Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 27, 1847, Image 4

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• All that certain lot of ground situate
TIDY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. on the north side of the great road in
_DI Exp. and Lev. Fa. issued out of the the town of Orbisonia, in the township
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon of Cromwell, fronting about 50 feet on
county and to me directed, I will sell at said road and running back 160 feet,
public sale at the Court House Door in more or less, bounded on cast by a lot
Huntingdon Borough, on Monday the of William Ritter, and on the 'west by
9th day of August next, at 2 o'clock P. William Bush--having thereon erected
M., the following described Real Estate, a small frame dwelling house, a black
viz smith shop and a log stable. Seized and
All that certain brick building, one taken in execution, and to be sold as the
story high, with basement, situate on property of Jacob Flasher.
lots Nos. 4 & 5 in the recorded plan of .ftLSO,
Huntingdon borough, extending from All that small piece or tract of land
Hill street to Allegheny street, contain- lying on the waters of the East Branch
ing in front on Hill street feet, and of Stone creek in Jackson township,
in depth feet, which building is inten- Huntingdon county, containing 27 acres,
ded for a Church, and the lots of ground be the same more or less—about seven
and curtilege appurtenant thereto. Sei- acres of which are cleared--adjoining
zed and taken in execution, and to be lands of 'illiant Stewart, Mani Mc
as the property of the Rector, Dowell, ded, Raw he & Hall, and others.
Church Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Seized and taken in execution, and to be
John's Church, Huntingdon, owners or sold as the property of Joseph Kyles.
reputed owners, and Chas. B. Callahnn) 4LBo,
architect and contractor. The following described Real El.-
SLSO, tate, and several tracts of land situ-
All the right, title, and interest, of Ja-
me in Jackson townshipr
cob M. Cover, in a lot of ground on the county,
west side of Main street, in the town of 'mee property Greenwood :
Two tracts of land containing togeth-
Cassville, adjoining the Methodist Epis
er about 900 noes; situate on the east
copal Church Lot on the south, Lewis
branch of Stone Creek and surveyed on
Stever on the west, and David Stever on
warrants in names of James McGinnis
the north, under fence. Also—in and
and James McGinnis, Jr., respectiVely,
to a lot of ground lying opposite the said
adjoining surveys in names of Thomas
lot adjoining a lot now of Caleb Swoops
Ralston, John Spencer, and others—hay
on the south,Lewis Stever's land on the
ing thereon erected Greenwood Furnace,
west, and avid Stever's on the north,
a large well finished two story plastered
containing about two acres, with a small
dwelling house, a good frame grist mill
dwelling house thereon erected. The
and a saw mill, a number of buildings
said lots are claimed and occupied by
for the hands an office, store room,
Nicholas Miller. Seized and taken in
stables, &c. '
execution, and to be sold as the property
A tract of unseated land surveyed in
of Jacob M. Cover. natne of William Biddle, adjoining Hil-
SLSO, Lary Baker, John Vanost and others, con-
All that certain tract of land situate taining 403 acres 12 perches.
in Tell township, Huntingdon county, I A tract of unseated land in name of
containing 99 acres more or less, adjoin- ..
John Vanost, adjoining William Biddle,
ing lands of Hugh Doran's heirs, Wm. ' David Caldwell and others, containing
Orr, Esq., James Pattison and Isaac ' 400 acres 136 perches.
Gifford's heirs, about 80 acres of which i A tract of unseated land in name of
are cleared, having thereon a log barn, i David Ralston, Jr. ; containing 400 acres,
a two story log dwelling house, a spring- ' adjoining John Ralston and others.
house and an apple orchard. Seized and A tract of unseated land in name of
taken in execution, and to be sold as the John Russell, adjoining John Ralston,
property of Robert McFarland decd, in ; Thomas Russell and others, containing
the hands of John Skinner his Executor, 1 400 acres.
with notice to Terre Tenants.l A tract of Unseated land in name of
~LSO, I John Ralston ; adjoining surveys in name
All the right, title, and interest of of John Russell; Thomas Ralston, and
William Woods, in andl to all that lot of , Ephraim Jones, containing 4.00 acres.
