Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 10, 1847, Image 4

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All that certain lot of ground situate
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. on the north side of the great road in i
Ezp. and Ler. Fa. issued out of the I the town of Orbisonia, in the township
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon lof Cromwell, fronting about 50 feet on
county and to me directed, I will sell at said road and running a
b ut 5 0
public sale at the Court House Door in time or less, bounded on east by a lot c
Huntingdon Borough, on Monday the of . William Ritter, and on the west by ,
9th day of August next, at 2 o'clock P. William Bush— d l , l:7 l i i ng thereon er h e i c a t c e h d . i
M., the following described Real Estate, a small frame • ing house, a .
viz : smith shop and a log stable. Seized and TAM now re • • gan entire new stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,
taken in execu tion , and to be sold as the ' being by far the best assortment brought to this place. Among which will be
All that certain brick building, onel found
story high, with basement, situate on ! property ofJacob lasher.
lying on the waters of the East Branch!
All that small piece or tract of land
lots Nos. 4&5 in the recorded plan of FLELS 4- DRILLINGS, Us A. IIBRELLAS P.IRASOLS,
Huntingdon borough, extending fro from LLVE.VS 4. CHECKS, CyILICOS 4. GINGHAM'S.
Hill street to Allegheny street, contain
Braid anti :straw lesmitcts and P3llllll Learand Fur Hats
ing in front on Hill street feet, and Stone creek in Jackson township, I
in depth —feet, which building i 3 inter- o f tore
county, containing '27 acres, „ BOOTS AND SHOES.
be the same more or less—about seven I GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, DRUGS, PAINTS,
ded for a Church, and the lots of ground
cs • acres o f w hi ch are cleared--adjuining - OILS AND GLASSWARE.
and curtilege appurtenant thereto. la nds
of \A . a= stoma, w imam me.
zed and taken in execution, and to be ~._Elea=laisa.o LVtlasaa azzactil E 3 matt e
Dowell, de'd, i n & Hall, and others.l.
sold as the property of the Rector, With a large and fine variety of Goods of all kinds.
Seized and taken in execution, and to he ;
Church Wardens- and Vestrymen of St. Please call and examine my stock, us I am determined to sell my goods on
sold as the property of Joseph Kyler. t
i as reasonable terms as any one in Huntingdon county.
John's Church, Huntingdon, owners or
reputed owners, and Chas. B. Callahan, l The highest price paid in CASH, for WHEAT, RYE, OATS CORN, FLOUR,
The following des . cribed Real Es-1
architect and contractor. CLOVERSEED and FLAXSEED.
late, and several tracts of land s i tu- ;
Lard, Bacon, Soap, Beeswax, Boards, Wool, 4.c., taken in exchange
ALSO, - ate in Jackson township, Huntingdon ' Buller, Eggs,
All the right, title, and interest, of Ja-I for roods SAMUEL ;MILLIKEN.
county, knmvn as the Greenwood Fur- . -r •
cob M. Cover, in a lot of ground on the trace property : j Petersburg., Pa., May 19, 1847.
west side of Main street, in the town of I'Two tracts of land containing togeth- '
Cassville, adjoining the 'Methodist Epis- ' er about 900 acres, situate on the east
copal Church Lot on the south,
Lewis branch of Stone Creek and surveyed on
Stever on the west, and David Stever on I warrants in unities of James McGinnis .
the north, under fence. Also—in and le nd g
James McGinnis, Jr., respectively,;
to a lot of ground lying opposite the said ' adjoinin surveys in names of Thomas!
lot adjoining a lot no of Caleb Swoops
Ralston,'John Spencer, and others—hut/- i
on the south, Lewis Stever 's land on the ing thereon erected Greenwood Furnac - e,
west, and David Stever's on the north, a large well finished two story plastered'
containing about two acres, with a small (livening house, a good frame grist mill
dwelling house thereon erected. The and a. saw mill, a number of buildings i
said lots are claimed and occupied by . for the hands, an of fi ce, store room,
Nicholas Miller. Seized and taken in stable-, &c.
