Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 19, 1847, Image 1

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VOL, XII, NO, 20,
e silence the most complete reigned the room. The sounds of her footsteps i The person to wiloni the feet belmig- large guns to the top of the fort, Gen, • brigade not having arrived in time lo
throughout the village ;at ten the lights died away on the stairs, and then Mrs.' cii did not sects inclined to put this con- Scott prepared to follow tip his advan- take part in the engagement. Gen.
in the different houses began to be ex- Aubrey truly felt herself alone—vet the tingle...a to the test. He %vris dragged macs. A demonstrati o n %vas niaile front : Anipadia wits second in command of the
tinguished, and in a short time no ray I two feet remained, in their shad- into the middle of the floor,- crouching- this position against another strong, fort Mexicans, and superintended the opera
disturbed the blank darkness. It must I owy concet t linent, without stirrings-- ' under the pistol that was pointed at his in the rear, and near the Sierra, but the tions of the enemy. When the Sierra
have been a very extraordinary eirctim• i Site kept near the lire, holding the infant head. Ile was then satrelied and a pith, enemy Were consideleil too strong, and . wits carried he Was seen retreating on a
stance if any steps were afterwards on her lap, now and then speaking to it : :nal, carefully coneeitled, was teinid upon the undertaking wa s abaudoned. 71. like Ifine white charger, his hat falling, Off as
heard in the street. Judge, then, of the but only mechanically, for she could not . him. Ile was a thorough scoundrel in demonstration was made by the enemy. !he gallopped ttway• Many of the Alexi
titter solitude of a house screened by• rettiove her eyes from that horrible sight. his appearance, and lie confessed to have C) the next day, the Pstli, General cans escaped by a bye path which runs
elms and sycamores, and standing three The poor child cried to be at r e st, hot : been in league With the female servant, Twit...7s was ordered forward from the off from tlic main road between the
or four hundred yards from the public the cradle %vas near the bed, mid tinder • who had told him he might expeet a rich ' position he had already captured against Sierra and the fort carried by General
way. One evening; in tile Month of the bed were these frightful feet, - it booty that night. All this tittle the in- the fiat which continiumed the Sierra \\ erth• As to Santa Anna and Callan
' Nevember, Mrs. Aubrey wits in the was impossible to go near them, sh e fault arts never quite ;mid:cited. I Simultaneously an attack on the fortiti- ass they retreated in lilac to escape by
house, awaiting• the return of her has-' made a violent eff o rt, h owerer _st. c om e, Both the criminals were handed over cations on the enemy's left, was to be : the main road. Their conduct was re
band, whom SOme riffilir of business had then, darling!" she murmured ; and, to justice; both were convicted upon made by Generals Shields' and Worth's :warded as most cowardly, Some of the
called away in the morning, to a town, lifting the child in her arms, and sup- trial, and punished. Notwithstanding division,whornoved in separate column's -Mexican officers who *ere taken pri
. aholit six miles distant. He expected to porting. herself on her trembling limbs Mrs. Aubrey's temporary courage, she • whil s t Gee. Pillow advanced against the' setters, do not hesitate to attribute their.
receive a considerable sum of money in she went towards the cradle. She is i was attacked the some evening with s ill- strong forts and difficult ascents on the ! defeat to the cowardice or corruption of
the course of the day; and his wile had notv beside the feet !- --she .place s the lent nervitas disorder, and some thne : right of the enemy's position. The en- Santa Anna. 'llie force of the enemy
prevailed on him to take a pair of pis- baby in its little nest; concealing, as elitp,sl b,roi . l, it litiiit, left her." " emy fully acquainted witli Gen. Scott's • was composed of their best soldiers:—
tots, as he anticipated being detained well as she can, the tremors of h e r v o i ce ea55a5 , aa55 5 ...........,,,,,
. a . s . a iotemled movement had thrown large 'l,' he infilittry that fought so well at Ilite...
