THE JOURNAL. Huntingdon, Wednesday, May 10, 1047 WHIG NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR: GEN. JAMES IRVIN, OF CE.N7'IZE COUNTY. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER: JOSEPH W. PATTON, OF CUMBERL.IND COUNTY. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. THOMAS E. FRANKLIN, Lancaster city. JOHN C. KUNKEL, of Dauphin county. THOMAS DUNCAN, JAMES MARTIN, THOMAS C. HAMBLY, York. WM. M. WATTS, Cumberland. DANIEL M. SMYSER, Adams. JOHN P. WETHERILL, Philadelphia city. JOSEPH R. CHANDLER, ROBERT T. CONRAD, TimmAy M‘GuATH, Philada. county. DILLER LUTHER, Berks. ROBERT M. BARD Franklin. Taos. M. T. M , KENNAy, Washington. ANDREW J. OGLE, Somerset. HARMAR DENNY ' Allegheny. RICHARD IRVIN, Venango. JOSEPH H. KUHNS, Westmoreland. G. J. BALL, Erie. H. D. MAXWELL, Northampton. J. B. SALISBURY, Susquehanna. ELHANAN , S4ITH, Wyoming. SAMUEL K.' PCRVIANCE, Butler. HENRY S. EVANS, Chester. ROBERT T. POTTS, Montgomery. [0 - On our first page will be found a full description of the Battle of Sierra Gordo. It will be found very interesting. Da- Attention is invited to the busi ness card of SAMUEL MILLIKEN, Peters burg, Pa. Mr. M. is known to be an en terprising and fair dealer, and farmers and others will doubtless find it to their advantage to give him a call. ID- Gen's Scott and Taylor are ex pected to meet and take a " hasty plate of Soup" together in the Halls of the Montez umas. na- Jos. W. PATTON, the Reform can didate for Canal Commissioner, spent an evening in our town last week. He was in fine health and spirits. Mr. known along the Juniata, and wherever the Peo ple know him, he is highly appreciated. There appears but little doubt of his elec tion in October. LOCOFOCO HARMONY. We observe that some of the Locofoco I papers throughout the State, pretend to believe that great enthusiasm prevails for Shunk in the " Juniata region of country." 11 e can tell these papers that if they honestly entertain any no tions of this kind, they have been as vil lainously deceived as were those who voted for Jas. K. Polk under the belief that lie was the friend of the Tariff of 1842. Aside from the unbounded popu larity of Gen. JAMES IRVIN in this region, which will sweep everything be fore it in October next, Mr. Shunk and his Administration is obnoxious to more than a majority of the Democrats. So manifest had this fact became, that when the leaders discovered that Shunk would again be the candidate of the party, they made a bold effort to whip in the refrac tory, and bring back the deserters to the support of Shunk and Miller. With this view, the Locofoco Conferees of this Senatorial district, in March last, pass ed the following resolution, rebuking those of their party who were pledged to and crying out for " One Term:" " Resolved, That we have no faith in the POLITICAL HONESTY of the few croakers who profess to belong to the Democratic party, that arc crying for ONE TERM. If these CROAKERS be prop erly sifted, they will be found to be the men who held office under David R. Porter for two terms, and their objection to Mr. Shunk is that he would not permit them to hold for four terms !" The Globe of this place refused to pub lish the above resolution, because the party in this county had, in August last, pledged themselves to ONE TERM ; and a large portion of the rank and file were known to be honestly in favor of carry ing out the Principle. And this is known to be still the determination of a large portion of them. The honest voters are not slaves, to cringe beneath the lash of the whippers-in of Party. Shunk and his adviser—Jesse Miler, are very ob jectionable to many of those who for merly voted with the Locofocos, and they will not support them again, the threats of the leaders and Executive or• guns to the contrary notwithstanding. THE reaurr or 1846. " How the Manufacturer and Farmer fare under the new Tariff, every body knows. The fact that they are more prosperous than under the old Tariff ie notorious." • • • • • "Alas for the Tariff of '42. It is faat becom ing an " obsolete idea." The Tariff of '46 is work ing so gloriously for the great Agricultural and other interests, rind as s revenue measure, that the feder alists will ere long begin to deny that they ever were in favor of the " restoration " of the odious law of '42.' The above paragraphs we have extract ed from an article that is going the rounds of the Locofoco papers of this State. These extracts, as well as the whole article, are characteristic