Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 27, 1847, Image 3

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[From the North Amerieun,l
Vera Crnz dates to the Bth, Tampico
to the 10th, and Brazos to the 11th,
have been received at New Orleans by
the arrival of the steamship Galveston.
The New Orleans papers do not state
that the overtures of peace had been re
jected by the Mexican Congress.—
The dates from the Capital are no la
El Republicano of the 28th states that
a council of war had been held •by Gen.
Scott at Puebla on the 24th, to discuss
the question whether the army should
advance on the capitol or not. A Gen
eral, whose name is not given, express
ed the opinion that it would be impru
dent to advance with less than 20,000
men. General Worth differed from these
Gen. Scott and the rest of the officers
agreed with Gen. Worth's views, and it
was forthwith resolved to take up the
line of march for the Capital on the 28th,
but would halt at Rio Frio a few days,
to give time to the Mexican Government
to determine its answer to the proposi
tion for negotiation of peace. The
American force is estimated at 8500
The Commercial Times has authen
tic intelligence of these details, almost
literally correct. The Republicano re
marks upon this intimation that it be
lieves the Americans have compromis
ed their situation beyond measures; and
even if they win triumphs upon tri
umphs, those very victories will cause
their ruin.
The Republicano of the 30th, publishes
letters annnouncing the debarkation of
troops at Vera Cruz; that Gen. Scott
bad ordered to advance 1500 strong,
with 10 guns and a mortar, towards the
capital, but learning that the train was
detained this side of Puebla, had coun
termanded the order and
,dispatched as
sistance to the train.
It also states that Gen. Scott had pro
bably postponed his intention of reach
ing the Capital to the tenth of July.—
The same paper thinks it probable that
Gen. Taylor will abandon Saltillo.
The steamship Palmetto, arrived at
New Orleans, brings Vera Cruz dates to
the 9th inst. Nothing has been receiv
ed from Gen. Scott's army since the Ist.
The Picayune is confirmed in the opin
ion that the momentous news published
the day previous as received by the Gal
veston, was the result of a hoax at the
The expedition from Alvarado against
Padre Juranta was not successful. This
Mexican leader has given positive or
ders to take no prisoners, but to put to
death not only the Americans, but every
Mexican they can catch that has ren
dered services to our countrymen.
Gen. Pierce has not yet left Vera Cruz.
No news has• been received from Tampi
co or the Brazos.
The 8 American prisoners arrived at
New Orleans, reported at Tampico that
about 30 others had attempted to escape
but were retaken, and three shot du
ring the pursuit. It is supposed that
Colonel De Russy's expedition has
The Picayune gives extended glean
ings from the Mexican papers of June
30th, but they arc not worth telegraph
ing... _ _
The New Orleans Commercial Times
of the 15th makes no allusion to the re•
ported rejection of the overtures of peace
to which it gave publicity the previous
all parties are becoming tired of the ex
b -
istinr , war. The prestige of victory has
passed away. It was natural, after so
protracted a period of peace, that our
people should be temporarily charmed
by the clash of arms and the stirring
details of sanguinary conflicts. But the
" rapture of the fight," and the excite
ment engendered by the novelty of ac
tual war, have been succeeded by calm
reflection upon the revolting evils which
are the unavoidable accompaniments of
open belligerency. The public heart no
longer pants for bloody triumphs. The
shoutS of victory, and the groans and
agonies of the battle field, have ceased
to gratify ; and the universal desire now
is not to hear of the further sanguinary
triumphs of our invincible army, but of
the cessation of hostilities and the
amicable adjustment of our difficulties.
of Louisville; Kentucky, have organized
an " lndustritil League," among other
objects, looking into the establishment
of the ten hoar system by law, and to the
exemption from execution, and sale for
debt, of the mechanics tools, and of two
hundred dollars Worth of household or
other goods to every citizen having a
a family in the State.
