Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 09, 1847, Image 1

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VOL. XII, NO. 23.
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Tell me ye winged winds,
That round my pathway roar:
Do ye not know some spot
Where mortals weep no morel
Some lone and pleasant dell,
Seine valley in the west;
Where free from toil and pain
The weary soul may rest?
The loud winds dwindle to a whisper low,
And sighed for pity as it anavrered'•Nd."
Tell etc thoti nighty deep
Whose billows round me play
Know'at thou some favored spot,
Some Island far away,
NV here weary man may find
The bile's for which he sighs
And frienship never diem?
The loud waves rolling in perpetual flow
Stopped for a while and sighed to answer "No.
And thou, serenest moon,
That With such lovely face
Dont look upon the earth,
Asleep in night's embrace,
Tell me, in all thy round
Host not seen some spot
Where miserable man
Might find a happier lot?
Behind a cloud the moon withdiev. iit tecie,
And a voice sweet but sad responded "No.'
'Fell me, my secret soul,
Ol tell me hope and faith,
Is there no resting place
Fro a sorrow, sin and death?
Is the e no happy spot
Where mortals may be blest,
Where griof may find a balm?
Faith, hope sad love, best boons to mortals given,
Waived their bright wings, and whispered,“Yes in
From the New York IChickerbocker.
Who has not seen the beautiful valley
Of the Ilelohawkl As the Iron horse •
draws the long train, now winding
around the base of some lofty hill, and
how almost suspended over the foaming
waters of the river, the traveller, seated
at his ease and looking out upon thel , a- •
ried beauties of the shifting scene, can
give but an imperfect idea of the toils
and trials of those who seventy years,
ngo traversed the same valley. Then
days and tteeks were occupied in pas
lug from Schenectady to Utica. The
old fashioned keelboat was forced up
against the rapid current with great la
bor; and when the river was swollen in
the spring, the navigation was even
considered dangerous. And yet, in the
old French war, a large army with all
its munitions and equipage passed
through the valley on its western and
northern frontier; and in the resolution
the bold scheme was devised of sending
a division of the American forces inten
ded to operate against the Six Nations
up the Mohawk to Canajoharie, and
thence to the head of the Otsego
It was a hazardous and toilsome expe
dition; and that old soldier Gen. James
Clinton, was appointed to the command.
It was a fitting post for the man who
had from early youth been inured to the
danger and hardships of border writs.—
Early is the spring of 1779 he reached
with his detachment the point now oc
cupied by the village of Canajoharie,
which wits formerly the site of an In
dian castle of the same name. From
here large parties Were sent forward to
clear the way and open the road towards
the head of the Otsego lake, over which
the batteaux used upon the river could be
transported. It Wits a laborious en
terprise; and required all the energy of
the commander, and taxed the patience
and patriotism of officers and men in its
execution.—The distance some twenty
miles, rind the route lay over the high
range of land which there separates the
tributaries of the Mohawk from the head
waters of the eastern branch of the Sus
quehanna. Spring had gone and sum
mer had comic before the batteaux were
carried over the Mountains, and launch
ed for the first time upon the waters of
that beautiful lake. While this portion
of the American army lay at Canajoha
rie the events occurred which it is pro
posed here briefly to relate.
It was at the close of a long day in
,early summer. The sun Was low in the
west, and its rays no longer holding
daliance with the clear blue waters of
the Mohawk, were taking their farewell
kiss of the green old forest trees which
covered the tops of the surrounding huts.
Straggling parties of soldiers in their fa ,
tigue dresses, Were moving slowly down
the winding road returning to the camp
wearied frcm their hard days' toil, some
of them reflecting upon the pleasant
scenes which they had left, and calling!
to mind their own distant homes; where
their wives and little ones, at such an
hour in days gone by had looked out
and watched their return and resolving
never again to leave those quiet scenes
for the rude hard life of the soldier:—
The evening parade was over; the roll
of the evening drum was ended; the
watchfires were kindled, and here and
there a light twinkled through the small
windows of the houses of the German
settlers, which were even at that day
thickly sprinkled along this portion of
the valley.
