Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 24, 1847, Image 4

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    [Correspondence of the Pittsburg Gazette.] I on. * * * * The Carnival is over ! SADDLE, HARNESS & LEATHER Philadelphia Advertisements.
TILE -CARNIVAL AT ROME. l at last, and lam sorry, for there was MANUFACTORY. '
something too much of this." The
ROME, 1847. Jay. P. PliPoT. C.. 1. HOFF:WAN.
But I proceed to unfold to you some' last day was particularly lively. Noth- THE undersigned take this method of
of the things which have been occurring ing could exceed the multitude and va- • 1 informing their friends and the pub
he generally, that the following enumerated articles, , :, s ,
in this city of olden times, which is the riety of masks and costumes. The day
together with all manner of work pertainingt i ,--,--
place of our daily abode, and which, , was closed with the Moccoletti, when thet, business, will he disposed of to purcharZ , r-:5111 5! ri---
therefore, I am half the time almost for- the whole Corso presented one blaze of and made up to order in a workmanlike and ap- :
getting is Rome. So common do the : light. People in carriages carried, peo- proved style, very cheap, for cash or country pro- produce and General Commission
greatest things become to us by custom plc on foot tried to put them out,—and duce. All that is necessary for those who wish to merchants,
and familiarity. I wish I had kept a lights hung out of windows, and poked `e accommodated .
int any r art ic le in their line at' No. 79, North Wharves, below Vine St., Philada.,
regular -journal of every thing interest- out by long poles from other windows. ' "
Three doors west of .11 °' ' JewelryE
uoy 8 s- • ,\ RE prepared to receive all kinds of
tug here, but the use of the brush has Every one either carried a light, or tried
tablishment HUNT! NGDON 1 - produce on Consignment, on which
made the pen retire somewhat from see- to blow out others, and during the whole
Where the public can at all times be ac ' commated ' they will make liberal odvan - ces, when required.—
vice. 1 will, however, commence just there was one long peal, without ceasing, „. They trust, with their knowledge of, and attention
where we are now, and perhaps here and of ~ Senza Moccolo ! Senza Moccolo-o- Red and Oak Sole Leather, Skirting, to business, they will receive a share of the patron.
there give you a rapid sketch. We are 00-o!" But in an hour, all was silent Harness and Bridle Leather,Upper fer to
oge of Merchants, Millers, and others. They re•
in the midst, or rather verging towards and deserted, and the people were coin- Leather, Calfskins, Spanish and •
Dann) & Humphrey., ")
the close of the Carnivals. don't think mencing to pull down the stagings and Country Kips and Sheepskins. Platt, Hollingshead & Co., I
it is easy for a sober American to con- seats on the sidewalks. There are a A
L.Lso, a first rate quality of Lea, Bunker & Co.,
ceive of it as it is. Just imagine the ' great many Americans in Rome at Ares- ..—. BOOTS F. &W. S. Perot,
whole population suddenly turned into a Ont. . I and sanith. Brothers & Co., j
T. C. Rockhill,
great stage company, every one trying, The other day I visited the Castle of SHOES, 1. ec J. Milliken,
to outdo his neighbor in extravagance St. Angelo, a tremendous fortress—once Francis McCo
for Men, Women Y.
and gaiety. Masques, buffoons, men the Mausoleum of the Emperor Adrian. ciitak, ..-
~ • we e*,
Dr. J. B. Ard,
and women, in costumes and disguises Three hundred years ago it was used s"
..."' and Children of i
2 Samuel Milliken,
W'' --- 1 d - ..,..*,,.
,"" '''',,,,, all qualities and!