(Connecticut) Times says that a child of
that town, was poisoned on the 16th
instant, by putting a visiting card in its
mouth, which its mother had given it to
play with. It died in forty-eight hours
after. An analysis of the' card showed
that the enamel or coating was compos
ed of carbonate of lead.
Suirrage of Volunteers,
We were about to answer the query
of a correspondent as to the mode off
returning the votes of our volunteers in
Mexico next fall, when the York Repub. ,
Bean met our eye, which says " the Act
of Assembly regulating the General
Elections of this State makes provision
that the returns are to be transmitted by
the officers named as inspectors within
three days after such election, through
the nearest Post Office, to the Prothon
otary of the county in which such elec
tors would have voted, if not in military
service. They are also to make another
return to the commanding officer of the '
I Regiment or Battalion, us the case may
be, who shall make a general return of
all the votes to the Secretary of the I
Commonwealth by post. The Prothon-i
otary is to deliver a copy of the Return
sent to him to the Return Judges of the
proper county, and those Judges are not
Ito meet until the Second Tuesday of No-
I vember after the election. They arc to
! include the votes so made known to
them in the enumeration of the votes
given in their respective counties. Yet
even this length of time will not suffice
to receive a return made from the City
of Mexico, or any where in its neigh
borhood, especially if the guerillas
should be about. Our legislators were
not far-sighted enough to provide for
such a contingency in 1839. They never
thought of volunteers voting in a foreign
country; for they did not know that in
the year of Grace 1847 we were to be
engaged, " under the direction of Divine
Providence" and in obedience to the
"Will of God," in "civilizing, Chris
tianizing and raising up from anarchy
and degradation, a most indolent, igno
rant, wicked and unhappy people."—
Purblind mortals that they were!"
&MANGE EVENT. -At a recent sacra
ment at the Seceder Church, at Cadiz,
Ohio, while the members were at the ta
ble, some six or eight persons were at
tacked with a violent fever so suddenly
that they were compelled to leave the
church for home and sick bed. The
disease spread rapidly through the con
gregation, and upwards of one hundred
members have since been taken danger
ously ill—whole families have been
prostrated, and a considerable number
have since died.
GOOD ADVICE.—The Boston Tran
script says ,‘ the steamer's news on Sat
urday, which shortened the price of
breadstuffs, and lengthened the rye-faces
brought out "Rich a good un " that it is
worthy of being chronicled. One mer
chant, who was telling in a pitying
strain to another, of the immense losses
experienced by a mutual friend who had
purchased flour largely at the topmost
prices, was coolly answered as follows :
Tell —never to dig clams in high,
water ! ' "
"The Federalists of 1796 and the
Federalists of 1847, are identified and
have common sympath*—Locofoco pa
Is that the reason why Mr. Polk se ,
lected Richard Rush, famed for having
in:96 publicly worn the black cockade,
as minister to France in place of Tory
Ingersoll, rejected by the United States
Senate 2
" How can aid and comfort be given
to the enemy without joining their for
ces!"—West Chester Democrat.
By doing as Mr. Polk did ! He gave
Santa Anna and his suite of thirty gen
erals a pass through the American fleet,
and thereby furnished the Mexican army
with experienced officers. He also pro
with to bribe the Mexican government to
agree to a peace !
THOMAS E. FRANKLIN, Lancaster city,
JOHN C. KUNKEL, of Dauphin county.
Wm. M. WATTS, Cumberland.
JOHN P. WETHERILL, Philadelphia city,
THOMAS M'GRATII, Philada. county.
Ronmur M. BARD Franklin.
Tilos. M. T. APKENNAN, Washington.
ANDREW J. OGLE, Somerset.
HARMAR DENNY, Allegheny.
RICHARD lavm, Venango.
JOSEPH H. KunNs, Westmoreland.
G. J. BALL, Erie.
H. D. MAXWELL, Northampton.
J. B. SALISBURY, Susquehanna.
HENRY S. EVANS, Chester.