ground, late the estate of Win. Woods, 1 I
A parcel of land OD Stone mountain
decd, fronting 50 feet on the southernly iadjoining James McGinnis and others,
side of Allegheny street, in the boroughl unseated, containing 300 acres or there
of Huntingdon, and running back to the ' abouts, being part of a survey in name
I ank of the Juniata River, the same be- ! of John Spencer, and a tract of unseat
ing No. —in the town plot of said bor. , 'cd land in Barree township; on Stone
ough, having thereon erected a log dwel- 1 mountain, surveyed in name of Jonathan
ling house and a plastered two story I Priestly, containing 437 acres, adjoin
bnilding adjoining some, fronting on Al- ing R. Cummins and others.
legheny street, and a log stable. Seized Seized and taken in execution, and to
and taken in execution, and to be sold be sold as the property of Francis W.
as the property of William Woods. Rawle and James Hall,
All that certain tract of land situate All that eertairt small parcel of part
in Tell township, Huntingdon county, of a tract of land, in the township of
containing 161 acres, more or less, with Tell, conveyed by Samuel Parsons to
about 125 acres cleared, adjoining lands IJoseph Richardson, adjoining lands late
of John Gooshorn, George Gooshorn, iof said Parsons, Alex. Scott and others ;
William Gooshorn, Nicholas Gooshorn I [the several courses and distances of
and the Shade mountain— having there- I which are laid dawn at length in the
on erected a small log dwelling house writ] containing 24 acres and 163
and a stable, &c. Also, all the right ; ! perches, together with the improve
title, and interest of Christian Coats, in, i lawns thereon: Seized and taken in ex:
and to, Lot No. 192 in the town plot of ! ecution, and to be sold as the property
the borough of Huntingdon, fronting 50 of Joseph Richardson:
feet on the north side of Mifflin street JNO: ARMITAGE, Sli'ff.•
and running bock 200 feet along Mont=
gomery street t( Church street—having
thereo - tt erected a brick building formet::
ly used as a Presbyterian church, and a
small log building. Seized and taken
in execution, and to be sold as the prop
erty of Christian Couts.
All that small piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Shirley, con
taining fourteen acres and allowance,
lying on the bank of Aughwick creek,
and adjoining lands of the estate of L.
Barkstresser f deed,. and lands of James Dr. ii - xeiers ree „. etable Pan.
W Galbraith—being cleared and culti
voted, and a small plastered house and } , o ,
the removal and perinanerit mire of 01l dia.
stable thereon. Seized and taken in ex- eases arising from an impure state of the Blood
ecution, and to be sold as the property and habit of the body, viz: Chronic affections of
of James N. Thompson, dee'd, with no- the Chest, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Catarrh, &c.—
tice to Elliott Robbley, Terre Tenant. Scrofula in all its stages,. Teller, Scald-head, C . a.
tancores affections of dm body, face and extrem
ities, Chronic Itheumatism,Chronic enlargements
A small piece or p a r ce l o f l an d situ- o f the ligaments and joints, White Swellings,
ate in the township of Clay, adjoining Syphilitic Affections, Constitutional disorders
lands of Christian Kurfritan, , Thomas arising from debility, nercurial and hereditary pie-
Skipper, & William Bradley, containing
thq°4ll l l ttw
s 'n! c. adreitted Ly Pathologists, that no
about 35 acres, more or less, about 15
original temperament, complexion, constitution, or
acres of which are cleared—haviug body, confers complete immunity from Her
thereon erected a small house & a stable. editary disease.; that scrofula, consumption and
Seized and taken in execution, and to be other affections having a similarity of origin occur
sold as the property of David Bradley. in till t although observation convinces us, that in
. dividuale and families, possessing certain character
aLso, nines are more frequently the subject of these nisi.
A tract of land lying on the southern a dieu than others. These diseases area morbid con
side of the A. P. Rail Road about 1 mile dition of the whole system of nutrition—these pro
above Hollidaysburg, in Blair township, ducts being but the effects of an alteration of the
corttaining 180 acres, more or less, ad- Biloodtariart)lfit-4:eneiraettioi,:ina,—cthehnoilenertr;abruza,ftettl:tiargaend,
joining lands of John McCann'', Wtn. fa e ,;, ene. The canoe exists prior todie phenoin.
