Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 02, 1847, Image 4

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    Frain the New Orleans Delta. — 1171441."- -- In one of
the letters describing the incidents of
the blattle of Bunn Vista, we find the
Yesterday morning, nearly opposite I following:
the Algiers Ferry, quite a crowd was There was one little scene on the
gathered around a man who had evident'. field which excited great simpathy. A
ly been to the wars—his boots were' Mexican woman was found in a gorge
wounded, his cap very much bruised, under one of the peaks of the mountain,
and his dingy blue jacket gashed in va- having about her ten or twelve of her
rious places. The face. of our returned countrymen, five or six of whom was
volunteer was tanned by exposure to dead. She was endearering fa Make
the sun and arid sands of Mexico, his the beds of the living as easy as she
hands was as red as a beet, and his Pug, could, by removing the stones from ult . -
nose ornamented with any amount of ; der them and placing their heads on her
pimples. His whiskers and moustaches own person. She refused bread and wa
were as dense as the chaparral between er herself,tendering every thing that was
Point lsabell and Matamoras, and his , offered her to the sufferers about her
light blue eyes moved in their sockets'
with a savage kind of enthusiasm. He It was almost the only bright spot on
that bloody ground. A monument
was evidently "higher" than he should i should be raised to her which should
have been, but his heart was in the right stand as long as the battle of Buena
place, and from his looks lie appeared to Vista is remembered. I saw the good
be as brave as steel. To a crown of act- i woman afterwards in one of the wagons
miring listeners, composed of cab men I with her wounded men, apparently full
in oil cloth coats, draymen in red flan_ l o f joy and hope, thankful, I suppose;
nel shirts, and 'long shore men in every that she had fallen into merciful hands.
veriety of dilapidated and quaint cos
tume, our volunteer thus gave vent to
his patriotism:
"Feller citizens," said he "I've bin
down than. I've lain these long bones
of mine on Pint Isabel, and indulged in
the splendidest kind of dreams, sur
rounded by a galaxy of sand flies on the
Brazos, and centerpedes was my com
panions at Palo Alto; but at Rassacker 1
give a coulde or more gentlemen par
tick-u-lar goss. I seed Charley May
when he made the charge,
and !nerd
poor Ridgley holler out, "Stop Charley,
till I draw their fire!" I was'nt at Fort
Brown but on my honor as a soger, the
"Great Western" (1 beg your pardon,
Mrs. Bourlette) can make the nicest
coffee that ever was drinked. The al
ealde at Matamoras tuk me up one night
for being drunk, but the way that my
capting brought him up to the bullring
of inillingtary opinion was a caution to
the skunks that used to sweep the pla
za with willow brooms, I was up at
Reynoser, and flourished for a while in
the suburbs of Camargo. I crossed
over with Gineral Worthe and may be
1 wasn't at Montery! Oh, that Bishop's
Palace—the stormin was the prettiest
sight in the world! Then in the streets
—the barricads; why, our boys hopt
over 'em like squirrels, and the Mexi.
cans fell on their pavements like hickory
nuts in the fall of the year. But Benny
vista was the place where I extinguish
ed myself. I fout like a man, gentle
man—l did. I seed old Zack on that
old yeller chargin of his'n, and if the
Mexicans had touched a hair ori his
head we'd a massacreed etery mothers
son on 'em. That old man can't be
tetched by anything made in Mexico,
if he can you may have my head for a
foot ball. And now gentlemen, if 1 had
money I'd treat you all, but I ain't got
the first red cent. Howsumever, heav
en and the-paymaster willin' 1 shall be
in town on Monday next with a pocket
full of rocks, and the way I will scud up
the Mississippi to old Louisville will
supprise all magnetic telegraphs."
The Military orator turned on his heel
with the grace of the "Great I am;" not,
however without loud cheers from his
admiring auditors
Dress and the Mind.
Oh, be not vain of gorgeous dress,
Place not in gems thy happiness,
For these will pace away;
Hut cherish virtue, wisdom, truth,
These will adorn thy blooming youth,
And cheer thy life's decay.