ROBERT T. POTTS, Montgmery.
In this borough, on Thursday night
last, Mrs. ESTIIEIL STEEL, aged about 76
RLLOW CITIZENS;fret. myself to youi
y consideration as a candidate for tho ollice of
SHERIFF, at tho ensuing election, and respect-
fully solicit your support. JOHN WRAY.
West township, July 27, 1547.
The Markets.
PIIILADELPIIIA, July 23, 1847.
noun Meer.,—Soles of good full ground
Pennsylvania Flour en ;-aturday at $5,621 a per brl.
After the receipt of the Foreign advices, the mar
ket opened on Monday with sales at $5,50 and
Western at $5 to 5,25. Prices continued steady
until Thursday with a limited demand, when the
stock being very light sales were made at $5,50 a
5,62 L for flesh ground, and 500 brls good brand
Bakere' Flour to be ground at $0 ; Western at
$5,12} a 5,25 per brl and in Foiled brie at ss.
Choice brands and extra $5.50 a 5,87 i. To-day
we quote fresh ground Penn'a Flour at $5,621 a
5,75 and Western Flour at $5,19 to 5,31+ a brl.
Bye flour is very dull. Small Sales at $3,50.
Corn Meal—Soles of 900 la, Is Penn's Meal at
$3,25, and 1;: 00 Brandywine at $3,50 and 00 hhde
at $l6 each.
611A1N.-All kinds are scarce and the receipts
continue limited. Wheat is in moderate request
for grinding. Sales of 4500 bushels at $1,123 a
1,15 per bushel for good red and 1,20 for white on
Wednesday. Yesterday and today sales of 4000
bushels at 1,22 a 1,25 for good red and white mix
ed, part to millers. Rye—A sale at 75 cts. Pa.
Corn—Sales of Ps. yellow on Saturday nt 01 cts,
on Monday the pt ice declintai to 70 cts, with some
sales, but it has since rallied--Sales of 3 a 4000
bushels Pn. and Southern yellow Corn at 73 a 75
ets, closing at the latter price. Oats--Prices have
declined ; sales of 4000 bushels North River at 42
cts, and some Southern at 37 cts afloat.
The "JOURNAL" Will befurnished from
the present time, until after the October
election, at the low rate of Fitly
Ccirls per copy, when clubs of four or
more can be raised—the money to ac
company the order. Will the friends of
laviN and PATTON throughout the county
exert themselves to have clubs raised,
and forward the names and money with
out delay 1 Now is the time to act !
rIIHE Democratic Whigs of the several
1 Townships will hold meetings, at the
usual places, on Saturday, August 7th,
1847, for the purpose of electing two
delegates to represent their several town
ships in County Convention, to be held
in Huntingdon on Wednesday, the 11th
day of August, 1847, to place in nomi
nation a Ticket, to be supported at the
coining election.
The Committee would urge upon the
friends of truth and order, the impor
tance of attending the primary meetings.
All who love their party, its principles,
its organization, and desire its success—
and believe it the safeguard of our Laws
and privileges, should be early in the
field, and faithful and untiring in his en
deavors to secure success. Neglect of
a first duty will bring coldness and care
lessness, in the performance of subse
quent ones. Old Huntingdon has array
ed herself already among the faithful.—
She must maintain her post of honor.
P. P. DE %% EES,
County Comnzittee.
lfsr•8i(; to ns .Vo ice.
BY Dieter Permission. the corner-stone of the
German Reformed Church of McConnelstown,
will be laid on Wednesday the 2Sth inst. Several
ministers from a distance are expected to be present.
The installation of the Rev. H. Heckerman,
will also take place at the same time. The exer
cises will commence at 9 o'clock, A. M.
The public are respectfully invited to attend.
Dissohaion of Parinership.