until nieghtfall. About six o'clock in the ; she rocks the cradle in One to the song I.. " . 1 ) () At - 11 E \A C() ~,,,„:, of uteri into the various positions j via Vista all the regular artillerists of the
evening Airs. Aubrey Went up stairs, : she usually sings. All the time she sang 'll. .a . 1.. • i ," 6 to be attacked. The most scrims enter- Republic, inclutling several able naval
accompanied. by the servant, for the " she fancied a dagger was lifted to strike -=-"---: _ _______ I prise was that of Twiggs, who advan. officers, %vete preactit; Some of the °fig=
purpose of putting the child to bed,—' her and there WIIS 110 owe to succor her. Twin the N. 0. I'i,..iyune.l, I veal against the nada fort that common- cers whom Gen. Seott released at thd
The room Was on the first floor, a large , Wel], baby fell asleep; and Mrs. Au- 13.11.TT1al or SIERII,O GORDO. " dial the Sierra. Nuilthig can be con- , capitulation of 1 Cruz, without ex
apartment, look ieg into the gitrden.-- , brey returned to her seat near the fire.-- We are indebted to Copt, Hughes of ceived more difficult than this iniderta-Itut•ting the parole on account of their
The wainscot darksned by time, the She durst not quit the room, for th a t ' the 'Topographical Corps, fur 11111 ell val. king. The steep and rough character ofjgallantry, were found. among the killed
heavy furniture, some family portraits might excite the snspici o n s o f the ma n , ! liable and interesting intOrrilin I I rela- the ground, the constant fire of the en• i and emitted. A giillant young officer
with sedate cotintenaces and ht alleittat and the servailt, who %vas probably his ting to the late gloriou s victory Of pia t.i',l (any ill front, , -Itid the cross fire of the nit:Met/ Halzinger, a German by birth,
costumes, gale the room a somewhat accomplice; besides, she wi s h e d 1 0 re Gordo. Capt. Hughes is the very able hots and batteries whi c h enfiladed our %del extorted the admiration of cur arniy,
gloomy appear ance• Opposite to the main near her infant. It wa s i m w n o and mtelligerit officer who accompanied lines, mad e th e duty a ss ign e d to Gen- in the latinblualment of Vera Cruz, by sie
chimney there was a deep recess,in which more than seven—an hour, s till a f u ll ' Gen. Weol on his march from Sae An- cral 'lavias t aa one, of surpassing difficulty, aim s "' a flag which was cut down by our
stood the bed, 1 e near this placed the hour, before her husband would reach lonia to Alonelova, and rendered inmor- Nothing prevented our Men from be- balls, and holding it up in his hand until a
child's cradle. The curtains were tiro wit, i home! Her eyes are chained, by a species : tout services to the army and the roue- , Mg utterly destroyed, but the steepness : staff could Le procured, had been relent
but one corner had caught by accident iof fascination, to the two feet :—she ' try, by his valuable reconnoisences of jof the assent under which they could sett by Gen. Scott without a parole; He
on seine piece of furniture, and a post of cannot direct them to any °flick object the important pitrt of ATexico through! shelter. But they sought no shelter, and waS found oolong the desperately wound
the bed was exposed ; a fine massive A profound silence reigns in the room ; I which Gen. Wool's column marched.— ! onward rushed again s t the hailstorm of ed at Sierra Gorda. The enemy sloas (iti
piece of carving, on which some cab;-' I baby sleeps peacefully; its mother sits: His descriptions have been published in' halls and musket shot, led by the gill- killed and wounded) was about as largo
netmaker of you laid expended no slight i motionless, a statue ; her hands cro ss ed j the papers of the country, and comma, : hint Harney ; whose noble bearing el ici .: as One nom Hilt in addition to this, the
amount of skill and patience. • on liar lap, her lips half open, her eyes! (led great attention and adloiration at tell the applause of the whole ariny.-• less of about 6000 prisoners and some
The night was dark and melancholy, fixed, mid her breast has a fearful tight-' the lime. To Capt. Illighes belongs the His conspicuous turd stalwarth frame at 'of their hest officers. Our army captured
quite in character with the time of year. ness across iti j high distinction of having selected the the head of his brigade, his long arm I about thirty pieces of beautiful brass
Gusts of wind rattled on the windows, Now and then there %vas a noise with- ! position occupied by Gen. Taylor at waiving his men on to the charge, his I cannon, of large calibre, and mostly
dashing the rain violently against th e out in the garden, and Mra. Anbrey's " Buena Vista. On the occasion of au sturdy voice ringing above the crash of I manufactured at the Royal Foundry
Titrees ' thegarden,b ,
glass. le in ell- heart leaped within her for she inetaitied ' encampment of Wool's Division near arms and din or conflict ; attracted the lof Seville. A large quantity of fixed
r, , Vista;
ding under the sudden currents of air, ' it announced her husband's arrival and s : Buena apt; Hughes was struck attention and admiration alike of the ammunition, of very superior quality;
l occasionly struck the house side—a her own deliverance. But no, not yet ; i with the advantages which this position enemy and our own Bien. On, on, he was also captured, The private bag.
