Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 30, 1847, Image 1
11. - U\TUNGDO JOURNAL tiY JAMES CLARK:] VOL XII, NO. 26. TERMS, The " HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" will be pupliehed hereafter at the following rater, viz $1.70 a year, if paid in advance; $2.00 if paid during the year, and $2.50 if not paid un til after the expiration of the year. The above terms to be adhered to in all cases. No subscription taken for less than six months, and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. 0;:y. To Clubs of siir, or more, who pay in ad- 4ance, the Jotirtial tilll be sent at $1.50 per copy for oils year ; and any one wilo will send us filet number of names accompanirl with thetioneye shall receive the Journal one yerg:for his trouble. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $l.OO, and for every subsequent insertion 25 cents. If no defllnite or ders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continued, it will be kept in till ordered out tuni charged accordingly. POETICAL. THE *EDGE OF SEVENTY-SIX. Our Lacs, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Hon Stelid forth! stand forth! we give a pledge, Rouse brothers, one and all, 'Tim cast abroad upon the winds— Our country's gathering call; And thousands rallied at the sound, With hearts both strong and.true, As on by glen and flashing stream The stirring summons flow. The grandsire with his silvery locks, And form bowed down with care, That from his childhood's hour had loved This land so broad and fair Seemed once again to feel his veins Throb with the pulse of youth, And stood erect to give the yledge For Liberty and Ti oth. And in his proudest hour of strength Was Ilea .1 firm manhood's tone: "We stoke our fortunes and our lives, With them we will atone. If we prove Edge to the high trust Which all have taken stow; ' And in the hearts of living men Was registered the vow. NVonwn too, with patriot soul, Caine in her beauty's power; And with her deep and thrilling voice Joined in the vow that hour; - "We give our prayers, our influence. "l'is all we can bestow; But what that influence can do, We promise now to show." That pledge—oh! it was proudly made, And ne'cr should be forgot, To its fulfilment thousands owe A peaceful happy lot. It thrilled each soul, it nerved each heart, Amid that noble hand; Vriheeding fortune, life—they saved Their honor and their land. MISCELLANEOUS. THE ORPHAN BOY. "He faded, yet FO calm and meek $o gently wan, so sweetly weak." The bustle of the fight was over; the prisoners had been secured, and the decks washed down, the watch piped and the schooner had once more relapsed into midnight quiet and repose. I sought my hammock and soon fell asleep. But my slumbers were disturbed by wild dreams, which, like the visions of fever, agitated and unnerved me; the iate strife, the hardships of my early life and a thou sand other things mingled together as figures in a phantasmagoria. Suddenly a hand was laid on my shoulder, and star ting'up I behold the surgeon's mate. "Little Dick, sir is dying," he said. At once I sprang from my hammock. Little Dick was a sort of protege of mine. He was n pale, delicate child, said to be an orphan, and used to gentle nature; and from the first hour I joined the schooner, my heart yearned towards him, for I too had once been friendless and alone in the world. He had often talked to me in confidence of his mother, whose memory ho regarded with holy reverence, while to the other boys of the ship he had little to say, for they - were rude and coarse, he delicate and sensi tive. Often when they jeered him for his melancholy, he would go apart by himself and weep. He never complained of his lot, though his companions im posed on him continually. Poor lad!— his heart was in the grave with his lost parents. 