lIIJINTINGDON jOLß''': - i. Le BY JAMES CLARK VOL. XII, NO. 28. TERMS The " HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" Will be puplished hereafter at the following rates, viz: 21.75 a year, if paid in advance; imam if paid during the year,ond $2.50 if not paid tih til after the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered to in all cases. No subscription taken for less than six months, and no paper discontinued until all arrenrages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. cO• To Clubs of six, or more, who pay in ad vance, the Journal will be sent at $1.50 per copy for one year; and any ono who will send us that number of names accompanied with the mine shall receive the Journal one year for his trouble. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every 'subsequent insertion 25 cents. If no deffinite or , ders are given as to the time an advertisement Is to bo continued, it will be kept in.till ordered out and charged accordingly. THE JOURNAL. [Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal.] 'rim TARIFF. BARREE FORGE, July 2, 184.7. Jas. Clark, Esq.—Dr. Sir t—l have enclosed you an article from a Pittsburg paper, which I will thank you to publish in your Journal, as I think it at this time appropos. Who does not know that Gen. Irvin has always been the steady unflinching friend of a protective tariff 1 He was prominent and efficient in hav ing the Act of 1842 passed. Witness his speech on that occasion—the various letters of members of Congress refering to that period and the convulsed condi tion of the National Legislature, before this act was passed. But it is needless to write dissertations on this subject now—the facts are too well known to he denied. The contrast of the Whig Tariff of 1842 and the Locofoco Tariff of 184.6 is fully set forth in the article from the Pittsburg paper. The facts there speak for themselves. Let mechan ics, farmers, laborers, and manufacturers read it. Let them say then, whether the Loco Foco Tariff of 18.1.6 shall be repealed, or whether the price of Labor shall be reduced to a level with that of the starving paupers of Europe, to sus tain it. The crisis-is approXimating, when we shall be called on to determine—let us act advisedly. If we sustain the pres ent administration, by re-electing F. R. Shank, who is nothing more or less than an " adjunct professor " with James. K. Polk, we say that the British Tariff of 1846 is right—Labor must be reduced, in order to enable the mechanic &c. to com pete with the foreign manufacturer.— Will the free, American citizen submit to this l Can he live on the same kind of food the poor serfs of Europe do He cannot. On the contrary, should we elect Gen. laviN to the Gubernatorial chair of Pa. it will be an entering wedge to the riving assunder of the present Anti-Protective Loco Foco dynasty. Gen. Scott or Gen. Taylor will succeed to the Presidency, and the whole system of British policy will be annihilated. Our country will again smile with joy—our hills and val. leys, will echo with the merry sound of the hammer, and the joyous song of the husbandman. Let us look to it--let us not slumber on our posts. Yours, OPERATOR. From the Pittshurg Journal British and American Iron. The Necessity of a Tariff to the American Manufacturer. In the foreign news published yester day, in the Journal, it is stated that large orders had been received in Eng. land, from the United States for British iron. The prices of Iron in Liverpool are stated to be, fur British .£9 7s. a .£lO ; and for Welsh £8 10s. a £8 15s. This allowing $4 83 to the pound sterling, instead of $4,80, which is the Custom House value of the pound, would make the rates in our money ► for British bar, $45 15 a $4B 30 ; for Welsh, $4l 04 a $42 24 per ton. In regarding these *dues, it should be borne in mind that Merchant Bar Iron in England, or what is usually quoted as Bar bon, compre hends grades of iron which our manu facturers could not afford at less than ten to twenty dollars per ton higher than they can afford and do sell what they call Common Bar. Iron. With this un derstanding, it will be perceived that the contrast we present between British and American hob, is still more striking than our present figures make it. By the Tata' of 1846 the duty impos ed upon this description of Iron is 30 per cent. A toil of British bar iron could be lan ded at New York, from Liverpool, on the following terms: If worth in Liver pool $45 15, the addition of $l3 54 du ty, would bring the price up to $5B 69. If it costs in Liverpool $4B 30—the °tit . . ... . er extreme of the market—the addition of the impost $l4. 