I g l oom y and monotonous concert this—' she was deceived; it Was merely the', presented for defence, and suggested to led the column, whose front line melted • gage and Money chest of Santa. Aanna,
and no human voice mingled in it to sound of the wind, or the rain, on the Gen• Wool to occupy it in case Santa before the enemy's fire like snow flakes containing $20,000 was also captured;
promise assistance in case of need.—' trees. She might he the only being i n • Anna advanced upon hird: In the lute i n a torrent, and staid net their course the latter was delivered ober to the Pay
' Airs. Aubrey seated herself en a lowthe world, so cheep and mournful Was the battle of Sierra Gordo, Capt. Hughes until leaping over the rocky barriers . Deprirttrient. The Volunteers Who were
chair at the corner of the hearth. The j silente. Every minute seemed atm age. acted a. conspicuous and most useful part and bayoneting their gunners, they emyloyed in carry•ing, the specie into
light of the fire and that of the lamp I Look ! look I the feet stir. Is the man • lit his appropriate sphere, and after the drove the enemy Pell melt from the fort, I camp, cracked many a joke over the
placed on the chimney-piece, striking coming out of his concealment 1 No. : battle he accompanied the captured Aft,- delivering a deadly fire into their racks, prospect df being soon paid off in Alexi
! some objects in full, and leaving others 'lt was nothing but a slight movement, jean officers to Vera Cruz. From hint ; from their own gluts, as they hastily re- I eau coin and frec of expense to Uncle
l in darkness, made all kinds of strange perhaps involuntarily made to case an iwe gather the following particulars of i tired. This was truly a gallant deed, " Sail.
the I worthy of the Chei•alier Bayard of our 1 NVlo•ii our forces had carried the itt
i effects by their opposition or combine- unpleasant position. Again the two feet'
tion. The child which fully oectipled are quiet. I BATTLE OF SIERRO GORDO. I army,. as the intrepid Harney is well riot's positions of the enemy, and the
! her attention, sat on her knee, while the The clock is audible Once morei but 1 On the arriVal of the other divisions styled. Geoeral Scott, betweett whom ; road was cleared, Gen. Twiggs Started
! sevain exceuted souse command of her' it i; only to chiirte the half-hour. Half- ", of the army at the encampment of Gen. mid Colonel Harney there had exis-1 in hot pursuit of the fugitive Santa
j mistress at the other end of the room.' past seven; no more than half past I Twiggs, on tfie kith of April, Gen. Scott ted seine coolness, rode up to the Co!. l Anna, and pressed close upon his heels
; .Beingabout of complete the child'prea-1 seven I Oh,
how full of anguish was ; after taking a recoun o is anee cif t h e enc . after this achie%•ement, and remarked to ! A strong position, fi'-e miles west of
' iliacss for its couch, the mother turned , every minute! Repeatedly she address- my's works determined to storin theitaGorda fortified and defended b
• him " Colonel Harney, I cannot new role- i Sierra - y
ssa—. ----
prayers on High for a period
. to this : The position occupied by the enemy was
ale .t sec I i
air i I r t -,,- - 1 1/ \ rTci towards IL cradle o taat ..t was{ cat • titintely express my admiration of you •' a film battery of lona brass guns, was
Al - I
SV: 1 1 11 41 4 i.V.; \ i, i (~,), prepared, and just at that moment, a I hideous suspense. Upon the chimney- ; regarded by them impregnable, an d gallant achleVement, but at the proper abanclontal by the enemy and occupied
piece there %vas a book of religious metli- truly, to any other than American sol
___:s.____----: - --- ----- s -- - - •- i bright flame shooting out, threw a' time I shall take great pleasure inby our troops. Gee,Twiggs bivouacked
PRESENCE Or MIND , strong light upon the recess. Conceive, Cation ; she reached it, and tried to read. ' Biers it must have appeared an Maur- thanking- you in proper terms." Harney, I within three miles of the lovely WWI) of
with the modesty of true valor clamied 'Calorie.
her astonishineet, and the . . •, s .