1 took a strange interest in him, and had lightened his task as much as possi sible. During the late fight I had owed my life to him, for he rushed in just as a sabre stroke was levelled at me; and by Interposing his feeble cutlass, had aver ted the deadly blow. in the hurry and confusion sinee, I had quite forgotton to inquire if he was hurt; though at the time, I inwardly resolved to exert all my little influence to procure him a mid shipman's warrant in requital for his ser vice. it was with a pang of of reproach• ful agony, therefore, that I leaped to my feet. "My God!" I exclaimed, "you don't mean 41 He is not dying'?" "I fear, sir," said the messenger, slut- king his head sadly, "that he cannot live till morning." • "And I have been laying idle here'!" I exclaimed, with remorse. "Lead me to hist." • "He is delirious, but in the intervals of lunacy he asks for you, sir," and as the man spoke we stood beside the bed side of•the dying boy. The 'sufferer did not lie in his usual hammock, for it was hung in the very midst of the crew,. and the close air around it was too stifling; but he had been carried under the open hatchway, and laid there in a little open apace of about four feet square. From the sound of the ripples, I judged the schooner was in motion, while the clear, calm blue sky seen through the opening overhead, and dotted with myriads of stars, betokened that the fog had broken away. How calm it smiled down on the wan face of the dying boy. Occasionally a high cur- " What was it like'!" inquired the rent of wind—oh! how deliciously cool listener. in that pent up hold—eddied down the "Well, it won't much like anything," hatchway, and lifted the dark Chesnut said he, but an all-created suck in.— locks of ie, sufferer, as with head repo- Where is that 'Squire," he burst out sing in the lap of an old veteran, he lay again, " have the mean critter jerk in an unquiet slumber. His shirt collar led into a jail ef it costs me a dollar." was unbuttoned, and his childish bosom, i " What did he do'!" persisted the as white as that of a girl, was open and questioners. exposed. He breathed quick and heavily. \ " Well, 'twatit much of anything 'cep The wound of which he was dying had , a sell," said he ; and then breaking out been intensely painful, but within the again, he exclaimed, " Oh, Jediah Dex last half hour had somewhat • lulled, ter ! that anything as cute as you are though even now his thin fingers tightly allowed to be shud be drawed into sech grasped the bed clothes, as if lie suffered a scrape by a yeller look in', tiger shalcin', the greatest agony. corn raisin' sarpint as that feller." A battle strained and gray haired sea- " Was he a sucker 1" inquired the man stood beside him, holding a dull gent. lantern in his hand, and gazing sorrow- I " Well, he want much else," said the fully down upon the sufferer. The sur- afflicted mourner, "and the fullest grown geon knelt with his finger on the boy's one I have seed lately—cuss his pictur." pulse. " But you have not told us what his As I approached they all looked up.— offence was,'' continued the other. The veteran who held him shook his I " No," said he, " I ain't ; and, what's head; and would have spoken; but the wusser a darned sight, I'm ashamed to ; tears gathered too choakingly in his all cre-a-tion that I shad a been so tee eyes. totally green. 1 swow," said he starting, The surgeon said— " I belive I won't tell it ; I'll jest let the "He is going fast—poor little fellow— I mean varmint slide. It won't bear tellin' do you see this l As he spoke he lifted on. Why ef they shad hoer it down in up a rich gold locket which had lain upon Connecticut, I could'nt never show my the boys breast. "He has seen better self at any futile Thanksgivin' in them days ." latitudes ; they'd holler meal at me jest I could not answer for my heart was as quick as they'd clap eyes on me. , ' full—here was the being to whom, but a " Oh, come !" shouted both listeners, few hours before I had owed my life—a " you are not agoing to leave without en. poor, slight, unprotected child—lying lightening us, now that you have raised before me with death already written on our curiosity." his brow—and yet I had never known " Well, I guess it won't hurt you much his danger and never sought him out af- e f you don't hoer it," and he was about ter the conflict. How bitterly my heart to move when one of his auditors in reproached me in that hour. They no- formed him that it was absolutely neces ticed my agitation and his old friend— snry that he should stop and lodge his the seaman that held his head, said sad- complaint, for evidently some wrong ly, had been committed, and if lie kept Poor little Dick—you'll never see the silent, and allowed it to pass unpunished shore you have wished for so long. But he would be conniving at the evil and there'll be more than one—when your thereby lay himself liable. log's out," he spoke with emotion—to "Is that the law 1" inquired the bitten mourn over you." complainant. "Suddenly the little fellow opened his Both listeners signified the