on
account, amounting to about NINE ICON
DEED DOLLARS, and leaving a balance un
paid of two hundred dollars.—Knowing
that the means of paying his debts was
to be acquired by his personal exertions
1 think he merits PRAISE for what lie has
done, rather than CENSURE because lie
has not been able to pay all.
ADAMS COUNTY, Sept. 4, 1847.
This is to certify that when Jos. W.
Patton failed in business, he was in my
debt for hauling wood. That he made
payments at different times, on account,
both before and since he took the belie.
fit of the Bankrupt Law, UNTIL THE
Sittert,entrno, Sept. 4, 1847.
This is to certify that when Jos. W.
Patton failed in business, he was largely
in my debt. That since then he has
made me frequent payments, amounting
altogether to about FIFTEEN HUNDRED
DOLLARS. One or two payments was
made shortly after he received the ben
efit of the Bankrupt Law. He is still
considerably in my debt. I have al
ways had confidence in Mr. Patton's dis
position to pay his debts whenever he
would be able to do so, and that confi
dence has been strengthened by the fact
SIIIPPEN.UIIO, Sept. 4, 1847.
This is to certify that Jos. %V. Patton
was about sixty dollars in my debt when
he failed in business. That about two
or three years after, when I was prevent
ed by bad health from attending to my
business, I sent my account against hint
to a friend, to whom lIE PAID THE FULL
AmouNT. Although differing from Mr.
Patton in my political opinions, I deem
it due to him to thus certify to his nox-
SUIPPLNSBURG, Sept. 4, 1847.
This is to certify that when Jos. W.
Patton received the benefit of the Bank.
rapt Law, he owed me fifty dollars.
That since then he has made me several
payments until the whole, (with the ex
ception of one dollar) ha.s . been paid ; the
last payment being made on the 21st
February, 1846. 1 may add that 1 had
been offered forty dollars for my claim
but refused it,- believing in the honor
and honesty of Mr. Patton, and that he
would pay whenever it was in his pow
er. I have not been disappointed. I
have generally voted with the Democra
tic party. JOHN BUTTS.
MARY ART FURNACE, Sept. 4, 1847.
I do certify that when Jos. W. Patton
received the benefit of the Bankrupt
Law he was considerably in my debt for
coaling wood. That since then he has
made me three payments on account,
and I have confidence that Mr. Patton
will pay me the whole whenever he may
be able to do so.
FRANICLIN COUNTY, Sept. 7, 1847.
This is to certify that since Jos. W.
Patton has received the benefit of the
Bankrupt Law he has paid part of what
he owed me, and 1 rely on Mr. Patton's
promise to pay me whenever he can do
PAPAIITOWN, Sept. 7, 1847.
This is to certify that when Jos. W.
Patton received the benefit of the Bank
rupt Law he was indebted to me. That
since then, about two years ago he paid
me fifty dollars on account, and that he
has made me another payment since;
about one half of the debt being paid.
The Armistice—Gen. Scott's Letter,
The following brief letter will explain
the motive which actuated Gen. Scott in
tendering to the Mexicans a short armis-
Coyoacan, August 21, 1847.
To Hie Excellency the President and Gencial-in•
Chief of the Republic of Mexico.
Sir—Too much blood has already been shed
in this unnatural war between the two great Re
publics of this continent. It is time that the differ
ences between them should be amicably and hon
orably settled, and it is known to your Excellency
that a commissioner on the part of the United
States, clothed with full power to that end, is with
this army. To citable the two Republics to enter
on negotiations, I am willing to sign, on reasona
ble terms, a short armistice.
I shall wnit with impatience until to-morrow
morning for a direct answer to this communication;
but shall, in the meantime seize and occupy such
positions outside of the capitol as I may deem ne
cessary to the shelter and comfort of the army.
I have the honor to remain, with the highest
consideration and respect, your Excellency's most
obedient servant. WINFIELD SCOTT.
friends of Jesse Miller are predicting
that the Whig party will come to an
end at the approaching election. Just
so we have seen the delusion of Miller
ism foretell the destruction of the
world, year after year, for a quarter cen
tury past," •
Shank against Old Zack !
The Carlisle Herald says :—The last
movement of the Shunk party is mani
fested in their futile attempts to put
down the TAvLoti movement which has
broken out so extensively in the loco
! Coco party, in several counties. This is
according to orders from Washington !
