" A Pair of "Passes." Probably no two PASSES are so fa- Mous in our history as those given by .1 rnold to Sndre and Polk to Santa .11nna. To show how much the affinity the last has to the first, we copy both : Arnold's Pass to Andre. Head Quarters, Robinson's House, Sept. 22d, 1780. Permit Air. John vlnderson to pass the Guards to the White Plains, or below, if he Chooses, He being on Public Business by my Direction. B. ./IRNOLD, Al. Gen'l. " .1 Whig lie !" exclaimed the Tories of the Revolution. Luckily, however, the original pass of which the above is published as a copy, was preserved, and is still in existence. Polk's Pass to Santa Anna. The Commander of our .N'aval forces in the Gulf is hereby directed not to ob struct the passage of Santa anna and Suite to Mexico, should he desire to return thither. J.4.31ES K. POLK, President, ,flay 15, 1846. "11 Whig lie !" thundered some of the parasites of the Executive. It hap, pens that President Polk, in his Mes sage of 7th Dec. last, admits that l►e gave permission for Santa Anna to re turn. Polk's friends have been challenged in vain to prove that the above is not a true copy of the original Pass ! "To Pass the Guards to the White Plains, or below, if he Chooses," writes .Arnold—" Obstruct not the Passage of Santa Anna to Mexico, should he at tempt to return," says Polk. " He being on Public Business, by my Direction," quoth .arnold—"lt re mains to be seen whether his return may not yet prove favorable to a PACIFIC adjustment of existing difficulties," very demurely cogitates .Polk. The rivers of American blood shed by the treasonable plots of which these PASSES are but the open sesame ! with the other parallels between them, our read ers can carry out at their leisure.—Wy oming Record. Life °Vers. c , Federalism goes for life officers."• Carlisle Democrat. The truth of this is illustrated, sags the Pa. Telegraph, by the nomination of Gov. Skunk, who has been in office up wards of thirty years, or, almost ever since he was old enough to fill one. In his support therefore the Locofocos are only acting out their principles—they go for "life officers," for pampering the old office-holder who has grown grey in sucking from the public Treasury; while the Whigs go for a new man, one term and a distribution of offices. How re publican, how democratic are the prin ciples of the Whigs, compared with the acts of their opponents, who go for "po litical aristocracy." Inflammatory During the recent bread riots in France, some very inflammatory hand-bills were circulated. The agitators charged the scarcity upon the Government, and en deavored to turn the matter to political account. "A day of vengeance is come!" said one of the placards, " and the peo ple should move. First seize the grain, then burn the houses of the rich, mur dcrlng those therein, if agreeable—it is better to die from murder than to die from hunger. Courage ! Forward ! Huzza for pillage, for blood, fir death!" HOT SIIOT.—The Locofoco editors in Reading, some of them, insist that Gen. Taylor is a Locofoco ; and they were to have a meeting of " Taylor Democrats" on the evening of the 3d inst. The Jour nal throws the following missile into their camp : The following is an extract of a letter received a few days ago, by Mr. John Hepler, of this city, from his son, Wil liam P. Hepler, who is now, and has been serving under Gen. Taylor since the commencement of the war. Mr. Hepler, it seems, wrote to his son some months since, desiring to know positive ly what were the politics of Gen. Tay lor. His son says : You also request to know whether Gen. Taylor is a Whig or Democrat, be cause both parties claim him. HE IS A WHIG. I HEARD HIM SAY SO WITH MY OWN EARS TO AN OFFICER OF THE ARMY. I suppose you would like to know what I am. lam a loco to the back bone, but if old Zack runs I will have to give him a hard push, no matter who runs against him, for I think he is more fit for the White House than the one who now oc cupies it. • GEN. WOOL IS ALSO A WHIG-SO ARE ALL THE OFFICES OF THE STAFF, AT LEAST ALL WHO OCCUPY ANY PROMINENT POSI TION." WM. P. HEPLER." ID- The Hon. Edward Bradley, Con gressman elect from the western Dis trict of Michigan, died at the Croton Hotel, New York, on Thursday last. Arrival of the Ilibernia. Seventeen Days Later From Europe, Decline in Flour—Potatoe Crop promis ing—Excellent promise of the Harvest. The Steamship