IMPOHIANT FROM MEXICO, PROCLAMATION OF GEN. SCOTT, [Correspondence of the Picayune.] .VETII Cnuz, May 13th, 1847. GENTLEMtN-A band of about 200 MexicaUs has been prowling about the mounted riflemen's camp, four Miles from this place, two nights in succession —and last night the men were aroused twice by the approach of Mexicans. Early this morning our gallant Capt. Walker started out to give them battle, and had a nice little skirniish, killing four of the enemy by the time my in foimant, an officer of the Rifles, left, and he represents 'Walker a long way ahead.of the scene of the first brush fol lowing them up. I guess -the enemy will find that they have got hold of the 'wrong chap before Capt. W. has done with them. This morning early a dragoon came in from Santa Fe, where he had been left with seven others to guard some stores belonging to Government, and he states that a body of about 200 Mexicans attacked them last night, killing all his companions and taking posSession of the stores, and he only saved himself by running. There is another company of riflemen following up Capt. W., but I regret that I do not know by Whom it is commanded. lam assured by an eye witness. that he saw four dead Mexicans on the ground when Capt. W. met the enemy. It is generally supposed that this party of the' enemy are bear here more for the purpose of plundering small parties and stealing horses than any thing else. [Editorial Correspondence of the Picayune.] JAL trA, Mexico, May 11, 1847, 6 P.M Sin& the diligencia went out at noon to , day for Vera Cruz, another diligencia hns come in from the city of Mexico full orpassengers, and bringing news of not a little i!nportance. Among the passen gers was Mr. Kennedy, win, after being badly treated here about the Ist of April, was driven to the city of Mexico. All the passengers confirm what I •wrote you this morning. They say that at the capital there was no Gokernnnent order--no responsibility—all was anarchy: Anaya Was still President pro tent, but had neither influence nor authority. A new President is to be elect ed .on the 15th of the present month-- the tenth Chief Magistrate this distract ed country has had within the last 18 Months. I cannot stop to count them •all up, but such is the fact: The ladrones—guerillas I suppose they should be called now—are busy at upon the roads especially between Puebla and city of Mexico. The same passengers were robbed the other day -tio less than seven titries in one stage, and the inference is that the last robbers must have had rather poor pick ing if the first were very searching in their operations. The diligencia in Which Mr. Kennedy came down was robbed twice on the road. it is stated that the propositions made by England some months since, to offer her intervention in settling the difficul ties between Mexico and the United States, have recently been taken up by the Mexican Congress, and after a warm discussion, in which one of the mem bers said that the Whole affair was but another attempt of the Monarchists upon the sacred liberties of the Mexican Re , public, the motion even to consider them was lost by a vote of 44 to 33. From this it would seem that the present Con , gross is determined to shut every door against ail proposals of an honorable peace. There is certainly a party, and an in fluential one, in Mexico, which begins to talk of peace; and where four weeks since they did not dare breathe their sentiments, they now come out openly and avow themselves. Still the meas. ure is far from popular. The peace party is composed of the more honest and in telligent property holders,tlie merchants and perhaps the clergy—to these are or posed the military, who have all dis g:need themselves, and all the dema g.:gues among the lawyers. If the pi :Lists couldbe made certain that they . . r would continue to hold their rich beneti ccs secure, they would probably be all in favor of peace. Nlajors Bindand and Gaines, Capt, C, Clay, and all the officers taken in the north were at liberty in the city of Mex ico, as was also midshipman Rodgers.