Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 13, 1847, Image 2

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Huntingdon, Tuelulay, July 13, 1847
V. B. PALMER, Esq., N. W. corntr Of Third
and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. is dilr authorized
agent for receiving advertisentents and suhsclip
tions, and collecting and troceipting for the some.
Da- We invite attention to the article
on our first page, beaded " British and
American Iron." Let it be read by the
Laboring man as well as the Manufac
"Reasons for the study of tire
Languages "—a well written etiniintint
cation-fhas been received, and shall ap.
pear in our next.
In less than one month you will be I
again called upon to renew your organ
ization, and put in nomination a County
'Ticket, to be supported at the election in
October. Are you prepared to enter
upon these important political duties
with that cordiality and unanimity, so
essential to the healthful, energetic and
united action of the entire party at the
polls 1 A "Practical Whig," writing
from Birmingham, calls upon us, (after
throwing out some important hints of
his own,) to give our views in relation
to the primary arrangements of theparty
—and without any desire to dictate, we
comply with the request of our corres
pondent, by proceeding to make some'
general observations to our Whig friends
in relation to coming political duties.
The election of last fall (being the
first since the diVision of the county)
established one important fact, beyond
all cavil or dispute, viz : that the Wings
have a very decided majority in Hun
tingdon county; a majority which, if
we are true to ourselves, can and will be,
more than doubled at the coming elec
Our ditty, then, what Is it ? In the
first place, it is of the greatest impor
tance that an unexceptionable County
Ticket be formed ; a ticket, around which
the undivided party of the county can
rally with unanimity and enthusiasm.—
It is not for us to say who shall be put
upon that ticket. To the people of the
several townships, in their primary meet- i
ings to elect delegates, belongs the im
portant duty of deciding on the claims
and qualifications of those named in con-'
nection with the various offices. And
in our opinion, the only legitimate (pies•
lions in regard to a candidate for office,
are, " Is he honest 1" " Is he capable'
" Has he been a faithful and consistent
Whig 1" " Would he, if nominated, add
strength to the common cause, and if
elected, be of service to the county, and
a credit and advantage to the party which
elects him 1" " Does he, in short, com
mand the respect and possess the oonfi•
dence of the people 1" If these can be
answered affirmatively, for every one
put in nomination, further inquiry
would be superfluous and irrelevant.—
And we do not hesitate to say, that such
a Whig County Ticket, headed by the
honored names of laviN and PATTON,
will receive a majority in Old Hunting
don that will send a thrill of joy to every
Whig heart in the Commonwealth, and
carry dismay into the ranks of the office
The people should be careful to turn
out in their strength at the primary meet•
ings, and in all cases select as their del•
egates, honest and tried Whigs, who
have the good of the cause at heart, and
who would not therefore trade off the in
terests of their party to promote their
own selfish ends. Such as are entirely
disconnected with all cliques, and who
are unpledged to particular candidates.
This system of "making delegates" is
pernicious, and if tolerated, will even
tually end in the destruction of the or
ganization of the party. We do not de
sire to be understood as objecting to can
didates announcing themselves as such,
or visiting the people personally forhhq
purpose of making the fact as generally
known as possible, but in the name of
the people, we do protest against candi
dates nominating fhemsel yes, by going
from one district to another, extorting
pledges from one or two in each district,
and then managing to have those so
pledged, selected as the delegates for
such districts. Thus leaving nothinK
for the Convention to do but to ratify in
form, that which they had previously
rendered certain by their own ingenuity
and industry. Some of the baneful effects
of this system are forcibly illustrated
by our correspondent above alluded to,
and we call upon all interested, to set
their faces against it.
But while we would caution our Whig
friends against allowing the Convention
to be ' , packed," We Would also have them
be on their guard against the insidious
appromthes of the artful and designing,
not candidates themselves, but who
sometimes have their own selfish ends
to accomplish in the selection of partic
ular men. Such persons are always to
be found about a town in which there is
a „ , t
Court ouse erected, and it is hot un
-1 fair to presume that our ancient Borough
has her fair proportion. Complaints are
often made, and with reason too, in many
inrtantes, of the undue influence exer
cised by these men in making nomina
tions., by pouring into the ears of unsus
pecting delegates, unfair arguments for
and against those spoken of as condi=
dates. Let the People's representatives
beware of theist.