.- • the •., us • • •, • 1 -
In vain !—her eyes wardered err the • mountable and impracticable undert,
Presence of mind May be deseribed as I if Pill can,
he clotted • to carr it b , storm or hire it b - hplan, due to his officers and men.
%viten, under the bed and ' page continuany to see if t : kind o y y , y
. 1 , , , ,
the power of d,,,erminh, what is fittest I start she gave,
" it', the place Where the curtain had been
of,, , , strategy.
'b . boots were still under the bed. Then a - aims did the division of the gallant A FloaN.---‘• Good Heaven : what ad
to be done upon any sudden occasion,
new a dso\i l re h e tt i a r n i x ii etyiiottrirougn her j The road from Vera Cruz, as it passes
: lifted up, she perceiacd as plain as ever. veteritu 'iwiaaa carry the main position you all that l'• exclaimed it wag in a bar
and tinder ailverae circumstances, and of
he saw anything in her life, a pair .of' le 7 .. , i I
,I.l •
, , husband ll doesnot ; the Plan del Rio, whicli is a l . Vide, roc k y Of the enemy't7nd occupy the front Whieli
carrying . the tlesign into immediate exe• ' 'room; pointing to it tumbler two-thirds
!hod, clotted boots, in such a position come after al . ie mutt ler mas bad ; bed of a once large stream, is comman- . commantle , r the road.' •It was here the :
. • : filled wi•th brandy.
c li t u it:on with such success as to lead one
and his parents, who lived in the town I ded by a series of hill_ cliffs, rising one
: that it Was evident that they contained and enemy received their heaviest loss, a
"" ' ~ (call it l'• replied he Who had pottrd
i s Ise it an action of calm delibera
whither he had gone, might prevail upon above the other, and extending. several their General Valiquez, was ' it out, ‘• I call it a good horn."
tion al ; l i t is, in short, the union of rapid feet. lit an instant a world of thought ; killed. A
him to remain With them over night.—; miles, and all well fortified. Tho road " nor ri !" ejacultiteti the first speaker,
a giig p,,, , coshed through her brain, and the utter ; ; little after, Gen. Worth, having by great •
thought and self-command.
She would not be astonished if he coin- then dehouches to the right, and curving I
lielplessuess of her situation flashed upon exertions, passed the steep and craggy : i
,! " it's too Gage to be called that. 811p
' -. olssessed b • indivoluala in every dig'-'
expect illy as he had a good deal around the ridge, plisses over a high cliff, : heights on the enemy's left,
1 1 2 . t . P en t del.' - ; e. Athol:, lire so diversely her. It did not admit of a doubt that a ' Plied, ""I'm c me" " pose you call it an opheleeleide for iti4
of money about his person. Heavens! ; wltieli is completely enfiladed by forts a strong fort in the of the Sierra to
•1 i rsame I man WaS there with sonic eail intention, " nothing less."
„.„,, st i t m en l a st we oden see the ,
circumstances producing
opposite el-1
r miller to rob or murder. Her husband —what if he come 1101 at all! ' and batteries; This ridge is the, ,:our- .. . %v as .
atirrender. This fort. 11. RS manned by ;
Ei slit o'clock has struck, and there is .. • Inetit of the Terra l'emp latht the
%%meld probably nut reach home before; f, . , ‘ .
.. i - liiL 'ILL . a largo force ender Gen. Pinzon, a mu- 1
„tau t , an d' A RENCONTRE.—" What did you mean;
feets. 'rims an emergency that totally I
sit" ha ;Ind it was then scarcely half-past' 110 arrival. Ihe possibility her active upper or 11101111tilinOtIS country. ' Into Mli-er of c liaider•tble
gm ,.,, tiit ., , , i,t,gt, ‘%,t ..