"Train up a child in the way he
should go," says the proverb, and well
would it be for children generally, if
they were trained in the way they should
go. But alas for the weakness of hu
man nature! parents too often train up
their offspring in a way that brings
much trouble and inconvenience upon
themselves, as well as upon those who
are subject to their management. To
gratify her own pride, and love of dis
play, the fond mother heaps finery upon
little miss, before she is of an age to care
for ornaments on her own account, and
while the doll and baby house would oc
cupy all her little thoughts, if left to
herself, she is taught to consider a new
and fashionable dress as the great thing
to be desired; and do but see how the
little thing tosses her tiny head, decora
ted with flowers or feather—how the
rich frock is displayed, and the lullipu-.
tian foot held out, that strangers may
observe the delicate slipper—how the
culs, which mama or nurse has spent
hours in torturing to their present form,
are shaking from side to side—how
the smile of gratified vanity dimples
the rosy mouth when she hears the
whiseped praises that are lavished upon
her, on account, most likely, of her cost
ly dress. Children, if gond humored,
are always engaging. "Youth, in it
self, is beauty." Why then destroy the
simplicity of the infant mind,. by the per
nicious whisperings of adulation Why I
infuse into the young heart, the danger.
ous love of display Why sow the seed
that will spring up into the baleful
weeds of self-love, pride and extrava
gance"! A judicious mother will see
that all the ornaments of dross are
worthless, compared with a cultivated
mind, and a gentle deportment. Neat
ness of person and attire arc highly to
be emnmended—they are necessary to
the respectability of females; but more
than these are "vanity and vexation of
There are now five elements:—carth,
air, fire, water, and—the press!
BEATtrirtm!—At the Webster dinner
in Richmond, the following toast was
drunk with enthusiasm :
"The States of the Union!—Distinct,
like the billows, but one like the sea."
Strawberries are abundant at Savan•
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
THE subscriber respectfully begs leave
to announce to his friends and the
public generally, that he has leased that well
known PUBLIC HOUSE, in the borough of
Huntingdon, formerly occupied by John H'Con
nell, and more recently by Adam H. Hall decd.,
where he is now ready to accommodate all Wild
may favor him Vrith their custom.
Having thoroughly rehovated this hottae, with
the intention of sparing no efforts in contributing
to the comfort of his customers, he flatters himself
hat he will be able to render satisfaction to all
who may be pleased to stop with him. 'rho
house is pleasantly located in the moat prominent
part of the town.
Will always he supplied with the beat the market
can afford. The greatest care will be taken in re
gard to the cleanliness and comfort of his sleeping
Is commodious, and will always be attended by a
careful and obliging ostler, and every arrangement
made to make his house a desirable stopping ptce
for the traveller,
Will be taken on reasonable terms. His prices
will be very moderate. JOHN MARKS.
Huntingdon, March 31, 1847. tf
HE subscribers, successors to S. TYN.
imtr, would call the attention of the
Merchants and Residents of Huntingdon and vici
itny, to their stock of
Which we have no hesitation in saying is the huge
est in the United States, and which, in the greater
part, is made for, and imported by ourselves.
Any person having used Queeneware or China
for a number of years, will notice the general dote
rioration in the quality—this is owing to the great
ly reduced prices. In some of the manufactories,
where a good name has been established, and pride
token in their character, no such inferiority is ob
served—from such houses have we constantly en
deavored to make our stock, and we are determined
to sell our wares as low as any quality, whether
equal or inferior, can be sold in the U. S.
There is a prejudice against Chesnut Street,
raised from a false notion of higher prices. Our
rents on this street are /ewer than on any Other
business street, and nothing else could possibly
make a difference. But no house can succeed
hero that does not keep the best qualities of goods,
and this does not suit all—hence the prejudice.
We have every kind of Wore, from common
Painted Teas, Edged Plates, Mocha, Granite,
Printed, Flowii g Blue, 13,1 c. &c. to the finest China
and Glass.
We Ere dnxitius tct extend our business, and
lake every proper means of doing so—but not ma
king personal application to strangers here, we
have ne other tneans of doing it, than by the aid of
our old friends, by advertising, and by the quality
and prices of our goods.
219 Chesnut Street, above 7th.
Philadelphia, March 24, 1847. lm
StowELI & nito*ittilts,
AVE removed their Store to No. 116
corner of Carpenter's Court, Philadelphia, where
they ore eonstnntly receiving from their Factory
Also, splendid DECORATED FRESCO PA •
PER for Parlors. The latest and moat approved
styles of Architecture! Designs, Columns with
Capitals, Pilasters and Paneling, Sonia., Pedes
tals, Imitation Recesses, &c. They are also mak
ing a new article of DOUBLE WINDOW C UR
PAIN PAPER, 4.4 wide.