THEpartnership heretofore existing under the
firm of Jones & Simonton was this day (July
15th) dissolved by mutual consent. All persons
having unsettled accounts with said firm will please
call on E. M. Jones and settle them. The business
hereafter will be continued by T. K. Simonton at
the old stand. E. M. JONlii,
Valuable Ore-rank cig. Water-rower
For Sale.
subscriber wishes to dispose of about 300
acres of very rich Ore and Coal Lands situate
on the waters of 1- , anily Creek, it: Perry township,
Jefferson county, l'enn'a.
The property is situate on tliree branches of
Sandy Creek, which unite upon the premises,
&fording abundant power for cove: al Furnaces,
Forges, Rolling•Miils, &c., all within about one
fourth of a mile of the Ore hank. The Ore is of
the HlllllO kind, but of a richer quality, that is used
at the Great We torn works in Armstrong county.
'1 here are also on the promisee abundance of Bitu
minous Coal, Limestone, and Sandstone. The
Creek is now navigable, for Arles, &c., in time of
high water, from within seven miles of (be prop
erty, and could, with little expense, be ride so
from the premises. There is a Saw-Mill in opera
tion on the premises. The land is all well timber
ed, and well timbered lands may be purchased in
the immediate neighborhood at from one to two
dollars per acre.
This property undoubtedly affords facilities for
the manufacture of Iron, possimed by few situations
in Pennsylvania, and to on enterprising capitalist
acquainted with the business is a locution much to
he desired.
As this advertisement is merely intended to draw
the attention of those acquainted with the iron bu
siness to the lands, the subscriber deems it unneces
sary to dWell longer on the advantages possessed
by this property, is those wishing to purchase will
of course call and examine it. Those desirous of
further particulars are invited to call on the subscri
ber living on the premises, or on Mr. Gnskell,
Agent of the Holland band Company, at Punxtt
tawney, Jefferson county.
Cold Spring . , iciterion Co., 1'o• [jy2o-4t.
of kihdl IYr tole at thin
• olMco.
CHEAP WATCHES & JEWELP,Y To the Zndpendcutr'recir io. ofilun
tlnr,lion County:
yen, r, ELI.ow CITIZENrO i—l offer myself to the
/. 42 '-s y 11Watch and JetvelrY }li consideration of the Drinocratic Whigs end
A T th e'l:hiladelphin. ,I
r 0 ,1(- , .• . St.. e," N. Sc, North See- I Anti-Masons of 11untingdon county, for theoffice of
ro ''' ii:{.. and Street. corner of Quer-
in nomination by tht. darning County
c, ,,", ry. Gold Levee Wetches, • too if place) • 1 " 5/C1{ II "'
. 1.•
) -1-'- ' Dial,4o 00• '
. full jewelled 18 carat cases
~,i„,- ,• ,`0 4' and gold
Z r
Convention, and elected by the People, I pledge
! myself to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity
Silver Later Watches full jeweled, 20 00 andi mpart i al ity.
Silver Patent Lever Watches, seven jewels, IS 00 N A TITANIEL IS PLC.
Silver Lepine Watches, jeweled. 12 00 jirly2o-1847.
Quertier Watches 800
Imitation gnarlier Watches, 5 00 sittrillitlit y. ii..
Gold Spectacles, 7 00 rEzzow CITIZENS .—I offer myself to your
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 50 I consideration as a candidate for the office of
Gold Bracelets with Topes Stoner, 3 50 I C
- MM(.. ax. ti. :.I' CP: 9
Gold Pmts with silver Pencil and Holder, 125
Ladies Gold Pencils, 1 7 5 at the ensuing general election, and respectfully
Silver Tea.speons, from 1:4 50 per vet to 6 00 solicit your support. NATHAN W. GREEN.
Gold Finger-Kings, from 37j cents to so oo Birmingham, July l'3, 18 47.
Watch-Glasses i—Plain, 12i ets; patent 181 ; : To the volors of Huntin g don Connly.
