Miscellaneous Advertisements. UNION HOUSE, HUNTINGDON, PENNA, THE subscriber respectfully begs leave to announce to his friends and the public generally, that he has leased that well known PUBLIC HOUSE, in the borough of Huntingdon, formerly occupied by John WC°. nell, and snore recently by Adam H. Hall decd., where he is now ready to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. . , Having thoroughly renovated this house, with the intention of sparing no efforts in contributinc to the comfort of his customers, he flatters himself that he will be able to render satisfaction to all who may Ito pleased to atop with hint. The house is pleasantly located in the most prominent part of the town. HIS TABLE Will always be supplied with the beat the market can afford. The greatest care will be taken in re gard to the cleanliness and comfort of his sleeping apartments. HIS STABLING Is commodious, and will always be attended by a careful and obliging ostler, and every arrangement made to make hie house a desirable stopping Oise for the traveller. PERMANENT BOARDERS Will be taken on reasonable terms. His prices will be very moderate. JOHN MARKS. Huntingdon, March 31, 1847. tf PHILADELPHIA CHINA &, QUEENSWARE HOUSE, THE subscribers, successors to S. Triv-• DALE, would call the attention of the Merchants and Residents of Huntingdon sod vici itny, to their stock of CHINA AND QUEENS WARE, Which we have no hesitation in saying is the larg eat in the United States, and which, in the greater part, is made for, and imported by ourselves. Any person having used Queensware or China for a number of years, will notice the general dete rioration in the quality—this is owing to the great ly reduced prices. In some of the manufactories, where a good name has been established, and pride taken in their character, no such inferiority is ob served—from such houses have we constantly en deavored to make our stock, and we are determined to sell our wares as low as any quality, whether equal or inferior, can be sold in the U. S. There is a prejudice against Chesnut Street, raised from a false notion of higher prices. Our rents on this street are lower than on any other business street, and nothing else could possibly make a difference. But nt house can succeed here that does not keep the best qualities of goods, and this does not suit all—hence the prejudice. We have every kind of Were, from common Painted Teas, Edged Plates, Mocha, Granite, Printed, Flowl.. g Blue, &c. &c. to the finest China and Giese. We are anxious to extend our business, and take every proper means of doing so—but not nut• king personal application to strangers here, we have no other means of doing it, than by the aid of our old friends, by advertising, and by the quality and prices of our goods. TYNDALE & 219 Chesnut Street, above 7th. Philadelphia, March 24, 1847. Im HOWELL 411 L BROTHERS, m.d.rruFacTURERS OF PaFER HaNGINGS, 111rAVE removed their Store to No. 116 11: CHESNUT STREET, South-East corner of Carpenter'. Court, Philadelphia, where they are conattntlyrectiing from their Factory PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS; FIRE HOARD PRINTS, &c. &c Also, splendid DECORATED FREER . ° PA• PER for Parlors. The latest and most approved style. of Architectural Designs, Columns with Capitals, Pilaster. and Paneling, Statues, Pedes tal., Imitation Recesses, &c. They are also mak ing a new article of DOUBLE WINDOW CUR TAIN PAPER, 4-4 wide. H. & B. also inform the public that theirs is the only Factory in the country which produces many of the above articles, such as Statues, Pe destals, Niches, Fire Board Prints, &c., and which they warrant equal to any imported. They are in possession of FIVE SILVER MEDALS, Received from the Institutes at Boot., New York and Philadelphia, being the highest premiums awarded for paper Hangings by those institutions for the last four years. Philadelphia, March 31, 1817. 3in 31131IGADE onnEns: IHE Volunteers and Militia of the 2tl Brigade, 10th Division, P. M.. are hereby requested to train by Companies, on the 3d day df May next, and by Battalions far inspection, as follows, viz: let Reg. let Bat: On Monday, 10th May. 2d " Ott Tuesday, 11th May. 2d Reg. Ist Hit: On Wednesday, 12th May. " 2d " On Thursday, 13th May. let Volunteer Bat. (Maj. Bell) on sante day. 3d Reg. Ist Bat: On Monday, 17th May. 2d On Tuesday, 18th May. 4th Rog. tat Bat: On Wednesday, 19th Moy, " 2d " On Thursday, 20th May. sth Reg. lat Bat: On Friday, 14th May. " 2d " On Saturday, 15th May. 13th Reg. let Bat: On Wednesday. 26th May. " 2d :: On Tuesday, 25th May. 2d Volunteer Bat. (Maj. Stephens) 23d May. 3d (Col. Barrett) 27th May. 4th (Maj. Williams) 21st May. 7th Company of 6th Reg., Friday: 28th May. Union Grays, Saturday. 29th May. JOHN B URKET, B. Inapt. 