LATER FROM MEXICO. WASKINGTON, July 15. By the arrival of the steamer Alaba ma, the Picayune has late advices from the city of Mexico to the morning of the 29th ult., and Puebla to the 30th. Gen. Scott still remained at Puebla, awaiting the reinforcements on the road under Generals Cadwalador and Pillow, The news from the capital was indef inite. Gen. Scott states that he had in formed the Mexican government that Mr. Trist was with him, and authorized to enter into negotiations of peace. Santa Anna has vainly endeavored to procure a quorum of the members of Congress to consider General Scott's communica tion. It is supposed that Gen. Scott will hate to march into Mexico to secure peace.— The censorship of the Press prevents the knowledge of what measures of de fence are contemplated. Santa Anna was to leave in three days from the 30th. it is stated that every avenue to the city is fortified, but the success of the Amer icans was not doubted. Gen. Pillow, it is said, had been compelled to contest the road with guerilla parties until beyond Cerro Gordo. They took advantage of every defile to arrest his progress.— His loss is said to have been severe. The government of Puebla has been entrusted to Cot. Belton, of the 3d Ar tillery. General Alvarez was at Alixco on the 14th June, with 300 cav alry. The American Star of Puebla says there are three months provisions for the troops in the city, and that the fields around supply the necessary for age. A Mexican had been detected by his countrymen, wile on his way front the Capital to Puebla with drawings of the different fortifications around the capi tal. He was tried and condemned to die, but escaped. The Mexicans used every means to induce our men to desert, and then used them most shame fully. - . A party of eight Americans ; not con nected with the army, left Puebla for a hacienda ou the road to Mexico to pur chase mules, encountered a party of lan cers, and could not escape, and was for ted to fight them. All the Americans were wounded, and it is supposed one was killed. Five are believed to have been taken prisoners. . . . A letter from Mexico to the American Star, says the American prisoners were at liberty, and no one troubles them.— The writer sees Major Gaines 'daily.— The decree ordering the Americans away had not been extended to them.— It is believed that they are incarc,;rated at Santiago. Majors Gaines and Borland may be at liberty; but doubtful as to the rest. • TRAVERSE JURORS—FIRST IvEnx: William Africa, Henderson ; Brice X Blair, Dublin ; William Christy, Porter; David Cunningham, Henderson ; Charles Carson, Clay; Isaac Cook, Tod ; David Crce, Warriorsinark ; William Clymans i Dublin ; James Chamberlain ' Warriors mark ; Jacob Cresswell, Tod Ephraim Doyle, :liirley ; Jacob Fockler, Flender ,,u ; Martin Cleaner, Walker ; George W, Green, Cass; Charles Green, West; Benjamin Hinman, Barrie; Eli Harris, llenderson ; William Harper, Cromwell ; lien. Taylor's Idea of prosecuting I.he War. 1 Jesse Hollingsworth, Shirley ;John Hut- The following extract from the letter' cluson, \Varriorsmark ; Adams Houck, ef Gen. Taylor to Gen. Gaines i Written , Tod ; Hugh King, Shirley ; Henry Erei der \Vart•torstnark ; John Lone. ilt November last, presents the views of ' ~, ''' Spring ,field; Jonathan Luis, 'Tod ; Abraham _Gen. aylor as to the manner of prose- , Long, Shirley; Charles H. Miller, Hen cluing the war, and the benefits to be Berson; George \V. Aliment, Franklin; derived from the expenditure of blood I Daniel NO; w est ; Samuel Porter, Jack and treasure necessary to flog Mexico son ; William Rothracki Heudorsm , 3 N NA V e. il s l t iam r julilienadtscireTre,lls; Shirley; ll: t t e is e i ( i l u , into a peace. It is not without interest at this time, especially the passage in , `,ltoenutker, Hendin son ; P. R. Stolle italics. beaker, Franklin ;Joseph Sissler, Porter; "If we are in the language or Mr. Joseph. M. Stevens, \\ est ; James Stew- Polk and Gen. Scott under the necesity art, Jackson , James Travis, Franklin; of "conquering a peace "—and that by " Mimi Thompson, Crank