execution, and to be sold as the property 1
A Jost of unseated land surveyed in '
of Jacob M,. Cover. ' name of William Biddle, adjoining Hit-
ALSO, Ilary Baker, John Vanost and others, con-
All that certain tract of land situate mining 403 acres 12 perches.
in Tell township, Huntingdon county, A tract of unseated hind in name of!
containing 99 acres more or less, adjoin- John Vanost, adjoining, William Biddle,
ing lands of Hugh Doran's heirs, Wm. David Caldwell . and others, containing i
Orr, Esq., James Pattison and Isaac 100 acres 133 perches,
Giffitrd's heirs, about $0 acres of which : A tract of unseated land in name of!
are cleared, having thereon a log burn, ' David Ralston, Jr., containing. 400 acres,
a two story log dwelling house, a spring- adjoining John Ralston and others.
house and an apple orchard. Seized and A tract of unseated land in name of
taken in execution, and to be sold as the John Russell, adjoining John Ralston,
property of Robert McFarland dec'd, in Thomas Russell and others, containing
the hands of John Skinner his Executor, 400 acres.
with notice to Terre Tenants. ; A tract of unseated land in name of
ALSO, ; John Ralston, adjoining surveys in name
All the right, title, and interest of of John Russell, Thomas Ralston, and
. William Woods, in and to all that lot of Ephraim Jones, containing 400 acres.
ground, late the estate of Wm. Woods, ' A parcel of land of Stone mountain
dec'd, fronting 50 feet on the southernly . adjoining James McGinnis and others,
side of Allegheny street, in the borough unseated, containing 300 acres or there
of Huntingdon, and running back to the' abouts, being part of a survey in name)
bank of thb Juniata River, the same be.; of John Spencer, sad a tract of unseat.,
ing No. in the town plot of said bar- ed land in Barree township, on Stone
ough, having thereon erected a log dwel- mountain, AI rveyed in name of Jonathan
ling house and a plastered two story Priestly, containing 437 acres, adklin
bnilding adjoining seine, fronting on Al- ing R. Cummins and others.
legheny street, and a log stable. Seized , Seized and taken in execution, and to
and taken in execution, and to be sold ; be sold as the property of Francis W.
as the property of William Woods. Rawle and James Hall.
All that certain tract of land situnte • All that certain small parcel or part
in Tell township, Huntingdon county, of a tract of land, in the township of
containing . 161 acres, more or less, with • Tell, co r eveyed by Samuel Parsons to
about 125 acres cleared, adjoining lands : Joseph Richardson, adjoining lands late
of John Gooshorn, George Gooshorn, of said Parsons, Alex. Scott and others,
William Gooshorn, Nicholas Gooshorn [tile several courses and distances of
and the Shade mountain— having there- which are laid Sown at length in the
on erected a small log dwelling house " writ] containing 21 acres and 163
find a stable, Ice. Also, all the right, ' perches, together with the improve
title, and interest of Christian Coats, in, meats thereon. Seized and taken in ex
and to, Lot No. 192 in the town plot of ecution, and to be sold as the property
the borough of Huntingdon, fronting 50 of Joseph Richardson.
feet on the north side of Mifflin street ' - JNO. ARMITAGE, swir.
and running back 200 feet along Mont. Shit's Office, Hunting- ?
gomery street tt, Church street—having '
.. don, July 13, 1817. i
thereon erected a brick building former- ./D.ll/.ViST/?STOR'S NOTICE.
ly used as n Presbyterian church, and a Estate of Elizabeth. Brotherline, late of
small log building. Seized and taken I the oorout4 . l , of II untino;don, dec'd. '
in execution, and to he sbld as theprop- , 011 F is hereby given, that Letters of Atl
erty of Christian Ceuta. i i naiitistration base been granted to the under-
ALSO, i Siglleli on the said estate. All persons indebted I
t i :::::i L d u e , s ia titte . azr ,, et h i t: e . t i L: r dzi t l i t i tt s k , e vi i i 1 nediatgy a - ,
All that small piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Shirley, con- duly authenticated In; settlement.
taming fourteen acres and allowance, i julg.titj DA vru nitoTHErodNE.
"lying on the bank of Aughwick creek, ' J. SE V, ELL STE; tA A R'l',
and adjoining lands of the estate of L. An rune.