. I F. J. Hoffmon,
for a prison. . e went in with torches,
of all sorts,—men dressed as Weiner,
into the very cells in which Beatrice prices.
and women as men, some with green
They also continue to carry on in all its various
Cenci and his mother were confined—
noses, a yard long, powdered and curl - branches, SADDLE .d HAR
ed. and also Benvenuto and Cellini, and saw
the walls over which he escaped. !:,!!‘1,11 11 ,4- , NESS making, and are ready to
Black spirits and white, blue spirits and grey, (' •
....A-4 „ ,
c. P. e• ditw:io , furnish their customers with all
.. ",i-----, kinds of Trunks, 1 slices , Carpet
Mingle, mingle, mingle, you that mingle may," •
bags, Plush, Hogskin and Tub Sideladdles, (from
Gay young men, and beautiful women, Aft Editor not a Gentientall. the cheapest to the best.) AL., Shaffer Saddles,
in carriages, and on foot, and at win- , of all kinds, Waggon and Carriage Harness, Bri
11acrancon of the Dayton Transscript,
dolts and balconies, flinging about a the following good one as a spark die"' Collars, Whips, &c.
perfect hail storm of eenfetti, bonbon All of which will be disporieLi of c 1 mapfur
' of his experience:
Cash or any kind of country produce. The high
and boquets,—all crowding their tide of
i We have travelled some 1500 miles frolic into one narrow street, with cot price, in trade, given for beef hides, calf hides,
within the last few days by laud and hark, &c. .1.4. &A. H. BUMBAUGH.
side-walks no more than a foot wide, or water. The tavern keepers, steamboat I je23:' , 17-6m.
so. Windows and balconies all decors- Captains, &c.c., have uniformly chalk-
N. B.—Two apprentices n at the
hot token
ted with crimson and gold hangings,— , ed our hat and indignantly refused to aluw e 7 4 ± 1 _ i t'n' t if applicat i on - - m --
men and boys selling thousands of bits
permit us to pay our way. In short, Valuable Ore-Bank & Water-Power
kets of flowers, the ragged boys picking For Sale.
upon the raging canawl, upon the ox
lip those that are thrown away,. and sal- pensive lake, in the packets, hotels and T HE subscriber w e i li sh o es ra h o i t t i l d ispoLe i f about 300
C of
ling them over again.:!!! a perfect rush, floating palaces of Lake Erie, we hotels,
tiro waters Creek, it: Perry township,
arid noisy bolter skelter bedlam—and had a 'free blow' and been uniformly re- j
lu e i trerson county, Penn'a.
this kept up for eight or ten days, wink
garded among the "dead heads." This
few intermissions,—commencing. at 1 'l'ine property is situate on three branches of
P. 111. and ending with a horse race you will regard as a very pleasant, and sandy Creek, which unite upon the premises,
certainly a very agreeable and advanta- affording abundant power for revs al Furnaces,
Witl'out riders, at sundown. And then geous way of travelling. But there was ponies, Rolling-Mi t lls o . ' - c r;
0 : l a i nl7. Rl Phn i nrOf
the beautiful Women in and under the one 'free blow,' we received which came
hi)ruersuai of
kirta l' i l t of h a richer quality, that is used
balconies and windows. I have never near knocking us into the middle of next the
the r areat Western works in Armstrong county.
seen so much beauty anywhere as in week. The incident is so comical that 1 h ere are also on the promisor abundance of Butt-
Rome ; and it is as common in the hum
we will relate it, if thejuke .is at our minims Coal, Limestone, and Sandstone. The
blest women walking bare headed in the expense : ! Creek is now navigable, for Arks, &c., in time of
street, as in the high born and WCaltily, i 1 "
While on board of one of the splendid • high water, from t i v ti i i th i i i r t r o s e tw e e A n miles of the prop
riding in their carriages. The first two ' se, be made so
steamers which ply between Buflitlo and
t tr r i l i Y in' 1. 1 1 ' 1 1 ; 1 ;18e: 1 . There is expense,
'e S n itw-Mill in opera
. of the Carnival, I went art foot, Chicago, the fuz on our chin grew rather t i„„ en the promises. The land is all well timber
.. my basket of boquets, exchanging longer than was agreeable, lout we re- ed, and well timbered lands may be purchased ill
~..:e and there, along the street, paired to the barber-shop on board to the immediate neighborhood at from one to two
• L:le fair ones met. Then I looked have it taken off. The fellow did it up dollars per acre.
