HU)TI\GDO\ JOUR)AL BY • JAMES CLARK :] VOL. XII, NO. 11. rf2 , cs•zr.=xas. The "JectINAL" will he published every Wed nes I ty morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No I uhseripion received fora shorter period than Six .n mths, nor any paper discontinued'till all ar rearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square,will he Inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quelt insertion 25 cents. If no definite °Hersey° given as to the time an advertisement is to be con tinu :id, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charg ed se mrdingly. n::).V. B. PALM E 'l, Esq., is authorized to ae as Agent for this procure qultscriptions and a,teertise.nente in Philadelphia, New York, Baldc more and Boston. OFFICES: Phi! alelphia—Number 59 Pine street. Ballimore-8. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal vert streets. N.tro York—Number 160 Nassau street Boston—Number 16 State street. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS, STEAM IRON RAILING FACTORY, RIDGE ROAD, - Above Buttonwood Street, Philada. Alhis establishment may he found the greatest 11. sari tty of Plans and beautiful Patterns of 11W N RA ILINGi in the United State., to which the attention of those in want of any description, and especially for Cemeteries, is particularly insi. tad. The principal part of all the handsome Railings at Lau, el Hill, Monument, and other celebrated Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia, which have been so highly extolled by the public press, were executed at this manufactory. A large Wareroom in connected with the estab lishment, where is kept constnntly on band a large stock of ready etude hen Railing., Ornamental Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and orna mental Iron Oates, with an extensive assortment of Iron Posta, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &c. Mao in grcat variety, Wrought, and I, ant Iron Ornr menta, suilahle for Railings and other purposes. The subscriber would also state . that in his Pot tern snd Designing Department he has employed some of the hest talent in the country, where con stant attention is devoted to the business--forming altogether one of the most complete and systematic establishments of the kind in the Union. ROBERT NA 00D. Proprietor. Ridge Road. shove Buttonwood et. Philadelphla. F..b. 3, IR47—Rm HOVER'S FIRST PREMIUM INK. NO. S 7 North Third Street, Philadelphia. rpHE celebrity of the INKS manufactured by the subscriber, and the extensive sales consequent spun the high reputation which they have attained not only through the United States, but in the West Indies and China, has induced him to make every necessary arrangement to supply the vast demand upon his establishment. lie it now prepared, with every variety of Black. Blue and Red Inks, Copying Ink, indelible Ink, and Ink Powder, all prepared under his own personal superintendence, so that purchasers may depend upon its superior quality. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, emu periar article fur needing Glass, China, Cabinet Ware &c.. useful to every housekeeper, being a whi!e liquid, easily applied, and not affected by or, Binary heat—warranted. Pamphlets containing the numeroua testi monial* of men of science and others, will he fur wished to purchasers. ,For sole at the Manufactory, Wholesale and Re tail. No. lit 7 North Third Street, opposite Cherry street. Philadelphia, by JOSE P• t HOVER, jy27: 47-y] IRON COMMISSION HOUSE, m HE undersigned continue the Iron rommissien busbies, for the Sale of all kinds of IRON, at NO. 109 dVortlt Water Street, Philada. The❑ long experience in the Iron Trade, and their extensive arquaintnnre with consumers and Ideate. throughout the United States. gives them the advantage or °knitting the highest market priced. And their business being confined exc sleety to the Iron trade. enables them to gire it their entire attention. tn"' All consignments will receive prompt attention. (f•h24.6m) ORRICK & CAMPBELL, N.t. 109 \\inter el., & 54 N. Wharves. Philada. DRITC al DRUGS! DRUM! THOMPSOX 4 CR4WFORD, WHOLESA LE DREGGIIITS, .71" o. 40 .Market Street, Philada. OFFERi for sale a large stock of Flesh Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuff\ to which they call the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers visiting the city. . . Coach. Cabinet, Japan, Black, end other Var nishes, of a superior quality. Also, Al bite and Red Load, Window Glass, Paints and Oila--cheap •r than ever. (;:? &C. are also proprietors of the Indian Vegetable Datum, celebrated throughout theit own and neighboring State. es the best preparation for the cu eof Coughs. Colds, Asthma, &c. Money refunded in every instance where no benefit is re alised. [Philodulphia, jan27-6m Brooms, Buckets and Cedar Ware. MAALV ItO%VE, No. 63 North Third et. 2d door above Arch, PAILADELPRIA. Tam enabled this fall to o ff er an unusually large jaesortment of the above articles. Also—Willow and French Baskets and Coaches, Wash Hoards, Matta, Clo'hes.pins, Nest tither, Wood I 4 owls & Trays, Boston Minds, ieltleti, Oil l'aste Blacking, Shoe tirualtes, Clamps, Hand Scribe, W all 13 ruehea, Dusters, &c. and Wooden wale of every descrip tion. Country Merchants will take notice that as I am now manufacturing extensively, and receiving di rectly from the Eastern Factories, I can furnish the Fall Trade with superior goods at prices greatly re duced froia what I have hitherto been felling. b!ep. 16, '46. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT BARGAIN IN HATS & CAPS , 4t the old established cheap Hat and Cap Store, No. 196 Market street, sec ond door below Sixth, Philada. WE extend a general invitvtion to the citizen. of Huntingdon and its vicinity, as well as to all others, to our store. We have on hand a large and complete assortment of Hats and l spa of every style and variety, which we are selling full one fourth lower than the usual prices, namely : Extra Supertor Beaver Hata, from $2.50 to $350 " . 4 2.00 to 3. 00 II i. Silk II " 1.25 to 2.00 rr Moleskin" " 2.50 only. Good Hots as low as $1.26 and upwards. Also, a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glazed. silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps; fine Otter, Shetland Fur Seal, NI usk Rat, Hair Seal Caps, &c. &c., at lower prices than they can possibly be had elsewhere. From our extensive sales, we can sell, for ■ smaller profit than others can. Call and be satisfied, it is to your interest. Merchants, Storekeepers, Hatters and others,who buy to sell again, supplied on reasonable terms.— Be sure and call at No. 196 Market Street, second door below sixth Street. GARDEN & BROWN. Septerduer 1, 1846. LINN, SMITH & CO., (Successors to Potts, Linn dr Harris,) 11011.18% ALE D UGGI %TS, No. 2131 Market Street, Philada. KEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Surgical Instru ments, Oils, l'ainis, Varnishes, Window Class, Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, &c. &c., all of which they offer to country merchants, sod others, on the most advantageous terms. All orders, by letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest care and despatch. CLADDW, B. LINN. HOR • CE P. SNTH. ALEANDER MORGAN. febl 7.6m] HARRIS, TURNER & IRVIN, WHOLESALE ZICOUaV-TCM . C1:3•13 91 3 4 ,e No. 201 Market Street, one door above Fifth, North Side, Philadelphia. IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, C DEMI. ALS, Patent Medi cines, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggist.' Glassware, Window Glass. Paint., Oils. Dyes, Perfumery, &c. Druggist., country Merchants and Physicians, supplied with the above articles on the moot favora ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or ders. Every article warranted. JOIIN HARRIS, M. D., sept 23. JAS. A. TURNER, It te of Va. WM. IRVIN. M. 1). 011311APEOT IN TEM WORLD. Steam Refined Sugar Candies-12i cents per pound, Wholesale, r J. R1(111 A fiIISON, No 42 Market street. FHILAASLPHIA. itikVß *OUre iu informing the public. that he still continUes to Fell his very Superb), Stearn Refined Candy at the lon ion eof $ .2.50 per 100 pounds, and the quality is equal to any manufactured in the United States._ e also otters all kinds of goods in the Confec tionary and Frail line at coriesponding low pikes. as quick stales and small profits ere the order of the day. ball or send your orders. and you cannot fail to he satl4e,i. Don't forget the number, 4 MAR KET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. J. J. RICHARDSON. September I, 1846. za::..l..%mßabuarzczt. a MICK & 1111001tE, 254. Market Street, Philadelphia, LI AVE constantly on hand every description 0! 11 Clothing. all of which are cut, trimmed and made in a manner not to he surpassed, and are war ranted cheaper than the same quality of Goods in any other establishment in the United State,— Also, every description of GENTLExtres Fyn r: Ririe Goons at reduced prices. Those visiting the city will find it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing else, here. sept3o- v. BUCK & MOORE. Steam Umbrella Manufactory. JV'o. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia. WM. H. RICHARDSON, in addition to anti ous other improvements. has applied Steam l'owe , to the to mufacture of UMBRELLAS, and is enabled to sell them at very lOW prices. Merchants are invited to call and see kin Works and examine the assortment. (nos 18-4 M Sohn Scott, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LA W: Huntingdon. Pa.— Has removed his (Alice in the middle room of Snare's Row," directly opposilen.neu ur tries store where he will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he may he entrusted in H untingdon or the adjoining counties. Huntingdon Sept. 23,1846. George Taylor' ATTORNEY AT LA W--Attends to practice in the Orphan.' Court, riming administrators accounts, Scricening, &c. Office in the diamond, 'tree doors east of the Exchange Hotel." f.,1)2H-'44 S. Steel Blair, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Will attend attend In all business entrusted to his care in Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana coon.. ties. 81,03-'4B A. W. Benedict, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Oflico nt his old residence in !Main street, a few doors west of the old I curt House. He will attend to any business entrusted to him in the see r. al Courts of Huntingdon end adjoining counties. Z. Sewell Stewart, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Office in Main [overt, five doors west of Mr Huiry's jewelry estst,liohment. 1 USi'LCE'S blanks of all kinds for sale at this effi,e. CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED BY TRUTH HUNTINGDON, PA., MARCH 17, 1847. POETICAL, STRIVE ON. Strive on—the ocean ne'er wan crossed, Repining on the shore; A Nation's Freedom ne'er was won When Sloth the banner bore. Strive on—'tin cowardly to shrink AA hen dangers rise around; 'Ti. 