H. & B. also inform the public that theirs is
the only Factory in the country which produces
many of the above articles, such as Statues, Pe
destals, Niches, Fire Board Prints, &c., and
which they warrant equal to any imported. They
aro in possession of
Received from the Institutes at Boston, New York
and Philadelphia, being the highest premiums
awarded for paper Hangings by those institutions
fur the fuse four years.
Phitclelphht, March 81, 1847.
:oho Scott, jr.,
ATTORNEY PIT F4W;lirmtingdon, Pa.—
Has removed his office to the mild& ro'orn of
Elnare's Row," directly opposite Fisher 8c 3f'Mnr-
We's store, where he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties.
Huntingdon Sept. 23,1846.
George Taylor,
TTORNEY AT LA W--Attends to practice
/ in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators'
accoonts, Scrivening, &c. Office in the diamond
bre() doors east of the "Exchange Hotel."
Philadelphia Advertiseinthts.
D ,
SHIP.—The copartnership hereto
fore existing, under the name of WM. SWAIM &
SON, wan dissolved on the 21st of July last, by
the decease of the said Wm. Swaim, and the busi
ness is now, and will be in future, conducted exclu
sively by the subscriber, who has had the sole
charge of the manufacturing of the Panacea and
Verrnifuge for the last 14 years.
The Fiinticea will be put up as usual in round
bottles, ruled longittidinally, with the following
letters on the glass--"StValrh's Panacea, Philada."
and the only change made is the name of JAS.
SWAIM stamped on the sealing wax, and written
on the label covering the cork, and a new label for
the side of the bottle, composed of geometric lathe
work, comprising nine different dire, which have
been turned for the exclusive use of the proprietor,
by Draper & Co., bank note engravers of Philadel
phia. Four dies of different patterns form the body
of the work, and in the centre is a portrait of the
late Wm. Swaim, separated from the borders by
two circles of lathe work. The winds "Swaim's
Panacea," are engraved conspicuously on two turn
ed strips, and a large semi-cireutat die forms the
upper margin. The borders are Coniposed of plain
lathe work strips, outside of which is engraved lit
small letters the entry of the copyright.
Philadelphia, August, ISM
For the cure of Sdrolnla, General De-
bility, White Swelling, Rheuma
tism, Diseases of the Liver and
Skin, and all Diseases arising
from Impurities of the blood
or the effects of Mercury.
Q WAIM'S Panacea has been for more
0 than 25 years Celebrated in the coun
try and Europe for its extraordinary cures—for the
certificates of which reference is made to the direc
tions and books (which may be had gratis) accom
panying the Panacea.
It has been used in hdepital and private practice,
and has Had the singular fcirtiiiie rif being recom
mended by the most celebrated physicians and other
eminent persons. Among others, by
W. Gibson, M. D. professor of Surgery, Penna.
University; Valentine Mott, M. 1). professor of
Surgery, N. Y. University ; W. P. Dewees, M. D.
professor of Midwifery, Pa. University; N. Chap
man, M. D. professor of Physic, Pu, University ;
'l'. Parke, M. D. president of College of Physician.,
Philada.; Dr. Del Valle, Professor of Medicine,
Havana; Jose Lourenco da Luz, professer of Sur
gery, Lisbon; J. Chipman, Member of Royal Col
, lege of Surgeons. London; G. W. Irving, lota Mi.
nister to Spain ; Sir Thom. Pearson, Major Gen
eral British Army; Gilbert Robertson, British Con
sul, ete. _ _ _
A nd also, the Wciriderful cures effected by Swainfc
Panacea have for many years made it an invaluable
remedy. Tho panacea does not contain mercury
in any form, and being an innocent preparation, it
may be given to the most tender infant.
The retail price has been reduced to $1 50 per
bottle (containing three half pinta), or tlttee Unica
for $4.