litt ; Ge0r...,; ,, taking the capital of the country —see Taylor, Springlield;Joseph Vallee, Jaa: _Must go to Vera Cruz, take that place, son; Michael Wright, Union; TI marts and then march on to the city of Alexi- • W hitt:titer, latter; I lenry White, W e,t; to. To do so in any other direction, 1 .Daniel Weight, Cranklie ; John Yocum. consider out of the question. liar, ad- Jr, NV ;Mier. mining that we conquer a peace by do- -- ing SO, say at the end of the next twelve ! TRAVERSE JUliollS--SECOND WEEK. Months, will the amount of blood and ' Jacob Baker, tipi•itiglield ; Jacob Bum- ----- treasure which must be expended in do- gardner, Cass ; ,‘ illiani Chilcote, Crow- ' Hats, Daps, Ladies' ' , doffs, Boas, &c. Mg so, be compensated by the same. I well; Joseph Curium, Ca,; Thos. 'l'. To Merchants, Hailers, and IltlUus think not, especially if the country we Cromwell, Cromwell ; Julio Celestoch, IN AR 1/1 1;1 . : .'N & IS It OIV s • subdue is to he given up, and 1 intagiuc I lenderson ; George Davis, .Morris ; Du- : Hat ‘s- Cup Ware House & Alanufitetory, there are hut few individuals Maur nowt- ' vid Etnier, Cron' II D i I I I WC.. ; __aii.e. 2.entier, No. 296 Market Street, try who think of annexing Alexi... 6 to the Walker; David Coster, Henderson; An. : ! „.„ d D„ or L.„I o „, ;si xt h, phil o do rh i o, United States. bON'T LAIYOR.—The locufoeracy Westtnoreland county, have given the a, tliony Fo „ tist, S hirley ; John Geisinger, , razict, at t tors- .-->•- „ , Hopewell ; Davin C ••• , • W• ••' marl. ; ,antuel Huey, Porter; James ' /-= it .RESPECTFULLY solicit attention , to their large and complete stoat; of AI'S and CAPti, manufactured under ,lanes, 'fell ; lienjuniin beas,• Shirley ; f66; - '\ their owl: immediate direction and b m latest commentary upon the "Kane Let- A. McCoy, Henderson; John Marks, --- ter," as follows: Resolved, That we have increased ethifidence in Just K. Polk's opinion in reference to the tariff;, as expressed by : Franklin ; Samuel !nylon, West ; WU :, liam Madden, Springfield ; Satiate! Ait.. V itty, Shirley ; John K. MeCalian, War riorstnark ; Jonathan K. Metts, Ilender- porintentlenee with all tl.e advautt m , of . modern improvements to clod& them to cum ,— . I ine the important qualities of durability, taste and beauty of finish with extreme eheapnessof rice An immense and beautiful assortment of Si vs reference rieties and prices of Beaver, Brush, Silk, Moleskin, him in his letter to John K. Kane of son ; James McCabe, Hendersoe; John Rusaia, yossiiitere, Wool, Erporting and Ashland Pennsylvania. We belftve the tarifflaw • McKinstryi Shirley ; JameS Maguire; flat,. (.tr NI c 3 i . , a general assurtmbot of every variety 3-4 tter, } 1 r seal, Ham Seal. Muskrat of '42 to have been unjust unequal and . Barrett ; Fleury Nett; Porter ; John Plum- Plain at ,, }....,,y Clatk aver, style, u ed, him : partial in its operations, and have re- tier Hopewell; James Ramsey, Shirley; suit B rown mohair, 5cu1i ,,,,, , dli,,,ed, Oiled silk & • ..,e' newed confidence in the tariff of '46: Solomon Rough, Porter ; William B. 1,. ur C u p i Swoope, Clay ; Alexander Stitt; Porter ; liat.'ick . Mutts, Boas, &c., at the very lowest lry• From the Ist of May to the letli l Isaac Smith, Cass: Thomas Stewart, prices. , . ult. 346 deaths occurred at Vera Cruz f W e st i Eclarius Thomas, Henderson ;I l.' li N and e Y e ci Tt' iiitYisl:i7adt7ttniciri. i l u z, , are invited to call ,st to d ill with us. Pattie, Womelsdolf; Franklin. —5l of whom were from the emnito f Particular attention paid to the packing anat., and 395 from other diseases. 178 of the 1 ANOTHER BATTLE.—Major Edlifuti , Cars ' " paid M uskrat and „Sliippi nu Cuts.. above were Americans. ( son, when about 150 miles South-east of Ca'll fur ' GARDEN & BROWN, w. 