affirmative eyes and looked vacantly around. to his query. "Has he came yeti" he asked, in a " Well, 1 don't want to go gin law low voice. "Why, won't lie come? much," said Jed., "so you kin hey the "I ant here," said I, taking the little hull upshot of this in a mina, and you'll follow's hand, don't you know me, allow its mighty mean. A Illinois feller Dichil" this mornin' walked into my shop, where He smiled faintly in my face. He then I'm merchandiz in' along side on the mar said— ket, and g ot to dickerin' some butter "You have been kind to me, sir,— with me for groceries and other notions. kinder Unto most people are to a poor His pots of cow's grease were dreadful orphan boy. I have no way to show my nice on top, and tasted like new milk ar gratitude—unless you will take the Bi- ter spring grass. It lust tuck me all up ble you will find in may trunk. It's a in a heap, and I bargained for all the small offering, I know, but it's all I critter had, and got too sellin' him the have." little fixins in exchange. He looked so I burst into tears: he resumed— eternal soft, mid swayed around so alfired "Doctor, I ant dying, ain't II" said I green, that I didn't once hew a dream of the little fellow, "for my sight grows the critter's heirs' tricky, so the trade dim. God bless you Mr. Danforth." I was did up mighty short, and he tray " Can I do nothing for you, Dick!" said Bled. Well, jest a mina sence, I turned I; "you saved my life. I would coin my out a pot to sell to a customer, and I life to buy yours." swan to man ef two thirds on't wasn't "I have nothing to ask—l don't want an Injin meal dumplin!" to live—only, if its possible, let me be A burst of laughter here broke from *ivied by mother—you'll find the his auditors, and, as they appeared to name of the place and all about it in my k eep on at it, instead of sympathising trunk."with poor Jed., he raised himself proud 'Anything—everything, my poor lad,' ly up under his load of surprise, and mo- I answered, chokingly. veil to the door. The little fellow smiled faintly—it "Ah ! ha! ha !ha ! Injin dumplins was like an angel's smile—but he did ah ! ha !" shouted one of the convulsed not answer. His eyes were fixed on listeners as Jed was retreating. the stars flickering in that patch of blue ti You needn't take on so," said Jed., sky overhead. Ilis mink wandered. for ef he don't think of his sins when "It's a long—long ways up there—but he mailers that ten I sold him, then I'm there are bright angels among them.— mistaken in the yarb. It's perfectly Mother used to say that I would meet awful on a man's bowels ; 'specially her there. How near they come, and! when he ain't used to it !" and, amid a see sweet faces milling on me from shout of laughter, Jed. disappeared, con among them. Hark! is that music'!" grittulating himself at least on being even, and, lifting his finger, he scented listen- —,-Reveille. ing for a moment. He fell back, and the old veteran burst into tears. The child was dead. Did he indeed hear angel's voices'! God grant it. " MASSA. DASH," said Cuffee, he be one real gemman : he gib me half a dollar for brush his boots, three quarter dollar to hold his !toss, and whole dollar for eallin' hint gemman ; and lie be a real gemman and no inktake:' CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED BY TBUTIT, HUNTINGDON, PA,, JUNE 30, 1847. lIQW JEDIAH WAS SUCKED IN "Is the 'Squire to hum?" Inquired an elonginatetl iudivadual yesterday, who pushed his had into the Recorder's office. It being about the dinner hour, none of the officials happened to be "tu hum ;" but a couple of cits, who happen ed to be lounging inside, invited him in, and enquired his business. " Well," said he, in a beautiful nasal "my business ain't much, but tell me which is the 'Squire V' "He is at dinner sir," said one of the pair, "but if yon have anything very urgent, we will send for him." "Well, I ain't got much in particular," answered the Eastern man, "but just this mornin' a feller from the piing State of Illinois played me one of the alfiredist mean tricks Iv'c been on late ly JARS. Jars of jelly, jars of jam, Jars of potted beef and ham, Jars of early goose berries nice, Jars of mince-pies, jars of spice, .lars of pickles, all home-made, Jars of cordial, older-wine, Jars of honey, superfine-- Would the only jars were these That occur in families. Reward of Honesty. There is something in female honor, or virtue in a woman, which charms as much as honesty in a man ; and both are so rare, and at the same time so in estimable, that this celebrated distich of our moral bard will equally apply to either— ..A Wit's a feather. and a Chief's a rod, An honest man's the noblest work of God." The cardinal Farnese, who was Very properly named the patron of the Poor, gave public audience once a week to in digent persons in his neighbdrhood, and distributed his bounty among them ac cording to their wants. A woman of genteel address, but in a dejected, for lorn condition, presented herself one day with her daughter, a beautiful crea ture about fifteen years old, before this liberal ecclesiastic. 