THE JOURNAL. Huntingdon, IN ednesilay, April 28, 1817 W HIG NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR GEN. JAMES IRVIN, OF CENTRE COUNTY. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER: JOSEPH W PATTON , OF CUMBPRLIIND COUNTY. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. THOMAS E. FRANKLIN, Lancaster city JOHN C. KUNKEL, of Dauphin county THOMAS DUNCAN, JAMES MARTIN, 4t THOMAS C. HAMBLY, York. Wm. M. WATTS, Cumberland. DANIEL M. SMYSER, Adams. JOHN P. WETnann,L, Philadelphia city Plum R. CHANDLER, ROBERT T. CONRAD, tt THOMAS M'GRATH, Philada. county. DILLER LUTHER, Berks. ROBERT M. BARD Franklin. Tilos. M. T. AMEND/AN, Washington, ANDREW J. OGLE, Somerset. HAaMAR DENNY, Allegheny. RICHARD IRVIN, Venango. JOSEPH H. Kunms, Westmoreland. G. J. BALL, Erie. H. D. MAXWELL, Northampton. J. B. SALISBURY, Susquehanna. ELHANAN SMITH, Wyoming. SAMUEL A. PURVIANCE, Butler. HENRY S. EVANS, Chester. ROBERT T. POTTS, Montgomery. 0:7-On motion of T. P. Campbell, Esq., J. W. Titomrsox, was, on Tuesday of last week, admitted to practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. GODEY ' S LADY'S Boox.—The May No. of this popular periodical is already on our table. It contains its usual variety of choice Literature, and is embellished with twenty-four engravings—among which is a beautiful Fashion plate. We know of no publication of the kind more worthy of patronage than this. Terms —s3 per annum. (XT Ever since the nomination of Gen. Irvin, the Globe has been crying out lustily against " Iron Masters," and seems to think it would be monstrous to elect a man Governor who has been guilty of making Iron. Now, will the Globe have the goodness to inform its readers what trade Mr. Shunk has fol lowed for a livelihood ? As far back as our recollection runs, he has held a Pus- LIC OFFICE, and we suppose he might, therefore, properly be termed an Office Master. " No FoNns."--A New Orleans paper states that persons having claims against the Quartermaster's Department in that city, again behold, on entering the office, a card, upon which is printed in huge black letters, "NO FUNDS." Won der whether Secretaries 11 alker or Mar cy ever meet a like announcement when they go for their salaries. (]T The long editorial in the last Globe renders it morally certain that the veritable "gentleman from Centre coun ty," and the "prominent Whig," whose sayings that paper has made public, are twin brothers of Air. Polk's "near neigh bor," of whom so much was said in Lo cofoco prints during the last Presiden tial campaign. re. Several persons had their pock ets picked at Carlisle, Pa., on the 19th inst., whilst visiting the Menagerie.— The sufferers "saw the Elephant" un doubtedly. Goon.—The Louisville Journal says: We think it very likely that the people will, in 1848, do what the Mexicans have vainly attempted to do—run Gen. Taylor. fl The people of Wisconsin have voted down the Constitution which the Convention submitted to them. By it aliens were permitted to vote as soon as they took up their residence in the State. The Illumination in Philadelphia, in honor of the recent brilliant victories of our arms in Mexico, passed off in most brilliant style. The display made at the office of the North American is spoken of as the most attractive of any on the occasion. MOVEMENT OF TROOPS.—Capt. Mer rick's Dragoons ; Capt..l. C. Biddle's, Capt. Howard's and Capt. Bernard's Voltigeurs; Capt. Irvin's and Moore's Infantry Companies, arrived at N. Or- It ans on the 11th. THE GLOBE-ITS FALSE CHARGES. The editor of the Globe was "some what inclined to be angry" with us for holding up to light, and then nailing to the counter, one of the numerous fabri cations which have recently appeared in that paper in relation to Gen. Irvin and his friends; but upon reflection, he says he has determined to treat our "insinua tions" with the " utmost contempt."— Very withering, truly, the "contempt" of one who can give circulation to false charges, without the least evidence to sustain them. We some time since published an ex tract from the Globe, charging Gen. Ir vin with being actuated by "mercenary" motives, in making his donation of fifty barrels of flour to the relief of the suffer ing Irish—and stating at the same time that a "prominent Whig," of Centre, said it might "induce the vagabond Irish to vote for the General." We pronounced the charge against Gen. Irvin a VILE SLANDER—and pointed to his whole life to sustain us in so doing. If the editor of the Globe knows anything of the cha racter of Gen. 1., he knew, when he penned the article, that he was slander ing one proverbial for his charity and general liberality—who gave as liberally before he was a candidate for office as since. He knew that he was slandering a man whose purse-strings have never failed to relax at the call of distress— and that, in giving to the starving Irish, he was but acting in conformity with his long established character for libe rality. And if our neighbor made the charge without being aware of Gen. l's character, in this respect, he is none the less a slanderer. The motives of no man, for doing a kind action, should be impugned at random. The story about a "prominent Whig, of Centre," stigmatizing the Irish popu lation as "vagabonds," the Globe admits to be untrue, by failing to