'ci 4 . - i Santa Fe, with a force of 70 men, was No. 1116 Niarkot Street below sixth street. attacked by some 400 Mexicans and In- l'hiludeirhia' July "' 1847-31 " . ! dians. After a sharp contest our men were compelled to retreat with the loss of two killed and three wounded, be sides all the horses belonging to the party: The prefect of Puebla rectotly camped to Altxco, with nil the city funds. i'erry's expedition to Tobasco was en iirely successful. A'rtmtor was current at Vera Cruz on the morning of the lst that Gcn. Scott had entered the capital, and that Gen. Pillow had been captured by the ,gnetil las. The former is false, and no faith is placed in the latter. ILLINOIS CONVENTION.—The proposi .. lion for an article m the constitution of the State, forever prohibiting free color ed persons from settling in the State, was rf•,;ected by a vote of SO to 55. COURT AFFAIRS. TRIAL LIST--AUGUST TERM, FIRST WEEK. J. Trimble's vs. H. Willebrands admes, Thomas Clark vs. William Houk: John Loughery Vs. Geo. NW; Mcßride. John Dickey's adm'r. vs. A. P. Wilson, Sam'l Good & co. vs. John Shaver et 's!. Sartiuel Coen vs. Dennis Coder. James Stewart vs. John Lowe. William MeNite vs. Fraker & Diveh. Sae' Caldwell vs. Robt Moore's Exr's I. Fleck et al vs.- Smith & Wigton. Forster's Ext's for Steel vs. Jas. Gillum, E. Bank, Pittsburg vs. John McComb. Michael Hileman vs. John Shaver et al. Samuel Caldwell vs. George Davis. John Marks vs. David Barrick. Josiah Cunningham vs. Charles Duff. John S. Patton vs. Matthew Garner. Same vs. John Geism,ger. J. Gooshorn's Ear's vs. C% Renner's ter. Robert Speer vs. Wm. Buchanan. John Rudy vs. Leonard, Moyer et al. J. Cryder's adin'r vs. D. Cryder's ex'r. Same vs. Israel Cryder's ear. Coin. for Robison & co. vs. J. Shaver et al 1. Dearment's heirs ys. A. & N Creswell. Christian Coats vs. Jno. Hildebrand et al. Conrad Yothers vs. S. & J. licks et al George Leas vs. James Clark. m. McClelland vs. John Bee. Same vs. Same et al Allen, Wilson & co. vs. Martin Gates Bell & Orbison vs. John Savage. Stewart Foster vs. Wilson & Dinsmore. Lewis Smalley's heirs vs. Marg'e & 1); [Smalley. Wm. Scott's heirs vs. Wm. Scott's ex'r. John Parsing vs. Irvin & Burchfield. J. McCalinti vs. J. Longenaere's adm's. 13. Armitage's ex r's vs. John Fee's ext.'s. Wise ; Pusey & \Vise vs. Jno. W. Myton. Alexander Steel vs. James Reed. SECOND WEEK. Jas. Entrekin's errs. vs. Wm. Entrekin, JURY LIST. GRANO JIMIORS-VIR.ST WEEK. Isaac Brenneman, Porter; J acob Booker, Springfield ; James Dysart, Franklin ; William Dean, Walker ; John Ewing, Franklin ; Samuel Eyer, Warriorsmark ; Samuel Ewing, West ; Semple Fleming, Porter ; John Gehrett, Jr., Tod ; Abra ham Grubb, Jr., Hopewell ; James W. Galbraith, Shirley ; James Harper, Dub lin; Morris P. His, Warriorstnark; Jacob Hallman, Barrec ; Christopher Irvin, West ; George Krigger, Clay ; Jonthhan c W imams, Franklin; John McClure, Tell ; Isaac Peightal, Ilope well ; ar rc,n Raymond, Henderson; Daniel Stains, Springfield ; Job Slack, Barree ; Caleb Swoops ; Cuss; John W. Withingtun, DELEGATE MEETINGS AND COUNTY CONVENTION, riMIE Democratic Whigs of the several 1 Townships will hold meetings, at the usual places, on Saturday, August Sth, 1817, for the purpose of electing two delegates to represent their several town ships in County Convention, to be held in Huntingdon on Wednesday, the 11th day. of August, 1841, to place in nomi nation a Ticket, to be supported at the coining election; The - Committee would urge upon the friends of truth and order; the ilnpor tance of attending the primary meetings. All who Jove their party, its prihciples, its organization, and desire its suClless— . -. and lielieire it the safeguard of our LaWs and privileges, should be early in the field, and faithful and untiring in his en deavors to secure success. Neglect of a first duty will bring coldness and care lessness, in the performance of subse quent ones. Old Huntingdon has array ed herself already among the faithful.-- She must maintain her post of honor. A. W. BENEDICT, J. W. THOMPSON, JOHN READ, JACOB SNYDER, A. H. BUDBAUGH, A. ALLISON, E. OR BISON, .TA DES MAGUIRE, P. P. DE %\ EES, J: M. STEVENS, JOSHUA GREENLAND, JAMES CLARKE, JOHN SWOOPE, ISAAC WOOLVERTON, County Committee. The Offarkels. PHILADELPHIA, July 16, 184.7. . . FLOUR & MEAL.