Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 06, 1847, Image 3

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    from Puebla to fall upon Scott and crush BLAIR COUNTY.
him. They say he has really but 5000 The following resolutions were passed
men, though he pretends to have 7000. at the late county Meeting held in Blair
It is dreaded that he should be joined by county. They breathe the true spirit
Gen. Taylor. The propositions Mr.
Trial is authorized to make is said to be throughout, and will be read with inter
as follows by the Mexicans:—Each Re- est. ~ IRVIN &,. PATTON, Protection,
public to name three commissioners to Reform, and One Term," is becoming the
discuss the claimes of the U. States, and rallying cry of the People everywhere :
if Mexico does not consent; the War to
ResOlved, that in the exercise of an
be prosecuted. inalienable right, we declare our con Vie-
El Republicano of the 7thi publishes
tion, that the true interests of the peo
the intercepted despatch of Secretary ,
pie of Pennsylvania demand the rejec-
Marcy to Gen. Scott; dated the 30th of I tion of Gov. Shrink and the elevation of
April, in which he says that the Presi- .
G en: 'TAMES IRVIN to the Gubernato
dent Supposes by the end of June, that ,
Gen. Scott will have twenty thousand v ia l
Resolved; chair. That Maj. JOS. W. PAT
and Gen. Taylor ten thousand men.— TON; is eminently qualified for the
The views of Gen. Scott are asked on .Office of Canal ConithissioneiHthat . he
many questions suggested, and gives ,
is a man of unimpeachable integrity ;
instructions how to operate with the dis
' sound judgment, energetic and faithful
affected Mexican States. I —and that as acquaintances and friends, '
Several other intercepted letters are,
we commend him to the hearty support
given. Santa Anna reviewed the troops
of all who are in favor of an economical,
under Alvarez on the 6th. They have
honest and judicious management of the
not all arrived, but Were expected to
reach 8000 in a few days. public works.
Resolved, That in Gen. JAMES IRVIN
The Vice Governor, Oajaca, had re
and JOSEPH W. rArroN the people
signed. False alarms continued at Tam
of Pennsylvania have men of eminent
pico. A party of Dragoons had gone
worth—unquestionable capacity—faith-
40 miles into the interior without lied-', feel and devoted friends of Pennsylvania
Mg any armed Mexicans, and the people
interests—men who can never be brought
appeared to be friendly. I under the control of Southern influence,
There was nothing new at the Brazos.
or be made acquiesce, by the force of
General Almonte was still in prison;
party drill, in any extension of the area
there is no confirmation of the rumor
of slavery. .
that lie had been condemned to be shot,
Resolved, That Gen: IRVIN'S firm and .
The department of Chihuahua gave
able advocacy of the policy of Protec- '
its vote for Santa Anna for the Presi-
tion to American Industry—his active
dent. The result is not yet determineu•
and efficient support of the Popular Tar.
The Lonsiana regiment at Tampico • iff of 184 , 2,
and his watchful regard
is aufferiug severely with sickness.
Whilst iii Congress for the interests of
111,N. TA1•1,011'8 ANY. • tits Partners, Manufacturers, Miners mid
laborers of our Commonwealth, should
The New Orleans Bulletin of the lt:;111 secure for hint their unanimous support. '
Ultimo asys--- Resolved, That Frinicis R. Shrink has •
FrOni a passenger on lioard the Mary b een l on , enough an office-holder—that
' Kingsland we learn that Gen. T"rit''''' the $707000 which he has dratvn from
___-.- head-quarters were still at Walnut . the coffers of the State are more than
~. Balthnore Clipper of Thursdays
- ' ' • three miles from Monterey oil • .
.. his services . .
have been worth—and that
' • 1,, the following rumors: the Ist inst.. His whole force consists . a decent regard for the proprieties of a
B ttl '
- . rs - 1 a e.----Another Route of Santa ofabout 4000 of which the larger I, , bl . ain e•overnment should have in-
portion are volunteers,
Anna Iry Scoff
Mired to join him have arrived,
: cit was full of rumors last even- are ° himself into a nomination over the shoal
will not have more than 6000 men-- !