,i , one day as n spectator; then yester- •in first rate style. After he had combed undoubtedly affords facilities for
This property
oflo it, ossessed by few situations
clay I went again with the crowd. It is and oiled our head, brushed our clothes, rho hiptrlylLnia, and to P an enterprising capitalist
impossible to be on the Corso, without and slicked us up fine, we felt gratified, quainted with the business is a location much to
taking a part in the festivities. But the
—pulled out a dime, and profered it to lie desired.
greatest time I have had in the way of him as a reward for his services. He As this advertisement is merely intended todraw
f drew himself up with considerable pow
olic, was the other night, when I went fire :aterir;,,o or those acquainted with the iron
with a party of friends to a masquerade posity—
, ~ , ,,,,her deems it unneeea.
party, at the American Consul's, Mr. "I understan,!,"
Brown. I went in a black demino and an Editor."
mask, disguising my voice, as theyll
a-- " Well ! what of it t" -,..
do in masks, and for a long time puzzling "We never shay ;e .• :,',,-,
even my friends. I assumed threevoic- 'said he.
ces in the course of the evening. There o But my woolly friend," said we,
were several other dominos, and some ,c t h er , „ re a good many editors travel
splendid costumes, but most of the corn- ling now days '
and such liberality on
patty were not masked. At one o'clock your part will prove a ruinous busi
we went from there to the public festina
; ness."
at the Apollo theatre, where we staid till ! "Oh ocher mind," said he, "we makes
after , 1 , o'clock in the morning. The pit it all tip off the gunmen."
of this large theatre was entirely floored We incontinently sloped.
over, and the Whole space was crammed i
with people, either in masks, costumes, ' 'ME MOTHER.
or plain dress,
inv and the boxes filled with , Seatte a day passes that we do not
spectators. There was music and waltz- hear of the loveliness of a woman ;—the
ing in a small space left by the crowd. affection of a sister, or the devotedness
But the fun was confined to the maskers, of a wife; and it is the remembrance of
who devoted themselves to puzzling all such things that cheers and comforts
the English and Americans they met
the dreariest hours of life,—yet, a moth
without masks. Sometimes we wont° ' er's love far exceeds them in strength, in
go to the boxes and talk to the ladies, to disintestedness—and inn purity. The
whom whether friends or strangers, we child of her bosom may have forsaken
of course tell lies of all sorts. Univer- and left her,—lie may have disregarded
sal liberty is allowed, but never have I all her instructions and warnings,—he
seen the least violation of any decorum. ' inay have become ant outcast front socie
'rhe Italians are never rude, and contrast ty, arid none may care for or notice him
strongly with the English, who set all
—yet his mother changes not, nor is
refinements at defiance. On the Corso, , her love weakened, and fur Mtn her pray
during the Carnival, they always distin- ' ers still ascend!
guislt thetnselves by their fierceness in Sickness may weary other friends—
iltrowing confetti, and in the quantity misfortune drive away familiar counte
thrown. Whole plates and basketsful nances—and poverty leave none to lean
are sometimes thrown at a time, and upon ; yet they affect not a mother's
quite indiscriminately at friends and love, but only call into exercise in a still
foes—and sometimes oranges which are ' greater degree her tenderness and a free
forbidden. Lord Ward, an enormously t a m ,
rich Englishman, it is said, received a 'rhe mother has duties to perform
black eye the other day, in a broil occa
which are weighty and responsible ;
sioned by a violation of the customary the lisping infant must be taught how to
ways of conducting the sport. Every- live—the thoughtless child must be in
where it S;;CMS as if the English were structed in Wisdom's ways—the tempt
the most overbearing and insolent of all ed youth must be advised and warned—
nations, it' I may judge of some of the the dangers and difficulties of life must
specimens I have seen abroad. At the be pointed out, and lessons of virtue
festinas, as well as at the Corso, during , must be impressed on the mind. Her
the Carnival, all sorts of extravegant words, acts, faults, frailties, and temper,
disguises are assumed. One fellow, ; arc all noticed by those that surround
with a scarlet coat, and laottnan's breech- I her, and impressions made in the mir
es and boots, and a head and queue 1 scry exert a more powerful influense in
about five times the size of life, stood , fin-mingtrne i character, than do airy after
bowing silently and respectfully at the i nstruct i ons .
