initivritTaing. DECLARATION INDEPENDANCE. IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776. 1 WHEN, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary .for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to as sume, among the powers of the earth, I the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's Goa entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind, requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident —that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights ; and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the con sent of the governed ; that whenever ally form of government becomes destruc tive of these ends, it is the right of the , people to alter or abolish it, and to insti- • tute a new government, laying its foun dation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such forms, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long es- 1 , tablished, should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly all experience bath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing inva riably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism —it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to pro vide new guards for their future secu rity. Such has been the patient suffer once of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former system of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct ob ject the establishment of an absolute tyrrany over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing im portance unless suspended in their oper ation till his assent should be obtained ; and when so suspended, lie has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of, people, unless those people would refill.; quish the right of representation in the legislature,—a right inestimable to them' and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies, at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly,for opposing with manly firm ness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative pow ers, incapable of annihilation, have re turned to the people at large, for their exercise ; the state remaining in the meantime, exposed to all the danger of invasion from without and convulsions from within. He has endeavored to prevent the pop ulation of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for the naturaliza tion of foreigners, refusing to puss others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropri tions of lands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws, for establishing judiciary powers. Ho has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and cat out their substance. He has kept among us,in time of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislature. He ins affected to render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction, foreign to our con stitution and unacknowledged by our laws ; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation. For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us. For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states. For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world. For imposing taxes on us without our consent. For depriving us, in many eases, of the benefits of trial by jury. For transporting us beyond the seas, to be tried for pretended offences. For abolishing the free system of Eng- lish laws in a neighboring province, es tablishing therein an arbitrary govern ment, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example ann fit instrument, for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies. Fur taking away our charters, abolish ing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the powers of our govern ments. For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicted government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroy ed the lives of our people. He is at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to com plete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already began, with circum stances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civil ized nation. He has constrained our fellow citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections among us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and con ditions. In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms ; our repeated peti tions have been answered only by re peated injury. A prince whose charac ter is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. . . Nor have we be . en wanting in atten tion to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time, of at tempts made by their legislature, to ex tend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the cir cumstances of our emigration and set tlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity-, and we have conjured them, by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably in terrupt our connections and correspon dence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of consanguinity. We must there