There are professed Whigs, tdo, who
never appear to be interested in any,
thing but nominations. The Ticket once
formed, whether in accordance with
their views or net—in the main—these
men fold thCir arms, and leave others
less officious than themselves in select
ing the candidates, to elect them They
content themselves with being grunabl ers
and of nothing
which is done by the true Whigs to ad•
vance the cause ; and when the election ,
day arrives, it is not rare to see them
illustrate their ardent attachtnent to the
principles of the Whig party, by Voting I
the entire Ticket of the opposition 1—
such men we have no patience.—
Their opinions in relation to political
arrangements i deserve but little atten
tion ; and we would caution the honest
Whigs of the county against the little
petty obje c tions which such persons al ,
most invariably urge against every prom
inent Whig spoken of as a candidate for
office. Let them show by their actions
that they honestly desire the success of ,
the Whig party, before they set them
selves up as its chief counsellors.
The above reflections are the result of '
general observation, and aro put forth
with the view of endeavoring to aid our
Whig friends of Huntingdon county to
avoid errors, which we have seen prove
fatal to the organization and success of
our Whig friends elsewhere. And with
this object in view we commend them,
together with the views of our correspon
dent, to the consideration of every true
friend of the Whig cause in the county,
The Thrift
ido long MOP present tariff remains undisturbed,
the prices of provisions must remain high.—Nosh.
The above is from a pet organ of Mr.
Polk in Tennessee. Since its editor
penned the parapraph Flour has fallen
(says the North American,) nearly Four '
Dollars a barrel, Corn fifty cents, meal a
dollar and a quarter, Rye Flour about
the same and Rye forty cents! With
these evidences of fluctuation in the
prices of Provisions, we cannot be a
convert to the theory of the Union. The
fact is, we are now about to experience I
the full effects of "the blessings and
benefits" of Free Trade and Low Wa
ges. Gaunt Famine in Europe has put
off for a season the hour when the effects
must be developed. Now the person
who would desire a return of the late
high prices of provisions must anxious
ly anticipate tjte news of bad harvests in
England, another potato rot in Ireland,
short crops on the continent and misery
everywhere. Is Mr. Polk's Tariff to be
prosperous only when other countries
are calling upon us to save them from
starvation! Are we to speculate and
grow rich upon the want and misery of
our fellow ceatures! To what strange
shifts is Locofocoism reduced in the sup
port of its most repugnant anti-protec
tive policy.
Di The weather for the past few days
, has been very warm, accompanied by de
lightful showers of rain. The corn,
oats and potato crops are in a very prom
' ising condition.
05i- The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
comb y have determined on making
Wheeling the western terminus of their
The last election, says the North
American, demonstrated that the
whigs are, in a fair contest, a major
ity in Pensylvania. Since that result,
there have been muny and potent rea
sons for a widened and heightened pop
ular sentiment against the party now in
power. A debt, national and nascent,
has spread, and is spreading, it shackles
Over the country, as a spider spins its
web over its coverts it dohstitutes secu
rity and tthpire to executive power, but
a net to die in for the ghats Out of office.
We have direct taxation, endless war,
boundless extension of slavery and oth
er pleasant imperial luxuries promised
in the future. The crisis may be
the last Which the ballot box of free
voters will decide. Before the autumn
of 1848, (should Mr. Shunk be re-elec
ted,' every national issue may be secured
against freedom, by the admission of a
a sufficient number of stolen slave
States to render our birth rights a
The people of Pennsylvania have a
gecat, a holy duty before them. We
fear that they do net realize it. That
a large majority of our people are op
posed to the present war, to the exten
sion of slavery, and to the wrongs done
by the Administration to the country,
we know; but we hold that every Whig,
that every citizen, who, realizing the
crisis, awaits the worst without the
struggle, vehement and vigorous, which
it demands from the friends of the pure,
the peaceful and the eternal Right, is
respontible for the issue.