Holliday's heirs, George Buchanan and ens , and moat be destroyed before perfect health
others--about 12.0 acres of winch are I can lie established. may be done by Dr. Kel.
cleared—having w lirge frante bank barn, 1 ler's Vegetable Pimucea, the Most certain comedy
a log dwelling house and an apple or- for all diseases arising from an impure state of the
chard thereon. Alsttz-all that eertain it b i l i ni ,o lzi a :is i tn ip ol ic n t utrition, ever presented to
lot or part of Lot Nci.. 1441 fronting on Prepared corner of 3,1 U.] 3 l rnth streets, Phil.
Juniata street, in Hollidaysburg boroughi a delphia : and sold by John N. Prowell, and Jones
—which Defendant purchased from the i & Simonton, Huntingdon, and by Druggists and
Adert'r of James Martin, decd, adjoin- Men:bunts throughout the county. Price—St per
ing his Brick Tavern house—having ! battle , large also.
thereon erected a two story dwelling I june 9, 1847.
house with store room and two frame- A. W. Bonedict,
shops and a two story store room. Sei- I
' I7OIINEY AT LA W I I' Office at his old residence in Main Huntingdon'Pa.—
zed and taken its execution, and to be doors wee of the old Court House. Tie will
sold as the pro/lc-try of John Dougherty, attend ie any behine.a entrusted to him in the sev
(lnnkeeper.) •ei oat:: of Huntingdon and adjoining countirs
Mfrs Office ; Hunting-
. don, July /a, 1817.
Estate of Elizabeth Brotherlige, late of
the borough of Iluntingdon, dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Lettert of Ad
ministration have been granted to the under
signed on the said estate. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to matte immediate pay ,
merit, and persims having claims will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
lAM now receiving an entire new stock of SPRING aND SUMMER GOODS )
being by far the best assortment brought to this place. Among which will be
Braid and Straw Bonnets and Palni Leafand For tints
LPllarlasea.. i , 4 dsolla atazacEL
With a large and fine variety of Goods of all kinds.
Please call and examine my stock, as I am determined to sell my goods on
ns reasonable terms as any one in Huntingdon county. •
The highest price paid in CASH, for WHE4T, RYE, oam CORN, FLOUR,
Butter ' Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Soap, Beeswax, Boards, Wool, 4w.,taken in exchange
Petersburg, Pa., May I'l, 1847.
VOTICE is hereby given to all persona 1
IA concerned, that the following named NO. S 7 i
persons Italie settled their accounts in North Third Street, Philadelphia. '
the Register's Office, at Huntingdon, , From Dr. Hare. the celebrated Professor of !
and that the said accounts will be pre- Chemistry in the University of Ponn'a.
vented for Confirmation and Allowance Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1843.
"Dear Sir—Having tried of your Ink,l will
at an Orphans' Court to be held at Hun
han y send me smother bottle, as I nd it to
tingdon, in and for the county of Hun
bteexictell'eutttt! I dm yours, truly,
tin don on Wednesday the 11th day of ROB".1`. HARE."
August next, to wit : 1 From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguished '
1. John P. Schnell. and Jacob Curfman, Exec- for his numerous scientific researches.
slots of Philip Schnerr, late of Union township, ",Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati,
dec'd. Jantlary 17, 1844.
2. Moses Flobeson and William Porter, Execii. i Having used Mr. Hover's W riling Ink, I am
Bred, , satisfied thatit is the best which has ever come to my
tors of Jno. Watt, Into of Barren township
who was (with George Wilson, Executors of Mar- : knowledge, and especially is it excellent for the
garet Clayton, dee'd. I use of the Steel Pens, and will not corrode than,
I '
3. Thomas Weston and Martin Weston, Exec-' even in long use. JOHN LOCKE,
afore of William Westin), late of Warrior Mark I Pref. of Chemistry."
township, dee'd. I lillovesom Adainantine Cement.
4. Abraham Buck and Amnia!' Sockets, Execu From a well known scientific gei tlertiari.
tors of Samuel Spanogle, late of Warrior Mark "Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1846.
township, dee'd. Mr. Joseph E. hover—Sir: A use of your Cc
5. John Whittillser and Jacob Fodder, Exec - meet, e lll , come
I practical tests of its superiority, has
tors of John Whiuditer, late of the llbrotigh of, educed me to recommend it to others as an invalu-
Huntingdon, dec'il. able article for mending China, Glass or Cabinet
6. Daniel Af ice, surviving Executor of Michael were. CAMPBELL Menem
Africa, iota of the Borongh of Huntingdon, deed.
Analytic Chemist."