2d brig. 10th div. P. M. Brigade Inspector's Office, Walkeraville. Centro co., March 29, 1847. n 7-31 ../1 DOI IX IS TS .4 TO RS' X 0 Tie . LETTERS of administration having been granted to the subscribers upon the estate of John Rumbarger, late of NVarriorsmark township, decd., all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby requested to present them, without delay, properly authenticated, for settlement; and all persons indebted to the estate, nre notified to make imme diate payment. JOHN RUMBARGER, Warriorsmark Ip. Hunt. co. MARTIN HOUSER, ml7-6t) Harris tp. Centre co. Adnirs. John Scott, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Has removed his mile° to the middle room of Snare's Row," directly oppoeitel'isher & M'Mur trie's store, where he will attend with promptnese and fidelity to all busineati with which he may be entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining cauntiee.l Huntingdon Sept. 23,18411. FISI'ICE'S Wanks of all kinds for solo ut this s I ofike. Philadelphia Advertisements, NOTICE. TAISSOLVTION OF COPARTNER. jJ SHIP.—The copartnership hereto fore existing, under the name of WM. SWAIM & SON, was dissolved on the 21st of July last, by the decease of the said Wm. Swaim, and the busi ness is now, and will be in future, conducted exclu sively by the subscriber, who hue had the sole charge of the manufacturing of the Panacea and Verrnifuge for the net 14 years. The Panacea will be put up as usual in round bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the following , letters on the glass—"Swohn's Panacea, Philada." and the only change made is the name of JAS. S W AIM stamped on the sealing wax, and written on the label covering the cork, and a new label for the side of the bottle, composed of geometric lathe work, comprising nine different dies, which hate been turned for the exclusive use of the proprietor, by Draper & Co., bank note engravers of Philadel phia. Four dies of different patterns form the body of the work, and in the centre is a portrait of the late Win. Swaim, separated from the borders by two circles of lathe work. The words "Swaim's Panacea," are engraved conspicuously on two turn ed strips, and a large semi-circular die forms the upper margin. The borders are composed of' plain lathe work strips, outside of which is engraved in Ismail letters the entry of the copyright....... . JAMES SWAIM Philadelphia, August, 1846. . SWAIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, For the cure of Scrofula, General De bility, White Swelling, Itheuma tism, Diseases of the Liver and Skin, and all Diseases arising from Impurities of the blood or the effects of Mercury. CJWAINI'S Panacea has been for more 13 than 25 years celebrated in the coun try and Europe for its extraordinary cures—for the certificates of which reference is made to the direc tions and hooks (which may be had gratis) accom panying the Panacea. li has been used in hospital and private practice, and has had the singular fortune of being recom mended by the most celebrated physicians and other eminent persons. Among others, by W. Gibson, M. D. professor of Surgery, Penna. University; Valentine Mutt, M. D. professor of Surgery, N. V. University ; %V. P. Dewees, M. D. professor of Midwifery, Pa. University; N. Chary man, M. D. professor of Physic, Pa, University ; T. Parke, M. D. president of College of Physicians, Philada.; Dr. Del Valle, Professor of Medicine, Havana ; Jose Loureneo da Luz. profess, of Sur gery, Lisbon; J. Chipnian, !Wernher of Royal Col lege of Surgeons. London; 0. \V. Irving, lots Mi nister to Spain ; Sir Thomas Pearson, Major Gen eral British Army; Gilbert Robertson, British Con sul, &e. And also, the wonderful cures effected by Swaim's Panacea have fur many years made it an invaluable remedy. The panacea does not.contuin mercury in any form, and being 1111 innocent preparation, it may be given to the most tender itifint. relail price hus been reduced to $1 50 per bottle (containing three half pints), or time bottles for $4. Acso—Swath's VERMIF.E, a valuable family medicine, being a highly appi oved remedy for all diseases arising from Debility of the Digestive Or gans, such as Worms, Cholera Mot bus, Dyse,itery, Fever and Ague, Bleeding, Piles, Sick Headache, &c. See the pamphlet (which may be had gratis) accompanying the Vermifuge. Prepared at Swaim* I Laboratory ' Seventh street, below Chesnut, Phila delphia, and for sale by all respectable Druggists in the United States. agents—New York : H. H. Schieffelin & Co. London, Eng.: Evans & Lesch• er. Liverpool, Eng.: Evans, Son & Co. Havana: L. G. Melizet. Valparaiso: Alex. Bross. Buenos Ayres : 0. Hayes & Co. St. Thomas : A. H. Rise. Can ton : J. Swords. Sandwich Islands: E. L. Benson. Calcutta: HulTuagle & Co. Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. 