Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 17, 1847, Image 3

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    of all the votes, was declared duly hotn
On motion of Mr, ADAMS, the nomina
tion was unanimously concurred in.
Mr. KUNKLE moved the appointment
of a committee of five, to inform Gen.
Irvin and Mr. Patton of their nomination.
The Chair appointed Messrs. Pearson,
Mackey, R. Irvin, T. W. Duffield, Wil
son, Adams and Bard.
The Convention then took a recess
for fifteen minutes.
12 O'CLOCK, M.
• Convention re-assembled, when Mr.
MILLS, Chairman of the committee on
resolutions, announced that the commit
tee was ready to report.
The report was then read by Mr. COPI
RAD, and unanimously adopted, as fol
lows :
PREAMBLE.-.TIIC Whig delegates from
the various counties and districts of
Pennsylvania, assembled in Convention
nt Harrisburg, for the purpose of pre•
sting to the people suitable candidates
the offices of . Governor and Canal
Commissioner of this Commonwealth,
and having discharged that duty, pre
rent the following resolutions as expres
sive of the views of the Convention :
Resolved, That this Convention offers
its sincere congratulations to the people
of this Commonwealth, and of the Uni
ted States at large, upon the rallying of
so large a majority of the people to the
principles of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, and the faith of the founders
of the Republic.
Resolved, That the triumph of the
Whig Democracy, as exhibited by the
majority in both houses of the General
Assembly of this Commonwealth, can
not be viewed as complete, until the Ex
ecutive branch of the government shall
be made to harmonize with the Legisla
Resolved, That having entire confi
dence in the political integrity and sound
Democratic Whig principles of General
JAMES IRVIN, of Centre county, as
exhibited in a long and active life—be
lieving his talents to be of the highest
order and fully equal to the due perfor
mance of any trust that may be reposed
in him by the people, and knowing his
public and private character to be pure
and unspotted, this Convention unani
mously recommend him to the people of
Pennsylvania as a suitable candidate for
the office of Governor of the Common•
Resolved, That in offering the name
of this distinguished citizen for the
.suffrages of the people of Pennsylvania,
we design to make no new issues as to
measures or principles, but adhering to
the ancient landmarks of the Democratic
Republican party, as established by the
Father of his country, by Jefferson, Mad
ison, and Monroe—the most prominent
of which are the protection of the Agri
cultural, the Mineral and the Menefee.
turing interests of this Commonwealth
and of the United States at large, against
the competition and hostility of foreign
nations, and pauper labor; especially of
England ; equal justice towards all na
tions but entangling alliance with none ;
—the supremacy of the people over
their servants—the restriction or control
of Executive power, and the preserva
tion of national prosperity and individ
ual happiness.
Resolved, That in the opinion of this
Convention, the people of Pennsylvania
—the practical men who are concerned
in - the prosperity of the Commonwealth,
the developement of its resources, and
the protection of its industry, have here.
tofore had from friends of candidates
enough of hollow profession for the par
ticular interests of the State, and are
called upon now to sustain a candidate
whose life and principles are pledged
for his faithful administration of public
affairs, as they are identified with the
prosperity of the people of Pennsylvania.
Resolved, That we have the fullest
confidence in the ability and integrity of
JOSEPH W. PATTON, presented to
the people by this Convention as a can
didate for the important office of Canal
Commissioner; and feel confident that
if elected, the happiest consequences
will result from a thorough change of
men and measures connected with the
public improvements of the Common
wealth, and the introduction of that en
ergy and economy so necessary for their
Resolved, That the Protection of Amer.
lean Manufactures, and the independence
of American labor, as they were the pol
icy of the %% higs before and during the
- Revolution, and their policy now : that
the Tariff of 1842 was the source of
unexampled prosperity to the country,
and that its repeal has been attended
with results detrimental to the true in
terests of all sections and classes.
Resolved, That if an addition to our
territory be desirable, it should not be
attained by injustice, nor Attended with
an extension of slavery ; that while we
respect and will sacredly observe every
compromise of the Constitution, we
believe that the interests of North and
South, the welfare of the race, and the
honor of the nation, demand that terri
tory should not be acquired for the pur
pose of an extension of slavery.
