Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 20, 1847, Image 1

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    IIt\TI)GDON .JOL':!')AL
VOL. XII. NO. 29.
ability, and has "got by heart" enough
of learning to rank him with the Wise
of the World, may be a fool, since he
lacks judgment and bther qualities of
mind which it is th'e provice of the study
of Latin, Greek, &c., to develop°, ex
pand and strengthen, and which study
has been neglected. One fact is fixed
beyond doubt, viz : The study of The
Languages never distorts, but exercises
the varied intellectual man, by an equal
nhd beneficial distribution to the several
faculties, so as to harmonize and pre
serve the high applauded dell:wee of
Mind. But says some one, "I admit
that every one who intends becoming a
Lawyer, or Preacher, or Editor, or any
teacher of mankind, should devote much
of his time and money to such studies,
and is highly culpable if he does not.—
But what will tepees man gain by study
ing The Languages?—what profit is it
to Merchants, Farmers & Mechanics, to
waste their tiMe pondering over musty
[Fur t:te Huntingdon Journal." ]
Greek and Latin books 1" How prone
alas to forget the moral and intellectual,
filLktiFS.," and centre all attention on the Physical,
No. I. man's baser third ! NVhat better proof
Improvement of Mind, of fallen and degraded state 1
Man is by nature highly intellectied. Well, does a poor man have no soul,
The genius of thought and faculties of " noble intellect 1 Clio such a frail
power are implanted iiehlin by the great excuse shield and fr ehelter him froth
gation to improve to the utmost those
Creator who makes it incumbent upon
every person to cherish and cultivale capabilities, and seeds of immortality
which God has implanted in his aurae?
those precious gifts and talents which .
He has bestowed. Mind makes the Man. Must man seek first and above all just
to Call out and strengthen those facul
isViewed in this aspect tile human tees
tics by which to circumvent his neigh
capab!c.of infinite improvement; and
there is no limit to the progress of (milieu hoc, and gather in die money 1 Is this
the sole end and aim of being--is this
society. Who dare deny that strong ob- .
ligation rests upon every one to cullivat e the way to improve the talents given by
mid train all his intellectual powers the Great King 1 If so, better at once
Who dare neglect his nobler faculties, have a University established, where
antl turn in with all might merely to eat
all the rudiments and exercises which
and drink and sleep, to pamper his body i tend to prepare young men for becoming
and passions, and waste all time in deba. talented counterfeiters, adroit swindlers,
sing mind, and exercising the baser fa, genteel thieves—in a word for gradea
, thug youth in all such motley making bu
ulties, absorbed with corporal cares and
worldly schemes t How many
forget siness, shall be taught at reduced prices.
But not so, truly. Let the intellectual
die jewel, of which the body is but the
necessary dross, at clayey fixture for pre. and moral obligations be tittended to first
teetion at short tine l—tir how ninny are ,11,1 a all else, as the weightier mat
content with having merely a few trie. tern, but not leave the other, the lesser
duties, undone. SappoSe for a moment
;gent, borrowed ideas, or with a sl,t
minimal of mental training, perhaps tel- the Editor, Lawyer, Physician or Teach
ministered in childhood's theeghtle, er, study Latin and q reek merely-to-4e
hours ; only the shadow of ithi;:h in. them for business and as a source of pe
strnetion lingers after the substance has , cuniary gain. The object is but partial
perished with the spring years of °xis= and the Motitre rather groveling. But
teuce ! And how.many, alas, would will the majoeity of the human fainily,
nourish and nerve the noble mind, and I consent to give up their birth-right to a
fit it for its lofty mission in this world few who, perhaps misimprove it. Is not
and the future, by attempting to fatten' the Merchant, Farmer and Methanic as
and polish it eten by the best of fiction, noble as any mortal who treads proudly
much less by the rottenness of what is upon the Earth 1 Should they be dis
dignified as "Modern Literature!" No qualified for bringing up themselves and
sane man or woman who thinks for cc children in "knowledge and understand
moment on the Nature of the Mind—it, ing," and should they all be denied the
destiny—its Entinater—can deny, how- privilege of improving their godlike fac ,
ever unwilling to practice the admission, ulties to the very widest circumference
that each and every individual wie, Are they unfit for that March of Mind,
would rank with man, is bound to ine that infinite progression which will con
prove his or her mind to the highest andthine throughout eternal ages, and in
fullest, possible and reasonable extent. , which it is every ones duty to occupy a
We owe it to ourselves—we owe it to lofty rank 1 No ! none too poor to im
our race—we owe it to oat Gad! Sere , prole his mind in this preparatory and
words from the Book of Wisdoin, probutionary state. The gates of knoiel
the teachings of common sense are war- ! edge, and the nobility of intellect are
rant sufficient. Argument is unneces- open to all, especially in our Republic.