of that party. Every man, woman and child in the country, who reads the newspapers of the day, knows that the high prices of grain is owing to the famine in Eu rope, and that it is starvation among the Irish and Scotch, and not the Tariff of 184.6, that is, as the Locofoco editors say, "working gloriously for the ..dgricul tural and other interests." It is equally manifest that the great demand for Iron in Europe, is the cause of the prosperity of Manufacturers in this country, and that by reason of that demand, they have not yet felt the competition of the foreign manufacturers. But it is not probable that either of these causes will always exist. The same article from which we quote, endeavors to show, by the return of the Custom House at New York alone, that the revenue under this Tariff is larger than that of 1842. Be it so. The im portation is much greater, and if it con tinues so, it is certain that the country will be overstocked with foreign goods, wares and merchandize, to the prejudice of the operatives of the United States. The tariff of 1842 becoming an " obso lete idea," and the Federalists denying that they ever were in favor of its resto ration ! If by Federalists is meant Jas. Buchanan and the editors of the same stripe in Pennsylvania then there is truth in the prediction. We remember, and we presume the readers of the Globe and similar prints will remember, that these "Federalists" took a stand for the 'odious Tariff of '42,' when the British Tariff of '46 was under discussion in Congress, and after the British Tariff was passed, they raised a feeble cry of Repeal! But now it is becoming an "obsolete idea" with them. They-were for the Tariff of '42 during the Presidential campaign of 1844—claimed it as a Democratic meas ure, and inscribed it in glowing letters and figures upon their banners and trans parencies, and placed it under the special guardianship of Mr. Polk and his party. But " alas for the Tariff of '42. It is fast becoming an obsolete idea" with the federalists, and they have ceased to claim it as a Democratic measure, and deny that they were ever in favor of the resto ration of it. 'The Whigs are still in favor of the Tariff of 1842—a Tariff for Protection, and for the Repeal of the British Thrill' of 1846. The Whigs, like Generals Scott and Taylor, are gaining victories in every battle, and as soon as they get Santa Anna and the Mexicans routed abroad, and his friend and patron, Mr. Polk, and his adherents, at home, you may expect to see the AMERICAN TAR IFF OF 1842 RESTORED. [D. CAPT. CALDWELL'S fine company of volunteers passed this place on Thurs day evening last. We are informed that the citizens of Williamsburg, Blair coun ty, served up a dinner for them on Fri day, to which about three hundred per sons sat down. The company contains 89 men. They left Hollidaysburg, for Pittsburg, on Saturday last. I D - Since the editorial connection of Col. Seth Salisbury, with the Harrisburg- Argus, the columns of that paper teem with the most fulsome adulation of Gov. Slunk. It has even got below all its Locofoco cotemporaries—and devotes whole columns to puffing Jesse Miller. Or There was a general illumination in the city of Now York on Friday even ing before last in honor of Generals Tay lor and Scott's victories, and next day the flags were hung at half mast, and the bells tolled, for the gallant dead who fell at Buena Vista and Vera Cruz. The Carbon County Gazette, here tofore a neutral paper, has hoisted the Whig Banner. The editor says : "Henceforth the Carbon County Gazette, hoists the Whig Banner, and we are wil ling to stand or fall with the cause we have espoused." The ball is rolling. Ca- Who was that scamp of a Whig in Centre County, that called the Irish people " vagabonds?" Can our neighbor of the Globe tell 1 Affairs in Mexico. The Pa. Inquirer says:—"Deep anx iety will soon be felt fbr further intelli gence from our Arthy. At the last dates General Scott was pushing on towards the Capital, determined to make the most of the victory at Cerro Gordo, and anxious to reach the City of Mexico before Santa Anna should be able to rally his forces and make any farther resistance. The Mexican authorities were preparing to fortify and defend the city—all was excitement, and the lea ding journalists were zealous in their appeals to the people. A distinguished engineer has been requested to submit a plan for the fortification of the Capital, and several of the prominent members of Congress had