Resolved, That true democracy de
mands a jealousy of Executive power ;
that a renewal and continuance of the
power of a Chief Magistrate is corrupt•
ing and dangerous in its influence and
tendencies; that we recognize and adopt,
as the expressed will of the people, the
Resolved, That the thanks of the whole
nation are due to Major General TAYLOR,
and the brave officers under his corn
mind, for their distinguished conduct
in the present war, in the victories of
Palo Alto, Reseca de la Palma, and the
storming of Monterey; and that we
also view with a just pride the spirit
and alacrity With Which the men of
Pennsylvania have, iii nutnbers far be
yond a proportion of the State, respon
ded to the call of their country, and ral
lied under its victorious banner. It is
an earnest that the fame of our ancestors
will never be tarnished, and that Penn
sylvania is ever ready to do her duty.
Mr. DcrFiELD moved that the thanks
of the Convention be tendered to the
County Commissioners for the use of
the room. Adopted.
Mr. Mitts moved a vote of thanks to
the officers of the Convention. Adopted.
The Convention then adjourned sine'
The President, in pursuance of the re
solution to that effect, appointed the fol
lowing State committee:
JOHN C. KUNKEL, of Dauphin county.
WM. M. WATTS, Cumberland.
JOHN P. WETHERILL, Philadelphia city.
THOMAS *GRATH, Philada. county.
ROBERT M. BARD Franklin.
Tiros. M. T. M'KENNAN, Washington.
ANDREW J. OHLE, Somerset.
HARMAR DENNY, Allegheny.
RICHARD Venango.
JOSEPH H, KultNe, Westmoreland.
G. J. BALL, Erie.
H. 11, MAXWELL, Northampton.
J. B. SALISBURY, Susquehanna.
HENRY S. EvANs Cheater.
ROBERT T. POTTS, Montgomery
Mr. KUNICEL having declined being the
chairman of the committee, the Presi
dent thereupon appointed THOMAS E.
FRANKLIN, of Lancaster, in his place.
[From the North American.)
arrival of Gen. Scott—Vera Cruz report
ed as Evacuated by order of Santa anna
—Troops marched into the Interior—
✓lttacks threatened upon Saltillo, Mon
terey and Xatamoras.
WASHINGTON, March 8-9 P. M.
By the arrival of the schooner Delta,
at New Orleans on the Ist inst., dates
from Tampico to the 20th ult. have been
received. Gen. Scott had arrived there
the day previous.
It was reported that Vera Cruz had
been evacuated by order of Santa Anna,
and that the troops were marched into
the interior.
Mr. Lumsden, of the New Orleans
Picayune, writes from Tampico, on the
18th, that he has seen a letter from a
Mexican officer to a friend, dated San
Luis, Feb. 9th, which stated that Santa
Anna was to march on Saltillo prepara
tory to attacking Monterey. Gen. Ur
rea, with 5000 troops, was at Victoria,
and intended soon to march upon Mat
amoras. Both these attacks, the writer
anticipated, must prove successful, and
says, we will give the Yankees hot work
in the North while marching upon Vera
Cruz. The writer is Private Secretary
to Santa Anna.
It is pretty certain that Santa Anna
has arrived at Saltillo, and it is even re•
ported that he had engaged Gen. Tay
lor, but the latter was not believed to
be at Tampico. . _
General . Scott has issued orders to
regulate the punishment of all crimes
committed by Mexicans or Americans
not provided for by army rules, after
trial before a military commission, ac
cording to the laws of the United States.
Gen. Butler arrived at New Orleans—
Gen. Taylor at Saltillo—llgua Neuva
taken Possession of—Embarkation of
Gen. Worth's Division—Loss of the
Royal Mail Steamship Tweed—Sixty
persons lost.
The steam propellor Washington ar
rivied at New Orleans on the 26th ulti,
from the Brazos, which she left on the
23rd. General Butler came a passenger
--he was suffering so much from his
wound as to entirely disable him from
active service.
