and to listen to no overtures or sugges. tions coming from those who have. ever opposed Whig principles, and who now seek to break down the Whig party in the county. If this course be adopted, all is well. But if any considerable portion of the Whigs can be induced to fly from their organization, confusion will ensue, and defeat and disgrace will be the result. What true Whig—what friend of Gem Irvin, can hesitate for a moment as to what shall be his course? None such. can hesitate. Stand fast, then, friends of IRVIN, by your organi zation; and vote the whole Whig ticket, and a . victory, cheering and glorious, will be your reward. Gen. Jackson's Fine—Honorable Conduct. It is with pride and pleasure that we occasionally note the honorable conduct of a portion of the opposition press.— It will be recollected that Gen. Irvin has been charged with voting against refunding to Gen. Jackson the fine im posed upon him by Judge Hall. The Harrisburg .Argus having published this charge, and being subsequently convin .lced of its incorrectness, thus honorably I makes the correction which truth and ,eee, I fairness demands : na- SEEYOI.IRTII PAGE. 1 "Souse time since, we published a communication, in which was set forth, 11-1 -lon. A. Ramsey has our thanks ! for fact, that teen. Irvin, when in Con for a Map of the Mineral Lands adjacent! gress, voted against the bill introduced to Lake Superior, ceded to the U. States' by Mr. Ingersoll, refunding to General in 184.2, by the Chippewa Indians. 13/lawn the fine imposed oil him by IJudge Hall, at New Orleans. A WORD IN SEABON. Our correspondent was in error on We would caution the friends of Gen. this question. Gen. Irvin, then a mern- IRVIN throughout the county to keep an be r r l olb r C t o h i e ig b re , y r f e •r i e u i n n d l i ' n en i t i o sy G lv e a n n ia j , ae v k o- eye on the movements of the Locofocos, , t s e on i the fine above mentio g ned. . I THE PROSPECTS.—The York Republit and a few pretended %% higs, in the bor.l We take pleasure in correcting the can copies a number of extracts from ough of Huntingdon. If the develope- 1 error committed by our worthy corres- paper and letters from different sections meats of the present or coming week pendent, as we have no desire to do in , of the State, all of which indicate a de do not reveal to you the propriety of ; j i u e st a i e c r e s t o o f tl A m ir pe i r r s v o u n i al character or pub lie termination on the part of the Whigs to this hint, we are deceived in regard to I I In "Blair & Rives' Congressional give their candidates for Governor and some movements here which we believe Globe" for the first session of the 28th -Canal Commissioner an enthusiastic and to be in contemplation. The Locofocos Congress, page 120, are- the yeas and triumphant support. The Republican are well aware that not a man on their nays upon the final passage of the bill. i I says that " our political friends seem to Ticket has the most remote chance of Gen. Irvin's name is amongthe y ea s 28 e of I be very fully determined to discharge whom there were 1 ,to nays. success, if the Whigs are united in sup- Can &LINK BE ELECTED t Is a goes. their ditty at the approaching election. We will see whether our neighbor of ! port of their own nominations. They I tion often asked, and we know of no The sp irit which animates them does ' the Globe will have the manliness to set I feel that there is force in the exclatna- I better way of answering it, than by lead l to emptydisplayor loud and when ap. this matter right through the columns I not . tion of Old Rough and Ready, I 1) ' ' of his paper. ! noisy c amor, b ut it is fixed, firm plied to the Whigs of Huntingdon coun-1 I deep, resolved upon a faithful exercise t he Harrisburg Argus, one of the two ty, " We can never be defeated when wet WHIGS, ORGANIZE! t locofoco papers published at Harrisburg. :of the Right of Suffrage and an united ; w . all pull together," and hence they are I We call upon the whigs of Hunting- effort to place Pennsylvania in the ranks ' e extract from the Argus of February now casting about to see if they cannot ' , don county to set about making a thor- of her true friends. Such is the tenor 17 :4 184 .1 7 i : u id u nk forgotten ,uee ee d e ,; that by i n get some of the Whigs to " pull" a lit- ' ough organization of their several dis- of all the intelligence which we receive 1844 t be Governo n r ot Sl: tle on their side. And they know, too, ' tries. Not next month, but now. This from the several Counties of the State. meag re majority ofjour thousand voi r es a . that unless they can produce disorgani. is an important duty, and it is high time Wherever the Whigs have held their I The Democracywere then united. They THE COURT.