IIII)TI)GDON JOUR-NAL. BY JAMES CLA' VOL. XII, NO. 88. TERMS The' HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" will be puplished hereafter at the following rates, viz $2.75 a year, if paid in advance; $2.00 if paid daring the year, and $2.50 if not paid un til after the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered to in all cases. No subscription taken for less than six months, and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option cf the publisher. co' To Clubs of six, or more, who pay in ad vance, the Journal will be sent at $1,89 per eipy for one year ; and any ono who will send us that number of manes accompanied with the money shell receive the Journal one year far his trouble. PROCLAMATION. Notice of General Election. PURSUANT to an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled An act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, A. D., 1839, 1, JOHN ARMITAGE, High Sher iff of the county of Huntingdon, in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of thy county aforesaid, that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in the said county of Hunt ingdon, on the SECOND TUESDAY (and 12th day) of October, 1847, at which time State and County officers, as follows, will be elected, to wit : ,One person for Governor of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania/ One person for Canal Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for State Senator, to- re present the Counties of Huntingdon, Bedford, and Blair, in the Senate of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of mem ber of the House of Representatives, to represent the county of Huntingdon, in the House of Representatives of Penn sylvania. One person for the office of Sheriff for Huntingdon county. One person for the office_of County Treasurer for Huntingdon county. One person for the office of County Commissioner for Huntingdon county. One person for the office of , County Auditor for said county. In pursuance of said act, I also here by make known and give notice, that the places of holding the aforesaid gen eral election in the several election dis tricts within the said county of Hunt ingdon, are as follows , to wit : let district, composed of Henderson township, and also a part of Porter township, and all that part of Walker township not in the 15th district, at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon. 2nd district, composed of Dublin township, at the house of Matthew 'l'aylor, in said township, 3d district, composed of so much of Warriors mark township, as is not included in the 19th dis- Wet, at the school house adjoining the town of Warriorsimirk. 4th district, composed of the township of Hope well, at the house of Henry Zimmerman, near En trekin's new mill, in said township. sth district, composed of the township of Barren, at the house of James Livingston, (f:innerly John Harper,) in the town of Saulsbury, in said town ship. 6th district, composed of the township of Shir ley, at the house of David Fraker, in Shirleysburg. 7th district, composed of Porter and part of Walker townships, and so much of West town ship as is included in the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the south-west corner of Tobias Caufman'e farm on the bank of Little Juniata riv er, at the lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a northeasterly direction to the most southerly port of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees west to the top of Tussey's moun tain to intersect the line or Franklin township, thence along said line to Little Juniata river, thence down the same to the place of beginning. at :he public school house, opposite the German Reform ed Church, in the borough of Alexandria. Bth district, composed of the township of Frank lin, et the house of Jacob Matters, now occupied by George W. Menem, in said township. 9th district, composed of Tell township, at the Union school house, near the Union Meeting house, in said township. 10th district, composed of Springfield township, at the school house near Hugh Madden's, in said township. 1 lth district, composed of Union township, at the school house near Ezekiel Corbin s, in said township. - . ... 12th district, composed of Brady township, at 5 mill of James Lane, in said township. 13th district, composed of Morris township, at the house now occupied by A broils% i . Moyer, (Inn . keep,) late Alex. Lowry, Jr., in :he villago of W i i terstreet, in said township. 14th district, composed of that part of Wont township not included in the 7th district, at the public school house on the farm now owned by Miles Lewis, (formerly owned by James Ennis,) in said township. 15th district, composed of that part of Walker township lying south west of a line commencing opposite David Corbin's haus', at the Uniontown ship line, thence in a straight line, including said Corbin's house, to the corner of Porter township, on the Huntingdon and Woodcock valley road, at the house of Jacob Magahy, in said township. 15th district, composed of the township of Tod, at tha house now occupied by J. Henderson, in said township. 17th 41:Atriet, composed of that part of West township on the south-east side of Warrior ridge, beginning at the line of Wcst and Henderson town ships, at the foot of said ridge, to the line of Barree township, thence by the division line of Soiree and West townships to the summit of Stone moun tain, to intersect the line of Henderson and West townships, thence by said line to the place of be ginning, at the house now occupied by Benjamin Corbin, on Murray's Run. 18th district, composed of Cromwell township, at the house now occupied by David Etnire, in Or bisonia. 