FROM MEXICO. Extraordinary Session of the Mexican Congress—Offer of Mediation by the British Minister—Rumored arrival of Gen. Taylor at San Luis—Reported Revolution in the City of Mexico against Santa linna. FREDERICKSBURG, Va., May 13. I transmit the following additional Mexican intelligence contained in the New Orleans papers of the 6th inst. Upon the receipt of the news of the defeat at Cerro Gordo, the Mexican Con gress held an extraordinary session, at which a decree was passed, dictating to all Mexicans the importance of carrying on the war, and defending the nationality of the republic. It also prohibits the Executive from making peace With the United States, or concluding negotia tions with foreign powers disposing of any part of the territories. The decree pronounces all to be trai= tors, whether private persons or public tinctionaries, who make any treaty with the United States, and declares such treaty to be null and void. A permanent committee is to be in . stalled, should Congress find it impossi sible to continue its sessions. On this committee is to devolve the whole duties of the government counsel, and appoint, in case of vacancy, a temporary Execu tive. The power of the committee to cease at the conclusion of the war. There were more than eighty mem bers of Congress present at this extra ordinary meeting, and great unanimity prevailed, The Picayue has a letters from Jalapa, dated 25th, 26th and 28th April, Vera Cruz of the 29th. Gen. Worth was still at Perote, with 2500 men. He had advanced one bri gade with its battery, to enlarge the cir cuit of supplies. The arrival of the diligence at Vera Cruz from Jalapa, on the 28th, brought , the intelligence that Mr. Bankliead, the British Minister, had offered mediation, and Congress was acting upon the pro position. It was repbrted that a strong party in favor of peace had formed at the etipital. A few light breastworks had been thrown up in the vicinity of the city of Mexico, but nothing like a regular de fence had been undertaken. The citi zens seemed to be stupified by the suc cessive defeats of their troops. Santa Anna had written to the Gov ernment from Orizaba, that he had 1500 men, and Wanted reinforcements and money. His demands were, however nu heedcd, and the government and people appear to have lost all confidence in him. The Puebla paper of the 24th declares that a party of Mexicans headed by Rejon and Gomez Rajas, had determin ed to sell the Republic to the American vandals. By an express arrived at Vera Crnz, on the 29th, information had been re ceived that Lieut. Dixon, in command of a detachment of 102 convalescent sol diers, on their way to Jalapa, had been attacked by 300 Mexicans, A wagon train has also been captured, and fears are entertained for another. It was rumored that Gen. Taylor had I arrived at San Luis, but not that lie had Aliken that city. It was also reported that the Mexicans 1, intended leaving the roads entirely free from Jalapa to Puebla, but entombing themselves in the latter place. A revolution is said to have broken out in the city of Mexico against Santa Anna. The Mexican aceounts of the battle of Cerro Gordo says that Santa Anna sus tained himself with 6000 against 14,000 and finally being entirely surrounded, en'. his way through the Yankees with a column of the fourth infantry. The Mexicans admit that two of their t; Generals were killed, but Gen. Scott's : loss is put down at four thousand, killed two thousand, and as many wounded. General Sales has issued a proclama , tine, declaring that he was empowered to raise a guerilla corps, and calls on all good Mexicans to join his standard. FROM MONTEREY. Gen. Taylor—Assassination of 24 Mexicans . —Endeavot to ascertain the Guilty. The Schooner Heroine arrived at New . Orleans on the 29th ultimo, from the Brazos. The Delta contains a letter dated Monterey, April 4th, from which we make the following extracts : " Three days ago the Alcade and Priest of a small town some twenty miles distant, on the road to China ; catne in and reported to Gen. Taylor the murder of twenty-four Mexicans, at Gualopa, a P.. small rancho, about six miles from Re mus. The murder was committed ; they say, by a party of Americans numbering about twenty, and was done