easy. Then the question occurs, " How The little beggar who sang his Christ
accomplish this iinprovenient which inns caroles through the streets of Mag.
every one needs and 'desires ?" It may debtirg, a miner's son, shook and chan
be answered, by the diligent study of ged the learned world. A Luther! what
the .In-cid:l Languages, headdition, mid would he have been without his study
as co-operating
influene to costume of Latin and Greek. That rage,ed us-
Education, and the use of the Bible as chin picked up front the streets of Lou.
a text book of schools and of life both don, and taken to Sabbath School by in
in the original languages and trunsln- faithful tenches, is now a Prince in Lan
tion. All Education should be to pre- plps, and a high lied holy missionary
pare as for thinking, living and acting of the Cros,. F,e to. that Shoemaker E w
,TTING OUT or ATER. --,0 onnon S
right, with continued, fixed attention turd' boy bending over his stistp,and lull-stone,
illustration of the beginning of strife is
discrimination ; also for dying right.— his awl and ends around him. Now receiving some new enforcement now-a-
And in the whole circle of Educational ! is the greet Apostle of India !—one of i days, both the illustration and the thing
branches there should be a constant ten- i the greatest Linguists in the World:— illustrated. Mr. Shepard, at Phillips,
dopey to The Book, as a great Centre. Examples of this kind reckon themselves Maine, built himself a fine stone grist
le is conceded that the study of Lau- by thousands. Every person can see milt, house, blacksmith shop, &c., on a
guages is in an eminent degree peen. them around him. Poverty thee is uo small stream which proved insufficient
liarly adapted for mental training, for excuse: Much less is moderate circum- iin its volume of water to carry his wheels.
the improvement of all the intellectual stances an excuse for not studying, and Ile thereupon repaired to a pond of some
powers. Especially are the ancientlan- have your children study "the Lan- eighty acres, lying on a bill above him
guages, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, &c., thus I guages." And who will stand up for and cut a trehth Ity lehith the water tans
In a superior dbgrtb qualified, on account those in comfortable and wealthy. s ir- turned from the pond into his brook. No
6f their own peculiar origin, construe- cumstances, w i
who neglect the utmost tn- sooner had the water commenced run
tion, and material, with other character- prevenient of that part of their nature
Tung through the new cut, than it began
'sties, all which, it is at present unneces- '
whieh distinguishes from the brute ere' to wash the cut deeper, and the deeper it
sary to enlarge upon. English Studies, ation, and perhaps shut out their otf went the faster it gullied, till in a very
even ninny branches of Mathematics spring from the wide and pleasant field short time an awful chasm let out the
which are justly celebraled fir directing of mental enjoyment and cultivation *bole pond upon the little hreeke, and,
and aiding the argumentative powers, opened up by the study of the Lan- swelling into a torrent, swept away Mr.
May be studied in such a manner as to pages.