furnish one tittle of evidence to sustain it. And yet the editor has the coolness to invite us to publish the entire article from which this most ridiculous false and slanderous extract was taken. This is asking a little too much. When our neighbor admits his inbility to establish the truth of ten lines of his Roorback article, he should not expect us to occupy our space in publishing a half column of slang, merely to satisfy his depraved appetite to see falsehood in print. As to our anxiety" to engage in an " editorial fight" with the Globe or any other paper, we can say with truth, that we have no aspirationsof the kind. On the contrary, it is entirely at variance with our taste. But as a public jour nalist, loving truth and fairness, we shall not fail to denounce falsehood and slan der whenever and wherever they make their appearance, and characterize the authors as they deserve. If editors have no more regard for their own charac ters, or so little respect for their read ers, as to publish what they know to be destitute of truth, they deserve to be exposed and held up to the indignant view of a truth-loving people in their true colors. When this is faithfully done, their base fabrications are render ed perfectly harmless. Rico.--In reply to our call upon the Globe to establish the truth of some of its Roorback stories, the editor becomes highly indignant at the idea of asking for proof to sustain anything that may appear in that paper, and comes back upon us with the following rich sen tence: "If another Inquisition, such an one as existed in the days of Ritner, Stevens & Co., is to be established again in the good old Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, why be it so ; but we would say to the Huntingdon Journal, do not as sume the cloak of a Juggernaut before the people har•e willed it." Not being old enough, we never voted for Mr. Ritner, and never wore any offi cial " cloak " under the administration of "Ritner, Stevens & Co."—not even that of a Justice of the Peace ! ! much less a "Juggernaut !" Can the editor of the Globe say as much ? IN A Fix.—An editor out West makes the following apology for neglecting the editorial department of his paper. His readers must indeed be hard-hearted, if they don't accept his apology: "Protracted family affliction, requir ing much of our attention; the absquat elation of our oldest apprentice ; the necessary absence of our Jour for seve ral days, and a press of extra job-work, have pressed us too closely to the stick and rule during the week to pay any at tention to the editorial department!' The election for Judges in lowa, has resulted favorably to the Whigs. " THE IRON-MASTER." The Village Record says it's a great misfortune that Gen. lavix is an iron master—according to the Locofoco or gans, Failing to find more solid objec tions, they cry out " he's an iron-mas ter !" 0, monstrous! ! It's the first discovery that an iron master was so formidable an enemy to the public wel fare. But the world's growing wiser, every day ! What a great country this are ; and what an age of improvement we live in ! It will soon be considered unsafe to nominate for office, a Master Carpenter, or Master Mason, or Master Blacksmith, much less an Iron Master or even the School Master ! What's Gov. Shuck ? He ain't an Iron Master —no, nor a Master Carpenter; no—he never followed such mean occupations. We'd like to know of those who object to Iron Masters, and who are afraid of the Iron Master, what trade Gov. Shunk followed. We never heard of his fol lowing any other trade than Politics ! The People may choose, therefore, be tween the Master Politician and the Iron Master ! FROM GEN. TAYLOR'S CAMP.—We have dates to the 29th ult. from Monterey, which was garrisoned by the Louisville Legion. Gen. Taylor was encamped at Walnut Springs, about four miles from Monterey. His force consisted of a squadron of dragoons, under Col. Faun telroy, and the Mississippi regiment of volunteers, under Col. Jefferson Davis, the latter numbering only 248 men.— Col. May expected soon to visit the U. States. Gen. Wool, with about 5000 troops, was encamped at Buena Vista. It was reported that Gen. Urrea was at Linares, at the head of 2000 cavalry, and a corps of artillerists. There was some prospect of "an affair" coming off, between the respective forces of these two Generals. SICK OF THEIR PARTY LEADERS.—The Reading Journal states, on Monday mor ning the proprietor of the " Locofoco Head-Quarters," in that city, not hav ing the fear of an indignant and outraged community before his eyes, run up the old party flag, bearing on its broad stripes' the names of " Polk, Dallas and Shunk," but the indignation of the be trayed followers of these old party lead ers compelled him to take it down and replace it with another not so disgraced. This act proves conclusively that the mass of the party spurn the heads of the present National and State administra tions with the contempt they deserve. Gen. Taylor's Polities. The Locofocos are trying to gull the People with the belief that old Rough and Ready is a genuine Polkofoco. A more gross insult could not be offered to the Nation's brave champion. The Na tional Whig says—" We are happy in having it in our power to contradict in the most positive manner any such as sumptions on the part of the party in power. We are authorized to declare, that General Taylor is and always has been a Whig." EXPENSES OF THE WAIL—The Wash ington correspondent of the New York Tribune understands "from official sources, that if all the claims occurring so far during the war were to be imme diately liquidated, the sum of ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS would be required, including of course the regular expenses of the army." FAMILY ROYAL OF ENGLAND.