2m LIFE INSURANCE WITH PROSPEG TIVE BONUS. The Girard Life Insurance, ./Innuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. Capital s3oo,ooo—Cliarter Perpetual. OFFICE-159 Chesnut Street. (CONTINUE to make Insurance on Livee, grant kJ Annuities and Endowments, and to accept Trusts from Individuals, Corporate Bodies, and Courts of Justice, and execute them agreeably to the desire of the parties; and receive Deposites of Money in Trust and on I terest. The Company odd a Bonus at staled periods to the Insurances for Life. The first bonus was ap• preprinted in December, 1844, amounting to ten per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poli cies, to 83 per cent., 73 per cent. &c.; on others in proportion to the time of standing; making an ad dition of $lOO, $B7 50, $75, &c., on every $l,OOO originally insured. The operation of the bonus will be seen by the following examples from the Life Insurance Regis ter of the Company, thus: Amt. of Policy & Bonus or nus payable at party's Policy. Sum ins'd addition decease. No. 58 1,000 100 1,100 89 2,500 250 2,750 204 4,000 400 4,400 276 2,000 175 2,176 333 5,000 437 50 5,437 50 Rates for insuring ;14100 on a single life: Age. For 1 year. For 7yeara, For Life, annually. annually. 20 $0 01 $0 95 $1 77 30 1 31 1 36 2 36 40 1 69 1 83 3 20 50 1 96 2 09 4 60 60 4 35 4 91 7 00 Example:—A person oged 30 years neat birth- day, by paying the Company $1 31, would secure to his family or heirs $lOO, should ho die in one year; or for $1.3 10 he secures to them $1,000: or for $l3 60 annually for seven years, he secures to them $l,OOO should he die in seven years; or for $23 60 paid annually during life, he provides $lOOO whenever he dies; for $65 60 they would receive $5,000 should he die in one year. Further particulai s respecting Life insurance, Trusts, Zre., may be had at the Oilice. 14. W. RICIIARD7 , , President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. Om ::1,1 CID tC.q UIQ'CC3- 2 BUCK & 111008 E, 254 Market Street, Phi ladelphia, VE constantly on hand every description of Clothing, all of which are cut, trimmed and made in a manner not to be surpasnd, and are war ranted cheaper than the same quality of Goode in any other establishment in the United :Stoles.— Also, every description of G.N•CLEMEN'S Full. 000110 at reduced prices. Those visiting the city will fond it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. sept3o-Iy. BUCK & MOORE, Philadelphia Adveriisetnents. STEAM IRON RAILING FACTORY. RIDGE ROAD, Above Buttonwood Street, Philada. 'l' this establishment may he found the greatest variety of Plans and beautiful Patterns of IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to which the attention of those in want of any description, and especially for Cemeteries, in particularly invi ted. The principal part of all the handsome Railings at Laurel I - 1111, Monument, and ether celebrated Cemeteries in the city and colony of Philadelphia, which have been so highly extolled by the public preen, were executed at this manufactory. A large Wareroom is connected with the estab lislitnent, where is kept constantly on hand a largo ,rock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, new sty le plain and area- , mental Iron Gates, with an extensive assortment of Iron Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &c. Also in great variety, Wrought and I. sat Iron Ornt ments, suitable for Railings and other purposes. The subscriber would also state . that in his Pat tern and Designing Department he has employed some of the boat talent in the country, whose con stant attention is devoted to the business—forming altogether one of the most complete and systetnatic establishments of the kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood et Philadelphia, Feb. 3,1847-6 m Hours FIRST PREMIUM INK. O. S 7 North Third Street, Philadelphia. IpHE celebrity of the INKS manufactured by the I subscriber, and the extem , ive sales consequent upon the high reputation which they have attained not only through the United States, but in the West Indies and China, has induced him to make every necessary arrangement to supply the vast demand upon his establishment. He it now prepared, with every variety of Black, Blue and Red Inks, Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, and Ink 'Powder, all prepared under his own personal superintendence, so that purchasers may depend upon its superior quality. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, a su perior article for mending Glass, China, Cabinet Ware, &c.. useful to every housekeeper, being a while liquid, easily applied, and not affected by or dinary heat—warianted. Pamphlets containing the numerous testi monials of men of science and others, will be fin • niched to purchasers. For sale at the Manufactory, \l'holcsale and Re tail, No. 87 Nat th 'third Street, opposite Cherry street, Philadelphia, by JOSE PI I HOVER, jy27,"47-y] Manufacturer. CHEAP BLINDS! Z. S. WILLIAIVIS, Venitian Blind Manufacturer, JV'o. 12 North Sixth Street, (a few doors above .11m•het St.) Philada. HAS now on hand the largest and most fashion able assortment of IN scrow Slat end other Venetian Blinds of any establishment in the Um , ted States, which he will sell, wholesale and re tali, at the lowest prices. _ . ---; The citizens of II untingdon are respectfully so licited to call on hint before purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to all who may thus honor him with a call. Old blinds Repainted and Trimmed so as to look equal to new. Orders punctually attended to, and the 131inds forwarded with despatch. m I 0-3m] B. J. WILLI IRON COMMISSION HOUSE, THE undersigned continue the Iron Commission busines, for the sale of 'all kinds of IRON, at No. 109 .Yortlt Water Street, Phihula. Their long experience in the Iron Trade, and their extensive acquaintance with consumers and dealers throughout the United States, gives them the advantage of obtaining the highest market prices. And their business being confined cxc n aively to the Iron trade, enables them to give it their entire attention. (o'. All consignment. wilt receive prompt attention. [fe62 . 4-em] ORRICK & CAMPBELL, No. 109 Water at., & 54 N. Wharves, Piffled.. DRUG Ei ! DRUGS ! DRUGS ! 7'HOMPSOJV 4 CR.dWFORD, WHOLESA LE DRUGGISTS, No. 40 dlarket Street, Philada. OFFERS foreale a large stock of Ft rah Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stull), to which they call the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers visiting the city. Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var nishes, of a superior quality. Also, NA hits and Red Lead, Window Glass, Paints and Oils—cheap , ev than ever. T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout their own and neighboring States as the best preparation for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &c. Money refunded in even• instance where no benefit is re ceived. (Philadalphia, jan27•itm HARRIS, TURNER & IRVIN, WHOLESALE rtib . 201 Market Street, one door above Fifth, North Side, l'hil,tdel7,h . ia. TMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealersin DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Patent Medi• vines, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Window Glass. faints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c. Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians, supplied with the above articles on the =strayer. ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or ders. Every article warranted. JOHN HARRIS, M. D., eept23. JAS. A. TURNER, late of Vs W Iti. 11l \IN, M. D. LINN, SMITH dc CO., (Successors to Potts, Lino llarris,) WHOLESALE 111)HUGGIISTS, .Wo. 213 .Market Street, Pliihula. T 7 EEP constantly on hand a full assortment of _IV Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Surgical hero musts, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., all of which they oilier to country merchants, and others, on the most advantageous terms. All orders, by letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest care and despatch. CLADDILT, IL LINN, 11011 MD P. SMITH, ALEANDER NIOROAN. febl7-6m) A. W. Benedict, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— 13, Office ut his old residence in slain street.. few doors wool of the old Court House, Ile will attend to any business entrusted to Imo in the see. cut Courts of and adjoining counticu. Huntingdon Advertisements. GREAT BARGAINS! NEW GOODS CHEAPER TITAN EVER !! DR. WILLIAM SWOOPE II ". just received, and now offers to the pub lic, at his old stand in Main street. directly opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, as large a stock of .djScD WIJVTER GOODS as has ever been offered to the public in this place, and at cheaper prices than any other store in the county. His assortment incomplete—having almost every article in the lino of business, among which ore Cheap Cloths, C assinetts, Flannels, Blan kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash meres, 4', at prices that cannot fail to please, j The attention of the ladies is particularly invited to a large and beautiful selection of LR\"t.m.-.9aca , w (3:OC .EZS which have been purchased with an eye single to their taste. Call and examine, and judge for yourselves, and if we cannot please, we will be pleased to see you. ALso—A general assortment of Gro ceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. &e. The highest price paid for Country Produce. Dr. S. would most respectfully tender his thanks to his former customers, and hopes by prompt at tention to business, and by selling a mirmi mit:AP- I:It than others, to secure an increase of public patronnee. [Huntingdon, Nov. 4-tf CABINET WARE-BOOM. 71:e .'' ... o . '''' ... ". " -) . :1111iiii 11 1 1104111111.1114111011111111LJ- I '±: . :" . 