Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 20, 1847, Image 2

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iluntingdon, ittiesday, July 20, 1817
V. H. PALNIER, Esq., N. W. corner of Third
end Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, is our authorized
agent for receiving advertisements and subserii ,
ions. and collecting and receipting for the same.
THE Democratic Whip of Huntingdon county
are requested to meet at the OLD COUR
ROUSE, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on
Wednesday Evening, .lug. 11, 1847,
at the ringing of the bell, for the purpose of res
ponding to the nominations of the Convention,
and to transact such other business as may be
deemed important for the euccess of the candidates
of the Whig party, at the coming general electi tn.
Chairman County Coma/Ice.
July 20, 1817,
The Rev. J. N. Realm; of the
Lutheran Church, will preach in the old
Court House on next Sunday (25th in
stant,) at 11 o'clock; also in the evening.
EDUCATION.—On our first page will be
found the " Reasons for the Study of the
Langnages," promised in our lust, to
which tve invite the attention of our
readers. It is a subject of great impor
tance to parents and others, having
charge of the education of youth. Let
all such weigh well the reasoning of our
correspondent on this subject, and it
deemed sound and conclusive, act upon
sills suggestions. And we would here
remark that the HUNTINGDON ACADEMY
affords a fine opportunity to all who de
sire to have their sons or wards acquire
a knowledge of "the Languages." It
is now, we learn, under the charge of a
very competent Teacher, and its loci*
tion one of the most healthful in the in
terior of the State.
ADVERTISEMENTS.—We invite the at
tention of Merchants and others to the
advertisements of Philadelphia dealers,
in to day's paper. The Jewelry Estab
lishments of 111essrs. 0. CoNRAD, end
JOHN G. FARR, Ate spoken of in the
highest terms, and we are assured that
we can safely recommend them to the
patronage of our friends. And every
one knows, who has had dealings with
Messrs. GARDEN & BROWN, that fur
cheap, neat and substantial Hats, Caps,
&c., &c., of the very latest and most
beautiful styles, they cannot be surpass
ed in Philadelphia or any of the eastern
We regret to say that we are still
without intelligence from Mexico upon
which to predicate a hope for a speedy
peace ; on the contrary, all the news frem
that quarter wears as belligerent an as.
peet as When this unfortunate conflict
commenced, more than a year ago. In
teligence from the city of Mexico, up
to the 19th ult., informs us that Santa
Anna had demanded a forced Joan of one
million of dollars, and Was raising the
money at the point of the bayonet. The
work of fortifying the approaches to the
capital was progressing with great ener
gy. It is said that Gen. Scott, becom
ing impatient at the Con arrival of the
promised reinforcethents, had determi
ned to break up his line of communica
tions with Vera Cruz, by ordering the
troops in charge of the different points
along the line to join him, with a view
to marching as early as possible on the
Tobacco was captured by an expedi
tion under Con. Perry, but four men
being wounded in the assault. The at
tack was made by land, the vessels be
ing unable to approach sufficiently near
the the place.
WAR WARTE.—The Now Orleans Bul
letin says--"An intelligent merchant of
this city, who left Vera Cruz on the
11th June, informs us that he learned,
from undoubted authourity, that the de
murrage of the vessels then at anchor
age, in the employ of the United States,
was about 5000 dollars a day, or at the
rate of $150,000 per month, but that du
ring the preceding month it was at one
time upwards of :'P , ,( 1 0 0 per day."