There are a few to whom political du
ties are pleasant. The grubs that feed
upon and destroy the roots of people's
prosperity doubtless wriggle in their
corruption with a reptile's sense of en
joyment. But the duties of patriotism
to the mass of the people are cold and
pure and stern, and need moral constitu
tions fitted to breathe the inspiring air
whirls is nearest Heaven. We ask this,
all this, from the Whigs of Pennsylva
nia. We ask ardor, vigor, diligence,
attention to ever duty, even the minu
test. What Whig will dare own that
lie is a member of that pure, elevated and
patriotic party after his precinct shall
have been tarried by Locofocos in con
sequence of %% hig lethargy'! Eloquent
words are well enough, and the lip-valor
of aspiring politicians rings with a gal
lant echo in anticipation of unearned
victories. But something more is de
manded. The time has arrived When no
Whig can be regarded as wholly true to
the duty which he oWes to his principles,
who sleeps over a consciousness that his
own vicinity has not been aroused to the
call of the country. We trust that ev
ery Whig in the Keystone will realize
that the responsibility of this contest
rests upon him. And especially do we
trust that the young Whigs, those in
Whose bosoms our country is cherished
and mirrored without 'a taint of selfish
ness, will rally in their counties and
townships for the sacred duty before
them? The result is not the less mo
mentons that it does not ask the sacra
lice which Mr. Polk demands to sprin
kle upon the altar of slavery—the blood
of freemen: but not the less is the duty,
not the lighter the penalty if that duty
be disregarded.
The contest in this State cannot he
doubtful unless whig lethargy renders it
so. The Whig candidate for Governor
is worthy our most earnest and enthusi
astic confidence and zeal. There is no
human virtue that he does not illustrate,
There is no movements in behalf of the
moral amelioration of his kind that his
aid and example do not strengthen.—
Lofty, pure, gentle and charitable in his
personal character, Gen. Irvin is among
the clearest, soundest and most patriotic
statesmen of the nation. Nor will this
praise be contradicted by any respecta
ble member of the party which opposes
With such a candidate, and with such
a cause, there cannot be a doubt, unless
false security or guilty lethargy baffles
the hopes of the party. From every
section of the state we receive the most
encouraging intelligence; but while we
are assured that the majority of Gen. Ir
vin cannot under any circumstances, be
less than ten thousand, we urge upon
our friends the necessity of complete or
ganization, constant activity, and in
short, an ardent and earnest and unti.
ring devotion to the sacred duties before
us—duties which involve, not the mere
triumph of it party but the salvation of
a land—and that the land of our birth
and our affections.
Hon. RICHARD BIDDLE, formerly
member of Congress from Allegheny
county, and one of the most eminent
Lawyers in western Pennsylvania, died
at his residence in Pittsburg, on the 6th
lry- Hon. Ner Middleswuth is propo
sed in Union county as Senator for the
unexpired term of Dr. V% agenseller.--
No better selection could be made. Mr.
M. would be a credit to the district, and
of great service to the State.
BOROUGH ELECTION.—On Saturday last,
DANIEL AFRICA, Esq.,' was elected Bur
gess in place of David Snare, Esq., re
RICHARDSON READ was elected Super
visor, in place of Andrew Harrison, re
The "Catholic Observer," of a recent
date, has an able and interesting article
condemnatory of the outrageous propo=
sition of the administration journal, to
sequester the Mexican cliuiches to de
fray the expense of the war. A more
base, disreputable and sacrelegious pro
position Was never submitted to a free
people, and the Catholics have every
reason to feel indignant at the authors
of it. Indeed it has excited a univer
sal burst of indignation throughout
the whole country. The following are
the concluding paragraphs of the article
in thd "Catholic Observer."
"Moreover it is worthy of note, that
not a press, so far as we have seen,
friendly to the Administration, has de
nounced it. This fact is expressive.