—The Commonwealth zation in the \Vhig ranks, Gen. IRVIN that it should be attended to. Depend regular meetings, they have been nu- j marched up to the polls as one man, and vs. Jas. Myton, being the last suit in themselves liai by the ~ ;n will receive such a majority as was upon it, effective, thorough organization, merously attended and animated by the I only saved t s e a u r h e l, o f the Quarter Sessions, for the August 1 e colc , e i t e lo t t l i m o t th ings er iod. never before cast for any man in the is the most e ffi cient means that can be bests pirit, while the assemblages of the , , has changed materia llytTerm, was undetermined when our last county. But they think that if they can adopted to secure success. Without it, miter party have been dull and spirit- I Without inquiring into the cause, it is paper went to press. On Tuesday even only succeed in inducing some weak victory can only be hoped for, not coml• less, and in many instances very few in sufficient for us to know that the party ing it was submitted to the Jury, who, members of the Whig family to set them- ; ted on with any certainty. We there- from being united has become disunited. ;on N% ednesday morning returned a ver numbers." THEY CANNOT ACT IN HARMONY selves up against their friends, with the ; fore hope to see our Whig friends enter- Wiwi ECON . OMY.—The W — hg triumph AND IN CONCERT WITH THELPRES-1 diet of guilty against the defendant, on promise of getting the Locofoco votes, • ing upon this indispensable political .. 1 all the counts save the first, which char they can produce such a state of things , duty without further delay. i Pennsylvania last fall, says the York ENT EXECUTIVE AS THEIR LEAD ; ER. Without that harmony and conw i th an assault and battery, as ged deft. . Advocate, prove d a great bl ess i ngto our as will not only defeat the Whig Countyl cert of action, the majority of 4,000 in with intent to commit a rape. The ' CONSISTENCV.—JOhII. G. Stewart, the I i Commonwealth. : The State Im prove- 11844 must, as a matter of coutse, dwindle Court sentenced him to pay a fine of Ticket, but as will militate against the Whig candidate for Sheriff, has ever I ments yield a handsome revenue— the I down to a minority lBl7 " success of Gen. lime. Rest assured labored for the success of the whig can- ' taxes are collected and properly appro-1 in . I fifty dollars, and be confined in the coun fellow Whigs, of the country Districts, An Honorable Opponent. I ty Jail for one month. (lidates, and done his best to promote printed, and the short session of the last 1 that e ff orts of this kind are now being. The "Sunbury .dmerican," the organ : the success of whig principles, yet we Whi g Le g islature saved thousands o f l The remainder of last week was taken made by the Locofoco wire workers ofof the Locofoco party in Northurriber- tip with the trial of the Entrekin Will know of some whigs who think them- 1 dolla rs, g which savi ngs,. by the economi this place, and you need not be surprisedland county, and one of the most re.. ti ed which on Saturday was determi selves toopure, to vote for him. Matthew ca l management of John Ranks, have see the declination of the Locofoco ,spectable papers belonging to that party ned by the Jury returning a verdict sus toCrownover has invariably voted the Lo- ' proved ample to pay off a temporary , candidate for the Legislature published , . in the State, thus honorably bears testi- , raining the Will. cofoco ticket, and clone h is best to ad- Locofoco loan of s2oo,ooo—the August I in the Globe of this week. And we shall , . . inony to the private and public worth of I ii-j- The "Daily .iVews" is the title vance Locofoco principles. He helped interest of $950,000, and leaves a sur- ' be as Hale surprised to see a professed . I the Whig nominee for Governor: of a new Whig penny paper, just start to defeat Clay and elect Polk, and even p lus of $325 000 in the Treasury. — Whig take his place in opposition to the . . . ' I " Gen. IRVIN though a Whig, „.