fore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them —as we hold the rest of mankind—ene mies in war—in peace, friends. Ws, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, for the rectitude of our intentions, Do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly pub lish and declare, that these united colo nies are, and of " right ought to be, free and independent states,—That they are absolved from all allegiance to the Brit ish crown, and that all political connec tion between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dis solved ; and that as free and independent states, they hare full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, es tablish commerce ; and to all other acts and things, which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Signed by order and in behalf the Congress. JOHN HANCOCK, President Attested, CHARLES THOMPSON, S ecretary. ID:- If the sun is going down, look at the stars ; if the earth is dark, keep your eye on heaven ! With God's prom ises and God's presence, a man or a child may be cheerful. nj..A lie has no legs and cannot stand; but it has wings, and can fly far and wide. CONSUMPTION CU RA .ILIL 1 1 ; • Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar Wood Naphtha: NFLAMMA TION of the mucous membranes is the result of 601110 impression made upon them by cold or other causes; hence Chronic, Ca- tarrh, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, re• suiting its Consumption, Gastritis, diseased Liver and Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, ettc. From incontestible is proved that Thompr on's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha is a specific in these complaints—allaying irritation, promoting healthy secretions, and removing the existing cause of disease. Thousands have used it, and can bear testimony to its efficacy. FARTHER PROOF !! Philadelphia, March lot, 1546.-1 hereby certify, that in consequence of repeated and neglect ed colds, my lunge became seriously af fected, and for a long time I have buffered with violent pain in the bi east.obstinatecough and difficult expecto ration, the sytnp tome daily inc reusing in vi olence. 1 had re course to various reme thee, with no avail, until ! used THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR, which effected a permanent cure before I hail taken three but. ties. E. EVANS, Fayette street, below Ali h. Principal office, N. E. corner of Fifth and ?prime streets. Sold by Simonton & Jones, Huntingdon: J M. I,in,6ey, Flollideybburg. !'rice 50 di; per bot tle, or per dozen. [deet..6rn Philadelphia Advertisements. HOVER'S FIRST PREMIUM INK, NO. S 7 North Third Street, Philadelphia. From Dr. Hare. the celebrated Professor of Chemistry in the University of Ponn'a. l'hiladelphia, Oct. 11,1843. "Dear Sir—Having tried of your Ink, I will thankvou to send me another bottle, as I find it to beexcellen.t. lam yours, truly, ROB'T. HARE." Front Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguished for his numerous scientific researches. Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, January 17, 1844. Having used Mr. Hover's VS , riting Ink, I am satisfied thatit is the best which has ever come tomy knowledge, and especially is it excellent for the use of the Steel Pens, and will not corrode them, even in long use. JOHN LOCKE, Prof. of Chemistry." Mover's Adamantine Cement. From a well known scientific gentleman. —" Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1846. Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of your Ce ment, and some practical tests of its superiority, has nduced me to recommend it to others as an invalu able article for mending China, Gloss or Cabinet Ware. ♦urns.. Monerr, Analytic Chemist." For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, nt the Manu factory, No. 87 North Third street, opposite Cherry street, Philadelphia, by JOSE H E. HOVER, Manufacturer. je9: jy HOWELL di. BROTHERS, .11.11X117.4C TUREI?S OF PAPER H NG ING S 'HAVE removed their Store to No. 116 n CHESNUT STREET, South-East corner of Carpenter's Court, l'hilatlelphia, whore they are constantly receiving from their Factory PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, FIRE BOARD PRINTS, &c. &c. Also, splendid DECORATED FRESCO PA• PER for l'arlors. The latest and most approved tyles of Architectural Designs, Columns with Capitals, Pilasters and Paneling, Statues, Pedes tals, Imitation Recesses, dcc. They are also mak ing a new article of DOUBLE WINDOW CUR TAIN PA PER, 4-4 wide. & B. also inform the public that theirs is the only Factory its the country which produces many of the above articles, such as Statues, Pe destals, Niches, Fire Board Prints, &c., and which they warrant equal teeny imported. They ate in possession of FIVE SILVER MEDALS, Received from the Institutes at Boston, New York and Philadelphia, being the highest premiums awarded for paper Hangings by those institutions fur the last four years. Philadelphia, March 31, 1847. ant HEALTH MADE EASY FOR THE PEOPLE, or Physical