Shepard's mill, house, shop, and all, and
exercise the memory ahnost exclusively It is impossible from the very nature did vast mischief beside; after which all
unless strict guard be kept by teacher of mankind, and the fallen and shatter- became quiet and the little , brook ran
and scholar. We could point to a young ed Efate of tnind,. for any one without along ne gateably as before, but it had
mart who took the first and highest honor long and arduous study and well train-
no wheels to turn:
from a large Graduating class, at one of ing of the intellectual faculties, to con-
As to the beginning of strife, look rat
the best Mathematical Colleges in our centrate his thoughts, and think and our Mexican war. It has teen nigh emp
land, and yet committed much of Math- argue rightly for any length of time.— tied the big pond.. When shall we see
emetics, even the Propositions and Prob- Persons may talk and vapor nway for the little brook running peacefully along
lems of Euclid to memory, and thus lost hours, as many eves' do, but without I the valley again.--Jour. of Com:
entirely their great, and to many, sole this mental improvement; sound inedita , . -
benefit of training Reason, and the An- tion and self-examinatfon are impossible:L?tornbticly very tVickeilly says that
gumentative faculties. In this =lnner If filo sceptic doubts, let hiniconsult one tWo blooming young hldies got caught
too often, the equilibrium of mind, the John Locke who wrote a "Treatise on out ie a shower eery recently,:toid when
equipoise of the intellectual functions, the Understanding;" in which hespeatte.l they got honn6"ihe said had WasleM
in totally destroyed ; .and he who has mighty well of " The shady of the Fain , , - Oslo} ceThr out Of !heir citeek§
puplished hereafter at the following rates, viz:
$1.75 a year, if paid in advance; $2.00 if
paid during the year, and $2.50 if not paid un
til after the expiration of the year. The above
terms to be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription taken for has than six months,
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( J O' 'To Clubs of nix, or store, who pay in ad
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guages," and compares men of unim
proved minds to Hottentots! All Uni
versities of Learning, and ruling spirits
of the age speak highly attd favorably
of this John, inasmuch as his book is a
Text Book with them. He may speak
truth then. And one Solomon, the %Vise,
singbth after this fashion, in Proverbs,
3d arm., 13-16 v :
.Happy is the man that findeth Wisdom,
And the man that lotted) Understanding,—
For the merchandize of it is better,
Than the merchandize of silver;
And the gain thereof, than flnh gold.
She is more precious than rubies,
And oil the things thou canal desire
Are not to be compared with her." J.
There is nothing which sounds so
harsh and so unnatural to the ear of the
Meek and detrotdd Christian, as the pro
fane oath. And we may add, there is
nothing so disgusting, so unbecoming,
even in the estimation of the unbeliever,
us the practice of this crime against Him
who ruleth all thingsi Yet how often,
nay how constantly do we hear the rude
blasphemy uttered by our fellow-mortals.
The Child just emerging from infancy
into boyhood, yet scarce able to articu
late its parent's name, lisps forth the
ribald oath—the teachings and prompt
ings of mean!
Profane swearer, we plead with you :
utter not again that fearful curse !—for
Ile whom thou art blaspheming may,
ere it passes, your lips, call thee hence to
answer for the deeds of a ibis:Spent life
before the tribunal of an offended and
sin-avenging God. And oh! what would
you not then give to have that oath re
moved—that insurmountable barrier be
tween you and your God! —See that
child as it stands by, drinking your
blighting words as the drunkard quaffs
the poisonous bowl. Think of the ex
ample you are showing it. Soon it will
attain the same proficiency, by your,
perhaps, unconscious tuition, in this
direful practice that you nrt tie* itiasttr
of. Think of this—Think of your God,
and blaspheme no morp.—[TomsoN.
Ileroism---What i. IL?
''One murder makes a villian,
Millions make a hero."z—Bisliop
. The day was, and perhaps now is to
some extent, when to be a hero was to
be a villian, a cut throat; when to gain
this title it was necessary to tread the
rough and thorny road of carnage and
dessolation amid the revelry of glitter
ing spears, and the roar of thundering
cannon. But thanhs to the influence of
t 'hristian truth, , onl ii[litehed reason,
a new era is thawing upon the world,
the age of moral chivalry-Lwhen herb;
ism shall b 6 manifested, not on bloody
fields of human bucthery, and amid the
smoking ruins of burnt cities, but on the
broad field of moral conflict, where many
deeds of peaceful rivalry shall decide the
claims of the aspirants for fame. The man
who Siterifices the most foi' his race in
propogating truth, who shall breast with
the greatest moral courage the assaults
of tyrant wrong, shall best deserve the
name of hero.
Who does not say speed the howl—
And rho does not give a hearty IT S ,
praise for the consummation of that pe
When men shall call
Full mall his brother—each shall tell to each
Ilia tale of lore—and pure and holy speech
Ito music for the soul's high festival.