Around the house occupied by the
IGeneral as his head-quarters, there
seemed on this evening to be an 'masa
al gathering of officers, and from the
hurrying to and fro of subordinates, it
was evident that preparations were Ma ,
king for something of more than ordina
ry interest. Indeed it was no secret
that two persons had been arrested the
day before as spies, and that a court
martial Would assemble that evening ;
before winch they would be arraigned.
It is hardly necessary to observe the
war of the revolution found the settle
! meats along the upper part of the valley
of the Mohawk, and upon the head wa
iters of the valley of the Susquehanna,
in a very exposed situation. Sir Wil
liam Johnson died in 1774. For more
than a quarter of a century he had exer ,
I ted a great influence over the Indian
tribes, and especially over the tribe,
which even then had their dwel
' ling placeon the bank of the river to
which they had given the name, and
who by their skill and prowess stood at
the head of the confederacy of the In=
diens of New York. The influence
which was possessed by Sir William
was retained by his son-in-law, Gov.
Johnson, especially over the Indians,
Most of whom the following year left
their pleasant home and went With him
to Canada. He was followed also by a
large number of the white inhabitants
who espoused the cause of the mother
country. Many of these men afterwards
enlisted into a regiment organized and
comnianded by Sir John Johnson; a son
of Sir V% illiam, and known in the bor
der wars of New York, by the name of
Johnson's Greens. Others joined wiih
the Indians, and assuming the Indian
garb, and adopting the Indian mode of
warfare, made incursions into the settle
ments; and laid them waste marking
their progress by deeds of savage cruel
ty. Two of these men who had been
• engaged in this border warfare had been,
as before observed, arrested as spies in
the camp of General Clinton ; and were
no* to ba tried for their lives.
The preliminary arrangements having
been made, an order was given to bring
in the prisoners. The charges were
few and briefly statede They set forth
that the prisoners hind in the first in
stance abandoned their country in her
hour of need, and having gone over to
the enemy did afterwards enter into that
enemy's service ; and commit acts of agz
gression upon the true and patriotic in
habitants of the province of New York;
and being thus engaged in the services
of the enemy, did come into the camp as
The trial proceeded. Witnesses were
examined who testified to the prisoners
having teen residents of the Protince
previous to the war, and indeed, their
families at the time lived in the vicinity
and within a few miles of the cam p.—
They knew from general reputation that
they had joined the enemy. But no
overt adt was ever proven ; especially
against the principal prisoner, whose
' name was Newberry.
`Have all the witnesses been exam
inedV asked Gen. Clinton.
`'There is one other witness, who is
momentarilly expected,' was the reply
of the judge advocate.
In a few minutes a man entered. He
was bowed down, not with years, but
with sorrow: His grey hairs were the
marks not of age but of misfortune.—
For a moment his eye rested on New
berry, and the guilty prisonr grew pale,.
as he met the searching glance of the
witness. Ile was sworn, anti commen
ced a minute detail of the destruction in'
the previous year, of the neighboring
settlement, where he then lived ; that he
;Vas absent when the Indians and tories
disguised as Indians, reached his house;
that he hastened home only to find his
home on fire; and whole family, his wife
and four children; massacred ; that he
succeeded in extinguishing the lire, and
on examination found one of his child
ren, a daughter about eleven years of
age, still alive; that he carried her to
the door, and she revived So as to be
able to sit up ; that while supporting her
in his arms, he saW another party of the
enemy approaching; when he fled and
concealed himself, that the leader of
that second party was known to him ;
and that as he approached the door the
tory leader with a blow of his tomahawk
extinguished the spark of life which was
kindled up in the bosom of his child.—
" And there," pointing td the prisoner
Newberry, " sits that tory leader ! May
God have mercy on him, for I cannot. '
He sat down under great excitement
of feeling, and burying his face in his
hands sobbed aloud: As for Newberry;
his face paled, and his lips quivered,
when the witness commenced his narra=
tion ; and when , he concluded, despair
seemed to have seized him. The court
pronounced him guilty, and he was
hanged the next day: [Bs wife pleaded
! for him, but in vain. The interest of
the patriot's cause required that retribu
tive justice should be dealt out: She
I was permitted, however, to take the
body of her husband for the purpose of
burial. It was placed in a rude coffin,
and laid in the basement room of a house
in the vicinity of the camp, and while
several persons were sitting, a large
black snake issued from the wall, and
passing over the coffin, glided away into
the opposite wall:
It may he well imagined that amaze ,
ment seized upon those who were wit ,
nesses of this strange event. The tale
soon spread, and it was readily inferred
and believed that his Satanic Majesty
' had appeared in that shape, to convey
I away the soul of the guilty Newberry.