counselled a Guerilla warfare, & one of posts. The Monitor in an article before us, advises that instead of confining themselves in defenceless ci ties to be murdered by the enemy's cannon, they should guard the many natural passes and strong defences affor ded by the country, and carry on a fierce partizan warfare. It alludes to Vera Cruz, and argues that delicate woman and innocent children should not be subject to such cruel scenes, suffer ' ings and death, as they were exposed in that city. All these movements and ex pressions of opinion render us anxious to hear as to the further progress of our troops. The Mexicans may rally at Perote—and even at Jalapa—and if de feated at both points, a desperate effort may be made at the Capital, to drive back and overcome our Army. General Scott's force, when he shall arrive be fore the city, unless joined by General Taylor, which is not probable—will not exceed 10,000 men—a mere handful, when compared with the 250,000 souls by which the city is inhabited, to say nothing of the population of the sur rounding country. Should the Mexi cans struggle with any thing like the spirit that breathes through their pro clamations, the slaughter at the Capital will indeed be appalling. Cultivation of Flowers, The following remarks—so appropri-• 1 ate to the season—are taken from that excellent Weekly, the Erie Gazette.— They evidently eminate from a well stored mind, a highly cultivated taste, and a pure heart : "We are fast approximating the midst of the season of flowers, With already here and there one ripened into maturity and beauty, they will soon burst forth in countless myriads, displaying their rain bow tints and freshened bloom to the ad miration of all passers by. Many and attractive are the trophies of art 5 but no product of the painter's easel, or sculp tor's chisel, is half so inviting as the 1 gorgeous coloring of the dew-cupped tulip or full-blown rose. He who can not enjoy these rich fruits of the gar dener's care, must possess a soul dead to every beautiful conception, and blind to the numerous and diversified charms i of vast creation. An we love to gaze upon and drink in the delightful, heaven•born fragrance of flowers, so we are gratified to see a taste evinced for their cultivation, by whom soever displayed. Especially is it be coming in woman. There is in man a comparative roughness—an absence of nice and delicate feeling—which meas ureably unfits him for a work requiring careful handling, tender culture, and un ceasing watchfulness; but woman's na ture is instinctively alive to all the soft emotions, and beauteous conceptions, blended with the tiny plant budding into bloom. If any of our lady readers have not yet imbibed a passion for this species of employment, let them set about it at once. It will afford them healthful exer• vise, refine and elevate their thoughts, and open to their vision a world of nat ural charms. Moreover, by the law of association, it may render them more susceptible to those gentle influences which bind heart to heart, and gild the pathway to the grave. Seldom is it that the vestal flame, as it burns and glows in the female bosom, is not responded to with brightened ardor by him who may have been the instrument of its creation ; and this flame the love of flowers may purify and strengthen. If for no other motive, ladies should cultivate this taste t , To comfort man, to whisper hope, Whene'er his faith is dint For whom cereth for the Flower., Will much more care for him !” KILLED AND WOUNDED AT TILE BATTLE OF CERRO Goano.—The N. 0. Picayune contains a list which presents the fol lowing aggregate loss : Regulars-14 officers wounded, 39 of the rank and file killed, wounded 196, Volunteers-1 officer killed, and 7 wounded ; 3 of the rank and file killed —and 48 wounded, Total 397. A letter from the Aid-de-Camp of Gem Shields, published in the Delta, states his recovery to be almost certain. The ball entered the right breast about two inches below the nipple, and passing through the right lobe of the lungs with out inflicting any mortal injury. GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT. The New Orleans Delta, a neutral paper, says :—" The spirit of Lundy's Lane, of Bridgewater, and of Queens town, pervades the general orders of the gallant Scott, issued the day before the battle of "Cerro Gordo." The calm determination—heroic re solve, firm purpose, and judicious fore sight, displayed in this document, must excite the warmest applause and highest admiration of every American. In Scott's vocabulary there is no such word as "fail." He never permits a doubt to cross the high purpose he has in view,— There is no looking back—no return.