—The smelt of Flour is light, the receipts limited, and prices have advanced 25 cents per brl. To-day, Penn'a Flour, fresh ground, is held at $5 75 a $5 871, and western $5 371 a $5 50, with limited sales of the latter. Rye Fi,outt.—Sales at $3 50 ner Corn Meal.---Sales of 5,000 brls at $3 121 a $3 25, and SOO brls Brandy wing at $3 50 ; the market closing at the latter prices. GRAlN.—Wheat comes in slowly, and prices have again advanced. Sales of 7500 bushels Penn'a red at $1 15 a $1 20, and 4500 western red at $1 20 —the market closing firm at these rates. Rye—Sales of 1200 bushels Penn'a at 70, 75, and 73 cts, closing at 73. Corn has advanced. Sales of 5000 bushels Pel,n'a yellow at 75 a 76 cts, and to-day 2500 at 18 a SO cts, closing at 80 cents. Oats—Sales of 5000 bushels at 45 to 1 , 2 Co. fur Southern, and 4.5 for North River. Valuable Ore-Bank dc Water-Powei For Sale. THE subscriber wishes to dispose of about 300 acres of very etch Ore and Cool Lands situate on the waters of candy Creek, it; Perry township, Jefferson county, Peon's. • Thu property is situate on three branches of Sandy Creek, which unite i!pda the premises, affording abundant power fur :eve al Furnaces, Forges, Rolling• Mills. &e., all within &rout ono fourth of a mile of the Ore bank. The Ore is of the same kind, but of a richer quality, that is used at the Great Western works In Armstrong county. I here are also un the preminee abundance of Bitu minous Cool, Limestone, and Bant!stone. The Creek is now navigable, for Arks, &c., in time of high water, from within seven miles of the prop erty, and could, wits little expense, br made 00 from the premises. There is u Saw-? Hill in opera tion art the premises. The land is all well timber ed, and well timbered lands may be purchased in the immediate neighborhood at from one to two dollars per sere: This property undoubted'y affords faciliiies for I the manufacture of Ir., posse.sed by few situations in Penn.:3 , l.llM, and to on enterprising capitalist tiequainted with the busincse is a location touch to be desired. . . . As this advertisement is Merely intended to draw ' the atteMion of those acquainted with tilt! iron bu- Ftne.i',4 to the lauds, the subscriber tleenis it unneees ' s'i;ry to dwell longer'en the advantages possessed by this properly, an those wishing to purchase will • of cuura call nod examine it. Those desirous of particulars are invited to cull ()litho subscri ber liuog .ut the premises, or on fir. Uaskell, Agent of the Holland Lund Company, at PUIIII. laretrey, Jefferson county. ELIAS GEII,IIAUSEN. Cold Spring, Jefferson Co., Pa. [jy2o-4t. b, steel 3141 r; . , 'VTORN EY Al' LAW, Hollitlas,:sintrg, Pa . ; Will attend attend to all IlllAl,a o Cntfti,tcdto 1116 ',Vein' plait, litlbtfureor:' and hidiana coun• tlYg apt S•'46 CHEAP WATCHES 8c JEWELRY ,To the Independent Freemen ofHun tingdon County: gm t 4 c .i.„.. ~..... : i f, I T i i lie l l'Pl it t 3 il c a a d ra e t ip c, :: s es 1 1 E 1.1,0 W CITIZENS:--I offer myself to the 11_1Vatch and jewelry l ' consideration of the Dethocratic Whigs and ''''. % 7 4" , Stet "No 00 North Sec- consideration of llumingdon county, for [beelike of 4 1 ,, 1 C ''. ,;1 ond:Zreet, N o. of Quer- . a ; As' ry. Gold Lever Watches, . r SIN E It 1 FF, and if pla ced in noM . irTation by the coming Citutity 1Y) ''''' -, l C iftt ' . Conv e nt ion, and e l ected by the 1 eople, I pled . ge end gold Dial, 40 00 mvself to fulfil the dunes of the office with fidelity Silver Lever %Vinches full jeweled, 20 00 Silver Potent Lever Watches, seven jewels, 18 00 and impartiality Silver Lepine Watches, jeweled, 12 00 Quortior Watches 8 00 liniteiion Quartier Weld:os, 5 00 Sherillitlity. Gold Spectacles, 7 00 "1 -1 , Ezzow CrrizENs .—I oiler myself to your Pico Silver Spectacles, 1 50 .12 consideration as a candidate for the office of Gold Bracelets with 'Popes Stones, 3 50 Gold Pens with silver Pencil and Holder, 1 25 I ib -7, aaCtisu-atra - , Ladies Gold Pencils, 1 75 at the enduing general election, and respectfully Silver Ttt•sponns, from $4 5 0 Per set to 000 solicit your support. NATHAN W. GREEN. Oold Finger-P.hrga, from 371 cents to 80 00 Birmingham; July 13, 1847. Watch-Glassr,—Plain. 