Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 24, 1847, Image 3

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    What has the War Cost Us?
What has the war cost us 1 One Hun
dred and Twenty Millions of Dollars!
LIONS OF DOLLARS ! Is this a great
sum 1 Is it a loss to us 1 Could we
have made any use of it 1 — -
The Cambria reached the dock at 15 don, ‘i the 'Grave-Yard' within the lim-
With the interest of $120,000,000 we minutes past 5 o'clock, with Liverpool its of the borough, covered with half
might found a National Gallery, that dates to the 4th inst. grown forest trees, is (strange to tell)
would rank with the British Museum as GENERAL INTELLIGENCE.—ParIiament an admired and much frequented spot
the British Museum does with the Cab. has been dissolved, and the new elections by the Lion" : Who would not be ap
inet of Pennsylvania College. • are proceeding vigorously. So far as ' palled at reading this 1 How many lovers
The famous "Garden of Plants," foun- the returns have been made, they show of the Beautiful may not already have
ded and endowed at Paris by Richilieu a complete triumph for the free trade been deterred from visitin g the delight
in the times of Louis the Fourteenth, principle. I ful village of Huntingdon 1 Who would
and which is the greatest in the world, Lord John Russell, who will form the I not just as leave, and considerable leav-
did not cost, from then till now, as much new Cabinet has been re-elected for the . er too, pitch himself headlong at once,
as three months of the Mexican war. city of London. without boots or inexpressibles, into an
With $120,000,000, a School-house The prospects o f the h arv e s t s contin- African jungle as venture within the
and Church might crown every hill-top Ile unexceptionably encouraging, and limits of a borough covered with half ,
from the Penobscot to the Rio Grande, everywhere prom i ses a mos t abundant' grown forest trees, which (strange to
and teachers of knowledge and righte. yield. It has already commenced in , tell) was an admired and much frequent
ousness might do their mission of good several of the southern counties. The !ed spot by the Lion 1 .No wonder many
without money or price for any one. . crops of wheat, oats and barley, are un-'I strangers stay away.—For surely there
With $120,000,000 we might connect usually healthy, and the potato° crop, ' are more that don't come, than do.—
every town in our land by railroad, and notwithstanding a ll th a t h as been said ' Now we would beg leave to interrupt ,
the Magnetic-Telegraph might be made about the re-appearance of the rot, us af- Mr. Rupp who has thus abruptly cor
to stretch its magic wires along every fected to a very insignificant extent. rupted the public mind. We assure the
thoroughfare from the Atlantic to the ' Reports from Ireland are equally glow- community and public, that diligent
Pacific. , ing, and famine and disease are rapidly I search has been made by day and night, •
With $120,000,000 we might build vanishing. The succession of the pre- but no lions have been seen there in that I
such a Navy as the world never saw, lacy priesthood gentry of the country to "spot" except two or three Dandy-lions,
and carry on such a commerce as Ye- the old Ireland party are lar g e, and the ' and a few scattered dandelions. But
nice, in her 'mintiest days, never dream- weekly contributions steadily increase. these are harmless things. Perhaps i
ed of; our flag might oat on every It is expected that a large proportion of the Historian was lost in dreaming of
breeze, our sails whiten every sea, and Repealers will be returned to the Impe- Sampson's riddle. At all events it was I
our name be heard and feared in every rial Parliament at the election. : but a dream. "The Lion," though I
harbor between tht poles. I The remains of Mr. O'Connell were sought for carefully, has always been
With $120,000,000 we might feed embarked at Birkenhead for Dublin on ' educate came."
every poor man, cloth every beggar, and Sunday, where they arrived on the fol- "There is no lion—there is no lion!"
relieve every distress, not once only, • lowing day.
but always, as long as the population of Several heavy failures have occurred 1 DAUPHIN COUNTY.—The Whigs of this !
the globe did not exceed 950,000,000.! in the corn trade, and many others of a' sterling Whig county, have nominated !