Training, to make their Lives in this World Long and Happy, by : the author of " Education: as Is, Ought To Be, and Might Be," First .dmerican Edition, with 4dditions : Being an elementary and interesting treatise on Self Knowledge. Containing short and entertain ing articles on Food, !kart, Glands, Strength, Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations, Digestion, Liver, Drains, Old Age, Blood ! Lungs, Mind. Men, ... Secretions, Arteries, Senses, Woman, Head, Veins, Health, Disease, &c., &c., &c. Together with the Great Secret—Success in Life how attained—How to do Good—Causes and Effects of Error—Habits—Passions—Woman de- scribed—Man described—Man's Errors—Rich and Poor--Sexes--Virtue and Vice--Youthful Errors —Woman how made delicate—Woman's Virtues, Ambition, &c. The whole designed for the noble purpose of im proving and extending education amongst the peo ple, imparting valuable knowledge on the physiol ogy of the human frame. and the laws which gov ern mental and bodily health, c 4 c. fry- Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in a letter shall receive one copy by moil, ni five copies will be sent for $l. Address,postage paid, . G. 8.. ZIEBER & Co. may 26-47 ly] Philadelphia. (C y This valuable work contains (in duodecimo form) 177 pages. Important to Stove Dealers. rpHE attention of Stove Dealers in this place is 1. invited to our assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Hall and office Stoves, and especially to . 1 1livoott , s Einpire hot dir Cooking* Stove, As the best cooking apparatus ever invented, it hav ing obtained a celebrity, wherever it has bees intro duced, never before attained by any Cooking Stove. The operation of baking being performed in this stove by hot Air, instead of heat radiated from the oven plates, renders it equal for baking to a Brick Oven, or to the TM oven for roasting; making it unnecessary to turn or change the article while cooking, and removing all liability to burn. We aro desirous to have the Stove introduced in this market, and to that end, liberal terms will be given to a responsible dealer, willing to take hold of them, and only one will be permitted to sell them in the place. GILBERT & ALLEN, Wholesale Stove Dealers 223 North Second street may 2647.] Philadelphia. ENCOURAGE NOME L AMOR ! ADANIS & BOAT'S C✓IRRI.SGE Iir4GON UFJICTORY, --. Opposito the Presbyterian Church, Huntingdon. 91HE subscribers respectfully inform the public, 1 that they are at all times prepared to execute any orders in their line of business, at tho shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages, Buggies, Wag ons, Sleighs, Dearborns, r 4 O - ) _ and Carts, made to order, of the best materials, and at rea sonaldeprices._ Repaiiing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the shortest notice. co". Those wanting neat, cheap and durable ar ticles in our line of business, are respectfully re quested to give us a call dec3o,'4B•l y ADAMS & BOAT Sohn Scott, Jr., fTTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, pa._ Has removed his office to the middle room o Snare's Row," directly opposite Fisher & M'M ur trie's store, where he will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he may be entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties. Huntingdon Sept. 23, 1048. Philadelphia Advertisements. NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP.—The copartnership hereto fore existing, under the name of WM. bWAIM & SON, was dissolved on the 21st of July last, by he decease of the said Wm. Swaim, and the busi ness is now, and will be in future, conducted exclu sively by the subscriber, who has had the sole charge of the manufacturing of the Panacea and Vermiluge for the last 14 years. Tho Panacea will be put up as usual in round bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the following letters on the glass--"Swaitn's Panacea, Philada." and the only change made is the name of JAS. SWAIM stamped on the sealing wax, and written on the label covering the cork, and a new label for the side of the bottle, composed of geometric lathe work, comprising nine different dies, which have been turned for tho exclusive use of the proprietor, by Draper & Co., bank note engravers of Philadel phia. Four dies of different patterns form the body of the work, and in the centre is a portrait of the late Wm. Swaim, separated from the borders by two circles of lathe work. The words " Swaim's Panacea," are engraved conspicuously on two turn ed strips, and a large semi-circular die forms the upper margin. The borders are composed of plain lathe work strips, outside of which is engraved in small letters the entry of the copyright. LAMES SWAIM. Philadelphia, August, 1848. SWAIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, For the cure of Scrofula, General De- bility, White Swelling, Rheuma tism, Diseases of the Liver and Skin, and all Diseases arising from Impurities of the blood or the effects of Mercury. I WAIM'S Panacea has been for more than 25 years