— " The enemy's whole line—entrench ments and batteries will be attacked in front, and at the same time turned."— And then lie in not satisfied with a bare victory 1 He will not stop his onward course, and quietly repose on his laurels until he is reinforced. But lie pushes on, not even resting from the fatigues and wounds of battle nor awaiting the slow approach of baggage wagons, but with the determination to reap the ben ' efit as well as the honors of a victory, he pushes forward his columns upon the heels of the fugitive enemies, and stays not the pursuit until there is not one to follow. Glory, then, to Winfield Scott! and forever silent be the ribald tongue or pen that would link his name with aught that is not glorious in action, in vincible in courage, and unfailing in source and wisdom." POWER OF THREE WORDS, "WHEREAS WAR ExisTs."—This phrase constitutes the talisman which has wrought a wonderful change in the whole character of our Government. Under their influence the Chief Magistrate of the most popular Government on earth suddenly becomes possessed of the un limited power of oriental despotism.— Under this commission he conquers a kingdom,frames laws for its government, establishes a system of revenue with a Treasury of his own, and all this as Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the United States. The government organ defends this last assumption of power as a well established right growing out of a state of war—the right to levy con tributions upon the enemy. But it seems carrying this principle pretty far, when a ship arrives at Vera Cruz with a cargo, the property of AMERICAN CITIZENS to levy a duty of forty or fifty per cent. on it, at the point of the bayonet, on the ground of its being a con tribution from an enemy Z We think our merchants will be very likely to protest against such treatment, and to try the question whether we have any constitu tional rights left or not. Unless our own citizens are to be considered enemies (!) ! it is difficult to perceive how this Mex ican system of revenue can be maintain ed as a military contribution. Its true character lies in the assumption of sov reign power by JAMES K. PoLx. "I am , the State." We recommend this as a be coming motto for his organ, the Wash• ington " Union."—Boston Daily Adver tiser. BD- The Yankee Doodle says:—"The $500,000 bill for the relief of Ireland, was strangled in the House of Represen tatives—but the " three million bill " to pay Santa Anna and the Mexicans for butchering American volunteers was passed." These were the doings of democrats. Wonder what the Irish think of the Dimmicrats? 5a - COL. CLAY'S REMAINS.—Messrs. Jouelt and Douglass, the committee ap pointed to convey the body of the gal. lant Lt. Col. Henry Clay, who fell on the bloody field of Buena Vista, to his native State, arrived at New Orleans on the 3d, from Lexington, Ky,, and were to depart on their solemn mission on the Tele graph, which expected to start for the Brazos on the 4th. HONOli• TO THE BHAVE.—In the Senate of Louisiana, on the Ist instant, Mr. Porter offered a series of resolutions in honor of Gen. Scott, joined to the reso lutions previously offered in that body by Mr. Nicholas, relative to Gen. Taylor, I with the exception of the one express ing a preference for Gen. T. as the next President of the United States. Mr. Nicholas moved to insert the resolution dropped by Mr. Porter, but his motion was rejected, and the resolutions as offered by Mr. P. were adopted. One of them authorises the Governor " to pro. cure a sword, to be presented to Major General Winfield Scott, on behalf of the people of that State as a testimony of the high estimation in which they hold his military services, but especially for those displayed at the capture of Vera Cruz and the battle of Cerro Gordo." Has our neighbor of the Globe had any recent communications with "a gentleman from the neighborhood of Bellefonte 1" Relief for Ireland and Scotland. The U. S. Gazette says We are permitted to publish the subjoined letter from atneral Irvin, relative to the con tributions of Centre county, in aid of the sufferers in Ireland. It is a liberal gift that has been made, and we may remark that it is principally owing to the exer tions of General Irvin, and his own lib erality, that such effective relief has been sent from Centre county. The following is the letter : BELLEFONTE, May 5, 1847. Messrs. Carlisle & Gaskell : Gentlemen :—The citizens of Centre county loaded a boat, called the George Crane, with flour and wheat for the suf ferers of Ireland and Scotland, and she left the B. Eagle on Wednesday last.