Starvation, poverty and famine need nev. : serious character arc appfehended. !
the following ticket :
er find a foothold on earth. I A formidable conspiracy of the most
And more, with $120,000,000 we I diabolical character has been discovered , ,
.9 A s , s r e z m .
g g b/y.—JOHN FOX, and T
might ive the Bible and tell the tidins at Rome. The object of the conspire-' ""
omissioners. —HENRY PEPPER,
of our Holy Faith, to every Ileauhen tors, who amounted to several hundreds Cm
land, to every foreign nation, and to ev . ' in number, was to massacre the citizens
o t the P oor.—DAVID HOO-
Treasurer —GEO. HCEHLER.
cry human soul. land remove the Pope to Naples by force. Direct o r
The government complains that the Five Cardinals , of exalted civil and mil- „ R. f
Post Office Department is a heavy tax ' itary offices, Y"'
have ben discovered t
.luditor.—LE RUE METZGAR.
upon the Treasury on account of the have been abettors. ~
low rates of Postage. Devote four Popular feeling has become more tran-
Gov. SHUNK.—We wish the people to
months' interest of the Mexican War quit in France. The King was well re-
debt to this end, and our people would ceived by the people on the celebration remember that Gov.
Has held office over h thirty years.
never hear the word "Postage." of the glorious three days.
Has rece ived during that time from
The Government doles out with a mi. The Chamber of Deputies is about to
the State Treasury $72,000.
sec's hand and a miser's spirit, trifling, be dissolved.
~ Has provided for several of his rela
pint ul sums for harbors on our Western Several sanguinary battles have been
lions by appointine them to office.
Rivers, and Lakes. Devote two months' fought between the Russians and Circas-
Has violated the' Constitution by
interest of the Mexican War debt to this sians. The former having been defeat.
pointing John M. Berrell Judge o f the
end, and no more petitions for appropri- , ed with considerable loss.
Tecith District,
talons would come front the people of I Switzerland is threatened with revo •
Has treated the people with contempt
the West. I lution. The Sonder, a band, or Catholic
in making that appointment.
This is the way to calculate the cost • league, have armed themselves, but they
of the War ; and these are not idle fan- are likely to be suppressed. I Has pocketed the bill which authoris
cies. Let no reader he satisfied until The Wesleyan Conference commene-
ed the people to elect their own Lawyers
he works with his pencil each one of ed their sittings at Liverpool on Wed- a nd Surveyors.
Has signedbills and afterwards ad
these statements. Figures will verify nesday last. The Rev. Samuel Jackson I
them all. Is our country able to squan. was elected President. milted that he did not know what he was
der money on this wise 1 Is gold a LIVERPOOL, Aug. I, 11 o'clock, A. hi. sig H n a in s g ;dvised the withholding the in
matter of such little concern as to be —The Corn Market—Best Western Ca-'
terest on the State debt.
disposed of in this summary manner 1 nal Flour 27s to 27s 6d per bbl. Phila. '
Has aided in the Tariff swindle, and
N% hat says the Farmer, whose taxed I delphia and Baltimore, warranted sweet,
Has supported Polk and his adminis
land helps to heap up these hordes of I 26s to 26s 6d; sour 21s to 235. Rich
' tration down to the present time.—Pitts
wasted money 1 What says the Me- ' mond and Alexandria 25s to 265; New
, burg .11Orning Herald.
chanic, whose taxed "occupation" aids Orleans and Ohio 23s to 255.
in atnassing this squandered treasure 1 U. S. Wheat, white and mixed, 8s to I , 'The Tennessee regiment marched to Mexico
Whai say the PEOPLE, who pay for it in 9s per 70 lbs; red 7s 6d to 8s 9d. Oatsl2,ooo strong; of these, 1330 have been buried
their cloths, food, books, houses, furni- per 45 ibs, 3s to 3s 4d. Barley per 60 there, and 770 only have returned to their homes."