Lunet 25 ;other Articles in propel lion. All goods
FELLOW Crrizszni:—Being envouraged by a
warranted to he what they ore sold for.
On hand some Gold and silver Levers, L optoos , number of
date for the m
ohi y *len
ds, I offer thyself as a candi
ce of
and Quartiers lower than the above prices.
Constantly on hand, an assortment of Silver 'la- i -M c-:—...'•.:M , LI z..4 4 2..g , 0
ble, Deceit, 'Pea Salt and Muir ord.l-poons, Soup- i at the approaching Fall election, and should I be
Ladles, Sugar.'Pengs, Napkin-Rings, Fruit and so fortunate as to receive n majority of your votes,
Butter Knives, Thimbles, Shields, Knitting Nee- 't pledge myself to discharge the duties of raid
(Ile Gases and Sheaths, Purse and Reticle Clasps, ° m oo itobortatty and to yO, S a timf,,,,i o n .
—The silver tvarranted to be equal to American 51 Arl'lll3 W CRO W N OVER.
Coin. Ilen.lerson tit., j ulyG•t f.
Also a great variety of Fine Gold Jewelry, con.
sitting in part of Finger-Rings of all styles, set To the Voters of Huntingdon County :
with Diantens, Itubys, Enteral Torquise, Topaz, T the solicitation of a number of my Whig
Garnet. Cornelian, Jasper, Colin Sh' l 3r , A 1110 , 411 ,11 friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the
and other stones. Breastspins and Bracelets of all office of
styles set with Stones. and Cameos and Ems- et37l - "al3l:l2rr Liar rs -- . 19
moiled; Ear-Rings of all styles; Gold Chains of
subject to the decision of the Whig County Corr
ell styles and of the fittest quality, together with all
other articles in the line, which will be sold unusu- vnntinn• And should Ibe so fortunate as to be
nominated and elected to said offiee, 1 pledge myself
ally low, wholesale and retail.—Also Hamm Light
to perform the duties thereof with fidelity and lin.
ning-Rod Peinte, by the dozen or single one,
O. CONRAD. partiality. GEORGE SIPES,
Watchmaker 4 Jeweller Cromwell tp., july6-1847
N. B.—On hand M. J. Tobias & Co's. heat
quality full jewelled, Patent Lever Movernents, in
18 Carat Gold Cases. Also a quantity of Move
ments which will be cast ill any style required, end
sold at 5 per cent above the price of Importations.
July 20, , 17-Iy.
T HE B.lll,liber offers to the trade, or by retail
I a largo and general assortment of the following
articles, being all of his own importation or menu
Buyers of goods in this line ate invited to en•
amino the assortment, and orders are solicited.with
the assurance that every effort wilibe made to give
satisfaction and insure a continuance of custom.
Gold &Silver Lover NYatches of ordinaly quality.
Do. do. do. of i.uperiiir finish.
Do. do. do. Anchors& Lepines.
Silver double cased English and Swiss verge
Watches, with light, medium end heavy cases.
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, line and common.
Silver Plated, and Silver Wares.
Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 9 and 10 tunes,
Gold and Silver Spectacles.
. .
Diamond 1). intedGold Pen.
Atonic! and Office Clon Its, in gilt and other frames.
Vatchmakers"Fools and Materials of ell sorts.
Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Beads, &c.
finving every facility for obtaining goods on the
most advantageous te, me, corresponding induce
meau will be offered to purchasers.
112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia,
Dwelling house and Lot.
AGREGABLY to the last Will and
Testament of John Smart, Esq.,
late of the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd, there
will he err posed to public sale, at the Court-House
in said borough, on Tuesday, the 1016 day of
August next, a largo and commodious two story
, j -zyk i
Dwelling House, with a Store-room
pri, e , in front and a back building thereto
;,..," ennexed, consisting of three rouses
i1.,:621 ' and a kitchen, situate on tiro corner of
Hill and Franklin streets, and near to the Pennsyl
vania canal. The above property is well calcula
ted for public business.
