111J)TI)GDO) JOUW\AL. BY JAMES CLARK VOL XII, NO. 85. TERMS The .. HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" will be puplirhed hereafter at the following rates, viz: $1.75 a year, if paid in advance; *2.00 if paid during the year, and *2.50 if not paid un til after the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered to in all cases. No subscription taken fur less than six months, and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. cj• To Clubs of six, or more, who pay in ad. Vance, the Journal will be sent at $l.BO per copy for one year ; and any ono who will send us that number of names accompanied with the money shall receive the Journal one year for his trouble. ADVERTIISEMiNTS not exceeding one square. will be inserted three times for $ t 00, and for every subsequent insertion 25 cents. If no deffinite or ders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continued, it will he kept in till ordered out anti charged accordingly. POETICAL. [FROM THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL.) Given up to Sadness. Vt'inds of the summer twilight hour ! Where' Came your tone's mysterious power? Ye bear no griefs o'er which to pine, Nor yet a heart to melt as mine ; Yet oh sweet winds that breathe your tone Like sighs o'er some heart broken one— Ye whispering zephyrs wandering free That mourn so sweetly—mourn for me ! And you. ye waves with munners sweet, Soft sighing as ye kiss my feet, How like to mine your troubled breast, That heaves and sighs and knows no rest ? I list your melancholy swell, That with my sad heart spits so well— Oh murmuring water., wild and free, That sigh so sweetly—sigh for me ! And you ye gentle dews that fall, As twilight drops her dusky pall— Ye trembling dew gems—tears of even •That seek to bring a halm from Heaven, Bay—weep ye for the sad orre'ssake Who bears ■ heart that's fit to break! Then dews of twilight—falling free That weep so softly—weep for me! MISCELLANEOUS. Oagnibalism Emigration to California. A letter dated 24th March last at low er Puebla, states that the writer arrived at the first settlement in California on the 14th of October, after a very long and tiresome journey. Very soon after their arrival in California; hearing of the revolutionrand that the American colors were raised, these emigrants en listed as vohinteers in a regiment form ed under Col. Fremont, with the prom ise of twenty-five . dollars per month— sergeants thirty-five. He speaks favor ably of the country over which he has - passed, and says that if he were now back in Missouri with his family, and with his present knowledge of the coun try, he would not hesitate to move there. —The charms of the country must be very great to counterbalance the diffi culties which the emigrants encounter in getting there, and of which he gives some account in the letter. He went out with Moran and Boon, who changed their mind on the route, and went to Oregon. Gov. Boggs reached Califor nia about the same time Quivvy did, af ter,much difficulty, having lost his cat tle. A party of emigrants who went out, or started, with Col. Russell, suffer ed almost incredible hardships in the mountain, last winter, having been pre vented from crossing them by the snow. This company was composed of twen ty-three wagons, and left Indian Creek on the 13th day of May, 1846. About the 24th of February 'last, five women and two men arrived at Capt. Johnson's, the first house of the California settlements, entirely naked, and their feet frost bit. ten. They stated that their company had arrived at Trukey's Luke, on the east side of the mountains, and found the snow so deep that they could not travel.—Fearing starvation, sixteen of the strongest (eleven males and five fe males) agreed to start for the settlement on foot. After wandering about a num ber of days, bewildered, their provision gave out. Long hunger made it neces sary to cast lots who should be sacrific ed to make food for the rest, but at this time the weaker began to die, which ren dered the taking of life unbecessary. As they died, the company went into 1 camp and made meat of the dead bodies of their companions. Nine of the men died, and seven were eaten. One of the men was carried to Johnson's on the back of an Indian. Froin this statement it would seem that the women endured the hardships better than the men, as none of them died. The company left behind num bered sixty souls. ten of them men, the others women and children. They were in camp about one hundred miles from Johnson's. Revolting as it may seem, it is stated that