ALso—SWarm's VETIMIFtiGE, a valuable family
medicine, being a highly apps oved remedy for all
diseases arising from Debility of the Digestive Or
gans, such as Worms, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery,
Fever and Ague, Bleeding, Piles, Sick Headache,
&c. See the pamphlet (which may be had gratis)
accompanying the Verrnifuge. Prepared at Swaims
Laboratory, Seventh street, below Chesnut. Phila- -
delphia, and for sale by all respectable Druggists in
the United States: . _
York : H. H. Sal dffel in
& Co. London, Eng.: Evans & Lesch
dr. Liverpool, Eng.: Evans, Son & Co.
Havana: Li G. Melizet: Valparaiso:
Alex. Bross. Buenos Ayres: 0. Hayes
& Co. St. Thomas : A. H. Rise. Can-
ton : J. Swords. Sandwich Islands: E.
L. Benson. Calcutta: Hut nagle & Co.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. 2m
The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and
Trust Company of Philadelphia.
Capital s3oo,ooo—Charter Perpetual.
Omes-159 Chesnut Street.
CONTINUE to make Insurance on Lives, grant
Annuities and Endowments, and to accept
Trusts from Individuals, Corporate Bodies, and
Courts of Justice, and execdte therh agreeably to
the desire df the parties; and receive Deposites of
Money in Trust and do [lamest.
'(ho Conipany add a Bonus at stated periods to
the Insurances for Life. The first bonus was ap•
propriated in December, 1844, amounting to ten
per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poli
cies, to 8' per cent., per cent. &c.; on others in
proportion to the time of standing; making an ad
dition of We, $O7 50, $75, &c., on every $l,OOO
originally insured:
The operation of the bonus will be shrift by the
following examples from the Life Insurance Regis-
ter of the Company, thtis
Amt. of Policy & Ho•
Bonus or nus payable tit party's
Policy. Sum ins'd addition decease.
No. .13 1,000 100
89 2,500 250
204 4,000 400
276 2,000 175
333 5,000 437 50
Rates for insuring $lOO on a single life:
Age. For 1 year. For 7yeara, For Life,
atirtualty. ateitially.
20 $0 01 $0 95 $1 77
3'o 1 31 1 36 2 36
40 1 69 1 83 3 20
50 1 96 2 09 4 60
60 4 35 4 91 7 00
Example:—A person aged 30 years next birth
day, by paying the Company $1 31, would secure
to his faarily or heirc $lOO, should ha die in one
year; or for $l3 10 ha' seenred to them' $1,060 : or
for $l3 60 antrdallY for Coven years, he secures to
them $l,OOO should he die in seven years; or for
$23 60 paid annually during life, he provides
$lOOO whenever he dies; for $OO ritY they would
receive $5,000 should he die in one year.
Further particula.s respecting Life insurance,
Trusts, &c., may be had at the Office.
11. W. RICH ARDS, President.
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. 6m
THE undersigned continue the Iron Commission
futilities for tho sale of aft kinds of IRON, at
)Vo. 109 .North Water Street, Philada.
Their long experience in the Iron Trade, and
their extetseive acquaintance with consumers and
dealers throughout the United States, give. ChM'
the ntleentage of obtaining the highest intact
prices. And thoit business being confined exc .
sively to the iron trade, enahles theta to give it
their entire attention. 0:y. All consignment. will
receive prompt attention.
[feb24-6ml ORRICK & CAMPBELL,
N. 109 Water at., & 54 N. Wharycs, Philatla,
Philadelphia Adv'ertisements
- - -
Above Buttonwood Street, Philads.
AT this establishment may be found the greatest
variety of Plans and beautiful Patterns of
IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to which
the attention of those in want of any description,
and especially for Cemeteries, is particularly invi
The principal part of all the handsome Railings
at Laurel Hill, Monument, and other celebrated
Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia,
which have been so highly extolled by the public
press, were executed at this manufactory.
A large Wareroom is connected with the estab
lishment, where is kept constantly on hand a large
stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental
Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and orna
mental Iron Gates, with an extensive assortment of
Iron Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &c. Also. in
great variety, Wrought and t ast Iron Ornt ments,
suitable for Railings and other purposes.
. .
The subscriber would also Elicit° . that in his Pat
tern and Designing Department he has employed
some of the best talent in the country, whose con
stant attention is devoted to the buainess—forming
altogether one of the most complete and systetnatic
tif the kind Ih the Union.
ROBERT WOoto Proprietor.
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood at.