- 1 directed the captain and owner to stop at your wharf, and you would attend to the business. When the boat arrives, we wish you to dispose of the wheat for the best price you can get, and after set tling the balance of freight, apply the balance to the purchase of corn meal, and have it marked, "Donations of citi zens of Centre county, to Ireland and Scotland." You will apprise Mr. Cuth bert, who, I believe, is the agent, of the arrival of the boat, and request him to pay attention to the forwarding. You will have one fourth of the corn meal marked for Scotland, the balance for Ireland. The owner of the George Crane wishes you to engage as much loading for his boat as you can ; he will be down first of next week. There is 325 barrels of flour, and 315 bushels of wheat. Your attention will much oblige, Yours, &e., 3A AIRS IRVIN, On behalf of the Committee, Mr. Callioun's Political Position The following letter from Mr. Cal• houn, written to C. N. Webb, Esq., Edi• tor of the Roanoke, N. C,, Republican, will be red with interest. hour Him., 20th March, 184,7 Dear sir :--I received with your letter the paper you were so kind to send roe. I see that notwithstanding your kind feeling towards me, you have greatly misjudged me, in thinking I ever joined the "fallen fortune" of Mr. Van Buren, The truth is, that I have not been able, with my principles and policy, to act with either party, except occasionally, for the last seventeen years. I differ from both on several impor tant questions, and, among others, the proscriptive policy of turning opponents out of office indiscriminately, and be , stowing their places, as rewards for partisan services, on the least meritori , ous of the respective parties, and agree with each in some particulars. Mine has been an independent course, through , out ; and hence I have been compelled to separate from the party in power, during the long period mentioned. I have never separated front the weak to join the strong, but from the strong to join the weak. I seek no office, and de sire none, and only continue to represent the State in the Senate, because it is unwilling that I should decline. I would not accept the Presidency, but from the people, and then from a sense of duty only, Nothing grin induce rile to Sacrifice my independence, not even to retain the favor of my native State. If I, in 1837, supported Mr. Van Buren, it was be cause he was forced to sustain the mea sures I had supported against hint and Gen. Jackson, and because the Whigs took ground against them, and not be cause I joined hint or his fallen fortunes. I had no motive to do either, while I had strong ones to support the measures which 1 approved. It would have been highly censurable in me to turn against them, because he had been forced to support them. With great respect, I am, &c., J. C. CALHOUN, C. N. Webb, Esq: tr - r It is rumored that Jesse Aliller, Mr. Shank's Secretary of State, intends soon making a trip to this section of the State, to see if he cannot whip into the support of Shunk the "one term" dem ocrats ! Well, we have no objections to his trying his hand at this business. It may not prove very profitable—that's all. SOMERSET COUNTY.—An enthusiastic Whig meeting of the Whigs of Somer• set took place on Monday week. The " frosty sons of thunder rallied togeth er in the majesty of their strength and opened the campaign with spirit and en thusiasm, Resolutions responsive to the nomination of IRVIN and PATTON were adopted, and old " ROUGH AND READY " nominated for the Presidency. C* - The \Vashington Union has an article under the caption of " Santa Anna in Mexico." The Administration should blush to look at that caption.