At the Shunk meetings in Chester and
Berks counties resolutions offered by
prominent Locofocos in favor of the Old
Whig General were VOTED DOWN by the
Shunkites though not without great dill"-
' (why. In Cumberland county the
Shunkites voted Gen. Taylor to be "not
in good enough company" to receive
their support! In Perry county a set
of Taylor resolutions were passed by
acclamation in the locofoco. county
meeting, but the Shunk organ there ed
ited by George Stroop refuses to pub
lish them ! In Union county the Tay
lor democrats were driven from the
Shunk county meeting, and forced into
a separate organization of their own 1
In Lycoming county, as we learn by the
, Muncy Luminary a democratic meeting
was held last week in favor of Gen. Tay
lor, but the Shunkites would not partici
pate in it. The Luminary says:—. One
thing was observed that the SHUNK
ple remember this." In this opposition
to the glorious old Hero of Palo Alto and
Buena Vista the people may plainly see
how completely Frs. R. Slunk is under
the thumb of the Polk administration.
Half of the last session of Congress, was
spent by the friends of Polk in various
attempts to censure, degrade and em
barrass the military operations of Old
Zack, and now the puny efforts of Fran
cis R. Slunk and Jesse Miller are exer
cised in the vain attempt at PULLING
DOWN the popular feeling in favor of the
Old Hero 1 Ye gods ! just think of it—
Francis R. Shunk and Jesse Miller put
ting down Old Za chary Taylor.
Pretty Pointed.
The following is from the N. Y. Mir
ror, a neutral paper—a genus generally
leaning to locofocoism : _
of Generals Taylor and Scott in yester
day's Sun, is but an echo from the Or
gan. at Washington.. The gamblers of
the Administration who are fattening on
the spoils of this bloody war are anxious
to hide their guilt by throwing blame
upon the Generals in the field.—But it
will not do. The people know who be
gan the war, and who have power to
end it.
Falls, N. Y., Clarion says :—Near Indian
Lake, in the North part of this county,
or Hamilton county, there resides an
Indian family, which recently number
ed three male members, well known to
hunters and fishermen in those regions
as "Old Sabile," "Lige," and a " Little
Joe." Lige and Little Joe recently
spent a day in pursuit of a panther,
without overtaking him. They return
ed to their cabin, and on the next mor
ning Little Joe arose early and went to
a spring, a few rods from the cabin, for
water, when a panther (supposed to be
the same one they had been in puri-uit
of,) sprang upon him, and literally tear
ing him to pieces, before assistance
could reach him from the cabin.
THE MORMONS.-A passenger in the
Lake of the Woods, from Upper Missou
ri, informs the St. Louis Republican
that the Mormons are in a flourishing
condition, in their new location on the
fine lands of the I'ottawotomie purchase,
on both sides of the river, above Coun
cil Bluffs. They have planted immense
fields of corn—to the extent, it is esti
mated, of 30,000 acres—and other grain
and produce. They have built, also, a
town, called " Winter Quarters," which
already contains a population of some
seven thousand souls. This town is en
tirely picketed in. It is represented
that the Mormons are on friendly terms
with the Indians, and rarely molest them,
although they are accused of occasion
ally stealing cattle. herds of
buffalo were seen on the plains, and
crossing the Missouri, at the mouth of
a river called Stillwater.
TEREY.—WhiIe Col. Davis, with his
command, was hotly engaged with the
enemy, exposed to their direct fire, a man
in a long great surtout suddenly rode
up, and dismounting, placed himself in
the middle olthe street. There, in face
of the enemy, amidst the thickest of
their fire, he cooly drew from a case,
suspended about his person, a spy-glass,
with which; having adjusted it to a pro
per focus, he proceeded to reconnoitre
the Mexican battery. Having satisfied
himself as to the information he sought,
he shut up the glass, returned it to its
case, and approaching Col. Davis, said
to him: "Sir, the enemy has but two
pieces, and by, making a detour to the
right, you can take them in finny:"
"And who are you!" " I sir am Major
Mansfield, of the Corps of Engineers."