. -.. relation to another battle. So . tiers of better men. , i
hich includes all his garrisons in his i
we could learn; the ititelligence, w Resolved, That whilst we mourn ,the'
rear Olt the line of the Rio Grande. It .
. •,,, a.. brought by Seutherii passen-necessity that has called to the battle
itS understood that he would not at , '
•,as to affect, that.Gen.'Scutt was W
field the soldiery of our country, to
tenipt In move upon Luis Potosi, un- ' wage a War with a sister Republic, we •
march to Mexico; and when with
less he could have r illw , him; for
miles of. the city, he iinethintered w: , , ,, , 0 ,, :i ,. ,
at least 61i100 efficient .
' t ut' ' arc nevertheless proud of the honor they
have done the American name by their
. • Mex icon cavalry, under tsiauta tro '
Gen. Scott iminediately wive bat- 6 i , 4 i invincible courage Mid soldierly bear
, . ~ ,otherey letter in the N. 0. Pica= ! i i ,,,..
lering Capt. Bragg'a battery • • •
~ yune dated June Ist, says—
'be lire, which was done ti o effectual- . ' 'Resolved, 'that Generals WINFIELD
Although we cannot advance upon scorr and ZACHARY TAYLOR are
im. before the Mexicians hod time to ' ::.,,,,,,, Lois, it is thought there may
- .comely a single gun, they were . be ' entitled to the unqualified thanks and
sonieskirnik•ihing on the road from here
ailed to take to . the mountains, Icily- . heart-felt gratitude of the American
to Ciunargo. Urrea having again pluck
one hundred of their number people for the gallant and skillful man
,outed up cosrage, become tired of master
m the field: ncr in which they have led our Atunies
ly in activity, and being now at the head I
Urns far through the wnr. ,
,1110111 MEXICO.
A Eat^ lo between Gen. Cadwalader
and the Mexicans.
The LvAger's special express from
the Sout!: again brought on Saturday
night imp.: tautintelligence from Mexi
co. Our g.,llant townsman, Gen. Cad- 1
walade , , has bad an opportunity to dis
tinguisii i:: - aself already, though but just
arrived in 2,lexico. The news by the
previous i• stated that the Gueril , I
las in great force had attacked a train
under Col. Mclntosh, and gained a tem
porary advantage by destroying some of
the wagons. Gen. Cadwalader, theti at !
Vera Cruz, mustered 600 men, consisting
of a section detailed front the Honitzer
battery, ten guns, attached to the volti
gears regiment, under Lieuts. Blakely
and Cochrane; four companies 11th reg
iment (Pennsylvanians) under Col. Ram
sey; one company Of the 7th Infantry,
and company K gd Dragoons, (20 wa
gon.; accompanied. The Mexicans met
him at the National Bridge •in force
poyied on the ridge and in the chappa
re], but Cadwalader charged and carried
!ieighte, killed more than 100 of the
icans, losing in killed fifteen of his
::. The action lasted several hours.
Cadwalader had 1600 men alto
having joined his 600 to the es
under Mclntosh, the Mexicahs
•.The galautry and skill of Gen.
u!adcr are highly praised. His
f . ..ionduct in this affair confirms the
,pinions that were formed of his
:ter as a soldier. The late report
!• .in on his way to Jalapa still con
ig with the enemy on the. road.—
' oxt news will bring us an account
ly of another victory over them
To Gordo, where it is supposed
would make another stand.
Impoitmal it Trift‘.
;ive this inteiligenee as we re
of a large foret., of lanci4s. It had been it, it, on the authority of ruiner; If Resol recl, That Gen. WINDFIELD
at the r
reported that he was Tula; but e
scow has not only shown himself a
! , •t, Gen. Scutt is now in possession ; port was not credited; but I Was yester- IN CARVED WOOD,
l'apitoi. s - Cilifurand valiant Officer, but has ex- The jlorktls.