„, ed in Philadelphia. It is published by el 1845, when A. Gwin, Esq. was lanor- These are the results of Whig rule.— i Whig candidate. I ing to destroy the borough of Hunting- i The people can see that the revenues of know to be a liberal minded and !tonere. Messrs. Evans & Paxson. We sincere vtano., sb n un a b t , o w e: o irbg all the of t ly hope this enterprise may entirely Locofocoism has received its encour- blel d , t• election be don, b ygoing for the division of the I the State are su ffi cient for all purp oses ; G overnor agement to adopt this mode of warfare •successful, and that every Whig, in both county, Mr. Crownover was too much and it was only locofoco- misrule which so far forget our regard for truth , ono- upon the Whig organization of the coun-city and country, who now patronize 1 wedded to party to vote with his neigh- ; had oppressed the Keystone for years.— sistency and self-respect, as to traduce ty, from the murmuring of a few Whigs 1 Gen. Irvin as an lron master, or be guil- that hypocritical Ledger, will drop it at bars against him ; and he not only voted I If the people desire the good work to g of this borough, against a portion of the t o y ef the still mere contemptible conduct once end subscribe for the ..Daily for Gwin but he went about the town • on, they must vote for Whi gmeasure: Ticket. 'Whigs ! did we say I They , f . impunging . his motives . on accou nt . of News." electioneering for him. Yet thee ' • these same ; and Whig men, and elect Gen. JAMES his munificent donations and the liberal ~T - don't deserve the mune. Political Grum- ...yams & WILLIS' HOME JOUHNAL.— pure whigs, residents o f th e borough of I leviN Governor and JOSEPH W. PsTrorr distribution of his means for charitable blers would be far more appropriate, as The following complimentary notice of Huntingdon,isjustthel• • Purposes , or the low demagogueism say he the only service they render the Whigwhich would array the people against this valuable and cheap family paper, is receive their votes!! I will be completed, and the State purged party is to find fault with every thing And in addition it is well known that i him on account of his wealth.—Such ap- taken from the Harrisburg Telegraph : . of liar plunderers. peals are degrading to the character of . ~ that is done, but never make an effort to 1 Mr. Crownover was made the Locofoco i This interesting Literary newspaper, I the Press—disgraceful to those concern- • • increasing its circulation.— do anything themselves ; and if the sue- ' candidate through the exertions of Mr. THANKS.—Those of our patrons who 1 ed, .1 anu unworthy the character of a free ' is rap idly coca of a Whig Governor depended on G win, and if elected, will of course ,so thoughtfully replenished ou r purse and enlightened people. Charity is one It is intended as a parlor magazine, ever the exertions of such W higs as these, tike his influence towards helping him ' during the sitting of the Court, have `of the noblest virtues that can be practis. changing and ever new: worthy of peril. defeat would be inevitable. And if these , into that long wished for seat in Con- our unfeigned thanks. We have no doubt li e , d e i bL d m e a:t h , e a s n u d h.e is et m t i , ich . too sacred . t o . sal and preservation. Those who corn men arc ever induced to support the I grass. Oh, what a pleasing consumma- ' they feel better for having remembered I partizans. by soul - PP taking it with the August man tes editors or pr j oftine o whole Whig Ticket, they require as tion this will be for Whigs to ponder us, and we are sure that we do ! But e her for one year are entitled to a hand- To stigmatize a man as an iron mss- much coaxing and careful handling to over. prose is entirely too dull for so interest- ter may injure him in the eyes of some; some edition of the first ten numbers of keep them in a good humor, us has to be A c oe nasieer.