4My lord,' said she, 'the rent - of my house (five crowns) has been due some days, and my landlord threatens to turn me into the street, unless he is paid within the week. Have the goodness, my lord Cardinal, to interpose your sa cred authority, andprotect me from this dreadful outrage, till by our industry we can satisfy tha demand of our pursecn tor.' . . The Cardinal wrote a billet which he put into the petitioner's hand, and said --11-4 o to my steward with this paper, and receive from him five crowns.' But the steward on her presenting the docu ment paid down 50. The woman absolute ly refused to receive more than five, al leging that his eminence gave her toix pect no more; and it must be a mis take. _ _ . Both were so convinced of acting lit erally according to order, that it was mutually agreed to refer the matter to the Cardinal himself. 'lt is true,' said he, 'there must be a mistake.—Give me the paper, and I will rectify it.' He then returned the billet, thus rectified, to the woman, saying, 'So much candor and honesty deserves re compense. Here—l have ordered you a thousand crowns. What you can spare out of it, lay up as a dowry for your daughter in marriage, and regard my donation as the blessing of God on the upright disposition of a pure mind.' Advice to the Melancholy. There are many excellent things in the Portland Tribune ; this advice to the melancholy, for instance: " Are you mel ancholy 1 Go out in the green fields and let the beautiful sky be reflected in your bosom. No man can remain under the harrow of despondency, who catches the reflections of beautiful objects on his heart. A landscape—a sheet of water— the singing of birds, or the prattling of children way have the desired effect.— Melancholy is a disease that must be driven off and not hugged to the affec tions. If delightful images fill the eye and the heart, she will not have an inch to place her cloven foot upon. If you sit in the damp corner suffering the spi ders to play upon your head, the sow bugs to creep under your feet, and the mould to gather round your person, who can wonder that you are sad and melan choly 1 Away to thelfresh fields and pure air of heaven. Drink in the de- Ilights that are breathing from leaf, tree and rill. Let your spirit catch the in spiration of heaven, and never again shall we hear a long sigh, see a vinegar face, or listen to a doleful song." Beautiful Answer. • What wonderful questions childred often ask and what equally wonderful answers do they sometimes give. What can be more touching than the following anecdote which we find iu the N. Y. Or gam A friend of 'ours while dressing a very young child, a few days ago, said—in I rather an impatient tone, "You arc such a lump of shape, it is impossible to make anything lit you!" The lips of the child quivered, end, looking up, it said in a deprecating tone—" God made me." Our friend was rebuked ; and the little lump was kissed a dozen times. _ _ . "God made me!" Had the wise men of the world pondered upon n fitting an-' swer to such a careless remark, for a century, they could not have found a better one than flowed naturally and spontaneously from the wounded heart of the child. "God made me, mother; it is not my fault that I am what you thus seem not to like—such a little lump; God made me!" Blesvings on the in• nocent heart, sweet child—"of such are the kingdom of Heaven."