Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 07, 1847, Image 4

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    Philadelphia .Advertisements.
SHIP.—The copartnership hereto
fore existing, under the name of WM. SWAIM &
SON, wile dissolved on the 21st of July last, by
the decease of the said Wm. Swaim, and the busi
ness is now, and will be in future, conducted exclu
sively by the subscriber, who has had the sole
charge of the manufacturing of the Panacea and
Vermifuge for the lag 14 years.
The Panacea will be inn up as usual in round
bottles, fluted longitudinally, with the following
letters on the glass--...ivraim's Panacea, Philada.'
and the only change made is the name of JAS.
SWAIM stamped on the sealing wax, and written
on the label covering the cork. and a new label for
the side of the bottle, composed of geometric lathe
work, comprising nine different dies, which have
been tamed for the exclusive use of the proprietor,
by Draper & Co., bank note engravers of Philadel
phia. Four dies of different patterns form the body
of the work, and in the centre is a portrait of the
late Wm. Swaim, separated from the borders by
two circles of lathe work. The woids Swaim's
Panacea," are engraved conspicuously on two turn
ed strips, and a large semi-circular die forms the
upper margin. The borders are composed of plain
lathe work strips, outside of which is engraved in
small letters the entry of the copyright.
Philadelphia, August, 1848.
For the cure of Scrofula, General De
bility, White Swelling, Rheuma
tism, Diseases of the Liver and
Skin, and all Diseases arising
froth Impurities of the blood
or'the effects of Mercury.
CjWAIM'S Panacea has been for more
than 25 years celebrated in the coun
try and Europe for its extraordinary cures—fo• the
certificates of which reference is made to the duce
lions dnd books (whirls may be had gratis) accom
partYing the Panacea.
It has been used its hospital and private practice,
and has had the singular fortune of being recom
mended by the most celebrated physicians and other
eminent persons. Among others, by
W. Gibson, M. D. profcsaor of Surgery, Penna.
University; Valentine Mott, M. D. professor of
Surgery, N. Y. University ; W. P. pewees, M. D.
professor of Midwifery, Pa. University; N. Chap
man, M. D. professor of Physic, Pa, University ;
T. Parke, M. D. president of College of Physicians,
Philada.; Dr. Del Valle, Professor of Medicine,
Havana; Jose Lourenco da Luz, profeasr•r of Sur
gery, Lisbon; J. Chipman, Member of Royal Col
lege of Surgeons, London; G. W. Irving, lat. Mi
nister to Spain; Sir Thomas Pearson, Major Gen
eral British Army ; Gilbert Robertson, Bri.iah Con
sul, &c.
And also, the Wonderful cures effected by Swaim's
Panacea have far many yearn made it an invaluable
remedy. The panacea does not contain mercury
in any form, and being an innocent preparation, it
may be given to the moat tender infant.
The retail price hue been reduced to $1 50 per
bottle (containing three half pints), or three bottles
for $4.
ALSO—SwArm's Van:moon, a valuable family
medicine, being a highly approved remedy for all
diseases arising from Debility of the Digestive Or
gans, such as Worms, Cholera Morbue, Dyee story,
Fever and Ague, Bleeding, Piles, Sick Headache,
&c. See the pamphlet (which may be had gratis)
accompanying the Vermifuge. Prepared at Swaim.
Laboratory, SeVeHth street, below Chesnut, Phila
delphia, and for sale by all respectable Druggists in
the United States.
ligents—New York : H. H. Schieffelin
& Co. Loridan, Eng. Evans & Leech•
er. Liverpool, En g. • Evans, Son & Co.
Havana : L. G. Melizet: Valparaiso :
Alex. Bross. Buenos Ayrss i 0. Hayes
& Co. St. Thoitias A. H. Rise. (,an•
ton : J. Swords. Sandwich Islands: E.
L. Benson. Calcutta: Hnffnagle & Co.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. 2m
The Girard Life Insurance, .ilnnuity and
Trust Company of Philadelphia.
Capital s3oo,ooo—Charter Perpetual.
OfFICE-189 Chesnut Street.
(lONTINDE to make Insurance on Liver, grant
Annuities and Endowments, and to accept
Trusts from Individuate, Corporate Bodies and
Court. of Justice, and execute them agreeably to
the desiro of the parties; and receive Depositee of
Money in Trust and on Interest.