While Porkdom was yet in its infan
cy, when its pigs did hot attain to half
the fat they now boast, and its Corti juice
was twice as "genooine," an old lady,
the owner of "an extensive clearing"
cultivated by three study sons, made her
appearance at Cincinnati with the inten
tion of taking passage iii thfi first siife
boat "bound down river." Her chief
motive for this trip, was a long-promis
ed visit to a friend residing at Memphis,
but prudently wishing to combine profit
with pleasure, she brought with her a
large supply of nicelyLdured hams; ea
pecting thereby to realize a sum which
would leave a respectable surplus in her
pocket after the expenses of the tour were
Following the advice of the landlord
of the house where she stopped; (he ivas
of course very disinterested) she re
mained in totth some ten days longer
than was necessary. When, finally, one
fine day becoming fully assured that "no
severe gale was to be expected," she
had herself and "traps" embarked.
The captain of the boat thus honored
belonged to that class of men so poorly
represented everywhere but among the
commanders of our Western Steamers,
being at all times and in all places im
perturbably polite, self-possessed, and
good-natured, possessing moreover a rich
vein of dry humor; . which he delighted
to exorcise in hoaxing too officious in
termeddlers with his own concerns. In
the midst of the hurry and bustle conse
quent on "pliting off," our window rush
ed in front of flit , ciiptain, and seizing
him by the coat, thus attacked his pa
"Now, Capting, or you certain sure'
she won't burst? Don't trifle with the
feelins of a feeble woman (the lonely re:
lict,.by the way, iiidighbd qOO aVoirdu
pois) at this orful crisis? Ef I should
be bloomed up inter fragment, all thru
your decepshins ' Capting, and be made
the mother of three dezolate orphans,
ther'd be a dreadful reconin for you at
the great day bf ingurrectibg, now I tell
The Captian assured her there was no
danger, but at the same time told her the
Safest plan would be to shut herself up
in state-room farthest aft, where he szp . t .
a waiter to conduct her: She hesitated
but finally went, with an earnest parting
admonition that "the Capting should
send somebody to let her know jest as
sooh as the boat begun to blow up."
The unfortunate lady was just begin
ning to feel morn calm, when she .was
startled by the loud ringing of a
bell, accompanied with the strangest
sort of a voice, which seemed to say 'all
the gemmen and the boat mutt go doWn
and settle.'
"So it is a-goin down! Oh! Lord oh!
Lord Whar on airth is my big band
boxl Some body fassen onto inc this
life-preserver, and put a rope under me!
So them Germans is a going down al
ready! I knoived they would, the tar=
nil fools, when I saw 'em down stairs
thar! Oh! Lord! oh! Lord! My hams
will be wasted; and only ter think of
them poor boys ter hum! Isn't thar
some kind man that will swim ashore
with mel"
No one volunteered; latvever, before
the captian came along, and was at last
again succesful in quieting her.
Soon after they passed a small land
ing, where an opposition boat, also bound
down, was taking a few passengers,
which, before the former had advanced
three fourth§ bf a Mile beyond this point
put off, and fired up in a manner that
showed her captain determined to "conic
in at least a length ahead." The "hos.
ses" on board the first boat became very
naturally "considerably riled," afid most
earnestly Urged the captain to "put on
the gas" and "never mind the consc
quenses." But lie was one of those
"averse to racing," and whatevef ides
he might have secretly cherised that it
wouldn't do to be beat, evaded a direct
reply by saying, "the wood on board if
used economically might possibly not
last to the next yard."
The anxious Widow had-been mean
while watching the movements of the
bolt In the rear, and began to partici
pate in the general excitement. •At last
she approached the captain, and remark
ed that "thit was a craft behind sailing
dreadful fast."
'Why really, Madam, so there is!' was
the answer.
"Wal, you ain't agoin ter let it go by,
are yowl"
"Perhaps it would be dangerous to in
crease the fire, Ma'am."
The old lady was bothered, and re
turned to her post. " The object of her
regard" was approaching too rapidly,
however, for her peace of mind--She
again "made tracks" for the anti-racing
man; exclaiming—
"Oh! Capting! do just put OM or
ihtee more sticks of wood on that fire!"
",‘Mits'nt wake wood; Ma'am."