Barkstresser, deed, and lands of James' p,.. i t ir ec i ees g..e„ geta bi, p„„. 1
W Galbraith—being cleared and etilti-1 area,
vated, and a small p l as t ere d house and ! For 0 ,,, rs ,„ nyid snit permanent curs of on .lis. 1
stable thereon. Seized and taken in ex-' eases wising from an impure shoe of the Shindl
ecution, and to be sold as the property , and habit of the body, viz: ChrntliC affeCiio7lB of
of James N. 'Thompson, dec'd, with no. the Chtd,'Pleunay, Bronehilie, Cuttirrh, &c.—
tire to Elliott Robbley, Terre Tenant. - scrognai in an its stages, Teller, Seuld-fiend, co.
ALSO t . a .ne,:.B a ff ections of the body,
.1 . : re and exit ent
Id tea, Chi nate ithe It ntidtt,na, (, limo sc enlargements
A small piece or parcel of land situ- of the /it titan's and joints, While Steel:lugs,'
ate in the township of Clay, adjoining Syphilitic Affections, Conat.lutiorit,l disorders
lands of Christian Kurfman, Thomas arising from debility, Mercurial and hoteditary pre.'
Skipper, & 14'illiam Bradley, containingl
di' -i s u o i rs ' intadinitted by Pathologists,that
about 35 acres, more or less, about 15 ' o ,.,; inst ten.,,,erinnesti complexion , ( ~,„,,n tion, 7.
acres of which are cleared—havir.g . form of b.nly. . confer. complete immunity from tier
thereon erected a small house & a stable. sditaiy diseases; that scrofula, consumption and '
Seized and taken in execution, and to be : other erections having a similarity of origin occur
sold as the property of David Bradley., in all: although observation convinces us, that in
' diaiduals and families, possessing certain character.
ALSO, Wits ore more frequently the sub ject of these mut-
A tract of land lying on the southern . miles than loners. These diseases are a morbid con
side of the A. P. Rail Road about 1 mil e dition of the whole system of nutrition—these tini
above Hollidaysburg, in Blair township, a us i s b r i ng ant the effects of an siterstion of the
containing 180 acres, more or less, ad-
g li k loi t n i l ., arn i l li -eere!tone.—the ulcer.. a . b o uses,e c t i t , t i a i rr i ed
joining lands of John McCahan, Win. phr ,„' 0 „„ 1 :,,,;`1.1 1 , 1 : r a :,,• 5 e „ •• „; 1 X,1„r„,',„ Y tt ,', " 0,,'„,,,„.
Holliday 's heirs, George 13uchanun and era, and must he destroyed berme perfect health
others--about 120 acres of which are can be ehtaldished. This may be -done ins Dr. Kea
cleared—having a large frame bank barn, ti t's Veaetslac Psumsei, the meet est vial ',eosin,
a log dwelling house and en apple or- r " r oil d'"""`' ari'''"lg I'm s" "Our° "M" of ilte
chard thereon. AlsO—all that certain r i• } l ' e " : l o n ri l e " e l „T r t h `:„ m eti " L ',: e " t i ritiu " ens . presented to
lot or part of Lot No. 144 fronting on i Prepared corner nlll and South streets, Phil.
Juniata street, in Hollidaysburg borough , agsipats : and s,,iJ by John N. Trowel!, And Jones
—which Defendant purchased from the & • tinonton, I I untingdon, and by Druggist. and
Adm'r of James Martin, dec'd, adjoin- . Merchants thrnughout the county. Price-1;1 per
ing his Brick Tavern house--having : haute, large size,
— jugs 9, 1,17.