Cure and property 1 Can we afford it 1 1 Ibs, 4s to ss. Rye per 480 ibs, 30s to ' —An Exchange Paper.
We might be doing good with it, such l3lB. Peas per 504 Ibs, 30 to 40s. In- ,
_.?•• A sad story simply told ! 1330
us no country ever done. I dian Corn, rotund 26s to 30s per qr; un- ' buried-1330 graves dug-1330 deed
Is this, then, the much boasted death- I sound and heated 20s to 24.5. 'when bodies are thrown in, a few clods and
ny of our great country—to tax her peo-ICorn Meal, 14s per bbl. Some parcels ' stones are cast upon tl;ein, the surviving
pie, collect and borrow an immense sum, I of Indian Corn which had been slightly' comrade drops a tear of sympathy, and
and spend it shedding blood and killing heated but restored, were yesterday sold' , all is over—there they lie until the
men 1 Heaven forbid ! ! The war has 'by auction at 25s per qr., and some : graves give tip their dead ! There is a
cost us $120,000,000, and what have %% estern Canal Flour at 21s 6d to 23s world of wo, that few hearts can feel,
we gained? Respect abroad 1 No. Mil , Gd per bbl., but the transactions were hidden under the words that head this
nity at home 1 No. Fear in Mexico 1 generally unimportant. ! article. We cannot feel this wo, nor
Doubtful. But this we have gained :we The above is she result of yesterday's ' tell the depth of meaning in the sen
have taught our people to love the ex- market, and shows a serious decline in tence—for among that 1330. were none !
citement, the glory, the sin of War; we breadstnifs. A panic has decidedly ta- ,of those we knew or loved. Our family HOT AND COLD BLAST IRON.—Mr.R.Ste•
have taught them the unholy lesson ken place, accelerated by the gradual circles may yet be unbroken—there i venson, the engineer, has been making a
that " might makes right ;" we have call- downward tendency of the late London may be no " vacant place" around our series of experiments upon the relative
ed into vigorous play the cruel passions markets, the highly favorable state of table—the destroyer War may have strengths of hot and cold blast iron, the
•of A NATION'S NATURE ; we have given a the home crops, and the stiffness of the passed our doors, and left no mark there. • result of which will be a complete revo
taste for blood, and tiger-like they'll money market. I
But not so with every house in the land. lotion in the iron trade.—Hitherto cold
seek it, and gorge, and gorge,
and gorge! ' In the London Corn market on Mon- 1330 family circles have wept for him ' blast iron has brought a higher price,
Enough of this—let us have Peace ! By da a reduction u on Wheat of Bto les that is gone ; 1330 "vacant places" tell I and has been considered in every respect
the good which $120,000,000 can do— pe r . q uarter took p nlace. We have no the silent tule of bitter anguish ; the ! superior to hot blast. Previous, however,
by the harm that is doing—let us im.
quotations to give o yester ay s trans- ,
plore the Rulers for Peace ! ' houses were unmarked, and the loud ! bridge at Newcastle-upon Tyne,intended
But the War costs more—it costs in a
111 ETALS.—U. S. Lead, pig in bond, lamentations of the heart-stricken there- Ito connect the York and Newcastle with
way that money cannot count. Who p er ton £l6 to 17. Iron British bar in testify but too plainly that the de- the Newcastle and Berwick Railway, Mr.
will estimate by dollars and cents the
.£9 ss; rod £lO ss; hoops ill 5s to £ll s , troying angel passed them not by.— ' Stevenson caused
betaore than one hundred
cost of the broken limbs, the shattered I
10s; sheets £ll 10s. In Wales bar '7'ix out of every ten have been left— ! experiments to ade with the various
constitutions and the legions of crip- four only have returned to reap the un- sorts of Pig Iron—the result of which
£8 lOs to £l2 6s; Scotch £4; on
pled soldiers ' l
Who will estimate by p ig
certain honors of the warrior. Some has been to prove that hot blast is supe-
Clyde£3 0
the 1 s.