—ln speaking of our ing a subject, so here goes for a poetical but in this section of the State it would "Dombey 4 Son," a highly interesting bestowed on old Ladies in their dotage. I County Ticket, the Pa. Intelligeneer,' effusion by somebody : rather have a contrary effect. But the tale by Dickens. The pence is Two Dol attempt to injure a man on account of We deem it to be our duty thus early, pays our candidate for the Legislature "0 how happy are they, lags a year, payable in advance. Publi. wino the printer do pay, . ' his profession, whether an iron master to warn the true Whigs of the country t h e f o llowing handsome and deserved ; „ , .. cation office is 107 Fulton street, N. Y. And have square.' up for one year or more— or a lawyer,—the latter being frequent. districts, against the tricks about to be compliment : 1 Fangue can never express ly charged upon Governor Shank,— to which all orders must be directed." The great jay of the' Press " resorted to by the enemy to overcome,l oWe are glad to see that DAVID BLAIR, , . .., should be frowned down by honorable re-election. VI lien delinquents have paid the old score. and if possible, destroy them; and to Esq., has been nominated for . men of all parties." cp ented old Huntingdon in the • point out to them the only course to be Printers all the day long— . We stated some time since, on the He 1. Legislature res with a great deal of I , authority of the Miltonian, that the " A adopted, to prevent the consummation ability, a and gained a very enviable rep- I ~, Leber hard for a song ;-- t, that all their hard fate could but see— of their designs. It is clearly then tholutation as an industrious and e ffi cient' They have worked night and day, ' inerican" had pulled down the Shank ditty of every Whig, who desires the legislator and ready and eloquent deba- t And of course . want their pay, I fl ag. This turns out to be a mistake. i To buy sugar, and collet:, and tea. success of Gen. him, and the general tor." 1 welfare of the party in the county, to RAILROAD MOVEMENT AT CINCINNATI.— i Ono would hardly believe, !to make room for more important matter stand by and give a. hearty support to A meeting of persons friendly to the I What few dimes they leerily!, , the whole COUNTY TICKET, as nom- construction of the proposed railroad be- For the pa p er addressed to each name , Yet, 'tie farther below mooted by the Convention. To frown I tween Cincinnati and St. Louis, was ! Than some people know. . tat disorganisation, held in the former city on t .. . lie 9th lust. Or they'd pay op for fear or fur shams. Bonn every attempt THE JOURNAL. Huntingdon, Tuesday, .111. , , 1i5t 24 1847 %V MU NOMINATIONS FOR GOVERNOR GEN. JAMES IRVIN, OF CEXTRE COU.A7Y FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER: JOSEPH W. P ATTON, OF C LIMB ER L./IND CO U.N7Y Whig County Ticket. ASSEMBLY : DAVID BLAIR, of Huntingdon, SHERIFF : JOHN 0. STEWART, of Yuntingdon TREASURER: ISAAC NEFF, of 'West. COMMISSIONER : JOSHUA GREENLAND, of Cass, AUDITOR : JAMES GILLAM, of Barree, ..tet an bear in mind that the war question has been determined by the powers that be ;" and let every mun remember that the " powers that be are . . ordained of God," and that he that reaiateth the power regime!) the ordinance of God." The above language is attribued to I In Tennessee—the home of James K Judge Lewis, a distinguished Locofoco, Polk—the Whigs have achieved a most who has the reputation of being a sound, decisive and brilliant triumph. The jurist and an ingenious politician ; and I force of Polk and Santa have been rout it is therefore reasonable to presume ed " horse, foot and dragoons." It is es that his learning and ingenuity was tax- complete and glorious triumph over the ed to find the best ground upon which ' National Administration. modern democracy might justify the Neil S. Brown, the gallant ‘1 hig Mexican war ; and the learned Judge standard-bearer, has been elected Gov has no doubt hit upon the best—perhaps ernor by about 1,000 majo'rity. The the only ground upon which the war can Whigs have carried both branches of the be defended, to wit : The " powers that Legislature, and six out of ten of the be," James K. Polk and his Cabinet, Congressional delegation. What a re have determined upon the war—they buke to James K. Polk by those who are "ordained of God," and "he that' know him. resisted' the powers resisteh the ordi- Ha! ha ! ha ! such a nominee, nance of God." And this is modern A. Jimmy Polkof Tenn!ases." The result of the August elections Democracy. If Jas. K. Polk or F. R. Shunk would assume absolute power— everywhere will have the effect of cheer- Despotism—it would be determined by ing every Whig heart in the land, and the " powers that be"—" ordained by of causing them to go to work with► re- God," and all who would