thereon erected a two story dwelling. :
house with store room and two frame 1 A. W. Benedict,
shops and a two story store room. Sei- 1 A T o T al o c r o v . Az
r l e .a .id at, ir stuuna g g a ,,, Pa,—
and taken in execution, and to be i ten t :doors we t st ' o l f the old :o u r e t i ll ?n i se i' li ll i r : e vv t ' w i ll
sold asthe property, of John Dougherty , attend to say business entrusted to Mtn ;n the ee l ,
.;Innkeeper.) eral Count' of Huntingdon and adjoining counties,
I,TOTIOE is hereby given to all persons
concerned, that the following named
persons have settled their accounts in
the Register's Office, at Huntingdon,
and that the said accounts will be pre
sented for Confirmation and Allowance
at an Orphans' Court to be held at Hun
tingdon, in and for the county of Hun
tingdon, on Wednesday the 11th day of
August next, to wit :
1. Jolur I'. • chile, and Jacob Curfman, Exec
uturs of Yhilrp Lchnmr, lota uf Uniuu township,
2. binges Rob e son and Milli,. P o rt e r, Exe c o. Having used Mr. I lover's Writing Ink, I are
tors of Jut,. t sit, late of arree township de e 'd, satisfied that it is the hest which has eve come to my
who was (with George Wilson, Di.ecutor s of Mar- know Isdge. and especially is it excellent for the
piret Clayton, net:M, use o the 7- teel Pens, and will not corrode them,
3. Thomas Weston and Martin Weston, Execs even in long use. JOHN LOCKE,
ii i ors of William Weston, lute of Warrior Mark Prof. of Chemistry."
igovi.e.6 A d nut vs • 'III' l'etti
4. Abraham Buck and Agariah Sackett', Execu
tors of bonnie! - panogle, late of Warrior Mark From a well known scientific gentleman.
township, den !! Philadelphia Feb. 27, '846.
Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of your Ce
-5' Jacob F " ekler ' E
.": went , and some practical tests of its superiority has
fora el "thui late of ) h e B oroug h nduced cue to recommend it to attires as an invalu
t tuntingduct,
able article fur mending t hind. Glass or I. abinet
U. Daniel Al tag, surviving Executor of Michael
are. CAMPBELL Maurine,
Africa, late of the Borough of Huntingdon, decd.
Analytic! Chemist."
7. Nathaniel Kidly, xteutor of Dav,d now For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Mama
late of Dublin lowilsciip, dee'd.
factory. No. 87 North Third street, opposite Cherry
8. Wdliam Gansimcr and John Ow, ns, Exec- street, Philadalphia. by
atoms of John Gansier, late of Franklin town- : JO Eli E. HOVER, Manufacturer,
still , , dec'd.
U. George S. I ruder, surviving executor of Israel j 9: jy 27: 47.1 y
Cryder, late of Porter township, dec'd.
IU. Ailui W. Thomps,m, Aclininiscrator of Jos.
Th.nnpson, late of West township, dee el.
11. George Jack and David Harpster, Achniniss
(rotors of John at heelacd, late of Franklin town
ship, deo
12. Jacob Taylor, Administrator of Horton De
Forrest, rule of Tod township. ciced
13. vVilliam E hvards, Administrator of Robert
twards,litie of Tod tawnsltip, dee'd.
11. Sam tel U Irothers, Adornistrator of William
Carothers, late of Shirley (now Cromwell) town
15. James Gillam, Alrninistrator of George Mil
ler, late of Jackson township, deed.
16. Ihvid Sas., Administrator of William
Stewart, late of I lentlerson town:hip, dec'd.
17. l'hotnal.W. Neel, , Administrator of Jacob
Lingle, late of Tell township, dee'd.
18. William B. White, Administrator of Jacob
White, lido of 11en.krson luu•nship. dim'd.
J. 11.108 MILLER, Reg;ster.
Rcatsrrat's Orrin:, Hun
'indult July 12, 1847. 5
THE undersigned take this method of
informing their friends and the pub
he generally, that the f, lowing enumerated articles,
together with all matiner of work pertaining to I
their business, will ba disposed of to purchasers,
and made up to order in a workmanlike end ap
proved style, very cheap, for rash or country pre-
duce. All that is necessary for those who wish to
Ire accommodated in any article in their lino of
loisiness will roll at their shop,
Three doors west of Buoy's Jewelry Es'-I
Where the public can at all dotes be accommated l
Red and Oak Sole Leather, Skirting,
Harness and Bridle Leather, Upper
Leather, Calfskins, Spanish and
Country Kips and Sheepskins.