49, would advance the ' price to $O2 79. To this must be added the charge of freight. This item, however, is very in considerable, as the iron is principally brought over as ballast. It is much more than compensated by the difference be tween the British and American ton, the latter being 2,000 pounds weight, and the former 2,240 pounds. Thus, even allowing the nominal rate per tbid to be ; the same in both countries , in reality I more Btitish iron would be given for the 1 same money. The value of the 240 pounds of Iron, would in every case, double the cost of freight, but for the sake of the argu ment, we will allow the two items to pass, as of similar amounts. A ton of Welsh bar, costing in Liver pool $4.1 04., would be worth in N, Y., $53,35; if it cost $42,24 in Liverpool, it I would be worth in the United States, 1554, 91. _. _ _ . _ _ . The better quality of this Iron, cannot be manufactured in this country for less than $75 or $BO per ton ; and no des cription of it can be made for less than $6O per ton. The following table shows the posture in which these facts exhibit the iron trade in Europe and America t that is, the prices which iron of the me quail ean be produced and landed Y. by tire one, and sold at. home by.the other, under the act of 1846, indicating the quality by numbers: English Bar, No. 1, American Bar, do., Showing an advantage in favor of the British mant►facture of $19,21 per ton. English bar, No. 2, American, ' 2, Showing an advantage, on the part of the British manufacturer of $16,31 per ton, Welsh, No, 1, $54,91 American, No. 1, 60,00 Showing an advantage on the part of the British producer of $6,09 per ton. The rate given for the manufacture of American Iron in the above, is the low est possible figure at which it can be placed. Welsh, No. 2, X 53,95 American, No, 2, 60,00 Showing an advantage on the part of the British manufacturer of $6,65 per ton. To present our weaning in the techni calities of the trade, we wilt restate the case and the facts in another shape. Juniatta Bar Iron of 11 by a inch in width up, and from 1 inch round and square up, we call our best American Bar, and sell it at from $75 to $BO per ton of 2,000 lbs. This article is about equal to best English refilled Iron, now worth £lO in Liverpool, and capable of beir►g sold in Now York at $62 79 per ton of 2 ► 240 pounds. . . _ . Our iuddled and boiled Iron, of the same sizes, sold at $6O per ton of 2,000 pounds, is about equal to the common English Bar, which can be sold in New York for less than $55 per ton of 2,240 pounds. In the first class of Iron, (British bar, No. I) mentioned above, the English dealer includes portions of iron, which our manufacturers would be totally un able to make for $BO per ton; although we have not made this specification In the tables, These figures demonstrate clearly, to :hose who canbe convinced by any evi v deuce at all, that the iron trade can alone be sustained by a protective tariff:— While their labor is compensated as it is at present, it is out of the question for the American manufacturers to com pete with those of Europe. Hence arises, for the sake of labor, the necessity of a 'Tariff for protection. With inadequate protection the man ufacturer in This country will find him self brought into competition with the European.. He must then either close his estab lishment, or find means to manufacture as cheaply as his foreign competitor.— Must labor be sacrificed 1 That is the question to be decided, for in no other way eau his expenses be reduced Unless protection is afforded by gov ernment, labor must either go idle, or content itself with reduced compensa. Lion. The manufacturer hill not be Compel= led, merely, to discover means for Ma king large profits; or the profits which he is now making. I-1c must provide [CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTER BY TRUTH.] HUNTINGDON, PA., JULY 13, 1847. ttgainst actual loss. After taking the difference stated above between the price of English and American iron, from the rate at which he : is now selling, he will, so far from having a margin left him for profit, be the actual loser. Hence the operation of low duties upon laborers, and the vital importance which the subject assumes in relation to them. In reference to . the interests of the iron trade, the tariff of 184.2 was every way superior to.that