Such a a proposition, made in the official
organ should have excited a universal
burst of indignation throughout the
whole country;but no opposition has been
manifested only by the party opposed on
other grounds to the administration,
the exception of one or two of our Cath
olic presses: There is something alarm
ing in this silence, this aquiesence of
the friends of the Jichninistration:
As Catholics, we of course denounce
POLICY. We bold the property of the
church, the gift of the faithful, the pious,
and the charitable, to be sacred, and
that tt ctinnot without sacrilege he di
verted frbm the purposes intended by
the donors: If our Government may
proceed to divert, to sequestrate it to
other purposes in other countries, it may
as the next step proceed to do it at home.
If it is willing tb do to anywhere, it
shows that it recognises no law of reli
gion, that it holds nothing snored, and
that we have and can have no security
that it will dot do so whenever it has the
power, and finds it or fancies it for its
interest to do so.
But we denounce this proposition still
more vehemently as American Citizens.
W e are Catholics, hut we arC also Amer
icons —Aineriean Citizens—and have as
deep an interest in the honor and pros
perity of our country as those who are
at the head of affairs. We have hereto
fore believed our Government ranked
among civilized Goveimments, and we
wish it to continue to do so still and there
fore are indignant when it attempts to
carry oti a war in ti Manner that is Con , .
trary to the rules of civilizdd Warfare.
It is not in accordance with the modern
rules of war, as recdgnized by civilized
nations, to make war on the religious
and charitable institutions of our ene
mies; and a war of propagandism by a
Government which professes no religion
but recognises the equal right of all to
the protection of the laws, is too great a
solecism to be tolerated in open day."
Vaal and Distressing Accidents.
On Thursday last, Mr. William Wil
son, brother of Judge Wilson, of Lewis
town, was killed by falling front a barn
which he was assisting to raise, near
Potter's Mills, Mifflin county. He lived
but a few hours after the fall.
On the same evening as Col. Wm.
Butler, Gen. John Potter, lawyer John
Potter, Gen. James Potter, Wm. Betonis
and Lex Potter, were coming down the
hill near to Dr. Wilson's, of Centre coun
ty, on their return from a fishing excur
sion, the horses became frightened, end
in endeavoring to stop them, the wagon
was upset; when it was righted it was
found that Col. Butler had his leg badly
fractured in two places below the knee s
the bone protruding from the flesh—sev
eral small pieces were splintered from
the bone, which he himself picked out
of the wound. He suffered excessively
during the night, and some danger of
lock-jaw is apprehended. Gen. John
Potter lied his collar bone broken and
was otherwise injured. Young John
Potter had his collar bone broken and
the bone protruded hear two inches out
of the flesh, Gen, James Potter and Mr.
Betonis had et) bones broken, but were
severely bruised.
No More Gambling,
The law for the suppression of gate•
bling in Pennsylvania, went into opera
tion on the first of July, and its provis
ions are of the tnost rigorous and search
ing character—well calculated to put an
end to all gambling in this State. By
this law keepers of Gambling apart.
ments are liable to a fine of from $OO to
$6OO. Persons engaged In gambling as
a means of living, or found with gam
bling implements, may be imprisoned
in the Penitentiary from one to five
years, and required to pay a fine of $5OO.
Any one inviting or pursuadmg another
to visit a place used for gaming purpo
ses, shall, upon conviction, be hold res
ponsible for the money or property lost
by such persuasion or invitation, and
fined from $9O to $5OO.
It is made the duty of all sheriff's,
constables, and .prosecuting attorneys,
to inform upon and prosecute offenders
against the act, under a penalty of $9O
to $5OO. All suspected places may be
broken open with impunity.
SPECULATION.—So confident were the
New York flour speculators of receiving
favorable news from Europe, that so
soon as the steamer was telegraphed,
they purchased several thousand barrels
at an advance of a shilling per barrel. Of
course, they were sadly bitten when they
received the news!
A Noble Act.
The Harrisburg Telegraph states the
following fact, as one of the many acts
of Gen. Irvin's life Which so endear him
those who know him, and can appreci
ate disinterested benevolence:
About a year ago, the the Rev. Mr.