Hibernia, arrived at, Boston on the 2d inse bringing Liver. pool dates to the 20th July. A Liver. pool date of the 20th states that during the last ten days the weather has been ' almost uninterruptedly fine, and each day strengthens the expectations enter tained of an abundant harvest of grain throughout the British islands and all Europe. The heavy decline in corn was checked. Since the 12th, the market has again given way, the prospects of still receiving large supplies from the United States, and by way of the Medi terranean, added to the fine weather which prevails in all quarters, depressed the market, which presents every as pect of a downward movement. The potatoe crop is represented to be free from danger, and this fact contributed not a little to affect prices. During the last week, however, the market has been much firmer, the prices of the 12th be came current, and were maintained throughout the week, and yesterday in Mark Lane a further advance of ls. took ' place. The trade in Indian corn was, however, quite paralized, and flour in barrels was quite neglected. The cotton market has been steady since the 10th and sales pretty large. There had been an advance of 1-Bd. in prices since the 10th, and the market closed steadily at quotations. In cured provisions a limited business had been done. Transactions in bacon are limited. Prices have receded 2to 4.d. Pork is in limited demand. American neglected, and prices, if any thing low er. The reports from the manufacturing districts are of a satisfactory and en couraging character. Parliament was to be prorogued on the 24th. There is nothing of importance from Ireland. Extraordinary Occurrence. On Tuesday, the 27th ult., the family of Mr. George Christman, of Chesnut hill township, Monroe county, Pa., du ring the thunder storm, were severely injured by a stroke of lightning, under very peculiar and almost unprecedented circumstances. Mr. Christman, his wife and a young woman residing with them were engaged in domestic avocations— Mr. Christman writing upon a table be fore him, and the two ladies sitting upon chairs in the room, when the subtle fluid descended the chimney, lit upon the ta ble before Mr. Christman, severed one of its leaves, and split the chair upon which he was sitting without injuring him, except stupifying him with wonder —glanced over the body of Mrs. Christ man, severely scorching her, without, however, destroying her clothing, upon wnich she exclaimed, "I'm burning up!" —and attacked the young lady in the same manner, but did not injure her so much as Mrs. Christman. They are all out of danger, but justly congratulated themselves upon having escaped death by providential interposition. Mrs. Christman, who had been previously long suffering from rheumatism, has been entirely cured of that disease by the se vere operation she has undergone. The house was not injured. Poisoning Americans in Mexico, We mentioned some time since the rumor, not our own, that the Mexicans at Jalapa and elsewhere in Mexico were poisoning the milk and other products, and then selling them to the Americans. That this infamous course was attempt ed to kill our soldiers, there is the best evidence. We have taken some pains to gain the history of the matter, and we find it to be as follows :—[Union. In Mexico there grows a small bean called Pinonlillo, (pronounced penon leyo,) which, when infused in milk and drunk, causes a chronic disease that soon carries off its victims, they the while unconscious of the real cause.— This bean, it is said, was used in Ha vana, many years ago, with considerable success in destroying , . the English. The Mexicans use an herb called the huaco, (pronounced wha-co,) to relieve them of the poisonous effects of the pinonlillo and the bite of poisonous reptiles, by chewing the weed and swallowing the extract. The extract is also used to put in the place of a bite of a poisonous rep tile, and always with success. A Mex ican never travels, if it can be avoided, without a small package of the huaco weed, to be provided for against acci dents.—N. 0. National. Aid and Comfort. We perceive by the late New Orleans papers, that liberal extracts continue to be copied into tie Mexican papers from the Federal prints in this country. This fact is distinctly stated, and may be useful as a matter of future reference.