The Company add a Bohus at stated periods to
the Insurances tor Life. The first bonus was ep.
propriateil in December, 1844, amounting to ten
per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poli
cies, to 84 per cent., 73 per cent. &c.; on others in
proportion to the time of etanding; making an ad-
dition of $lOO, $B7 50, $75, &c., on every $l,OOO
originally insured.
The operation of the bonus will be seen by the
following examples from the Life Insurance Regis-
ter of the Company, thus:
Amt. of Policy & Ho-
Bonus or nue payable at party's
Policy. Sum ins'd addition decease.
No. 58 1,000 100 1,100
89 2,500 250 2,750
204 4,000 400 4,400
276 2,000 175 2,176
333 5,083 437 50 5,437 50
Rates for insuring $lOO on a single life:
Age, For 1 year. For 7yeare, For Life,
annually. annually.
20 $0 01 $0 95 $1 77
30 1 31 1 36 2 36
4d 1 69 1 93 3 20
50 1 116 2 09 4 60
60 4 35 4 91 7 00
Example :—A person aged 30 years next birth
day, by paying the Company $t 31, would secure
to his family or heirs $lOO, should he die in one
year; or for $l3 10 he secures to them $1,000: or
for $l3 60 annually for seven years, he secures to
them $l,OOO should he die in seven years; or for
$23 60 paid annually during life, he provides
$lOOO whenever he dies; for $66 30 they would
receive $6,000 should he die in one year:
Further particula•a respecting Life insurance,
Trusts, &c., may be had at the Office.
B. W. RICHARD, President.
JNO. F. J.% ME$, Actuary.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. 6m
254, Market Street, Philadelphia,
TTAVE constantly on hand every description of
jAClothing, all of which are cut, trimmed and
made in a manner not to be surpassed, and are war
ranted cheaper titan the seine quality of Goods in
any other establishment in the United States.—
Also, every description of GENTLEMEN'N Fun-
NO Goons at reduced prices.. Those visiting
the city will find it to their interest to examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
sept3o- y. BUCK & MOORE,
Philadelphia Advertisements.
Above Buttonwood Street, Philada.
AT this establishment may be found the greatest
variety of Plans and beautiful Patterns of
IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to which
the attention of those in want of any description,
and especially for Cemeteries, is particularly invi
'I 'he principal part of all the handsome Railings
at Laurel Hill, Monument, and other celebrated
Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia,
which have been so highly extolled by the public
preen, Were executed at this manufactory.
A large Wareroum la connected with the estab
lishment, where is kept constantly on hued a largo
stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental
Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and orna
mental Iron Oates, with an extensive assortment of
Iron Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &c. Also in
grrat variety, Wrought and I. ant Iron Orm ments,
sttltable for Railings and other purposes.
The subscriber would also state that in his Pat
tern and Designing Department he has employed
some of the best talent in the country, whose con
stant attention is devoted to the business—forming
altogether one of the moat complete and systematic
establishments of the kind in the Union.
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor.
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood et,
Philadelphia, Feb. 3,1847-6 m
NO. 87
North Third Street, Philadelphia.
THE celebrity of the INKS manufactured by the
subscriber, and the extensive sales consequent
upon the high reputation which they have attained
not only through the United States, but in the West
Indies and China, has induced him to make every
necessary arrangement to eupply the vast demand
upon his establishment. He le now prepared,
with every variety of Black, Blue and Red Inks,
Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, and Ink Powder, all
prepared under his own personal superintendence,
so that purchasers may depend upon its superior
perior article for mending Glass, China, Cabinet
Ware, &c., useful to every housekeeper, being a
while liquid, easily applied, and not affected by or
dinary heat—warranted.
(7 Pamphlets containing the numerous testi
monials of men of science and others, will be fur
nished to purchasers.
For sale at the Manufactory, Wholesale and Re
tail, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite Cherry
street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH HOVER,
jy27:'47-y) Manufacturer.
Venitian Blind Manufacturer,
No. 12 North Sixth Street, (a few doors
above Market St.) Philada.
ITAS now on hand the largest and most fashion
able assortment of Na•row Slat and other
Venetian Blinds of any establishment in the Uni
ted States, which he will sell, wholesale and re
tail, at the lowest prices.