A.s a consequence the God of Hosts was
on the side of the patriots. The patriot
ism and courage of the people were
much promoted by this strange occur
' rence. It must be borne in mind that
most of the early settlers in that region
of the country were Germans and they
that partook largely of the superstitions
of the father land. Many a German
mother on this occurrence, called to
mind and related to her children the
tales of the spirits of her native 'noun
' taing in Germany; and for many long
years after the close of the Revolution
try war the trial and execution of Ser.;
geant Newberry formed a fruitful theme
! of winter evening conversation and the
subject of many a nursury talc.
Singular and Distressing .11 . frair.—A
highly respectable gentleman of Baltic
more city, who transacted a mercantile
business on the Wharf, was taken sick
and died, was supposed, a short time
since. Being a native of an adjoining
city, his wife and friends desired to en
ter his remains there, and his body was
accordingly placed in coffin and convey
ed to that city. 'When the coffin arrived,
it was opened in order to transfer the
remains to a more suitable one, which
had been prepared, for interment.— •
When the lid was removed, the body
was found lying upon the face; which
upon examination was bruised. A mois
ture was observed upon the skin, and on
close examination it was found that the
vita/ spark had not as yet fled. All the
restoratives that the best medical skill
could devise, were used; and the man
was actually revived and lived for two
days afterward, before the "spirit depart
ed unto Him that gave it." No doubt
was entertained here of the decease, and
the' feelings of relatives and friends at
such a discovery; cannot be for one mo
ment imagined.—Phila. Ledger.
To Protect Grain front Rats.—An in
dividual of much practical experience,
states that green elder deposited in and
abobt mows of hay and grain, Will
prove an effectual preventive against the
depredations of mice and rats. These
animals are frequently very destructive
in their ravages; and if a remedy so
simple and easy of attainment is effica
cious, it deserves to be known and re- -
membered by all. We have long known
that the leaves of the common Mullen will
dri*e rats from their haunts. There is
something in the odor of this plant that
is disgusting to their ratships, as was
the leek to the ancient Pistol; they can
not "abide
TIT FOR TAT.—Tile doctors in Connec;
ticut are trying to induce the Legisla
ture to pass a law that no patent or
quack medicines shall be sold in that
State without a label giving al} the in
gredients of which it is composed. To be
even with them, the medicine men have
asked the Legislature to pass a la* that
, all physicians, prescriptions shall be
written out in plain English.:Between the
two, it is thought there *lithesome fun:
[Front the Pitteirtrg Gazette.]
Ist. And it catne td pass about the
days of famine, when the sons of St.
Patrick were sorely oppressed in the
Emerald Isle, That James waged a ter
rible war against the subjects of the
Pope, in the land of the ancient Monte
Arid It *as in this iiiise; Thilt
James who is also called Polk, and who
delights only in those who withhold pro
tection to the poor man's labor, and who
hold the sable sons of Africa in bondnge
as cattle, liCheld the sunny country call
ed Texas, as thou goest to*ards the Rio
Grande southward, And lie said shall we
not possess it, and make it ours by an
3d. For John the traitor (his prede;.
cessor) had before made progress in the
matters, being equally zealous for the
extension of the area of Slavery. Now
the Mexicans are a weak tuition; and
poor, and in the eyes of James con
.Ith. And the advocates of Shivery
pressed the matter, And lo ! the thing
was done by the Congress and it was
told to King James, and the monarch
rejoiced, Howbeit; the Mexicans, who
are the rightful owners of the country,
were displeased thereat, and they said,
host thou not dealt unjustly with us.
sth; And the King said to Zachary,
the Captain of the host :—Gird on thine
armor thou son of thunder, and advance
to the work of destruction, Shall a peo
ple who are weak, ignorant and con
temptible, thus speak to us of their
rights and our injustice.