resist the des. newed energy and bright hopes of sac or. cess. Since the Whig triumph in Mr. potic power would be resisting the Polk's own State, what Pennsylvania dinance of cod." This is worse than any legal fiction that ever tenanted the I Whig doubts the success of Gen. IRVIN noddle of the learned Judge ; and the Up then, Whigs, and let us not only author perhaps fancies that by this determine to succeed but to give our litical fiction, he may reach a U. S. gallant standard-bearer such an over. Judgeship. whelming majority, as will effectually r Did it ever occur to Judge Lewis thatebuke, not only his slanderers here, but also the Administration at Washing the Tariff of 1842 was determined by ton, which has labored so industriously the " powers that be," at that time, and that while he and his party were resist• to break down and destroy Pennsylvania ing it, they were "resisting one of the interests. ordinances of God 1" We committed an error last week in I stating that the Whigs had lost one member in Kentucky. The delegation, notwithstanding the division in the Whig ranks, will stand as in the last Congress-9 %% hugs to 3 Locos. Had the Whigs been united they could have carried every district but one. The re sults in the other States were correctly stated in our last. lowa has gone for the Locos as usual. Whig Triumph in Tennessee. A Whig Governor -•-Whig Legislature—Whig Congressional Delegation. ANOTHER CANDIDATE.—The New York Sun is out for Gen. WORTH as the next candidate for President. LOOK OUT! The Harrisburg Telegraph says :-- " We caution the V% higs throughout the State to be on their guard against reports, circulars and hand bills, issued from the Locofoco press, retailing all manner of base and unscrupulous falsehoods against the Whig candidates for Governor and Canal Commissioner. We are already apprized of a splendid edition of Roor back's, now in process of concoction, with which the State is to be flooded du ring the few weeks that remain of the present Gubernatorial canvass. They are to be printed in both German and English, and to be secretly distributed by paid agents. To the getters up we say, "cease vipers, you bite a file." The WASHINGTON UNION grows more desperate as the voice of the people is heard declaring against the Administra tion. It last speaks of a coalition of " Whig Leaders and Mexican Chiefs." Bah!—the only coalition that the peo ple believe in, is the admission of SANTA ANNA through our blockading squadron by Mr. POLK, and the effort to obtain three millions to bribe other Mexican leaders to prove traitors to their coun try. There is a coalition however to which we beg the Union to turn its at tention ;it is of " hig Leaders and Jimerican Chiefs"—the People. North Carolina, Tennessee and Indiana are members of that coalition. Gov. SWINK UPON THE STUMP.--We see it announced that Gov. Shank and Morris Longstreth will be present and address a meeting of the Locofocos of Berks county, on the 28th inst. This we believe is the first instance of a Gov ernor of Pennsylvania taking the stump in advocacy of his re-election ; and it shows most clearly that a desperate ne cessity exists for something to save the sinking cause. FROM PuEaLa.—The Washington Union says—" A letter has been received in Washington, from an officer of the army, as late as the 29th and 30th of July.— It states that Gen. Scott would movo upon the capitol as soon as Gen. Pierce arrived with his reinforcements—about the 2d or 3d of August. Mr. Trist had been quite ill, but was then conva lescent. We are happy to hear that Gen. Scott had waited upon him during his indisposition, to confer with him about the public concerns." Or Mr. Polk a little more than a year ago, was furious because Mexico would not receive an ambassador from the United States. She was willing to re ceive a commissioner, but he swore that she must take an ambassador or nothing. Since then however he has found his war so troublesome that he has sent to her Senor Atocha and Mr. Trist, who are not only ambassadors but less even than commissioners. He is fast "climb ing downwards" in his pretensions.