121 cts; patent 181 ; m o tunet 25 ;oilier Articles in proportion. All goods T the Voters of Huntingdon County. warranted to be what they ars sold fur. FELLOW CITIVENS n—lieing encouraged by a number of my friends , I oiler myself' as a condi p hand some Gold and silver Levers, Lcllines anYQuarticr3 lower than the above prices. date for the taco of Constantly on hand, an assortment of Silver Ta- a.. a:_"l., 1 . - M Lra I:r. ' - ,:_= - _,: ,.. -- ga , hk, Desert, T" ~ a lt ."' I :" " . "' I ' :1 " ) "'' ''''''); at the approaching Fall election, and should I Ire La dle. , Nil g .r: i . "'.g"' •NaPki"-Hing'' Fru i t n od so fortunate us to receive a niiijority of your voice, Butter Knives, Thinittles, Shields, Knitting Nee- I di ple mse to srherge e d uties of raid die Cases and Nl.catlis, Purse and &tide Clasp, office dge honora y bly. lf to and yonr sari th faction. —Tile silver warranted to be equul to American coin. Al AT TIT E W CROW N 0 i tR. Also a great variety of Fine Gold Jewelry, con- Ifs. lorson tp., julyG4 /1 sisting in pai tof Pinger-Rings of all styi n s, sot To the Voters of Huntingdon Counly with Dium. , , Ruby., Kiii ,,, l Ton!uis" , .I. " Pa z, .\ T the solicitation of it number of any Whig Garnet, Cur:nib:in, Jasper, Cape May, Amethyst i friends, i offer . as . eui jaid , u 1 . ,,r th,, and other stones. lireastspins rind Bracelets of ail i „ili,;€, of style'. set with . clones. end ( ` arises ;,,1 E ris melted; Ear-Rings of all styles; Gold Chain: ot L s: li 2-431-11727;1 : 2-ja k) all styles arid of the finest qt-tatilYi together with all , subject to the decision of the Whig County Con other articles in the line, which will be sold unusii- ventioni And should Ibe so fortunate as to be ally low, wholesale and retail.—Also Fianna Light- nominated and elected to said office, f pledge myself hitig-Rod .Points, by the dozen or single one. ' to perform the duties thereof with fidelity and int 0. CONRAD. , palls it, . GEORGE SIPEs, 11'a/choir:hi r 4 Jeweller j Cromwell tp., juiy6-184 N. 11.-011 habil M. J. Tobias & Cr,',s best quality full jewelled, Patent Lever Movements, in 18 Carat Cold Cases. Also a quantity of Move ments which will be ens, it any style required, and sold at 5 per cent above the price of Impoitatione July 20, '47-Iy. 4, WATCHES, JEWELRY, BBC, THE sitbscrilier offers to the trade, or by retail I a large and general assortment of the following anklet., being ail of Iris awn importation or manu facture. Buyers of goods in this line at e int heal to ex amine the assortment, and orders are the assurance that every effort Will he made to git'e satisfaction ahl insure a continuance of custom. Gold &Silver Icier Watches ordinary quality. Do. do. do. of ruperior finish. Do. d o. du. Anchors& Lepints. leer double rased English end ttAviss verge • NVateheg, mCtlt light, medium and heavy caSee. Gold Jewel' v in all vtirimics, fine and common. Silver Plate.l, and Silver Wares. Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes. Gild and Silver Spectacles. Diamond I' , fated Gold Pens. Mantel and °Mee Clo. ks, in gilt and other frames. Watclimakers"Pools and M nterials Melt sorts. Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Beads, &c. Having every facility for obtaining goods on the most edvantageous tom ins, corresponding indUce meats will bo offered to purchasers. JOHN C. F.lflll, 112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. july2o,i 24 m. SOCCRIFI",S N. 1.16 In addition to those published on the fourth page, 1 will sell at the same time and place, the follosriug described Real Estate, and several trusts of laud situ• ate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, known as the Greenwood Fur- Dace property. Tuo ti•act.'s of land containin!: , to,g6th er about 900 acres, situate on the cast branch of Stone Creek and surveyed on warrants in names of James Metiinnis and James McGinnis, Jr., respectively, adjoining surveys in names of Thomas Ralston, John Spenct r, and others—hav ing thereon erected Greenwood Furnace, 