celebrated in the coun try and Europe for its extraordinary cures—for the certificates of which reference is made to the direc tions and books (which may be had gratis) accom panying the Panacea. It has been used in hospital and private practice, and has had the singular fortune of being recom mended by the most celebrated physicians and other eminent persons : Among others, by W. Gi b son, M. D. professor of Surgery, Penna. University; Valentine Mott, M. D. professor of Surgery, N. Y. University ; \V. P. Dewees, M. D. professor of Midwifery, Pa. University; N. Chap man, M. D. professor of Physic, Pa, University ; T. Parke, M. D. president of College of Physicians, Philada.; Dr. Del Valle, Professor of Medicine, Havana; Jose Lourenco da Luz, profess, of Sur gery, Lisbon; J. Chipman, Member of Royal Col lege of Surgeons. London; G. W. Irving, lota Mi nister to Spain ; Sir Thomas Pearson, Major Gen eral British Army ; Gilbert Robertson, British Con sul, &c. And also, the wonderful cures effected by Swaim's Panacea soon for many years made it an invaluable remedy. The panacea does not contain mercury in any form, and being an innocent preparation, it may be given to the most tender infant. The retail prece has been reduced to SI 50 per bottle (containing three half pints), or three bottles for S. ALSO—S WA DT ' S VERMIFUGE, a valuable family medicine, being a highly appi oved remedy for all diseases arising from Debility of the Digestive Or gans, such as Worms, Cholera Moiling, Dysentery, Fever and Ague, Bleeding, Piles, Sick Headache, &c. See the pamphlet (which may be had gratis) accompanying the Vermifuge. Prepared at Swaims Laboratory, Seventh street, below Chesnut, Phila delphia, and for sale by all respectable Druggists in the United States. agents—New York : H. H. Schieffelin & Co. London, Eng. : Evans & Lesch er. Liverpool, Eng. : Evans, Son & Co. Havana : L.• G. Melizet. Valparaiso : Alex. Bross. Buenos Ayres: 0. Hayes & Co. St. Thomas : A. H. Rise. Can ton: J. Swords. Sandwich Islands: E. L. Benson. Calcutta: Huffnagle & Co. Philadelphia, March 17, 1817. 2m LIFE INSURANCE WITH PROSPEC. TIVE BONUS. The Grard Life Insurance, ✓lnnuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. Capital 41300,000—Charter Perpetual. Orrics-159 Chesnut Street. CONTINUE to make Insurance on Lives, grant Annuities and Endowments, and to accept 'l'ruste from Individuals, Corporate Bodies, and Courts of Justice, and execute them agreeably to the desire of the parties; and receive Deposites of Money in Trust and on Interest. The Company add a Bonus at stated periods to the Insurances for Life. The first bonus was ap• prolonged in December, 1844, amounting to ten per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poli cies, to 81 per cent., 7i per cent. &c.; on others in proportion to the time of standing; making an ad dition of $lOO, $B7 50, $75, &c., on every $l,OOO originally insured. .. . The operation of the bonus will be seen by the following examples from the Lifo Insurance Regis ter of the Company, thus: Amt. of Policy & Bo- Bonus or nus payable at party's Policy. Sum ins'd addition decease. No. 58 1,000 100 1,100 89 2,500 250 2,750 204 4,000 400 4,400 276 2,000 175 2,176 333 5,000 437 50 5,437 50 Rates for insuring $lOO on a single life: Age. For 1 year. For 7yeara, For Life, annually. annually. 20 $0 01 $0 95 $1 77 30 1 31 1 36 2 36 40 1 69 1 83 3 20 50 1 96 2 09 4 60 60 4 35 4 91 7 00 Example :—A person aged 30 years next birth day, by paying the Company $1 31, would secure to his family or heirs $lOO, should he die in one year; or for $l3 10 he secures to them $1,000: or for $l3 60 annually for seven years, he secures to them $l,OOO should he die in seven years; or for $23 60 paid annually during life, he provides $lOOO whenever he dies; for $65 50 they would receive $5,000 should he die in one year. Further particulars respecting Lifo insurance Trusts, &c., may be had at tho Office. R. W. RICHARD, President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. 6m IRON COMMISSION HOUSE, 111 HE undersigned continue the Iron Commission 1. Widnes, for the sale of all kinds of IRON, at .No. 109 North Water Street, Philada. Their long experience in the Iron Trade, and their extensive acquaintance with consumers and dealers throughout the United States, gives them the advantage of obtaining the highest market prices. And their business being confined exclu sively to the Iron trade, enables them to give it their entire attention. pj All consignments will receive prompt attention. [feh24•fm) ORRICK & CAMPIIELL, No. 109 Water st., d 54N. Wharves, Philo& Philadelphia Advertisements STE AM IRON RAILING FACTOY. RIDGE ROAD, Above Buttonwood Street, Philada. A T this establishment may be found the greatest A variety of Plans and beautiful Patterns of IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to which the attention of those in want of any description, and especially for Cemeteries, is particularly invi ted. The principal part of all the handsome Railings