( i li!y informed at head quarters that pos- 1 BY E. PORTER BELDEN,
. ! lIILY sirearass.—.lrrit•al of Des. Itibitcd a wisdom, prudence and sound- PHILADELUIIIA, July 2, 1847.
tire information had been received that Is now on exhibition for a short time at the
—Herrera .Elemcd President.— •
ness of judgement at the Ilead of our FLOUR AND MEAL.—The flour market has
• ' Urrea was at the head of 4000 cava l ry ; continued languid, dull and inactive throughout ASSEMBLY BUILDING,
' ..
trued from Washington last even- .
this side of Victoria: It is probable soon .
and s. s the week, and both buyers and sellers are waiting Corner of Tenth and Chesnut Streets,
hat u bearer of despatches front the . • • ong the wisest best Statesmen of
that t se force is over estimated; the receipt oft ter advicee from Europe before op. ' PHILADELPHIA.
• :, had arrived there with the itnel- ! T 1,,..„ . .., ~.. . I the age. crating. To-day a sale of 500 brls western Penne : ' • • ' '
c is a great steal of stekness here ! The expenses a transporting and fitting up this
• tee that Herrera bad been elected , Resolved, That the conduct of the Ad- ease 43 per brl. Western is freely oflbred at $6 .
but hot of :t serious character - and but • • •
ident of Mekico, mid there was littleministration of James K. Polk, and the 50 and Penns can be bought foe the saine price,— lih • "confined I g h
kn. Ca ttlis bare tul
t :en pl a ce. Rye Flour—A sale of 500brls at 5 25. Corn ,
r i. !non is necessarily
. o t e
. rg h er i cities.
st of a speedy establishment of peace , . ' ' Locofocos in Congress, towards Gens. his notice is therefore given to those in a otants
----,--,------•,— • Meal—sales of 6 a 7006 intent $4 25 a 4 ''.3 er
Scott and Taylor, has been reprehenst- ""' P of this vicinity who will be soon visiting Philadel
' • -*eel) the United States and that GeV- - VI.: vr In , -PING ' - ' '
1. . :,E . IN PHILADELPHIA. ble in the extreme; and that we regard heifer P sli ds4 5 3
, ;en d tt . on 3a4 73 for Brandywine
phis that may lave an oppoitunity of seeing
!!,sent. .generallyl $4 .5 f ' they - I - - -
On Monday evening last a large nice . - with feelings of the highestsatisfaction meal. ' ° "mere a " " " what is uffiversally acknowledged the greatest
p erms sh,o,
inn . ofAmerican echamcs and work- the triumphant manner in whieli these GRAIN.—A II kinds of Grain continuo to arrive ' piece of art and mechanical skill ever produced in
' this country.
slowly, and Wheat has shelitly declined. To.
ins men was held in the State house valiant patriots have vindicated their own
reputations. day we quote red Wheat at $1 42 a I 43. Rye This model is ,p erfectfue-simite of the Meimp
olis and all things therein , to the minutest details
yard, Philadelphia, to take measures to —Sales of 3000 bushels Perna at 96 to 93 eta. i
Resolved, That President Polk, by ! including ' Streets and Alleys, Public Edifices,
''. • ' al Scott advancing upon the City of protect the Americas Mechanic from the j granting Santa Anna that "ass" into Corn—Deinand moderate, and pribea steady.—
Sales of about 25,000 bushels at 93 to DI cents 10 Houses, Siores, Out- Buildin a., Elevations and lle•
Mexico. 'undermining effects of foreign labor:-- •
Alexicu, to lead the Mexican Armies and Penne yellow; 91 r press ions the Shipping Steamboats Wharves
a9O for mixed, Southern yellow •, • ' " -. • ' • T '
FREDERICSBURG, Va. July 2. Among others; the following . resolutions prolong the war, has forfeited all at 91, and New Orleans at 873 cents per bushel of lailroad p s, o t o ' r ar y s
claims to the confidence of the People, 56 lbs. Oats—Sales of 3000 bushels Southern
graph, • ' '',
• lie steamship Palmetto . has arrived , were adopted: ! Coal Yards, A winnes,Lamp I este, Pavementm,and
Resolved, That we regard the a
dop- at 45 a 46, and a lot of Penne at 50 cents.