—U. S. Post. 46 Where did you come from ?" asked Wilki to a beggar in the Isle of Wight. "From the devil." " What is going on there'!" "Much the same us lucre." " What's that 1" "The rich taken in, and the poor kept out," WHERE SHALL I'oo ? From the N. Y. Spirit of the Times. Sotne years since, in the county ofl A Down East Joke Served Ont. Washtenaw and State of Wolvereena, i A Mr. D., in the town of W. in this an indictment was found against a cer- State, was applied to by an Irishmanl for rain man, and his trial was already in the loan of his gun fur a day. Pat was progress. Some of those in power were unacquainted with its use, and inquired among the number of his friends, and of D, how to load it. D. supposing that perceiving that the case was quite sure he was quizzing, said that lie generally to be unfavorable to the unfortunate vie. i put in about two feet of powder and shot tim of the law, the ~ ,rthy incumbent of I altogether! The Irishman took the gun the Bench hinted to the Sheriff the pro- I and started for the field. When bable result, with a pretty broad intitna- ' cleverly out of sight . he comenced char tion that it would be well for the prison- ging the gun; "By the powers, an' I er to give bail—leg bail—and disappear. pity the man that finds game a plinty," Accordingly the Sheriff informed his i was his soliloquy as he emptied the ' charge of the probable issue of the suit, I contents of his powder flask into the and gave hint frequent opportunities, to barrel. He found on putting down the take care of lihnself. But the fellow wad that the two feet were coining whose honesty far exceeded his shrewd- short. Next lie emptied his shot pouch ness would not take the hint, and follow- into the barrel, and found that his tn ed the Sheriff; faithful as his shadow, munition made only a foot and a half of ivhereVer lie went. Finally, worn out j load altogether. As luck would have iti with the apparent stupidity of the pris- Pat did not find any thing in the shape [ over; the :Sheriff spicing his speech of lawful game to "empty at," so he [ with certain hard adjettives which •i 0 brtiuglit up at D.'s with the gun in prime, omit. thus addressed him NVlty in condition. No questions being asked. . the d-1 don't you run away—you'll be honest Pat respecting his luck, the gun' convicted and sent to State's prison."— was laid aside and forgotton. "Run!" said the man in bonds—" ‘‘ here A few days after, D. had occasion to . . shall I run to 1 I'm in .ifie . higan now!" use his gun: being in haste, he glanced' This was a poser, and the Sheriff's phi lanthropy was chilled like a glacier. NONPLUSSED. A celebrated writer of vaudevilles be ing caught recently in a shower, took refuge under a portico. A very pretty person soon lifted the window, and after looking at him attentively for a moment, sent a servant out to him with an tn brClla. The next day the delighted au- 1 geance on the Irishman. When he thor dressed himself up to the last result found him he commenced inquiries as to of the problem of what was becoming, what the devil he had been doing with and as the umbrella was an old one, laid , hi s gun—"you blasted bogtrotter, you it aside as a souvenir, and purchasing a put in powder enough to blow up all the new one of the costliest state, coped on castles in Mexico!" . the lady to return her flattering loan.— ' Pat not undersianding him, and sup- She received the new umbrella evident- pos i ng that he, had not put powder ly without remarking the change, and enough; replied—"An' sure I put in all after listening with curious gravity to the the powder and shot I had, and it was rather pressing tenderness of the drama- full eighteen inches load, if that wasn't tist's acknowledgement, she soddenly enough, sure I couldn't help it. Faith, comprehended that he was under the . an' you'll be plaised to load your own impression that she was enamored of gun next time!" him, and forthwith naively explained Poor D. shut his other eye and left for that as lie stood in the way of a gentle- I Canada—the States could't hold him man who wished to come and see her on observed, she had sent the umbrella to get him off the steps What I have Seen and Heard 'I have seen a lady adorned with costly apparel, clothed in silk and velvet, with her fingers ornamented by rings, and her wrists by jeweled bracelets ; and that lady's seamstress, who was entirely de pendent upon her daily garnings, has re mained unpaid for months. 1 have seen a young girl expend dol lars on a useless trinket, who half an hour before, had refused a shilling to a needy beggar. I have seen a mother cheerfully lavish money to purchase her daughters expen sive and superfluous dresses ; and I have heard-the same mother grumble that she had to pay servants such enormous wages. 