at Laurel Hill, Monument, and other celebrated Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia, which have been so highly extolled by the public press, were executed at this manufactory. A large Warcroom is connected with the estab lishment, where is kept constantly on hand a large stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and orna mental Iron Gates, with an extensive assortment of Iron Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &c. Also, in great variety, Wrought and ( ast Iron Orm mcnts, suitable for Railings and other purposes. . . The subscriber would also *state that in his Pat tern and Designing Department he has employed some of the best talent in the country, whose con stant attention is devoted to the business--forming altogether one of the most complete anti systematic establishments of the kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood at. Philadelphia, Feb. 3,1847-6 m CHEAP BLINDS! B. S. WILLIAMS, Venitian Blind Manufacturer, Xo. 12 .N'orth Sixth Street, (a few doors above Market St.) Philada. TTAS now on hand the largest and most fashion able assortment of Narrow Slat and other Venetian Blinds of any establishment in the Uni ted States, which he will sell, wholesale and re tail, at the lowest prices. The citizens of Huntingdon are respectfully so licited to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to all who may thus favor him with a call. Old Blinds Repainted and Trimmed so as to look equal to new. Orders punctually attended to, and the Blinds forwarded with despatch mlO-3m) B. J.WILLIA MS. DRUGS! DRUGS I DRUGS! THOMPSOsV CR./IWFORD, WHOLESALE hnuGGisirs, No. 40 Market Street, Philada. (\FFERS for sale a large stock of Fi esh Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuffo, to which they call the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers visiting the city. Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var nishes, of a superior quality. Also, 'c\ bite and Red Lead, Window Glass, Paints and Oils--cheap er than ever. r~ T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout their own and neighboring States as the best preparation for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &c. Money refunded in every instance where no benefit is re ceived. [Philadelphia, jnn27•fim HARRIS, TURNER & IRVIN, WHOLESALE LIEM No. 201 .Ifarket Street, one door above Fifth, North Side, Philadelphia T MPORTE RS and Wholesale Dealersin DRUGS, I MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Patent Medi ci nes, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c. Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians, supplied with the above articles on the most favora ble tering. Strict and prompt attention paid to or ders. Every article warranted. JOHN HARRIS, M. D., scpt23. JAS. A. TURNEIt, k to of Ve WM. IRVIN, M. D. LINN, SMITH & CO., (Successors to Potts, Linn & Ilarris,) WHOLESALE DRI3,I44ISTS, No. 213 Market Street, Mack. KEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Surgical Instru ments, Oils, l'aints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., all of which they offer to country merchants, and others, on the most advantageous terms. All orders, by letter or otherwise, tilled with the greatest care and despatch. CLAUDIUS 13. LINN, HOR ACE P. SMITH. febl7-6ml ALEANDER MORGAN, vipp -•••••• • DR. DAVIS'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND TAR. FOR the cure of Pulmonary Consump r tion, Coughs, Colds, ✓lsthma, Influen za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous Tre ',tours, Heaping Cough, igrc. Proof follows upon proof of the virtues of DR. DIMS'S SYRUP. Read the following rVew Certificates MILFORD, Perry co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1846 Messrs. Robinson, Collins & Co :—Sirs : This is to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years with a violent pain in my breast, so much so that I could hardly lay in bed at night. Cough attended. followed by emaciation and other decided symp toms of consumption. I applied to several eminent physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr. Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, of which I took two bottles, which entirely re lieved me of my complaint; therefore I can with confidence recommend it to all who are in a like meni,er afflicted, as a most valuable Medicine. Jaffa TOOMET. The authenticity of the above statement is vouched for by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of Milford, who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circum stances of his case. Mr. T. is now sixty years of age, Price, $1 per bottle. Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen eral agents. For sale by THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces ; Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F. Bell, Laurel Run Mills, and Spencer & Flood, Williamsburg. Feb. 10, 184.7-6 m. lUSTICE'S blanks of all kinds for sale at this •J Once. Patfnt .Medicittes. M'ALLISTER'S ALL-/IEA.LINO OINTMENT. Insensible ,Perseiralton Is the great Rtiteufttion - for the inpuri ties of the body. Life cannotibe sus tained without it. It is thrown off from the blood and other juices of the body, and disposes by this means of nearly all the impurities within us. The language of scripture, " in the blood is the life."