7. Nathaniel Kelly, Executor of bavid Bowman; For Sale, Wholesale Mid Retail, at the Manis
tee of Dublin township, dec'd. factory, IVo. 87 North Third street, opposite Cherry
8. William Gansimer and John Omni!, Exec- street, Philadelphia, by
utors of John Gun siiner, late of Franklin town- JOSE H E. HOVER, Manufuttur. er.
ship, dec'd. . . 1 i t .p, jy 27,.47.1,
9. George S. Crvder, surtOing exehutbr of Israell
Cryder, late of Porter township, deed.
io. John w . 'Thompson, Atiministratdr of Jos. 1
Thompson, late of West township, deed. 1 ;.41ANUF&CTUREIRS 0 F P./IPER
11. George Jack and David Hamster, Adminis- i H.d.NVINGS,
thaws of John Wheeland, late of Franklin town-ITTAVE removed their Store to No. 116
ship, decd.ll_ CHESNUT STREET, South43ast
12. Jacob Trtyldr. Administrator of Parton De '
corner of Carpenter's Court, Philadelphia, where
Forrest, late of Tod township, dec'd.
they are constantly receiving from their Factory
13. It Edwards, Administrator of Robert
Edwards, late of Tod township, dec'd. 1
14. Samuel Carothers, Administrator of William , FIRE BOARD PRINTS, &c. &c.
Carothers, late of Shirley (now Cremivell) (own- ' Also, splendid DECORATED FRESCO PA •
ship, dee'd. , PER for Parlors. The latest and most oppreYed
Lyles of Architectural Designs, Columns with
15. Janes Gilidin, Administrator of George Mil
fer, fate of Jackson township, deed. , Capitals, Pilasters and Paneling, Statues, Peden
-16, David Snare, Administrator o i z
I. yin! . oin , tabs, Infitation Recesses; &c. They are also mak-
Stewart, late of Henderson township, dec'd. i
ing a new article of DOUBLE WINDOW CUR
TAIN PAPER, 4.4 wide.
17. Thomas W. Neely, Administrator of.lacoh H. &B. also inform tho public that theirs is
Hagie, late of Tell township, dec'd. , the only Factory in the country which produces
18. Mihail B. White, Administrator of Jacob many of the above article., such as StatUes, Pe
' White, fate of Henderson township, deed. destals, Niches, Fire Board Prints, &c., and
JACOB MILLER, Regssfer. I which they warrant °quoit° any imported. They
RIMISTEII ' II OFF., Hull- Z i are in ponsessiofi of
tingslon July 13, 1847.
• - • • • ,
Received from the Institutes at Boston, New York
SADDLE i HARNESS ii.' LEATHER and Philadelphia, being the highest premium.
MANUFACTORY. I awarded for paper Hangings by those institutions
. for flee last four years.
rilE undersigned take this method ofl Philadelphia, March 31, 1847
j_ informing their friends and the pub
lic generally, that the following enumerated articles, I
together with all manner of work pertaining to
their business, Will be disposed el to purchasers,
and made up to' order in a workmanlike and ap
proved style, very cheap, fur cash or country pro
duce. All that is necessary for those who wish to
be accommodated in any article in their line cf
business, will call at their shop,
Three doors Rest of Buoy's Jewelry Es
tablishment, iItINTINGDON,
Where the public can at ell times ho accent/bated
Red and Oak Sale Leather, Skirting,
Harness acid Bridle Leather, Upper
Leather, Cal fskins f Spanish and
Country Rips and Sheepskins.
ALso, a first rate quality of
Ukftioes •V
-1111 m e!ty r j for Alen, Wonzen
$.14 and Children, of
.r:- . .,,
.. all qualities and
They ,il.a continue to rare on in all its various
branches, SADDLE and HAR
s, , N ESC making, and are ready ts•
?.A . furnish their customers with all
',...'-'-- • kinds of Trunks, Vatic., Carpet
bags, Plush, Hogakin and Tub Side-saddles, (from
the cheapest to the best.) Auto, Shelter Saddles,
of all kinds, Waggon Out Carriage flatness, Bri•
tiles, Collar., Whips, &c.
All of whirls will be disposed of cheap fo
Cash or any kind of country produce. The high
est price, in trade, given for beef hides, calf hides
balk, &c. 1. J. fit A. H. BUMBAUGH.
N. B.—Two apprentices will be liken at th
above establishment if application be made soon.