I esen the smallest objects in the city. By inspect-
Orleans, bringing Vera Cruz ! Resblved, That a Committee of per
lien of the ONE TERM principle as es- ill() the this Model a person can point out any object in
.! ~s to the 18th, and Tampico
,to the ' sons be appointed froin the bbtlY of this Voters of lIIIIIIIIIgdoR County. / ja g
sential to the pure, honest, faithful and a i New York, as well as if lie were looking upon the
'' ':i., and Brazos to the 21st, Au ex- ' Ylleeting, whose duty it shall be to draft ' FELLOW CITIEENR:-Ileing encouraged hy
economical administration of Govern- anai- ' act . ualcity. I t I b ' a t s r
1., , ..' , received at Puebla by the Cordova', and prepare petitions to Congress and , i number of Inv friends, I oiler myself as a c Phis work has sett prepare aan expert , , o
ment, and that we invite all who desire i d ote for the ° ilk, „f
1:. .t., announces that Gan, Scott had , the Les.,islature of Pennsylvania, in ac- ! over
! ~ •
, a consumation so devoutly to be wish- - 9
• - ;nenced Ills march from thence to' cordon - cc with the object of this meet
ed" to join with us in malting a one ,
capital on the 16th. Nothing is' ing, and for obtaining the signatures of !at the approaching Fall election, and should Ibe
termer of Gov. Shunk:
_.! in regard to the overtures' of peace. ' the mechanics and working-men of the !so fortunate as to receive a majority of your votes,
' I pledge myself to discharge the duties of :aid
:• • housand troops had left Vera Gres on • city and county to said petitions; and GEN. JACKSON ON THE TARIFF. office honorably and to your satiafaction.
. 17th, under Gen. Pillow to join Gen.: forwarding them to W WASHINGTON, April
Washington and M A TTH E W CIIOWN OV ER.
•a t. Harrisburg at the licit Session. 26, 1824. Hentlersoa tp., july6-tf.
Nothing further had been heard from i Resolved, That the etnio.ratiOn of paw; "1 will ask; what is the real situation - -
To the Voters of Huntingdon County :
• ii. Cadwalader. All the sick started pet's from Europe in such masses as of the agriculturalist 1 Where has the
the 15th from Jalapa for Perote.—lthe
y have been transferred to our shores American farmer a market for his sur
e A T the solicitation of a number of my Whig
1 3,.. friends, I oiler myself as a candidate for the
' on. Shields Was. among the number. I within a few months is destructive of Plus produce? Except for cotton, he umso of
to dates from the city of Mexico were !the morals of a free people, and tends to: has neitheir a home or a foreign market. M31T....C11'13UL'4 3 L - 0 ^ 0
the 9th. Santa Anna was then still 'the subserviency of their righes and pre-• I 1 Does not this clearly prove then that
sub ., ..
et to the deem. of the ,Whig County Con
power. His resignation was with- ivileges, and that as freemen we should , there is too much labor employed in ag..! verition. Add should Ihe so fortunate as to be
'awn on ascertaining that the majority ! seelcan antidote for the bane which may griculture 'I Com Mon sense at once nominated and elected to said office, I pledge myself
Congress was anxious for its steep- I
destroy us, points out the remedy. Take from agri- to perform the duties thereof with fidelity and tra
inee. Tile administration in cense- i Resolved, That protection to the Amer- culture in the United States six hundred ItraulitY• GEORGE SIPES.
Cromwell tp.. july6-1847.