— They are all said to be well and respect fully treated now, although the latter was infamously abused on the way up to Mexico from Perote. Gen, Canalizo was at San Andres, a place north of Orizaba, at last accounts. The force with him is not stated, but is undoubtedly small. He is an old friend of Santa. Anna, and is probably working at present for his master: I write this in great haste, and have no time for comment. One thing I must say, and that is that there undoubt edly would be a very large peace party ni Mexico were it not for the overween ing pride of a majority of the inhabi tants. It is hard to be thrashed into a peace, that's certain. I send this by a Mexican to Vera !rut,. who promises to ride through at his fastest speed. If it reaches you, well and good. Yours, &e., 0. W. K. I'. S.-11 o'clock, night.—Just as my expresc man was starting, I was fortu nate enough to get hold of the following liorriect translation of a• proclamation, which has been printed in Spatial, and addressed 1 y Gen. Scott to the Mexicans. I have no • itn2 t ) peruse it, but those who have tl ink i will have weight - and influence whit tit Mexicans. K. PROCLAMATION HEAD-QUARTERS OF THE ARMY, JALAPA, May 11, 1847, The General-in-Chief of the .Rrmies of the United States of ilmerica to the _ _ .7klexican'Nation, Mexicans! The recent events of the war, and the measues adopted in conse quence by your Government s , make it my duty to address you. To show you truths of which you are ignorant, because they haVe been criminally concealed from you: Ido not ask you to trust my words, (though he who has never falsified them has a right to Confidence,) but to judge of these truths by facts within the VieW and knowledge of you all: Whatever may have been the origin of this war; which niy country saw, itself forced to undertake by irremedible causes, Which I learn are unknown to the greatet part of the Mexican natioa we regard it ns a necessity; such is it always to both belligerents, and reason and justice, if not forgotton on both sides, are in dispute; each believing them its own. You have proof of this truth as well us ourselves, for in Mexico, as in the United states, there have existed and do exist, two oppisite parties, desiring— the one peace; the other war; But governments have cred duties, from which they cannot de , part; and often these duties impose, for national reasons, a silence and a reserve sometimes displeasing to the majority of those, who, from views purely person al or individual, make opposition. To this a government Cannot pay any re gard; expecting the natidit to plttee in it the confidence merrited by a magistracy of their owh election. Reasons of high policy and of conti nental American interest precipitated events in spite of the circumspection of the Cabinet of Washington, which ar dently desiring to terminate its differ ences with Mexico, spared no resource comparable with honor and dignity, to arrive at so desirable an end; and when it was indulging the most flattering hopes of accotaplishing its aim by frank explanation and reasonings, addressed to the judgement and prudence of the virtuous and patriotic Government of Gen. D. J. Herrera, the misfortune least Waked for dispelled this pleasant hope, and at the same time blocked up every aLenUe which could lead to an honorable settlenient between the two nations. The•aew GoVerninents discarded the national interests, as *ell as those of Continental America, and elected in preference foreign influences the most fatal to the future of Mexican liberty and of the republican system, which the United States hold it a duty to preserve and protect. Duty, honor and dignity itself impose upon us the necessity of not losing a season of which the monar chical party was taking violent advan tage, for not a moment was to be lost, and we acted with the promptness and decision nedegsdry in a ease so urgent, to avoid thereby a complication of inter ests, which might render our relations more difficult and involved. Again in the course of civil war, the Governinent of Paredes was overthrown. We could not but hope this would probe a fortunate °Vent; and *hatcher other administr.ution might represent the Gov ernifient, it would be less deluded as well as more patriotic and prudent, if it looked to the common good, weighing probabilities, its own strength and re sources, and especially the general opin ion as to the inevitable results of a na tional war. We were deceived, as .per haps you Mexicans, were also deceived in judging of the true intentions of Gen, Santa Anna, whom you recalled, and whom our government permitfed to re. , return. From this condition of things the Mctican nation/has seen what hale been the results—results lamented by all, and by us sincerely, for We appreciate, as is due the valor dad noble determina tion of the unfortunates who go to bat , ill-led, worse governed and almost invariably outraged by deciet or per fidy_.