Correspondence oldie Huntingdon Journal.] BIRMINGHAM, July 7, 1847. MR. EDITOR :—lf we had no other Omens of ascertaining, than the annual visits of those who call upon us to let us know that they are willing to receive a nomination for some office on the dif ferent tickets, we in the country would know that the time is coining ; and it has often suggested itself to my mind, whether it was not the duty of the con ductors of public Journals, to speak, and to speak freely upon the subject of our primary Elections. I have some times thought I would try my hand at writing in regard to it myself, if no one else did, but some how I never could get myself up to the work. It has now occurred to One, whether, I might not accomplish What I desird if I suggested the matter to you, and asked your views. In order that you may understand, 'what I want, and what I belieVe descry- !ing of some strictures, 1 will give you a • limit of my own notions, trusting that you will carry out the subject more at length. To me it seems a great error, in hob. est, faithful, and well meaning partisans, when they desire a nomination for some i ! Office, to set about, either by fair means DT foul, to get delegates elected pledged' to secure their nomination • and I will tell you the reason why I think so. It engenders a personal strife, which sep , orates warm party friends. It begets and fosters factions which win the par ticipators away from the great question at stake—the general good. It makes all the other parts of a ticket of secon dary importance, while the single and most desired office, is the main object. it makes the Convention of Delegates; not a body, consulting what shall best secure the honor, welfare and success of the party, and its cardinal principles ; and thus give beauty and strength to our organization, but a meeting of one man's br a set of men's friends, who are to con sult how they can best patch up a ticket Which will be strong enough to carry their load; or which in other circum stances shall prove a loadfor their friends ns well as the party. Will you oblige your readers; by giv ing the above a place in your valuable paper, and making it the subject of your Own reflections for your readers, and !oblige A PRACTICAL WHIG. [For tho Huntingdon Journal;"] EDUCATION. Ma. CLARK:—Amid the very impel.. Teet condition, of most of our schools Tor elementary instruction—a really good primary school may be fitly compared to a garden in the wilderness or an oases in 'the desert. Such a school, under the tare of Mr. R. A. MILLER of Huntingdon, I had the pleasure of hearing examined on Saturday the 11th instant. The ex ercises, though not protracted nor exten ded to a great number of subjects, were 'delightfully varied and proved ,highly iti teresting to the numerous and intelligent auditory. The classes in Orthography and Reading spoke with proper deliber ation and unusual distinctness • while the responses of the more a dvanced classes, were exceedingly prompt and in 'variably accurate. Being unused to Write, I will not attempt a particular des cription of the various exercises. They were all fully equal to any thing of the kind I had ever witnessed either in town or country, at home or abroad; and re= fleeted much credit oh the pupils, their teacher and their friends. But Class No; 4 in Geography, a study recently intro duced into the schools merits and must receive a more special notice. This class was rapidly questioned on the. definitions and general outlines, as well as many of the minutia of the subject, for at least three quarters of an hour, not by their teacher only, but by others—and did not mis-answer a single question or hesitate for a reply! This may appear incredible to those not present, especially .ivhen I add, that this astonishing, proficiency is the result of scarcely eight meek; study, and that too by young children, some of whom had not, perhaps ; before eirer look ed into a Geography. Doubt it who may, I aver it to be true; and that with out the least coloring or eicdgeration, as the many surprised and delighted spec- tators can abundantly testify. But the recitations, good as they were, tiare not the only, nor indeed, the prin. Opal excellence of this admirable little school. Far from it. The lively inter est, fixed attention, exact order, and per fect self-control of the pupils—these con- Stitute its chief merit; distinguish it from the multitude of schools in the hountry, and make