— Carlile Volunteer. [).Certainly, but why complain that Mexican papers copy extracts " from the Federal prints in this country 1" The great leader of the Federal party in this country, Mr. Pour, passed the great leader of the Federal party in Mexico, DON SANTA ANNA, into that Republic, and placed him at the head of the Mex ican Army, to fight against such Amer ican Whigs as Taylor, Scott, Clay, Ringgold, and others—why, then, should not the sayings of such Federal papers as the Carlisle Volunteer be "copied into the Mexican papers" of Mexico 1 The Letheen The Berks and Schuylkill Journal gives the following account of the am putation performed upon the person of Mr. HENRY PROT; of Reading, whose leg was dreadfully crushed and man gled on the railroad at Baumstown, on Saturday evening. The operation was performed on Sunday morning, by Drs. flsisrEß and WHITMAN, the patient hav ing first been put under the influence of the Letheon. " During the operation he was entire. ly insensible to pain, and laughed and joked while the knife and saw were se parating the quivering flesh and cutting through the bones, muscles and arteries! The leg was amputated above the knee joint, and we are told that the unfortu nate man never once winced under the dreadful operation or experienced the slightest 'pain or disagreeable sensation. We are further assured that after the limb was bound up, and the effects of the ether had passed oft; the pain was by no means severe. The system of the patient was not prostrated by the opera tion, and the wound is much more like ly to be speedily healed, than in cases where the sufferer is doomed to feel the exquisite torture of the operation." HEAVY RAlN.—Adams county (Miss.) was on Sunday last visited by one of the heaviest rains ever known since 1804. So rapidly did it fall, that the whole country was soon under water. Bridges and fences were washed away, cattle were drowned, the cotton and corn torn up. The damage is said to be immense. Col. Bingainan lost one of his best horses. Much valuable stock was lost. Our informant states that the rain coo tinned for three successive days, but that the damage from the flood occurred principally on Sunday.---facemer. TEN MORE REGIMENTS CALDED is said that the administration decided on Saturday to call out ten additional regiments, under the Act of 13th May, 1816. It has been the impression that the government had nearly exhausted the authority given to it by that Act. But a different construction has been made; so that the administration, it would seem, do not look for a speedy peace. From the Columbus Enquirer of the 20th.—T HE WA R—MoRE TROOPS.- The Secretary of War, by ordcr of the President of the United States, has made a requisition upon the Goveror of Geor gia for five additional companies of mounted men—to consist, each, of 1 Cap tain, 3 Lieutenants, 4. Sergeants, 4. Cor porals, 2 Musicians, 1 Farrier and Black smith, and SO Privates—aggregate 95 men—to be commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel. "AID AND COMFORT TO THE ENEMY. " —We are decidedly opposed, says the Boston Chronotype, to Mr. Polk's send ing any more Cushions (Cushing's) or Pillows to Mexico, they give too much repose to the Mexican army. SHALL TIIERE BE FUNERALS ON TUE SABBATH I -A distinguished clergyman of Pittsburg, proposes this question to the consideration of the reli g ious public. It was to have been discussed on Tues day evening, at the First Presbyterian church of that city. s s .. When that question is decided, we sup pose the next that will be proposed, will be, whether there shall be any deaths on Saturday. A RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—The Colum bia, Pa. Spy of Saturday, says : " A railroad collision occurred yesterday af ternoon about four miles below Lancas ter, by which two men were killed and a lady seriously injured: The men killed were passengers on a section boat bound for Pittsburg, and were accompanied by their wives." GOOD.—Mexico, says the Mobile Her- Ad and Tribune, declines treating; there fore, Gen, Scott will have to liquor— (lick her.) 03 We learn from the Carlisle Her ald that the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company hit s made arrangements to lay a new track on tha road between Car lilse and Harrisburg, and will commence the work without delay. Ei-The Hon. REVERDY JOHNSON, of Baltimore, in a letter to the N. Y. Cour ier, avows his preference for Gen. TAY LOR as the Whig candidate for Presi dent. IMIGRANTS.