—The Lon don Morning Post has again the gratifi cation to announce the approach of an event calculated to increase the domes tic happiness of the Sovereign and the Prince Consort, which, it is confidently stated, will take place in August next. LIFE OF GEN. TAYLOIL-Grigg, Elliott & Co. of Philadelphia announce as in press, the Life of this distinguished Gen- eral, from the eloquent pen of Judge Conrad, of Philadelphia. The Subject, the Author, the times and the circum stances all combine to render such a work eminently popular. EXTRAORDINARY UNANIMITY.---Santa Anna says that, in the council convoked after the battle of the '27th of February, all his officers were perfectly unanimous in advising a retreat and he concurred with them. What a harmonious band of heroes ! Ca- A dealer in Philadelphia adver tised an article which he calls "'Taylor candles " for the illumination, which are warranted " not to run." ID.- Why are Generals Taylor and Santa Anna, like a blacksmith and his bellows 1 Because one "blows " and the other "strikes." [From the North American.] BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH VIRGINIA IILECTION, RICHMOND DISTRICT REDEEMED. JOHN NL BOTTS ELECTED. We have returns as follows from the 6th Congressional District : Botts, W. Lesko, L. Richmond dist. 948 310 Henrico C. H. 537 350 Taylorsville, 146 47 Louisa C. H 74. 84 Mr. BOTTS 904 ahead and his majority will be about 500. Mr. Clay received but 239 in the district. EIGHTH DISTRICT, R. T. L. BEALE, Loco, is reported as elected over Willoughby Newton, but no figures given. This is a close dis trict, which gave Mr. Clay a small ma jority. In Fredericksburg the vote stood —Newton 202, Beale 219. NINTH DISTRICT. JOHN S. PENDLETON, Whig, the "lone star " from Virginia in the last Con gress, has been re-elected, in this true Whig district. One report estimates his majority at 400, another at 300 ; but neither is reliable. TENTR DISTRICT. We have returns from Frederick coun ty, which gives ANTHONY KENNEDY, Whig, a majority of 40, but there can be no doubt of Mr. Bedinger's (Loco) election, who has 276 majority in Jeffer son county. A VOICE FROM ASHLAND. The Whig young men of Auburn, N, Y., having presented to HENRY CLAY an office chair "as a slight memento of their long cherished and continued re gard," drew from him a reply from which we extract the following paragraphs : " You express your regret on account of the unexpected issue of the last Pres idential election. I ought to feel none for myself, personally. Besides being relieved from a vast responsibility, it furnished the occasion of the exhibition of testimonials, and the outpouring of affection from the hearts of my friends and countrymen, of which 1 had no pre vious conception that I ever could be the honored object. Their spontaneous and disinterested manifestatious are worth far more than the Presidency itself. "For our common country, I do re gret the issue of the contest. Had it been otherwise, we should have preser ved the Protective policy, under which we had made such rapid and encour aging advances ; the march of improve ment in our rivers and harbors would not have been arrested ; and above all, we should have avoided this unneces sary war of aggression with a neighbor torn to pieces by internal dissensions. The brilliant achievements, and the glo rious laurels acquired, during its prose cution, gratifying as they are to our na tional pride and character, can never compensate for the exceptional manner in which it was begun, the brave and patriotic lives which have been sacrifi ced, and the fearful issues which, I trem ble in contemplating, may grow out of its termination. But I have not now a heart to dwell on this painful theme.— I turn from it with hope and dutiful sub mission to Hint whose no doubt wise but inscrutable dispensation has permitted this awful calamity to visit our beloved country. "I pray you, my dear sir, to accept assurances of my gratitude for the kind manner in which you have executed the duty toward me assigned to you by the higs of Auburn, and of my being with perfect esteem and regard, Your friend and ob't serv't, H. CLAY." A BRAVE MAN," said the Danish creed of honor, "should attack two— stand firm against three—give ground a little to four—and only retreat for five." Gen. Taylor has established a new creed for Americans. It is to attack four— stand firm against eight—give not an inch of gronnd to a dozen—and retreat under no circumstances.—Matamoras Flag. Cc:7- The Clinton Floridian advertises as—Wanted—The mantle of glory with which Santa Anna covered the Mexican nation at Buena Vista. Also—One of the bayonets that terrified the enemy. PATRIOTISM vs. LOCOFOCOISM.-Gen eral Washington says in his farewell address—" It is the first duty of the citizen to be faithful to his country."