The numerous humbugs originated by
the leaders of the Locofoco party, hav
ing all been exploded, one is at a loss to
devine what is to come next. "No
Bank," "Polk, Dallas, Shank, Texas,
Oregon, and the Tariff of '42," "54. 40
or fight," "The Whole of Oregon or
none," &c., &c., being no longer avail
able gull-traps, the Locofoco leaders,
says the York Republican, got up some
thing like "The Tariff of 1346 and High
Prices tor Grain !"—a capital humbug,
they thought, to catch farmers—but this
bubble has burst before it was half-blown
--the high prices are gone already, and
the Tariff of 1846 has proved to be the
most egregious deception which the po
litical jugglers who invented the trick
have yet played off before a wandering
public. What are the facts 1 One dol
lar a bushel was asked and refused for
wheat in the Baltimore Market, on Wed
nesday last ! What the Cambria began,
the Caledonia has finished. The specu
lation in Bread-Stuffs is over. Famine
no longer acts as an ally to Mr. Poux,
who has War and Pestilence for his aids
in Mexico. The prospect of one plenti
ful harvest in Europe has overthrown
the air-built castles which politicians
had founded on a grain trade with_ Great
Britain ; and the farmers, whose eyes
may have been blinded a little by the
dust which was so industriously thrown
into them, can now see clearly again.—
The Tariff of 1846, they were repeat
edly told, caused the increased price of
Wheat, Corn, and Flour ; the Tariff of
1846 still stands, but Wheat, Cant and
Flour are down. Then too we were draw
ing away so much specie from Europe
—the hard dollars were coming in by
the million through New York and Bos
ton, and going out, to be' sure, just as
rapidly through New Orleans to Vera
Cruz and the Brazos; but this genie is
blocked, and every steamer that now
comes brings the same story that she
" takes out no specie." It does not re
quire many words to chronicle the rise,
progress and decline of this last humbug
of Locofocoistu ; it has passed so rapidly
that every body must remember its
The meeting held in this place on the
evening of the 3d instant, in favor of
Gen. Taylor, has brown the Globe man's
keepers into a paroxysm of rage.
Every time the "Old .ilan's" name is
mentioned in connection with the Pres
idency, these TORY partizans of Polk,
Ficklin, Thompson, Ingersoll, ,ST., utter
audible and pitiful groans. They had
hoped that the old General's letter to the
Cincinnati Signal, would have put a
quietus upon these noisy "Taylor
Whigs," and therefore given them sonic
chance of escaping political annihilation ;
but now, that the Whigs are as vocifer
ous for the old 1-lero as ever, they can no , restrain their pent lip wrath.—
And therefore the last Globe contains
a column of slang, (from the pen of one
of the numerous very modest aspirants
for Locofoco honors) directed at those
‘Whigs who have proclaimed them
selves for old Rough and Ready for the
Presidency. The writer, after stigma
tizing all who participated in the meet
ing as "hypocrites," says, "About a
DOZEN Scott, Taylor and Corwin men
met at the Court House, organized," &c.
This is not the first time the smallness •
of the Taylor forces have been sneered
ut by the partisans of Polk and Santa
Anna, and made the subject of their Tory
gratulations. But a short time since, Mr.
Polk and his followers, on account of the
small number of troops under Gen. Tay
lor, confidently expected that their frier.d
Santa Anna would have a tine "oppor
tunity" to defeat him and his gallant
little band at Buena Vista! The " oppor
tunity " was embraced, but the result
utterly prostrated their hopes of victory
in "that quarter." Old Rough and
Ready gained us signal a triumph over
Polk and Santa Anna, as did the Whigs
of New Hampshire the other day at
their Congressional election. We would
therefore suggest to the "borne patriots" ,
of the Globe not to crow over the small
ness of the Taylor party too soon. There
is a charm about the "old man" that
might augment the numbers very rap
idly; and you might therefore be as
much disappointed when you come to
marshall your forces against him in a
political contest, as were your leaders,
(Polk and Santa Anna) at the battle of
Buena Vista!
The Lewistown Gazette hoists
the name of Gen. WINFIELD SCOTT to its
mast head for President, subject to the
decision of the Whig National Conven
Polk and Santa Anna again Routed.—New
Hampshire EleCtion.
The special Election held in the Gran
ite State last week, for two members of
Congress, has resulted in a glorious and
triumphant Victory to the opponents of
the National Administration. General
WILSON, whig, is elected over his Loco
competitor, by a majority of frotr 300
to 600, and the majority for Amos TUCK,
Independent, supported by the Whigs,
is about 2000. This is a Whig gain of
two members ! Free Trade, Slavery,
Annexation and 'War, is too heavy a load
for Locofocoism to carry, even in New
Hampshire ! The wicked and odious
measures of the Polk Administration,
are bound to receive a stern rebuke from
the country,
HARD RUN.—The Locofoco leaders
having been met and refuted in all the
false charges brought by them against
the public and private character of Gen.