in the night. The murdered then were first made pri. goners tied, and afterwards all shot through their heads. The murder is said to have Wen eorrintitted on the 28th of March. On that night a train of loa --7- ded wagons, escorted by two hundred infantry and about the same number of horse, under command of Col. Mitchell, 'I ~ of the first Ohio Regiment ; encamped at Marin, which is about 5 miles from the scene of the murder. The mounted men were composed of United States Dia , goons and Texas Rangers, under the , command of Capt. Graham, of the 2d ' Dragoons. Suspicion rests on some part of this corpsy though no clue as yet has been found to discover the guilty. The officers in command—gentlemen; and rigid deciplinarians—are using eve ry means in their power to investigate the matter. Gen. Taylor has got his steam up Oh the subject, and is determined to haVe hung emery one, who it can be proved, has taken any part in the murder. The town where these men were killed is but a few miles from the place where the large train was captured and so many wagoners massacred on the 22d Feb'ry. Some fifteen dr twenty of the wagoners who escaped from the massacre came up in the last train, yet there is no evi dence that they were engaged in the Gualopa murder. I passed over the place of the massa cre of the 22d Ferbruary, a few days ago, and the scene is truly the most horrid and revolting that 1 ever witness ed. The remains of the murdered men, yet unburied, stripped of every particle of clothing, lay upon the plains, their flesh devoured by Mexican wolves and buzzards, and their bones bleached in the sun. The train was a very large and valua ble one, and stretched out from three to four Chiles in length. The attack was made upon the escort, who were in the advance, by a large body of Lancers.— The escort, forty men, under Lieut. Bar bour, of the Kentucky Legion, were all taken prisoners; and are now in posses sion of Urrea. The Lancers charged clown the train, and lanced withtlut Mer cy the wagoners as they ran for their lives in the chapparel. More than three fourths of then, it is thought; were killed, and their bodies shockingly mu tilated and disfigured. Urrea, by last accounts, was at Lina: res, expecting reinforcements. It is t'uniored that he has four pieceF,of artil- Cry With him. Marin, Ceralvo, Mier, and China be garfisoned by our troops, which will render bur ctimitianications with Camargo entirety safe, The troops here are in excellent health and eon. dition. The number of regiments whose year will expire in May or June, now in Gen. Taylor's column, is thirteen. How their places are to be filled I cannot devise— perhaps you can inform us." ADVANCE OF GEN. SCOTT. INTERESTING FROM THE ARMY JALAPA AND PEROTE IN THE POS SESSION OF GEN. SCOTT. By the Baltimore papers of Friday,l kraal a Whig Pour. we have the important intelligence of Must ThofigirMrtlly Joke. the rapid advance df Gem Seam towards the city of Alexidth This great Chief- The barque Spartan, Cap t. J. Miller, recently arrived at New London froth a tart pushes on Without stop or falter ; the w h a li ng an d Sealing expedition to the destruetite storm Of Cerro Gordo de- North Pacific, after an absence of about lays ridt it day nor an hdur his ofiward three years, and was boarded oft Mon; tanck a lot-boat. It the march ; With it boldness and energy; and ; Captainby pi is a stiff Democrat seems, and that having a masterly activity beyond all parallel, ; sailed from home in September, 1844, he has passed through the considerable and not having heard a word since, he town of Jalapa; traversed the dangerous was eager to learn the news, particularly and difficult road thirty miles beyond, ; the result,cif the, then pending Presiden and appears with the old Vanguard of . tint eleCtion.. the Commander of the being of a wa re. the army, under the gallant Worth, be- i plied, " Well; C M somewh y Was at b e yelecteda fore the far-famed castle of Perote: bare majority." Both these places surrendered at the "The mischief he was!" cried the first summons, and without the firing of , sea-captain, "1 am sorry for that. Of a single gun—Jalapa on the 20th and ; twentysthree men and boys on board; we Perote on the 22d of April. Perote is I have but two