1 iience of this, entirely changed its pas ' ican mechanic is now needed—that our thousand men, women and children, and
- cy, and has thrown itself into his arms. Legislature must apply the remedy, and you will at once give a market for more 'Po the Electors of Iltintingtlen County :
Zile public opinion there is greatly di- that we will vote for no man to our State breadstuffs than all Europe now furnish- -- L , EI ,LOW-GITIZENS t—l take this medium,
- sided. Assembl unless he pledges himself to es us. In short, sir, we have been too -12. thiougli which to offer myeelf to the consider
, A. quorum of COngress cannot be cal-' apply ate American antidote to mire of long subject to the policy of British "d o l l; l tire:mien which i l" :• i il i l le co N i V is i e n i g ie u i n n i the borough
merchants: It is time that we should
lected; such confusion and anarchy nev- fectually and radically the foreign pots- Huntingdon on the 11th a August nexll'age'ail
t!T before existed even in the city of on. become a little more Americanized, and, didate far the office of '
Mexico. An important financial meas- • instead of feeding the paupers and lobo- Fs_3l: - sLe zusi L? us
are of Amaya's adminiStration had been : C:; cos rs NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA.— rers of England, feed our own, or else and if nominated and elected, I pledge myself to
summarily abrogated by Santa Anna, in . The Wilkesbarre Advocate says: ',Pas. in a short time by continuing our pres- discharge the duties of the office to the best of my
deference, he says, to public Opinion, 1
sin g through portion of this valley* •t ourself policy we shall be rendered paupers abilities. WILLIAM SMITH.
This has led to the resignation of Bar- '
' ' few days since, we were gratified with that a careful and judicious tariff iii ESTI: A 17.
- rantoa, and the nomination of Lafragua
as the head of the state department, the favorable prospect presented by the ' much Wanted to pay our national debt, ck
1,.E to the residence of the subscriber living
causing dissatisfaction to the Puros, but growing crops. Generally they look and to afford us the means of defence . in Shirley township, Huntingdon county, a fine
the result is not yet known. Almonte well, and Promise an abundant harvest. within ourselves on which the safety of young.
our country depends;
and last though SORRELL HORSE, tieing five years old.
l'he owner is requested to come forward, ploy°
I was still in prison. In the early part of the season fears were, ' properly, pay chat gee and take him avvay, other.
The state of Chihuahua had voted - . not least, - give a proper direction to our wise he will be di • '
sposed of Ism.
entertained, but rain seems to have labor; which must prove beneficial to the SAMUEL SHAVER,
unanimously in favor of Santa Anna for
President. The inipression is that Con- timely fallen, and revived the then ap- I happiness, - independence, and wealth of I -
:ss_gress will elect and Herrera be chosen. patently drooping &tips. There may the community."
No mention is made of measures for the be exceptions of here and there a field, rr-p.ohi o i; a great place for Strawber
defence of the Capital in the . papers.— but generally our crops mei ' •well.—
lose ries. One cultivator, near Cincinnatti,
I'l-ley deem Gen: Scott's intention to - - •
Apple and other fruit trees now give as
:starch on the city a mere beast to' keep has 100 pickers engaged on a patch of
sip the spirits of his men. surance that there will be an abundance sixty acres; who gather 100 bushels of
The Government is urged by letters 'of fruit." the delicious fruit a day •
[Correspondence of the North American.]
EASTON, June 26, 1847.
Gentle Men :—The prospects of the
coming, grain cror are good, indeed ex
cellent; and in some sections of this coun
ty I never saw it look better.
The prospects of IRVIN and .PArroN
are equally as good, and from allthe ad
vice 1 can receive here, next fall will
tell a different tale for "Old Northamp:.
ton," from what she has heretefoie told. I
I am assured by our Whig friends that
the " skies are bright." Not only are a
large portion of the Locofocos dissatis
fied with the nomination of Shank, but !
many of them will vote openly for Irvin.