'tweeter far, though linked with pain, To gain the vantage ground. Bright names ere on the roll of Fame, Like stars they shine on high; They may he hid with brighter ram But never, never Mel And these were lighted 'mid the gloom Of low obscurity; Struggling through years of pain and toil, And joyles, poverty. But strive—this world's not all a waste, A wilderness of care; Green spots are on the field of life, And flowerets blooming fair. Then strive— but oh ! let Virtue he The guardian of your aim! Let pure, unclouded love illume The path that leads to Fame! GENTLE WORDS. A young Rose in summer time Is beautiful to me, And glorious the many stars That glimmer on the see. But gentle words and loving hearts And hands to clasp my own, Are better than the brightest flowers Or stars that ever shone. The run may warm the Grass to life, The Dew, the drooping flower, And eyes grow bright and watch the light Of Autumn's opening hour— But words !bat breathe of tenderness, And smiles we know are true, Are warmer than the summer time, And brighter than the dew. It is not much the world con give, With all it. subtle art, And Gold or Gems are not the things To satisfy the Heart: But oh ! if those who cluster round The altar and the hearth, Have gentle words and loving smiles, How beautilut is earth! MISCELLANEOUS. GAMBLING AND INTEMPERANCE. A TRUE STORY. DT J. a. OPENS. TUN UNFORMED OADIDLIII These two evils have spread more de solation among the human family, than all other causes combined. They have been pregnant with ruin to thousands upon thousands of our fellow creatures; and fortunate is he who escapes their contaminating influences. It is impos sible to estimate the amount of moral degradation produced by such destruc tive and prevailing agencies. The cas tle of the prince, and the humble house of the dny laborer have alike been the scene of their ruinous operations. Fashionable society has much to an swer for in the creation of these vices. The evil examples set by those who are regarded for their wealth, not worth, has exercised a pernicious influence upon the poorer portion of the community, who are too much disposed to ape the follies of the great. This is not as it should be. Because the possessor of wealth, or of power, sees proper to devi ate from the strict ine of truth and so briety, it is, certainly, no valid reason for the man without money or distinc-1 tion to do so. Vice, though " clothed in purple," must, at the final day of reck oning, be held strictly accountable for all its misdeeds ; and a wicked example will not be among the least. Spirited and laudable efforts have been made for the suppression of intem perance; and it is a gratifying fact that this alarming evil is on the decrease.— But GAMBLING, its t*in brother in deeds of darkness, has not received that atten tion from society generally, which its importance, as an agent of evil, demands. I Intemperance is frequently the cause of gambling, but invariably when it is not the cause, it is the consequence. That ' is, a man may become a drunkard, and afterwards, probably, a gambler ; but when the vice of gambling prevails first, that of drunkenness is sure to follow. I have seen much of this world, and have drained the cup of sin to its very dregs. I have reflected much upon the ocigin and support of crime as it exists amongst us; and an experience of 12 years in vicious practices assures me that I am not mistaken when I charge the higher classes of society with being the supporter, if not the originator, of three-fourths of the moral evils that af flict the civilized world. This may, to some, seem a bold charge, but I firmly believe it to be a true one. Who are they that countenance and frequent re sorts of public amusement, the predom inating features of which are licentious ness 1 Who are they that suffer to ex ist among them houses in which mil lions of their fellow-beings are destroy ed, both body and soul 1 Who are they that can remove these foul excrescences from the fair face of God's earth 1 Who are they that can work this mighty change, producing as its blessed result, the happiness and salvation of myriads'! To these interrogatories I answer, the higher or better portions of society.— What a fearful responsibility rests upon them! Many persons are indifferent to the preValenite of vice, provided it does not stain their own skirts. They shrug their shoulders, and care for none but them selves. They thank their God that they are not as other men. Their feeling of brotherhood embraces only their own fa mily circle and connexions. If they, their children, and relations, are only safe from the temptation of sin, their mission is accomplished—their work is done; and they quietly fold their arms, regardless of the tears, the groans, the agonies of an innumerable number of their distressed brethren, suffering—aw fully suffering—from the sting of sin. They forget that the whole human fami ly ought to be united together by ties of parental feeling; that no selfish distinc tion of self, or kindred, should induce them to appreciate their own happiness by the wretchedness of others. Often does God rebuke them for thus narrow ing down their sympathies. As illustrative of the fact, that no man's offspring can be considered safe from the allurements of vice, so long as vice exists, I