of 1846. It impo sed a duty of $25 per ton upon bar iron. . . At the prices brought out bythe Cam bria,The following table shows the differ ence in the rates at which the British iron could have been sold, per ton, at New York, under the two tariffs : British Bar. 1842. No: 1, $73 00 No. 2, $7O 15 Welsh. No. 1, $67 24 No. 2, $66 04 The corresponding qualities of Amer ican iron cannot be sold at less than $BO, $75, or $6O per ton. A glance is sufficient to show that un der the tariff of 1846, the protection is as inadequate, as that of 1842 is suffi cient The former is far below the ac tual ticeessitits of the trade, while the latter is neither unreasonably high nor exhorbitant. We go in for protecting Iron, because, the Iron manufacturers pay liberal com pensation to labor. Upon this ground, we arc content to place otir argument in favor of protecting, by means of a Tar iffs, this great interest of PcnnsylVanith A Nitzamin WOMAN.—Miss Plumley, in her journals of travels in Palestine, gives this discription of the women of the city of Nazareth. There had been a wedding on the afternoon of her arri val ; and in the evening, the bride with a bundle of clothes on her head, was es corted by a troup of girls with music, round the town, to the house of her hus band, where they, remained clapping their hands, and with the aid of a few drums, making a grat noise until a lute hour. $62 79 80 00 $5869 75,,06 The Syrian Greek women are, beyond comparrison, the loveliest in the world ; We saw many of those of Nail - treat, who came down with their pitchers to the fountain Nabor for water, in whom were visibly united, all that painters may en deavor to picture—all that poets dream. Thefeatures combine perfect propor tion of the Greek model, with the char acter and expression of the daughters of Israel; their figures, the united deli cacy and voluptuousness of form, which the finest statues possess. The cos tume of those we saw this evening, was well suited to their wearers. Their long hair, which plaited fell over their shoul ders, and was in many instances orna mented with great numbers of gold se quins, and sonic perals; in others, flow ers of brilliant hues replaced the "pearl and gold," but all wore the full, loose trowsers, drawn tight at the ancle, (which, not unfrequently, was encircled with silver braceletts,) the petticoat reaching only to the knees, and the un der vest open at the breast. It is neith er boddice, tunic or jacket, but some• thing between each. JEFFERSON'S OPINION ON %VAR.-NCI , er was so much false arithmetic employ ed on any subject, as that which has been employed to persuade nations that it is their interest to go to war. Wore the money which it has cost, to join, at the close of a long war, a little town, or a little territory, the right to cut wood here, or to catch fish there, expended in improving what they already possess, in making roads, opening rivers, building ports, improving the arts, and finding employment for the idle poor, it would render them much stronger, and much wealthier and much happier. This I hope will be our wisdom." —Jefferson's Virginia. [jam A late Baltimore Sun contaiiis a notice of a new and valuable description of wheat raised by Capt. Henry R. Smelt zer, of Middletown valley, Frederick county. It is called "Polish whent,' and the heads contain from 90 to 120 grains each, about as much as three heads of ordinary Wheat. It branches and grows fiery much like rye, ripening Bor 10 days earlier than other descriptions, yielding a smooth White grain, and is said to be never effected by either mil dew; smut or fly. Mr. Sineltzer has a field of this wheat which it is supposed will yield 40 or 45 bushel's per acre. It?' Falh'e'r killed himself last Sat urday week in Clarksville, Tennq in consequence of the bad conduct of his sons 'The act which itnmediately led to his seeking refuge' In death ? wee the dc• tection of his son MEE theft front the fno'• ney drafter of a grocery,. for Athich• he iN now irr ptiPon • Bh IfiusTiiteue.