dollars and cents the cost of the brokenl died in the hour of battle—some per• rior to cold, in the proportion of 9 to 7;
hearts, the striken spirits, and the bow - DEATH Or MR. BAPP.—By a gentleman ' Raps in th e moment of victory—some and moreover, that pig iron No. 3is bet
ed heads of fathers made childless—of ! just from Beaver. we have intelligence ! in the treacherous ambuscade—but most ter iron than No. 1, which, up to this
Mothers made sorrowful—of wives made of the death of GeOrge Rapp, the patri- .of them fell victims to disease, that time, has sold much; higher in the mar
widows 1 But more than all, who will arch of the celebrated association at most dreaded enemy to the soldier, for ket.—antheteum.
estimate by dollars and cents the cost of Economy. He was in the 92d year of no bravery can stand against it, no tac-
Ihe undying part 'of the ten thousand hi s age , : tics cheat it of its victim. But how toe.'—The Albany Journal, in speaking
fallen 1 The death of this gentleman may be ' they died, is no matter—they all died, of an officer whom it considers not over-
Answer these three questions—add , regarded as a matter of considerable'l33o out of 2,000 ! valorous, calls up the following old, butt
that to the,ooo—and then say, ' importance, as ho stood in the light of a But we who have no losses to lament,
excellent anecdote of a lame Captain.—
ye American People, IS IT NOT TIME ' petty sovereign, and the choice of a sue- !no dead friend to weep over, have we ' Fellow Soldiers,' said the limping man
FOR PEACE 'l—fidanis Sentinel. cessor is a matter of moment, affecting Ino sympathy for those who have stiffer- in regimentals, 'at length our efforts to
a_ 7 'THE FOLLOWING resolutions which an influence beyond the little nation over led 1 If we have sympathy at all, let it bring the enemy to battle are crowned
were passed at the Whig meeting at which he may be said to hive reigned Ibe a real, true and active sympathy— I
, with success. There he is, before you
Lewistown, Mifflin county, evince the for more than forty years, with more a sympathy that leads us to feel for the' march boldly up and give him battle.—
proper Whig spirit, and the determine- than absolute sovreignty.—.linerican, living as well as the dead—a sympathy I Never say die ! Fight bravely! but
tion to triumph this fall : that makes us all desire and strive for I
! should you be overpowered by s , :pe,io••
[1:)=-1VIr. Edward Norfolk,of Salem , PEACE.—.ldams Sentine l. . Resolved, That the Whigs of Mifflin A e as 1 • . , . its I numbers, make a safe and ca tio .. I
s. has invented a loom, simple in
CAN give a majority for Irvin and Pat- I treat. Am!, as I am a little ii ,e, _ , ‘itev ,
mechanism, noisless in its operation, and I'll start now!'
ton, and the county ticket.
Resolved, THAT THEY WILL. capable, he says, of causing a saving of
fifteen per cent. in the manufuctute of
VERY GOOD.—The Doylestown Intel- cotton. The motion of the shuttle is de
ligencer asks : rived directly from the lathe with a
" Why are the Locofoco politicians positve accelerated motion, and moves,
like the city bakers?" D'ye give it upl , therefore, directly at the speed of the
Because they are the first to announce • lathe without noise. A girl can tend six
a RISE in flour, and the last to discover a of these lathes as easily as four of the
FALL. common movement.
• [For the Huntingdon Journal.]
A litistorical Delusion.
It is stated in a new "History of"
several Counties such as " Northumber-
DECLINE IN BREADSTUFF& I land, Huntingdon, Mifflin, &c.," by J.
BOSTON, Aug. 18-7 o'clock, P.M. I D. Rupp, that at the town of Hunting-
Arrival of the Steamship Cambria.