Also, at the same time and place there will be
sold, three shores of stock in the Juniata Bridge,
, and a judgment no. the Huntingdon, Ciambris and
: Indiana Turnpike company, a credit for which is
entered upon the books of said company.
1 'Perms made known on day of sale by
Surviving Executor.
jly 13i47-ts.
6 Cent§ Reward
DAN away from the subscriber, living in the bo
rough of Alexandria, on the 20th ultimo, an
dinented apprentice to the shoemaking business,
tamed dimes Claughbough. Said apprentice is
about 14 years of age, about 4 feet high, had on
when he absconded a cassinct frock coat, blue dril
ling pants and cap, and other clothing not recol
lected. All persons aro confirmed against trusting
or harboring said boy on my account. as I will pay
no debts of his contracting. WM.I). SHAW.
Julyl 3,1847.3 t.
1E!.41' lig -
CIA ME to the residence of the subscriber living
j in Shirley township, Huntingdon county, a tine
young SORRELL HORSE, rising five years old.
The owner is requested to come forward, p: eve
property, pay eha , ges and take bins away, other
wise he will be disposed of according to Law.
Hats; Caps, Ladies' Muffs, Boas, tftc
Tu Merchants, flatters, and Others.
Hat & Cap Ware House & .Manufactory,
No. 196 Market Street,
Second Door below Sixth, Philadelphia,
1) ESPE CTFULIX solicit attention
Nito their largo and complete stock of
- - HATS and CAPS, manufactured under
their own immediate direction and su
perintendence with all the advantages
of modern improvements to enablu them to Corn•
line the important qualities of durability, taste and
beauty of finish with extreme cheapness of price
Au immense and beautiful assortment of all Va..
natio. and prices of Beaver, Brush, Silk, Moleskin,
Russia, Cassimere, Wool, Sporting and Ashland
Hats. Also, a general assortment of every variety
of Cars—Otter, Fi r Seal, Hair Seal, Muskrat,
Plain and Fancy Cloth every style, Red, Black
and Brown Mohair, Sealotte, Glazed, Oiled Silk &
Fur Caps.
Ladies' Muffs, Boas, &c., at the very lowest
Buyers by the dozen or less, are invited to call
and see if it is not to' their interest to drat with us.
Particular attention paid to the packing of ilt;ie.
Caps, acc.
Cash paid fur Muskrat and Shipping Furs.
No. 196 Market Street, Mow Sixtll dtrce,.
Philudylphia, July 20, 817-3 m.
To the Electors or Huntingdon County:
I`h7I.LOW•GITIZEIIiS:—I take this medium,
through which to offer myself to the consider
ation of the Democratic Whig and Anti-Masonic
Convention which will convene in the borough of
Huntingdon on the 11th of August nest, us a can
didate for the office of
013 0
and if nominated and elected, I pledge myself to
discharge the duties of the office to the best of my
Union T.
,julyG I 847,
L'rOCl(iU aI le if.
ATHERE AS, by precept to me directed, dated
V at Huntingdon, the 24th day of April,
one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven under
the hands and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil
son, President of the Court of Common Pleas,
Oyer and Terminer and general jail delivery of the
20th judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of
the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union,
and the Hons. James Gwin and John Stewart, his
associates, judges of the county of Huntingdon,
justices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and de
termine all and every indictmentsand presentments,
made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which
by rho laws of the State are 'nude capital or felon
ies of death and other offences, crimes and miscle
' mennors, which have been, or shall be committed
or perpetrated within said county, or all persons
who are or shall hereafter be committed or be per
peer rated, for crimes aforesaid, I am commanded to
make public proclamation throughout my whole
that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of
Common Please and Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Court House, in the borough of Hunting
don, on the second Monday (and 9th day) of
August next, and those who will prosecute the
said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them
as it shall be just, and that all justices of the peace,
coroner and constables within the stud county, be
then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions,
examinations and do those things
which to their offices respectively appertain.