door. Another silent chap perambulat- . If passions arc unrestrained—if truth
ed the room with a head the size of a ,
is not adhered to—if consistency is not
Yankee pumpkin. Some were with dog's 1 seen—if there be a want of affection or
heads, and some with monkey heads, and ! a murmuring at the dispensations of
some like great parrots. A friend of . Providence ; the youthful mind will re
mine I carried around, introducing hitn , ceive the impression, and subsequent
as the great baboon of the west. It is I life will develop° it; but if all is purity,
almost impossible for one to recognize sincerity, truth, contentment, and love,
another, if he is only careful in disguis- I then will the result be a blessing, and
ing his voice. many will rejoice in the example and
But there are two more days yet of influence of the pious Mother.
the Carnival to come. But the great day
wits last Thursday, which they call Gro- I Womr.x.— Cobbett says—"Women,so
redi grassh, or Fat Thursday. It was - amiable inn thentselves, are never so anti
hit, I assure you, even to greasiness• able as when they are useful : and, as
The crowd was too intense in the streets ; for beauty, though men may fall in love
'or much enjoyment, and as iimult as one I with girls at play, there is nothing to
,:;,old do to avoid the earriages - for there I mac. them stand to their love like seeing
are no side walks wide enough to walk ! them at work."
d.... 11, ~d....mtages possessed
th , purchase will
••• ' •• • • ••• .•. d Tim, desirous of
• r.• to call on the subscri
premises, or on Mr. Gaskell,
I-LA.IW Land Company, at Punxa-
. _
riw Jrifero ?it county.
Cold Spring. Jefferson Co., Pa. [jy2o , lt.
subscriber offers to the trade, or by retail
u large and general anointment of tho following
articles, being all 'Allis own importation or manu
Buyers of goods in this line are invited to ex
amine the assortment and orders are oolicited.with
the assurance that every effort willbo made to give
satisfaction and insure a continuance of custom.
Gold &Silver Lever Watches of ordinal)? quality.
Do. do. do. of superior finish.
Do. do. do. A nehors & Lepines.
Silver double cased English and Swiss verge
Watches, with light, medium and heavy eases.
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, line and common.
Silver Plated, and Silver Wares.
Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes.
Gold and Silver Spectacles.
Diamond P , inted Gold Pens.
Mantel and Office Clocks, in gilt .d other frames.
Watchmakers" Fools end Materials dell aorta.
Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Beads, &c.
I laving every facility for obtaining goods on the
most advantageous ter ins, corresponding induce
inents will Lc offered to purchasers.
112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia.
Above Buttonwood Street, Philada.
k T this establishment may be found the greatest
variety of Plans and beautiful l'atterns of
IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to which
the attention of those in want of any description,
and especially for Cemeteries, is particularly invi
The principal part of all the handsome Railings
at Laurel Hill, 'Monument, and other celebrated
Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia,
which have been so highly extolled by the public
press, were executed at this manufactory.
A large Wareroom is connected with the estab
lishment, where is kepi constantly on hand a large
stock of ready-mode Iron Railings, Ornamental
Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and orna
mental Iron Gates, with an extensive assortment of
Iron l'osts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &e. Also, in
greet variety, Wrought and t ast Iron Ornt meets,
suitable firr Railings and other purposes.