it a model worthy of all imitation; These eheracteritities of the school, felled, too, the most deseried credit on the teacher, indicate the Cause of his early promise, and will, if I mistake not, ensure his future success. They show tdriClusively that though young in years, he has sidted his mind with the thoughts of maturity ; that he has escaped from the prevailing, but mistaken and degra ding netted, that the Teacher is a mere instructor, whose duty is confined to the paltry business Cif asking questions,hear ing tasks, and solving problems; and Imbibed correct views of his responsibil ities and the qualifications netessary to meet these responsibilitied, With ease end pleasure to himself and benefit its his pupils. While lie keeps in sight df these great, cardinal principles, and en= tertains and cherishes these enlarged tiod ennobling views, he may confidently hope to be a blessing to the community, for which ho labors—an ornament to the profession in which he has already taken a respectable stand. Z. [BY REQUEST.] [From the Hollidaysburg Register.) OUR NEXT SENATOR. Ms. EDITOR:—As the time for putting in nomination a candidate to represent the Senatorial District composed of the counties of Huntingdon, Bedford and Blair is drawing nigh, it may not be ahiiss to solicit a PUBLIC interchange of opinion on the subject. It is one in which the people are deeply interested, and they ought to be fully and fairly rep resented. No one can doubt that the candidate ought to be selected from among the citizens of Blair County. Bedford, as far back as my recollec:. tion runs, has been represented in the State Senate by Piper,,Fore, Barclay and Mullin, fifteen out of the last eighteen years. For several years she has been ' represented in Congress by a Burd as well as a Mann. She has had an Audi tor General; a State Treasurer, two Ad , . jutant Generals, and many other high honors conferred on her. She may be considered ambitious, but that is no fault. She iN no doubt, modest and un assuming. . Huntingdon has been ring the last three years by the Hon. John Morrison—a man who faithfully and diligently attended to her interests as well as to to those of Bedford. I un 4erstand that she does not now put in er claiin. She is truly Very 'modest and retiring. She has been content to do the voting during the last twenty years. In 1836 she elected Maclay of Mifflin and Merrill of Union to the Con stitutional Convention. In 1838 she ino , destly receiVed a Candidate to fill the vatancy . in the Senate of two years., for Which she elected Maclay of Union to the same place for a full term. In the same year she rolled up a thousand Whig majority to elect a candidate from Centre county to Congress, and he was defeated by 150 votes. It was then evi , dent that she must do better or suffer the opposition to triumph. In 1840, she creased her majority so as to elect the same candidate to congress and Mothers of Juniata to the Senate: In 1842 she again polled a large majority to re=elect the same man (Gen. Irvin) to Congress. In 1844 she elected Blanchard, and in 1846 in connexion with Blair, she re elected him with an increased majority, although many Whigs voted for Wilson on account of his locality. All the oth , er . eounties in the district giving major , ities against the Whigs. fiCrery one will concede to Huntingdon and Blair the high honna of doing the voting for the Whigs. This is all well enough so long as it may last, whether from an honest devotion to servileness or from ; other motives. When such things may cease to be is it not reasonable to expect former results: Blair dbulity, although yet in her youth, has her rights and her interests to attend to. She needs much nurtu ring although a promising child.—She refuses to cry although she may sigh deeply. Great pains have been taken and [tinny sacrifices made by the differ ent nurses, but fears are entertained that she may set up far hdrsdlf lorig ere she arrives at the full age of Maturity: If she should do so who could compleitil Who in justice and honesty could . say she aid iirongl Who, let me ask whoi A CITIZEN. The alark Pf s. PIIILADELPIIIA, July 9, 1817. „ FLOUR AND MEAL.—The flour market line further declined. Sales at $5,58 a 5,50 for fresh ground, and $5,374 a 8,25 a 5,19 for western, the market closing at $5,25 Ike *stern and 6,60 fur l'enna. 11cc Flour—Prices nominal. tides of Penns Corn Meal at $3 per bbl. - . GR ADJ.