one of the women was obliged to eat part of the dead bodies of her father and brother, and another saw her husband's heart cooked. It ought to be a very fine country to justify an exposure to such sufferings and hor tors. —St. Louis Rep. of July 20th. Mr. Frampton's Xntroduction to a Royal Tiger. When I was a young shaver, having lived in the world some twenty years or so, I was engaged as a sort of supernu merary clerk in the house of Wilson and Brown at Calcutta ; and having no one else who could be so easily spared, they determined to despatch me on a business negotiation to one of the native princes, about eight hundred miles up the coun try. I travelled with a party of the dragoons, commanded by a Capt. Blingsby, a man about five years older than myself, and as good a fellow as ever lived. Well, some how or other he took a great fancy to me, and nothing would do but that I should accompany him in all his r porting expeditions—for I should tell you that he was a thorough sports ' man—and I believe, entertained some strange notion that he should be able to make one of me. One unfortunate mor ning, he came into my tent, and woke me out of a sound sleep which I had fallen into, after being kept awake half the night by the most diabolical howls and screams that ever were heard out of Bedlam, expecting every minute to see some of their performers step in to sup, not with, but upon me. 44 Conte, Frampton, wake up, man," cried Slingsby, " hete's glorious news." 44 What is it 1" said I—" have they found another limber of ule among the baggage 1" "Ale nonsense," was the reply. "A shikkaree (native hunter) has just come into camp to say, that a young bullock was carried off yesterday, and is lying half eaten in the jungle about a mile from this place ; so at last, my boy, I shall have the pleasure of introducing you to a real live tiger." "Thank ye," said I, "you're very kind, but if at all inconvenient to you this morning, you can put it off; another day will do quite as well for me—l'm not in the least hurry. It was of no use, however ; all I got for my pains was a poke in the Fibs, and an injunction to lose no time' in getting ready. . . . . . Be - fore we had done breakfast, the great man of the neighborhood, Rajah somebody or other, made his appearance on his elephant attended by a train of tawnies, who were .to undertake the agreeable duty of beating. Not being considered fit to take care of myself—a melancholy fact of which I was too con scious—it was decreed that Slingsby and 1 should occupy the same howdah. Accordingly at the time appointed, we mounted our elephant 1 and having a formidable array of guns handed up to us, we started. AS my companion, and indeed every one else concerned in the matter, evi dently considered it completely as a party of the utmost pleasure, and seem ed to be prepared to enjoy themselves, I endeavored to persuade myself that I did so too ; and, consoled by the reflec tion that, if the tiger had positively eaten half a bullock yesterday afternoon, it could never be worth his while to scale our elephant, and run the risk of being shot, for the sake of devouring me, I felt rather bold than otherwise. After proceeding for some distance through the jungle, and rousing, us it appeared to me, every beast that had come out of Noah's Ark, except a tiger, our elephant, i who had hitherto conducted himself in a very quiet and gentlemanly manner, suddenly raised his trunk, and trumpet ed several times,—a sure sign, as the mahout informed us, that a tiger was somewhat close at hand. "Now, Frampton," cried my compan ion, cocking his double-barrel, "look out !" " For squalls," returned I, finishing the sentence for him. " Pray, is there any particular part they like to be shot in I—whereabouts shall I aim 1" " Wherever you can," replied Slings bly, "be ready, there lie is, by Jupite;," and as he spoke, the long grass about a hundred yards in front of us was gently agitated, and I caught a glimpse of what appeared a yellow black streak moving swiftly away in an opposite direction— " Tally ho!" shouted Slingsby, saluting the tiger with both barrels. An angry roar proved that the shot had taken effect, and in another moment, a large tiger, lashing his side with his tail, and his eyes glaring with rage, came bound mg towards us. • " Now what's to be done V' exclaimed 1—" if you had but let him alone, he was going away as quietly as possible.'