1'R0CL.4.11.4110.Y. a large well finished two story plastered . ERE Ati by precept to mo directed by the dwelling house, a good frame grist mill Nk TH Judge; of . the Crmn a non Pleas ds, c ' and a saw mill, a number of buildings of Huntingdon, bearing test the 24th day of ciY .t u u n i t y. for the hands, an office, store room, A. D.. 1847, I am commanded to make public Stablest &e. proclamatitsu throughout my whole bailiwick that a Manse of . ( I :o , m b uten Plea; will be held at rho Court A tract of unseated land surveyed inl name of William Biddle, adjoining Hil- tv o ' f 'e au ' i t it ' ilZn u ,t i r ' t o the n „ i l i t t i ii ,lL i rla j i, n ( l a h n e ti e' at n t: day) of Augu,t, A. B. 1847, for the trial of all lary Baker, John Vanost and others, con taining 403 acres 12 perches. I issues in said court, which remain undetermined A tract of unseated land in name of i before the said judges, when and where all jurors, John Vanost, adjoining William Biddle, witnessos and suitors, in the trial of all said issues Day id Caldwell and others, containino• °i° required. . Dated at Huntingdon, the - 24th day of April, 1.00 acres 136 perches. A. 1). 1047, and the 71st year of American lode- A tract of unseated land in name of peudence. JOHN AlOll I'AGE, Weer 0' . David Ralston, Jr., containing 400 acres, sulatm's ()Fries, Z adjoining John Ralston and others. Huntingdon, Jal g 2U, 1947.5 A tract of unseated land in name of I Dissolntion of Partnership. John Russell, adjoining John Ralston, .... Tim; partnership which has existed since the Ist Thomas Russell and others, containing of April, A. D. 1844, between thesubseribers, 400 acres. In the Mercantile business, at Manor Hill, Petere. A tract of Unseated laird in n'amd a I but, and Nell's Mill, under .the Sou of fohn R. John Ralston, adjoining surveys in name Bunter & Co., has this day (July lii) been aisi.olv. of John Russell, Thomas Ralston, and !'_d in iZ o n'•utuul The continued c'" t s it en k .„ l l l ' l " l in y e ilr. h li r u e i " t i t t e e r r Ephraim Jones, containing 100 acres. ' with whom the Books, &c., cr the ' late firm are A parcel of land or Stone mountain left for settlement. DMD BLAIR. adjoining James McGinnis and others, july2o-1847. JOHN R. HUNTER. unseated, containing 300 acres or there . 4 D.111.1'18 TR.ITO le S 01'77 C E. - abouts; being part of it survey in name Estate of Jacob Van Tries, Esq. late of Warriorsmark tap., deed. of John Spencer, and a tract of unseat ed land in Burred township, ,'n Stone mountain, surveyed in mune of Jonathan N o . Ticy: is hereby given that Letters of Admin. Priestly, containing 437 acres, adjoin- :t .:".'"." he said estate bare bean granted to i unuereanwa. All persons Indented to said ing• li. Cummins and ethers, I estate are requested to make immediate payment, Seized and taken in execution, and to sit d those h av i ng claims against i t will present thorn be sold as the property of Francis W. j duly authenticated, to DAVID ROBESON, Rawls and James Hall. :rly lar'47 , 6t. JA NE VAN TRIES. ...1 LS 6,. . IN DTI C EP, - . .-------- 9 1 111: twits of Mrs. Mary Smart, tate of the be- All that certain small pareei or part of a tract of land, in the township of i I rcugh of Huntingdon, dee'd, will meet for the Tell, conveyed by Samuel Parsc:iis to ! settlement of her estate, at her lam residence in the b i o s r 4 o 7 uglv h f i l . l i u g n i t u iti v o o n n ,: i t i t , t o t Our 17 3 ::, i f is A ik unt, Joseph Richardson, adjoining lands latel of said Parsons, Alex. Scott and others i claims agatieef salte l stateio present pe rsons then ' unil [the several courses and distances of • t h em , f or „tden,,„,, andoluo to those who are in. which are laid down at length in the dcbted to said estate to'came forward and settle the writ] ccMtaiAing '2l acres and 163 ' same. J. G. SMART, j1y13:' , 17-at.' . On behalf of the Heirs. perches, together with the improvc-1 meats thereon. Seized and taken ill ex- ! A trir tc E ecution, and to be sold as the propertyy s hereby given to the Stockhuldrif of the fArueo of I Joseph Richardson. 