—There arrived at the Port of Philadelphia, during the week ending on the 7th, upwards of SOO imigrants. The Markets. PHILADELPHIA, August 6, 1847. FLOUR & MEAL.—Fresh ground Flour is firm at $6 for Pa. and $5 87 for west ern. Rye Flour is held at $3 50, and Corn Meal at $3 31 a $3 37 for Penn's, and $3 '75 for Brandywine. GRAlN.—Wheat is scarce, and prices firm at $1 25 a $1 30 for Penn'a rod, and $1 25 for Southern; Corn, sales of Western yellow 73 a 74c ; Oats, north ern, 55c. No sales of Rye. *lmlay-28c in bbislind hhds, AV E tow th n e sh?p ntle d rs o ig n n . e t t, al c ly ziti a .e g n ro s e e l f . I. p . ' n ra y nk o l u in r 1 equal proportion of expenses, according to the a mount of Tax levied on us individually, for the purpose of employing counsel to advice us wheth er the act of assembly, authorizing Supervisors of this township to subscribe a certain portion oft stock for the purpose of locating and making a Turnpike road from Water-street to Centre coun ty line, be legal and constitutional. We, the un dersigned, viewing the above act as being illegal sad arbitrary, as it benelite but a part of the inhab itants of said township, arid being unwilling to pay taxes for the benefit of the few, we do mutually I agree that should we find from the advice of able counsel that we are not legally bound to pay any taxes that may be levied for making said turnpike road, to stand by and defend each other should any action be brought against either of the undersign ed, for resisting the payment of maid taxes, each agree to pay their proportion of expenses that may accrue on said action in proportion to the amount of taxes levied on each, always having due respect to the laws of our land in regard to the above mat ter. In witness whereof we have hereunto signed our names, this twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven. James Dysart, Hugh feeds, John M'Pherran, John Weight, Joseph Dysart, Abram Weight. H. Hamilton, Joseph Wagner, John Laport, John Zentmyer, William Riley, John It Btonebraker Aug. 10, '47. CHEAP WATCHES Sc JEWELRY ...--1.1. A T the "Philadelphia IP,, AWateic ancl Jewelry ': - 0: -. ?" -- ;,,, . ~, Store," No. 96 North Sec (,:) ey . ,t , x, and Street, corner of Quill.- ( \ s . . „.4 ry. Gold Lever Watches, , - 40 c 7 Zig full jewelled 18 carat cases and gold Dial, 40 00 Silver Lever Watches full jeweled, 20 00 Silver Patent Lever Watches, seven jewels, is 00 Silver Lopine Watches, jeweled, 'l2 00 Quartier Watches ' S 00 brutation:Quartier Watches, A 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 50 Gold Bracelets with Topes Stones, 3 50 I Gold Pens with silver Pencil and Holder, 125 Ladies (told Pencils, 1 75 [ Silver Tea-spoons, from $4 50 per set to 600 Gold Finger-Rings, from 37i cents to 80 00 Watch-Glasses:—Plain, 12i eta; patent 184 ; Lunet 25 ;other Articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. On hand some Gold arid silver Levers, Lepines and Quartiers lower than the above prices. Constantly on hand, an assortment of Silver Ta ble, Desert, Tea Salt and Mug' ard-Spoons, Soup- Ladles, Sugar-Tongs, Napkin-Bings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Thimbles, Shields, Knitting Nee dle Cases and Sheaths, Purse and Reticle Clasps, —Tho silver warranter: to be equal to American Coin. Also a great variety of Fine Gold Jewelry, con sisting in part of Finger-Rings of all styles, Oct with Diamons, Rubys, Enteral Torquise, Topaz, Garnet, Cornolian, Jasper, Cape May, Amethyst and other stones. Breaatspins and Bracelets of ell styles set with Stones. and Cameos end Ena melled; Ear-Rings of all styles; Gold Chains of all styles and of the finest quatity, together with all other articles in the line, which will be sold unusu ally low, wholesale and retail.—Also Planes Light ning-Rod Points, by the dozen or single one. 0. CONRAD. Watchmaker 4• Jeweller N. B.—On hand M. J. Tobias & Co's. best quality full jewelled, l'atent Lever Movements, in 18 Carat Gold Cases. Also a quantity at Move ments which will be cam d any style required, and sold at 5 per cent above the price of laiportations. July 20, '47-Iy. WATCHES, JEWELRY, 81,C, TIME subscriber offers to the trade, or by retail a largo and general assortment of the following articles, being all dills own importation or manu facture. Buyers of goods in this line at 'e invited to ex amine the assortment, and orders are solicited.with the assurance that every effort will be made to give satisfaction and insure a continuance of custom. Gold &Silver Lever Watches of ordinary quality. Do. do. do. of superior finish. Do. do. do. Anchors& Lepines. Silver double cooed English and Swiss verge Watches, with light, medium and heavy cases. Gold Jewelry in all varieties, line and common. Silver Plated, and Silver Wares. Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes. Gold and Silver Spectacles. Diamond P. inted Gold Pens. Mantel and Office Clot ks, in gilt and other frames. Watchmakers' Fools and Materials of all aorta. Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Beads, &c. Having every facility for obtaining goods on the most advantageous terms, corresponding induce ments will be offered to purchasers. , 'JOHN C. FARR, 112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia, ju1y20,1847-6m. Hats, Caps, Ladies' Muffs, Boas, dto. To Merchants, Hatters, and Others. GARDEN & BROWN, Hat 4- Cap Ware House & Manufactory, No. 196 Market Street, Second Door below Sixth, Philadelphia, DESPECTFULLY solicit attention It to their large and complete stock of Hors and CAM manufactured under their own immediate direction and su perintendence with all the advantages of modern improvements to enable them to cont. line the important qualities of durability, taste and beauty of finish with extreme cheapness of price An immense and beautiful assortment of all va rieties and prices of Beaver, Brush,Silk, Moleskin, Russia, Cassimere, Wool, Sporting and Ashland Hats. Also, a general assortment of every variety of CAPS—Otter; Ft r Seal, Hair Seal. Muskrat, Plain and Fancy Cloth every style, Red, Black and Brown Mohair, Sealetto, Glazed, Oiled Silk & Fur Caps Ladies' Muffs, Boas, &c., ut the very lowest 'prices. Buyers by the dozen or less, aro invited to call and see if it is not to their interest to deal with us. Particular attention paid to the packing of Hats, Caps, &c. Cash paid for Muskrat and Shipping Furs. GARDEN & BROWN, No. 196 Market Street, below Sixth Street. Philadelphia, July 20, 1847-3 m. .PID.IIII.II , 7STR.IITOR'S OPTIC E. Estate of Jacob Van ' Tries, Esq., late of Warriorsmark twp., dec d. OTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin. N istration on he said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and these having claims against it will present them duly authenticated, to DAVID ROBESON, JANE VAN 'FRIES. To the Independent Freemen of Hun tingdon County: Fnuow errrn iz;s:-1 offer myself to the consideration of the Democratic Whigs and Anti ,Masons of Huntingdon county, for theonice of 1 II it: it I FF. and if placed In nomination by the coming County Convention, and elected by the People, I pledge myself to fulfil the dative of the office with fidelity and impartiality. isiATHANIEL july2o-1847. Sheriffality. rELLOW CrrizeNs.—l offer myself to your _U consideration as a candidate for the office of LlcalTog, at the ensuing general election, and respectfully solicit your support. NATHAN W. GREEN. Birmingham July 13, 1847. To the Voters of fluntingdoo County, ria.Low CrTrzstec—ileing encouraged by a number of my friends, I offer myself as a candi date for the office of at the approaching Fall election, and should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes, I pledge myself to &charge the duties of said office honorably and to your satisfaction. MATIIiEW ettOWNOVER. If 3nderson tp., j uly6-tf. To the Voters of Ilunlingdon County *: A T the solicitation of a number of my Whig 11 friends, I oiler myself as a candidate for the office of subject to the decision of the Whig County Con vention. And should Ibo so fortunate as to be nominated and elected to said office, I pledge myself to perform the duties thereof with fidelity mid im partiality. GEORGE SIPES. Cromwell tp., julyB-1847. To the Electors of Huntingdon County: IoW-GITIZENS t—l take this medium, through which to offer myself to the consider ation of the Democratic Whig and Anti-Masonic Convention which will convene in the borough of Huntingdon on the 11th of August next,. a can didate for the office of and if nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the Mike to the hest of my WILLIAM SMITH, abilities Union tp., july6 1847 Sherjfality CITIZENS Offer myself to your r coasideration as a candidate for the office of SIIERIPP, at