0-) =tom - Market Street, Huntingdon, Pa. TH E subscriber would respectfully inform his 1 friends and the public generally, dna he con tinues to carry on rho CABINET NI A KING host ile:ss in all its various brunches at his old stood in Market street directly opposite the Post Other, whe e he is prepared to make to order any article in his line; such as Sideboards, Sofas, Secretaries, Bureaus, Centre, Pier; Hail, Curd Dining nod Work Tables, Washstands, High Field French and Low Post Bedsteads. All work dons by the subscriber warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship, and ut the lowest prices. , Collins made and funerals attended, either in town or coon ry, at the shortest notice. Ile keeps a splendid Hearse for the accommodation of his customers. Persons wanting any article in his line of busi ness, ore requested to give him a call, a 3 he i 'tends keeping a handsome assortment constantly on haul. TIIONIAS ()Until IINELL. _ _ Huntingdon, Feb. :3, 1847—ti CON MPTiON CU RABL Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar B'ood .Maphtha: I NFLAMMA PION of the mucous membranes 1 is the result of b. 113 impression made upon them by cold or other causes; hence Chronic, Ca• tarrh, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, re sulting in Consumption, Gastritis. diseased Liver and Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, &c. From incontestible evidence.it is proved that Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha is a specific in these complaints—allaying irritation, promoting healthy secretions, and removing the existing COMO of disease. Thousands have used it, and can beat testimony to its efficacy. FARTHER PROOF !! Philadelphia, March Ist, 1940.—1 hereby certify, that in consequence of repealed and neglect ed colds, my lungs became seriously of footed, and for a lung time I have suffered with violent pain in the b. east.obstintitecough and difficult expecto ration, the sy mp tarns daily increasing in vi olence. I had re• course to various reme dies, with no avail, until I used THOMPSON'S COM I OUND SYRUP OF 1 AR, which effected a permanent cure before I had taken three hot. des. E. 1' VANS, Payette street, below At. Principal office, N. 11. cornea of Fifth and Sprt co streets. Sold by Simonton & Jones, 'Huntingdon: J M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Price 60 eta per 1.. t le, or $5 per dozen. tilec2-6m EINCOURACIE ROME LABOR. I ADANIs & BOAT'S CaRRIaGE ./IXD 117./GOX 111'4CTORY, Opposito the Presbyterian Church, Huntingdon. I'HE subscribers respect fully inform the public, 1. that they are at all times prepared to execute any orders in their line of business, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. . . Carriages, Buggies, Wag vas, Sleighs, Dearborn, and Carts, made to order, of the hest materials, and at roe sonablepriees. Repairing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the shortest notice. crj•Those wanting nent, cheap and durable ar• ticks in our line of business, are respectfully re• quested to give us a cull. d0e30,'4'6. I y ADAMS & 130 AT NEW ESTADVESIZIKENT I BOOT & SHOE MAMUFACTORY, THE undersigned would respeethilly inlorm the citizens of Huntingdon and y kinity, that he hasagain commenced the manufacture of BOOTS O atic SHOE S, it" 5;... at his New Stand, in Hill street, three doors above Hen. Wilson's office, where he will be happy to accommodate all who wish to be fitted at astonishing low prices, for ezl.Sl/. Come on, then ; he has a superior new stock of leather, selected with a view to the wants of all—mon, women or children. He therefore re spectfully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the public generally. CHARLES S. BLACK. i1ec30,40-Iy. JOli-W ORK or all deacriptione neatly executed at the Journal Wilco Miscellaneous Advertisements. ALEXANDRIA FoIINDRY I. 4. H. Grafitis, RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Huntingdon county, and the pub that they continue to carry on the COpper,'7'in and Sheee Iron Business, in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they man ufacture and constantly keep on hand every des cription of ware in their line, such as NEW, SPLENDID WOOD STOVES, 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 inches long. Radiator Stoves, 2 sizes Coal Stoves for Pal lore, new and splendid Parlor Stoves for Wood, 9 sizes Egg Stoves ; also, Iron Railing, for fronts of houses; Cast Grates, (or cellar windows; Self-Sharpening Ploughs, right and left-handed; new 'Bull' Plough with cast and iron shear, and the 'Livingston' Plough; Double Shovel Ploughs. for corn and seeding in fall grain; Copper Pumps, for Wells any depth, with 'fin inside and out; Forge Ham mers, from 5 to Hicwt. New Cooking Stoves, of all kinds ; also, 4 sizes of Coal Stoves, also Stove-pipe and Stoves finished. All kinds of castings done for Forger. Saw mills and Threshing-machines, Waggon Boxes, Mill Gubgeons, and Hollow Ware, all of which is done in a workmanlike stunner. Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Preserv ing, and Ten Kettles, for sale, wholesale and retail. Persons favoring this establishment with their custom may depend on having their orders execu ted with fidelity and despatch. Old metal, copper, b ass and pewter taken in ex change. Also, wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at market price. "QUEEN OF THE WEST" cID c at aLa a cm) Fur sale by I. & H. GRAFIUS, Alex andria, Huntingdon county, Pm, cheap for cash or country produce, at • market price. TH ' Queen of the We:it is an improvement on Hathaway's celebi ated Hot Air Stoat. There has never yet appeared any plan of a Cooking Stove that pOSSCSSC3 the advantages that this one has. A much less quantity of fuel is required for any am% of cooking or baking by this stove than by any other. Persona are requeßted to call and ace before they purchase elsewhere. To Pierchasersw-Gottraolee. The undersigned, agent of the patentee of the Stove, 'Tire Qtr =t of the \Vest,' understanding that the owners, o • those concerned for them, of other and different parent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to bring suit against all who purchase and use any of build's Parent Cooking Stove— The Queen 01 the kVeat'—this is to inform all and every person who shall purchase and use said Stove that he will indetnnify them from all costs or dam age from any and all suits, brought by other pa tentees, or their agents, for any infringement of their pimento. He gives this twice so that persons need not he under any fears bee use they have. while consulting their own interests and convenience. se cured the superior advantages of this 'Queen,' not only of the West, but of the East. ISR AEA. GRAFIUS. Dissolution of Partnership Tas subscribers, doing business under the firm of 1. Grafiusand Son, in Alexandria, Huntingdon county, dissolved partnership by mutual consent on the 3d day of April last. All pillions having ac counts with said firm will settle the suite with I. Gruithis, up to the above date. _ I. GRAFIUS & SON Alexandria, May 20, 1846-ly A ir 471' T . T . ..T:I;;YZY inTZVP el to.. c.JA 4 .2 r I DR. DAVIS'S COAIPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND TAR. FOR the cure of Pulmonary Cons timp r tion, Coughs, Colds, disthma, Influen za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, • Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous Tre- Hooping Cough, 4-c. Proof follows upon proof of the virtues of DR. DaVIS'S SYRUP. Read the.followitig../Vew Certificates MILFORD, Perry CO, Pa., Oct. 1, 1546 . - Messrs. llobinsan, Colliva & Co :—Sirs ; This la to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years with a violent pain in my bieust, so much so that I could hardly lay in bed at night. Cough attended. followed by emaciation and other decided symp toms of consumption. I applied to several eminent physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr. Davis's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, of which i took two bottle., vvhich entirely re lieved ma of my complaint; therefore I can with confidence recommend tt to all who are in to like utivni.er afflicted, aa a most valuable Medicine. Jowl ToonEr. The authenticity of the above statement is vouched fur by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of Milford, who knows Mr. Tourney, and the circum stances of his case. Mr. 'l'. is now sixty years of ago. Price, $1 per bottle. Robison, Collins, Pitila'tl., gen eral agents. For - sale by THOS. READ & SON, Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces; Patton & 'l'ussey, Arch Springs; B. F. Bell, Laurel Run Mill% and Spencer & Flood, Williamsburg. Feb. 10, 1847-6 m. George Taylor, A TTORNEY AT LAW--Attends to practice I. to the Orphans' Court, Mating administrators' accounts, Scriveniug, &c. Otlice in the diamond, 'hate doors east of the ' , Exchange Hotel," feh2B.'44 S. Steel Dlair, TTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Will attend attend to all business entrusted to his carein lilair, Huntingdon and Indiana coun- ties. nprB-'46 • 3. Sewell Stewart, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pn.— a Mice in Main west, live doors west of Mr Iluoy's jewelry establishment. T. H. Cromer, ATTOIZNEY AT LAW, !ll' 1 Patent Medicines. M'ALLISTER'S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT. Insensible Perspiration Is the great Evacuation for the impuri ties of the body. Life cannot be sus tained without it. It is thrown off from the blood and other juices of the body, and disposes by this means of nearly all the impurities within us. The language of scripture, " in the blood is the life."