The subscriber would also Filet° that in his Pat.
tern and Designing Department he has employed
sorne,of the best talent in the country, whose con
stant attention is devoted to the business--forming
altogether ono of the most complete and systematic
establishments of the kind in the Union.
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor.
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood et.
Philadelphia, Feb. 3,1847-6 m
.d D.ll I XIS 7' 11..1T0 R' S .A"0 7'IC E.
Estate of Elizabeth Brotherline, lute of
I the borough of Huntingdon, deed.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
-1 N Ministration have been granted to the under
signed on the said estate. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and persons having claims will ptesent them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Philadelphia, April 14. 1847 6m
THE subscriber , of the late firm of
Buck & Moore, takes this method
of informing his friends and the public in general,
that he has b.,ught out the interest of S. 1,. Buck,
xt thesold established CLOTHING STAND, No.
254, MARKET STREET. PIIIr.AsoLPIIIA, nnd is now
prepared to furnish all kinds of Beady-made
CLOT( LING, at prices which cannot but occurs
to him the patronage or all who desire to purchase
cheap clothing. I have splendid French Cloth
Dress and Frock Coots. front $5.50 to $18; do.
Panto from 75 cents to $6; Vests, from 623 cents
to $4 ; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Also,
all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods at ex
tremely low prices.
Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well to
call nt the store of JOSEPH J. NI DORE,
254 Market street, Philadelphia.
may 19-11.
Flour, Prod'', and General Commission
No. 116, Smith's W Ilarf, BALTIMORE,
OFFER their services to the Merchants and Far
mers of the nusquellanna and Juniata vallies
for the sale of Flour, Grain, and Produce generally,
is the Baltimore Market, and f om their extensive
acquaintance among purchasers and shippers, can
safely warrant satisfactory sales.
Correspow! ,, ,, is will be kept constantly advised
of the unto vi the Markets. &c.
Refer to Messrs. Wm. Wilson & Sons, - 1
Isaac Reynolds & Son, l k
Davidson & Saunders, r
Reynolds & Smith, j
and Messrs. Tingley, Caldwell & English, Phil.
Mph's. [may 18-2 m.
The Grard Life Insurance, ~innuity and
Trust Company of Philadelphia.
Capital $300,000--Charter Perpetual
OrelcE.L-150 Chesnut Street
GONTINCTE to make Insurance on Lives, grant
Annuities and Endowments, and to accept
'l'rusts from Individuals, Corporate Bodies, and
Courts of Juitice, and execute them agreeably to
the desire of the parties; and receive Dcposites of
Money in Trust nod on I terest.
The Company add a Bonus at stated periods to
the Insurances for Life. The first bonus W. ap.
propriated in December, 1840, amounting to ton
per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poli
cies. to 81 per cent., ii, per cent. &c.; on others in
proportion to the time of standing; tasking an ad
dition of ;Ir'loo, 87 50,1,75, &c., on every $l,OOO
originally insured.
The operation of the bonus will be seen by the
following examples front the Life Insurance Regis
' for of the Company, thus: _
Amt. of Policy & Ho
Bonus or nos payable at party's
Policy. Sum inied addition decease.
No. 58 1,000 100 1,100
89 2,500 250 2,750
204 4,000 400 4,400
276 2,000 175 2,176
333 5,000 437 50 5,437 50
Rates for insuring 14100 on a single life
Age. Fur 1 year. For 7years, For Life,
annually. annually.
20 $0 01 $0 95 ' $1 77
30 1 31 1 36 2 36
40 1 69 1 93 3 20
50 1 96 2 09 4 60
60 4 35 4 91 7 00
Example :—A person aged 30 years next birth-
day, by paying the Company $1 31, would secure
to his family or heirs $lOO, should he die in one
year; or for $l3 10 ho secures to them $1,000: or
for $l3 60 annually for seven years, he secures to
them $l,OOO should he die in seven years; or for
$23 60 paid annually during life, he provides
$lOOO whenever he dies; for $65 50 they would
receive $5,000 should he die in one year.