Since the campaign of 1844, several of
their prominent men (disgusted by the
course of Mr. Polk on the Tariff;) have;
left the party altogether. Among them
may be mentioned Dr. James .13iady,
who occupied a conspicuous place in
their ranks. Northampton will not andl
cannot give more than 300 majority for
Pdlk had over 1100. This is
the candid opinion of honest men of . all
parties. Yours,
Capt. Lincoln's Charger,
The New Orleans Delta says—" The
fine milk-white charger rode by this gal
lant officer at Buena Vista, is now here
in charge of the 2d Kentucky Volunteers,
who, with a delicacy and sensibility
worthy of the bright fame of this distin
guished regiment, have made arrange
ments to send this favorite•horse of the
lamented deceased to his distinguished
and patriotic father in Boston. li r e are
told that when Capt. Lincoln fell, he was
in the rear of the Kentucky Volunteers,
of whose gallantry be had just express .10lice 10 Contractors
ed a desire to be a witness. After deliv-
TIROPOSALS will be received for the
ering an order to the Illinois regiment, r
making of five miles of the Spruce
he wheeled his charger, and halting for Creek and Waterstreet ntrnpike Road, et the
a moment, cried out to the 2d Kentuck- mouth of Spruce creek, on Wednesday, the 7th
inns, " I must see how these Kentucky July next. It
wiltile commenced
o l r il be
neZ e thi t t:
boys fight." The words had scarcely ""d required
escaped his lips, when he fell from his first of August next, and to be completed on cr
before the first of December following.
horse, pierced by a half-dozen bullets.— I Pions and specifications of the work will be ex
, His horse was uninjured, and is as noble hibitoil at the time and place of letting. Security
a charger as ever " snuffed the battle." i will be required of contractors for their performance.
He was purchased at the sale of Capt. By order of the Boa d.
Lincoln's effects, by that heroic woman, J.FORNEY, Sce'y
whose soubriquet, "Great Western," is
so familiar to our readers, and who, with
characteriitic liberality and magnan
imity, readily yielded him to the solici
tation of the Kentuckians, who desired
to have him sent to Gov. Lincoln."
6 - .27 - The Louisville Journal says:—
"We know that Gen. Taylor condemned
the Lecototo interference with the tariff
for we read his condemnation of it in his
own hand writing in a letter to a friend
and relative.
MR. ADAMS.—John Quincy Adams is
said to be in the enjoyment of excel
lent health since his return from Wash
IS hereby given to the Stoclatolders of the Spruce
Creek & Waterstreet Turnpike Rued Company,
that two and a half pei cent on the Capital Stock
subscribed, is required to be paid to the subscriber,
On or before the Ist of August next.
llli undcriigned take this method of
informing their friends and the pub
hcgenerany, that the fo!lowing mitimersted articles,
together with all manner of work . pertaining to
their business, will he disposed of to purchasers,
and made up to order in a workmanlike and ap
proved style, very cheep, fur cash or country pro
duce. All that is necessary for those whO wish to
be accommodated in any article in their line of
business, will call at thoir shop,
Three doors west of Buoy's Jewelry Es
tabliskinent, HUNTINGDON,
Whero the public can at all times be accommated
Red and Oak Sole Leather, Skirting,
Harness and Bridle Leather, Upper
Leather; Calfskins, Spanish and
Country Rips and Sheepskins.
ALso, a first rate quality Of
for Men, Women
and Children, of
all qualities and
They also continue to carry on in all its various
branches, SADDLE and HAR
4it NESS making, and are ready a.
furnish their customers with all
kinds of Trunks, Valices, Carpet
Bags, Plush, Hognkin and Tub : , .ide-saddles, (from
the cheapest to the best.) Anon. Shaffer Saddles,
of all kinds, Wage. and Carriage Hainess, Bri
dles, Collars. Whips, &e.
All of which will be disposed of cheap ft::
Cash or ony kind of country produce. The high
est price, in trade, given for beef hides, calf hidec,
bath. &c. . .1. J. & A. H. BUM BAUGH.
je23:'47-fim. .
N. 8.--Two apprentices will be liken at the
above estahlishment if application be made so..
?3:' , 17-t1"
11.4141i* At
~ . .,„ti,,,,,„..,r, i. 1,41 110
..,,.,4,..„,,,-47.,,,,,4,.,.;.: .; 4 ,,,,„;.