Irvin, are now resorting to publishing
forged or stolen letters, purporting to
have been written by Gen, Irvin. We
observed one of this character in the last
Globe, but can discover nothing in it to
injure our candidate, even if genuine.—
The name of the person to whom it was
addressed is not given. A "gentleman
in the neighborhood of Bellefonte," we
presume. Hard run, Messrs. Locos,
when you resort to such warfare as this,
The very learned and witty scrib
bler for the Globe, in speaking of the
Whig Taylor meeting says—"the shrewdl
and farsighted editor of the Journal was
struck dumb when the proceedings were
handed to him for• publication." It so
happens Mr. Pettifogger, that the "editor
of the Journal" was present at the meet
ing and witnessed all the proceedings—
and although the meeting was not very
large, the enthusiasm there displayed)
for Taylor, Scott, and the whole Amer
ican Army, was such as would have
taken the breath from any one of the
Polk and Santa Anna TORIES who
figure in the columns of the Huntingdon ,
Globe. The non-attendance of the Globe
corpse editorial is therefore not to be
wondered at.
Frauds on the Public Works,
From a communicatiion in the Har
risburg Telegraph, it would appear that
the State was defrauded last year, on
the Public Works, out of $250,000
through the idleness or dishonesty of its
agents. The election of Mr. Power has
to a considerable extent arrested this
system of plunder, and will save to the
State the present year not less than
SAND DOLLARS! And the election
of another Reform Candidate, JOSEPH
\V. PATTON, will increase the saving,
we have no doubt, to the enormous sum
of $300,000 ANNUALLY. A mutter so
important to the interests of Tax-pay
ers we hope will not be forgotton. A
reform that already saves $150,000 a
year to them, and promises to save
'5300,000, if they do their duty, is wor
thy of their attention and of their votes.
ID- The Globe gives, as a conclusive
reason that Gen. Taylor will not boa can
didate for the Presidency, the fact that
the Pittsburg American is not in favor
of his nomination ! Who ever heard of
such a reason as this 1 The American
is doubtless a very influential paper, as
it certainly is a very ably conducted
Journal—but we have yet to learn that
any one paper can control a nomination
for the Presidency. All recollect that
that very powerful paper, the Hunting
Globe, opposed the nomination of
Francis R. Spunk; rand yet Mr. Shank
received the nomination, and the " one
tern)" Globe man was turned over to his'
support, without his ever daring to Otter
a complaint !
HAIL Sroam.--On Tuesday afternoon
last we were visited by a heavy storm,
accompanied by some hail, which done
no damage in this immediate vicinity.—
We learn, however, that considerable!
damage was done by the hail in Trough
creek valley, to the corn, oats, &c., and
that 06 house of Zaehariah Pheasant,
Innlieeper, in Union twp. was struck by
1 ightning,'seriously injuring Mrs. I'. and
daughter. The other inmates received
but a slight shock.
pondent of the "Episcopal Recorder,"
writin . ! - ,r, from Lexington, Ky., says that
Air. Clay was baptized in his parlor at
Ashland a short time a7c), the water be
ing sprinkled on his bead from the mag
nificent cat glass vase presented to him
by some gentlemen of Pittsburg. He
will shortly be confirmed, and become a
member in full communion of the Prot•
estant Episcopal Church.
COL. DoxvirnAN.
The St. Louis Republiean of the 3d
contains a glowing account of the re
ception of the Missouri volunteers, the
heroes of the Sacramento, including the
culogium delivered by Col. Benton, as
the orator of the day, and the speech of
Col. Doniphan in reply, both of them in
teresting and eloquent discourses. The
following paragraphs are extracted from
the speech of Col. Doniphan; and coming
from his mouth, the victor in a battle
which Col. Benton pronounced "one of
the military marvels of the age," they
will sound in the ears, and sink into the
hearts of the whole country as a confir
mation of the charges so often brought
against the administration, of waging
the Mexican war so carelessly and su
pinely,—of neglecting,—nay, almost of
abandoning, in the heart of the enemy's
country, the troops sent thither to con
quer a peace.