The citizens of Huntingdon are respectfully so
licited to call on him before purchasing elsewhere,
as he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to all
who may thus favor him with a call.
Old Blinds Repainted and Trimmed so as to look
equal to new.
Order. punctually attended to, and the Blinds
forwarded with doepatch.
THE underelgned continue the Iron Commission
butanes, for the sale of ell kinds of IRON, at
No. 109 North. Water Street, Philada.
- - .
Their long experience in the Iron Trade, and
their extensive acquaintance with consumers and
dealer. throughout the United Slates, gives them
the advantage of obtaining the highest market
pricer. And their business being confined exc'u•
nicely to the Iron trade, enables them to give it
their entire attention. (O. All consignments will
receive prompt attention.
[feb2 . 4-6m] ORRICK & CAMPBELL,
No. /09 Water at., & 54 N. Wharvea, Philade,
DR= ST DRUGS! Davos!
No. 40 Market Street, Philada.
OFFERS for sale a largo stock of Ft esh Drugs,
Medicines and Dye Stull% to which they call
the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers
visiting the city.
Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var
nishes, of a superior quality. Also, White and
Red Lead, Window Mese, Paints and Oils—cheap
er than ever.
r•• T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian
Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout theit own
and neighboring States as the beet preparation for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &e. Money
refunded in evety instance where no benefit is re-
ceived. [Philadelphia, jan27•fm
ZIDUIUTCta*CS3•U--M 17 3 4
No. 201 Market Street, one door above
Fifth, North Side, Philadelphia.
TM PORTERS and Wholesale Dealersin DRUGS,
cines, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware,
Window Glass, Points, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c.
Druggieta, country M ercha ntset and Physicians,
supplied with the above articles on the most favora
ble terms. atrict and prompt attention paid to or
ders. Every article warranted.
sept 23. JAS. A. TURNER, late of Va.
ZINN, MITI & 00.,
(Successors to Potts, Linn 4• Harris,)
213 k Market Street, Philada.
Kt EP cogently on hand a full assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Surgical Instru
ments, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Giese,
Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., all of
which they offer to contitry merchants, and others,
on the most advantageous terms. All orders, by
letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest care and
despatch. CLAUDIUS D. LINN,
A. W. Benedict,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon. Pa.--
Office at his old residence in Main street, d
few doors west of the old Court House. He will
attend to any business entrusted to hun in the sev
eral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties.
Huntingdon Advertisements.
HAS just received, and now offers to the pub
lic, at his old stand in Main street, directly
opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, as large a
stock of
as has ever been offered to the public in this place,
and at cheaper prices than any other store in the
His assortment iscomplete—having almost every
article in the lino of business, among which are
Cheap Cloths, Cassinetts, Flannels, Blan
kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash
meres, 4-c. at prices that
cannot fail to please.
Cr The attention of the ladies Is particularly
invited to a large and beautiful selection of
al£ElCfri)V ca) as• (10.6 E,
which have been purchased with an eye singlo to
their taste. Call and examine, and judge for
yourselves, and if we cannot please, we will be
pleased to see you.
ALso—A general assortment of Gro
ceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Caps, &c. &c.
I The highestrice paid for Country
Dr. S. would most respectfully tender his thanks
to his former customers, and hopes by prompt at
tention to business, and by selling a LITTLE CHEAP.
Ea than others, to secure an increase of public
patronage. [Huntingdon, Nov. 4-tf
Market Street, Huntingdon, Pa
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his
friends and the public generally, that he con
tinues to carry on the CABINET MAKING busi
ness in all its various branches at hie old stand in
Market street directly opposite the Post Office,
wire e ho is prepared to make to order any article
in his line; such as Sideboards, Sofas, Secretaries,
Bureaus, Centre, Pier, Hall, Card Dining and
Work Tables, Washstands, High Field French
and Low Post Bedsteads. All work done by the
subscriber warranted to be of the hest materials and
workmanship, and at the lowest prices.
Coffins made and funerals attended, either in
town or country, at the shortest notice. He keeps
a splendid Hearse for the accommodation of his
Persons wanting any article in his line of busi
ness, are requested to give him a call, as he intends
keeping a handsome assortment constantly on hand.
. _
Huntingdon, Feb. 3, 1847—tf
Sale of Valuable Real Esiale.