„ There is no situation in life; which affords so much comfort and enjoyment as that of having body and mind con stantly employed. Although there ap pears to be itt the minds of most people a natural antipathy to labor, yet it is well kinitvn t and generally admitted by those whose cirettlffstances !mire at tithes required incessant labor, and at other times perfect exemption from care, that there is vastly more enjoyment in indus , try than idleness, It is thn plain and express• duty of every persim to be in- dustrious, and to improve every hour of their time, Ih the full exercise of their natural strength and faculties, in the most useful employment. No circum stances in life can furnish an excuse for the neglect of this duty. We would not in these remarks, wholly proscribe rec reation; but a well balanced mind will find the most healthy and pleasant recre ation in exercises Which are decidedly useful dhd beneficial to themselves and others. For example ; a boy takes pleas ure in the exercise of hauling a little cart loaded with earth er stones, though there be no advantage in the removal of those articles : but does he find any less pleasure, under a consciousness of doily , good, when removing the same materials 'from a place where they were an eneum' brance, to another place where they are wanted I Certainly not. Or if a thiss finds pleasure in walking in the fields, that pleasure is rather enhanced than otherwise, if she can accomplish some thing useful by the Walking. It is a common thing for men, during their la , bor, to derive an enjoyment from the anticipation of the pecuniary cotopensa. tion Whieh they are to receive therefor; but this kind of enjoyment is far info- rior to that of one who rejoiees during his labor, in the consciousness of per• forming a duty Ind a sense of Divine Approbation. The scriptures of Divine Truth, which alone furnish perfect laws and rules of duty, and guide to happi ness, contain many injunctions to indus try and diligence in business; and that for the purpose not of anuiring wealth, but of doing good, 'l'ho word " avarice, 3 ' is not to be un• derstood to imply a desire of earning or gaining, but of retaining or hoarding what has been acquired of wealth. The three several injunctions—" Let no man seek his own (merely) but every man another's wealth;" "Let him labor, working with his hands the thing that is good, that lie may have to give to hitti that needeth ;" and " Love thy neigh bor as thyself," may very properly be considered in connection, The line of duty between avarice and extravagant liberality, has never been fully defined. 1846. $62 79 $5B 69 $54. 91 40339 It appe . ar's reasonable to many pious minded people, that a mechanic should • • own at least a set of tools; and that by the same rule, a farmer should own a farm ; a merchant a store ; and that all should have houses to dwell in ; and this principle extended, may lead to the most extravagant avarice. But our subject is the duty of industry and diligence in business, independently of circumstan ces ; and if any man entertains and cherishes the true principle of sympa , thy and benevolence, deriving more pleasure in relieving the sufferings of his fellow mortals, than in the posses sion of such articles of Vittilth es are not utterly indispensable, there Will be no danger of his being either idle or mi , serly. But the neglect of improvement of an hour of time is as decidedly a crime, as the wasting of money Or prop , erty ; and the negleet . of doing good to ! others when opportunity occurs, is deci dedly incompatible with the character or hope of a true Christian, for ,‘ he that knoweth to do good and does it net, to him it is sin." A son of Erin, just arrived in this land of plenty, being in want, ventured to solicit a little aid from a person whose external appearance seemed to indicate that he he could easily afford it, He tras, however rudely repulsed with a "Go to hell." Pat looked at him in such a way as to fix attention, and meekly re plied, "God bless your honor for your etvilityi for you're the first gentleffian c s in-kited me to his father's house since 1 come to the land." A Locofoco Editor out est is at a loss whether to support Gen, Taylor or Slim; Wright for the Presidency: Prow tice sees no reason why he should hesi , tate. The habits and characters of the' two men are entirely different. "A lit tle more grape, Captain Bragg!" . —that's Gen. Taylor. "A little Wire juice of the grape, landlord!"