•'. Slingsby's reply was a smile, and sei zing another gun he fired again. On receiving this shot this tiger stopped for a moment, and then, with a tremendous bound, sprang towards us, alighting at the foot of a small tree not a yard from the elephant's head. "That lust shot crippled him," said my companion, "or we should have had the pleasure of his nearer acquaintance [CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTER BY TRUTH.] HUNTINGDON, PA., AUGUST 81, 1847. —now for the coup de grace, fire away!" and as he spoke he leaned forward to take deliberate aim, when suddenly the front of the howdah gave way, and to my horror, Slingsby was precipitated over the elephant's head, into, as it seemed to me, the very jaws of the tiger. A fierce growl, and a suppressed cry of agony, proved that the monster had sei zed his prey, and I had completely given my friend up for lost, when the elephant, although greatly alarmed, being urged on by the mahout, took a step forward and twisting his trunk round the top of ' the young tree, bent it down across the loins of the tiger, thus forcing the tor tured animal to quit his hold, and afford ing Slingsby an opportunity of crawling beyond the reach of its teeth and claws. Forgetting my own fears in the immi nence of my friend's danger, I only waited till I could get a shot at the tiger without running the risk of hurting Slingsby, and then fired both barrels at its head, and was lucky enough to wound it mortally. The other sportsmen com ing up at this moment, the brute recei ved his quietus, but poor Slingsby's arm was broken where the tiger had seized it with his teeth, and his chest was se verely lacerated by its claws, nor did he entirely recover the shock for many months. And this was my first intro duction to a royal tiger, Sir. I saw many of them afterwards, during the time 1 spent in India, but I can't say I ever had much liking for their society— ! umph !" When we east our eyes upwards, and view those brilliant orbs, those silent monitors and emblems of eternity, that have, through countless ages, retained their original position with respect to our globe and to each other, and thence called fixed stars, we are lost in the con templation of the immensity of the cre ative power. Educated, as we are, with an ambition that t would scale high heaven," and in tellects almost superhuman, and with powers that compel the very elements to become subservient to the purposes , of man ; yet, the Great Being has reser ved to himself alone the knowledge of these orbs, and placed them at such dis tances, as incitements to that restless spirit of inquiry so inherent in man's nature, and by such investigations to lead him to himself, for "an undevout astronomer is mad." Hence, we find that the earliest rec ords of time speak of them, and effort, have, in all ages, been mace to acquire a knowledge of their proper' en, objects, and distances. What advances may have ' been made by the Cita:deans, the flu, doos, and other Eastern tiatioas, in tea king these disceverics, we have but few reliable accounts ; bat tutve,s and ether erections, used fur astronetnical purpo ses, are still extant to test their desire for information. The improvements in astronomical instruments, especially the telescope ; the vast advances in mathe matics; the reasoning by analogy, and an improved mode of education, have enabled us in modern days to approxi mate as near the truth as the difficulty of the subject will admit. All planets which belong to our sys tem, their distances, magnitudes, mo tions, and relative densities have been accurately calculated ; but of the Fixed Stars, one only has, as yet, been ascer tained. The orbit of the earth on the line on which it moves in its revolution round the sun is 190 millions of miles in diameter, taking this as a point, it is inferred by the best astronomical calcu lations that the distance of Sirius, sup posed to be the nearest fixed star to the earth, cannot be less than '20,000,000,- 000,000 of miles, and, as the best method of forming an idea of its diameter, is, to compare it with some other moving body by which it may be measured, we take light as a means. So light moves at the rate of 20,000 miles in a minute, and would take three years for its pas- I sage from the nearest fixed star to the ! earth, nor should we see any object were it to be suddenly placed in the heavens at an equal distance, until the expiration of that time, or, until it touched the re tina of the eye ; and, by a parity of rea soiling, should the same object be struck from existence, the moment the sight reached us, we should continue to see it until the expiration of the same time, viz : three years. ry-One of the best replies ever made A cannon ball, moving at the rate of to a challenge was that made by ilkes twenty miles a minute, would take when he was challenged by Horn Tooke. ! 