ALSO, a first rate quality of
and •
a d C/ /th o
for n 11, "o it, len f
all qualities and
They also continue to carry on in nil its various
branches, SA ODLE and 1-lAR
el' N r.SS making, and are ready
4, . furnish their customers with all
i kinds of Trunks. Valises, Carpet
hags, Plush, 11 , 4/skin and Tub - -ide-saddles. (from
the cheapest to the best.) Auto, Shatter Saddles,
of all kinds, Waggon and Carriage liminess, Bri
dles, Collars, Whips, &c.
All of which will be disposed of cheap fat
alSi or any kind of country produce. The high
est price, in trade, given for beef hides, calf bides,
bark, &c. .1 J. & A. 11. 91.14DALIGH.
je23:' , 17-6m.
N li.—Two apprentices will ho Wren at the
above estaiilishment if applieation be made soon.
George Taylor,
A rronsEY AV W--Attends to pectic. ,
ni tin o.phans' Court. stating ailthini•ttasors'
accounts, Seri , ening &c. Office in the diamond.
t..ree doors east of tho "Exchange Hotel.'
feb2e-,4 4 •
J. Sewell Stewart,
johnS Gott, Jr., TTORNEY Al' LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Office in Main blreet, howls went of Ai
A TTORNEY Al' 1. kW Huntin-1 .n Pa
Buoy'll jewelry estatilkhment.
11_ Ma removed his office t ' n the middle ;non; o
&tare's Row," directly opposite Planer tic M'Mur-' 'ro Men.
We'll store where he will attend with promptness
an d f id e li ty to mitt h u ,d neee w i t h whi c h h e may h e The HUNTINGDON JOURNAL has a much
entrusted its Huntingdon or the adjoining counties. larger circulation in Hunttigdon county.
Huntingdon Sept. 23, 1846. than any other paper published in it, and
l ffsTicE.B blanks et' all ki n d s f or tnde w hi r , consequently is the most desirable adver
,) offv:e. using medium.
O. S 7
North Third Street, Philadelphia.
From Dr. lore the .o 4 lusted P eAsor
Chemistry in the University of Pour x.
Ph ladelphia, Oct. 11.1843.
•• Dear Sir—Having tried of your nk. I will
thatikvou to send me another battle, ax I find it to
beescellent. I ant yours, II uly,
R 0137. H RE."
Front Dr. Locke, of Cincinitati, distinguished
for Ito nutoplou+ scientific researches.
(Medical College of Ohio, inrinnati,
January 17, 1844.
ii.]. \'Gl,\'(iS,
H removedAcVHEEsuT STREET,tI) tit`tore t
South-East u N t
o:f a l s 6 t
corner of Carpenter's Court, I gilodelphis, where
they are constantly receiving from [licit PHrtory
FI 12 F. „OA RD PfilNi'B, dr, &e.
Also, splendid DEUORA'PED FRES 0 PA•
PER for ?admit. The latest and moat approved
tylea of Architectural Designs, Columns with
Capitals, Pilasters and Paneling, Statues. Pedes
tals, Imitation Recesses, &c. They are at.) mak
ing a new article of DOUBLE WINDOW CUR
TAIN PA l'Elt, 4-4 wide.
H. & B. also inform , he public that theirs is
the only Factuiy in the country which produces
many of the above articles. such as Statues, Pe
&Ands, Niches, Fire Board Prints, &c., and
which they warrant equal to any imported. They
ate in possession of
Received from the Inmitutes at Boston, New York
an d Phils,, being the highest premiums
:maid.] for paper Hangings by those institutions
tar the lam four years.
Phila.lelphia, March 31, 1847. 3m
I salportarol to stave Denlerm.
THE attention of Shiva Dealers in this place is
invited to our assortment of Cooking, Parlor,
Hall and office Stoves, and especially to
.llwood's iEnspirs, Ho! der
Cooking' Slave,
As th hest cooking apparatus ever invented, it hav
ing Otained a c,leltitty. wherever it has been intro
duced. never before attained by any Cooking Stove.