— Louis vale Journq. The News frame Mexico • The news of the occupation of the City of Mexico by the army under Otu. Scott, which we published in our last number, has since turned out to be in correct. Gen. Scott and his army, by the latest authentic accounts, was still at Puebla. The latest news from titeßiii of Mex ico is very important.' The New Or leans Picayune of the 12th inst., pub lishes the report of the committee on Foreign Relations of the Mexican Con dress,to which had been referred Mr. Bu chanan's late letter to that Government. The document is full of importance as expressive of the feelings of the Mexi cans. The report is expressive of a de termination on the part of the Mexicans to curry on the war to the death. We have a few day's later news from Mexico, which we take from the Tele graphic despatches of the Philadelphia Ledger of Saturday last : _ RICIIMOND, Aug. 200817. " New Orleans papers of the 134 h, publish some other important Mexican documents. Two circulars dated July 7th and 17th, from Pacheco, the new Mexican Minister, contain what is be lieved to be the best exponent of Santa Anna's present views. The first is filled with a panegyric of the renowned war rior, whose whole life has been one of glory, and whose name is indissolubly associated with the history of the war. It denies that he has any understand ing with the Americans, or entertains any plans, or made any preparations for peace. "The second circular intimates that the civilized world is favorable to the side of Mexico, and that the United States cannot triumph, except by inter nal dissensions in the Mexican Repub. lie. _ "Her Britanic Majesty's Government has expressed its friendly relations, and engaged not to recognize any revolution ary government, only that legitimately established, wherever it may be, should the chance of war compel it to leave the Capitol. "Letters from Lord Palmerston, ikf the 31st, accompany, which assure the Mexican government that the English resident minister will consider it his du ty to follow the government and main tain their relations in whatever part of the Mexican territory said government may fix its residence. The Yellow Fever at .V.Orleant.—The number of interments in New Orleans from Yellow Fever for 21 hours ending on the morning of the 12th, was 40. The number of deaths from the same disease in Charity Hospital, for the 21 hours ending the same evening, was,l3. DICKINSON COLLEGE.—We learn that Rev. Prof. McClintosk, of Dickinson College, has been elected Principal of the Gennessee Wesleyan Seminary, Li ma, N. Y. This flourishing institution numbers, according to the last catalogue, 447 students. LOOK AT THIS !—The United States Government, James K. Polk. President, sold at public Auction, for $530, in the District of Columbia, on the 13th of July, in the year of our Lord 1847, at 10 o'clock, A. M., TWO WOMEN, and put the money in the treasury of tire United States !—Exchange Paper. COUISTERFEITS.-MC Philade. Ledger says : " We yesterday saw a very well finished counterfeit $5 note on the Bank of Middletwo, in this State. It is ad• mirably executed, and would scarcely excite suspicion on the closest srutiny. Another dangerous counterfeit is a three dollar issue on the Mechanics' Bank at Newark, N. J. This issue, though not near so well calculated to deceive as tilt, fives on the Middletown Bank, has nev ertheless been widely circulated in anti about the city" FY. Gen. Irvin's donation of fifty barrels of flour to the starving poor of Ireland, exhibits such a different trait of character from that of his Locofoco opponents, that it seems to trouble the Locofoco editors worse than the night mare. Like the bawd who sneers at virtue, they appear unable to appreciate deeds of philanthropy, and therefore always attribute the worst motives.— They may be gratified to think that they accomplish the fiendish desire of dig, ging up the fountains of benevolence, by chilling the emotions of love and es- teem that usually attend their outpour ings. But they will find at last, that the depravity they boast of will find few proselytes amongst a moral and in telligent people. Those who have nut turned a deaf ear to, but alleviated the distresses of their fellow-man, will meet their reward.--Pa. Telegraph. DEATH BY LIGIITNING.—We regret to learn that two children of Samuel Hoo ver, in West Salem, were killed by light ning on Saturday last. They were out in the garden, when a storm coming suddenly on, they took shelter under an apple tree, which was struck by light ning and both children killed instantly. The elder was a boy about ten years old. ri r< ,r