Whigs, and if I'd kridUrii 36 miles beyond Jalapa, 108 from Vera their pesky politics they might haVe Cruz, and 170 from the city of Mexico. staid at home. But, do tell—how do Gen. Twiggs had followed the retreat- things go on 1" • ing Mexicans, on the 19th, from the "0, first rate ; the Tariff of 1842 is Cerro Gordo to within a few miles of repealed, and another made which just Jalapa, when all traces of them, as a suits England:" body, disappeared, and he encamped for "There, boys! didn't I tell you, that the night, within three miles of the townlthe Whigs was the British, pliftyl DO that evening, and entered and took pos. I you not remember their flags and bun= session of it early the next morning. tiers, Clay and the Tariff of 18421' Santa Anna did not pass through Jo- 0 the cussed, lieing British Whigs I" laps but, in company with Ampudia and " But, we have annexed Texas to the Torrejon; turned off to the left at his Union, and it is now a State in full corn. hacienda, and halted far the night at the munion." "nine mile pass," which was being for. I " You don't say so ! But slavery is tified i but which on second considera- excluded of course." tion, it Wag deemed prudent to evacuate. " Not so—the blessed institution' • The latest accounts left the Mexican exists in all its enlightening and benifi- General at Grizaba, a little town at the cent influences." foot of the mountain of that rainfte i IVith "Didn't I always say that the Whigs about 6,000 men of the fugatiVe from is opposed to Liberty 1 Tolerate Slave. Cerro Gordo: It is said that the feeling ; ry The they do ! I knowed the against him, excited by the disastrous Whigs couldn't get into power issue of the battle of the 19th; is so Iwithout bringing some calamity on the strong that he will not dare to return to ' country: What next V' the city until success shall brown his "President Clay (without consulting efforts to redeem his thousand promises Congress, then in session) Ordered the to his deluded countrymen. On the day army to advance to the del Norte; the before the battle he boasted very mud/ inmost limit claimed (in dispute) as a in Jalapa that he would not only whip part of Texas—collisions ensued—blood the Americana, but that he would never was shed—battles followed—and we are Call off his men from the pursuit until he now in the midst of a hot, bloody war had driven them into the sea. Cerro with Mexico:" Gordo, lie said; was intended by nature "Horror! you don't Say dot" as a defence against all those who at- "Congress has just adjourned, after temped to overrun the republic, and if warranting a National Debt of thirty the Americans were not beaten back millions, in addition to thirty millions from that point, it tvould be useless to before incurred, and placing at Clay's oppose further obstacles to their advance disposal near seventy thousand men.— Gen: Worth, with the advance of the The appropriations of this session are army, appeared before Perote at 11 nearly sixty millions of dollars !" o'clock, on the morning of the 22d, and " k urious ! You stick daggers in me. found it evacuated by the enemy, who 0 liberty ! 0 justice! All this comes had left an officer behind to surrender it of Whig domination. What a mountain in form: An immense number of small of tt'oes has the success of that party arms, the big guns of the castle and city, rolled upon my country. Loose all sail, and munition Were taken possession of. boys If the democracy had succeeded,. It wasScoit's intention to push on all WOW have been in peace and pros towards was_ where, it was thought, poritjr: Crowd every stitch of canvass ! the enemy would make another stand: Why did we sail before the election 1— Immediately after the battle of the Hurrah; boys to the ballot boxes—join 19th, the Mexican prisoners, who were the people with true hearts and strong paroled commenced wending theit way hands—turn out these Men ! upset them ! to their different homes. From the foot there must be a united rally to save the of Cerro Gordo to Santtt Atitlit'S haci enda, the roadside was llhed with the dead Mexicans Mid horses, who lay scattered Id Mll directions. Our ldss at Cerro Gordo is now stated to be about 350 in killed and wounded. din. Shields was still living on