" All right ! come on boys !" responded
the Colonel. The batteries were soon
The Washington Union states that the
Government has received letters from
Mr. Trist confirmatory of the impor
tant intelligence from Mexico. The
victory of Gen. Scott was decisive, and!
the city of Mexico at his his mercy, I
when, in compliance with suggestions
from the British Minister and promi
nent Mexican officers, a suspension of !
hostilities was proposed by Gen. Scott. !
We learn, generally, that the last battle
(indeed the only one of consequence'
after Gen. Scott left Puebla) was the
hardest fought and the bloodiest which'
has taken place, in all this sanguinary
war. It commenced on the 19th ; con
tinued till night; and was resumed in
the morning. Valencia's division was
finally vanquished in the morning, with
the loss of all his artillery, seven hun
dred killed and wounded, and three
thousand prisoners.
The division under Santa Anna, con
sisting of between 20 and 30,000 men,
of his own troops and the levy en masse
of the city of Mexico, was engaged by
5000 men under the brave Worth, who,
after an obstinate battle of long dura
tion, a large part of it bayonet to bay
onet, finally achieved a complete victory
over the immense Mexican host, which
broke and fled, some into the city, and
large bodies elsewhere. The Mexican
loss in this desperate afternoon battle
was 5000 killed and wounded; and our
own loss, we grieve to say, was nearly
1000 mem
The Mexican army was well supplied
with artillery strongly posted, but it was
nil captured. Neither their artillery,
their numbers, nor their desperate re
sistance could withstand the valor of
our troops, directed by the able and
'skilful dispositions of the brave and vet
eran Scott, whose name is associated
with so many well-fought fields in the
annals of our country.
The rumors as to the probable success
of negotiations are very conflicting, some
affirming that it was progressing favor
ably, while others expected little from
it. (lens. Quitman, Persifer F. Smith,
and Pierce, were appointed Commission
ers to meet the Mexican commission,
among which was Ex-President Herrera.
Ge — n. Scott's wound was occasioned
by a grape shot, which struck him on
the outside of the leg below the knee,
and gave him so little pain at the time
that he said nothing about it 5 but it has
since caused him much uneasiness.
The N. 0. Picayune recalls its opinion
that the City was not at the mercy of
Gen. Scott, and says it was entirely op
tional with him whether to march in and
take possession or not.
It is reported that Paredes and Busta
mente are both approaching the capital
from different directions, with strong
forces, breathing death and destruction
to the Americans.
The number or deserters found fight
ing against us, and now among the pris
oners, is 72. A Court Martial was in
session, with Col; Garland as President,
and it was thought full justice would be
done the precious rascals.
. .
Riley,.ihe Irishman who commanded
them makes his boasts of what he has
done, and says he expects no mercy.
QCROFULA.--Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
I will be found a radical cure for every kind of Scro
fula, because they cleans and purify the body of
all bad humors and every thing that is opposed to
health, and impart such an energy to the circuit'.
lion, that health and vigor are given to the whole
frame. From two to four of said Indian Vegeta
ble Pills, taken on going to bed, will soon make a
perfect cure of the most obstinate case of Scrofula;
at the same time the constitution mill undcrgosuch
11 radical change that Scrofula, as well as every
other complaint, will be banished from the body,
and new life and vigor will be given to the whole
ajlleware of suffur coated counterftits.iD)
The only originator' genuine Indian F;geta
/de Pills have the signature of IVilliam Wright
written with u pen on the top label of each b o x.
None other is genuine and to counterfeit this is
Forgery. The genuine for sale by
'P. K. SIMONTON, Sole Agent for Hunting
don; Cherie. Porter, Alexandria; Blair & Robin
son, Shade Gap; Blair & Frankstown; 0 rbison
& Co., Orbisonia; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg;
Hunter & Cu., West Burro and Petersburg; Graff
& Co., Manor Hill; D. S. Bell, M'Elavy'a Fort;
JamesMaguiro, Saulsburg; John W. Myton, En
nesville; George H. Steiner, Water Street; A. &
W. Cressvvell, Petersburg; Milliken & Kessler,
Mill-creek; and wholesale and retail at the prin
cipal office, 169 Race street, Philadelphia.
Sep. 7, '47.
Broad Top Rail Bond.
Apublic meeting of the citizens of Tod township,
Huntingdon, and Liberty and Broad Top
townships, Bedford county, will be held at STo
sznivrows, on SATURDAY, the 25th inst., for
the purpose of adopting measures to further the
project of constructing a Railroad front the Bo
rough of Huntingdon to Stonerstown.