• We' have witnessed—and we cannot be taxed with partiality for lanieuting— with astonishment that the heroic de partment of the garrison of Vera Cruz in its valiant defence, was aspersed by the general who had just been defeated and put to shameful flight by a force far in ferior to that which he commanded at Beuna Vista; tlurt this general, rewar ding the insurgents and promoters of civil war in Mexico, heape'd antra: ges on those who had singularly distin; guished themselves by a resistance be; yond what could be expected, and of ad , mirable decision. Finally, the bloody event of Cerre Gorda has shown the Mexican nation . what it may reasonably expect if it lon ger continues blind to the true situation in which it has been placed by some geherals i whom it most distinguished and in whom it has most confided. The hardest heart would be moved to grief in contemplating the battle-fields of Mexico a moment after the last strug gle. Those generals whom the nation has, without service rendered, paid for so many years, with some honorable ex ceptions, have in the day of need be trayed it by their bad example or un-- skilfulness. On that field, amongst the dead and dying, are seen no proofs of military honor, for they are reduced to the sad fate of the soldier—the same on every iiceasioh, froth Palo Alto to Cerro Gdrdii—the dead to remain unburied and the wounded abandoned to the clemency and charity of the ccinqueror. Soldiers who go to the fight, expecting such a re compense, deserve to be classediltiningst the best in the world, since they , are stimulated by no bap° of ephomerini glory, of regret, of rehiembrance or even of a grave. - . Again, Mexicans of honorable pride; contemplate the lot of peaceful and labor ious citizens in all classes of your socie.: ty. The possession of the church me nanced and held out as an incitement to revolution and anarchy; the fortune of the rich proprietors pointed out foi plunder to the ill-disposed; the merchant and the artisan, the laborer and the manufacturer, burdened with contribu tions, excises, monopolies, taxes upon consutnption, surrounded with restric tions and Charged with odious internal customs; the man of letters and the statesman; the titan of liberal knowledge who dares to speak, persecuted without trial by some faction or by the rulers who abuse their poWer; criminals un punished and set at liberty, as were those of Perote—is this, then, Mexicans, the liberty which ,you enjoyl I will not belieVe that the Mexicans of the present day are wanting in courage to confess errors which do not dishonor them, and to adopt a systent of true lib.; erty, of peace and union With their brethren and neighbors of the North; neither Will I believe that their are ignd rant of the falsity of the caluinnies of the press intended to excite to hostility. No! public, sentiment is not to be crea ted or aninutted by falsehood. We haire not profained your temples, nor abused your woman, nor seized your property, as they would have you believe. We say this with pride, and we con firm it with by your owu bishops and by the clergy of Tampico, Tdspon ' Ma tamoros, Monterey, Vera Cruz and Jain pa and by all the authorities, civil and religious, and the inhabitants of every town that we have occupied: We adore the same God, and a large portion of our army, as well as of the population of the United States, are Catholics, like yourselves; We punish crime where ever we find it, end rewdrd merit and virtue. The army of the United states res , pects i and will always respect, private property of every description and the property of the Mexican church. \Vo to him Wile does not where we are. illexicansl the past cannot now be remedied, but the future may be provi- dad fdr. Repeatedly have I showh you that the government and the people of the 'United States desire peade, desire your sincere friendship. Abandon, then! rancorous prejudices, cease to be the sport of individual ambition, and con duct yourselves like a great American, nation; leave off at once colonial habits, and learn to be truly free, truly republi can, and you will become prosperous and happy; for you possess all the ele ments to be so: Remember you are americans, arid that your happiness is not to come trdm Europe: I desire, in conclusion; to declare, and with equal frankness,. that if neces sary, ait army of 100,000 could prompt: ly be