ITIHE subset lbws o ff er for sale that valuable Real
jEstate, Two tracts of land Situate on the Banks
of the Little Juniata river, one mile below Birming
ham; One tract situate in 1A; arriorsmark town
ship Huntingdon county, theother tract situate in
Tyrone township, Blair county, the River being the
line between the two tracts, and also the line be
tween Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known
as the property of Andrew Robeson, of Warriors
mark township, now deceased.
The mansion tract in Warrimismark township,
contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land,
about 100 acres cleared, and in a good state of cul
tivation, with three dwelling houses, a stone Barn
and a good apple orchard thereon.
The other tract in Blair county contains 400
acres of excellent timber land, with a house and
stable theteon erected ; there is an Ore bank on
this tract,from which about 600 tons of Iron Ore
of an excellent quality has been raised. A large
part of this tract is good limestone land for farming.
On these two tracts are four situations for Forges
or Furnaces, pethapa the beet sites in the State.—.
There is a number of springs on the two tracts of
never failing water that keep the river free from ice
for more than a mile.
This last tract of land is all woodland and well
covered with timber.
One third of the purchase money to be paid on
hand, the residue in two annual payments, there
Any person wishing to purchase one or both
tracts will please call on David Robeson in Pleasant
Valley, or Jacob Van Tries in Warriorsmark.
.. .
sept3o.ll. Executor,.
Hollidaysburg Register, inset t the above, till for
bid, and charge Executors.
Opposito the Presbyterian Church, Huntingdon,
rpHE subscribers respectfully inform the public,
1 that they are at all times prepared to execute
any orders in their line of business, at the shortest
notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Carriages, Buggies, Wag
ons, Sleighs, Dearborns,
r 0)
and Carts,
made to order, of the best materials, and at rea
sonable prices.
Repairing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the
shortest notice.
cO'fbose wanting neat, cheap and durable ar
ticles in our line of business, are respectfully re
quested to give tut a call.
dec3o,'4B- I y.
T HE undersigned would respectfnlly inform the
citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he
has again commenced
the manufacture of
at his New Stand, in
Hill street, three doors above Gen. Wilson's office,
where ho will be happy to accommodate all who
wish to be fitted at astonishing low prices, the
CASH. Come on, then ; he hde a superior new
stock of leather, selected with a view to the wants
of all—men, women or children. He therefore re
spectfully solicits the patronage of his old friends
and the public generally...
TOB-WORK of ell descriptions neatly executed
e) at the Journal office
Patfnt Medicines.
() r
Diseases of the 4e.
SpittNankLD, Ky., May 14, 1845
1 1 Messrs. Sanford 4- Park—Gents :—I
take this opportunity of informing you
of a Most remarkable cure performed
upon me by the use of Dr. Wistar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry.
In the year of 1840, I was taken with
an inflammation of the bowels, which I
labored under for silt weeks, when I gra
dually recovered, In the fall of 1841, I
was attacked with a severe cold, Which
seated on my lungs ; and for the space
of three years I was confined to my bed.
I tried all kinds of medicines, and every
variety of medical aid, without benefit ;
land thus I wearied along until the win
ter of 1814, when I heard of "Wistar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry."
My friends persuaded me to give it a
trial, though I had given up all hopes of
recovery, and had prepared myself for
the change of another world. Through
their solicitations I was induced to make
use of the genuine Wistar's Balsam of
Wild Cherry. The effect was truly as
tonishing. After five years' offliction,
pain and suffering, and after having
spent four or five hundred dollars to no
purpose, and the best and most respect
able physicians had proved unavailing,
I was soon restored to entire health by
the blessing of God and the use of Dr.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
I am now enjoying good health, and
such is my altered appearance that 1
am no longer known when I meet my
old acquaintances.
. .
I have gained rapidly in weight, and
my flesh is firm and solid. I can now
eat as much as any person, and my food
seems to agree with me. I have eaten
more during the last six months than 1
had eaten in five years before.
Considering my cure almost a mira
cle, I deem it necessary for the good of
the afflicted, and a duty I owe to the
proprietors and my fellow men (who
should know where relief may be Imo
to make the statement public.