~.;„:„..-.....- - ..;.:
:t1:-.i .inv..... ;: ' 7. ,.. ' it — '."ri 1 1F ,4 ,
~ IN
The recently constructed
It was in progress for more than a year, end up
wards of 150 pelsons were employed in its con
struction. These were artists of the highest class,
both American and European. Their names have
been already given to the public. Over the Model
139NIENSi! - ,' CANOPY
Of Carved & Ornamental Work, in Gothic
./Irchitecture, nearly 15 feet high !
Forming compartment', in which is Tcpresented
Of the leading Business Establishments
of the City!
Hours of Exhibition from 9 A. m., to 10, m.
Admittance 25 cents. Seison Tickets 50 Cents
Children under 12 years of ago half price.
This work is exhibited throughout the country
under the sanction of the Mayor and Common
Council of the city of New York.
THE subscriber, of the Into firm of
Buck & Moore, takes this method
of informing his friends and the public in general,
that ho has bought out the merest of L. Duck,
at the old established CLOTHING STAND, No.
254, MAnKrr STREET. PauAmami' ,i,und is now
prepared to furnish all kinds of Ready-made
CLOTHING, at prices which cannot but secure
to him the patronage of all who desire to putcbuse
cites') clothing. I have splendid French Cloth
Dress and Frock Coats, front $5.50 to 51St do.
Pants from 75 cents to ; Yeats, font 62i cents
to $4; suit of susiwcr clothing for $2.25. Also,
all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods at ex
tremely low prices.
Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well to
call at thOstoro of JOSEPH J. MOORE,
254 Market street, Philadelphia.
may 0-tf.
A. W. Benedict,
ATTORNKY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Mee at his old residence in Main street,'
few doois west of tho old Court House. He will
attend to any business entrusted to him in the sev
eral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties.
I'. rEitoT
PEIROT & norrmAN
-C. J. 1101'1 IAI
41,0_@ r Ie t .
Produco and General Coromission
No. 70, North Wharves, b:low Vine St., Philads.,
A RE prepared to rcc,i-, e all kinds of
11 produce on Casigninent, on which
they will make liberal advances, when required.—
They trust, with their knowledge of, and attention
to bust:leas, they will receive a share of the patron.
age of Merchants, Millers, and others. They re
fer to
Dutilli & Humphreye.
Platt, liollingshead & Co., I
Lea, Bunker & Co.,
F. & W. 8. Perot, }Philadelphia
Smith, Brothers & Co.,
T. C. Rockhill.
J. & J. Milliken,
Francis McCoy,
Dr. J. H. A rd, }Lewb:t./Wli
Samuel Milliken,
. F. J. kfolinnin,
Philadelphia, April 14. 1847 Gin
.4 D.4II.N7.S7'RATOR'S .V07'1(: E.
Estutf! of Elizae . th Brotherline, lute of
the borough of HultiUgdon, dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to the under
signed on the said estate. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make inunediate pay
ment, and persons having claims will I" scent them
duly authenticated for seltlefoent.
Auditor's Noliitc.,
rptiE undersigned, Auditor appointed by ti
1 Conn of Common Pleas of lit:mineduu
county, to distribute the proceeds of the
sale of the real estate of George F. Stover, late of
Allegheny township, Huntingdon (notti Blab )
county, deed, amongst the, leitk creditors. hereby
gives notice that ho will attend to the duties of
said appointment Oa 'Thursday the Sib day of July
neat, at 1 o'clock P. at the office of David
Blair, Esq., in the borough of Huntingdon, whi ,
and where ell persons interested rnn iiitend if Ihry
think proper. JOHN EBEL), Auditor.
jel Gd 47-4..
iiiar.aparilla or Blood
TIT ANCE'S Sarsaparilla or Hood pills.—Prrt
I pills lit a box. The cheapest and best twill.
chic in existence. Every person who is vubjecttnt
bilious fever,.should purify their blond and system
by using a box of the, Sarsaparilla or :Hood Ms,
Persona afflicted with costiveness should try II ance'e
i!!iire;iii,ririiin Cr blood pills. Young ladies and gr n
tlemen troubled with. Pitniiles ret thia
try the Sarsaparilla or blood pills. Singing ita
ears relieved by Hanco's Sarsaparilla or Lion I piik.