—Wheat-I' a sale pf 4000 bushelk on private terms—we quote $l,lO n 1.15 per bushel. Rye—n sale at 75 cents. Corn— Sales at 75, 73 a 70 cis tar Pentid yellow, data —Pcnna tit 50 to 45 eta. 13 ALTIIIIOiIE, SUiy b. fio*arti street Flotir at $5,25 to 5,37; and City Mills at $5,50. Yellow heat at 00 to .103 eta. White Corn at 64 add yeilott, at 64 to 66. Rye dill at 80 to 83 ctti. PITTSBURG, July 1. The foreign news has had a depressing eltect upon the markets, and prices of Flohr now range at front $4 to 4,18 i ; red Wheat 80 eta; yellow Corn 44 eta. MARRIED, In this borough, on the Bth inst., by David Snare, Esq., Mr. JAMES D. WOOD of Barree Forge, to MISS ELIZA E. BORST of West township. In this borough, on the 2d inst., lay the same, Mr. &mai. Liori to Miss MARGA RET HAMILTON, both of Mifflin county. DIED, In West township on the 3d ultimo, Mrs: PATIENCE MAGUIRE, consort of Mr. Michael Maguire, in the 75th year of her age; The deoeased was among the earliest settlers of this Country, find *Mt her husband braved all the Inirdships and privations incident to the life df a pion eer. She possessed great energy of character—a clear and diseriiiiinating mind. No wayfarer ever called at her door and was turned away hungry; naked and not clad. In her death society has lost a worthy member. She was a kind and affectionate wife and mother—and many will mourn her loss. G. In this t drough, on the Bth inst., Mrs. SUSAN MILES STEWART, consort of Mr. J. G. Stewart, in the 35th year of her age. DELEGATE MEETINGS AND COUNTY CONVENTION, THE Democratic Whigs of the several Townships will hold meetings, at the usual places, on Saturday, August Bth, 1847, for the purpose of electing two delegates to represent their several town ships in County Convention, to be held in Huntingdon on Wednesday, the 11th day of August, 1847, to place in nomi nation a Ticket, to be supported at the coining . election. The Committee would urge upon the friends of truth and order, the impor- 1 Lance of attending the primary meetings. All who love their party, its principles, its organization, and desire its success— and believe it the safeguard of our Laws and privileges, should be early in the fields and faithful and untiring in his en deavors to secure success. Neglect of a first thity will bring coldness and care ' lessness•, in the perforMance of subse quent ones: Old Huntingdon has array ed herself already among the faithful.- She must maintain, her post of honor. A. W. BENEDICT, J. W. THOMPSON, JOHN READ, JACOB SNYDER, A: HI BUMBAUGH, A. ALLISON, E. ORBISON, JAMES MAGUIRE, P. P. DE k% EES, J. M. STEVENS, JOSHUA GREENLAND, JAMBS.CLARKE, JOHN WOOPE, . ISAAC WOOLVERTON, County Committee. Religions Notice. Tyi - Divine Permission, the corner-stone of the German Reformed Church of MeConnelstriwn, will be laid on Wednesday the 28th inst. Several ministers from a distance are expected to he present. The iostallMion of the Rev. H. Heckennao, Will Mao take place at the eamb time. The exen cisea till cometence at 9 o'clock, X. M. The public are reapbctfully invited td 'attend. PtTELTO SALE) d A tvelling house and Lot. AGREGABLY tti tith last Will and Testament of John &tart, Esq.; Irate of the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court-House in said borough, on T'uesday, the 1016 day qf August next, a large and commodious two story Duelling House, with a Store-rodm v .r, ih front and A 'nick bUilding thereto "" annexed, consisting of three rooms _ and a kitchen, situate on the corner of Bill and Franklin streets, arid near to the Pennsyl vania canal. The above property is well calcula ted for public business. Alsip, at the same time and place there will be sold, three shares of stock in the Juniata Bridge, and a judgment rs. the Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana Turnpike company, a credit for - which is entered upon the books of said company. Terms made known hn tiny of sale by JAMBS LYTLE, Surviving tiecitiar; jly t9:'47zts. AD.W.NISTR.iTOR'S oPTICC Estate of Jacob Van Tries, Esq., late of Warriorsmark twp., dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that betters of Admin!. isttation do he said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate aro retinesmd to Make iinntediate payment, end those having claims against it will present them duly authenticated,•to DAVID RODEYASI, ily JANE VAN TRIES.' NwracE THE heirs of Mrs. Mary Smart, Into of the bo rcugh of Huntingdon, dec'd, will meet for the settlement