Further particula• s respecting Life insurance
Trusts, &c., may he had at the Office.
li. W. RIC HA RDS, President.
MO. F. J A MES, Actuary.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. Gm
or Physical 'Training, to make their
Lives in this World Long and Harpy,
by the .3uthor of " Education: as
It Is, Ought To Be, and Might
Be," First american Edition,
with .additions
Being an elementary and inieresting treatise on
Sell Knowlod4e. untaining short and entertain
ing articles on
Food, Heart, Glands, Strength,
Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations,
Digestion, Liner, Brains, Old Age,
liluod, Lungs, Mind. Man,
Secretions, Arteries, Senses, Woman,
Head, Veins, Health, Disease,
&c., &c.
Together with the Great Secret—Succese in Life
how attained—How to do Good—Cnuees and
Effects of Error—H obits—Passions—Woman de
scribed—Man described—Mmis Errors—Rich and
Pom—Sexes—Virtue and Vice--Youthful Errors
—Woman how made delicate—Woman's Virtues,
Ambition, &c.
The whole designed for the noble purpose of im
proving and extending education amongst the pee
ple, imparting valuable knowledgon the physiol
ogy of the human frame. and the laws which gov
ern mental and bodily health, cet etc.
cry Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in a
letter shall receive one copy by mail, or five copies
will be sent for $l. Addiess, postage paid,
G. B. ZIBBER & o.
may 26.47 ly] Philadelphia.
cc-, v,ivablo work contains Lin duodecimo
formi 17/p..6e,
Philadelphia Advertisements.
NO. S 7
North Third Street, Philadelphia.
From Dr. Flare. the celebrated Professor of
Chemistry in the University of Ponn'a.
Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1843.
Dear Sir—Having tried of your Ink, I will
thankyou to send me another bottle, as I find it to
bcexcellent. lam yours, truly,
12013'T. HARE."
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguished
for his numerous scientific researches.
0 Medical College of Ohio, I. incinnati,
January 17, 1844.
Having used Mr. Rover's Writing Ink, I am
satisfied that it is the best which has ever come to my
knowledge, and especially is it excellent for the
use of the Steel Pens, and will not corrode them,
even in long use. JOHN T.OOKE,
Prof. of Chemistry."
Hoveios Adamantine Cement.
1 Front a well known scientific gentleman.
Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1846.
1 1 Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of your
ment, and some practical tests of its superiority, has
educed me to recommend it to others as an invalu-
I able article for mending China, Glass or Cabinet
Ware. CAMP lIELL Moat-yr,
Analytic Chemist."
For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Manu
factory, No. 87 North Third street, opposite Cherry
street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEH E. HOVER, ilfantrfacttsrrr.
jell: jy 27:'47-Iy.
TJAVE removed their Store to No. 116
. 11 CHESNUT STREET, South-East
corner of Carpenter's Court, Philadelphia, where
they are constantly receiving from their Factory
PER for Parlors. The latest and moat approved
tylen of Architectural Designs, Columns with
Capitals, Pilasters and Paneling, Stu tues, Pedes
tals, Imitation Recesses, &c. They are also mak
ing a new article of DOUBLE WINDOW CUR
TAIN PAPER, 4-4 wide.
IT. &B. also inform the public that theirs is
the only Factory in the country which produces
many of the above articles, such as Statues, Pe
destals, Niches, Fire Board Prints, &c., and
whirh they s werrant equal to tiny imported. They
ate in possession of
Received (rain the Institutes at Boston, New York
and Philadelphia, being the highest premiums
awarded for paper Hangings by those institutions
fur the last thur years.
Philadelphia, March a 1, 1847. :An
!vaporSaul In Stove Dealers.
rfillE attention of Stove Dealers in this place is
I invited to our assortment of Cooking, Parlor,
Hall and office Stoves, and especially to
eltwood 7 s Empire h ot
Cooking Stove,
As th bestcooking apparatus ever invented, it hav
ing obtained a celebrity, wherever it has been intro
duced, never before attained by any Cooking Stove.