brought, and that the U. States Would not terminate their differences with Mexico (if compelled to do so by force of arms) in any manner uncertain, precarious, or less dishonoring to your selves. I should insult the intelligent of this country if 1 had any doubt of ! their acquaintance with this truth. The order to form guerilla parties to 1 attack us, I assure you, can produce nothing but 6 , 11 to your doUntry, end to (Ail to Our army, which *ill ktott he* to protect itself and how to proceed against them ; arid if, so far from concil iating, you succeed in irritating, you will impose upon us the hard necessity of retaliation, and then you cannot blame ! us for the consequences *hich will fall upon yotirselves. am marehing with my army upon Puebla and Mexico—f do not conceal it: . from those capitals 1 shall again address. you. I desire peace ; friendship anti union—it is for you to select whether you prefer wad; under any circamstan i ces, Ile assured I shall not fail my word. WINFIELD SCOTT. SHIP FEVER.—This fever is said to prevail in some districts of New York city, and to be fatal in its efrects. It has been introduced by passengers from Europe. . The Markel R. PHILADELPHIA, - ila:iiB, 1841 FLOUR & MEAL.—The demand for flour has been limited and prices have declined. To-day a sale' of gocid West ern at $8,50, at which Flour is freely offered. Rye Flour has also declined; sales at $6;75, $6,69, a 6,64 closin g at the latter price. Corn Meal—Sales of 4500' brls at $5,371 a 5,26 for Penn'a and $5,37} a 5,35 for Brandyll'ine: To day we quote 5,31. GitAtiv-'lO-day 'We quote Red %% heat at $1,97 to $2,03,. and White' $2,08 a 2,13. Rye—A sale at sl,4o,•and to-day 400 bus. at $1,30 . .• COR'll—aalet of Penn'a yellow at sl,lo' a 1,15'; and on• the Schuylkill at $1,12; North River at sl,ls; . Southern yello w sl,ls a 1,14, and White $1,124 a 1,10. Oats—Stiles of Southern at 60.t0 65 ets. --closing at 63. MARRIED, On Tuesday the 26th instant, by Rev. Wm. T. Bunker, Mn. NELSON BALL and Miss SARAH SLOAN, both of IlutitingdOn county. DIED In this borough, on Wednesday even ing, 26th inst.,rs. MARY SMART, in the 77th year o M her age. HEALTH MADE EASY FORME PEOPLE, be Physical Training, to make their Lives in this,World Long and Happy, by the Stator of " Education: fh It Is, Ought Tb Be, and Might Be," First .imerican Edition, with Additiohs : • Being an elementary and iniereiting treatise on Self Knowledge. Cdntainidg shori and entertain ing articles on • . , Food, Heart, Strength, Ailing / Stomach, Nerve.; Recreations, Lligedtion, Liver, Brains, Old Age, Blood, Lungs, Mind, Man, Secretions, Arteries, Senses, Women, Head, Veins, Health, Disease, &c., &c. __- Together with the Great Secret—Success in Life how attain-I—How to do Good—Causes and Effects of Error-11 abits—Pessions—Woriian de ccribed—Nlan der,ribed—Man's Errors--Rich and Porn—Sexes—Virtue and Vice--Youthful Emirs —Woman bow made delicate—Wornan's%irtues, Ambition, &c. The whole designed for the noble purpose of but proving and extending education amongst the peo ple, imparting valuable knowledge on the physiol ogy of the human frame. and the laws which gov ern mental and bodily health, &c., &e. a 7 Any person sending 25 cents unclosed in a letter shall receive one copy by mail, ni five copies will be sent for $l. Address, postage paid, may 26-47 ly] G. IL ZIE - BER BcCo. Philadelphia. 1:0". This valuable work contain. (in duodecimo room) 177 pages. Auditor's Notice. rphJE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the I Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county. to distribute the balance in the hands of the IShoriff arising from the sale of the personal property of Jos. Ennis, hereby gives notice to all persons interested in caid distribution, that he will attend for dolt purpose at his office in Huntingdon, on Thursday the 24th day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. GEO. TAYLOR, june 2,47-4 t.) Auditor. Auditors' Notice Ht tindersigried, Auditors appointed by the T Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun ty, to distribute the proceeds of the hheriff's sale of the Real Estate of James R. Johnston, hereby gives notice that they will meet, for that purpose, at the office of Own. Taylor, in Huntingdon, on Friday, the 25th day of July next, at 10 ck, A. M.; when. and where all persons interested in said distributiotr are notified td attend. JOHN REED, , GEO. TAYLOR, T. P. CAMPBELL, jiine 4, 