'rite operation of baking being performed in this
atone by hot Air, instead of heat radiated from the
oven plates, renders; it equal for baking to a Ili ick
Oven, or to the Tin oven fur roasting; makine it
unnecessary tr. turn or change the article while
cooking, and removineall liability to burn. We
are desirous to have the Stove introduced in this
market. and to that end. liberal terms will be given
to a responsihle dealer, willing to tapehold of them,
and only one will be permitted to sell them in the
Wholeeale 'rove Dealers 223 North mind siren
may 26.47.] Philadelphia.
DAMP% & 110A1).%
C4RJUAGE 4.NT W.9GON Jlf4.ll=
Opposito the Presbyterian Church, Huntingdon
THZ aubacribere respectfully infotto the pub tc
I that they are at all titnes prepared MY)",
any orders in their hue of business, at the shut...
notice and on the must retn•ut,Hl I tet3ll,
ii7IE-Carriages, Buggies, Wad .•
- ons, Sleighs, Dearborn.s,
._ --,_ .... i a and Carts,
a atie to order, at the hest materials, and at reit
sonake priers.
Repairing of all kind, of vehicles, done on the
shortest 'toilet,
;.:j'l'lluse wanting neat, cheap and durable ar
titles in one lira of bu.tinees, are respectfully re.
gue.ted to give ur a call.
Philad4hia Advertisements
re ora,,
Alhis establishment may be found the greatest
. 11 yeti •ty of Plans arid beautiful Imiterne of
-----, -- IRON R:1 'LINO.- in the United svates, to which
Produce and General Commission the attention of those in want of any ducrieron.
Merchants, , and especially for Cemeteries, is partiessetrly invi-
No. 79, North Wharves, below Vine St., Philada.,
,fed, ~.. •• . - . . . ...
1 he principai part oi 811 tne nanueome /tailings
ARE prepared to receive all kinds of ' at Lintel Hill, Monument, and other celebrated
produce on Consignment, on which Centrtrrira in the city and county of Philadelphia,
they will make liberal advance., when required.— ! which have- been so highly extolled by the public
!they trust, with their knowledge of, and attention plea , were executed at this Intthufac lo TY•
to h ea i nesa , ih e y will receive a s hare of th e patron. A large Wereroom is connected with the estab•
age of Merchants, Millers; and other.. They ve- lishment, where it kepi constantly on hand a large
for to ! stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental
Dutillt & Humphreys, 1 Iron Settees. lion Chairs, new style plain and orne-
Platt. Hollingsbead & Co., I mental Iron Oates, with en extensive russortment of
Lea, Bunker & Co., Philadel p his. Iron Posts, I edestals, Iron Arbors, &c. Also in
F. & W. S. Perot, grcat variety, Wrought and I art Iron Ornt ments,
smith, Brothers & Co., I 1 imitable for Railings and other-
'r. j 1 The subscriber would alto elute that in his Pat•
J. & J. Milliken, 1 ! tern and Designing Department be has employed
Francis McCoy, I some of the hest Went in the country, whose con-
Dr..l. B. Ard,}Lewistown. atant attention is ildvoted to the business--forming
Samuel Milliken,
J altogether one of the moat complete and eystematic
F. J. Hoffman, establishments of the kind in the Union.
Philadelphia, April 14. 1847—Gm ROBERT l‘ 00D, Proprietor.
---- Ridge Road, above Buttonwood at.
Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1847—bin
rpm subscriber, of the late firm of
1 Buck & Moore, takes this method
id informing his friends and the public in general,
:t he hits out the inter,. of L Buck,
at the old t,tablisheil CLOTHING STAND. No.
254. :don'ts, STREET YIttLAIIKLPHtA.anIIis nova
epared to lurttinti ail ki. de of Resdrittsde
1:1,1)1' 'ISO, at price. which ..annot but secure
to him the patronage of all who desire In putchase
cheap clothing. I have spietoitti French Cloth
Dress and Frock Coats from $5.50 to SI9; do.