Gth. And the slaVeholders COntiselled
Jaities saying unto him, " if this thing
is suffered to pass, the negro will soon
claim rights, and justice will be presen
ting a plea for the sons of Africa!! Now
we beseech thee, inasmuch as we have
become strong, rich, wise and exalted
amongst the nation : that we hold there
to—Glory—by the destruction of our
enemies and seizure of their possessions.
7th: And James forthwith proclaimed;
saying! "And ndw beeduse these Mex.
icons have opened their mouths to itn
' peach us with wrong, behold the honor
and Glory of our name can only be vin
dicated by the blood of their men; their
women and their little ones: I; there
fore, command dur Captain Zachary,
forthwith, to burn their cities and to lay
waste their country from the Gulf to the
Mountains ; and from the Mountains to
the Pacific, until our soldiery shall reiiel
amidst the "Beauty and Booty," in the
Halls of their ancient Princes.
7th. And Zachary, who is also called
Taylor, in obedience to the King, put
the armies in array, and he slew them
before Palo Alto and Reseca de la Palma
and beyond the Del Norte he smote them
to Matainoras, and pitched his tents
within the walls of that city, so long
famous for its commerce in Oxhides and
9th, And When he had laid the place
under contributions, he adVanced against
the fortified city of "Monterey " which
he encompassed, and having carried the
heights, and broken down die walls
thereof, the battle was from house to
house with great slaughter, until the be ,
sieged etipitulated,—and behold, Zack:
ary, so dreadful in battle, permitted his
prostrate foes to remove their wives and
children to a place of sill - e V—and bind
up the wounded and provide for those
that were helpless and submissive.
10th. And it was whispered to the
King that this Zachary Was a ‘C Whig,"
which is a sect that the King bates, be. ,
cause they differ from the King in wady
and great matters—and who say, that
cruel war is unnecessary.
1 1th. And the King called his Privy
Counsellors together ; and his counten ,
[ince was troubled, And he said, I am in
a strait, behold, if we conquer in this
war, this " Whig," even Zachary, will
receive all the Glory--and the people
will surely exalt him to the throne,. and
we shall be undone, wherefore he must
be cut off—even if the army fall with
hurt—and the enemy triumph !
12th. And "Benton" answered " Long
live the King;" and a short career to
this Whig Captain, behold, I *ill put a
in motion !" Appoint me Lieuten. ,
ant General, and depose Zachary, and 1
will utterly destroy all the King's en- .
envies ; there shall not be left that kick- FORBIDDING THE BANNS.-011 the third
eth against the wall.. publication of the banes of marriage at
18 4 th. And the King and his Council'
a country church in .t;ngland; a buxom
were greatly pleased, and said, thou art i young
a choice spirit, and one who of old "EX- woman, all in her Sunday trim,
arose and suid—"Please your honor rev
euxonnt" the King's opposers, Howbeit,
erend sir, I forbid the banns. "Whyl"
the King feared the Congress in this
asked the clergymen. "Because I want
matter, for a vote of thanks was peud- him myself," was the reply, "and I hold
ing for Zachary, for his bravery in the in my hand his written protnise of mar
war, and the King's party opposed it— to me."
eunningly—saying he was too tender in A few days since at Rochester,a butch
sparing blood at Monterey. er in dressing a bullock, found a sail
14th. Now the King feared another maker's needle sunk into the heart of
great Captain who was also of the Whig the animal. The heart was a little in
sect, whose surname was Seoul—who flamed, but the animal was healthy.
&Aired to go out to battle—and the
King caused his Secretary to write hard
things to him, and td attack him "front
mid rear," if so be he could restrain him
from gaining Glory also.