George Taylor,
TTORNEY AT LAW—Attends to practice
11. in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators'
accounts, Scrivening, &c. Office in the diamond,
three doors east of the " Exchange Hotel."
feli2B- 44
' John Scott, jr.,
A ' TORNEY Al' LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— .
Has removed his Mlice to' the middle room o _
"Snare's Row," directly opposite Fisher & M'Mur-1 To Business Ben.
iris's store, where he will attend with promptness,
and fidelity to all business with which he may be: The HUNTINGDON JOURNAL has a much
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties. larger circulation in Huntingdon county,
Huntingdon Sept. 23,1846. than any other paper published in it, and
consequently is the most desirable adver
-1 UnIC WS blanks of all kinds I'm sale at thin
J oth :e. rising medium.
Important to Stove Dealers.
rpHS attention of Stove Dealers in this placo is
1_ Waited to our assortment of Cooking, Parlor,
Hall and Ake Stoves, and especially to
atwood's Iknipire
Cooking Mote,
As the lied cooking apparatus ever invented, it hav
ing obtained a celebrity, wherever it has been intro
duced, never before attained by any Cooking Stove.
The operation of baking being performed in this
stove by hot Air, instead of heal radiated from the
oven plates, renders it equal for baking to a Brick
Oven, or to the Tin oven for roasting; making it
Unnecessary to turn or change the article while
cooking, and removing alt liability to burn. \V
'are desirous to have the Stove introduced in this
market, and to that end, liberal terms will be given
to a responsible dealer, willing to take hold of theta,
and only one Will be permitted Co sell thein in the
, place.
Whofesalo Ftose Dealers 223 North Second idea
may 26.17.] Philadelphia.
Opposito the Vresbyterkan Church, Huntingdon.
Finn: subscribers respectfully inforth the public,
that they ore at all times prepared to execute
any orders in their line of business, at the shortest
[• notice arid on the Most reasonable terms.
Carriages, Buggies, '"Vag
ig• hN.G ens, Sleighs, Dearborns,
and Carts,
made to order, of the best materials, and at rea
sonable prices.
Repairing of all kinds of Vehicles, done on the
shortest notice.
n'Those wanting neat, cheap and durable or.
tides in our line of business, are respectfully ro
quested to give us a call.
dec3o;'4B-Iy. ADAMS & BOAT.
3. Sewell Stewart,
A rI'ORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
a Office in Main street, live doors weal of Mr
Onoy's jewelry establislithent.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
PEROT & gorrxuAN
Produce and _ General Commission
No. 79, North Wharves, below Vine St., Philada.,
ARE prepared to receive all kinds of
produce on Consignment, on which
they will make liberal advances, when required.—
They trust, with their knowledge of, and attention
to business, they will receive a shtre of the patron
age of Merchants, Millers, and others, They re
fer to
Dutilh & Humphreys, - 1
Platt, Hollingsheatl & Co., I
Lea, Bunker & Co.,
F. & W. S. Perot,
Smith, Brothers & Co.,
S. & J. Milliken,
Francis McCoy,
Dr. J. B. Ard,
Samuel Milliken,
F. J. Hoffman,
Philadelphia, April 14. 1847-oth
THE subscriber, of the late firm of
Buck & Moore, takes this method
of informing his friends and the. public in general,
that ho has ibittght out the interest of S. L. Buck,
at the old established CLO'T'HING STAND, No.
254, MARKET &roam PHILADELPHIA, and is now
prepared to furnish all kinds of Ready-made
CLOTHING, at prices which cannot but secure
to hint the patronage of all who desire to purchase
cheap clothing. I have splendid French Cloth
Dress and Frock Coats, from $5.50 to $18; do.
Pants from 75 cents to $6 ; Vests, from 620 cents
to $4 ; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Also,
all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods at ex
tremely low prices.
Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well to
call at the store of JOSEPH J. MOORE,
254 Market street, Philadelphia.
HAYDEN dt C0.A.1411,
Flour, Produce and General Commission
No. 116, Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE,
(IF FTI2 their services to the Merchants and Far
k.) mere of the Susquehanna and Juniata vallies
for the sale of Flour, Grain, and Produce generally,
in the Baltimore Market, and f, om their extensive
acquaintance among purchasers and shippers, can
safely warrant satisfactory sales.
Correspondents will he kept cdristantly advised
of the state of the Markets. &c.