Headache and giddiness cured by using the Sonia
parilla or blood pills. DrOWPiIICFS end general de
bility cured by Ilance's Sarsaparilla or !dotal pills.
Dyspepsia can lie cured by using the Sarsaparilla
blookpills. Pardons who have taken considerable
portions of mercury, Mid in conaequent, havy:iains
in thy, bones, should use freely ilanre'. Sursap,rills
of blood pills.
Persona in want of a pill that It purely veticia
hie, and is warranted not to contain a particle of
mercury, should use the SARSAPARILLA O.R
CO" The genuine for sale by SETH S.BANCE.
109 Baltimore street, and curlier of Charles and
Pratt streets, Baltimore.
AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Hunting
don; Moore & SwooPe, Alexandria; A.
0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buch
anan, Mill Creek ; Spencer & Flood,W
TIANCE'S Compound Syrup of Horehound
-1.1 fin the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast,
Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma. and all diseases aris
ing from a disordered condition of the lungs or ne
glected cold.
Is a piece of advice tthich is suitable to all sea
sans, and applicable to all purposes; though there
is no instance in which this pick of advice is more
valuable than to persons who have a cough or cold,
for if they noglect what :nay ['nicer to them very
trifling in the beginning, it may lead to inflamma
tion of lungs, and finally consumption. 'l'o all
who have a cough, we would say, procure a bottle
of Hance's Compound Syrup of Horehound. This
medicine is pleasant to take, and it may sane you
years 01 suffering.
Price 50 cents per bottle, or It bottles for ,52 00.
Prepared . and sold by SETH HANCE, 108
Bulthnore street, and corner of Charles anti Pratt
streets. ectlfi-ly
AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Huntingdon;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; Spencer
& Flood, Williamsburg; W. W. Buch•
anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. Browne, Shit.
leysburg. .
Pr. lieelers Vegetable Pan-
For the removal and permanent elite Of all dis
eases arising front an impure stem of the Blood
and habit of the body, viz: Chronic affections of
the Chest, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Catarrh,
Scrofula in ell Ms stat;es, tier, &n head, Cu
tancorrs affections of the to.YII, fore and extrem
ities. Chronic Rheumatism. Chranicculargenicias
of the ligament,' and joints, White Swellings,
Jyphilitic A,ffecrions, Constdutionul Jieordeta
arising from debility, Mercurial and hereditary pre.
dispositions,. &e.
a l p It is now admitted 17 Pathologids, that no
original ternporanwrit, complexion, eanstilution, or
• torte of body. confers complete immunity from Der.
editary diseases; that scrofida, consumption 0111
other affections having a eiralirity of 014111 0,111
111 1111: although observation eo . twinees us. that in
dividuate and families, tr.ssessing eertgiu elmractet.
bolos are :note frequently the subject of these mal
-1 adios than others. These diseases ate morbid coo
-1 dition of the whole system of nutrition—tliese vio
-1 duets being but the effects of an alteration of the
Blood and Seerclions.—,the Ulcers, flirt...enlarged
glauds. intlaniations, &r., being merely attendant
phenomena. 'rite cause exist. prior ho the phenom
ene, and must be destroyed before perfect health
I can he established.. 'Fitts may be done by Di. Kel
jlces Vegetable Panacea, the most eel tain remedy.
I for ell diseases ering from an 1111111 re slate of the
blood and systrot of nutrition, ever- resentri3
the notice of the afflicted.
Drepsred corner of 3d and math streets, Phil
adelphia: and sold by John N. Prowell, end Jones
& Simonton, liuntingdon, mid by Druggists and
Merchants throughout the county. Price—sl per
bottle, large size.
junetl, 11147.
S. Steel Blair,
A WORSE I'', AT LA W. I tolliasysbuvg, Pa.,
/ % Will atteaid attend to all businevh entruord to
his welt' Blair, Huntingdon and tridiena rout,