1 Creek & Waterstreet Tfiropike ITaadtConpany, JNO. ARMITAGE, Sh'lll ! that tteerdy per rent on the Capital Stock subscri- Shfra Office, Hunting- t ! . bed, is required to be paid to the subscriber, on or don, July 13, 1817. i . before the 120th day of August next, and fen per _ . . ! cent. montilly, until otherwise ordered.. Ti!STICE'S blanks of all kind, ler sale at this r DAVID n IT l','.. Rr, - . 't eni,e.rir./...,,r. NATHAN ELL PL. jutymlB47 To the Electors of Huntingdon Colony: „Low -CITIZENS take this medium. li thiough which to otter nipelf to the consider ation of the Democratic Whig and A oti-%iasonie Curi.ientilin Which Wil! . ethivaie in the borough of Huntingdon on the llth of August next., as a can didate for the office of LT: a-is) a 1 and if nominated and elected, I pledge mpelf td I discharge the duties of the °nice to the best of my WILLIAM SMITH. Union Ip. jolN6 1847. Proclamation, HEREAS, by precept to me directed, dated V at Huntingdon, the 21 th day of April, I one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven under the hands and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wit- eon, President of the Court of Comtnon Picas, I ()yet and Terminer and general jail delivery of the I 20th judicial district of Penns) Nerds, composed of the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and the Huns. James Gw in and John Stewart, iris associates, judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and de termine all and ' , very indictmentsand presentments, made or taken for or concernit, all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felon -1 ics of death and other offences, crimes and thisde• meanors, which have been, or shall be committed or perpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shrill hereafter be committed tit be per -1 Pet , uted, fdr ctinies dforenald, I atti commanded to tunhe peblic proclamation throughout my whole bailitvick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Please and Quarter Sessions, will beheld at the Court House, in the borough of Hunting don, on the second Monday (and oth day) of August next, and those who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute theta as it shall be just, and that all justices of the peace, coroner and constables within the said county, be then and there in their proper persons, at I 0 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisition!), I examinations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectively appertain. Dated nt Huntingdon, the 24th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred ac forty-seven, and tho 7lst year of Ameri can Indt,pendence. • JOHN ARMITAGE, S l / 4 crii: SligiiiieS OFFICE, ? Ih:wing July 1A47.S iti1!.7.0 1. PUBLIC SA. OF A ilwel2ing , house and Lat.!. GREGABLY to thb alit Will and. 1 1 . 'testament of John Striart; Esq., late of the borough of Huntingdon, deed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the curt-Souse in said hprottgh, .on Tuescloy, the 1014 day 1.! , August nett, a large and commodious two story bwelliug House, with a Store-room mi . in front nod a back building thereto annexed, consisting of three room' and a kitchen, situate on the corner of Hill and Franklin wrests, and near .to the Penney!- vania canal. The aboie properly is well calcula= led for public huskies?. Also, at the same time and piace will be sold, three shares of stock in the Juniata Bridge, and a jndgmetit cc, the Huntingdon, f:anthria .4 Indiana Tnrnpike company, a credit for which :a entered upon the books of mid company. Terms made khownon flay of sale by JA:IIES LYTLE,. jiyl3:'47-to. 6 Cents Reward - 13 AN away from the subscriber, living in the bo rough of A lexendriu, on the 2Uth ultimo, an diner:led apprentice to the shoemaking business, awed Janies Claeghbaugh. Said appicatice is about 11 years of age, aboht 4 feet high, had err when he absconded a carisitiet tro,:k coat, blue dril ling pants and cap, and other clothing hot . recol lected. All persons are cantiened against trusting or hail - ping said boy on my account, na I will Prij no debts of his contracting. WM. D. STRAW. July t 1817-31. Es - rut CIA NIE to the residetic; of the subscriber living 1..) in Shirley township. Huntingdon county, a film young SORRELL HORSE, B eing five years oil. Tit • owner is requested to come forward, r oon reperty, pay elm ges atta tole hits sway, other wise he will be thsposei r t acciirt!ing to Law. 6.IIIIiEL SHAVER julytl-3t. Meat Bpi ing and Summc r Medicine, • ANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable or Blood Pills.