General Taylor had arrived at Sa lt►llo
with Briggs' and Thomas' batteries and
the Second Mississippi regiment on the
2d Feb. He has taken possession of
Aqua Nueva, and all the troops are to go
there, with the exception of a few who
remain in town.
There was no doubt that Gen. Minon
would yet cause considerable trouble.—
Gen. Taylor is very much in want of
light troops.
A letter from the Brazos, under date
of the 23d, published in the Picayune,
says that Gen. Taylor is busy making
water tanks and collecting train wagons
and pack mules. The enemy had left
that part of the country for parts un
known, but supposed in the direction of
Vera Cruz.
Gen. 'Worth's division had all am ,
barked, with the exception of the draz
goons and the light artillery batteries:
Gen. Worth had MOW' a day or two pre
vious in thd Steamer Editht
The AttreVida,arrived at New Orleans
from Campeaehyi and brings dates to
the 111th, She brings fields of the
wreck of the Royal Mail Steanier Tweed,
on the 12th of February, on the north
east end of Alcarnes, Sixty persons
were drowned. An expedition had been
sent froit Carripeachy to her assistance.
Ur. A letter front tt highly intelligent
and well informed gentleman at Paris,
says the National Intelligencer, dated
Jan. 30th, published in the Providence
Journal, say% that the writer was infor•
med a few ctLys since, on very high au•
thority, "that Paredes is in Paris, en•
deavoring, but without success, to en
tangle the French Government in the
affairs of Mefico ; that Paredes gives it
as his opinion that the Mexican war will
be a long one."
Da-Vermont has voted against the Li•
cerise Law. ' ' _
The Markers.
PHILADELPHIA, March 13, 1847
FLOUR AND .MEAL.—The Flour mar
ket has been rather quiet, and prices
have slightly receded since Monday.—
Sales of 5000 to 5500 brls at $5 875 a
$5 75 per brl ; principally at the latter
price, and a choice brand at $6. 1000
brls western, to arrive in May, at $5 50.
To-day some holders ask $5 875, but
others offer to sell at $5 75. Rye Flour
—Small sales at $4 75 pr bd. Corn
Meat—Demand limited. Sales of 300 Q
brls at $4 50 per brl.
GRAlN.—Wheat is not much inquired
for. Sales of 4500 bus good Penna red
to arrive by the canals at $1 25 pr bus.
Rye—Small sales at 80c. Corn is dull.
Sales of 4000 bus, Southern yellow at
80a81c. measure ' • 2000 Penna yellow at
84c for 56 lbs. Oats—Sales of South
ern at 41c.
ilAtilmottE, March 12, 1847.
Flour is quiet. Howard Street brands
held at $6, at which price there are sel
lers but no buyers.
Sales of 7000 bus prime white Corn
73a74c1 13000 bus prime yellow at 79a
80c. Corn meal at 131 37044 25.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons concernd
that the following named [means have nettled
their accounts in the Regiater'n office, at Hunting
don, and that the said accounts will be presented
for confirmation and allowance at an Orphans'
Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the
county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 14th
day of April next to wit s
1. Jonas Rudy, surviving Executor of George
Rudy, late of Barre township, dee'd.
2. Benjamin F. Patton, Administrator of Wil
liam Hunter, late of Warriorsmark township, dec'd.
3. Hiram Greenland and Benjamin Greenland,
Administrators of Joshua Greenland, late of Union
township, dec'd.
4. John Noll; Executor of George Along, late
of Warriorsmark township, dec'd.
6. George H. Steiner, one of the Executors of
Robert Moore, late of the borough of Huntingdon,
6. Abraham Taylor, Isaac Taylor ant! Jacob
Taylor, Executo a of John Taylor, late of Tod
townahip, dec'd.
7. Lewin Swinehart, Administrator of iJavid
Swinehart, late of Barren township, dec'd.
8. Jonathan J. Cunningham, Administrator of
John Mevey, late of Shirley township, deed.
9. Peter Sorrick, Guardian of Mary Ann Rhodes,
daughter of Christian Rhodes. late of Woodln rry
township, deed.