the 22d, and some hopes were entertained of his recovery. Active preparations were being made in the Capital to oppose the progress of our arms. Resolutions had passed Con gress calling on all dapable of bearing arms to enroll themselves Without delay. The " Guerilla" system had been deter mined on, and the most prominent 136r sons in the city had already commenced forming bodies of men for that species of warfare. It was also proposed to re move the sessions of Congress to softie more secure city. _ Rumors were prevalent at Jalapa and Perote that the command of the Mexican forces Had been taken from Santa Anna, and given to dandlizo:— Doubtful. An American Naval Victory. CAPTtriVii Oi l TUESPAN. The U. S. transport schooner, Gen. Patterson, arrived at New Orleans on the 2d of May, with later news from the seat df War. The transport left Vera Cruz on the 24th ult. The New Orleans Delta gives the gratifying intelligence of still another glorious victory achieved by the Affieri can arms in Mexico, and of the capture of Tuspan by the gallant squadron under Commodore Perry. The Gen: Patterson fell in with Com. Perry 3 s squadron on its return from the Tuspan expedition on the 24th ult., twenty-fit'e miles north tlf Vera Cruz.— She Was boarded by tin officer from the United States stearner Scorpion; who placed letters in the hands of daptnin Jackson; and infortiled him that od the 19th ult.; tustiaii had been taken, after a fierce and deteriiiined Ojifittsition on the part ,of the Mexican troops: The Mexicans, after a desperate sting; ale ; finding; that; notWithstandffig their most stretiuOils exertions, till fesistande would be vain; spiked all the guns, razed the defence of the place; and then aban doned it. In the engagement four men were killed, and fourteen wounded on our side, among them were four officers, viz : Capt. Tatnall, slightly ; Lieut. Parker, severely; Lieut. Hartstein and Passed Midshipman Lowndes, both slightly. country from this stupendous course of fraud, and stupidity leading to ruin !" What happened when the good Capt. Miller arrived at New London—got his eyes open, and learned that it was his Bull gored our Ox, the New Londo n Spectator has yet to inform us. O The Albany Evening Journal says that General Scott gave Santa Anna a "hasty plate of soup at Cerro Gordo; and if he had not been served with fleet horses he would also have honored him with a "fire in the rear !" A MEXICAN CATnEurtiii.:=The Cath; Ora at Piiebla, Mexico, is magnificent ly ornadiented. The chandeliers and ldtiips Whieh adcirii it; are of Massive gold and silver. The building was com pleted in 1808, and is said to have cost $6,000,000. There are ten 6lipels,at; tached td richly decorated. Be; Sides thib, there dre several churches 8f Magnitude and great wealth." 07 4 The three companies of vania volunteers which here detained at Lobos On account of the small pox; hale arrived at Vera Cruz: No deaths had occurred; arid the men *ere quite Well; the small pox having disappeared. SINGULAR AND SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—tin Saturday, we learn that a lad by the name of Burtis, was picking up bits of boards below the Falls; flir the purpose of making a hen coop; As he, was walking along with a piece Of siditig; half an inch thick, upon his head; some boy on the bank; more than d hutldred feet above him, threw a small stone, a mere pebble, which in its downward course struck the board on the lad's head, splitting it and fracturing his skull. Our informant tells us that it is expected the lad will recover.—Cleve land Herald. The Market s, May 14, 1847. Ormun Argil MtAL—Prices since Tuesday lldbh varied bin little abil the sales for export have been lb the extent Of 10,000 brls at $7,875 a 8, and extra at $8 a 8,12 h, nbarlY fill it $B. The market closes quiet at $8 to-day, and but littlb for sale. Rye Flour is scarce and in request;. vales at $5,25 per brl. Corn Meal sells very freely et $5 der hrl; GRAlN—*heat is in brisk dediand aiid Oka continue advancing; sales of 20,000 bushels at $1,77 a 1,78 for good Peoria red, and $1,83 a 1,85 for white. Rye—Sales at $1 to 1,03 per bushel. orn— Sales 10,000 bushels Penn's yellow at $1.03 to 1.05, by weight. Oats are wanted at 52 a 52i chi for