Pants Cram 75 cents to $6 ; Vests. loom 624 cents
to $4; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Also,
all hinds or Cimitleaten's Furnishing Goods at ex
tremely low prices.
s 1 holeside dealers in Clothing would do well to
call at the store of JOSEPH J. MOORE,
254 Market street, Philadelphia.
Flour, Produce and General Commission
No. 116, Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE,
(AFTER their services to the Merchants and Far
mere of the -usquelianna and Juniata vilifies
for the sale of Flour, Grain, and roduce generally,
in the Baltimore Market, and f on. their exiensi‘e
acquaintance among purchasers and shippers, can
safely warrant satisfactory sales.
Correspondents will be kept constantly advised
of the slate of the Markets &c.
Refer to Messrs. Win. 11 ilson & Sons, 1 tip
Isaac Reynol•re & Son,
Davidson & Saunders, 1 2
Reynolds & Smith, ;
and Messrs. 'Tingley, Caldwell & English, Phila•
delphia. [may 19-2 m.
The Grard Life Insurance, .Innuity and
Trust Company of Philadelphia.
Capital s3oo,ooo—Charter Perpetual.
_ .
Orvie x-159 t hesnut Street.
CONTINUE to make insurance on Liver, grant
Annuities end Endowment., and to accept
Trusts from Individuals. Corporate Bodies and
Courts of lnatice, and execute them agreeably to
the desire of the parties; and receive Deposit. of
Money in 'Frost and on I (erect.
The Company add a Bonus at stated periods to
the Insurances for Life. The first bonus woe op.
proprieted in December, 1844, amounting to ten
per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poll
cies to t 4 per cent., 7 per cent. &c.; on others in
proportion to the time of standing; making an ad
dition of $lOO, $B7 50, $75, &c., on every $l.OOO
originally insured.
The operation of the bonus will he seen by the
following examples from the Life Insurance Regis
ter of the Company, thus:
r„ , J, y . Sum ina'd addition
o. 58 1,000 100 1,100
83 2,500 $5O
201 4.000 400
270 2.000 175
333 5,000 437 50
Hates far insuring 41100 on a single life:
Age. For 1 year. For 7yeara, For Life,
annually. annually.
20 $0 01 $0 95 $1 77
30 1 31 1 36 2 36
40 1 69 1 93 3 20
50 1 96 2 09 4 GO
60 4 35 4 91 7 00
Example :—A person aged 30 years next birth
day, by paying the (;ompany $1 31, would seeure
to his family nr heirs $lOO, should he die in one
year; nr for $l3 10 he secures to them $1,000: or
for 013 60 annually for flPar, years, he secures to
them -7,1,000 should 'he die in suven years; or for
$23 60 !mid annually during life, he provides
$lOOO whenever he dies; for $65 50 they would
receive $5 000 should he die in one year.
Further partinula a reorienting Life insurance
Trusts, &e., may be had at the Office.
P. W. RI ! HA RD :, President.
JNO. F. J h M ES, Actuary.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. 6m
or Physical Training, to snake their
Lives in this World Long and Happy,
by the 4uthor of " Education: 4s
It Is, Ought To Be, and Might
Be," First 4merican Edition,
with 4dditions :
1;..,, el.,11( . 11111:y nti,l laa•reatieg treatise nn
, t. t intng short anti ettlattuia
: le4
nt part, Glands
Sln.naell, Nerves,
!)iTeet ion, Id ver, Brains,
Lun4n. Mind,
•ecrelions, Arteries, Senses
Veins, Health, Disease, I The authenticity of the ahoy° statement is
&e.. &c., &c. I vouched ftr by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of
Together with the Great Secret—Success in Life ' Milford. who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circurn.
'low attained— I low to do Good—i iiii ,, e ,, and stances of his case. Mr. T. is now sixty yenta of
Directs of Error—H aiiits—Passions—Wriman de- ; .g.. _
.. ..... ... -- ..
4e,ihed—Man described— t'an', Errors-- ltiPh and , Price, $1 per bottle.
P Z' -- r '--1i
alean and
i f"I E I ri
rßobison,Collins, & Co., Phila'd., g en, 2ioiiiThtvnte del i cate--Woma n 's Virtu e s, oral agents.
kmhition, &c.