10. A ndrew Johnston, Guardian of David Miller,
Sarah Ann Miller and William Miller, minor child
ren of James and Elisabeth Miller, of Dublin town
Register's Office, Hun- 2 3 ,
tingdon, March 21, 1847. 5
AGOOD .MOULDER is wanted at
the Alexandria Foundry. A mar
ried man, of industrious and sober ha
bits, and thoroughly acquainted with his
business, will find constant employment,
by making immediate application to the
undersigned. I. &H. GRAFIUS,
ml7-3t] illexandria, Hunt. co., Pa.
WILL be cold at the house of John Montgom
ery, in the village of Cassville, in Cass twp.,
Huntingdon county, on
Saturday, the 21th day of .March, 1847,
at 12 o'clock, all the right, title and interest ofJacob
M. Cover, of, tp, or in, a certain tract or parcel of
land in Dublin township, Bedford county, suppo
sed to contain about tria: hurdred atres, more or
less; with a dwelling house, barn,Grist-mill, saw
mill, and other improvements thereon ; about one
hundred and fifty acres more or less, cleated ; being
the same property owned and occupied for many
years by Wm. M. Lane, and from which he lately
removed. The purchaser will be required to pay
the purchase money in hand, or to give his Judg
ment Bond, with approved security, payable in
three months with Interest.
m3-3t] .gasignees of Jacob M. Cover ,
B. Z. W1LL1.A.5211,
Venitian Blind Manufacturer,
No. 12 North Sixth Street, (a few doors
above .Market St.) Philada.
- ETAS now on hand the largest and most fashion
-1 able assortment of Narrow Slat and other
Venetian Blinds of any establishment in the lint..
ted States, which he will cell, wholesale and re.
tail, at the lowest prices.
The citizens of II untingdon are respectfully so.
Belted to call on him before purchasing elsewhere,
as he Is confident of giving entire satisfaction to all
who may thus favor him with a call.
Old Blinds Repainted and Trimmed co tie to look
equal to new. _ _ . _
Orders punctually attended to, and the Blind.
forwarded with despatch.
tnlo-3m] IL J. WILLIAMS.
SHIP.—The copartnership hereto
fore Misting, under the name of WM. SWAIM &
SON, was dissolved on the 21st of July last, by
the decease of the said Wm. Swaim, and the busi
ness Is Ho*, and will be in future, conducted exclu
sively by the subscriber, who lute had the eole
charge of the manufacturing of the Panacea and
Vermifuge for the last 14 years.
The Panacea Will be put up as usual in round
bottles, fisted longitudinally, with the following
letters on the glass- ,, ,hweim's Panacea, Philada."
and the only change made is the name of JAS.
SWAIM stamped bh the sealing wax, and written
on the label covering the cork, and a new label for
the side of the bottle, composed of geometric lathe
work, comprising nine different dies, which have
been turned for the exclusive use of the proprietor,
by Draper & 0., bank note engravers of Philadel
phia. Four dies of different patterns form the body
of the work, and In the antra is a portrait of the
late Wm. Swaim, separated from the borders by
two circles of lathe work. The words tt Swaim's
Panacea," are engraved coilapicuously on two turn
ed strips, end a large semi-circular die forms the
upper margin. The borders are composed of plain
lathe work strips, outside of Which is engraved in
small letters the entry of the copyright.
Philadelphia, Auguet, 1848.
For the cure of Scrofula, General De•
bility, White Swelling, Rheum.
tistn, Diseases of the Liver and
Skin, and all Diseases arising
from Impurities of the blood
or the effects of Mercury,
CI WAIM'S Panacea has been for more
►J than 25 years celebrated in the coun
try and Europe for its extraordinary curse—tor the
certificates of which reference is made to the direc
tions and books (which may be had gratis) accom
panying the Panacea. _
It has been used in hospital and private practice,
and has had the singular fortune of being recom
mended by the most celebrated physicians and other
eminent persons. Among others, by
W. (Aeon, M. D. professor of Surgery, Penna.
University; Valentine Mott, M. D. professor of
Surgery, N. Y. University ; W. P. Dewees, M. D.
professor of Midwifery, Pa. University; N. Chap
man, M. D. professor of Physic, Pa, University ;
T. Parke, M. D. president of College of Physicians,
Philada.; Dr. Del Valle, Professor of Medicine,
Havana ; Jose Lourenco de Luz, professor of Sur
gery, Lisbon; J. Chipman, Member of Royal Col
lege of Surgeons. London; G. W. Irving, late Mi
nister to Spain ; Sir Thomas Pearson, Major Gen
eral British Army ; Gilbert Robertson, British Con
sul, &c.