'‘Wal, for Heving's sake, heist thar
'nothing else on board that you can
mak,e it burn with'!"
"I doii't think ofanything, madam, ex
cepting your hains."
The old lady reflected a moment, but she
could bear the suspense no longer, and
with the expression of a person going
into fits, exclaimed—
"Put 'cm or! Capting! Put 'em on!—•
Who keers! Who's afeered! 1 aint! =
I'd derned site rather be busted up than
beat, any time! put 'em on!"
The souts which greeted the old lady's
"remarks" would almost rival those sent
up before Jericho or Monterey—and
even the boat appeared to share in the en
thusiasm, for her paddles seemed imme
diately to double the number of their
revolutions, and it was not long before
hbr ambitious rival was left at a distance
which the passengers of the first unani
mously declared "lent enchantment to
the view."
The 'widow' was a perfect 'lioness' for
the remainder of the trip—and on arri
ving at her destination was agreeably sur
prised by the full return of the money she
had paid for fare and freight, together
with 'them' hams, accoditilt, by a
most urgent invitation froin4e.eap*h
that whenever she travelled :bat 'route
again, she would except th . e best berth
in his boat, free of expense.—.Y. Y.
Spirit of the Times.
tvelsn ixtaims!
At this moment, when the suflbrings
of the Irish people engross so largo a
share of public sympathy, the following
sketch from an Irish character, may not
be found unintei•esting: The story-teller
prefaces the incident by stating that he
found an Irish family, of a husband,
wife; and several children, on one of our
lake steamers. Thex werein great des , .
titution ; and the beatify of the children
was the theme for the admiration of all
their fellow travellers. At the request
of a lady passenger, who, having no
children of her own, was desirous of
taking one Of the little Irishers and
adopting it, time narrater addressed hart
self to the head of the fainily. do
not know the author of the sketch, and
give it as we find it :
"Although," says the story teller, "1
had considerable doubti as to the result,
I offered my services as a negotiator,
and proceeded immediately upon my
delicate diplomacy. Finding my friend
on deck, 1 thus opened the affair:
"You are trery poor !"
His answer was characteristic.
" Poor, sir 1" said he " ay, if there's
a poorer man than me troublin' the world
—God pity both or uz, for we'd be about
Then how de you manage to support
your children ?"
"Is it support then, sir ?" Why, I
don't support them any way; they get
supported some way or another. It'll be
titrie enough for me to complain when
they do;"
j' Would it be n relief to you to part
with one of them 1"
It was too sudden ; he turned sharply
"A what, sir V' be cried; 14 a relief to
part from me child ! Would it be a re
lief to have the hands chopped from the
body, or the heart torn out from my
breast '1 A relief, indeed . 1 pod be good
to us ; what do you mane V'
"You don't understand me," I replied.
"If now it were in ones power to provide
comfortably for one of your children,
would you stand in the way of its inter
" No, sir," said he; 'the heavens
lino* that 1 would willingly cut the sun:
shine away from myself, that they might
get all the iVarin of it ; but do tell us
What you're drit , ing at."
I then told him that a lady had taken
a fancy to one of his children ; and, if
he would consent to it, it should be edu
cated and finally settled comfortably in
This threw him into a lit of gratula
tion. He scratched his head, and looked
the very picture of bewilderment. The
struggle between a father's lore and a
child's interest was evident and touch
ing. At length he said :
" 0, murther, would'nt it be a great
thing for the buby But 1 must go and
have a talk with M'►ry--that's the mother
of therm ; an' it Wouldn't be right to be
giving away her children afore her face,
and she to know nothing at all about it."
"Away with you then," said 1, "and
bring ; me an answer back as soon as pos
In about half an hour he returned
leading two of his children. His eyes
were red and swollen, and his face pale
from excitement and agitation."
" Well, what success 1" I enquired.
" Bedad, it was a hard struggle, sir,"
said he ; " but I've been talkin' to Mary ;
an' she says, as for the child's good,
WHOLE NO. 598.
may be the heaVena above ',vill give us
strength to bear it." ..