SUNDAY IN CUDA.—The last Havana pa.
pers state that the Governor has gran
ted permission for six bull lights to take KENTUCKY.—The Frankfort Yeoman
place in the Plaza de Toros, on as many expresses the opinion that the Conven
successive Sundays, the net receipts of tion question has been carried by a ma
two of the performances to go to the ex
. .
jority of 30,000, and perhaps 10,000 over
of a public exhibition of the pro
ducts of Cuban industry--the others to a constutional majority. The question
he for the benefit of the managers of the has to be submitted to the people once
Plaza. more.
[Correspondence of the N. Y. Express.) The alarkete.
A Shocking Murder. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 20, 1847.
DEPOSIT, Aug. 6th, 1847.
FLOUR AND MEAL,—Prices of Flour
A horrible deed was perpetrated in are firm at $5 87 as 6 for Western, and
Scott township, Wayne county, Pa., only $6 as 6 12 for fresh ground. Rye Flour
eight miles front this place, on Sunday is worth $3 25 for old and $3 50 for
last, which has no parallel in the cam- I new; Corn Meal $3 25.
logue of crimes. Mrs. Williams, wife I GRAIN.—SmaII sales of Pa. Wheat,
of the Rev. Gersham Williams, aged
about 56, left her residence in the morn- red, new, were made at $1 27 per bush
el, in store; good old Western is held
ing to attend a Sabbath School, in the lat $1 25 asl 27. Sales of 1000 bus.
neighborhood, only one mile and a half of Corn were made at 77c. No sales
from her house. While passing through of Rye. Oats, old, are Worth 50c for
the woods she was attacked by a fiend in Northern, and 45c for new.
human shape, thrown out of the road
and throttled until she died ; there is no --
doubt the fiend effected his purpose from On the 20th inst., in this borough, Mrs.
the bruises found about her body. He . E STER CLARKE, aged 50 years 7 months,
was disturbed by the noise of Mr. Wil- ' and 18 days.
' Hams' carriage, which soon came up and
' passed on to the school house with a ' Cl'lle deceased was extensively known* as the
portion of the family, and two sisters of amiable and obliging Landlady of the Mansion
the unfortunate Mrs. Williams, who a Temperance Hou,e, in this borough; and she pos
sessed the esteem of all who knew her, for her truly
day or two had arrived from their mi
dance in your city, on a visit to their kind disposition. She was a Lady of more than
friends, and sisters. The family on at- usual energy and perseverance. By her own un
riving at the school house, finding Mrs. aided exertions, she not only maintained, educated,
W. absent, and upon inquiry that she and reared up in respectability her own children,
had not been there, became greatly it- but the promptings of her benevolent and kind
larmed, consequently returned with sev-„', heart, also induced her to take charge of three Mile
eral others. ! children of a widowed sister, whom she wit pro-
The body was found about a quarter • viding for with all the core and tenderness of a mo
of a mile from the school house, a few they. Mrs. C. was a member of the Presbyterian
feet from the road, behind a log, and her Church of this place. Her loss will be severely
clothes were much torn, and other evi- felt by her own family, and lamented by an ex ten
that she came to her death by '
fine circle of friends.]
strangulation. The perpetrator, on hear-
ing the approach of the carriage, left his
victim, went towards Deposite, about
half a mile with a view to escape, finally .110011E4' RISD011;
turned about to return, when he was ta- , aIIEE at B6laur 92 42 Cil LSI C)1.2 B 0
ken by his pursuers. He immediately ; No. 70 South Third Street, nearly oppo
confessed the attack and its object, and 1 site the Exchange, Philaielphia,
was going back to see if the woman was n ESPE 'IF ULL Y announce to their friends
dead, if not, to consummate the act he I_l, end the public that they ore constantly pre
first contemplated. The murderer-stood ii,, , !,:i . i, t ) u. u , i i , , k i el , :!:, , i i d u e , r, of . the finest and i b ,, est mate.
before his victim a prisoner, in one hour i r :: l .i,h.c i i,, , iii. : , ;: on .L r i l i : , ::
I.7e ‘ i ' it t le r r t r i ni .. ri': i ‘
‘ aril - -
rob,. 1.., whir.. their complete stock of choice and
after the body was found and less iii. I:
two hours after the deed was committee. c.rcf u i I y selected Cloths. Canaisnerea, Vesting, 84c.,
He says his name is John Bell. of the latest and most desirable patter., are partic.
ularly designed.