~ I , ,t ing. t i,. e
. t..",,, m .„ r „ - t . r i e d , lSnooks, by looking so hard at me across
Ti a , L
, U ..
111111ers es one item is just sufficient to
suggested, becomes every moment high and rocky ravine of the river pros
Mrs. Aubrey, however, possessed : brain,
call the power of another into full at•tivi- ••• • •
; I a . d i a.!, I n , • the table 7 . I'll slap your face if you do
..ailisient cotantand ov e r h erse lf so t t o more nod Wore Probable. For two hours meted the right flank of the position,
.Ih,o, thought
i litt:l l l '-'h is a f t"'''" ( i i,,, ` , 4i,i, Id, :
g ., goigg. ,,
ty. ‘Vltilst the former cannot as" .;!. •"
, . what a thousand other woman would . did this agonizing female bear up against and. a series of must abrupt and imp, i '
but seems reduced to a state of iia Hsi
I:av c done, namely ; fall to shrieking.— her thoughts, but a t l engt h it became rend impassable mountains and ridaes s' •",
' Ho l t ' sto all
t tit:tte ? ii r t e t t itc. battery: . wit it. li '' "NA ill yeti? Then take that !"
paralysis, the latter applies himself e•itli
,i tacked, and : which n ' '•t eoilllatilled 1 `` Anil you take that!" said the other,
calm energy to the difficulties of the i o all appearance, the mail had recloined : hopeless to hope. Hark ! Is that a covered I i 1 Itll
t.,e.r .. _et ween those points, 1
:, "," Gilt' 'La a" A 1, • :.,-*, a t ., ‘,..„ drawing a revolver and tiring , six balls
clise and eacapes the perils that appeared : cal staying wherchewas for some time ; ' noise I She has been deceived so Often rimming a di s t auce 4 tw o or three Imo ,
ii, :. •,., , .
e ' .'i t . tittlit ml ' C ' t.l ' i the t2i•i ' ''"t o lin" ,
i ttes ,i t „id tg l ig to , i iitu i t i ‘a , ae l eettmt o r , perhaps he had intended to remain until before, she is afraid to believe her senses:, a stemession of strongly- fet•thied fort,
.a•:' , I
(an ri ' sil Lie, •,•itlt a. i ' .loaa u I s do. ... ". itl- 1 'These are no um-on - intuit scenes in the
the ()illy path that could lead hint out in " n 6 ' l- flight, I
aid iron carry ollthe money ; and yet, this ti me , t h ere i s no deeeption. bristled at every turn, and seemed ig •• •
Illita l e."•ts it . e L t i lt ' •:: Iltd...e; : and 11'e ti . . Avest• The papers call them reitrbei.
sa f, ty. 1 , ,,,,, 10 ,e o f mind i s more gun : that Alr. A tibry was to receive ; but if , The entrance door opens, is (dosed ; defy all bravery and skill. 'file Si:s•rs -1;
~. ;
~.( i I\' ire Na g , 1 oi l gra, ! /vex ; and declitte givio , particulars. If
evilly slilnsed amongst men than wont , ,, , obliged to (antic tat of his lurking-place! steps route along the lobby, and mount Gorda commanded the road on a •gentle
i i: ' it . th'sr . I lTu l t i ;i l ett. ' ..A tuella those l W In: fell IlleV were called murders, and the offen
is„hited : now he might rermige himself upon two " the st•tirs ; the: ., room deer turns on its declination like a glacis, thr nettrly a
but, perhaps, the most strikitig
tindt.i. this fire was the. 6 i - rollout tlenertil, digs were hanged we should have less
defenceless WOlllell, and stop all infor- , hinges,—yes tIS he '.--i is her husband! tulle—an approach in that direction was
~, '
examples are told of females. Host '
shut' . II ti h'. use for the revolvers.
feu )1u leivt• heard of the mother, Who mation of theirs by putting them to 1 But if it had been a strang e r, l ie would : impossible. A front attack lutist lia. e '
%., to received ii. a hi i ripe i i rciii i ., t i.,
i secitia her infant so near the edge of a death. 'Dien who could tell I perhaps. have seemed a messemser from heaven. I terininated in the almost entire amid' i- !
i I I
i n z g e s i, ?1:1v which
last ie w t i t i e ' o 4 t . i t i ) : i t
I s P was l ' Y
1 1 1 "1
L.: I. '-
I' l . I / I I i ' I/ 0 V ~. --The 'l.•ri btells
•'" •that the sli,liti,t advance! the servant herself might be in league A . Vell, in he walked, a fine athletic figure. " lotion of our army. But the enemy ex- ',•'' , ' '„” .