the ensuing election, and respect fully solicit your support. JOHN WRAP. West township, July 27, 1847. PRIVATE SALE. rp H subscriber offers fur sale, a tract of land, sit- I trate in Burree township, Huntingdon county, on the South side of Stone creek, next below Douche's Iron Works, containing about one hun dred and twenty one acres—about eighty acres of which aro cleared, including about fifteen acres of bottom land, with a good two-story DWELLING HOUSE, and a bank Barn thereon erected; there is also d u i good bearing orchard, and a spring of never. failing water near the house: there is also lime-stone, and the appearance of Iron Ore on the premises. Any person wishing to purchase will be shown the said property by Jacob Zook, who resides on the same. Alt indisputable title will be given and the terms made may for th• purchaser. ABRAHAM ZOOK, Near Allenville, Mifflin county, Pa. August 3, 1847. N, H, If the rbove property is not std before next November, it will then be offered at public sale. A. Z. Valuable Ore-Bank tlk Water-power For Sale. THE subscriber wishes to dispose of about 300 acres of very rich Ore and Coal Lands situate on the waters of Sandy Creek, in Perry township, Jefferson county, Penn'a. The property is situate on three branches of Sandy Creek, which unite upon the premises, atlhrding abundant power for save. al Furnaces, Forges, &c., all within a b out one fourth of a utile of the Ore bank. The Ore is of the same kind, but of a richer quality, that is used at the Great Western works in Armstrong county. 1 here are also on the premise, abundance of Rita nlinotts Cool, Limestone, and Sandstone. Tbe Creek is now navigable, for Arks, &c., in time of high water, from within coven miles of the prop erty, and could, with little expense, be mode so from the premises. There is a Saw-Mill in opera tion on the premises. The land is all well timber ed, and well timbered lands may be purchased in the immediate neighborhood at from one to two dollars per acre. This property undoubtedly affords facilities for the manufacture of hod, possegsed by few situations in Pennsylvania, and to an enterprising capitalist acquainted with the business is a location much to be desired. As this advertisement is merely intended to draw the attention of those acquainted with the iron bu siness to the lands, the subscriber deems it unneces sary to dwell longer on the advantages possessed by this property, as those wishing to purchase will of course call and examine it. Those desirous of further particulars are invited to call on the subscri ber living on the premises, or on Mr. Gaskell, Agent of the Holland Land Company, at Purist tawney, , Jefferson county. ELIAS GEILHAUSEN. Cold Spring, Jefferson Co., Pa. [jy29.4t. Dissolotion of P'arinership. THE partnership which has existed since the Ist of April, A. D. 1844, between thesubscribers, in the Mercantile busiuess, at Manor Hill, Peters burg, and Nefl's Mill, under the firm of John R. Hunter & Co., has this day (July 15) been dissolv ed by mutual consent. The business hereafter will be continued at Netrs Mill by Mr. Hunter, with whom the Books, &c., of the late firm are left for settlement. DAVID BLAIR. july2o-1847. JOHN R. HUNTER. ;NOTICE TS hereby giventotheStoalTalers of the Spruce Creek & Waterstreet Turnpike Road Company, that twenty per cent on the Capital Stock subscri bed, is required to be paid to the subscriber, on or before the 20th day of August neat, and ten per cent. monthly, until otherwise ordered. DAVID STEWART, july2o,lt„-- Treasurer. --- - Dissolution of Partnership. rpHE partnership heretofore existing under the 1 firm of Jones & Simonton was this day (July 15th) dissolved by mutual consent. All persona having unsettled accounts with said firm will please call on E. R. Jones and settle them. The business hereafter will be continued try T. K. Simonton at the old stand. E. M. JONES, T. K. bIMONTON. ju1y23,1847-41. Great Spring and Stumm( r Medicine. HANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable or Blood Pills,—Fifty pills in a box— The cheapest and best medicine in ex• istence—for purifying the bloodirerhci‘ , - ing bile, correcting disorders of the sito mach and bowels, costiveness, dyspolp.. sin, swimming in the head, &e, Per sons of a full habit, who are subject' t6' headache, giddiness, drowsiness, and' singing in the ears, arising from !bet' great a