Davis Blain, Esq., of Huntingdon, and ALEX.
ANHEII KING, Esq., of Bedford, aro expected to he
present and address the meeting. The friends of
the aforesaid project, and the public generally, are
incited to attend.
12 do Dress and sack coats.
12 do well made Fancy Vests.
12 do Pants—cassimor, eatinclt, cassinett and
corduroy, plain, figured and striped.
12 do Shirts (pleated breasts.)
Sept. 14, 1847.] MANY CITIZENS. I 2 do Plain checkered cotton shirts,
.ifediloes .Y ulfce.
rHE undersigned, auditors appointed by the
1. Court to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's
sale of the real estate of Pollock, Lightner and Ca
rothers, and report the facts,&c., will meet for that
purpose at the office of J. Sewell Stewart, on Fri
day the 22d day of October next, (A. 1). 1847,)
when and where all persons interested are required
to present their claims. or be debarred thereafter
front coming in for a share of such proceeds.
5ept.21,1847-4t] Auditors.
Real Estate for Sale.
DY viriue of authority given to the undersigned
..1.) in the Will of James Entriken, Esq., late of
Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, deceased,
they will expose at Public sale, at the house of
Robot t Speer, in Cussville, in said county, on
Thursday !he 28th day of October, 1847, all the
right, interest and claim of the said James Entri
ken, deceased, to the following mentioned and de
scribed tracts of UNSEATED LAND:.
No. 1. One Tract surveyed in the name
of Dorsey Belt, situate on Shirley's Nob, in Cass
township. about one mile from the town of Casa
rifle, containing 250 acres, more or less—tolerabl,
well timbered; adjoining lands of Robert Speer,
Daniel Kurfinan and others.
.Yo. 2. One other Tract, being part of
a tract surveyed in the name of Adam Keith. sit
uate in Tod township, adjoining lands of John
Savage, Reuben Trerier's heirs, and others ; con
taining 100 acres, more Cr less—part of it can he
No. 3. One equal undivided fourth part
of a Tract known by the name of the Saw• Mill
Tract, situate in said township, formerly of the en
tate of Philip &Are, deed., enjoining lends of
Adams Houck, Amos Chu k and others. oniTiough
Creek; containing about 200 acres, more or less—
a small part of which has been cleared, the residue
tolerably well timbered.
No. 4. ./I part of a Tract of Land sur
veyed in the name of Mnry Foster, situate in
Broad Top township, in Bedford county,'on Broad
Top Mountain, adjoining lands of John Leer,
Richard Foster and others. containing 35 acres,
more or less.—This tract is acid to have coal on
other tract situate in Hopewell township, Hunting
don county—surveyed in the name of George My
ers—adjoining lands of Matthew Garner, John
Shultz, and land devised by said Jame Entrb
ken,. dec'd., to James Steel—containing 300
acres, more or leas. There is a small improve
ment on this tract—about 90 acres cleared—hav
ing thereon erected a hewed log house and a cabin
Aro. 6. 41so,one other Tract of Unseat
ed Land, situate in Hopewell township, aforesaid,
adjoining lands of John Garner, William Steel's
heirs and others—surveyed in the name of James
Entriken—containing 250 acres, more or less; tol
erably welt timbered.
cOsThe terms of Sole will he CASH.
Any further inhumation will be given on appli
cation to James Entriken, Jr.. at his residence at
Coffee Run, Hopewell township, before the day of
Executors ofJames Entriken, deed,
Sept. 21, 1347.—ts
.4 . 0 TICE.
To Me heirs and Legal Representatives of Jacob
Stouffer, late of West Latapeter Township,
Lancaster Count y, deceased.
A 'l' an Orphans' Court held for said county, on
Monday the 20th September, 1847, on . mo.
11011 . of N. Elk:Nicer, Attorney for Christian
Rohrer and wife, rule granted upon the said heirs
end legal representatives, and all persons interest
ed in the estate of Jacob Stouffer, late of West
Jammer township, dec'd, to appear in the Or
phans' Court of Lancaster county, on Monday the
11th day of October, A. D. 1847, at 10 o'clock
forenoon, to accept or refuse the ref I estate of said
dee'd, at the valuation thereof made and confirmed:
and in case of refusal, to show cause why the same
should not be sold according to law.