1 800000 years in traversing the same "Sir, I do not think it my business to , cut the throat of every desperado that' di , sta nce' - may be tired of his life; but as lamat I Sound, which moves at the rate of 13 present high sheriff of London, it may miles a minute, or 1142 feet in a second, happen that I may shortly have an op- would be 2,700,000 years in passing portunity of attending you in my official from the star to the earth. So that, capacity, in which case 1 will answer were it possible, the inhabitants of the for it, that you shall have no grounds tol earth could see the light, hear the sound, complain of my endeavors to serve you." ' and receive the cannon ball discharged at the distance above stated, it would take three years to see the light, 1,800,- 000 years to receive the ball and 2,700, 000 years to hear the discharge. With a knowledge of these phenomena we cannot be surprised at the schoolmaster, who, upon receiviug• any new scholar, placed him at once to the study of astron omy ; and did the pupil evince an apathy or indifference to the subject, he imme diately dismissed him, justly reasoning that the mind that could not embrace so sublitne.a study, was incapable of appre ciating o'r attaining eminence in any. Such, indeed, is its sublimity, that it is astonishing one mind can be found so grovelling, as not only to treat, but to look, with indifference upon the nightly orbs that revolve above his head, those lamps that light us to the Hiatt: of the Eternal, and point to us the path to that celestial spot which throws into dim distance the whole collected light of the millions upon millions of suns that are but the penumbra of its Glory.—Satur day Gleaner. A SNAKE STORL—The Leesburg, Va., Chronicle relates the following: "Mr. Shaffer, a worthy citizen of Leesburg, was last week severely bitten on the hand by a copper-head snake.— The local inflammatory sym, urns were almost instantaneous; but Air. S. fortu nately had a companion with him who was conversant with the usual remedies. The first of these used was the rattle snake weed, which he chewed and ap plied to the wound. The second was a poison, applied according to custom, un der the conviction that one poison will neutralize another, viz: Whiskey.— Though Mr. S. is a perfectly temperate man, totally unaccustomed to the use of this article, he drank a quart of it with out experiencing any intoxicating ef fects. Mr. S. was then placed under the care of Dr. Cross, and we are pleas ed to add has been entirely exempt from all general inflammatory symptoms." PR OVOKI NG.-A .weary traveller was made very angry a few days since by a wag on one of the Champlain canal pack ets. He reached a station a moment af ter the packet started ; whereupon, with valise in hand, he chased the boat half a mile, the thermometer at 96. As he neared the boat, the wag inquired of him " If he wished to get a-board?" " To be sure I do," was the reply. " Well, then, just stop where you are and take one off the fence." PLOUGHING WITH ELEPHANTS.—It is sta ted that in Ceylon elephants are employ ed in ploughing rice fields, and in pre paring new grounds for cultivation of coffee, pepper, &c. One of these ani mals well trained, it is said, will do the work of twenty oxen; consequently, more labor is performed in a given time, and the period is hastened for putting in the crops.' The price of an elephant in Ceylon varies from $5O to $75. Ila•A dentist was lately making a speech, in one of the interior counties, when a wag in the crowd interrupted him with " What do you ask for pulling a tooth, doctor 1" "1 will pull your tooth for a shilling, and your nose for half the money," re plied the speaker. AN EDITOR IN A BAD Box.—The editor of the Pine Knot established his paper in a town without inhabitants, and has continued to publish it without subscri bers or readers. He is sans every thing, conducting of a public journal. But what will not Yankee perseverance ac complish !—The following is from his last number : "This is our 4th number, and as yet we have not received the first exchange paper from any quarter. We are get ting, like an old maid of our acquain tance, Miss Silvia •Sowbery, to have a very poor opinion of the mails ; and for the same reason, doubtless, that 'they never come where we are.'" Wonders of Creation. The Fixed Stare. BE ACTIVE.