Philadelphia, Feb. 3,1847-6 m
B. 3. WILLI:MiI,
Venitian Blind Man u facturer,
No. 12 JV'orth Sixth Street, (a few doors
above Market St.) Philada.
TTAS now on hand the largest and most fashion-
Li able assortment of No-row Slat and other
Venetian Blinds of any establishment in the Uni
ted States, which he will sell, wholesale and re
tail, at the lowest prices.
The citizens of Huntingdon are respectfully so
licited to call on him before purchasing elsewhere,
as he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to all
who may thus favor him with a call.
Old Blinds Repainted and Trimmed so as to look
equal to new.
Orders punctually attended to, and the Blinds
forwarded with despatch.
nilo.3m] B. J. WILMA MS.
DRUC. S! DRUGS! iokruite!
.Nl9. 40 .Market Street, Philack.
UITERS for sale a large stock of l'i esh Drugs,
Medicines and Dye Stuffs, to which they call
the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers
Visiting the city.
Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var
nishes, of a superior quality. Also, NN bite and
Red Lead, Window Glasa,Paints and Oils--cheap
er than ever.
& C. aro atm proprietors of the Indian
Vegettilii6 lialsani, celebrated throughout their own
and neighboring States as the best preparation for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &e. Money
refunded in every instance where no benefit is re
ceived. [Philadelphia, jan27.6m
JVO . 201 .41arket Street, one door above
Fifth, -Mirth Side, Philadelphia.
lOMITERS and Wholesale Dealersin DRUGS,
cines, Obstetricallnstruments,Druggists'Glassware,
Window Glass. Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c.
Druggists, country Merchants and Physiciatib,
suppfied With the above articles on the most favors-
We terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or
ders. Every article warranted.
sept 23. JAS. A. TURNER, late of Va.
taINN, SMITH ik CO.,
(Successors to Potts, Linn 4. Harris,)
No. 213 i Atarket Street, Philada.
I(P D ,
u P gs c o fi t t lt l e n i t n ly es dn c l i t i d e n m il ic a al ftfiLd i tts i d c r a i l dieh
t t r o u t'
meats, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass,
Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., all of
which they oiler to cdtintry therchiints, and others,
do the most advantageous terms. All orders, by
letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest care and
despatch. CLAUDIUS B. LINN,
1 ,041
- LIOR the cure of Pulmonary Consump
.E tibn, Coughs, Colds, Jlsthma, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficidty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous Tre
moor!, !looping Cough, kce
5,437 50
Proof . folloios iipbn p;ob:fof the virlites bf
Read the following .Mew Certificates
MILFORD, Perry to., Pa., Oct. 1, 1896.
Messrs. Robinson, Collins & Co:—Sirs: Thig
is to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years
with a violent pain in my breast, so much so that
I could hardly lay in bed at night. Cough attended.
followed by emaciation and other decided symp
toms of consumption. I applied to several enYinent
physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with-
Oh any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr.
Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and
Tar, of whieleB took two bottics,which entirely re-
lieved me of my complaint; therefore I can with
confidence recommend it to all who are in a like
manner afflicted, as a moat valuable MeOittne.
The authenticity of the above statement is
vouched fur by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of
Milford, who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circuit,.
stances of his case. Mr. T. is now sixty years of
Price, $1 per bottle.
Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen
eral agents.
For sale by THOS. READ & SON,
Fluntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his
Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces;
Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F.
fi ell, Laurel gun Mills, and Spencer &
Flood, Williamsburg:
Feb. 10, 1847-6 m.
JUSTICE'S blanks of all kinds fur sale at this
Huntingdon Advertisetnena
AS j ust received, and now offers to the puli
11c,, at his old stand in Main street, directly
opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, as large a
stock of
has ever been offered to the public in this place,
arid at cheaper prices than any other store in the
Hisassortment incomplete—havingalmbst every
article in the line of business, among which are
Cheap Cloths, Casinetts, Flannels, Blan
kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash
meres, 4-c. at prices that
cannot fail to please.
(Cr The attention of the ladies is partitiilarly
invited to a large and beautiful selection of
La"' Ca al Ca. cti)ers a
Which hiive been purchased with an eye single to
their taste. Call and examine, and judge for
yourselves, and if wo cannot please, we will be
pleased to see you.
ALso—A general assortment of Gm . -
series, LitmensWare, Hardware;
Boots and Shoes, Hats;
Caps, &c. &c.