~i . :, „ .. •
.s., . . I
:, . .
preciptee •" ••• s • ' ' i •/tl • fellow..ingernits state. on the enemy s lie lit • a story of a loiely German girl, who fell
would hurl the lit tie creature tu destruc
• Down go the pistols upon the table • ofl ' ted such an attack, confid;r ,` ill the 1
, wit t the Indeed there had been ,
~ ,
~ 1, I lie.
' 4 ' • (;en. Pillow cornotence.l the attitick de: ;ralelv ill goer with a groceryman
of late certain grounds of suspicion, as runes
tellthe cloak,.thoroughty somiett, desperate valor of our men, and belles- :
tion, had the presence of mind to sup- of
the girl, Which Airs. Aubrey catartinst the strona forts near the river. it ' i l .,wii, tool: ii carriage on Satirda
All I Y r
; a l
lii""PY tnanwas eto , ing that it wits impossible to turn their ,
press the scream or about that was on
l'he Tennesseernis, tinder "'hake!! led e i ;oriting, and went to the ifernises of the
the peint of breakiog ( „ it , si mp l y had disrt•garded, but they now forced :
r i gie a
t eitre : st ii - i ire world.— w ho position to the right or left. Gen. Scot( ,
the COillnll v 'and the other voltintai r re- tem, she loved, and depoited her efti.cts
thenissl%•es on her mind. All these re- Ile str: . I t. d 11S Lands to wife, : however, with the eye of a skilful geit-
Whispering the little ertillireentorte,and '
.•intents f,:clowecl. This column unex- •im the side-walk, where she soon attrtk '
at the sank tune baring tier breast, she • tlections occurred to her in much less' f t s:r s as ,, P!t 11,e 0 n . ),c e , , -) . t r i ii y,ti s l:,ll .. e (, l o Y ,,. ; ba , t i , , , , exel'-eral, perceived thettitf t set_fu t. e hint,
( nisi
pectedly encountered a heavy fire front tett a crowd. She declared that she
drew it front its; dangerous pos i t i on t „ time than I have taken to put thorn ' 1 ,hum,w",„nd, , 1 II , ma
: 1 onee ", determined to avoid
.. ii ' there or: . :
mt 1. • I sby •I ich liaskelfs : ~, , oild he the wife of the man, come
more she stilled her emotion, and,. with- i had a road cut to the right, so as to a-- ' masked battery, s" ' .' • •', • .
the safe litiNell tif her arms. Wh en p re _ I &twit.
out uttering a Word, she laced her tin- " cape the front fire front the Sierra :col
regiment was nearly cut to pieces, aim what miglit. She %vas committed to
acne , or mind is combined w ith f or ti, i She carne to a determination at once. 0 . ..
.1) . . . . .
lode, the compound is very admirable: ' She first thought of some pretext to get ger on lier lips, and pointed with the • turn li . •
1- position' on the•left Mink. Ilits '
'., .tin other s Itnteel re.lins ts vers ac- prison as insane, but last m • telTec d
! verely litintlled. Gen. Pillow to hdrew hpy escape.
other hand 10 the tWO feet. If :Mr. Au- movement Was modeknOWll to tile elle•
and there are few things that show, in a the servaut out of the room.
d the power of the mind
greaterdegree "Alary," she said, with as steady a brey had doubted for a moment what to
toy by a deserter from ottr Cliap rllll •
his men, and WaS preparing for another ; .