—The body was made for use. Every part of it is made for activ ity. But any thing mode for use, will suffer injury to lie still. The human body, especially, if suffered to remain inactive, becomes useless. Activity strengthens the parts. If you would have more strength, you must use what you have, and it will increase. The right use of your members, also, must be learn ed by practice. Much practice is neces sary, for instance, to train the lingers 1 to the various lISCP in which they are to be employed, so as, (to use a homely phrase,) to make them handy. The bo dy, likewise, needs good exercise, to _ keep it in a healthy state. The various HINTS TO FARMERS.--Corn meal should parr sof its machinery have a great work never be griii.nd very fine. It injures to do, every day, in turning your food the richness of it. into blood, and send it a great many Turnips of small size have double the thousand times, in a vast number of lit nutricious matter that large ones have. tle streams, to every part of the body. Rats and other vermin are kept away But this machinery will not work, if the from grain by sprinkling of garlic when body is all the time inactive. It requires packing the .sheaves. motion, to g ive it power. There is noth- Sweet olive oil is a certain cure for ing, theref ore, so bad for it as laziness. the.bite of a rattle-snake. Apply it ex- It is like a dead calm to the windmill, tcrnally and internally. which step all its machinery. Zeiferson's Souse, Death, Grave and Moniment. On the summit that command this en chanting view, the mansion was built by Jefferson when he had wealth to lav ish on his cultivated tastes. The house is a hundred feet long, and of peculiar form and proportions—you enter a wide lofty hall that teas once adorned with the works of art which he had selected with a master's skill in the high plaCes of earth : then you pass on to the spa cious dining-room with polished inlaid floor—then to his library and study, and parlors—ascend this flight of stairs, not wide enough for more than one to walk up at a time, and you find the chamber where he died on the 4th of July, 1828. The bed was in a recess, the ends of which sustained two cross pieces, and on these was thrown the mattrass on which he laid himself to die ! It was the gloomiest place, that dead room— that I was ever in : there was the stran gest gathering of thoughts, crowding on each other, and each claiming to be the •e emotlon for the hour and spot. I ' , t of liberty and revolutions; of y: of philos. it, and infidelity, and tool of a mighty man c fetters of flesh, and Lirnan greatness and gior nd re r:isLiiig away from them into the dark ness of an untried future, into the pres ence of the Infinite, in whom the wis dom of men and of angels is lost as a drop that falls on the ocean : before whom the soul of the unholy shrinks away and finds the rags of human glory and the fig leaves of philosophy to be no covering when the eye of the Holy One searches the spirit; such thoughts as these pressed on me as 1 stood in the chamber whence the soul of Jefferson fled, to judgment. The mansion, now owned by Captain Levy, is falling into decay : it was sold and all the furniture, for his creditors, Jefferson having died insolvent : and almost the only relic left of the man whose name is identified with his country's history, as a devoted pat riot, and a distinguished President, is a bust of Voltaire, which stands here as a sort of tutelar divinity of this deserted and dilapidated house. As you descend the mountain, you , pass an enclosure without a gate, that contains the grave of Jefferson ; and a more neglected, wretched burial-place you will seek in vain. If Campbell's " , last man" had been buried here, he I could not have been less cared for. The wife of Jefferson, " torn from him by death" ten years after their early marriage, lies here. A granite obelisk, battered much by democratic pilgrims, but without name or epitaph, is doubtless the monument of Jefferson. It was here placed by his executor, and the panne! on which was to be inscribed the epitaph which he wrote for himself, has never been in serted in the stone. 1 was told that it is lying with iron gates designed for the enclosure, on the banks of the river where they were landed, and that no man has troubled himself to see that they ever reached their destination. * I mention these facts that those who would honor the memory of the Apos tle of Democracy may stir themselves to pay respect to his ashes, and those who do not respect his name and his principles, may see how both are esteem ed in the region of his home and his i tomb. " By a late Virginia paper it appears that the epi. taph was inscribed on a marble tablet which is pre. served in the solitary Manton._ _ [EPITAPH.] Here lies Buried THOMAS JEFFERSON, Author of the Declaration of inde pendence, of the State of Virginia, for Religious Freedom, And Father of the University of Virginia. EDITOR AM) PROPRIETOR WHOLE NO. 605. 