19th district, composed of the borough of Du mingham, with the several tracts of land near to and attached to the same, now owned and occupi ed by Thomas M. Owens, John K. McCohan. An drew Robeson, John Gensimer and William Gen simer, situate in the township of Warrioramark, at the public school house in said borough. With district, composed of the township of Cass, at the public school house In Casmillo, in said township. 21st district, composed of the township of Jack son, at the bout* of Robert Barr, now occupied by John Hirst, at McAleagy's Fort, in said township. 22d district, composed of the township of Clay, at the house of Joshua Shore, at the Throe Springs, in said township. 23d district, composed of the township of Penn, at the school house on the farm of Jacob Drum bough, in said township. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed, " that every' person, excepting justices of the peace who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whe ther a commissioned officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary de partment of this State, or of the United States, or any city or incorporated dis trict, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of I any city, commissioners of any incor porated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, in , Spector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any such elec tion, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. Also, that in the 4th section of the act of Assembly, entitled "An act relating to executions and for other purposes," approved April 16th, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section "shall not be so construed as to prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serving as judge, inspector or clerk, of any general or special election in this Commonwealth.," Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 67th section of the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the cer tificate or return of the election of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one judge from each dis trict, at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the third day after the day of election, being for the present year on FRIDAY, the 15th of October next, then and there to do and perform the duties required by law of said judg es. Also, that where a judge by sick ness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting of judges, then the certificate of return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the inspec tors or clerks of the election of said dis trict, and shall do and perform the duties required of said judge unable to attend. Also, that in the 61st section of said act it is enacted that "every general and special election shall be opened be tween the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without in terruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed." Given under my hand at Huntingdon, the 10th day of September, 1817, and of the Independence of the United States the seventy-first. JOHN ARMITAGE, She 4. [GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH. anditorls ofice /THE undersigned, - auditor appointed 1 by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to apportion and distribute the proceeds of the Sh eriff's Sale of the Real Estate of Ch ristian Colds, of the borough of Huntingdon, to and among those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice, that he will attend to the duties of his said ap pointment on Friday the Ist day of Oc tober next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Register's Office in said county, when and where all persons interested are re quested to attend and present their claims. JOHN REED, aug3l-4t ,duditor. Executor's AOtice. Estate of slbsalom Plowman, late of Bra , dy township, deceased. MOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa mentary upon the last Will and Testament of said deceased, have been granted to the under signed.—All persona indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment immediately ; and all claims and demands against the same to he pre sented, duly authenticated for settlement, to lANTHA PLOWMAN, Aug. 31,-60 Executrix. HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1847. TWO GREAT BATTLES! The glorious News Fully Confirmed! OFFICIAL DESPATCHES RECEIVED. Mexican Loss Five Thousand.---Our Loss less than One Thousand. [From Correspondence of the North American.] " BALTIMORE, Sept. 14. The Poney Express, twenty-four hours in advance of the mail, has arrived here this evening, bringing the New Orleans Picayune of the Bth inst. Tile steamer Mary Kingsland arrived on the 7th with later dates from Vera Cruz. She brings accounts of the two victorious battles of Contreras and Char busco, so called from the field works of the enemy. The proposition for an ar mistice was made by Gen. Scott, sup.. posed to have been at the instance of the British embassy. The report here tofore given, that the city of Mexico was at our mercy, seems to be unfounded, and should pence not follow from the negotiations now pending, another bat tle must ensue. A letter from Mr. Kendall, dated Ta cubazo, Aug. 22d, says the Archbish op's palace of this place is now occupied by Gen. Scott and a portion of the army. l After defeating the enemy in two of the hardest fought battles of the war, on the 14th inst. a reconnoisance