FEMALE COURAGE.— A servant girl of Their own practical knowledge of the business
riV in a
t p o e; i 3 , 7 :i n i t i: r tnt u t f, to i: , every
, 517 0 %er: i 1 l enables
b u t: id s
Listle, remarkable for her fearless dis
positimi, laid a wager that she would go 1
:ie. , cum...3s they respectfully te nder an invita
into a charnel-house at midnight with a tion to give them a call.
light and bring from thence a dead man's , Having been for yearn connected with soine of
skull. Accordingly,. at the appointed the best and most fashionable establishments in this
time, she went but the person with whom country, empl oying
i none but fi rst rate workmen,
n r l s b n e n i being
stylesie cat r in g i o t
o r t e i receipt ot a ' r t u he fu l i a i test fash
she made the bet had gone before and !'
hid himself in the place.— When he l ed to accommod ate customers in y the best r Y ririr.
heard her descend and take up the skull, Philaila., Aug. 24,1847
he called out in a hollow dismal voice
'Leave me my heat!!' .Che girl instead
of displaying symptoms of horror or
fright, very coolly laid it down and said,
'Well there it is then,' and took up an
other, upon which the voice repeated
'Leave me my head.' But the heroic
girl observing it was the same voice that
had called before, answered in her own
country dialect, 'Nag, nine, friend, ye
!cane ha'twa heads '
DANIEL BooNE's Swonn.--The Galena
Mercury says:—We have in our posses
sion, at this office, the identical sword
used by Daniel Boone in his many bat
tles with the Indians, in Ohio and Kentuc
It is a rough looking piece of furni
ture. The blade is short and roughly
made, but appears to be of good steel ;
the haft or handle is covered with a piece
of buckhorn, and the guard is made of
iron wrought to the thickness of one
eighth of an inch. It was the first, and
for a long time the only sword ia Ken
tucky; at the battle of Blue Licks it was
the only one in possesion of the whites.
It was afterwards lost in the Licking
river by Col. Todd,where it lay for seve
ral years, but was finally recovered and
identified by Mrs. Todd as the same
sword which her husband had borrowed
from Daniel Boone.
To the Heirs and legal Representatives of JACOB
STOUFFER, late of Lampeter township, Lan
_ caster county ,deceased.
I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of said county, I will hold an Inquisition on
Thursday the 1611 a of September, 1847, at ono
o'clock, in the afternoon, at the house of Christian
Rohrer, (Big Spring) W. Lampeter township,
Lancaster co., to make partition of the Real Estate
of said deceased, sitaatc in said township, among
the said heirs and legal representatives:—sad if
the same cannot be done, then to make a valuation
of the sante according to law,—at whirls ttme and
place all interested csn attend if they think proper.
DAVID Hit RTMAN, Sheriff.
Lancaster, Aug. 24,-4t.
Great Spring and Summer Medicine.
HANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable or
Blood Pills.—Fifty pills in a box—
The cheapest and best medicine in ex
istence—for purifying the blood, remov
ing bile, correcting disorders of the sto
mach and bowels, costiveness, dyspep
sia, swimming in the head, &c. Per
sons of a full habit, who arc subject to
headache, giddiness, drowsiness, and
singing in the ears, arising front too
great a flow of blood in the. head, should
STANTON'S EXTERNAL REMEDY. never be without them, as niany danger-
,! ous symptoms will be entirely carried
AS now given abundant evidence of its heal- uir by their inunediate use.