Dated at Fluntingdon, the 24th day of April
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred or. forty-seven, and tho 71st year of Ameri
can Independence.
Mtn limdon. Jelly 20, 1847. S
ANTHEII.EAS, by precept to ma directed by the
NA Judges of the Common Piens of the county
of Huntingdon, bearing test the 24th duty of July,
A. D. 1847, 1 UM commanded to make public
proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a
Court of ( : onunon liens will be held at the Court
House in the borough of Huntingdon, in the coun
ty of Huntingdon, on the third Monday (and lath
day) of August, A. D. 1847, for the trial of ell
issues in said court, which remain undetermined
before the said judges, when and where all jurors,
witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all said issues
are required. _ . _
Dated at Huntingdon, the 24th day of April,
A. D. 1847, and the 7lst year of American Inde
pendence. JOHN AIM 1 AGE, Weeny.
H/1/11 ingdun,.litly 20, 1947.
Dish°!Wiwi or Partnership.
9 IH}: partnership which has existed since the Ist
of April, A. U. 1844, between the subscribers,
in the Mercantile business, at Manor Hill, Peters
burg, and Nell's Mill under the firm of John R.
I luster & Co., has this day (July 15) been dissolv
ed by mutual consent. The business hereafter
will ho continued at Netrs Mill by Mr. Hunter,
with whom the Books, &c., of the late firm are
left for settlement. D 1 VID BLAIR.
july2o-1847. JOHN R. HUNTER.
Estate of Jacob Van Tries, Esq., lute of
Warriorsmark twp., dee.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin.
istration on he said estate have been granted
to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said
estate aro requested to make immediate payment,
end those having claims against it will present them
duly authenticated, to DAVID ROBESON,
THE heirsof Mrs. Mary Smart, Into of the bo
rcugh of Huntingdon, dee'd, will meet for the
settlement of her estate, at her late residence in the
borough of Huntingdon, on the fhlt day of Aulust,
1847. This is to give notice to all persons having
claims against said estate to present thCm then and
there for settlement, and also to those who are
Mated to said estate to came forward and settle the
some. J. G. SMART,
j1y11 . 47-3t.1 On behalf of the Heirs.
IS hereby given to the Stockholders of the Spruce
Creek & Waterstreet Turnpike Read Company,
that twenty per rent on the Capital Stock subscri
bed, is required to bo paid to the subscriber, on or
before the 20th day of August next, and ten per
cont. monthly, until otherwise ordered.
july2o•lt. Tr( mynrer.
Great Spring and r.; nun( r Medi cinc
HA NCE'S Sarsar rift! 1 ej,etable or
Wood Pills.L—Fifty pill; iii a, box—
The chelpcst arid best tri;,dkini, in ex ,
istenee--for purifying the blood, remov
int* bile,.correcti», disorder§ of the sto
mach and bowel,,, costiveness, dys.pep
sia, swimming in the head, 14e. Per
sons of a full habit, who are subject to
headiHie, giddiness, drowsiness, and
singing in. the ears, arising, front too
great a flow of blood in the head, Shi?uld
never be without. them, as many danger
ous symptoms will be entirely carried
off by their immediate use. .
Read the following wonderful cure of
dyspepsia t ,
. .
thi's is to certify that my wife was
afflicted with the Dyspepsia for 12 years,
and tried both advertised Medicines and
Thomsonian, but without effect
self attacked with blindness, and head
otherwise affected trom hard drinking, so
that I was apprehensive of fits; and see
advertised,' I went and got a box of their,
which, to my astonishment, effected a
cure of me and my wife both. I, think
theM without a rival before the public.