Refer to Messra. Wrn. Wilson & Sons, 5
Isaac Reynolds & Son,
Davidson .Sc Saunders,
Reynolds & Smith, 1,1
and Messrs. Tingley, Caldwell & English, Phial
delphia. fulaYl9-2m.
The Grard Life Insurance, ✓lnnuity and
Trust Company of Philadelphia.
Capital $300,000--Charter Perpetual.
Orvica-159 Chesnut Street,
f lONTINUE to make Insurance on Liver, grant
j Annuities and Endowments, and to accept
Trusts from Individuals, Corporate Bodies, and
Courts Of Justice, rind execute them agreeably to
the desire of the parties; mid receive Veposites of
Money in TrUst add on Interest.
The Company add a Bonus at stated periods to
the Insurances tot Life. The first liontis was ap•
propriated in December, 1844, amounting to ten
per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poli
ties, to 82 per cent., 7i per cent. &c.; on others in
proportion to the time of standing; making an ad
dition of $lOO, $B7 50, $75, &c., on every it LON
originally insured.
The operation of the bunis will Le seen by the
following examples from the Life Insurance Regis
! ter of the Company, thus
Aint. of Policy & Ho•
BMus or rius payable at party'd
Policy. Sum ins'd addition decease.
No. 58 1,000 100 1,100 .
89 2,500 250 2,750
204 4,000 400 4,400
276 2,000 175 2,170
333 5,000 437 60 5,437 50
Rates for insuring 43100 on a single life:
Age. For 1 year. For 7years, For Idle,
annually. annually.
29 $0 01 $0 95 $1 77
30 1 31 1 56 2 36
40 1 62 0 sa 3 20
50 1 96 2 OD 4 60
60 4 35 4 91 7 00
Example:LA person aged 3'o yeti'. next birth
dey, by paying the Company $1 31, would secure
to his family or heirs $lOO, should he die in one
year; or for $l3 10 he secures to them $l,OOO or
for $l3 60 annually for seven years, he secures to'
them $l,OOO should be die in seven years; or for
$23 00 paid annually during life, he provider(
$lOOO Whenever he dies; fee $65 50 they would
receive $5,000 should he die in one year.
Further particulars respecting Life insurance
Trusts, &c., may be had at the Office.
R. W. RICHARDS, Preaidatit.
Md. F. JAMES, Actaary.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. eni
or Physical Training, to make their
Lives in this World Long and Happy,
by the Iluthor of Education: .ds
It Is, Ought To Be, and Might
Be," First .gmerican Edition,
_ _
with Additions
Being an elementary and interesting treatise on
Self Knowledge. onta fining short and entertain
ing articles on
Food, licart, Glands, Strength,
Bating, Stomach, Nerves, Recreationa'
Digestion, Liver, Brains, Ohl Age,
Blood, Lungs, Mind, Man,
Secretions, Arteries, Senses, Won;an,
Head, Veins, Beulah Discuss.,
&c., &c., &c.
Together with the Great Secret—Success in mite
how ettained.—H ow to do Good—Causes and
Effects of redr—Hablts—Possions—Wurnati de
scribed—Man described—Man's Errors--Rich and
Poor--Sexes--Virtue and Vice--Youthful Errors
—Woman how made delicate—Woman's Virtues,*
Ambition, &c.
The whole designed for the noble purpose of im- -
piovitig and extending education amongst the peo
ple, imparting valuable Itnowledgon the physiol—
ogy of the human frame, and the laWs Which goV
ern mental and bodilylicalth, cet le.
crj Any person sending 25 cents enelthred in a
letter shall receive one dopy by Mail, of live copies
will he sent for $l. Addle., postage paid,
, .
U. B. ZIEBER & Co.
may 26.47 ly] Philadelphia.
This valuablo wink contains (in duodecimo
form) 177 pages.
Philadelphia Advertisements. .
Above Buttonwood Street, Philads.
AT this establishment may be found the greatest
variety of Plane and beautiful Patterns of
IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to which
the attention of those in want of any description,
end especially for Cemeteries, is particularly Invi
The principal part of all the handsome Railings
at Laurel Hill, Monument, and other celebrated
Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia,
which have been so highly extolled by the public
press, were executed at this manufactory.
. . . . .