I I had deserved b ! ' . * • • 's . - 1-the aison: of the other GOOD NATURE. G . ' I d
tttac • when le opera . —ite us good nature
over the body. The following circums j voice as she could assume, "you know to, henotto e the has- consequently a large increase of force •
stances, which took place a few years !what your master will like for supper; band of such a woman. By ' I
made her comprehend his meaning, and ,
a sign, he i under Gen. Vega Was sent to the forts Pints having proved successful, the cheerfulness and a sunny face, and you
enemy concluded to surrender. thus are %sidewise to the miser's gold. Some
43. their left. Gen Scott, to cover his
ago hi an English comity, are a pointed I wish you would go and make it ready.
then aaid, "Just wait ono morn . in, "a n - ' '•‘
pa t - • persens looks as Jr they al wa y s h a d a
illustration or this unusual combination i Ile will be pleased, lam sure, that we -. •
1 1 t 6000 men Were taken '-' .• - • - t •their
%int eat clue in mouths, and a
I have thought of it dear wlfe ; I have left my portfolio down !ordered forward Gen. Tiviaas aanniat crags "'" ,"'""
ee• e •
of qualities:—
stairs, I will step for it. I the fort on the steep ascent, in front and Prisoners 0 Y 0 " army. One of their upper box tinder their noses. Though
"A young couple, named Autrey, in-i " Will you not need me here, as usual,
ncipal Generals and a large nuaffier sprints is if
~ sin mg around them—birds
habited a tolerably large house in the j ma'am•l" inquired the girl. He was not two minutes absent ; he !a little to the left of thin Sierra: Col. Pri •
1 of other officers killed. The Mexican ' singing above thin and flowers blooms
village of —, in Norfolk. 'rho Mouse lAwn ate
buck with a pistol the char go of Horne coinnianded expo& • ,
"No ; I can do all myself, thank you; came bac , g Y
this• I d - d
* Id vas built in a garden of igo and cook as nice a supper as you can; which he had examined. He advanced at the head of the hires an some e- i
~ ,
force on this occasion certainly exceed- • sweetly • thWr paths—they
mg in cannot.,
—an o one—was
t, our om 11. !or rather will not soften down the rapish
considerable size, and had no other oc- j for lam sure my husband ought to have tow Ards . , . . .
ds the bed and then seized one of tachments of infantry and artillery car- a
ta than the gentleman and lady ;something nice after a long ride, and . , ,
in the feet with his left hand, whilst with Ile position under a Leavy fire ofcountenance, an partake ofthe general
d this • l •• 'rite Aiexican officers admitted that ' d tl
lines, • joy ofnature.Shame on em. e
• d SantaA had 8000 men in the ' • th • W
such weather." his right he held the pistol, ready to fire grape and musketry. having secured i Anna
just mentioned, their infant, rather more ;
this position in front and near the env- and 6000, including 2000 lancers, out- ,would not live in the society of such for
d • i femalel I After some delay, which doubled her in case of need."
than a year old, an a sing e to- .
'anxiety, • ilthoti I 1 • "If you resist," he cried with voice ,toy's strongest fortification, and having , side of the intrenchments. Gen. Scott's !one twelve month for half the wealth of
although she end eat- who had not been long in their " mistress
. i
' F• • -evening tit nine o'clock' ored to repress it, the servant quitted of thluider, "you are a dead man," by incredible labor elevated one of our , force was about 8000, Gen. Quitman's , the world.
aervice .%•el• %
ii \ as..
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P 0 E C A L.
[Front the Louisville Journal.]
I know that the Spring-time
Is come, for I [maid
In the morn's early prime
The blythe ;
And high in the clear sky
The martin, that brings
Tidings of summer MO,
Warm on hie wings!
And see, in the hedge hid
The violet blue,
With its hull-opened lid
Laden with dew ;
And in the border trim
The crocus lilts up,
As n young novice prim,
Her tiny cup.
And the brook hurries fast
With bright dimpled face.
As a child's frolics past
Pursued with the chase;
And the wind wooing sip
Delight as it goes,
Vrom the sweet budding lips
Of the young rose.
Olt! tie the Benson gay,
When earth from its gloom,
Warmed by the vernal ray,
Bursts into bloom;
And the soul's cherished thought ,
Imprisoned too lung,
By its own fervor taught,
Dwain; into song!
Then hail to the Spring-time !
Her sunshine, her shown. s!
Welcome the merry chime
!lewd in her bowers!
!led her with beaming Mow,
NV lilt sports and with cheer!
Crown her with garlands now,
Queen of the Year!
HUNTINGDON, PA., MAY 19, 1847.
WHOLE NO. 690.