Fellow-citizens ! What have we
gained by this war. Of Gen. Taylor I
can safely speak, having been through all
his lines of operation. He has gained
four distinguished victories—perhaps
the most brilliant victories that have
ever been gained on the continent; and
yet lie has gained nothing. Why, sir,
(turning to Mr. Benton,) is it that the
efforts of our army are like the efforts of
a fevered patient, who spends all his
strength in spasms, and as soon as they
are over is prostrated? After the bril
liant victories which they have achieved
they have been forced, for Want of inen,
arounition, money, and conveyances, to
he idle until the enemy have been able
to gain strength anew, and then the bat
tles have to be fought over again. In
our victories nothing has been gained.
Suppose General Taylor remains where
he is, will lie have gained anything']—
lie has been there ever since last Sep
tember, and unless some better means
are afforded him, lie will remain there until
nest October. The expense of this war is I
enormous. I have been told that ONE
has been paid to sustain the war, and
yet Gen. Taylor lies in the very position
where he was eight months ago, and
there lie must lie '1
Although I have not been over Gen.
Scott's line of operation, yet it is clear
that he cannot sustain himself from his
want of means: lie may take the city
of Mexico, but he cannot sustain hint•
self there—take it he may, but it is im
possible for him to keep it. For Santa
Anna, although he was stoned when he
went to the city of Mexico, from some
cause has gained new strength, (sonic
have thought that it arose from Gener
al Scott's proclamation,) and he will
soon have an army sufficient to cope with
Gen. Scott.
And the following paragraph from the
same source should forever close the
mouths of those Locofoco editors who
have been proclaiming from one week
to another that the volunteers all be
long to one party. Colonel Doniphan
It i 3 not for tne, fellow citizens, to disc
cues the merits of this war. But it is
natural that 1 for one, should say some
thing in relation to it. It is a strange
war ; when first commenced, it was de
nounced by a large party in our country
—the party to which I belong—as a war
for political purposes. But, when sol
diers were to be raised for the prosecu
tion, you Mid that men of ALL PAR
TIES—the opposers and the advocates,
the accusers and the accused—were rea
dy to engage in the war, to rally under
the same standard, to fight in the same
tented field. What a spectacle for the
people of the Old World to gaze upon !
organ, the Democratic Union ; has a long
article against, the election of Gen. Ir
vin, based upon the fact that he has nut
volunteered to go into the Army in Mex
ico. The some argument says the Bucks
Intelligencer, would apply with ten-fold
force to nearly every leading locofoco in
Pennsylvania, from the fact that they
all pretend that the war was necessary
and unavoidable, and that moral and re
ligious duty requires men to enter into
it, Locofocoism must be in a tight
place, if such expedients are necessary
to uphold it. '
in reply ton letter from some gentle
men, iu Maine, who had sent him a pres-,
eta of some scythes, and referred in
their letter to the Mexican war, says:
Yes! gentlemen, I certainly concur
with you in deprecating this Mexican
war, the causes which brought it about
and the manner of its commencement..
I sincerely wish that every bayonet and
sword employed in its prosecution, by
both belligerents, were converted into
scythes, plowshares and axes, and they
dedicated to their respective uses
in the innocent and peaceful arts of
Last year the " Huntingdon Journal' .
opposed tho "one term."—Globe.
Our readers will have no difficulty in
applying the proper monosyllable to the
above assertion, and it is therefore un
necessary for US to do so.
cent occasion SAMUEL SNALLwoon, Esq.,
a distinguished " Democrat" of Wash
itigton, North Carolina, having protlaim
ed his purpose to vote for Mr. R. S. bon
nell, the Whig candidate for Congress in
that district, has been warmly assailed
by the Locofoco paper published in
Nowhere. From Mr. Smallwood's reply
to one of these assaults, we make this
"I did say that 1 would vote for Mr.