1 have heard a wife, whose apartments were furnished in the most rich and ele gant manner, and who spared neither pains or expense in procuring articles, either for her rooms or wardrobe, com plain bitterly that her husband took so many newspapers. 1 have seen a man spend money pro fusely for the supply of his personal wants, while at the same time he would I give the least pittance for any charitable object. have heard a wealthy man talk large ly about sympathy and benevolence, whose poor relations, struggling bard to support existence, might have queried whether he had ever known either of these qualities except by report. 1 have seen a father give money lav ishly to a prodigal son, while he has grudgingly paid all indigent nephew for his daily labor. I have seen a man's table covered with every luxury, whose wood-cutter had been more than once requested to take less than the usual price for his services. A PERSONAL IiEBUNE.—The late Rev. Dr.—, of a certain town in Maine, nn eccentric but honest minister, was once preaching on the practical virtues, and having a short time preveously bought a load of wood of one of the of ficers of the church, and finding it fall short in measure, took this occasion to speak thus plain on the subject: "Any man that will sell seven feet of wood for a cord, is no Christian, wheth er he sits in the . gallery, below, or even in the deacon's seal" Dr. Franklin recommends in the choice of a wife to select from a bunch. A down cast editor says the common practice now is to select with a bunch. irj- Gun-shot wounds arc npw called Auoting pains, {EDI AND PROPRIETOR WHOLE NO. 696 at the lock, and seeing that it was cap: ped, he pulled the trigger at his objectf . the consequence may be imagined. The Gun burst into pieces "too numerous to mention," and the unfortunate joker found himself, after an indifinite space of time, looking at the stars as well as he could with one eye "bunged tight," and his nose inquiring the way over his shoulder. His first thought was of ven- SINGULAR ANECDOTII.—SeveraI years ago a charity sermon was preached in a dissenting chapel in the west of England. When the preacher ascended the pulpit he thus addressed his hearers: "My brethren, before proceeding to the duties of this evening, allow the to relate a short anecdote. Many years have claps ed since I was last in this house. Upon that evening came three men with the intention of not only scoffing at the minister, but with their pockets filled with stones for the purpose of assaulting him. After he had spoken a few sen tences, one said, "ll—m him, let us be at him now;" bin the second replied, "No, stop till we hear what he makes of this point." The minister went on, when the second said, "We've heard enough now—throw!" but the third in terfered, saying "He is not so foolish as I expected; let us hear him out." The preacher concluded without being inter rupted. Now, mark me, by brethren— of these three men, one was executed three months ago at Newgate, for for gery; the second at this moment lies un der the sentence of death in the jail of this city, for murder—the other (contin ued the minister with great emotion)— the third, through the infinite goodness ;of God, is even note about to address you I—listen to him! THRILLING INCIDRNT.—At a temperance meetiug in Philadelphia some years ago, a learned clergyman spoke in favor of wine as a drink ; demonstrating- it quite to his own satisfaction to be scriptural, gentlemanly, and healthful'. When the clergyman sat down, a plain elderly man rose and asked the liberty of saying a few words--"A young friend of mine," said he, '' who had long been intemper• ate, was at length prevailed on to take the pledge of entire abstinence from all that could intoxicate. Ho kept the pledge faithfully for some time, though the struggle with his habit was fearful : till one evening in a social party, glasses of wine were handed round. They came to a clergyman present, who took a glass saying it few words in vindication of the practice. ‘, Well," thought the young man, " If a clergyman can take wine, and justify it so well, why not 11" So he also took a glass. It instantly re .. kindled his fiery and slumbering type \ tite ; and after a rapid downward course he died of ddir him omens— a raving 1 madman! „ . _ The old man paused for utterance ; and was just able to add— -" That young man was my only son; and the clergyman was the Revel end Doctor who has just addressed this assembly !"—Temperanu Banner. lic►uaubrr thu Ht. 1,1,1 Ride