The operation of baking being performed in this
stove by hot Air, instead of heat radiated from the
oven plates, renders it equal for baking to a Brick
Oven, or to the Tin oven for roasting; making it
unnecessary to turn or change the article while
cooking, and removing all liability to burn. We
are desirous to have the Stove intruduced in this
market, and to that end, liberal terms will be given
to a responsible dealer, willing to take hold of them,
and only one will be permitted to sell than in the
Wholesale 'love Dealers 223 North econd atm
may 2647.] Philadelphia.
,Dr•. Keelers Pegelable Pan-
For the removal and permanent cure of all dis
eases arising from an impure state of the Blood
and habit of the body, viz: Chronic affections of
the Chest, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Catarrh, &c.—
Scrofula in all Ito stages, Teller, Scald-head, Cu
tancorrs affections of the body, face and extrem
ities, Chronic Rheumatism, Chronic enlargements
of the ligaments and joints, Mite sivellinp,
Syphilitic Affections, Constitutional disorders
arising front debility, Mercurial and hereditary pre
, dispositions, &c.
It is now admitted by Pathologists, that no
original temperament, complexion, constitution, or
form of body, confers complete immunity from Her-
I editary diseases; that scrofula, consumption and
other afflictions having a similarity of origin occur
in all: although observation convinces us, that in
dividuals and families, possessing certain character
lades are more frequently the subject of these mal
adies than others. These diseases are a morbid con
dition of the whole system of nutrition—these pro
ducts being but the effects of an alteration of the
Blood and Secretions,—the ulcers, abuses, enlarged
glands, intimations, c., being tamely attendant
phenomena. The cause exists prior to the phenom
ena, and must be destroyed before perfect health
can be established. 'Phis may be dime by Dr. Kel
ler's Vegetable Panacea, the most certain remedy
for all diseases arising ham an impure state of the
blood and system of nutrition, ever presented to
the notice of the afflicted.
Prepared corner of 3d and South streets, Phil
adelphia : and sold by JOllll N. Prowell, and Jones
& Simonton, Huntingdon, and by Druggists and
Merchants throughout the county. Price—sl per
bottle, large size.
june 9, 1b47.
Estate of Jacob Van Tries, Esq., late o
Warriorsmark twp., dec'd.
I\7OTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin
istration on he said estate have been granted
to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate payment,
end those having claims against it will present them
duly authenticated, to DAVID ROBESON,
jly 13:'47.6t. JANE VAN TRIES.
Dissolation of Partnership.
rill -1E partnership heretofore existing under the
I. firm of Jones & Simonton was this day (July
15th) dissolved by mutual consent. All persons
having unsettled accounts with said firm will please
call on E. M. Jones and settle them. The business
hereafter will be continued by T. K. Simonton at
the old stand. E. M. JONES,
A. W. Benedict,
A T'PORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.--
01lico at his old residence in Main street, a
few doors west of tho old Court House. He will
attend to any business entrusted to httn in the see.
cral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties,
Rats, Caps, Ladies' Waft, Boas,
To Merchants, Hatters, and Others.
Hat 4- Cap Ware House &Manufactory,
No. 196 Market Street,
Second Door below Sixth, Philadelphia,
xtiR E , S . P t
l E . C i
r ' g iJ e f
a t
c s o o rn lic p i l t e
attention stoct.
HOTS and CA., manufactured under
their own immediate direction and su
perintendence with all the advantages
of modern improvements to enable them to corn
-1 ine the important qualities of durability, taste and
beauty of finish with extreme cheapness of price.