of her estate, at her late residence in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 9th day of August, 1847. This is to give notice to all persona having claims against said estate to present them then and there for settlement, and also to those who are In debted to said dstate tq cants forward and hettlb the sarrie. J. G. SMART, jly t 3 '47-3t.] On behalf el the Heirs. ,Sheriffaiity. FCrriatria:—l offer myself to your j 2 consideration as a candidate for tho ollicb of - - - 312c1C5161:flafrEPE nt tNo ensuing getoutl election, and respectfully solicit your support. NATHAN W. GREEN. Birmingham; July 13, 1847. To the Voters of Huntingdon County, FELLCir CITIZENS:-tieing encouraged by a number of my friends, I niter myself us a candi date for the (Alice of at the approaching PaU election, and should I be so fortunate as to reactvo a majority of your votes, I pledge myself to disehsrge the duties of raid office hdhotably and to your satisfaction. ' MAW/1E W CROWNOVEM Henticiddn tp., july6•tG To the Voters of Huntingdon County T the solicitation of a nunlbei of thy `Mfg A frientld, I offer myself as a cahtlitlate fcir the office of auhject to the riecision of the Whit County Con vention. Arid shohld Ibe so fortunate as to be nominated end elected to said office, I pledge myself to perform the duties thereof with fidelity and Im partiality. LIEORGE SIPES. Cromwell iP., julY6-1947. To the Electors of Huntingdon County : take this medium, thiough which to oiler Myself to the consider ation of the Democratic Whig and Anti-Masonic Convention which will convene in the borough of Huntingdon on the I I th of August next, as a can ()Waite for the oliti•e of and if nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the Mike to the hest of my WILLIAM SMITH. Union tp. julyl 1847. S. Steel Blair, A TTORNEY Al' LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa., / - 1 Will attend attend to all business entruated to his carcin Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana noun• ties. aprH•'4Q SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exp. and Lev. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county and to me directed, I will sell at public sale at the Court House Door in Huntingdon Borough, on Monday the 9th day of August next, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described Real Estate, viz : All that certain brick building, one story high, with basement, situate on lots Nos. 4 & 5 in the recorded plan of Huntingdon borough, extending from Hill street to Allegheny street, Contain ing in front on Hill street feet, and in depth feet, which building is inten ded for a Church, and the lots of ground and curtilege appurtenant thereto. Sei zed and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of St . . John's Church, Huntingdon, owners or reputed owners, and Chas. B. Callahan, architect and contractor. 4LBO, All the right, title, an'd interest, of cob M. Cover, in a lot of ground on the west side Of Main street, in the town of Casstrille, adjoining tho Methodist Epis copal Church Lot on the south, Lewis Stever on the West, and David Stekter on the north; under fence. Also—in and to a let of ground lying opposite the said lot adjoining a lOt now of Caleb Swoope on the south, Lewis Stever's land on the west, and David Stever's on the north, containing about two acres; with a small dwelling house thereon erected. The said lots are claimed and occupied by Nicholas Miller. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jacob M. Cotier. .4LSO; All that certain tract of land situate in Tell township, Huntingdon county, containing 90 acres more or less, adjoirr ing lands of Hugh Doran's heirs, Wm. Orr Esq., James Pattison and Isaac Giflbrd'si heirs, about 80 acres of which are Cleared, having thereon a log bath, a two story log dwelling house; a kpring houe and an apple Orchard. Seized arid Inkbn in execution, and to be sold as the property of Robert McFarland dec'd, in the hands of John Slcinner his Executor, With notice to Terre Tenants; .ALSO; AU the right; title,' and ihterest of William Woods, in and to all that lot of grduild, late the estate of Wm. Woods, dec'd, fronting 50 feet on the southernly side of Allegheny street, in the borough of Huntingdon, and running back to the bank of the Juniata River, the same be ing No. in the town plot of said bor ough, having thereon erected a log dwel ling house and a plastered two story building adjoining same, fronting on Al:. ldghedy street; and o log stable. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold rt's the property of Williani Woods. All that certain tract of hind situate in Tell township, Huritingdcin County; edritainirig idi acres; More or less, with about 125 acres Cleared; adjoining lands of John Gooshorn, George Godshorn, Gdoshorn; Nicholas Gooshorn and the Shade Mountain—having there on erected a small log dwelling house and St stable, Sze. Also, ail the right, title, and interest of Christian CoutS, in; and to, Lot No. 192 in the town plot of the borough of Huntingdon, fronting 50 feet on the north bide of Mifflin street and running back 200 feet along Mont gomery street to Church street—having thereon erected a brick building former ly used as a Presbyterian church, and a small log building. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop erty of Christian Couts: ✓7LSO, All that atriall piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Shirley; con taining fourteen acres and allowance, lying on the bank of Aughwick creek, and adjelinitig lands of the estate of L. Barkgtressbr, decd, and lands of James %V Galbraith—being cleared and culti vated; acid a sitiall plastered house and stable thereon; Seized And taketi in ex ecutioh, and td be sold ds the property of James N. Thdnipson, dec'd, with no tice to Elliott Robbley, Terre Tenant. ./ILSO; A small piece or parcel of land situ ate in the township of Clay, adjoining lands of Christian Kudrna»; Tho Mas Skipper, & William Bradley, contaitlin r ,ff about 35 acres, more or less, about 15 acres of which are cleared—htiving thereon erected a small house & a stable. Seized ai►d taken in execution, and to be sold as the PrOPerty of David Bradley. ALSO, A tract of land lying on the southern side of the A. P; Rail Road &bout 1 mile above Hollidaysburg, in Blair tonttishipi containing 180 acres, more or less, ad.; joining lands of John McCohan; Win; Holliday's heirs, George Buchanan and others—about 120 dares of which are cicared- , -having a large frame bank barn; a kig dwelling hbuse and. an apple chard thereon. Also—all that certain lot or part of Lot ltd. 144 fronting on Juniata street, in Hollidaysburg borougH —which Defendant eurthased from the Atlm'r of James Martin, deed, adjoin ing his Brick Tadern house--having thereon erected a two story dWelling house With store room and two frame shops and a two story store room. Sei zed and taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of John Dougherty, ,(Innkeeper.) ✓LLSO, All that certain lot of ground situate on the north side of the great road in the town of Orbisonia, in the township of Cromwell, fronting about 50 feet on said road and running back 160 feet, more or less, bounded on east by a lot of William Ritter, and on the west by William Bush--having thereon erected a siiiall frame dwelling house, a black smith shop 1. 4 .5 d a log stable. Seized and taken in executida and to be sold as the property ofJaCob Fl'AltCr. :dLSO; All that small piece or tract of land lying on the tvaOrs of the EarA. Branch of &one creek in Jackson township, I I untingdon county, containing 27 acres, he the same more or less—about seven acres of which are cleared—adjoining lends of William Stewart, William Mc- Dowell, dc'd, Rawle & Others. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Joseph Kyler. ARMITACrE, Sh'ffi Sliff's Office, Hunting don, July tB, 1847. RZIOLSTIIIVS NOTICE. NOTICE, is hereby gß'eti to all persons concerned; that the folletVing named persons have settled their accenhts in the Register's Office; at Enntingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre sented far Confirrnatioh and Allclwahcb at an Orphans' Court to be held at Hun tingdon, in and for the county of Hun tingdon, on Wednesday the 11th day of August next, to wit : 1. John P. !.schnerr and Jacob Corfman, Exea utors of Philip Schnell., lato of Union township, 2. Moses Robeson and William Porter, Etecu tors of jno. NA'att, lute of Barrer, township deed, who was (with George Wilson, Ezec'utore df Mar:. garet Clayton, dee'ds. 3. Thomas Weston and Mailin Weston, Exec . - utters of William Weston, late of Warrior Mark township, deed. 4. Abraham Buck and Azariah Sockets, Ei.ecti tore of Samuel Spdnogle, late of Warrior Mark township, dee'd. 5. John Whittaker and Jacob rockier, Execu tors of John Whittaker, lute of the Borough of 11 untingeon, dee'd. • 6. Daniel Af ice, surviving