The highest price paid for Country
Dr. S. would most respectfully tender his thanks
to his former customers, and hopes by prompt at
tention to business, and by selling a LITT.: CIIKAP
att than others, to secure an increase of public
patronage. [Huntingdon, Nov. 4-tf
Market Street, Huntingdon, Pa
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his
friends and the public generally, tlict he coh
tinues to carry on the CABINET MAKING bUsi
ness in all its various branches at his old stand in
Market street directly opposite the Post Office,
whe: e he is prepared to make to order any article
in his line; such as Sideboards, Sofas, Secretaries,
Bureaus, Centre, Pier, Hall, Card Dining and
Work Tables, Washstands, High Field French
and Low Post Bedsteads. All work done by the
subscriber warranted to be of the best materials and
workmanship, and at the lowest prices.
Collins made and funerals attended, either in
town or country, at the shortest notice. He keeps
a splendid Hearse for the accommodation of his
Persons wanting any article in his line of busi
ness, are requested to give him a call, as he intends
keeping a handsome assortment constantly on hand.
Huntingdon, Feb. 3, 1847—tf
ENCOVRAGII 116%* Zaieit !
Opposito the Presbyterian Church, Huntingdon.
MHE subscribers respectfully inform the public,
that they ure at all times prepared to execute
any orders in their line of business, at the shortest
notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Carriages, Buggies, Wag
k ads; Sleighs; Dearborns,
110A 1017 ' and Carts,
made to order, of the best materials, atid dt res.
S'Onable prices.
Repairing of all idnds of vehicles, done ott the
shortest notice.
Those wadtiiig neat, cheap and durable ar
ticles id Otir litie of business, are respectfully re
qtiested to give us a call.
d0c30,'4 6-I y. ADAMS & BOAT.
Th.ompson's Compound Syrup of Tar t
Wood Naphtha:
INFLAmmA noN or the frincons intinbrines
is the result of some impression made upon
them by cold or other causes; hencq Chronic, Ca.
teeth, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, re
sulting in Cdnsumption, Gastritis, diseased Liver
and Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, &c. From
incontestible is proved that Thompion's
Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha is a
specific in these complaints—allaying irritation,
promoting healthy secretions, and removing the
existing cause of disease. Thousands have used
It, and can hint testimony to its efficacy.
Philadelphia, March lot, 1846.—1 hereby certify;
that in consequence of repealed and neglUtt
WI colds, my lungs became seribitsly di
rected, and for a long time I have
suffered with violent pain in
the lit east. obstinatecoUgh
and difficult expecto
ration, the sy mp
toms daily
increasing in vf:
olence. I had re
course to various mine;
dies, with no avail, until I used
SYRUP OF TAR, which effected a
/it:unguent cure before I had taken tinge hot
des. E. EYANS, Fayette street, bolo*, At. h.
Principal office, N. corner of Fifth and Spit Co
Sold by Simonton & Jones, Huntingdon: .1
M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg. Price 50 eta per bot
de, or 416'w dozen. [dec2-6m
A. W. Benedict,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
/A_ Mee at his old residence in Main street, a
few doors west of the old Court House. Ho will
attend to any business entrusted to him in the sat
inet Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties.
B. Steel Blair;
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa.,
Will attend attend to pit business entrusted to
his care in Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana coun
ties. aprB-'46
X. Sewell Stewart, ,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Mee in Main street, five doors west of Mr
Buoy's jewelry establishment.
T. H. Cromer,
THE office of the Deputy Surveyor for the coun
ty of Huntingdon, is removed to the borough
Of Huntingdon, where letters (post paid) on Mud
née Will be duly attended to. Office in Washing.
ton si. tSAML. CAL/MEI:I, D. S.
Pat( nt Medicine's.