15th, And the Secretary made his I
"front" attack whet; the Captain was en-i
gaged at a "hasty Plate Of soup" and he
threw it at the Secretary and destroyed
his breeches, howbeit, "Marcy" was not
dismimfitted; but as in times past, he
charged the King's treasury tvith the re
pairs thereof. .
16th. And the King laid the scheme
of Benton artfully before the Congress, I
But the Congress said nay; this thing
must not be done, and thus they stayed '
the King's design, and he became wroth
and unhappy.
. . . .
17th. And the King caused Zachary's
chief troops to be wilhdraitin; and raw
troops; few in number, to be given instead
thereof, and ordered him into the moun
tains and the cities beyond, to be cut off
by the renowned Mexican "SANTA
ANNA" and his legiens:
18th. And when the people heard of
this thing—n noise and great excitement
prevailed—from Maine to Florida—and
front the Atlantic to where the sun goes
down, one mighty anathaina was pro- ,
nounced upon the King and his counsel
lors, and the people wept over the fate
of Zazhary and his citizen soldiers many
days havinc , passed since they were cut
oft froth all communication and surroun-1
ded by a strong enemy, ,
_ .
19th. And it came to pass; in the
midst of this deep and painful solicitude, !
that a herald arrived from the army, and
the people ran together and cried ont,
what neivsl What news! is Zachary
and his men safe, or have they beer
smitten and felll And the herald pro
clannech Rejoice, Rejoice and be glad! ! •
For Zachary is safe!! Most nobly has
he defended himself against fearful odds,
and victory has again perched upon his ,
20th And the people shouted for joy
and they cried out away With Polk and
his vile Councellors—and give us Zach
ary to rule over us. Now Zachary was
not only a man of war, but was skilled
in the King's business of ruling, of
strong mind and great prudence, delight. ,
!ng in acts of mercy and deeds of benev
olence; , .
21st, And Polk and his adherents
throughout the country, were amazed
and fear fell upon them, and said one to
another, what shall we do, for it cannot
be denied that Zachary has escaped by
miracle and now the whole country is
going over to him, and he will carry the
higs into power, for he belengeth to
their party, and has been from the be
gining the friend of cild Harry of Ken
22d. And they met in conclave, and said
one to another ; did we not make the peo
ple of the land of Penn belieVe; on a cer
tain time that even Polk was a good
Tariff man !! Go to now, and let us
proclaim that Zachary is a good Loco
Voce ; of our own blood and kidney, and
thus shall our party claim all his Victo
*ies, And it shal come to pass, when the
Whigs shall rejoice over these victories,
;Ind with bonfires celebrate the deliver
ance of Zachary and his men from the
fate we had prepared for them. Then
let us ; also, burn incense in our windows
and in our streets! and shoat hosanas to
him whom we failed to depose; and
could not destroy! !
23d. And the Whigs having only the
good of the country at heart ivere de
lighted, saying—even our opponents are
now with us, and the geed Locofoco
himself has been brought to submit with
the Mexicans to the great Whig chain=
2.1411. And the tribes of Calhoun of
the Palmetto, and of Cass, of the Penin
sula, and the Buchnnites, of the old Fed
eral order, whose hopes were destroyed
together with the Polkites and the dwel ,
lers of Lindenwald; and other clans of
dispersed Philistians and Spoil , booters;
*ere constrained, as of one accord, but
With trembling nerves, and tears in their
eyes to shout hosannas to the conquer
ing and Whig ! !!