— How came "Santa anna in Nexico l" Louisville Journal. He was Polk'd there. D- 4, Pleasant View," is the English interpretation of Buena Vista--it being a Spanish name. The result of the re• cent elections fortns the " Buena Vista " of Whiggery ! GEN. SCOTT'S ORDERS. The following are the orders issued by Gen. Scott the day previous to the battle of Sierro Gordo : HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, Plan del Rio, .aril 17, 1847, The enemy's whole line of entrench ments and batteries will be attacked in front, and at the same time turned, early in the day to-morrow—probably before 10 o'clock A. M. The second (Twiggs's) division of regulars is already advanced within easy turning distance towards the enemy's left. That division has instructions to move forward before daylight to morrow, and take tip position across the National Road in the enemy's rear, so as to cut oft a retreat towards Jalapa. It may be reinforced to day, if unexpectedly at tacked in force, by regiments—one or two—taken from Shield's brigade of vol unteers. If not, the two volunteer reg iments will march for that purpose at daylight to-morrow morning, under Brig. Gen. Shields, who will report to Brig. Gen. Twiggs on getting up with him, or the Gencral-in , Chief, if lie be in the ad vance. 'the remaining regiment of that vol unteer brigade will receive instructions in the course of this day. 'the first division of regulars (Gen. Worth's) will follow the movement against the enemy's left at sunrise to morrow morning. As already arranged, Brig. Gen. Pil low's brigade will march at 6 o'clock to morrow morning along the route he has carefully reconnoitered, and stand ready as soon as he hears the report of arms on our right, or sooner if curcumstances should favor him, to pierce the enemy's line of batteries at such point—the nearer the river the better—as he may select. Once in the rear of that line, he will turn to the right or left, or both, & attack the batteries in reverse, or, if abandoned, lie will pursue the enemy with vigor until further orders. Wall's field battery and the cavalry will be held in reserve on the National Road, a little out of view and range of the enemy's batteries. They will take up that position at 9 o'clock in the inor sing. The enemy's batteries being carried or abandoned, all our divisions and corps will pursue with vigor. This pursuit may be continued many miles until stopped by darkness or for tified positions towards Jalapa. Conse quently, the body of the army will not return to this encampment ; but be fob , lowed to-morrow afternoon, or early the next morning, by the baggage trains of the several corps. For this purpose the feebler officers and men of each corps will be left to guard its camp and effects, and to load up the latter in the wagons of the corps, . _ _ A commander of the present encamp ment will be designated in the course of this day. As soon as it shall be known that the enemy's works have been carried, or that the general pursuit has been commenced, one wagon for each regiment and one for the cavalry will follow the movement, to receive, under the directions of medical officers, the wounded and disabled, who will be brought back to this place for treatment in general hospital. The Surgeon General will organize this important service and designate that hospital, ris well as the medical oflib cers to be left at it. Every man who marches ont to attack or pursue the enemy will take the usual allowance of ammunition, and subsist , ence for at least two-days. By command of Maj. Gen. Scott : H. L. SCOTT, A. A. A. General. Sickness at Vera Cruz. The Vera Cruz Eagle of a late date ; says—" We were told last evening, that there were between a thousand and twelve hundred sick soldiers in the hos pital at this place, but that the deaths were comparatively few. Many of these men are completely prostrated, worn down with disease, and the nature of the climate is such as to make a change absolutely necessary to bring them up again. To enable them effectually to recover, discharges are given in every case where the certificate of the phy sician to that effect is given. Several hundreds have already been sent home, and we notice too, many of the volun teer officers are retiring from service be cause of ill health." TROPHIES OF THE WAR. - --Tile number of cannon captured by our forCes in Mex ico exceeds 500, most of them very heavy pieces. There were captured at Resaca de la Palma, 8; at Matainoras, say 20; at Monterey, about 50; at Vera Cruz, town and castle, 400 ; at Alvarado, 60. Total, 538: If stacked together, they would make quite a pyramid. la- The Whig Executive Committee of Philadelphia have resolved to use all efforts to have the Hon. John Sergeant of Pennsylvania, nominated as the Whig candidate for the Vice Presidency. Lieut. Hunter has been sentenced to be reprimanded and dismissed from the Gulf Squadron, for taking Alvarado', Or rather for not waiting until Com'. Perry had the honor of taking it !