— The "Harrisburg Union" says—" The first duty of every Democrat is to be true to the cardinal principle of party tactics." frp Let the starving population of Ireland take courage and rejoice. It is true that our Locofoco Congress refused an appropriation of money to save them from famine, but the Locofoco State Con vention of Pennsylvania has unan imously passed a resolution expressing sympathy for them." PRESIDENTIAL MOVEMENTS, We were about to say a word in re gard to recent Presidential movements, when the following remarks from the Yark Pa. Republican met our eye, and so well expresses our own views, that we adopt and give them to our readers in lieu of what we intended to say on the subject : " The political elements have been very much agitated for several weeks past—ever since the news of Old Rough and Ready's last victory arrived—on the subject of a Presidential Candidate.— That brilliant achievement, announced after a long period of painful suspense and anxiety, caused the public mind to become elated with joy, and the hero of the event, whose course for a year past had been watched with so great inter est, and attended with so much glory, became at once an object of the most en thusiastic popular admiration and afilic tion. Not merely his military exploits, but the remarkable modesty and ability of his official despatches, and the hu manity which actuated his conduct amid the sanguinary scenes, proved him to be a man of the largest mould, and caused his countrymen, disgusted with the pig mies in Administration at Washington, to consider the splendid contrast which their Government would present with him at its head, to its present condition. They know too that the minions of these same politicians had been firing their blank cartridges at the old hero, when ' he was exposing himself to the spotted guns of the foe in the battle field; and their kindling indignation was fanned into a blaze when the glory of his last achievement, rendered almost desperate by the manner in which he had been stripped of his forces, revealed itself to their eager senses. The Press and the People seemed to be actuated by a com mon impulse, and a movement which could not have been preconcerted imme dietely connected the name of ZACH ARY TAYLOR with the Presidency.— So overwhelming is this popular expres sion, which has already and almost sim ultaneously been displayed in almost every section of the Union, that it is ad mitted on all hands that if Gen. TAYLOR be a candidate, he will be c;ected by an unprecedented majority, if not without organized opposition. This state of things is any thing but agreeable to the official personages at Washington. This War they consider, as it truly is, theirs ; they planned and put it in operation, and they think that all its glory should enure to their benefit. It is hard in their estimation that the project which they so unscrupulously contrived, should turn out to be the very thing which is to work their political ruin. They never dreamed that TAYLOR, or SCOTT or any one should stand in their way, or be any thing else than porters to carry their fortunes. They thought they had the hero of Chippewa and Lun dy's Lane when they jeered him about his "hasty plate of soup," and sup posed that they had come it over the old soldier by attempting to make him ap pear ridiculous. TAYLOR was then their hero in opposition to SCOTT. They ex ulted over Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, and not a few sneers were launch ed at the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, kept in Washington. SCOTT was then considered a " rival " of Polk ! and lie must be put down. Monterey fell, and then an ominous whistle broke upon the cars of the men in power. TAYLOR was becoming too dangerous—he was winning too many battles—he was get ting to be a " rival " of POLK ! They set FICKLIN, THOMPSON and "Billy Wick" on him in Congress—they found fault with the Capitulation of Monterey—they ordered him to break the armistice, and they got up the device of a Lieutenant General, and when foiled in their first attempt, endeavored to gain their object in an indirect manner, but failed there too. They all at once became " sweet " to Gen. SCOTT, though they designed to suporcede him too if they could have fastened the epaulettes on Colonel BEN TON'S shoulders, and they formed his ex pedition to Vora Cruz, advising TAvunt to retire to Monterey, so that he might be cooped up in that fortress and not be able to gain another victory. Although they took away all the old General's Reg ulars, he refused to take their advice, and Whipped Santa Anna at Buena Vista. Then the cloud which had so long been threatening these political schemers, burst in right earnest, and they know now that they are in TAYLOR'S power.— Their conduct in this predicament is sufficiently ludicrous. They profess to love him vastly ; but, notwithstanding their professions, they cannot complete ly disguise their disrelish of his election to the Presidency. Theirs is the fateof children who handle edge-tools; they can manage a caucus or convention of purchaseable politicians, but heroes of the true stamp are too large for their grasp. Whig papers and meetings nom inated TAYLOR. Oh ! says a Locofoco Editor or some double-faced neutral, he won't consent to run—why he's said so often. Ah! says another, you are nice ly taken in—why TAYLOR'S a first-rate Democrat--always was—never voted any other ticket, though, to be sure, he was a personal friend of CLAY, and we intend to elect him ourselves.