made by Col. Duncan, having satisfied Gen. Scott that a road for artillery could be cut from Chalcoa to San Augustine. Gen. Worth's division moved in that di rection on the 15th, followed by Gener als Quitman, Pillow and Twiggs. By ' this move a new line of operations was taken on the southern and western sides of the city of Mexico, and the strong works of Person and Mexicalsingo, on which Santa Anna had bestowed such immense labo'r, were completely turned. On the 15th of August, Gen. Worth marched as far as the Hacienda of San Gregoria, when a halt was ordered by 'Gen. Scott, as Gen. Twiggs had met a large force of the enemy at Chaleoa. Gen. Twiggs promptly ordered the heav iest guns to be unlimbered, and after a few discharges, the enemy were dis persed with a loss of six killed. On the 17th Gen. Worth resumed his march over a terrible bad road, but by 8 o'clock in the morning he was in sight of the dome and spires of the capital, without any opposition except that rocks had been rolled into the road and ditches dug, evidently showing that Gen. Scott had stolen a march on Santa• Anna. On reaching this point, howev er, a scattering fire was opened by a force stationed in an advantageous posi tion, which was soon silenced by Col. Smith's light battalion of the 2d artille• ry, under Major Galt. Another attack was shortly after made, but again the enemy's pickets were driven in without loss. At 7 o'clock on the 18th, Gen. Scott arrived at San Augustine, and at 10 o'clock Gen. Worth was in full march for the city of Mexico by the main road. Majors Smith and Turnbull, Capt. Ma son and other Engineer officers were sent in advance supported by Captain Blake's squadron of dragoons,' to recon noitre, when a battery was opened on them, and the first ball from an eighteen pounder, killed - Capt. Thornton of the 2d dragoons, besides seriously wound ing a guide. Col. Garland's brigade was ordered to occupy a position in plain sight of the enemy's batteries at San Antonio, whilst Col. Stark's brigade and Duncan's bat tery took their station in the rear close by. A party was then sent out to re connoitre to ascertain the practicability of finding a road by which the village of San Angel could be reached, and the strong hold of San Antonio thus turned; this party had a skirmish with the ene my, killing five or six and taking as ma ny prisoners without loosing a man. the favorable, and it was ascertained that a road could be made. - The Mexicans were plainly seen in force near Bronte ras, and at a council held that night, it was determined to attack them in the morning. While this reconnoisance was going on, Gen. Worth, had estab lished himself at the hacienda of Buve ra, from the windows of which countless numbers of .the enemy could be seen at work upon the batteries of San Antonio. About noon they opened upon the haci enda with both round shot and shell.— Nearly every shot took effect but did no damage, except to the buildings. Late in the evening they were silent during the night. Had the fire been kept up, the hacienda might have been torn to pieces, and the entire command compell ed to retire. At 8 o'clock on the morning of the 19th the batteries again opened on Gen. Worth's position. So hot was the fire that the troops were compelled to gain shelter behind the buildings, but did not [CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED By TRUTH.) give up their position. About 9 o'clock the divisions of Twiggs and Pillow were ordered to march in the direction of 13ronteras, and by 1 o'clock in the after noon were in plain sight of the enemy's batteries and within range of the heavier guns. The brigade of Colonel P. T. Smith was ordered to advance directly towards the enemy's works, whilst that of Colonel Riley moved towards a small village at the right and thus cut offrein. forcements which might be sent to Va lencia from the city. An incessant fire was opened on Colonel -Smith's com mand and soon the Rifles were engaged with the pickets of the enemy, driving them in. The twelve pounder battery of Capt. Magruder and the mountain howitzer batteries now commanded by Lieut. Callender of the Ordnance depart ment was pressed forward and opened on the enemy, but were so much expos ed to a fire from heavier guns, that they were soon silenced. Lieut. Johnson and Callender were seriously wounded. At 3 o'clock Gen. Cadwallader was ordered out to support Col. Riley—hea vy reinforcements having been seen on their way out from the city, whilst Gen. Pierce was sent to sustain Gen. Smith. The firing from the enemy's batteries was incessant. About 4 o'clock Gen. Scqtt 'arrived, and seeing the immense strength of the Mexicans, at once order. ed Gen. Shields' brigade to support Ri ley and Cadwallader and prevent if pos. sible, a junction of the forces coming out of the city, with those of Valencia, but few of the movements of our troops could be seen, but every motion of the enemy was visible. The order of bat tle of Valencia was most imposing. His infantry was seen drawn up to support the batteries, whilst long lines of the enemy's cavalry were stationed in the rear as if awaiting the shock of the bat tle. Two separate charges of the latter were distinctly seen to be repulsed by col. Riley. Until night had fairly closed in, the firing from the enemy's batteries had not slackened; it had been a contin uous roar for nearly six hours. Gen. Scott retired to San Augustine about 8 o'clock in the midst of a hard rain, and Gen. Twiggs and Pillow came in about 11 o'clock completely exhaus ted, not anticipating the great strength of the works of the enemy. It was thought that the batteries could be taken at a dash, and that the troops would be comfortably quartered at San .Angel for the night; instead of this a large portion of them were compelled to bivouac, without olankets, in the midst of a pittiless storm. On the morning of the 20th, General Worth was ordered to move a part of his division (Garlands's brigade) to aid in the attack on Valencia, for to force this position was deemed indispensable. At 7 o'clock, a few discharges of can non were heard, and the rattling of mus ketry, and some even said that "in the distance horses of the enemy could be seen flying towards the city, yet few dreamed that the batteries had been stormed and carried, yet it was so."