47-4t.] Auditors. To the Citizens of lileinting. don Coitniy. DR. KELLER'S INFANT CORDIAL & CAR MINATIVE, is the best and most cer tam remedy for Diareha, Dysentery,SuMmer Com plainta, and all similar allectiOns of the Stomach and Bowels, ever offered to the afflicted. IL is equal ly adapted for Adults ad well as Children : and Mothers will find it the best remedy to allay the ir ratability and fretfulness consequent to Teething in children. It removes speedily Wind Cholic, and restores in all cases the morbid secretions of the Stomach & Bowels, the proximate causes of the above diseases. It contains nothing injurious to the mo. t tender infant, is remarkable pleasant to the taste and no lamily should ever be without it. The Diseases to which it is applicable, are but few, yet exceedingly prevalent, and often lamentably fatal to the yoting, these being net test than empty thousand dying annually, with derangements of the stomach and lioweas. Patents think of this, and retharnber also, that in every case tlL'ere tite cohhlut hails, your money Will be returned. Read the fol lo'vring Volantary testimony: IsNcAtITEitCo. Noffvitle, 7), c. ft, 18-47, Dn. KELLER—Some time lest summer Your agent left me some of your Infant cordial & Car minative, urging me to try it. It so nappened that I had a case: a child about six months old, whose stomach and bowels were in a very disordered con dition, caused by a deficiency of its Mothers Milk. The child was a more skeleton: there was much Tormina, Tenesmus and constant evacuations. I administered every medicine f could think of, with but Er alight alleviatioh Of the complaint. I then thbtrght ci gibing your nfedicirie a trial, comrn'en cing with email doses, I soon however perceived the child could bear a full dose nb recommended in directions: before it had taken half a bottra the stomach and bowels had recovered their ribtural tone, every other bad symptont yielded, and the child improved very rapidly. I have no hesitation in say!lig that your medicine is the very best for the shove complaints, I have adntinistared its a 21 years' practice. Vary Respectfully, your friend, H. 13, BOWMAN, M.D. P'repatetr, Cot 3,1 & SiMilt street, Philo'. For sale by J. N, Frowell, and Jones ¢ Simonton, Hun tingdon, end by Druggists ind merchants thtobgh• out the calmly. june 2,47-6 m. — .4I3MIXISTIMTOR'S Jirb TIC V. Estate of Hannah Ditzworth, late of Jack• son township, deceased. ATOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad i\ ministration have been granted to the under signed on the said' estate. All persons indebted to sand estate are requested to make immediate pay went', and persons having" donna will present them duly authenticated for settlement, apr2i-61] JAMBS GILLAM, Atlnir .FLD.4II.V'ISTS.IITORS' .IyO7'ICE. T ETTERS of administration having j been granted to the subscribers upon tte estdte of John Miller, late of Cass township, deceased., alt persons having claims against the said estate are hereby requested to present them, without delay, properly authenticated, for settlement; and all persons indebted to the estate, are notified to make imme diate payment. JOSEPH PARK, WM. CROTSBY, inayl9-flt] Admrs. - New Watches and Jtwelry. Tt T received frem Philadelphia a firie Morn tj moot of GOLD AND' SILVER* LEVZRS, 'LEPINE AND QUARTIGR WATCHES.— Also, a splendid stock of well selected JEWEL AY. cry Diarnand pointed Gold pens. Gold pen ells, etc. [roay,6-tfl H.K. NEFF & BRO. LATEST ARRIVAL 01' SPRING AND. SUMMER GOODS! SAMUEL MILLIKEN, AM now receiving an entire neiv stock of SPRING .11. ND SUNMER GOODS; being by far the beet assortment brought to this place. Among which will bel . CLOTHS 8r C:,ISIJVETS,• MUSLINS 4. TICKINGS, FLILIVVVELS DRILLINGS, UMBRELLA'S er PaRASOLS,. LINENS 4. CHECKS, CA'LICOS 8r GINGH4MS. Braid and Straw Bonnets and Patin Maraud elm Hats, BOOTS AND SHOE. • . • GROCERIES, HaRDWaIRE, QUEPNSWA'RE, DRUGS, PaINTS, • OILS .4.M.0 OL4SSW.IRE. U)lleasiittcanp a &Duch 3ttiall With a large and tine variety of Gbads of all kinds. Please call and examine my stock; as t am determined to sell my goods on as reasonable terms as any one in Huntingdon county. The higheit price paid in CASH, for WHE.RT; RfE,o.dTs CORN; FLOUR, LILO VEPSEED and FL4XSEED. Butter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Soap; Beeswax, iCiards, Wool , er c., taken in exchange tOr GoOds. SAMUEL MILLIKEN. Petersburg; Pa:, May 19, 1847. JAB. P. PEAOT: C. J. HOFFMAN PEROT & norrivirAN ii Produce and General CoiniUtssion: Merchants, No. 79, North Wharves, below Vine St., Philada.,l A RE prepared to receive all kinds of produce on Consignment, on which they will make liberal advances, when required.