And also, the wonderful cures effected by
Panacea have for many years made it an invaluable
remedy. The panacea does not contain mercury
in any form, and being an innocent preparation, it
may be given to the most tender infant.
The retail price hue been reduced to $1 50 per
bottle (containing three half pints), or time bottles
fat $4.
AL.—Swarm's Venmipuoc, a valuable family
medicine, being a highly app , oved remedy for all
diseases arising from Debility of the Digestive Or
gans, such as Worms, Cholera Mullins, Dysoitery,
Fever and Ague, Bleeding, Piles, Sick Headache,
&c. See the pamphlet (which may be had gratis)
accompanying the Vermifuge. Prepared at Swaim.
Laboratory, Seventh street, below Chesnut , Phila
delphia, and for sale by all respectable Druggists in
the United' States.
agents—New York : H. H. Schielelin
_ _
& Co. London,
Eng. : Evans & Leach.
er. Liverpool,Eng.: Evans, Son & Co.
Havana : L. G. Melizet. Valparaiso!
Alex. Bross. Buenos Ayres: 0. Hayes
& Co. St. Thomas: A. H, Rise. Can
ton : J. Swords. Sandwich Islands: E.
L. Benson. Calcutta: Huffnagle & Co.
Philadelphia, March l7 , 1847. 2m
Tile Girard Life Insurance, .Innuity and
n•ust Company of Philadelphia.
Capital s3oo,ooo—Charter Perpotual.
Orrrez-159 Chesnut Street.
CONTINUE to make Insurance on Lives, grant
Annuities and Endowments, and to accept
Trusts from Individuals. Corporate Bodies, and
Courts of Justice, and execute them agreeably to
the desire of the parties; and receive Deposit. of
Money in Trust and on I serest.
The Company add a Bonus at stated periods to
the Insurances for Life. The first bonus was up.
propriated in December, 1844, amounting to ten
per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poli
cies to per cent., 73- per cent. &c.; on others in
proportion to the time of standing; making an ad
dition of WO, $B7 50, $75, &c., on every ji,1,000
originally insured.
The ()iteration of the bonus will be seen by the
following examples from the Life Insurance Regis
ter of the Company, thus:
Amt. of Policy & Ho
Bonus or nus payable at party's
Policy. Sum Med addition decease.
No. 58 1,000 100 1,100
89 2,500 250 2,750
204 4,000 400 4,400
276 2,000 175 2,176
333 5,000 437 50 5,437 50
Rates for insuring $lOO on a single life:
Ago. For 1 year. For 7years, For Life,
annually. annually.
20 $0 01 $0 95 $1 77
30 1 31 1 36 2 36
40 1 69 1 93 3 20
50 1 96 2 09 4 60
60 4 35 4 91 7 00
Example :---A person aged 30 years next birth
day, by paying the Company $1 31, would secure
to his family or heirs $lOO, should he die in one
year; or for $l3 10 he secures to them $1,000: or
for $l3 GO annually for seven years, he secures to
them $l,OOO should he die in seven years or for
$23 60 paid annually during life, he provides
$lOOO whenever he dies; for $65 50 they would
receive $5,000 should he die in one year.
Further 'macula a respecting Life insurance,
Trusts, &c., may be had at the Office.
H. W. RICHARD'., President.
MO. 17. JA MES, Actuary.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1847. • 6m
T ETTERS of administration having
been granted to the subscribers upon
the estate of John Rumbarger, late of
Warriorsrnark township, decd., all per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby requested to present them,
without delay, properly authenticated,
for settlement; and all persons indebted
to the estate, are notified to make imme
diate payment,
Warriorernark tp. Hunt. co.
tut7.6t) Harris tp. Centre co. Aden's.