117- The New York Evening Post says, that during the late visit of the President at that city, while he was at the Institution for the Blind, one of the pupils recited a " Welcome to the Pres ident," in twelve stanzas, of which the Post remembers only the following : The name of Andrew Jackson Will ne'er forgotten be, The loved. the Mat, thy kindled star, l'hat cone on Tennessee, Hark ! one united burst of joy, By heart and tongue is woke, One chorus rends the listening air, Hurrah ! for James K. Polk ! We are authorized to say, says the Springfield Gazette, that the following elegant stanza supplies one of the mis sing numbers : Hurrah ! for that most brilliant stroke, Great Santa Anna's " PASS," Which filled our enemies with joy, And proved Jim Polk an-uncommon ly smart man! Looic.—ln my youth, I too, entertain ed some illusions, but I soon recovered from them. The great orators that • rule the assemblies by the brilliancy of their eloquence, are, in general, men of the most mediocre political talents. They should not be opposed in their own way ; for they have always more noisy words at command than you have. Their elo quence should be opposed by a serious lo gical argument.—Their strength lies in vagueness. They should be brought back to the reality of facts. Practical arguments destroy such men. In the councils there were men possessed of much more eloquence than 1 I al ways defeated them by this simple argu- ment, "two and two make foul: poleon COMPLIMENT TO GEN. SCOTT.—A Loco loco correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, in speaking of the difficay be. tween Gen. Scott and Mr. Trist, thus compliments the hero of Cerro Gordo: "Gen. Scott may insist a little on PursiermLo : but Gen. Scott is a very great captain—it is our modest opinion that he has not now, as a vigorous and scientific general, his equal in the world —and justice requires us to acknowledge that all the hopes and prospects of peace, as far as they were truly founded on fact, were the result of his valor and the great and skillful management which he exhibited in his intercourse with the clergy and people. SMOKED MUTTON.—The editor of the Tennessee Farmer declares his prefer ence for the voine over the bovine of the swinish race.—He says on his know ledge of physiology, which none will dispute, that a pound of lean, tender mutton can be procured for half the cost of the same quantity of fat pork ; and that it is infinitely healthier, in summer, es pecially ; and that those who feed on it become more muscular, and can do more work on it,with more ease to themselves. He knows of nothing more delicious than smoked mutton hams. fir A Massachusetts volunteer, wri ting to his friends in Newberryport, gives the following illustration of the horrors of war : One of the most horrible sights I ever saw, was when we passed through the dead men's road, as it is called where the train was cut off last spring just be fore the battle of Buena Vista. There were men's bones, rotten carcasses of men, cattle and horses, strewed thickly around, with here and there an arm, skull, &c., with nothing to protect them but the deadly stench arising from them." SmicEs.—Smiles are paradoxical things. Let any one call to his recollection half n-dozen of the most stupid people whom he knows, and he will find that it is a constant smile which completes the in sipidity of their faces. Let him number up the most intellectual and powerful minded among his acquaintance, and he will admit that it is the smile that indi cates the liner faculties of the soul. SIGNS AND FIRMS.—Wait. 4• Ketchum is the appropriate name of a firm in New York, which makes patent medicines on a large Coll er Settle have a tailoring estab lishment in Meadville. We presume they give short credits. Xcal 4. Pray is a business flint at Portland, Maine. it is superfluous to add that they belong to orthodox church• es. Luke Sharp is in the retail business at Cincinnati. As might be expected from the name, he is always wide awake whenever money is to be made,—Cia's advertiser. • Come dwell with me as the shark said when.he swallowed the sailor. (J" Never let the grass grow under your feet ! ' as the man said when the bailiffs were pursuing him.