Executor of Michael Africa, 161 e of the Borough of Huntingdon, deed. 7. Nathaniel Kelly, Executor of David Bowman, late of nublin township, deed. B. William Gansimer and John Owens, Exec utors of John Gansimer, late of Franklin town ship, 'deed, 0. George der, uttli Atto executor of Israel Cryder, !rite of Flirter township, dec'd. 10. John W. Thompson, Administrator of Jos. Thompson, late of West township, deed. 11. George Jack and David Barrister, Adminis trators of John \A heeland, Into of Franklin town : ship, dec'd. 1 12. Jacob Taylor. Administrator of Barton De Forrest, late of Pod township, deed. 13. William Edwards, Administrator of Bobett Edwards, late of Tod township, dec'd. 14. Samuel Carothers, Administrator of W illiam Cdrotherk, late or Shirltiy (now Crdmivelli tavn ship, dec'd. 15: lungs Athriinistrator of G eor ger Mil ler, late 0 Jarkson township, deed. 16: David Snare, Adrhinistrator of William Stewart, late of Henderson township, dec'd. 17. Thomas W, Neale ' Administrator of Jacob Hagie, late of Tell township, dec'd. IS. William B. White, Administrator of Jacob White, late of Hepdertm township, dec'd. .• JACOB NIILLER, Regssier , Ritotirmit's OFFCR, Hun tingdon July 13, 1847. It Cents Reward, RAN away from the subscriber, living in , the ba rough of A'exandria, on the 20th ultirho, an indented apprentice to the shoetnakintt business, veined James Claughbaugh. Said apprentice Is shout 14 years of age, about 4 feet high; had oh when he absconded a cassinct frock coat, blue dril hug pants and cap, and other clothing not recor• locted. All persons are eantitened against trusting or harboring said boy on my account, as I will,pay no debts of his contracting. WM. D. SHAW. July 1 3, 1847-31. EsTICAY. CAME to the residence of the auhserther living in. Shirley township, Huntingdon county, a fine young SORRELL HORSE, rising live years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay ges and take hint away, other wirio lie will fie iliirptised of according to SAMUEL SHAVER. jlyu64t. SADDLE, HARNESS & LEATHER MANUFACTORY. friHE undersigned take this in'ethod 61 1 informing their friends and the pub lic generally, that the folcividtig dilute rated together with all Manner df work pertsiitleg to their business, will be illaphsed of to purchasers, and made up td order in d Workthanlike and ap proVed style, very cheap, for cask or country pro duce. All that is neassary lbr those who wish to be acconimoilated in any article in their line of hiiminess, will call at their shop, Three dbors west of Baby's JetSlry Es tablishment, HUNTINGDONi Where the pUblic cah nit ail times be accommated with Red and Oak Scile. Leather, Skirting; Harness and Bridle Leather, UpOr Leather, Calfskins, Spanish and Country Kips anti Sheepskins. ALso, a first rate quality tif 13 and'l A 411 SHOES, ler .Alen, Wbmen filar. -4 41114 and Children, of -r- +ill qualities and prices. • l'hey continue to carry on in all imitations . , .branches, Sri 1./DIA: and HAR- I - 4 s t , NESS making, and are ready ti , their eirstoinius With all - kinds of Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bagi, Plush, Ifogskin and Tub fide-saddles, (froM the cheapest to the best.) Alma, Shaffer Saddles, of all kinds, Waggon and Carriage dimness, &i -dles, Collars, Whips, &c. MI of which will be disposed of cheap for Cash or any kind of country produce. The high est price, in trade, given for 11,44 luiden, miff Mules, hook, &c. J. J. & .1. ii. ill:mil/Witt. jezt:'47-sin. N. B.—Two apprentices will he Wren at the above ratteolishnient if application he made thion. HEALTH MADE EASY lOU THE 'EUI'LL• or Physical Training, to make their Lives in this World Long and Happy, by the rluthor of 6 , Education: 4$ It Is, Ought To Be i and Alight Be," First American, Edition, with Ildditions : Being an elementary and interesting treatise on Self Knowledge. Containitg short and entertain• ing articles on Food, Heart, revel, Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Itecteations, Digestion, Liver, Brains, Old Ag,. Blood ! Lungs, Mind. Man, Secretions, Arteries, Scnsrn , Woman, Head, Veins, Health, Disease, &c., &C., dm Together with the Great Secret—Success in Life hoW attained—How to do Gontl—('cures and F. Teets of Error-11 abits—Passinns— WIIMAII described— M an'a Errors--Rich and Ponr--Sexes--Virtue and Vice--Youthful Boyne hoW delicate—Woinan's Virtues, Ambition, The whirle deXidned for %'e noble purpose of im proving and extending education -iiititigst the peo ple, imparting valuable knawleile op the illysiol ogy of the human frante• pad the i ;tva Which gov• em mental and bodily health, c e.l, /t nyiterson sending 2f3 cents encjosed in • letter shall receive one copy by mo,d, o. five copies will he sent for $l. Addiess.pnatfige U. B. ZlEek:ll & Cc , may 26-47 ly] 00.1 This valuable work contains (in duoire'eimo form) 177 pages. Great Spring and Summc r Medicine. TT ANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable or Pills.