—Fifty pills in a box— The cheapest and best medicine in cx isten,e—for purifying the blood, remov ing bile, correcting disorders of the sto mach and bowels; Costiveness, dyspep , Alt, swimming iry the head, &c. Per-. sons of a full habit; 'ire subject tu: headache, giddiness, dro:. - 6H''',". and singing in the ears, arising front too great a flow of blood in the head, should never be without them, as many danger ous symptoms wril be entirely carried off by their immediate use. Rel.d the following wonderful cure of dyspepsia: is to certify that my wife was afflicted with the Dyspepsia for 12 years, and tried both advert ised medicines and Thomsonian, but without effect ; and toy; self attached with blindness, and my head other Wise affected trout hard drinking, so that I was apprehensive of fits ; and see ing HANCE'S SARSAPARILLA PILLS advertised, I went and got a box of them; which, to my astonishment, effected a cure of me and my wife both. I think them without a rival before the public. S. H. HALL, Albeittarl.6 st. near Wilk.: For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Bahl mare st., and corner of Charles & Pratt sts., Balt. [noV4:y _ _ _ AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Hunting,. don ; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A 0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. 'T. Bach. anan, Mill Creek; Spencer & Flood, W iamsburg. Syrup of liorehoOnd. URTHER PROOFS OF THE EF; ficacy of Hance's Compound Syrurf of Hoarhound in relieving afflicted man. Mr. George T. Warringtim, residing in York street, Federal Hill, Baltimore, was attacked with a violent cough and sore throat. After trying many reme dies, he was induced by a friend to use Hance's Compound Syrup of Hoarhound, and before using one bottle Was oitiroly cured: . . another yet more astonishing.—Mrs. Henrietta Merrick, residing in Monu ment street, between Canal and Eden. streets, was attacked Ai-WI a Very se, vere cough and pain in the Breast,which was so intense that it extended to the shoulders. Site was afflicted also with a pain in the side. After trying many remedies; she was persuaded by a friend to use Hance's' Compound Syrup of Horehound, and af , ter using three doses, she experienced great relief, and before she had finished the Cottle was entirely cured. Piice 50 ets, per bottle, or 6 bottles for $2 50. For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore st., and corner of Charles and Pratt Sts.; Baltnnore. roc2Sy AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer & Flood, Willianisburg ; W. W. Buch alien,. Mill Creek ;- A. 0. Browne, Shir ley sburg. NOTICE. Estate of Elizabeth Brotherline, late o/ the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. is hereby given, that Letters of Ad -1 - N t ministration hove been granted fo the under signed on the said estate. All frenions indebted to said estate are requested to mate ininwthate pay ment, and persons" tinning elaith's will plesent them duly authenticated for settlement. je16.6t1 VAN' DROTHERLINE, J. SE WE LI, STE WA RT. Religions .i'otire, DY Divine llerinist.ign. the corner-alone ,of the D Gertifati Hllu n ued Church of will be hail on AVednestley the 28th first. Severit ininisteie from a distance are exivecteg to be prieent. The installation of the Her,• Hecketmen, will also take place at the eariV tune. The axe,' cities will commence at 9 o'clock.. A. M. The publii ale tespectfullyit;:iled; attend. Z. Sewell Stewart A PTORNLV AT LAW, lituntin.;Jon. 11 Office in Nlinn Areet. ti‘ e cinoti of Mr Buoy~ j..weby r.Aabluhment.