Donnell. I say so now; and shall not
fail my word. My reasons are briefly
these: I know Mr. D. to be 'honest, ca
pable and faithful ; and I believe that
the administration of the country, in the
bands of Mr. Polk, has become so tior
fupt, that unless men are elected to Con
gress who will endeavor to bring the
Government back to its ancient purity,
there will speedilly be an end to our
boasted liberty ; and I um pleased that
in this view I um sustained by such
Democrats as Senators Calhoun and
Thaler, of South Carolina ; Yulee and
Wescott, of Florida, and the Hon. W.
H. Haywood, lath Senator from North
Carolina, and by a host of honest Demo
crats throughout the Country ; as the
late elections show most conclusively.
* * * *
" Would to God there were more such
statesmen and patriots in the Democrat
ic party as Mr. Calhoun, and a less num
ber of small men, like Polk, elevated to
high stations. Then the country would
not be now suffering under this terrible
scourge of war, and Democracy would
be disgraced with no such motto on its
banner as 'to the victor belong the spoils.'
I voted, it is true for Mr. Polk, but I
deeply regret it; and I solemnly believe
that nine-tenths of those who voted as I
did regret it too."
Gen. 'faylur a lllii
fl -The Louisville Journal, commen
ting on the Cincinnati Signal Letter,
' says,—"General Taylor means nothing
more than that he will not enter into
the Presidential canvass as a partizan—
that he will not be the candidate of a
mere party, but the candidate, if one at
all, of all such of the people of the Uni
ted States as may think proper to honor
hint with their suffrages, Still he
does not deny, nor will he deny, that in
his opinions and feelings he is a Whig.--
Within the three last days we have seen
a letter from Gm'. Taylor, in which he
twice declares, unequivocally and in so
many words, t h at he is a " WHIG."—
In that letter however, he strongly dis
claims everything like partisan asperity,
and expresses an ardent desire to see
the country delivered from the evils
which partisan violence has brought
upon it."
W . licre is there a Whig to be found
that does not " desire to see the coun
try delivered " from the evil spoken ofl
The violent spirit invariably sought to
be infused into partizans by office-hol
ders, whose bread and butter depends
upon the result of an election, must
eventually, if not resisted, prove dan
gerous to the welfare of the country.—
And if the election of Gen. Taylor would
have the effect of softening down "par
tizan asperities," and delivering the
country from the evils of "partisan vio
lence," where is there a patriotic Amer.
ican citizen who would not rejoice at.
his elevation to the Presidential Chair 1
The new Free Trade Tariff of Mr.
Polk, it would seem, after all is a bad
regulator of the prices. A fortnight
ago, or so, says the Village Record 3
wheat flour was $ll per barrel. Now
it is quoted at $5, a $6! If this be a
specimen of the effects of the new Tar
iff, it seems likely to realize the worst
predictions of the Whigs. Such exhor.
bitant prices one day, and such moder
ate ones the next, are not calculated to
benefit the producer or consumer. A
few farmers have been fortunate enough
to get the tip-top prices ; while the con
sumers generally have been obliged to
pay it. The principle benefit of the
fluctuations in price has been to the
Speculators, The fallacy of the appeal of
the locofocos to the selfish feelings of the
farmer, in favor of their party, is now
apparent, The farmer can no longer be
told that the Tarifr of 1846 will uphold
the price of Bread Stuffs—he cannot be
told that it brings stability ; for with
this pretended regulator in full opera
tion he has seen the flour markets agi
tated to an extreme degree, by specula
tion and speculators, and he has seen
the prices of his staple products of
wheat and flout, within a month, at the
highest and almost the lowest point!
Such fluctuations in price, as we have
recently witnessed, must necessarily
follow the free trade policy. The only
permanent market,. ,Lad the only regu
lator of settled prices, is a home market.
The farmer will see this, and if lie be
not insensible to his true interests, he
will advocate that policy which has for
its object the protection of domestic in
dustry, whereby he indirectly protects.
Gen. Washington and Gen. Taylor,
The Richmond Republican energeti
cally supports for President " Zachary
Taylor, subject to the decision of the
American People." The Republican
thaws the following paral'el, and it in
; wolves as great a compliment as can be
paid to any man :
The great resemblance between Wash
ington and Taylor, in many important
features of character, has been the sub
ject of frequent comment. In solid and
practical wisdom—in the remarkable
combination of courage and .prudence—
in sell-possession amid the most agita
ting scenes—in stern determination
when threatened by formidable difficul
ties—in moderation and humanity—Gen.