—Fifty pills in a box— The eheap6st and best medicine in ex istence—for purifying the blood, remov ing bile, correcting disorders of the sto mach and bowels, costiveness, dyspep sia, swimming in tliti had &c: Per sons of a full habit, who ttfe subject .to headache, giddiness; drb 2 A•silless; and singing in the ears; arisiiig from too great a flokv of blood in the should never be tvithut Aunt, as initny &Angel ous SynaptoMs will be entirely carried off by their immediate use. Read the following wonderful cure of dyspepsia : This is to certify that my «•ife was afflicted with the Dyspepsia for 12 years, and tried both advertised medicines 'mil Thomsonian, but without effect ; and my• self attacked with blindness, and my head otherwise affected trom hard drinking, so that I Was allPfilhEnsiv 2 o of fits ; s atid see ingHANCE'3 SAOSAPiRILLA PILLS advertised, I went and got a bOX of them, which, to my astonishment; Cffeeted a cure of me and my wife both. I think them without a rival before the public S. H. HALL, Albemarle st. near Wilk. For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Balti more at., and corner of Charles & Pratt sts., Balt. [11'61,44 AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Hunting don; Moore & Sn-nope, Alexandria; A 0. Brows►.; Shirieysburg ; W. W. Buck anaii Mill. Creek; Spencer & rlood,Wil liarnsburg: Syrup of liorelkound. FURTHER PROOFS OF THE EF-: ficacy of Hance's Compound Syrup of Hoarhound in relieving afflicted man. Mr. George T. Warrington, residing in York street; Federal Hill; Baltimore; was attacked with a Violent cough and sorb throat. After trying Many eine dies, he was induced by a friend to use Hance's Compound Syrup of Hoarhound; and before using one bottle was entirely cured; .dnother yet more astonisAing.—Mrs: Henrietta MOrrick; residing in Monu ment atreet, between Canal and Eden streets, was attacked with a very sc here cough and pain in the Breast,which was so intense that it extended to the shoulders. She was afflicted also with a path in the side. After trYink Many remedies, she Was persuaded by h. friend to use Hance'O Compound Syrup Of Horehound, and of ter using three doses, she experienced great relief, and before she had fihished. the bottle was entirely cured. Price 50 cts. per bottle, or 6 hottleO for $2 50. For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore st., and corner of Charles and Pratt sts.; Baltimore. [oc2By AGENTS-'l'. Read & Ssn, Huhtifigdon; Moire & SWohpe, Albxandria ; Spen'c'er & Fleod; Willinfusburg ; W. W. Buch anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. BrOWne; Shit Ileysburg. .11DMIXISTR.dTOR'S .NOTICE. Estate of Elizabeth Brotherline, late of ' the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Atl- Mitiistitition have been gralitel to the butler signed on the said estate: All fiersitha indebted tOsaidestate are requeited in make immediate pay. tnaht, ant( persoriti litivitig claims will ittesent them tfuly atitheitticited for settlement. jel.6.6t] DAVID BROTHERLIKE, J. SEWELL STEWART. Attn.'s. Wotice to Contraelora I)ROPOSALS will he ieceihd for the . r Waking of fire miles of the Spiuce Creek and Wateretrret Turnpike Road, at the mouth of Spimee creek, on Wednesday, the 7th July next. It will be let itt quarter mile section, end required to . be coinniet,ceJ on or , her° the first of August next ana the complete l ou 130 before the first of Deeeniber following. Plahs add apeaiticatibnii of the work will he ex hibiied it the tinie and place of letting. :security will bc required of contractors for their perforenarn By order a the Boa =l, . . % 3. FORNEY, Sec'i. je23:*47-ti . nio•rucc I , 8 heref,y gir it to the Sinekhorden. of the Spruce Creek & %ValeraGeis! 'l'Urnpike butt Company, that two and a half per rent on the Capital Stock subscribed, is requirml to he peel to the rubs, fiber: no or before the Irt ofZugust inert. DATIL HIT W A RT, Trerts,r,r julyfi-lt