Southern. MA RIED, On the 11th inst:i by the Rev. , Gear} Mr: TficisiAs MeWail Of Mifflin Couiity; to Miss MARY ANN DECKER of this place. PROPOSALS WILL b:frettheie"d I, r b o y u a t h h e of unders i gned, uii,ingt be- Hairon, be tween title tittle and the first day of June, for the making of a close board knee (ihe inaierfals to be furnished) on built sides of a public alley lb be opened from Smith to Charles street, in said be , rough. The said fence to he five feet high, made with good Locust poets, and good inch while pine boards; the whole fence to be, in length, about 200 rods. The materials to be all ready before the lot of October, Proposals may ho for making the fence in a single square, or for the whole. More particular information may be had by ap. plication to the undersigned, aey time before the Is! day of .tune, on which day the work will be let to the fewest and hest fridder,o'r bidders; JOHN BUM BAUGH, Chief Burgesa. DAVID SNARE, DAVID BLACK, Mayl9-11. Assistant Burgesses. CLOTHING STORE, 91HE subscriber, of the late firm of Buck & Moore, takes this method of informing his friends and the public in general, that he has Imught out the interest of S. L. Buck, at the old established CLOTHING STAND, No. 254, MARKET ..STREET, PUILADELPIII A, and is now prepared to itunigh all kinds of Heady-made CLOTHING, at prices which cannot but secure to hint the patronage of all who desire to purchase cheap clothing. I have splendid French Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, from $5.50 to $18; do. Pants from 75 cents to $6 ; Vicele, hartl 62} cents to $4 ; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Also, all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods at ex tremely low prices. holesale dealers in Clothing would , do WOW call at the store of JOSEHH J: 51 ()RE; 254 Market street, Philadelphia. mayl9-tf. NATDEN & COALE, Flour, Produce and General Commission Merchants, No. 116, Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, OFFER their services to the Merchants and Par- Mmrbor the hesqoehanna and Juniata vallies for the safe of Flodr, Gitlin', and Produce generally, in the Baltimore Market, and f Urn their extensive acquaintante arhong potchaserri and shippers, can safely warrant satisfactory Wad. Correspondents will be kept constantly advised bf the state of the M3rkets &c. 1 Refer to Mesta. W rn.Wiison &,So., 13: 1 bum Reynolds & Son, Davidson & Sounder., g Reynolds & Smith, ,T, and Mews. Tineiy, Caldwell & English, Phila. delphia. [may 19-2 m. DNINIS7'SJITORA" NOTICE. LETTERS of administration haiing been granted to the subscribers upon the estate of John Miller, late of Cass township, deceased., all persons ha*ing claims against the said estate are hereby requested to present them, without delay, proiSerly authenticated, for settlement; and all persons indebted to the estate, are notified to make imme diate payment: JOSEPH PARK, WM. CROTSBY, my !Mt] Admre. LATEST ALREIVAL Or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! AT THE STORE di? SAMUEL MILLIKEN, AM now receiving an eniire hewstbek of SPRING 4.1 VD S 01:11 id? GOODS, I being by far the best assortment brought to this place. Among which 'will be found CLOTHS 4. CaISINETS, :111i1SLINS 4. TICKIJVGS; FLANNELS 4. DRILLINGS; UMBRELLAS 4. I'IIRaSOLS; LINENS 4. CHECKS, camcos 4. GINGH.d.MS: Braid and Straw Bonnets and Palm Letirand Far Hale; BOOTS AND SHOES:. GROCERIES, Haßnwa RE, QUEENSW.gRE; DRUGS, PJIIJV7'S; OILS aND GLasstkwßE: I:Pamtstrcka- ii , uciastina =Enda M3esaa'a a ; With a large and fine variety of Goods of all kinds. Please call and examine my stock, as I am deterrniraid to sell my goods on a§ reasonable terms as any one in Huntingdon county. The higheiif price paid in CASH, for WHEJIT, RYE, OJITS CORN, FLOUR; CLO VERSEED and FLJIXSEED. Butter, Eggs; Laid; Bacbn, Sbap, Beeswax, Boards, Wool, ere., takeri exChang fbi Goods., SAMUEL MILLIKEN: Petersburg; May 10; 1847. Aioditor s 'Mice. A" peretohs iiiierested tire hereby noti fi ed, that • • the undersigned , appointed an Abditor by the Court of COMmon Pleas of Huntingdon county, id drcide do eiceptions filed to the trilat account of Jacob Shoblifelt, committee of theitereon and estate of Joilh ehoenfelt, a lunatic, dttend for that purpose,dt his o ffi ce, in the borough,of Hunt ingdon, on Wedhbaday, the 30th day of Juiie nett, di 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. , J. SE WEL STE WART, A udittir. mayl9-4t. Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, to wit : onbi is herely given to all interested N in the estate df :times Entrekin, Esq., Jeer:dried, ue heirs, relailves, hat of kin, de- visees, legateeS dr eiteciitors, that ih the Matter of the:appeal Of William. Entrekin, froth the Debree of the Register df said cOurity, admitting the Will of the said James Entrekin, Esq., to Probate—an issue, DEVISAVIT VEL sow, has been directed by the Registers' Court to the Court of Common Pleas of said county. wherein James Entrekin and James Steel, Erq'rs. s e plaintiff's and William Entrekin is defendant; and that the said issue will be tried before the Court of Common Pleas, and a Jury of the scid county, on the third Monday (16th dot) of August, 1847, when and where all Or; sand interested, may attend and make thaniseldes patties 1011E3 satire: Mays-61. MCO B MILLER, Register. Blacksmith Wanted, AGOOD BLACKSMITH will find steady employment, at good wages, by applying at Paradise Furnace, Tod Township, Huntingdon county. Fdr further information app ly office, or at the Furnace: 1'; ; DEWEES, tray 1 q• 3t: • s DMlNlSTimmies .NOTICE. Estate of Hannah Ditzworth, late of Jack son township, deceased. oTICE in hereby given, that Letters of Ad .ll ministration have been granted to the under signed on the said estate. All persons indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate pay ment, and persons having claims will peseta them dul y y authenticated for settlement. apr27-6tl JAMtS OILLAM, Adiitr. "0017NWEITIRVIITOIC , HE office of the Deputy Surveyor for the conn tyy of Huntingdon, is removed to the borough of Huntingdon, where letters (post paid) on busi nes will be duly attended to. Office in Washing ton at. SAML. CALDWELL, D. S. epr2 I-4 ros JAS. P. PEROT, C. J. 11OFFTIAN, PEROT & HOFFMAN Produce aid Cierieral COmmission Werchanti, No. 79, North Wharves, below Vine St., Wadi., A RE prepared to receive all kinds of t 1 produce on Consignment, on which they will make liberal advances, when required.— They trust, with their knowledge of, and attention to businesti, they will receive a share of the patron age of Merchants, Millers, and others. They re fer to Dutilll & Humphreys, Platt, Hollingshead & Co., • • Lea, Butiker & Philadelphia. F. & W. S. Perot, Smith, Brothers & Co., T. C. Rockhill, J. & J. Milliken, Francis McCoy, Dr. J. B. Ant, ILewistown. Samuel Milliken, F. J. Hoffman, Philadelphia, April 14. 1847-8 m 61 - UPILAN'S COURT SALE. DY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will he exposed to sale by public voodoo or outciy, the premises, on SAT URDAY, 15th day of May next, at 2 o'clock, P.' M., all that certain tnessuage, pla'ntation, or tract of land situate in Springfield township, in said county, bounded by land of George Taylor on the east, Mr. Cremer on the north, Elisha S.Greene on the west, and William Taylor on the south, con taining 136 acres, more or less, with the ap ens pdrtenancee, &c., with improvements and ALM 'the necessary buildings thereon made and erected. To he sold as the properiy of Jdcob Baker, late of Springfield township, deed. Terms of Sale—One-third of the 0044 mo nay to be pale CM the confirdation or sale ; one third within one year with interest; and the residue at and immediately after the death of the widow of said deceased—the interest of said residue to be annually and regularly ,paid to said widow during her natural life, and the whole to be secured by the bonds and Mortgage of the purchaser. Attendance will he given on the day of sale, and the pioPeifY shown in the meantime, by JACOB BAKER, apr21.411 Acting Admr. .new !Watches and Jewelry. UST received from Philadelphia a fine assort ment of GOLD AND SILVER LEVERS, - 'SPINE AND QUARTIER WATCHES.