ViTHBREAS;by precept to me directed, dated
et Huntingdon, the 24th day of January,
one iltdurtend eight hundred and forty-seven, under
the hander end Seals of the ficti. Abraham S. Wil
son, Presidehl oT the CotTtt of Common Pleas,
Oyer and Terminer rind general jail delivery of the
20th judicial diettiet of Pennsylvania, composed of
the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union,
and the Hone. Janice Otvin and John Stewart, hie
mociates, judges of the county of Huntingdon,
justices kasigned, appointed, to hear, try, and de
termine all and every indictmentsand presentment.,
made or taken fur or concerning all crimes, which
by the laws of the State are made capital or felon
ies of death and other offences, crimes and misde
meanors, which have been, or shall be committed
or perpetrated within said county, er all persons
who are or shall hereafter be committed M be per
pet, aced, for crimes aforesaid, I am coninfonded to
make public proclamation throughout my whole
bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of
Common Please and Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Cow House, in the borough of Hunting
don, on the second Monday (and 12th day) of
April next, and those who will prosecute the
said prlsonere, be then and there to prosecute them
las it shall lie just, and that all justices of the peace,
coroner and constables within the said county, he
then and there in their proper peraono,at 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions,
examinations and rememhrances,to do those things
I which to their offices respectively appertain.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 29th day of January,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-seven, and the 70th year of Ameri
can Independence.
thetyingd9n, March 17, 1847. 5
PROC L 4.41,4 TIO.N. -
Common to
Please directed
countthey ty
W I R le j s A o7 t b lie
of Huntingdon, bearing test the 24th day of Janu
ary, A. D. 1847, 1 am commanded to make public
proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick theta
Court of t :oilmen Pleas will be held at the Court
House in the borough of Huntingdon, in the coon ,
ty of Huntingdon, on the third Monday . (and 19th
day) of April, A. D. 1847, for the trial of all
issues in said court, which remain undetermined
before the said judges, when and where all jurors.
witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all said issues
are required.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 24th day of January,
A. D. 1847, and the 70th year of American Inde
Huntingdon, March 17, 1847.5
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
LETTERS Patent bearing date the 25th day of
February A. D. 1847 having been blotted by
the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the
General A seembly of said (knnuronwealth, entitled
An Act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Compay,".
Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned
being a majority of the acing Commissioners, have
and do hereby appoint a meeting of the subscribers
to the Capital Stock of said Company to be held
on Tuesday, the 30th day of March, A. D. 1847,
at 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Room of the Board of
Trade, No. 28, Philadelphia Exchange, in the City
of Philadelphia, in order to organize said Comps
ny, and then and the re to elect thirteen Directors
of said Company agreeably to the provisions of said
Act of Assembly.
Thomas P. Cope T. M. Pettit
Robert Toland Geo. M. Stroud
David S. Brown H. M. Watts
James Magee Philip M. Price
George W. 'Poland Robert Flinn, Jr,
J. Fisher Learning Wm. Musser
H. R. Kneass T. C. Roekhill
Geo. W. Carpenter John S. Cash
Elliott Cresson
Robert Allen
C. G. Childs
Robert Steen
Charles S. Wood C. MacaJester
Hugh Campbell E. A. Penniman
John B. Myers Alex. Fullerton
A. G. Ralston Edward Siter
Gideon Scull Archibald Wright
A. S. Roberts Henry Wel s h
Wm. C. Patterson John M. Atwood
B. M. Hinchman A. J. Lewis
John Welsh, Jr. . Nathaniel Trotter
Townsend Sharpless James Martin
Thomas Sparks John J. McCahati
Charles Humphreys Hugh Catherwood
John (1. Miles A. P. Wilson
John McCahan.
March 10, 1817.