— , So they go on, evidently in a quandary —not liking the state of affairs at all, yet knowing that they can't get out of the scrape. We neither run up the TAYLOR flag to the head of our paper, nor intimate at present any preferences of our own on the Presidential question. Certain it is that the popular enthusiasm in favor of Old Rough and Ready is widely spread and signally displayed. He has shown qualities in his illustrious career which, attract to him both affection and confi dence ; but he has a right to be heard on his own behalf in regard to this matter. LETTER FROM VERA CRUZ. The following letter is from a soldier who has already participated in four of the principal battles fought by our army in Mexico. It contains no facts that our readers have not already seen, but com ing from a native of this town, will be read with interest. We have published several from the same source: CAMP NEAR VERA CRUZ, March 30, 1847. 5 * * * Not having had an opportu nity of giving you the slightest infor mation concerning the siege of Vern Cruz ere this, you no doubt thought I was among the missing. Life yet re mains, but it required action and vigi lance to preserve it thus far. I cannot now give you a full account of the siege —but a few words in relation to it, may give you some information. Vera Cruz and the Castle of San Juan are ours. You may ransack the history of battles, and you will not find a victo ry recorded equal to the one just achiev ed over Vera Cruz. The destruction of people and property is great; but not having bad a personal observation of the city, I will will reserve a description for a few days. On the 7th inst., the day appointed for landing within five miles of Vera Cruz, and thinking the enemy might op pose our landing, 5,000 of our army, all that could laud at once, formed in gun boats, on the water, in military order, and rode ashore safe, under cover of the Navy guns, although the enemy was but a short distance from us. We then encamped for the night, or rather stood guard, with nothing but ammunition for shelter and protection. On the Bth our army advanced, until we formed a line around the city from shore to shore, which completely block aded the town in rear, and also cut of ail communication between the enemy and other forces. Several regiments of volunteers who were in front, among whom were the Pennsylvanians, acted as skirmishers; and in the course of three days, succee ded in driving the enemy from the chap parel into the city, with the exception of about 3,000, who were cut off, and consequently could not unite with the forces. When they found we were de termined to take our position close to the city, and intrench, and not charge, as they expected, the city and rustle let loose upon us, and fired shot and shells in every direction, and fcr two miles be yond us, without ceasing, until the .'26th, when they sued for peace. During that time they fired about 50,000 shells among our army, and they have not killed and wounded over twenty men, as near as I can ascertain. On the 22d the commander of the city, waking from his lethargy, found an entrenchment within gun shot of his dominion, for the purpose of placing heavy guns and mortars to cannonade the town. Ile immediately sent the white flag and notice to Gen. Scott that he should have four days to march his army away. Gen. Scott replied that he (the commander of the city) should have but four hours to surrender the town and castle. After the expiration of the four hours, we commenced bombarding the town, although not prepared for it. On the 2 6th the castle and city were sur rendered, with the condition that all ammunition and government property - if every description, are to be turned over to the United States; and all o ffi cers above the rank of a Lieutenant to be retained as prisoners—the remainder to march out without arms. The surrendering of the castle was gall to them, bnt they were compelled to it, for they knew that unless they did so, their city would be ruined. Our Navy fired considerable on the town, but could not get close enough to do good execution on account of the cas tle. The castle commands the town, and could knock it down ►n a short time. After we were entrenched, which was done principally in the night, the ene my commenced firing their heavy shells but without effect. The number of citi zens and soldiers killed and wounded in the city is not yet known, but supposed to be over one thousand. TIIE Caors.--The Lancaster Examiner says :—'4 The WHEAT FIELDS in many parts of this county have a very unpro mising appearance. It is thought by many experienced farmers that even should the remainder of the season prove favorable, there will scarcely be an aver age crop. More ground is being prepared for corn than was ever cultivated before in this county. At the present prices corn is by far the most profitable crop that can be raised. [CP. Old Zack has made more people happy, and oftener than any man of the age. It will presently come to pass, says the New Orleans Picayune, that whenever his name is mentioned some body will shout right out.