For sale by THOS. READ & SON,
The whore designed for the noble purpose of int
Huntingdon • P. Shoenberger, at all his
proving and extendin g education amort i ze the pro ..?
ale, impartin g valuable knowirrigon the physiol
ogy of the human frame and the laws which ' artaces ; f oyers , at all their Furnaces;
rt ,
era [newel and bodily health, cot etc. gas. Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F.
' Bell, Laurel Run Mills, and Spencer &
Cr/ . Any person undhin 26 cent. enclosed in ° Flood, Williamsburg.
letter shall receive one copy by moil, re five copies Feb. 10, 1847-6 m.
will be sent for $l. Address, posta g e paid. I
G. B .
ZIEBER & c 0. Cromer,
may 26.47 ly] Philadelphia.
This valuable work contain. (in duodecimo
rem) 177 pages, lirrlrlrroDuiv, PA
Philadelphia Adttrii,:c ments: •
Above Buttonwood Stroei, Philada.
Venttian Blind Manufacturer,
No. 12 .north Si - rth Street, (a few doors
above .3larket St.) Philada.
rAs now on hand the largest and most fashiail
11 able assortment of IN a•row Slat and ',diet
Venetian Blinds of any establiArnent in Ilse Uni
ted States, whirl' he will sell, wholesale and re
tail. at the lowest prices.
The citizens of Ii untingdon ere respectfully so.
kited to cull on him bvfore purchasing elsewhere,
as he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to all
whn may thus favor him with a call.
Old linds Repainted and Trimmed no as to look
egull in new.
Ordprs punctually attended :o, and the Blinds
furwarilvd with deepatrh
31 , 11.10 G DRI) GS! LIMOS!
ee'uio►,►:.S.%►,E DRUGGISTSi
Xo. 40 Market Street, Philada.
OFFER, tor sale a large stork of F esh Drugs,
Medicines and Dye Stuff', to which they call
the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers
visiting the city. _ .
Coach. Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Vat.
niche'', of a cuperinr quality. Alto, V 1 hi.e and
Red Lend, Window Glass, Paint. and Oils--cheap
er than ever.
T. & C. are elan proprietors of the Indian
Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout theit own
and neighboring States as the best preparation for
the cu e of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, tit c. Mone y
refunded in even• instance where no benefit is re•
celved. [Philadelphia, jan27.6ln
LOZEIT:PATM•=M3 7- ...2 3 . Wigs
NO. 201 Market Street, one door above
Fifth, North Side, Philadelphia. '
IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealersin DE041 , ,
MEDICINES., t. lIEM It ALS, Patent Medi.
ei nes, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glass Ware.
Window Glass. Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c.
Druaaists, country Merchants and Physicians.
supplied With the above articles on the moat favors.
tie terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to Or.
dere. Every article warranted.
sept 23. JAS. A. TURNER. ILte of Vs,
LTIWN, SWIM % et. CO.,
(Successors to Potts, 'l.lrarrisi)
. 213, .11arket Strect,
Aint. of Policy & Po
E E P constantly on hand a full assortment of
11 . Drugs, 'Medicines, Chemicals. Surgical Instru
ments, Oils, Valais, Varnishes, Window Glass,
Dye Stulfa Vatent Medicines, &c. dte., all of
which they offer tl country merchants, and others,
on the most advaittageous terms. All orders, by
letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest care and
despotc!:. CLAUDIEt, B. LINN,
5.437 50
. ,nth?
I''OR flit cure of Pulmonary Consump•
tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Di f ficulty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Xervous 'Fre
mours, "looping Cough, ecc.
Proof follows upon proof of the virtues of
dead the following New Certificates :
MILFOIIb, Perry co., Pu., Oct. 1, 1846.
D.lessre. Robinson, Collins ftc C o t— Birs This
is to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years
with a violent pain in my Incest, so much so that
I could hardly lay to bed at night. Cough attended,
followed by emaciation and other decided symp
toms of consumption. I applied to several eminent
physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with.
out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr.
Davie's a impound t3yrup of Wild Cherry and
Tar, of which I took two bottles, hich entirely re.
sieved me of my complaint; therefore I can with
confidence recommend tt to all who are in a like
nn n er afflicted, as a most valuable Medicine.
Jena Toosrat.
Old Age,
8.J.W11 LI MS.