WILSON, a Presbyterian missionary to
China, returned to this country after a
lengthy absence, bringing with him a
native youth for the purpose of being ed
ucated and instructed in the learning
and religion of the Christian, that he
might be qualified to return to his na
tive land—qualified to dissetninate truth
and cultivate science among the "far off
isles of the sea." The youth was with
out friends and without funds. No one
seemed ready or willing to undertake
the expense of his education. Applica
tion was made to Gen. Irvin. The ap
peal was not in vain. Suffice it to say,
the young man is now a pupil, at Gen.
Irvin's SOLE EXPENSE, at La Fayette col
lege, in this State, where it is ex
pected lie will continue for a period of
not less than five years, untill lie shall
have acquired a thorough education.—
Facts like the above are nuiterous, and
require no iteration, among those Who
know Gen. Irvin. They are only how
adverted to, for the purpose of of dispel.
ling the nialignant slanders, which are
circulated by his political opponents, to
injure him, in the districts of the com
monwealth where his private benev
olence is not as well understood.
steamship Caledonia arriVed at Boston
on Saturday, with 16 days later intelli
gence from Europe. There is no politi
cal news of general interest. Tile ex
treme favorableness of the weather, and
the promising appearance of the grow
ing crops, had caused another decline in
breakstuffs. Flour has fallen 6 shillings
per barrel, Corn 10 shillings per quarter.
The rumors of the reappearance of the
potatne rot, though unconfirmed, have
not yet subsided. The news has had a
depressing effect on our own markets.
The steamer Caledonia brihg no specie
this trip.
had the pleasure of seeing yesterday
Father McElroy, who returned on Sat
urday from Mexico in good health. lie
had not been further west than Mata
amoras. His colleague (Father Rey)
had been cut off by assassination, to the
great reget of every one who was ac
quainted with his holy mission and his
noble character."
from a gentlerrian in Wilkesbarrd i (Pin)
....Business here is brisk. Property is
on the advance; coal lands especially.—
Three sales of very ordinary lands,
worth Very little but for coal, sold last
month-100 acres for $10,000; 140
acres for $13,000; 330 acres for $33,-
000. It almost frightens us; and yet, if
we could reason from facts developed
last year, $5OO an acre would not be a
fourth of the value. The Hudson and
Delaware Company, taking their coal
from this country, 330,000 tons made
a clear profit of ssB2,ooo—more than
a dollar and a half a ton; and an acre
will yield from fifteen to twenty thou
sand tons."
DUNCAN L. CLINCH, the Hero of With
lacooche, has been nominated by a Whig
convention as a carididats for Governor
of Georgia. The convention adopted
resolutions favorable to the nomination
of Gen. TAYLOR as President, and a vote
of thanks was passed to Mr. Calhoun
for his course in the United States Sen
evening at Blultimore, a meeting took
place for adopting measures to complete
the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail
road to fiarrisburg—Gen. Cameron pre
The Vicksburg ‘A hig says that this new
Work will shortly appear. The princi
pal " Generals h sketched are Antonia
Lopez de. Santa Anna i Thomas Hart Ben•
ton, and Gideon Pillow. The Whig
predicts for it an immense—fun
COUNTY PAPERS.—The West Chester
Jeffersonian says, men who do not pa
tronize and pay for their county papers,
have no right to expect their support to
any station. Country editors should
set their faces decidedly and equiv
ocally against such monstrous absurdi
FAME PTE COuratv.—The Whigs of this
Bounty nominated JOHN W. Names
and WILLIAM COLVIN, for the Legisla-
"MEASURES, not men i " is the motto of
the Democratic party.— Wash. Union.
"Exactly," says the Sciota Gazette,
"the Mexican war is one of your meas
ures, but when you want men and
Generals to fight, you cull upon the
Vs hiv."
VITAR Nil Wig;
The New Orleans papers contain
some further news from the seat of war;
which is thus summed up by a cotem
News reached Vera Crut on the 24th,
that the large train which had left that
city on the 18th, strongly guarded and
under command of Gen. Pillow, was sud
denly attacked by n large party of ran
cheros, who lay in ambush about 15
miles beyond the National Bridge. Gen.