— Also, a splendid stock of well selected JEWEL RY. CO' Diamond pointed Gold pens, Gold pen. tile, etc.] H. K. NEFF de BRO. PETERSBURG; PA PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. ADJOURNMENT.] I HE undersigned will expose to sale on the pro• mtses, on Tuesday, 15th day of Sone est; . a first rate tract of •IM ESTONP LAN pi : situate in Tell township, Huntingdon county, ad. joining lands of John Gooshotn, George Gooshorn; William GoUshinn and Nicholas Gooshorn; con taining 101, Acres more or less, wiih about one intndied,and twenty - five acres cleared . thereon. There are octil, Im provements on the above tract , the fences betriA tp good repair, and the cleared land in a goa state of cultivation. The State road passes Through the same, and other public roads; there are alsd Upen The said tract. first rate mill and saw mill seats, end several springs of the finest lirlia4tope water. , Thie dale ti opportunity to 9yte de. airing it possess themselves of a fine farm to ac• commodate themselves. , , , The terms of sale will he made known on tbd day of sale by the subscribers. 'I'HO. P. CAMPBELL;; JOHN ALBRIGHT, .. Assignees of C. Conti: aprl 4-19) 011 HAls . r'S COURT S&LE, yuILL be sold, by order of the Orphan's Court II of Huntingdon county, on the premises; on Thursday, the lot day of July, 1847, as the property of Mathew 'l'. May, late of Mifflin coun ty, decd., the lot of ground containing 11 acres of ground, more or lee., called the Tan-yard, ip ree township, Huntingdon county; with a Dwell ing House, Tan Yard, ttltefile and Pater improve ments thereon erectbd, dntY adjoining lands of Wrri Oaks and Jo'sish Cunningham. Terths of Sale—One-half on coffflunation of the sale; the oilier half in orb year ihereafter, to be scoured by bohd . and mortgage of the trarchaact.. Thy pu cheap money to remain a lien on the pre- Migcs until the whale Anil be . . The sale to commence at 12 o'clock, at the dwelling house, when and where attendance will be given by Joshua Morrison, guardian of the mi nor children of Mathew T. May, decd. By ordei of the 0. C. JACOB MILLER, CIL apr2B-6w are4kl3Priiik Ana klummei ittelqeine: TTANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable 11 Blood Pills, for purifying the blood: BALTIMORE, July 29, 1843. This is to certify, that I was afflicted With a violent pain iii the tweak and right arm, which I sujipoSe proceeded from the impure state of my blobd. was recommended t4.take }Tunic's Sar saparilla of Blood pills, and after taking one box, jhe pain was entirely removed from my bMast and arm: I found . them gentle' in their . OpeTittioti, and would recotrimend them to every person in want of a mild purgative. Parma DOCITE 7 Noi 23 Conway street, betweed oward and Eitiaw. In purcaasing these pills let me add one word of caution. Always ask for Hance's pills, and purchase of none but those advertised ns agents, and if con: venient, call and see the in.sPrieter himself. For sale by Seth S. Hane, 108 Baltimore st. and corner of Charles and Pratt sts., Baltimore. Price 25 cts. per box, of fifty pills each, for Hance's [ genuine pills u or 5 for $l. Enovl§y Aniwrs—T. Redd & Son; Hunting: don; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; A. 0. Brown,Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buch anan, Mil Creek; Spencer & Flood,Wil liamsburg. - RANCE'S Compound Sy rup . ?if Hors- Li hound, for the cure of couilikc'olds,* consumption, spitting Of blood, paid in' the side and breast, bronchitis, croup, and all diseases arising from a diger; dered condition bf the lungs or neglect; ed cold: The following sonnet was ad: dressed to the proprietor by a young Iti(Py who *as cured of Consumption: Ho! ye who pant with failing breath, And pine away and die ; Hance shall "put away" Tour death,* And light anew your eye. Ho* sweet it melts upon the tongue, Ho* grateful to the breast ! A glorious theme for poet's song, Soothing his cough to rest. Hance ! favored of the God's, art thou; A blessing to thy rage, Let laurels flourish on thy brow, , And wealth those laurels grace. When heroes are forgotten; kings Defunct ; teased to rain ; Glory, for thee ; shall flap her wings, - Thou conquerer of pain. Price 50 eta. per bottle, or 6, bm'iles • 'for *2 50. Prepared and sold by Seth S.. Hence, 108 Baltimore st., and corner ehdrles and Pratt eta. [fiovlBy AGENTS—T. Read & Son, kuntingdoni' Moor© & Swoope, AlexaUdria ; Spencer & FlOOd; Williainsbprg W. W. Bach: anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. Browne; Shill leysburg.