A large Wareroom is connected with the estab
lishment, whbro is kept constantly on hand a largo
stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental
Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and orna
mental !nth Oates, with an extensive assortment of
Iron Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &c. Also, in
grcat variety, Wrought and C ant Iron Orris meats,
suitable for Railings dud other purposes.
. _
The subscriber Would alio sTato . that in hie Pat
tern and Designing Department lie has employed
some of the beet talent in the coentry, whose con
stant attention is devoted to the business--forming
altogether one of the most complete and systematic
establishmente of the kind in the Union.
ROBERT VV 00D, Proprietor.
Ridge Road, above buttonwood et.
Philadelphia, Feb. 3,1847-81 ii
Venitian Blind Manufacturer)
,A 1). 12. North Sixth Street, (a few door&
above Market St.) Philtida.
tTAS now on hand the largest and most fashion
171 able assortment of Na.roW Slat and other
Venetian Blinds of any establishment in the Uni
ted States, which ho will sell, wholesale and re
tail, at the lowest prices.
The CitrlOnS of Himtingdon are respectfully so
licited to call on him before purchasing elsewhere,
as he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to all
who may thus favor him with a coll.
Old Blinds Repainted and Trimmed so as to look
equal to new.
Orders punctually attended to, and the Blinds
forwarded with despatch
Alb. 40 Market Street, Philada.
OFFERS for sale a large stork of Fresh Drugs,
Medicines and Dyo Stuff:, to which they call
the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers'
visiting the city.
. . _ •
Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var.,
nishes, of a superior quality. Also, Whi , e aiuf
Red Lead, Window Glass, Paint. and Oils--cheap
er than ever.
T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian
Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout their own
rithl neighboring States on the best preparation for
tlie mire of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &c. Money
refunded in evoty instance where no benefit is re•
ceived. (Philadelphia, jan27•fim
U:Sa2AI3 -" Cit2i'LkAV l ts
.N . o. 201 .7tlarlcet Street, one door dbove
North Side; Philadelphia.
IMPORTERS and Wholesale Doalersin DRUGS,
cines,Olistetricallnstruments,Druggists' Glassware,
Withlo , i) Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c.
Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians,
supplied with the above articles on the most favors.
bloom.. Strict and prompt attention paid to or.
dors. Every article warranted,
JOHN, HA RitiS, M. D.,
sept 33. J I AIS. A. TURNEII, leie of Va.
(Successors to Potts, Linn 4 Ilarris,)
JVb. 2131 Market Street, Philada.
KEEP c onstantly on hda fullassort ment
Vg Medicines, Chemicals ,
merits, Oils, l'aints, Varnishes, Window Glass,
Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., all of
which they offer t 4 country merchants, and others,
on the most advantageous terms. All orders, by
letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest rare end'
despatch. ALTillUsi B. LINN,
RCO s • 2 0 , 'ilia
T j lOR the cure of Pulmonary Consump-•
11 tion, Coughs,. Colds, .dsthina, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous Tre
mours, HoOping Cough, 4.c.
Proof folloies upbsii proof of Me virtues of
DR. D.,ll"lB'S SYRUP.
Read /lie ,Mew Certificates
Mruottu, Perry co., Pa., Oct. 1, 189 6
Messrs. Robinson, tedium & Co:—Sirs: This
fir to' inform yon that I was afflicted for 20 years
with a Violent pajn in my locust, so much so that
could hardly lay in bed' at night. Cough attended.
followed by emaciation and other decided symp
toms of consumption. f applied to several eminent'
physicians, and took a'great deur of Medicine with.
out any relief whatever. I was advisrd to try Dr,
Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry awl
Tar, of which I took two bottles, which entirely re•
' booed me of my complaint; therefore I can with
confidence recomthend it to all wtio are in a like
nilniner afflicted, as a Most veinal:no IViedieilie.
The authenticity of the above statement 10
couched for by Me. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of
Milford, who knows Mr. l'ainhey, and the circum
stances of his case. M. T. is now sixty years of
- Price, $i per bottle.
Robison, Colli'asi & Co., Phila'd., gen
eral agents.
for sale by THOS. READ & SON,
Huntingdon; P. Shoenberger, at all his
Furnace's ;S "foyers, at all their Furnaces;
Patton & Ttts,se; Arch Springs; B. F.
Bell, Laurel RIM Mills, and Spencer &
Flood, Williaasburg.
Feb. 10, 1847-6 m.
T. N. Cremer,