"Very well; and which of them is it to
bet" •
an' I don't know, sir;" and he
run his eye dubiously over both.—
"Here's little Norah—sl the oldest,
an' won't want her mother so Much; but
then—O! tear an' aigers—it's myself
that can't tell which I'd rather part with
least; so take the first that comes with a
blessin."There, sir;" and he handed
over, little Norah. Turning 'back, he snatche her up in his arms and gave
her one long, hearty father's kiss, say.
ing through his tears:
':.:Nliytiod be good to hiin that's good
to you; an' thin that offers to hurt or .
harm; may their souls never see St. Pe
ther." .
Then taking
, his other child by the:
other hand, her away, leaving No
rah With me.
I took her down into the cabin, and
Ire thought the matter settled. It muel
me confesSed, tb illy great indignation;
however, in about an hour's time I saw,
my friend Pitt at the window. As soon
as he caught my eye, he commenced ma
king signs for me to come out. I did soi
and found that he had the other child in
dt.' hat's the matter now?" said, L
"Well, sir," said he, "1 tisk ybut par
don for troubling you about so foolish a
thing as a child or two, but we were
thinking that may be it would make no
differ. You see, sir, I've been talking
to Mary, au' she says she can't cart
With Norah, because the creltiure has Et
look oir me; but here's little Bibby, she'
purtyer far; ah' if you please, sir, will
you swap'!"
"Certainly," said I, “whehel'er yon
So he snapped up little Norah, as
though it wdre sotne recovered treasure;
and darted away with her; . leaving lit
tle Bibby, who remained with us all
night; but lo! the moment when We en
tered the cabin in the niorning, there
wits Pat making his mysterious signs;
again at the wihdow, and thli time
he hdd the youngest, a- bally, in hie
" What's wrong now 1" I enquired:
"Be the holiey fly, sir, an' it's meself
that's almost ashamed to tell you. Yott
see,l're been talkin' to Mary, and she
did'nt like to part With Pforal; because
she had a look ov Me, and, be my soul,.
I can't afibrd to part with Biddy, because
she's the model of her mother, but
there's little Paudieen, sir. There's a
lump of a christian for you, two years
Old, and not a clay more; he'll never be
any trouble to ahy one, for if he takes
after his mother, he'll have the bright
est eye, an" , iflte.takes after hi§ father,
he'll have a fine broad pair Of sholders to;
Mush his way through the world. Will
you strap, sift"
"With all my heart," said I; "it's all
the same to inc. " And so little Nudieen
was left with us.
Ah, Ah," said Ito myself, at I
into his bi g laughing eyes, " the af:
fair is settled atlast;"but it was'nt, for
ten minutes had scarcely elapsed when
Pat rushed into the cabin; krithbut ,sign
or ceremony, and snatching up the baby
in his arms, cried out : . . _ I• •
"It's no use ; I've been talk in' to Mary
an' we can't do it. Look at him, sir ;
he's the youngest of the batch. You
tyould'nt have theheart to keep him
from us. YOu see, sir, Norah has a
look ov me, and Biddy has a look ov
Mary; but, be my soul, little Fondledu
has the mother's eye an' my nose, an'
little bits ov both ov us all over. No;
sir, no; we can beat hard fotthn6, star
vatibn and tniseri-isbut we can't bear to .
Part from our children, unless it be the
will of Heoien to take them from us.
following is told in the Tennessee Re
When the 2d Teneess,ep olunteers
were hack at Corla Gordo by the
hurricane of grape,canister and musket
ry which seventeen pieces of artillery
and near three thousand small arms had
hurled against the advancing Columns,
cutting down nearly a third of their
number in the short. fir) ac c of three
minutes, Col. Haskell assembled the
scattered regiment and refiirined it in the
chapparel for a second charge. Gen.
Pillow, on coming up and casting his
eye over the gallant little band, was so
dtruck with the ditnunition of their num
bers thai he demanded, "'Where is your
command ; colonel? there are not half of
' them here!'' '-They are there sir," re
plied the intrepid Haskell, pointing to
wards the enemy's batteries—"they are
there, sir, dead and dying on the field to
which they were ordered!"
.Mother, what is a hush?' 'A hush,
child! I. don't know—what Makes you
ask that questionl' "Cause the ether
day I asked Jane *ha made her back
stick out so, and she said husiz?'