Sept. 21, 1847.] Clerk of Orphans' Cour:
At the Cheap Corner!
r I}IE s ubscriber would most respectfully invite
the public to call and examine one of the
most splentli I
Mock of Goods
ever opened in this county. It is needless to un
dertake naming the articles or price: as the price
would be so low you could not believe it until you
would see it, and the variety so groat that I could
not do justice to myself or the goods by attetnpt
ing to give you any idea of rho quality. Thank
ful for past favors, I still hope to receive a liberal
share of public patronage.
" CIIIF.AP (..louxett,"
Huntingdon Sept. 21, 1847. S
Country Producee taken in exchange
for goods.
Stray Steer.
f1i ii,,, ,, i 1
c c., , : t a ie rri r o t r Lt i t i 7i n t r ce
G of r e
e t liiiewsouobd
, i Furnace, Jackson township, Hunt
- !.! -,.. 'nation county, about the 12th of
August lied, a red and white spotted Smelt two
years old last Spring, both ears slit ; there has been
two letters painted on his hip which can not be
distinguished now. Fhe owner is requested to
canto forward, prone prOperty, pay charges and
take hint away, or otherwise he will he disposed of
according to law. WM. MUSSER.
Sept. 21,18 , 17-4 t •
To Purchasers of Unseated Lands.
PERSONS who purchased unseated lands at
the Treasurer's Sale of 1846, and have ne
glected to lift their Beetle are requested to do so
on or before the 20th of October next. After that
time they will be left in the hands of an officer for
JOS. LAW, Treasurer.
Sept. 21,1847-31,
Ready-Made Clothing.
/P HE subscriber offers for sale a splendid and
I seasonable assortment of Ready-Made Cloth
ing, just opening at his new stand, in the corner
room of the brick bui:ding opposite John Whitta
ker's Tavern, in the Borough of Huntingdon; con
sisting of the following seasonable articles, warrant
ed well made and fashionably cut, viz .
2 dozen Blanket over-coats of dilietent sizes and
1 do Gentleman's Fashionable Cloaks.
Also, a variety of satin and silk stocks, handker•
chiefs and short stockings, together wills a variety
of articles of men's and boy's wear ; all of which
will be sold OHBA I'ER drum, at any other estab
lishment in the county.
Please call and examine for yourselves. Cus
tomer's work puntually attended to.
Sept. 14,'47.] BENJAMIN SNARE.
To Those IntereNtcd.
WILL take notice that you who neglected to
settle your accounts with the subscriber, ac
cording to former notice, will be expected to rondo
them shortly. JOHN N. I'ItGIVeLL- •
litutingdon, Sept. 7, 18.17.-a
Eratitablc Meat 61t—aitiii
Orphans , Court Sale.
pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be offered for sale
at Public Vend. or Outcry, on the premises,
on Wednesday, the 141/1 day of October next.
1847, all that certain Messuage, Plantation, end
Tract of Land, Chia of the real estate of noliert
Moore. of the borough of Huntingdon, deed.) sii
unto in Wallker township, in said county, near
the village of Smithfield and the Turnpike road,
and about one mile West of the borough of Hunt
ingdon, adjoining lands of John MeCaban, John
llildebrand, John Net, arid others, containing 247
acres. be the same more or less, shout 150 acres of
which is cleared, about 50 acres thereof being mea
dow ground, with a new frame dwelling house, a
large new frame barn, and a young apple orchard
A, . Tharaday, the 1.5 M day of Oeloke
next, will he offered un the premises, all that cer
tain other messuage, plantation, and tract of land.
(also part of the real estate Into of the said Robert
Moore, dec'd.) aituato on Spruce Creek, near
Colerain Forges, in Franklin township, in sold
county, ad;nining lands of Shurli, Stewart & Co.;
of David Henderson, the Huntingdon FurnaCe
Lands, and hinds of others, containing 380 acres
and 135 perches, and allowance, be the same more
or less; a large part of which is cleared, with a
large two story brick dwelling house, n large frame
barn, and other buildings and improvements there
'PEnms oi SALE—One third of tl:e purchase
money to be paid nn the confirmation of the sale;
another third in one year thereafter with interest;
and the remaining third on or immediately after
the death of Margaret Moore, widow of the maid
Robert Moore, deed., the interest of which 'art
mentioned third to be paid regularly and annually,
to the said widow during her life—said payments,
Ste. to he secured by the bonds and mortgages of
the purchasers. By the Court,
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., of each
of said days. Attendance will be given by
- .