S. H. HALL, Albemarl" st: near: Wilk
For sale by Seth S. Hance, 10Slti
more at., and corner of Charles & Pratt
sts., Balt. fnov4-y
AGI:NTS-T. Read & Son, Hunting.
den ; Moore & SwoOpe, Alexandria ;
O. Brown,Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buell.
mum, Mil Creels; Spencer & Flood,Wit
Syrup of Illoreltoitoido
-12 fleecy of Hance's Compound Syrup
of Hoarhound in relieving afflicted man.
Rh% George T. Warrington, -residing in
York street, Federal Hill, Baltimore,
was attacked with a violent cough and
sore throat. After trying many reme
dies, he was induced by a friend to use
Hance's Compound Syrup of Hoarhound,
and before using one bottle was entirely
slnother yet more .dstonishing.—Mrs:
Henrietta Merrick, residing in Monu
ment street, between Canal and Eden
streets, was attacked with a fiery. se
vere cough and pain in the Breast,which
was so intense that it extended to the
shoulders. She was afflicted also with
a pain in the side.
After trying many remedies, she was
persuaded by a friend to use Hance's
Compound Syrup of Horehound,' andaf.
ter using three doses, she experienced
great relief, and before she had finished
the bottle was entirely cured:
Price 50 cts. per ote, or 6 bottles
for 142 50. For sale by Seth S. Hance,
108 Baltimore st., and corner of Cliarles
and Pratt sts., Baltimore: [oc2By
Great Spring mid Summer Medicine.
J'ANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable or
Blood Pills, for purifying the blood.
BALTIMORE, July 29, 184.3.
This is to certify, that I was afflicted
with a violent pain in the breast and
right arm, which I suppose proceeded
from the impure state of my blood. I
Was recommended to take Hance's Sar•
saparilla or Blood pills, and after taking
one box, the pain was entirely removed
from my breast and arm. I found them
extremely gentle in their operation, and
would recommend them to every person
in want of a mild purgative. PATRICK
ROCHE, No. 23 Conway street, between
Howard and Eutaw.
In purcaasing these pills let me add
one word of caution. Always aslc for
Hance's pills, and purchase of none but
those advertised as agents, and if con
venient, call and see the proprietor
himself. For sale by Seth S. Hanee,
108 Baltimore st., and corner of Charles
and Pratt sts., Baltimore. Price 25 cts.
per box, of 6fty pills each, for, Hance's
genuine pills, or 5 for 1;1. [novlBy
HANCE'S Compound Syrup of Here
hound, for the cure of coughs, colds,
consumption, spitting of blood s pain in
the side and breast, bronchitis, croup,
and all diseases arising from a disor
dered condition of the lungs or neglect
ed cold. The following sonnet was ad
dressed to the proprietor by a young
lady who was cured of Consumption :
Ho ! ye who pant with failing breath,
And pine away and die ;
Hance shall "put away" your death,
And light anew your eye.
How sweet it melts upon the ttongue,'
How grateful to the breast !
A glorious theme for poet's song,
Soothing his cough to reit.
. .
Hance ! favored of the God's, art thou,
A blessing to thy race,
Let laurels flourish on thy brow,
And wealth those laurels grace.
When heroes are forgotten; kings
Defunct ; or; ceased to rain ;
Glory, for thee, shall flap her wings,
• Thou conqueror of pain.
Price 50 cts. per bottle, or 6 bottles
foi $2 50. Prepared and sold by Seth
S. Hance, 108 Baltimore at., and come
Charles and Pratt ats. [nov 18y r
AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Huntivkgdon;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; Spencer
& Flood, Williamsburg ; W. W: Buch
anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. Brothie, Shir
ley sburg.
S. Steel Blair, • .
TTORNEY AT LAW, liollidaysburg, Pa.,
±l, Will attend attend to all buoiness entrusted to
Ilia mein' Blair, Ilitittinaden and Indiana
tie,,. itilr+i•%4C