—that's Silas Wright. L The Boston traveller says a pas. , imager shipsto plied at quarantine lately, when a rinsaefiger itiquired, "And what Country is this, ski" "It is Deer Island," was the reply. "Oh, murther, and hate I been on this long voyage, and got back to deal' Irelon4 again. I thought you would have been bringing me to Kure!" FIRST MAW IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. The first tune seemed to Put the whole company in extacies. The raw boned „Paring the summer folloßring the ter- man, who was so much opposed to tent rrNhation of the Black Hawk war—being penance tracts, pulled out a flask of among the first of the down east emi- whiskey, and insisted that the " gal," as grants to the country then barely evac- he called Miss E. should drink. Another, tutted by the red men of the forest— of the Coinpaby laid down a dime, and Dr. A. of Baltimore; removed to what *rtted "that's worth" more of the has since become a small town near the I " Forty pains," as the name of the in- Illinois river, by the mime of strument had come to him after travel- The doctor's family was composed of ling through some five or six pronuncia-. three young ladies and his wife; all of flans. Ant/titer', With a bread grin on. whom were performers on the piano, his face, declaring that he would giVe and one of them possessor of the instru- his claim and all the truck on it, if .his tnent in question. darter could Ia -e sbch a cupboard. Thu As is usually the case in all newly set- " pine fort" man suggest6d that if that tied places when a "new corer" makes sort of music had been in the Black his appertance; the neighbors (that were Hawk war, that Would have skeered the to be) held collected together for the per- Inguns, like all holler: pose of seeing the doctor's " plunder " It is needless to say that it was late unpacked, and making the acquaintance , at night before Miss E. and the otter of its possessor. ladies of the house could satisfy their Dr. A's "household" was stoweU delighted hearers that they Were all away in seven large wagons—been firet tired out. The whole country for twen packed into pine boxes, on which Were'ty miles around ruing with the praise of painted, in large black letters, the con , Dr. A's "consarn," and the " musikel tents, address, &c. kubburd !" The doctor immediately One wagon after another *vas unload- had any quantity of patients—all of ed without much sensation on the part whom, however, would come in person of the little crowd of lookers-on, except I for advice, or for a few "agur pills " but an occasional exclamation similar to the none of Whoin would leave without hear following, from those who had never seen iiirr " forty pains:" the like before : 'With an easy way arid d gdod natured "Glass! This side up With cafe !—I disposition; Dr. A: stion firmed ah ex.:, Why I tho't this ere feller was a doctor. tensive acquailttOttee,. obtained d good What on yearth is he going to do with practice and becaina a popular Man.— that box full of winders 1" I He was elevated to some ;:cf the most re . This side up with care!" exclaimed snonsible offices in tilt , gift of the peti t:Me. `• lie's got his paregoric and ple —oneof which he held at the time of-spike fixens in that, Won't he lizie of hie death. So much for the charms them agur fellows down on the river." of -a Piano Forte. In the last wagon there was but one large box, and on it was printed the words " Piano Forte—keep dry and han dle carefully." It required the assist once of all the bystanders to unload the box, and the curiosity excited in thel crowd upon reading the foregoing words, and hearing the musical sound emitted as it struck the ground, can only be gathered by giving a few of the expres sions that dropped fgom the opectatoid. " rine fort said a tall, yellow-haired, fever and ague looking youth ; "wonder if lie's nfeered of the Injuns 1 He can't scare them with a pine fort." 44 K=ee=p d , r-y " was spelled by a large raw boned man, Who was evidently a liberal patron of " old bald face, and who broke off at the letter " y " With, "consarn your temperance karacturs— you needn't come round here with your tracts," He wns interrupted at this point by a stout built personage, who cried out— " He's got his skeletons in that, and he's afeered to gin them liquor, for they'd break out of he does ! Poor fel ler I—they must suffer powerfully." "Handle carefully," said 'amnia in a red hunting shirt, and the size of whose fist as he doubled it up, was twice that of an ordinary man. " That's some live critter in that. Don't you hear him groanl" This was said as the box strtitit the ground, and the concussion caused a vibration of the strings. No sooner had all hands let go of the box, than Dr. A. was besieged by his neighbors, all of whom were determined to know What were its contents, and what were the meaning of the words Piano Forte, On his telling them that it was a musical instrument some reck oned that it would take a tonal sight of wind to blow