— If it ever becomes impure it may be traced directly to the stopage of the " insensible perspiration." Thus we see all that is necessary when the blood is stagnant or infected, is to open the pores and it relieves itself from all im purity instantly. Its own heat and vi tality are sufficient, without one particle of medicine, except to open the pores upon the surface. Thus we see the folly of taking so much internal remedies.— All practitioners, however, direct their efforts to restore the insensible perspirtv tion. The Thompsonian, for instancl ; steams; the Hydropathist shrouds in wet blankets ; the Homoeopathist deals out infintissimals; the Ailopathist bleeds and doses us with mercury, and the blustering Quack gorges us with pills. I have had physicians, learned in the profession, I have had ministers of the ;ospel, Judges of the Bench, Aldermen and Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor, nee it in every variety of way, and there has been but one voice—one united, Universal voice—saying, M'Allister your Ointment is good." CONSUMPTION.-it can hardly be cred ited that a salve can have any effect upon the lungs, seated as they are with , in the system. But if placed upon the el.cst, it penetrates directly to the lungs, separates the poisonous particles that are consuming them, and expels them from the system. I need not say that it is curing persons of Consumption con , tinually, although we are told that it is foolishness. I care not what is said, so bo ng as I can cure several thousand per: sons annually. INAnAcna.--The salve has cured per t same of the Headache of 1 4 2 year's stand , imf, and who lied it regularly every week, so that vomiting often took place. Deafness and Ear ache are helped with like success. Cot., Ft:vv.—Consumption, Liver Coin• plaint, pains in the Side or Chest, falling off the hair, one or the other, always accompanies cold feet. It is n sure sign of disease in the system to have cold feet: The Salvo will cure every casr; iii Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Liver Complaint, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Broken or Sore Breast, Piles, Chest Dis eases, such us Asthma, Oppression, Pains, also Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Tumors, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases, and of the Spine there is no medicine known probably so good. BenNs.—lt is the best thing in the world for Burns, (Read the directions :wound the box,) Pimples on the face, Mavenline Skin, Gross Surface.—When there is grossness or dull repulsive surface, it begins to soften until the skin becomes as smooth and delicate as a child's. Wolots.—lf parents kite* how fatal most medicines were to children taken inwardly, they would be slow to resort to them. Especially mercurial lona+ , gee,' called medicated lozenges,' ter mifuges," pills,' &c. The truth is, no one can tell ; invariably, when worms are present. Now let me say to parents, that this salve will always tell if a child has worms. It will drive every vestige of them away. (Read the directions around the box.) There is probably no medicine on the face of the earth at once so sure and so safe in the expul sion of worms. OLD SORES.-Thflt some sores are an nutlet to the impurities of the system, is because they cannot pass off through the natural channels of the Insensible Perspiration. If such sores are healed it, the impurities must have some other nutlet, or it will endanger life. This salve will always provide tor such ether gency, RHEI/MATISIII.--- . A.llllOSt every case eu red with this ohanteht. Ft:VERS.—hi all cases of fever, the difficulty lies in the pores being locked up so that the heat and perspiration can not pass otf. if the least moisture could be started, the crisis has passed and the danger is over. The all-healing Quin cleat will in all cases of fevers almost instantly unlock the skin and brings forth the perspiration. We have cured cases of Scald Head that defied every thing known, as well as the ability of fifteen or twenty doctors.-- One man told us he had spent $5OO on his children without any benefit, when a few boxes of the ointment cured them. CouNs.—Occasional use of the oint-• ment will always keep corns front grow-' ing. - People need never be troubled with them if they will use it. As a family medicine, no man can' measure its value. JAMES M'ALLISTER & Co., Sole.proprictor of the above Medicine, Price '25 cis. per box. CAUTION.—As the All-Healing Oint-' nient has been greatly counterfeited, we have given this caution to the public that no ointment will be genuine unless the name of James M'Allister or :fames M'Allister & Co. are written with a pen upon every label.' Agent—JAS. SAXTON, jr., Huntingdon, Pc , and 11.0 genuine except Gold by bin,.