flow of blood in the head, should' never be without them, as many danger- . ous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their immediate use. Read the following wonderful cure of dyspepsia This is to certify that my viife was ' afflicted with the byspepsia for 12 years,: and tried both advertised Medicines and - Thomsonian, but without effect ; and my self attacked with blindness, and my head otherwise affected from hard drinking, so that I was apprehensive of fits; and see ing HANCE'S SARSAPARILLA PILLS advertised, I went and got a box of them,' which, to my astonishment, effected a cure of me arid my wife both. I think them without a rival belbro the public. S. H. HALL, Albemarle st. near Wilk. - For sale by Seth S. Hance. 108 Haiti• more st., and corner of Charles & Pratt sts., Balt. [nov4-y AGENTS-T, Read & Son, Hunting. don ; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buel, noun, Mill Creek ; Spencer & Flood,W il liamsburg. Iyritp of Horehound. p j URTHER PROOFS OF THE EF- T fleecy of Hance's Compound Syrup of Hoarhound in relieving afflicted man. Mr. George T. Warrington, residing in York street, Federal Hill, Baltimore. was attacked with a violent cough and sore throat. After trying many reme dies, he was induced by a friend to use Hance's Compound Syrup of Hoarhound, and before using one bottle was entirely cured. Another yet more .4sronishing.—Mrs.. Henrietta Merrick, residing in Monu ment street, between Canal and Eden• streets, was attacked with a very se. were cough and pain in the Breast,which was so intense that it extended to the shoulders. She was afflicted also with a pain in the side. After trying many remedies, she was persuaded by a friend to use Hancetir Compound Syrup of Horehound, and af ter using three doses, she experienced. great relief, and before she had finishes . the bottle was entirely cured. Price 50 eta. per 'bottle, or 6 bottles for $2 50. For sale by Seth S. Hance,. 108 Baltimore st., and corner of Charles and Pratt sts., Baltimore. roc2By Great Spring and Summer Medicine. TTANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable or _a Blood Pills, for purifying the blood. • • . C 1 BALTImoRE, July 29, 1843. This is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in the breast and right arm, which I suppose proceeded from the impure state of my blood. I was recommended to take Hance's Sar saparilla or Blood pills, and after taking one box, the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm. I found them extremely gentle in their operation, and would recommend them to every person in want of a mild purgative. PATRICK ROCHE, No. 23 Conway street, between Howard and Eutaw. In purcaasing these pills let me add one word of caution. Always ask for Hance's pills, and purchase of none but those advertised as agents, and if con venient; call and see the proprietor himself. For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore st., and corner of Charles and Pratt sts., Baltimore. Price 25 cts.. per box, of fifty pills each, for Hance's genuine pills, or 5 for $l. [novlBy HANCE'S Compound Syrup of Hore hound, for the cure of coughs, colds, consumption, spitting of blood, pain in the side and breast, bronchitis, croup, and all diseases arising from a disor dered condition of the lungs or neglect ed cold. The following sonnet was ad dressed to the proprietor by a young lady who was cured of Consumption : Ho ! ye who pant with failing breath, And pine away and die; Hance shall "put away" your death, And light anew your eye. How sweet it melts upon the tongue, How grateful to the breast ! A glorious theme for poet's song, Soothing his cough to rest. Hance ! favored of the God's, art thou, A blessing to thy race, Let laurels flourish on thy brow, And wealth those laurels grace. When heroes are forgotten; kings Defunct ; or, ceased to rain ; Glory, for thee, shall flap her wings, Thou conquerer of pain. Price 50 eta. per bottle, or 6 bottles for *2 50. Prepared and sold by Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore at., and corne Charles and Pratt sts. [nor 18yr AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer & Flood, Williamsburg; W. W. Buch anan, Mill Creek ; A. o'. Browne, Silk ley sbu rg. S. Steel Blair, A rrou NE Y AT LA W;Hollitlt;yebnrg, Pe„ 11_ Will attend attend to all busineve entrusted to his ctuein. lilair, Huntingdon and Indiana con n• sprii24B