ing powers. and proved itself the most extra- Read the following wonderful cure of
ordinary and wonderful medicine in the world.—
In the short space of two your, it has acquired a dyspepsia
This is to certify that my wife •Wilf*
reputation for curing disease and relieving pain far
greater than any medicine ever discovered. Its afflicted with the Dyspepsia for 12 years,
wonderful cures have ashmished the Medical Far. and tried both advertised medicines and
any, who now universally concede its weal. value. Thomsuninti, but without effect; and my-
They speak or it iss the highest terms, and corn- self attacked with blindness and my head
mend its use. I otherwise afliNted from hart\ drinking, so
It is condemned by none. On the contrary, its
p ~8 The
case. o r cures
um .. nu. that I was apprehensive of fits ;and see
-morons that it would take volumes to recount them; ing HANCE'S SARSAPARILLA PILLS
and it ix a tined fact, and is not disputed, that as a I advertised, 1 went and got a box of them,
Pain Extractor it has no equal. Fur the many , which, to my astonishment, effected a
astonishing cures, see the pamphlet, to is had of cure of me and my wife both. I think
each agent. II you suffer with either of the diseases !
them without a rival before the public.
for which it is recommended, resort at once to its I
use aiid be cured. For the following diseases it is S. IL HALL, Albemarle st. near Wilk.
an infallible 101110.4 I For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Balti-
Spinal affections, Rheumatism, Paralysis more st., and corner of Charles & Pratt
and all Nervous affections,Salt Rheum, 1 sts., Balt. [nov4-y
i Croup or Hives, Ague in the Breast j AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Hunting
and Face, Weakness of the Jonas don; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; A.
Colds Toothache Sore Throat and
0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buch-
Quins ,
y, Ulcerated ,
I anon, Mill Creek; Spencer & Flood,Wil
cers, Burns, Frosted ' Indolent Ul-
Feet, Corns, I
Bunyons, Fresh Wounds, Swellings
and Bruises, Scrofulous Affections,
Musquito Bites, and Poisons.
(This Liniment is sold by all the respectable
Merchants and Druggists throughout the country,
14 Not for a Day but for All Time."
and by thu Proprietors at Sing Sing, N. Y.
A E NTS. —l' . Read & Son, Huntingdon; B.
F. Patton, Warriorsmark; James Clark, Birming
ham; J. R. Bunter & Co., Petersburg; Milliken
& Kessler, Mill Creek; A. O. Brown, Shirley.
burg , T. E. Orhison 4 Co., Orbisonia ; Blair &
Nladdon, Cromwell township; A. C. Blair, Clays
Aug. 24, 1847--3 m.
URLLOW CITIZENS offer myself to your
co isideration as a candidate. for the office of
SHERIFF. at the ensuing election, and respect-
fully solicit your support. JOHN WR AY.
West township, July 27, 1847.
Ots,ot.eoio►t or Partnership.
E partnership which has existed since the Ist
of pr i A. U. 1844, between thesubscribers,
to u n • ,•rcanulc business, at Manor Hill, Peters
-1,112 111 d Nell's Mill tinder the firm of John R.
enter `'.7 Co.. lino. this day (July 15) been dissolv
ed by mutual consent. The business hereafter
will he continued at Nefre Mill by Mr. Hunter,
with whom the Books, &c., of the late firm are
left for settlement. D A VID BLAIR
S. Steel Blair,
A TTORNE V AT LAW, Hollidayaburg, Pa.,
1 - 1 Will attend attend to all Winne. entruated to
hie mein Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana noun
ape :46
.... A T the" Philadelphia
Ap..;... A Watch and Jewelry
~. 4 ., .