Pillow immediately ordered the dragoons
to charge upon the assailants, which be
ing gallantly done, caused the enemy to
make a precipitate retreat, leaving 30 of
their companions dead on the field, and
some 50 wounded; 8 or 9 American's
were lost in the encounter, and some 20
wounded. The guerillas along the route
are beeorning bolder every day and in•
creasing ih ntdribers.
The general tencr of the news we re;
gret to state, is very unfavorable to an
early peace. Accounts frbm the city of
Mexico state that Santa Anna has again
attained to all the power of a Dictator '
by the arrest or removal from command
of such generals as are opposed to him;
and by the more adroit manwuvre of in;
clueing Congress to postpone the count
ing of the Votes for President till the
15th of January next! The 15th of June
was the day fixed by law for that pur ,
pose. By the postponement Santa Anna
prolongs his own power indefinitely, and
for the time being May be deemed Dic
tator if feet, ir not in name.
Great activity Was manifested at the
capital in the work of fortifying the en ,
virons of the city with a view to an obsti
nate defence: Seventy pieces of Artil
lery had arrived from Acapulco and oth
er points, which they were mounting al
fast as possible. The letters mentioned
the arriival of Alvarez ft the head a
8,000 men, and they set down the entire
force in the city at 20,000 alined militia
and 16,000 troops of the line. These
letters further say that the clergy are
taking an active part in the business;
that arms of all kinds were pouring into
the capital, and considerable sums of
money. . _
In the mean time Gen. Scott, with about
5,000 men, was at Puebla awaiting re ,
in forcements, without which it would be
hazardous to move upon the capital. It
Was thought that he would move on, ds
soon as Gen. Cadwalader's division
would come up. Every thing gives in;
dication of ahother terrible conflict be
fore the capital falls into our hands.—
Had Gen. Scott's forces not been redo;
ced by the bungling policy of the Ad;
ministration, he would have been in thd
city long since, without a blow being
struckon either side. As at Buena Vista,
the blood of those who fall in this en ,
counter will cling to the skirts of the
A SIGN.-- , The Imcofoco State Conven ,
tion of Georgia; gave Gen. Taylor the
go by. Resolutions in his favor Were
defeated in their Convention by the
efforts of Mr. Howell Cobb, who was a
member of the last Congress, and wilti
has been re , elected to the next. Mr. Cobb
Was one of those who Voted to censure
General Taylor in the House df Repre•:
"VEL, VOT or ITV"—If Francis R:
Shook did receive $l5O for five days'
services, vot of itl Vy nothing; it
only shoWs hd's fond of change, that's
of Commons on the 11th of June, in re.;
ply to a question from Mr. Bowring,
Lord Palmerston said that an offer of
meditation on part of Great Britain be ,
tween Mexico and the United States
had been Made by the fernier as *ell as
by the present Goirernment, but that at
yet it had not been accepted by either
of the belligerents.
, 4 Der Centre Beobachter," is the
name of a new German paper started at
Aaronsburg, Centre county. It supports
Gen. TAYLOR for President, Gen. JAS:
IRVIIi for Governor, and Maj. JOS. Wi
PATTON for Canal Commissioner.
a steamboat left Baltimore on a pleas
are excursion down the bay. There .
were about 1000 persons on board the'
boat including two volunteer companies:•
The bodt reached Annapolis about noon]
and remained until evening, the pas , '
sengers spending the day in the ancient*
city. Nothing occurred to produce ill ,
feeling until about the time the boat
was prepared to leave on its return• to'
the city, when a difficulty sprung up be-;
tween some rowdies on the boat and °tit:
ers on the wharf:
The affray sotin becatne general, mis
tiles of all kinds being showered to and
fro between those on board and those CM
shore. Finally the rifles of one of the
companies on board the boat NVere put
into requisition, and a number of balls
fired, which seriously wounded five per
sons on shore, some of them respectable
citizens of Annapolis,• who were endeay.
oring to quell the riot. As seen as the
difficulty commenced, the captain cut
loose the boat and ran it out into the
stream, to put an end to the fray. It is
feared that two of the wounded will die
of their injuries.