May the blessings of God rest upon
the proprietors of so valuable a media
eine as Wistar's Balsam of Wild Che:-
ry. Yours respectfully,
All orders for Wistar's Balsam of
Wild Cherry should be addressed to
Sanford & Park, corner of Fourth and
Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Price $1 per bottle,
AosnTs—ilead er Son, Huntingdon ;
Gemmill & Porter, Alexandria ; Spen
cer & Flood, Williamsburg ; Mrs. Mary
Orr, Hollidaysburg. [m3
Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar end
Wood Xaphthar
INFLAMMA PION of the mucous Mettdiranes
1 is the result of some impression made upon
them by cold or other causes; hence Chronic, Ca
tarrh, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, re
suiting in Consumption, Gastritis, diseased Liver
and Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, &c. From
incontestable evidence. it is proved that Thompron's
Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha is a
specific in these complaints—allaying Irritation,
promoting healthy secretions, and removing the
existing cause of disease. Thousands have used
it, and can bear testimony to its efficacy.
Philadelphia, March Ist, 1846.—1 hereby certify,
that in consequence of repeated and neglect
ed colds, my lungs became seriously af
fected, and for a long time I have
suffered with violent pain in
the breast, obstinate cough
and difficult expecto
ration, the symp
toms daily
increasing in vi
olence. I had re
course to various reme
dies, with no avail, until I used
SYRUP OF TAR, which effected a
permanent cure before I had taken three bot.
tles. E. EVANS, Fayette street, below At, b.
Principal office, N. E. corner of Fifth and Sprt ce
Sold by Simonton tic Jones, Huntingdon: J
M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg. Price 50 eta per but
tle, or $5 per dozen. (dec2-6m
Syrup of Illorelkound.
ITANCE'S Compound Syrup of Horehound
fot the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast,
Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, and all diseases aria
ing from a disordered condition of the lungs or ne
glected cold.
Is a piece of advice which is suitable to all sea
sons, and applicable to all purpose.; though there
is no instance in which this piece of advice is more
valuable than to persons who have a cough or cold,
for if they neglect what may appear to them very
trifling in the beginning, it may lead to inflamma
tion of lunge, and finally consumption. To all
who have a cough, we would say, procure a bottle
of Hance's Compound Syrup of Horehound. This
medicine is pleasant to take, and it may save you
years of outlining,
Price 50 cents per bottle, Or 6 bottles for $2 50.
Prepared and sold by SETH S. HANCE, 108
&thither° street, and corner of Charles and Pratt
streets. octls-ly
_ _ _
AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Hunting
don ; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A.
0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buch
anan, Mil Creek ; Spencer & Flood,Wil
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
I. H. Grafius,
D ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
It of Huntingdon county, and the pub
lic generally, that they cobtlnue to carry on the
Copper ) Titt attd Sheet Iron Business,
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they man
ufacture and constantly keep on hand every des
cription of ware in their line, such as
22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 inches long.
Radiator Stoves, 2 sizes Coal Stoves for Pat lore,
new and splendid Parlor Stove. for Wood, 3 sizes
Egg Stoves ; also, Iron Railing, for fronts of houses;
Cast Grates, for cellar windows; ....:elf-Sharpening
Ploughs, right and left-handed; new Bull' Plough
with cast and iron shear, and the 'Livingston'
Plough; Double Shovel Ploughs. for corn and
seeding in fall gl sin; Copper Pumps, for Wells
any depth, with Tin inside and out; Forge Ham
mers, from 5 to 16cWts _ .
New Cooking Stoves, of all kinds;
also, 4 sires of Coal Stoves,
also Stove=pipe and Stoves
All kinds of coatings done for Forger, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines, Waggon Boxes,
Mill Gubgeons, and Hollow Ware, all of which is
done in a workmanlike manner. Also.
Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Preserv
ing, and Tea Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and retail.
Persons favoring this establishment with their
custom may depend on having their orders execu
ted with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, b ass and pewter taken in ex
change. Also, wheat, rye, corn and oats taken
at market price.
For sale by I. & H. GRAFIUS, Alex
andria, Huntingdon county,
Pa., cheap for cash or
country produce, at
market price.
_ .
TII ' Queen of the Wei is an improvement on
Hathaway's celebi ated Hot Air Stave. There has
never yet appeared any plan of a Cooking Stove
that possesses the advantages that this one has. A
much less quantity of fuel is required for any am't
of cooking or baking by this stove than by any
Persons are requested to call and see before they
purchase elsewhere.