— If it ever becomes impure it may be traced directly to the stoppage of the " insensible perspiration. rhus we see all that is necessary when the blow./ is stagnant or infected, is to open the pores and it relieves itself from all im purity instantly. Its own heat and vi tality are sufficient, without one particle of medicine, except to open the poree upon the surface. Thus we see the folly' of taking so much internal remedies.-- , All practitioners, however, direct their efforts to restore the insensible perspira tion. The Thompsonian, for instance: steams; the Hydropathist shrouds in wet blankets ; the Homoeopathist deals out infintissimals; the Ailopathist bleedl . and doses us with mercury, and the blustering Quack gorges us with pills. 1 have had physicians, learned in the profession, I have had ministers of the Gospel, Judges of the Bench, Aldermen and Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor, use it in every variety of way, and there has been but one voice—one united, universal voice—saying, "M'Allistcr your Ointment is good." CONSTIMPTION.—It can hardly be cred- - ited that a salve can have any effect upon the lungs, seated as they are with.- in the system. But if placed upon the' chest, it penetrates directly to the lungs, separates the poisonous particles that are consuming them, and expels them from the system. I need not say that it is curing persons of Consumption con tinually, although we are told that it is foolishness. I care not what is said, so long as I can cure several thousand per sons annually. HEADACHE.—The salve has cured per sons of the Headache of 12 year's stand , ing, and who had it regularly every week, so that vomiting often took place. Deafness and Ear ache are helped with like success. COLD Fmr.—Consumption; Liver Com plaint, pains in the Side or Chest, falling off the hair, one or the other, always accompanies cold feet. It is a sure sign of disease in the system to have cold feet. The Salve will cure every case in Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Liver Complaint, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Broken or Sore Breast, Piles, Chest Dis eases, such as Asthma, Oppression, Pains, also Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Tumors, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases, and of the Spine there is no medicine known probably so good. BURNS.-h is the best thing in the world for Burns, (Read the directions • around the box.) Pimples on the face, Masculine Skin, Gross Surface.—When there is grossness or dull repulsive surface, it begins to soften until the skin becomes as smooth and delicate as a child's. Wonms.—lf parents knew how fatal most medicines were to children taken inwardly, they would be slow to resort to them. Especially mercurial lozen ges,' called medicated lozenges,'vet mifuges," pills,' Scc. The truth is, no . one can tell, invariably, when worms are present. Now let me say to parents, that this salve will always tell if a child has worms. It will drive every vestige of them away. (Read the directions around the box.) There is probably no medicine on the face of the earth at once so sure and so safe in the expul sion of worms. OLD SORES.—That some sores are an outlet to the impurities of the system, is because they cannot pass oft' through the natural channels of the Insensible Perspiration. If such sores are healed up, the impurities must have some other outlet, or it will endanger life. This salve will always provide for such emer gency. RII ' EUDIATISN.—AImost every case cu. red with this ointment. FEVERS.—In all cases of fever, the difficulty lies in the pores being locked up so that the heat and perspiration can not pass off: if the least moisture could be started, the crisis has passed and the danger is over. The all-healing oint ment will in all cases of fevers almost instantly unlock the skin and brings forth the perspiration. We have cured cases of Scald Head that defied every thing known, as well as the ability of fifteen or twenty doctors.— One man told us he had spent $5OO ore his children without any benefit, when a few boxes of the ointment cured them. CORNS. — Occasional use of the oint ment will always keep corns from grow ing. People need never be troubled with them if they will use it. As a family medicine, no man can measure its value. JAMES M'ALLISTER & Co., Sole proprietor of the above Medicine Price 25 cts. per box. CAUTION.—As the All-Healing Oint ment has been greatly counterfeited, we have given this caution to the public that no ointment will be genuine suless the name of James M'Allister or James M'Allister & Co. are written with a pen upon every label.' Agent—JAS. S - A — iTON. jr., Huntingdon, Pa,