, A . ,—,1411/, thole," No. 06 North Bee
f; ) li and Street, corner of Quer
'' '-,' ty. Gold Lever Watchea,
ev. 9 , 0.... 5 ' :',:t 5 full jewelled 16 carat cases
WI ' -,,,..7., - end gold Dial, 40 00
Silver Lever Watches full jeweled, 20 00
Silver Patent Lever Watched, seven jewels, 18 00
Silver Lephie Watch., jeweled. 12 00
Quartier %Vetches 8 00
linitation:Quartier Watches, 6 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
Fine Silve, Spectacles, I 60
Gold Bracelets with Tepas Fume'. 3 00
Gold Pens with silver Pencil and Holder, 126
Ladies Gold Pencils, 1 75
_ __
Silver Tea-spoons, from $4 50 per set to 600
Gold Finger-Rings, from 37} cents to 60 00
Watch-Gimes :—Plain, 12f eta; potent 18/
Lune; 25 ;other Articles in proportion. All good.*
warranted La be what they are sold fur. _
Oh hand some Gold and silver Levers, Lepinee
and Quartiers lower than the above prices.
Constantly on hand, an assortment of Silver Ta
ble, Desert. Tea Salt and Nue' ard•Spoons, Soup-
Ladles, Sugar-Tongs, Napkin• Rings, Fruit and
Butter Knives, Thimbles, Shields, Knitting Nee
dle Cases and Sheaths, Purse and Reticle Claspv,
—The silver Warranted to be equal to American'
Also a great tlariety of Fine Gold Jewelry, con.;
sisting in part of Finger-Rings of all styles, set
with Diamons, Ruhys, Emeral Torquise, Topaz,
Garnet, Cornelian, Jasper, expo May, Amethyst
and other atones. lircastspina and Bracelets of all
styles set with Stones. and Cameos and Ena
melled; Ear-Rings of all styles; Gold ChairiX of
all style. and of thL finest quality, together with all
other articles in the line, which will be sold unusu
ally low, wholesale and retail—Also Fianna Light'
ning-Rod Points, by the dozen or single ono,
0. Colll' AD.
Watchninktr 4 Jeweller
N. 11.—On hand M. J. Tobias & best
quality full jewelled, Patent Lever Movetnente, in
18 Carat Gold Casey. Also a quantity of M 0..-
merits which will tic cost d any style required, sad
sold at 5 per cent above the price of Importations.
July 20, '97-Iy.
Tr HE subscriber oilers for sale, a tract of land, sit
-1 nate in Hume township, Huntingdon county,
on the South side of Stone creek, next
Couches Iron Works, containing about one hun
dred and twenty one acres—about eighty acres
of which aro cleared, including about fifteen acres
of bottom land. with a good two-story
'DWELLING HOUSE, and a bank „
Earn therein, erected; there is also a a a
good bearing orchard, and a spring of
never failing writer near the house: there is raise
lime-stone, and the appeara, ce of Iron Ore nu th,
premises. . . .
Any person wishing to purcl:3se
the said property by 'srob Z !•
the name. n indisputable ,
end the terms made e4sy for tbo• i o
Near Allenville, Mifflin county,
August 3, 1847.
If the rbove property is not sold before
next November, it will then be of at public
sale. A. Z.
ANCE'S Compound Syrup of Hore
-11 hound, for the cure of coughs, colds,
consumption, spitting of blood, pain in
the side and breast, bronchitis, croup,
and all diseases arising from a disor
dered condition of the lungs or neglect
ed cold. The following sonnet was ad
dressed to the proprietor by a young
lady who was cured of Consumption :
Ho! ye who pant with failing breath,
And pine away and die ;
Hance shall "put away" your death,
And light anew your eye.
How sweet it melts upon the tongue,
How grateful to the breast !
A glorious theme for poet's song,
Soothing his cough to rest.
fiance! favored of the God's, art thou,
A blessing to thy race,
Let laurels flourish on thy brow,
And wealth those laurels grace.
When heroes are forgotten ; kings
Defunct ; or, ceased to rain ;
Glory, for thee, shall Rap her wings,
Thou conquerer of pain.
Price 50 cts. per bottle, or 6 bottles
for $2 50. Prepared and sold by Seth,
S. Hance, 108 Baltimore st., and corner
Charles and Pratt ate. [novl4
AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Huntingdon;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer
& Flood, Williamsburg ; W. W. Buch.
anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. Browne, akir