To Purchasers—Guarantee.
The undersigned, agent of the patentee of the
Stove, 'The Queen of the West,' understanding
that the owners, or those concerned for them, of
other and different patent Cooking Stoves, haie
threatened to bring suit against all oho purchase
and use any of Guild's Patent Cooking Stove—
The Queen of the West'—this is to inform all and
every person who shall purchase and use said Stove
that he will indemnify them from all costs or dam
age from any and all suits, brought by other pa
tentees, or their agents, for any infringement of their
patents. lie gives this notice so that persons need
not be under any fears bee use they have, while
consulting their own interests and convenience, se
cured the superior advantages of this 'Queen,' not
only of the West, but of the East.
Dissolution of Part nership
Tile subscribers, doing business under the firm
of I. Oration and Son, in Alexandria, Huntingdon
county, dissolved partnership by mutual consent on
the 811 day of April last. All persona having ac
counts with said firm will settle the same with I.
Grafius, up t the above date.
. .
Alexandria, May 20, 1840•ly
' II ID2I2III:2MMA t i
VOR the cure of Pulmonary Consump
r tion, Coughs, Colds, ..dsthma, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous 'Pre
mours, Hooping Cough, ,tc.
Proof follows upon proof of the virtues of
Read the following New Certificates t
Mutottra, Perry ca., Pe., Oct. 1, 18411
Messrs. Robinson, Collins & Cor—Birs t This
is to inform you that I was afflicted for 20 years
with a violent pain in my breast, so much so that
I could hardly lay in bed at night. Cough attended,
followed by emaciation and other decided symp
toms of consumption. I applied to several eminent
physicians, and took a great deal of medicine with
out any relief whatever. I woe advised to try Dr.
Davie's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and
Tar, of which I took two bottles, which entirely re
lieved me of my complaint; therefore I can with
confidence recommend tt to all who are in a like
meni er afflicted, as a most valuable Medicine.
JOHN Toomsv.
The authenticity of the above statement is
vouched far by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of
Milford, who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circum
stances of his case. Mr. T. is now sixty years of
Price, $1 per bottle.
Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen
eral agents.
For sale by THOS, READ & SON,
Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his
Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces;
Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F.
Bell, Laurel Run Mills, and Spencer &
Flood, Williamsburg.
Feb. 10, 1847-6 m.
George Taylor,
A TTORNEY AT LAW—Attends to practice
/1 in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators'
accounts, Scrivening, &c. Office in the diamond,
'hue doors cast of the "Exchange Hotel."
S. Steel Blair,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa.,
11, Will attend attend to ell business entrusted to
hie care in Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana coun
ties. aprB-'46
Z. Sewell Stewart,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Office in Main street, five doors west of Mr
Ituoy's jewelry establishment.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
~ THE Commonwealth of Pennsyl
• A
I- vania to Ann Varnes,late of the coun
vgp.,, •ty aforesaid, Greeting: WricitrAs,
2 thiN . ,,f: Abraham Yemen did, on the seventh
~, a` ~ day of March, 1846, present his Pea.
Cs :
Lion and Libel to the Hon. James Gwin, one of the
Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas
of the county aforesaid, praying for the causes
therein set forth, that he might be divorced from
the bonds of matrimony entered into with you, the
said Ann Verne., and praying also a divorce for
further cause set forth in his amended Libel filed in
said Court at January term last past. We do
therefore command you, the said Ann Varnes that,
setting aside all other business and excuses whatso
ever, you be and appear in your proper person, be
' fore our Judges at Huntingdon, at a Conrt of
( ommon Pleas, there to be held for the said coun
ty, on the second Monday of April next, to answer
the Petition and Libel of the said Abraham Varnes,
and chew cause if any you have, why the said
Abraham Varnes, your husband, should not he di
vorced from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably to
the act of Assembly in such case made and provi
ded—whereof fail not. Witness the Hon. Abra
ham S. Wilson, Esquire, President of our said
Court at Huntingdon, the 20th day of January, A.
1 D. 1847. (m3•tc] JA MEti STEEL, Prothy.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons concernil
that the following named persons have settled
their accounts in the Register's office, at Hunting
don, and that the said accounts will be presented
for confirmation and allowance at an Orphans'
Court to he held at Huntingdon, in and for the
county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 14th
day of April next, to wit:
1. Jonas Rudy, surviving Executor of George
Rudy, late of Barre township, dee'd.