M 'AL LlS'r It'S
Insensible Perspiration -
TS the great Evacuation for the impuri
j_ ties of the body. Life cannot be sus
without it. It is thrown off from the
blood and other juices of the bOdy, and
disposes by this means of nearly all the
impurities within us. The language of
scripture, " in the blood is the .life."---
If it ever becomes impure it may be
traced directly to the stoppage of the
" insensible perspiration." Thus we
see all that is necessary when the blood
is stagnant or infected, is to open the
pores and it relieves itself from all
purity instantly. Its own heat and vi,
tality hre,suffieient, without one particle
of medicine, except to open the pores ..
upon the surface. Thus we see the folly
bf taking so much internal remedies.—
All prttetitiehers; however, direct their
efforts to restore the insensible perspira
tion: The Thompsoniah; for instance;
steams; the Hydropathist shrouds
Wet blankets; the Homoeopathist del
out itifintissituals; the AilopaOist blee
and doses us with mercury; and tiii!
blustering Quack gorges us with pills.
I have had physicians, learned in the
profession, I have had ministers of the
Gospel, Judges of the Bench, Aldermen
and Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest
erudition, and multitudes of the poor,
use it in every variety of way, and there
has been but one voice—one united,
universal voice--saying, "M'Allister
your Ointment is good,"
CoristirrnoN. , —lt can hardly be cred
hod that a salve can hate any effect
upon the lungs, seated as they bre With
in the system: But if placed upon the
chest, it penetrates direetlY to the lungs,
setiarates the pbisbhous particles that
are consuming thetn, and expels them
frottt the system. I need not say that
it is eurifig persons of Consumption con
tinually, although we are told that it is
foolishness. I care not what is said, so
long as I can cure several thousand per
sons annually.
HEADACHE.—The salve has cured per•
sons of the Headache of It year's stand:
Mg, and who had it regularly every Week;
so that vomiting often tbok
Deafness and Ear ache are helped(
with like success.
COLD FEET.—Consumption, Liver Com;
plaint, pains in the Side or Chest, falling
off the hair, one or the other, always
accompanies cold feet. It is a suro sign
of disease in the system to have cold feet:
The Salve will cure every case in
Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Liver
Complaint, Sore Throat, Bronchitis;
Broken or Sore Breast, ties, Chest Dis
, eases, such as Asthma, Oppression;
Pains, also Sore Lips, Chapped Hands,
Tumors, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervout
Diseases, and of the Spine there is no
Medicine known probably so good.
BURNS.—It is the best thing in the
wbrld for Burns; (Read the directions
around the bbl:)
Pimples on the face, .4Thscnline Skin;
GrbssSlerfiice. , —When there is grossness
or dull repulsiire surface, it begins to
soften until the skin becomes as smooth
and delicate as a child's.
ilreitms.lf parents knew how fatal
tnost medicines were to children taken
inwardly, they would be slow to resort
to them. Especially mercurial lozgn
gesi' called medicated lozenges,' 4 veN
mifuges,' pills,' &c. The truth is, no.
one can tell, invariably, when worms
are present: Now let me say to parents;
that this salVe will always tell if a child
has worms. It will drive every vestige
of them away. (Read the directions
around the box.) There is probably no
medicine on the face of the earth at
once sb sure and so safe in the expul
slop of ivOrms:
OLD SORES.—That some sores are nn
outlet to the impurities of the system,
is because they cannot pass off through
the natural channels of the Insensible,
Perspiration. If such sores are healed
up, the impurities must have some other'
outlet, or it will endanger life. This
salve will always provide for such emer-*
RHEUMATISM.—AImost every case CU
red with this ointment.
FEvEns.—ln all cases of fever, the
difficulty lies in the pores being locked
up so that the heat and perspiration can
not pass off. if the least moisture could
Ire started; the crisis has passed and the
danger is over. The all-healing oint-*
ment will in all cases of fevers almost
instantly unlock the skin and brings
forth the perspiration.
We have cured cases of Scald Head that
defied every thing known, as well as the
ttbilify of fifteen or twenty doctors.—
One man told us he had spent .jl5OO on
his children without any benefit, when a
felt' boxes of the ointment cured them.
CoaNs.—Occasional use of the ohm- .
ment will always keep corns from grow
ing.. People need never be troubled
with their' if thq *ill use it.
As a fainily inedicine, no man can
measure its value.
Sole iiroprietor pf the above Medicine,
Price 25 dts: r er box. ,
CAUTION.—As the All-Healing Oint
ment has been greatly counterfeited, we
have giiren this caution to the public
that no ointment will be genuine unless
the name of James M'Allister or James'
M'Allister & Co. are written with a pen'
upon every label.'
Agent—JAS. SAXTON, jr., Huntingdon, Pa.,
and none genuine except sold by him.