Acting Ex'r of Robt. Moore, deed.
The farm on Spruce Creek is first rate lime
stone land, in a good state of, cultivation, and, for
productiveness, is not surpassed by any farm in tim
county. It is, moreover, well situated, being in a
desirable neighborhood, and where there is always
o good cash market for everything produced on a
form. It is situated near the Water S'lreet, and
Spruce Creek l'urnpike. and is about one mile
from the probable route of the Penn'a Rail Road.
—As this property could be divided so as to make
two fora, bidders may possibly make arrange•
mcnts to purchase in view of a subsequent division.
The property near Huntingdon, is valuable front
its location, and the improvements upon it. The
purchaser will lied it necessary to spend but little
upon either the fences or the buildings.
Orphans , Court Pale.
13Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to :ale,
at the Court liouse, in the borough of Huntingdon,
on Wednesday, the 27th day of October next, all
the right, title and mtereet of Agnes Stitt and Jane
Stitt, minor children of John Stitt, of Franklin
county, in, and to the following described Real Es
tote, (each of said minors being entitled to the one
undivided tenth part of the same,) to wit
A Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Shit'.
leysburg, to said county, on tho West side of
Maine street and extending hack front said street
feet to an alley, adjoining a lot of Mrs Bow
er on the North West, and a lot of David Freaker
on the Southeast, with a Log weather-boarded
cd house, stable, garden and well of water on the
premises—formerly occupied by John Price as a'
tavern stand.
Also, A Lol of Ground, in the borough of Or
bieonia, in said county, situated at the corner of
Cromvell and Ashman streets, directly opposite
the residence of Thomas E. Orhison, Esq., and on
which lot are erected A small Dwelling House and
Qlack•-smillz Shop, now in the ucenpaney of Rich
ard Colegate.
Sale to commence at t n o'clock, A. M.
Guardian of Agnes and Jane Stitt:
Huntingdon, Sept. 14, 1847.-4 t
.7,1.1.11U11.1C TOR r.
ifreberfrk Ural,
D ESPEGTPULLY returns thanks t , r his
11, friends and the public for past favors, and
takes this ()pp°, 'unity to inform them that he still
continues at the old stand, one door east of Car
mont's Tavern, and nearly opposite the Post Of
fice, where he is at all times prepared to manufac
ture All kinds of Harness, Saddle!, Trunks, 1110-
tresses, Sofa, Cushions, etc. etc., at the shortest
notice and most reasonable prices.
. -
All kinds of hides rind ski., and country pro.
duce, fur which the highest market prices will be
allowed, taken in exchange.
Iluntingridn, Aug. 31, 1547.
Fall Millinary Goods.
U4M3I C 311.1 Cs colazoD
Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons
and .4111linaty Goods, No, 45 South
Second Street, Philadelphia,
ARE now opening for the Fall Trade a very
rich assortment of Millinary Goods, a large
proportion of which are of their own importation,
viz:—Bonnet Silks, figured and plain.
Bonnet Satins, of all colors and qualties.
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a very hand
some assortment.
Silk Blushes. •
Silk Veleek, black and colored, of all qualifiers.
French anti American Artificial Flamm.
Fancy Laces, Cap Stuffs, Lace Trimmings.
Bonnet Crowns, Tips, Buckram, Willows, &c.
They have also received by the late arrivals a
very beautiful assortment of Fancy Feathers, direct
from the manufacturers in Paris.
Phila. Sept. 7, '47.
THE subscriber respectfully announ
ces to his friends and the public
generally, that he continues to manufac
ture, in the borough of Petersburg, the
very best quality of BRICK, which he
will dispose of on the most reasonable
terms. All orders will be filled at the
shortest notice. Those wanting the ar
ticle for building, paving or nny other
purpose, would 'do well to give tne call.
Petersburg, Aug. 31, 1847.
John Scott, jr.,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
_LI Has removed hie office to the middle room of
Snare's Row," directly opposite Fisher & WMur
trie's store, where he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties
Huntingdon Sept. 23,1846.
G. li. S.