— Gen. Scott, accompanied by Gen. Worth, started for the scene of action, when they were met by Capt. Mason, with the joyful intelligence that Valencia hail been completely routed after a ter rible struggle. The attack upon his works was plan ned by General Smith, and resulted in the capture of 15 pieces of artillery and some 1500 prisoners, among them Gen's Blanco, Garcia, Mendoza and the notorious-Sales. He also captured all the ammunition and camp furniture, and the road over which those who escaped fled, was strewed with muskets. No less than 700 of the enemy, among them many officers, were Jeft dead upon the field, whilst the number of wounded was far greater. The works of Bronteras were com pletely in the power of the American arm General Scott at once ordered Gen eral Worth to fall back on San Antonia to turn and capture that work and then push on towards the Capital by the main road, whilst the main body of the army moved on towards San Angel and Coho yeam. Gen. Twiggs had rcarcely moved a half a mile beyond the latter village, when a rattling (ire of musketry announ ced that it was actively engaged with the outposts of the enemy, and the heavy booming of cannon now gave to ken that the noted '2d Division bad fallen on another strong work. A few minute; more and a tremen• dons firing from the right made it evi dent that Gen. Worth's division was also actively engaged—he had QM' pletely turned the strong works of San Antonia, but while doing so the enemy had abandoned the place, with a loss of 3 heavy guns and had fallen back on a second and stronger line of works. It was now 1 o'clock, P. M., and about the commencement of the battles, and such a rattling of fire arms has sel dom or never been heard on the conti• nent of America, accompanied with such booming of artillery; and this was continued over two hours, when the enemy was completely routed from every point, and until those who were not killed or taken prisoners were on full flight for the city. The strength of the enemy at this battle is known to have been at least 15, and I may say 20,000, all fresh troops, and in a position of uncommon strength. Opposed to them were about 6000 Amer icans, jaded and broken down by march es and counter-marches, and incessant toil at Charbusco. The Mexicans say that Santa Anna commanded in person but retired early. The young men of the Capital from whom so much was expected, nearly all fled without firing a gun. The loss on our side has fallen most heavily upon the South Carolina and New York Volunteers, the 6th Infantry and Smith's battalion and the batteries of Capts. Magruder and Taylor. The South Carolina was nearly cut to pieces. Thirteen Mexican generals killed and wounded. More ammunition captured than Gen. Scott has used since he has been in the country. . _ Appended to the above is the Armi stice agreed upon, whilst the Commis sioners of the two Governments shall be engaged in negotiating on terms of peace. Neither army is to be reinfor ced or build new defences during the Armistice, nor go beyond their present lines. In short the two armies are in no way to interfere with each other without forty-eight hours notice. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. Despatches for the government have this moment been received. The intel ligence heretofore received is fully con firmed. On the 20th ult. the American forces, consisting of 7000 men, met the enemy at Charbuses, three or four miles from the Capital. The Mexicans were 32,- 000 strong, and posted behind an im mense battery of heavy artillery. After two hours bloody conflict our gallant troops swept everything before them, mainly at the point of the bayonet. ThC American loss was less than a thousand, while that of the Mixicans is estimated at five thousand, and amongst the killed are many distinguished men, both Generals and civilians. The armistice was agreed upon, and five commissioners appointed on the Mexican side, at the head of whom was Herrera. The commissioners had two meetings, and were to hold a third on Monday, the 30th. Valencia escaped with two compan ions to Faluca, and has since pronounced against Santa Anna and peace. PETERSBURG, Sept. 14 A letter is published in the Picayune, dated Buena Vista, Aug. 16th, which states that Col. Payne, of the North Carolina regiment, has become unpopu lar with his men, which had caused va• rious symptoms of insubordination, at one time breaking out into open revolt, which was only quelled after shooting two of the persons engaged in it. Stones had been thrown at his tent, and his commands disobeyed. Not Honest. The Standard says—" TOE 111),NEST "will never elevate to an important office "any man who has taken advantage of "this [the Bankrupt] law to pay debts "justly due." Now by this showing— James K. Polk is not honest ; Francis R. Shunk is not honest ; and The Democracy of Blair county is not honest ; For James K. Polk has appointed to an important office—no less than that of Secretary of the Treasury of the United ,States—a man who has taken benefit of the Bankrupt law ; Francis R. Shunk has appointed to important offices in Blair county, no less than two men, who have availed them selves of its provisions; And the "Democratic party" has nom inated and suPported for important coun ty offices one, and another, who were discharged Bankrupts. Thus has our neighbor impaled his friends on the horn himself erected; and we leave him to wriggle himself out of the dilemma, and his friends off the horn, as best he can —merely remarking that "persons who live in glass houses should not throw stones."—Holltdays burg Register. GEL TAYLOR.--The New Orleans Bee says:— , We have now no doubt but that Gen. Taylor will carry out his previous intention of resigning the corn mitad„and will return to the United States in November, if not sooner." EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR WHOLE NO. 608. The Bankrupt La-a; The. Locofocos take great panic to style Gen. Irvin the father of the Bank rupt Law. That law originated in the Senate,.tind in the proceedings of that body as reported in Congressional Globe, Ist Session 27th Congress, page 245, we find Mr. Polk's Secretary of the Treasury, R. J. Walker, reported to have made the following speech in its favor : Mr. WALKER replied to Mr. Buchan an's arguments, contending for the prin ciples of the bill and its details. He pointed to the bankrupt law of Pennsyl vania, the great complaint against which was, that it was compulsory and partial in its bearings; and that was the reason why it had been repealed. He denied that the passage of this bill could have a tendency to expand credit; but, on the contrary, would have a reverse action. He thanked the Senator for the sympa thy he had expressed for unfortunate debtors, but he would rather have had his vote than his sympathy ; and he should have respected that sympathy much more if the Senator had not made the powerful speech against them. If this law was not passed, the thousands of unfortunate dobtors in this country would either have to wear the chains of the slave, or become exiles from their native land. The argument that the law could not be executed was an argu ment against the Constitution of the United States. There was no difficulty whatever in the execution of the law— all the details were left to commission erli, and as to the testimony of witnesses 1 at a distance, depositions could be taken. As to the law of 1800, on the repeal of which so much stress was laid, the principal cause of objection against it was that it was a compulsory law. As to the Philadelphia law of 1812, it con ferred privilege on the citizens of ,Phila delphia in the discharge of their obliga tions which was denied to the citizens of the interior of the State, arid this privilege was considered so odious as to lead to the repeal of the law. Instead of being a stimulus to excessive specu lation be contended that its operation would be precisely the reverse. In sta ting the unequal operation of State laws, which relased debtors in some States while they who were equally honest and equally unfortunate, remain ed bound in others, the strongest argu ment was adduced in favor of the pas sage of a general bankrupt law, uniform in its operation. No man could doubt that Congress has the pottier to grant the relief so loudly called for, and the States had not the power. On the day that the above speech was delivered, the bill passed the Senate— Yeas 26, nays 23—four Locos, Messrs. Mouton, Walker, Williams, and Young, voting for the bill, anti four Whigs against it, so that had it not been for Locofoco votes, Gcn. Irvin would not have had the opportunity of voting on the bill at all. Mr. Walker after thus speaking and voting for the bill cancel led a very large amount of indebtedness by its provisions. Before the Locos are done settling with the peoplefor Mr. Walker's delinquencies, and for Mr. Polk's appointing such a man to man age the finances of the United States, we feel pretty confident that their cry I against Mr. Patton will be shown to be mere gammon. HENRY CLAY AND SILAS WRIGIiT. - A gentleman who has just arrived in this city from the White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, informs us that him, self and a number of other gentlemen were in Mr. Clay's room a few minutes, after he had heard of the death of tho. lamented Governor Wright, Mr. Clay was deeply affected, and paid a touch-. ingly beautiful impromptu tribute to the honored dead, by alluding to his gener ous nature, uncompromising integrity, accomplished powers in debate, and his eminent public services, Though po litically opposed, these distinguished statesmen, in their frequent and unri valled discussions of great national questions in the Senate of the United' States, ever maintained townrd each• other the highest respect anti the warm est feelings of attachment. Honorable alike to the living and the dead is the incident here related, and we have pleas ure in giving it to our readers.—,A^at.. Intel. Tho story of the woman living with ten husbands, in New Hampshire, without molestation, is explained in the following way :—The woman's name is Husband, and she has nine children ; of course she lives with ten Husbands, and it is proper and right she should.