it, others that it would take a lot of men to make it go, Ste, The doctor explained its operations as well as he could, but still his description tans anything but satisfactory, and he could only get rid of his inquisitive neighbors by promising a sight at an early day. Three days—days that seemed like weeks to the persons above mentioned —elapsed before the pretnises of Dr. A. Were arranged for the reception of visitors, and various and Curious were the surmises among the settlers during this time. Dr, A. and his'plunder, were the only topics of conversation for many miles around, ' The doctor's house had but one lower room, but this was one of double the or. dinary size, and the carpets were all too small to cover the entire floor, hence a strip of bare floor appeared at each side of the room. Opposite to and facing the door was placed the " Pine fort."— All Was ready fol. the admission of visi tars, and Miss E. was to act as the first performer. The doctor had but to open the door, and hale a store of men were ready to enter: Miss E. took her seat, and nt the first sounding of the instru ment, the whale party present rush in.— Some wont directly up to the critter, as it had been dolled on account of its hav ing four legs—some, more shy, remain-* ed close to the door, where, if necessary, they could, More easily make their es ! cape whife others; who hitd never seen . a carpet, were observed walking around on the strip of bare floor, lest by tread ing on the " handsome kaliker," they might spoil it EDITOR AN I) PROPRIETOR WHOLE NO. 608. TIIR SPRING llst Would ap pear by Miss Fuller's titcount of it, is as uncongenial as that of our own boreal region, Hti last letter to the Tribune speaks of it in this wise: "The excessive beauty of Ottitia well known, and the iMpression upon the eye alone Was correspondent with what I expetted; but alas! the weather was still so cold I could not realize thdi ' I had actually touched them,: shares to which I had looked fbriVard all My life, where it seethed Mitt the heart would expand, and tht+ii:hole nature be turned to delight. Seen by a cutting wind, the , marble palaces, the gardens; the Magni; ticent Watering view of UenotitO charm. "I saw, not felt, how beautiful= ly they were." Only at Naples have I found my Italy, and here not till after week's, waiting—not till I began to be lieVe that all 1 had heard in praise of the climate of Italy was a fable, and that there is really no Spring anyithere ex , cept in the imagination of poets. For the first week was nn exact copy of the misserries of a "Ndit Etigland Spring; i bright sun came for an hour dr two itt the morning just to flatter you tbrth without your cloak, and then—and theii —came up a vilanbus, horrible wind, e nctly like the worst Bast wind of Bos ton, breaking the heart, racking the brain and turning hope and fancy to no irrevocable green and yelloW hue in lieu of their native rose: At Genoa and Leghorn, I saw for the first time Italians in their homes. Very attractite I found theini tharining wo; men, refined Men, eloquent and edurte ous. If the cold wind hid !tally, it could not the Italkths, A little group of faces each so full of character, dignity, and what is so rare in an American face, the capacity for pure exalting passion, will live ever in my memory—the fulfillment of a hope." - A Tart Reply. Alet 'Junius, the great French dram - - atist, is of colored origin. A capital story is fold of him in a very late num ber of glackttood's Magazine. It seems that a person more rehnirkable for in quisititeness than fdr correct breeding —one of those who, defoid of delicacy and recklessness of rebufl; pry ink% eVerythifig—took liberty to question M. Dumas rather closely cancerning his genealogical tree. (Yoe are n quadroon, M. Dumas?' he began,' am sir,' quietly replied Dumas, whd has sense enongh not to be ashamed of a descent he cannot conceal. 'And your intherl .Wtis a muluto.' 'And your grandfather!' 'A negro,' hastily answered the dratil , atilt, whose patience was waning. 'And rimy I enquire what you great grand=father was?' 'An ape sir,' thfindered Pumas, with a fierceness that Made his impertinent interogator shrink into the smallest pos sible compass. - 4n ape,• sir--4ny ped- - eotntiiences where yours termi, • VERY NATURAL.—A country girl ' said to her brother, "She could ;yot see what it wit+s that made him go so often and stay so late to see one girl----for her part she had rather have the company of one young man than twenty girls."