25th. But Zachary kne - w none of these
doings—For he was busied with warri-
ors in the tented, field, Saying,- when
Peace is restored, and then only, will
we return to our kindred and our coup=
WHOLE NO. 698:
sons who are in the habit of the daily
use of spbnge as an article of the bath .
room, may not be aware of the living
Troperties df this peculiar substance.—
hat sponge is a, fungusi most people
understand, though its animal history is
little known: A late English . lecturer
upon curidus physiological matters; says
that sponge is a living garbage vegeta:
ting at the bottom of the sea ; it grow'
to rocks, and assumes the shaof3 of el
cockle-shell ; the living tinifutil is thei
gluey white-of-egg looking sui3statice
Width is spread over its sponge body;
the article known by that name in corn.
rrier , ...e; being Merely the skeleton of the
animal: The lecturer declared that the
very flints were nothing more than crys
tallizatioft bf sponges. To prove that
stones had lives, he went into certain
geologictil inWries; and Subsequently
spoke of snails; Cultic fish, Ace., and
showed that the Mouth of the snail was
furnished with a cutting piece of mechan:
isin far superior as a piece of Cutlery to
any artificial knife or razor ; in which
articles inventive of impiottinents might
he attained bY a dareful Study of the
snail's mouth !
VI Good Rule.—lt is always a good
rale to follow; to step in no path, id
speak no word; to commit no act, wheti
conscience appears to whisper—Beware.
You had better wait a twelve Month,
and learn your duty, then take a hastily
step, and bring tears and repentance tt,
a dying day. Now Many a lost man
might have been saved, had he listened.
to an inward monitor, and resisted the
first inclination to deviate from the holy
path Of rectitude: See far away before
you; and On either side, the ground.
ivhitened with the bones and sinews of
millions who have perished ignobly hi
the march of life. thty.rnisted the
spirit of truth; and fell: They trusted
to themselves and sunk on the onset.—
Take warning by them. Could theii
I bones litre, breathe, and speak, he* tarn .
esilv would they appeal to youl They
-Would compel you, as it were, to pur,
sue a Virtuous course; that yOui end.
Might be jeiyous, and not degiadedi
last conflict with Great Britain, a num
ber of our troops were engaged in re:
ptilrink Bid Shattered fortifications at
Niagara, and while so engaged, the en.:
emy commenced a pretty sh4rp fire, so'
that it occupied nearly all the time of
Our forces to keep oh the look out for
the shots of the enemy: Finding they
did not Make. much headway, they sta.:
tioned a son of the Enlorald Isle tb give
warning wheneVer a shot or shell was
coining, that they might be prepared fen:
it. This the sentinel faithfully perform.;
cd, alternately singing out, 4 shot, shell'
shot,' until finally the enemy started a
congreve rocket, which Put had never
seen before. lie hesitated a moment,
and seeing it elevate., he Shouted shot'
—and—' by Jabers the gao with it I"
Rock. Daily 4th,
J 1 Sweet Party.--A letter from Gen.
Scott's army, describing the battle of
Cerro Gordo, says of the Mexican pris.:
"A large portion of the prisoners are
rancheros; and a More miserable looking
set of vagabonds I babe never beheld.—
They were clad ifi every imaginable style
—pants of leather, cotton, tvolleii; raw
hide, cut after the fashion of every nation
on earth, and as different in hue as the
colors of the rainbow. These who were
not barefoot wore boots, shoes, or leath-'
er sandals. Their upper Works were
equally various consisting of a long
white apron; a monkey jacket, or blan
ket, or a huge woolen coat or tloak.—
There was quite a number of women;
bearing bundles of Various dimensions.
Fire or six of them caried each one a
small child comfortably ensconced in at
corn sack, pendent from the mother's
shoulders: There *as 611 e youth who
attracted considerable attention; He
was about six year old, wore the small
est of all jackets on his shoulders, bui
ps to the rest; a perfect "sans cullotte."
'l'o make up for the deficiency; however;
he had iintnease alonohed "beavers,"
one crammed in the other, and his head
stuck into the "one." Thus accoutred
he picked his way with his bare feet
over the sharp lotise stones; apparently
highly pleased with his first view of
rros Anuricanos." They appeared'
generally in good spirits, but were
teing severely with thirst. Stepping
up to our troops they would place their
finger on their lips, and look an humble
suppliant for water, which was cheerful
ly given."
07 " Santa Anna never surregders !"
exclaimed a news-boy the other day, who'
was crying the extras.
" How so 1" asked a passer-by "you/
mean Gen. Taylor."
"No, I don't, by golly; Santa Anna'
always retreats!"