Taylor exhibits a counterpart of the he
roic character of the great founder of
the American Republic. But the paral
lel does not stop here. Both have oc
cupied the same position in regard to
the Presidency—not courting it ; in fact
preferring the quiet of domestic life to
Ail the honors of Executive station, and
only consenting to accept that station at
the earnest, importunate and iMperative
call of the country.
cago Convention, called for purposes
connected with the improvement of the
westdrn Rivers and Harbors, wns organ ,
ized on the sth inst. Delegates were in
attendance from 18 States. The Con
vention met under a canvass tent, in the
public pare, capable of holding, it is
said, 20,000 person s. EDWARD H. BATES,
of Missouri, presides. But little busi
ness of interest had been transacted at
last accounts. Speeches had bt en made
by Tom Corwin, Horace G reely, and
tern read from Messrs. Clay, Van Buren,
Cass, Dentist, Wright, &c.
From Vvrit li viz
The barque Partlieon, (.'apt Ai iliston,
arrived at N. Orkans on the 4th inst.,
from Vera Cruz, whence she sailed on
the morning of the 26th ult. The
National has the following paragraph : ,
IMPORTANT, IF TILIIE.--.lust as our pa
per was going to press, we were inform
ed by a gentleman in whom we have
every confidence, that a report from a
respectable source reached this city
from Mexico, last night, that a dysen
tery of a malignant character had broken
out among our troops at Puebla, and that .
it is believed the Mexican venders of
milk, pulp° liquors, etc., poisoned those
articles with a certain poisonous vegeta
ble,.which grows in the neighborhood.--
We believe the rumor entitled to credit,
and hope (len. ticott will hear of it in
time to prevent an. extention of the dia
bolical act.
LIFE.- On Saturday afternoon last,
Patrick McCulloch of this place, em. ,
{cloyed as a car conductor on Leech's
line, was killed in thetunnel on the Por
tage road. It appears that he was de
wined near the mouth of the tunnel, and,
While standing at the bumping beam of
his forward cars, the express passenger
cars brought up the remainder so quick,
and with such force that he was caught
between the beams, and crushed in such
a manner that he survived but a few
mom en ts.—Hollidaysburg Standard.
1110U1INFI1L CASUALIM—The Pa. Tele ,
egfaph says : On Saturday afternoon
last Messrs. John Sourbeck, Christian
Kendig, Jonathan Novinger and a Mr.
Graham went fishing in the Susquehan
us, at Dauphin, in a skiff. They had.
not got fur into the river before the skid'
ran upon a rock. In getting it off, three,
Messrs. Sourbeck, Kendig and Gra
ham; got upon the rock, where Mr. Gra
ham slipped, and in endeavoring to save
himself, he caught hold of Mr. Sourbecky
and pulled him into the water. A strug ,
gle ensued to save themselves by the
boat, which was upset in the attempt ;
when all three of them were obliged
to sate themselves in the best way
they could. Mr. Sourbeck, who could
not swim, immediately sunk. Mr Gra
ham could swim, and made for the shore,
but sunk before he reached it. Mr.
Novinger clung to the bout until he was
rescued. Mr. Kendig remained on the'
rock until he was taken off by a boat
from shore.
—According to the provisions cif the
election law of Pennsylvania, the volun=
teers, from this State, now in Mexico,.
will have the privilege of voting for
State officers, at whatever place they
may be stationed on the second Tues-.
day of October next. The Captain and
' Lieutenant of each company act as.
Judges and inspectors. In the late war
with Great Britian, Pennsylvania volun- -
tcers held elections in camp, at Balti
more, and camps Shellpot and Dupont.
[l The Philadelphia papers have a'
report of the death of Captain Charles
Naylor, of the 2d Penn'a. regiment.
The Sun thinks there is some error
the announcement, as Lieut. Kaerchner,
who has just arrived from Mexico, con•
versed with the Captain a short timepre
vious to his departure, when he was in
much better health than for some time