BY virtue of a writ of Plu. Vend. Exp. now in
my hands, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Huntingdon county, I will sell at the Pub
lic House of Joseph Hammer in Holidaysburg,
Blair county, on Wednesday the 24th day of March
next, at 2 o'clock P. M. the following described
property, viz: . . _
All that lot of ground situate in the borough of
Gaysport, fronting 120 feet on the south-west side
of Bedford street, and extending from said street
along Newry atreeet 190 feet to an alley, thence
along said alley 45i feet to a lot of Mrs. Longen
ecker, and thence along said lot 180 feet more or
less, to Bedford street—having a two story brick
dwelling house and a frame stable thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of John Lytle.. _ _
. . .
Stiff e Office, Huntingdon,
March, 9, A. D. 1847.
D v. virtue of two write of ?lend Exp. in my
I) hands, I will sell at the Public House ofJos.
Hammer in Hollidaysburg Borough, on Thursday
25th day of March, instant, at 2 o'clock P. M. the
following described real estate, viz
All that certain lot or parcel of ground situate
in the town of Duncansville (Blair county) fronting
75 feet on the north side of the Turnpike Road and
extending back 180 feet more or le•s--..bounded on
the west by a let of Daniel Stayley, end on the east
by Water Street—having a good two story brick
dwelling house and a frame blacksmith shop there
on erected.
Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold ae
the property of George F. Stover, dee'd—now in
the hands of Mifhael Stover and George M. Ayres,
his Executor,.
Shlr's Office, Huntingdon, }
March 3, A. D. 1847.
ALL persons interested, are hereby notified, that
Jacob Shinefelt, committee of John hhinefelr,
a'lunatic, has filed in the Prothonotary's office of
Huntingdon county, his account of the execution
of said trust, which will be presented to the Court
of Common Pleas of said county for confirmation
on the second Monday of April next.
110. N Prothonotary .
To Me Court of Quarter Sessions of Hun
tingdon county, at ..9pril Session, 1847:
SHE petition of Samuel Ste ff ey f of
I Jackson township ; in the enutity of
ti untingdon, respectfully sheieeth i That your pa
taionn is desirous of keeping a public house of
tbVern in the hones he now occupies, being in *air/
Jackson township, on the road leading from Pine
Grove to Lewistown, and from Nett s mill, by way
of Marblehead, to LeWistowl.—that he has provi ,
ded himself with necessaries for the convenience
and accommodation of arrangers and travellers.—
He therefore prays your bonnet to giant firm a li
cense to keep a house of public entertainment in
said house, and he will, &e.
Wr the undersigned, citizens of Jackson town
ship, hereby certify, that the house noce kept by
Simnel Stelfey as an inn or tavern in Jackson tp.,
is necessary to accommodate the public, and enter•
tern strangers and travellers, and that the said Saar ,
net Steffey is of good repute for honesty and tern. ,
potence. andji's well prepared with house room and
eoirveniences for the accommodation of strangers
and travelleri.
George Wilson, John Stain, JOhn Fa
gan,- John Wilson, Lewis Evans, George
Rudy; Wm. Mears, William Goodwin,
Wm. D; Rankin; John McClelland; John
Dickey, Michael Henninger, Rau. Wil ,
son, Henry Rudy, Matthias Lightner,
jr., John Biechdal. mlO-3t
To the Court Of Quarter Sessions of Hun•
tingdon county; at idpril Session, 184.7:
THE petition of Alexanda Carinon i of
the borough and county of Hunting•
don, respectfully represents: That he is desirotls
of keeping an inn or tavern in the house now oc
cupied by him, for the ensuing year—that said
house is situated in the borough and chanty of
Huntingdon, on the corner of the Diamond, in
Main street and has been kept by him as a public
house for many years past—that he is well provi
ded with every necessary for the accommodation of
the public and entertaining stranprs and travelers.
He therefore prays the the honorable court to
grznt him a license for mini purpose, and he Will
ever pray, &c. A LEXR. CA tIM ON:
11'e the undersigned, citizens of the borough of
Huntingdon, and county of Huntingdon, do certi
fy, that such len or tavern above preyed for by Al
exander Commit, its tire House °carried by him as
an inn or tavern for many years past, is necessary
to accommodate the public and entertain strangers
and travellers, and that the said applicant is a marl
of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and conveniences
for the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
Frederick Krell, Gem A. Steel, Benj.