— They trust, with their knowledge of, and attention to businegs, they Will receive a share of the patron- Age of Merchants, Millers, and others. They re fer to Dutillt & Humphreys, Platt, Ho!hogshead & Co., Lea, Bunker & Co., F. & W. S. Perot, smith, Brothers & Co., T. C. Rockhill, J. & J. Francis McCoy, Dr. J. B. Ard, Samuel Milliken, F. J. Hoffman, Philadelphia, April 14. 1847-6th CLOTHING STORE .Lowistown. milt subscriber, of the late firm of Buck & Moore, takes this method Of informing his friends and the public in geperal, that be lids banght oSt the interest of S. L. at the old established CLOTHING STAND, No. 254, MARKET Smarr, A, and is now prepared to furnish all kinds of Ready-made CLOTHING, at prices which cannot bin secure to him the patronage of all who desire to purchase cheap clothing. 1 have splendid French Cloth tire se and Frock Coats, from $5.50 to $18; do. Pants front 75 cents to $0; Vests, from 62} cents to $4 ; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Also, all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods at ex tremely luw prices. Wholesale dealer. in Clothing would do well to call at the attire of JOSEPH J. moon k. 254 Market street, Philadelphia. may I 9-tf. HAYDEN & COAL*, Flour, Produce and General Commission • .711erchants, No. 116, Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORk OFFER their services to the Merchants and Far Mem of the huarpiehanda and Juniata vallies fdr the sale of Flout, Wain, and l'roduce generally, in the lialtiniore Market, and f 6m their extensile acquaintance among ptirchasets and dhippers, calf eafelY Wariant saiisfactorradles. Correspondents will be kept constantly advised o'f' the state of the Markets &e. i L Refer to Medsni. Wirt'. ll'iliotin & Sons,' 5 UR'. Reynolds & tfion, -,...* Davidson & Saunders, 2 Reynolds & Smith, .3 end Messrs. Tingley, Caldwell & English, Phil.- [Mayl4-2m. delphis Important to Stove Dealers. rpHE attention of Stove Dealers in this place is I invited to our assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Ifall and Office Stoves, and especially to sinteoo4i 3 g ,Enspike Hot air Cookte4 Stoiel Ad ekr heat cooking apparatO vier invented, it: har ing obtained a celebrity, wherever it has been intro duced, never before attained by any Cooking Stove. The operation of baking being performed in this stove by hot Air, instead of heat radiated from the oven plates, residers it equal for baking to a Brick Oven, or to the Tin oven for roasting; snaking tt unnecessary to turn or change the article while cooking, and rembvitig all liability to burn. We ttie tosiroue to'have the Sloie introduced in this market, and to that end, liberal' tennis wilt be given to a responisible dealer, willing to take hold of them, and only one will be permitted to sell then's' in the place. ,GILDERT & ALLEN, Wholesale Ftove Dealera'223 North Second street, may 26-47.] Philadelphia. Auditor's Aotice. A peisons interested aro hereby notified, that' the unlferslgnek apimlnted an Mailor by the Court of Common' Pleas of Huntingdon county, to decide on exteptiOne filed to the truki account of Jacob Shoenfelt, committee of the person and estate of John Shoonfelt, a lunatic, will attend for that purpose at his office, in the borough of Huth ingdon, on Wednesday, the 30th day of June next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. J. SEWEL STEWART, Auditor. may 19.4 t. Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, to wit : MoTICE is hereby given to nil irrtei•ested . 11 in the astute of James Entrtkiii, Esq., dereaSed, as heirs, relatives, next of kin, de visees, legateed or executors, that in the matter of the appeal of William Enfrekih, final the Decree of the Register of said ahritV, admitting the Will of the said James Etifteliin, Esq., to Probate—an Witte, Vey tir.tlti• *ex soS, has been directed by the Regiitere Court to the Court Of Commoii Plefte'of etittrdowity, wherein James Entrekin and JamedSteel, Esq'rs. ate plaintiff:a edit` iillam Entrekin is defendant; and that the said iestie will be tried before the Court of Common Pleas, and a Jury of the maid county, on the third Monday (16th day) of Angus'. 