2. Benjamin F. Patton, Administrator of Wil
liam Huntor, late of Warne...l township, dec'd.
it. Hirano Greenland and Benjamin Greenland,
Administrators of Joshua Greenland, lute of Union
township, dec'd.
4. John Neff, Executor of George Mong, late
of Warriorsmark township, deed.
6. George H. Striver, one of the Executors of
Robert Moore, late of the borough of Huntingdon,
0. Abraham Taylor, Isaac Taylor and Jacob
Taylor, Executo s of John Taylor, late of Tod
township, dec'd.
Lewis 7 . Swinehart, Administrator of David
Swinehart, late of Barren township, deed.
8. Jonathan J. Cunningham, Administrator of
John Mevey, late of Shirley township, deed.
9. Peter Sorrick, Guardian of Mary Ann Rhodes,
daughter of Christian Rhodes. late of W'oodb, rry
township, decd.
10. Andrew Johnston, Guardian of David Miller,
Sarah Ann Miller and William Miller, minor child
ren of James and Elizabeth Miller, of Dublin town
Register's Office, Hun- 231
tingdon, March 21, 1847. S
WHEREAS, by precept to me directed, doted
at Huntingdon, the 24th day of January,
one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, under
the hands and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil
son, President of the Court of Common Pleas,
Oyer and Terminer and general jail delivery of the
20th judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of
the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union,
and the Hone. James Gwin and John Stewart, his
associates, judges of the county of Huntingdon,
justices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and de ,
termine all and every indictmentsand presentments,
made or token for or concerning all crimes, which
try the laws of the State are made capital or felon ,
ies of death and other offences, crimes and misde ,
meanors, which have been, or shall be committed
or perpetrated within said county, or all persons
who are or shall hereafter be committed or be per ,
putt aced, for crimes aforesaid, I am commanded to
make public proclamation throughout my whole
bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of
Common Please and Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Cowl House, in the borough of Hunting ,
don, on the accord Monday (and 12th day) of
April next, and those who will prosecute the
gait] prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them
as it shall be just, and that all justices of the peace,
coroner and constables within the said county, be
then and there in their proper persons,at 10 o'cloelf
A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions,
examinations and remembrances,to do those things
*lnch to their offices respectively appertain.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 24th day of January,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hurl ,
tired and forty-seven, and the 70th year of Ameri
can Independence.
Mini ingdon, March 11, 1847. S
AITHEREAS. by precept to me directed by the
V Judges of the Common Pleas of the county
of Huntingdon,bearing test the 24th day of Janu
ary, A. D. 1847, I am commanded to make public
proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a
Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court
House in the borough of Huntingdon, in the coun
ty of Huntingdon, on the third Monday (and 19th
day) of April, A. D. 1847, fur the trial of all
issues in said court, which remain undetermined
before the said judges, when and where all jurors,
witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all said issues
are required.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 24th day of January,
A. D. 1841, and the 70th year of American Inde.
pendence. JOHN AR MI PAGE, Sheriff.
Snentres ()erica, ?
Huntingdon, March 17, 1947.5
Lewistown money taken at Par !
THL subscriber has on hand Thrashing Ma
chines, which he warrants to be good, and
offers them for sale very cheap. He will also re-.
pelt Thrashing Machines, and furnish castings at
his shop in Allegheny street, opposite the stable of
the Pioneer Line of Boats, Huntingdon, on the
shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. Ho
would also remind his friends and the public gene
rally, that he still carries on the coach and wagon
making business in all its branches.
August 16, 1846—tf
rpHE subscriber would respectfully but earnestly
I inform all those who are indebted to him, thee
he must have money, and hopes that they
will come forward at once, and pay up their bills.
All those who do not attend to this matter previous
to the first of April next, will find their accounts
placed in the hands of the proper officer for collec
Huntingdon, Feb. 17, 1847-6t]
John Scott, Jr.,
A TTORNEY AT LA W, Huntingdon, Ps.—
11 Has removed his office to the middle room of
o Snare'. Row," directly opposite Fisher & NFMur
trie's store, where ho will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties.
Iltmtingtlun Sept. 23, 1896.