J. Xough, W. S. Hildebrand, C. B. Wil
son, Wm. Steel, David Colestock, Sand.
Steel, Jno. Armjtage,.E. M. Jones, Pe
ter LivingSion, J. Williamson, C. Couts.
To the Court of Quarter Sessions of Hurt
thigdon county ; at 4pril Session, 1847 t
ri"HE petition of Joseph Forrest re•
speetfully represents That your
petitioner occupies that forge and commodious
house situated in the borough of Petersburg, in the
county of Huntingdon, Whith is calculated for a
public house of entertainment, and from its neigh•
borhood and situation is suitable as well as neces
sary rot the accommodation of the public and the
entertainment of strangers and travellers—that he
is provided with stabling and all convenic cee ne•
cessary for the entertainment of stranger. and tea
veller6—that he has occupied said house as a
cbnped inn from the Ist of April last past, and is
desirous of continuing the same. He therefore
prays the court to grant him a license to keep an
inn or public house of entertainment In said house,
and he will ever pray &c. JOSEPH FORREST.
We the subscrtbere, citizens of the borough of
Petersburg, in sold county of Huntingdon, in
which the above nienlioned house prayed to be
licensed is proposed to be kept, do certify, that Jo
seph Forrest, the above named petitioner, is a man
of good iepute for honesty and temperance—that
he le well provided with house room, stabling and
conveniences for the lodging and accommodation
of strangers snd travellers, and that such inn or
tavern Is necessary to accommodate the public and
entertain swingers and travellers.
Jno. R. Hunter, John Westbrook, R.
F. Hobbs, Daniel Updyke, Wm. C. Mc-
Cauley, Roswell Wright, James Temple,
Geo. Updyke, Albert Owen, William P.
Hamilton, Henry Neville, Geo. Barker,
James Murphy. [ml0-3t
To the Court of Quarter Sessions of Hun.
tingdon county, at april Session, 1847:
pHE petition of Peter Livingston, of
I the borough of Huntingdon, in the
county of Huntingdon, respectfully represent. :
That he is desirous of continuing to keep a public
house cf entertainment, called an Inn or Tavern.
in the said borough, and that Bald Inn or Tavern is
necessary to accommodate the public, end enter
tain strangers and traveilere.
We, the undersigned. citizens of the belong!' of
Huntingdon, hereby certify, that the house now
kept by Peter Livingston, as an Inn or Tavern in
said borough, is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers, and
that the said Peter Livingston is of good • repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided
with house room and other conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
Win. Stewart, C. A.. Newingham, T.
K. Sitnonton, Geo. Jackson, Thos. Fish
er, A. Cannon, James Saxton, Jno. Fock
ler, J. Williamson, W. S. Africa, Wm.
A. Saxton, Geo. A. Steel, E. MJones,
Wm. Johnston. Jno. Creaswell, Jno. Ar
mitage. m3-3t J
THE Conimonwealth of Penney!.
,) vania to Ann Vernon, late of the court
..! ..-. ', .., ty aforesaid, Greeting: WriEnEss,
1 ' Abraham Verne' did, on the seventh
it day of March, 1846, present his Peti
tion and Libel to the Hon. James Gwin, one of the
Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas
of the county aforesaid, praying for the causes
therein set forth, that he might be divorced from
the bonds of matrimony entered into with you, the
said Ann Varnes, and praying also a divorce for
further cause set forth in his amended Libel filed in
said Court at January term last past, We do
therefore command you, the said Ann Varnes that,
setting aside all other business and excuses whatso
ever, you be and appear in your proper person, be
fore our Judges at Huntingdon, at a Court of
Common Pleas, there to bo held for the said coun
ty, on the second Monday of April next, to answer
the Petition and Libel of the said Abraham Verne..
and chew cause if any you have, why the said
Abraham Verne., your husband, should not be di
vorced from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably to
the act of Assembly in such me made and provi
ded,—whereof fail not. Witness the Hon. Abra
ham 8: Wilson, Esquire, President of our said
Court at Huntingdon. the 20th due of January, A.
D. 1817. [natri JAMES STEEL, Prothy.