An immense and beautiful assortment of all va
rieties and prices of Beaver, Brush, Silk. Moleskin,
Caasimere, Wool, Sporting and Ashland
Hate. Also, a general assortment of every variety
of Curs—Otter, Ft r Seal, Hair Seal. Muskrat,
Plain and Fancy Cloth every style, Red, Black
and Brown Mohair, Sealette, Glazed, Oiled Silk &
Fur Caps
Ladies' Multi, Boas, &c., ut the very lowest
Buyers by the dozen or less, are invited to call
and see if it is riot to their interest to d •al with us.
Particular attention paid to the packing of Hats,
Cash paid for Muskrat and Shipping Furs.
No. 196 Market Street. below Sixth Street.
Philadelphia, July 20, 1947-3 m.
CHEAP 1111141AUS:
33. $. WILLIAM/A,
Venitian Blind Manufactui:er,
No. 12 .Vortk Sixth Street, (a few doors
above Market St.) Phalli;la.
HAS now on hand the largest and most fashion
able assortment of Na-row Slat and other
Venetian Blinds of any establishment in the Uni
ted States, which he will sell, wholesale and
nt the lowest prices.
The citizens of 'Huntingdon are respectfully so
licited to call on him before purchasing elsewhere,
as he is confident of giving entire satistketion to all
who moy thus favor him with a call.
Old Blinds Repainted and Trimmed so Of to look
equal to new.
Orders punctually Attended to, and the Blinds
forwarded with despatch.
nilo.3m) B. J.WILLE 4MS.
No. 4.0 .4.larket Strcet, Philark.
OFFERS for sale a large stock of Ft esh Drugs,
Medicines and Dye Shaft, to which they cull
the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers
visiting the city.
Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var
nishes, of a superior quality. Also, NA bite and
Red Load, Window Glass, Paints and Oils-- cheup
er than over.
CY' &C. are also proprietors of the Indian
Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout their own
and neighboring States as the best preparation far
the cure of Coughs, Coble, Asthma, Ne. Money
refunded in evert• instance where no benefit is re
ceived. [Philadelphia, jate27-fint
LIZ Tja 4 11 4 '443' „
,\'o. 201 Market Street, one door above
Fifth, forth Side, Philadelphia.
I M PORTE RS and Wholesale Dealersin DREGS,
cines, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware,
Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, Ale.
Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians,
supplied with the above articles on the most favora
ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or
ders. Every article warranted.
sopt23. JAS. A. TURNER, !Lie of Vo.
(Successors to Potts, Linn 4. Harris,)
14101 LEN A LE DR lUGGisirs,
No. 2131 Alarket Street, Philada.
VEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Surgical Instru
ments, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass,
Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, &c. &e., all of
which they oiler to country merchants, and others,
on the most advantageous terms. All orders, by
letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest care and
despatch. CLAUDIUS B. LINN,
ll tT er i t r fu i rt ZiOrir 6 l 4411
10R the cure of Pulmonary Consump
tion,, Coughs, Colds, asthma, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup .A . errous Tre
mours„ll.ooping Cough, 4'.c.
Proof follow supon proof of the virtues of
Read the following Xew Certificates
MI croon, Perry co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1846
0088111. Robinson, Collins & Co :—Sirs : This
is to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years
with a violent pain in my breast, so touch so that
I could hardly lay in bed at night. Cough attended,
followed by emaciation and other decided symp
toms of consumption. I applied to several eminent
physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with
out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr.
Davie's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and
Tar, of which I took two bottles, w hich entirely re
lieved me of my complaint; therefore I can with
confidence recommend it to all who are in a like
mother &filleted, ass most valuable Medicine.
The authenticity of the above statement is
vouched fur by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of
Milford, who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circum
stances of his case. Mr. 'l', is now sixty yenta of
Price, $1 per bottle.
Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen
eral agents.
For sale by THOS. READ & SON,
Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his
Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces;
Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F.
Bell, Laurel Run Mills, and Spencer &
Flood, Williamsburg.
Feb. 10, 1847-6 m.
3. Sewell Stewart,
ATTOENEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Office in Main street, five doors west of Mr
Huoy's jewelry establishment.