1847, when and where all per sons interested, rosy attend and make thetneolves partlys to the came. may.s-6t. JACOB MILLER, Register. AT THE STORE OF PETERSBURG, PA PUBLIC, SALE OF REAL ESTATE. _ LB ir ADSOURNIVIZINT.] rpHE undersigned will expose to sale on the pre j. nudes, on Tuesday, I . sthAlay of anise next, a first rate tract ofiJMESTONE LAND, situate in Tell township, Huntin g don county, ad joining lands of John Gooshoin,Tieorge Gooshorn, Williarh Godshorn and Nicholas Gooshorn, con -161 "Libras more or less, with about one hundred in'id twenty-five scree Cleared thereon. There are good iniprovenionts oh (he above tract, the fences being in good rePitir, and the cleared • land in a good state of cultivation. The State road passes through the some, and other public roads; there are also upon the said tract first rate mill and saw mill seats, and several springs of the finest lime-stone water. This sole affords a good opportunity to those de biting ti pout ers themselves of a fine twin to se coinmodate t hemselves. The terms el sale will be made hnown on the dey of sale by the eubeeritierd. THQ. P. CAMPBELL, AIM ALBRIGHT, aprl4-to] Assignees of C. (•outs- ORPH.9.N"S COURT S4LE. IA TILL be sold, by order of the Orphan's Court 11 of Huntingdon county, on the premises, on Thuraday, the lot day of hill, 1847, as the property of Mathew T. May, into of Mifflin cam., ty,dacil., the lot of ground containing I acres of ground, more or this, called the Tan-yard, in Bar ree k,owcship, 1-Itintingiion county, with a Dwell ing Mouse, Tdn Yaod, giable and other 111111TOVO.• meats thereOti epit , ted, and adjoibing lands of Wm Oaks and Joalah Cupnifigharn. Terms of Sale—dne-half on cot rrnation of Elio sale; the other half in one year thereafter, to be decured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser. The pu chase money to remain a lien on the pre mises until the whole shall be paid. The sale to commence at . 12 o'closk, at the dwelling house, when and where attendance wilt be given by Joshua Morrison, guardian of the mi nor children of Mathew 'l'. May, decd. By ordef of the 0. C. JACOB MILLER, Clk. dlir2l3-,w Cireat Skink and Summer Medicine. - HANCE ' S Sarsaparilla Vegetable or 11 Blood Pills, for purifying the blood. BATimonE;July . /843: This is to certify; that was affiictea' with a violent pain in the breast and' right arm, which I sufmos6 proceeded from the iiriptire• state of my blood. I ' was recommended to take Hance's Sar saparilla or Blood pills, and after taking one box, the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm; I Riad them' extreinely getitle rn they oPration, and would recommend ihein to every person in Want of a mild purgative. PATRICK ROCIIR, NO: 23 Conway street, between' Howard aitd In purcaasing these pills lei me, and one word of caution. Always ask for Hance's pills, and purchase of none but those advertised as agents, and if con venient, call and see the proprietor himself. For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore st., and corner of Charles and l?ratt sis.; Baltimore: Price 25 eta. per box, of fifty pills each; for Hance's genuine pills, or 5 for Si.. noir 18 y A.GAINTS-T. Read & son, Hunting- don ; Mobre,& Swoope, Alexandria ; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buch anan, Mil Creek; Spencer & Flood,Wil liamsburg: HANCE'S Compound Syrup of Dore hound, for the cure of coughs, colds,- consuMption, spitting of blood, pain in the side did breast, bronchitis, croup, and all diseases aid froM a disor-* dered condition of the lungs or neglect ed cold: . The folToWing sonnet was ad; dressed td the proprietor by a young lady Who *as cured of ConsuMption r Ho !- ye who'pant *ith fpilieg breath, An'el phi& away and die ; Hance shall "put array" yoUr death, And light anew your eye. How sweet if melts upert the tongue, How grateful to the breast ! A glorious thethe for poet's song, Soothing his cough to rest.. Hance ! favored of the God's, art thou, A blessing to thy race, Let laurels ilourish on thy brow, And wealth those lahrels grace. When heroes are forgotten; kings Defunct ; or, ceased to rain ; Gloryifor thee, shall flap her wings, Thou conquerer of pain. Pike 50 cts. per bottle, Or 6 bottled for $2 50. Prepared and sold by Seth S.• Hance, 108 Baltimore et., and corner Charles and Pratt sts. [nov 18y AGENTS-T. Read & Son; Huntingdon; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer & Flood, Williamsburg; W. W. Buch anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. Browne, Shir leyaburg.