will relate an incident that came under my personal knowledge. In 1837 I was in the company of a gambler who resided at B—. v e took passage at W—, in a stage-coach for that place. There were several other passengers. My comrade and myself endeavored to make ourselves as enter taining as possible to the rest of the company; by this we designed finding out the strong features of their charac ters, and if any proved to be fit victims for the wiles of the gambler, we would, when opportunity offered, pounce upon them. One passenger was so much un der the influence of liquor that we gave ap all idea of making any headway with him. He did not seem to know that he was drunk : denounced the use of liquor except for medicinal purposes: said that he took it solely for the benefit of his health. It was very evident to the rest of us that he did not take it in Homeo pathic doses. With the other passen gers we were quite unsuccessful in our attempts to engage them in conversation. We then conversed together upon vari ous subjects; but little attention was paid us, except that the drunken man would frequently contradict our asser tions, or affirm the truth of them, just as his humor pleased. One of the pas sengers was a venerable looking man. He appeared to have a great aversion to card laying, or gambling or intempe rance. We discovered his distaste for these horrible vices by a few remarks made by him. He disapproved of card playing even for amusement. I said that "young people must have amusement, and that none are safe from vice—all are in danger." The old gentleman denied the correct ness of my assertion. He said that "if children be properly educated, there is no danger of them becoming gamblers or drunkards." I replied that "he was right, if he meant a religious education, and that but few had received such—that the rich and fashionable part of the commu nity generally, have neither a religious nor a moral education—that wealth su percedes the use of morality in the rich man—that his gold covers a thousand offences, which, if committed by a poor man, would procure him the censure of the world, and the loss of his liberty." Our conversation ended. IVe reach ed B-, where I left my companion. In 184 , 0, I visited 13- again. I went to a fashionable gambling house in C street, kept by the gambler of whom I have spoken. A large game of faro was being played. The gamblers were very successful, and consequently in good spirits. Among the visiters there, I observed a young man of splendid ap• peurance, apparently in his twentieth year. He was accompanied by several others. He desired the gambler who kept the establishment, to furnish him with a basket of Champagne. This was done. They retired to a private room to drink it. In the course of an hour, they got very noisy, so much so, that it was necessary to get rid of them. The game was closed, and they passed through the gambling room, hallooing at the tops of their voices. As they left, my gambling friend ask ed me, "if I knew the young man at the head of them." I said that "I did not." "Do you not recollect," said he, "the old gentleman who got so offended at you when you and I were coming over the mountains in 18371" I do." "Do you recollect his argument, that a rural education is a sure preventive against vice; that he had but one child —a son—that the principles of morality were so instilled into him, that it would be impossible for him to err ;—that he apprehended no danger of his becoming a gambler or drunkard I" "I do." "The leader of that band of young bacchanalians, is the hopeful boy so highly extolled by his father—and that father is the person with whom you had the controversy in the stage." "Are you not mistaken 2" said I. "No, I am not," replied he. I was much surprised at his informa• tion, and said " how easy it is for a per son to be mistaken. I thought the old man was a minister of the gospel." " So he was," said he. I then inquired, "if his father knew he dissipated in this way 1" "His father has been dead a year, and his mother about three months. He is the only child—is quite wealthy, and withal, a very clever fellow." "Does lie gamble 1" said I. " No, not yet ; he only visits the gam. bling room to take his wine sprees ; but you know, as well as myself, what will follow in a short time." I left B- some few days afterwards, without seeing or hearing from these promising youths. In the latter part of 1841, I had occasion to visit B-- again. I met my gambling friend. He invited me to his apartment for the pur pose of showing me some changes he had been making in it. The entrance to the room was a dark stairway. %% e went in, but as it was dark, he desired me to wait at the door until he had open ed the window shutters. The light was admitted, when, to my surprise, I found that I was standing within a few feet of a man, who appeared to be asleep in an arm chair. " Whom have we here 1" said I " The gambler looked, and with a de moniac sneer, said "a loafer who in trudes himself upon the waiters during my absence. They have looked him up, rather than drag him down stairs ; but I intend giving him a lesson that lie will remember." He then approached the sleeper, whose clothing, though torn in several places, plainly showed that he had seen better days. " Get up, you vagabond," was the first intelligence the young man had of our presence. He awoke, and seeing who it was that had disturbed him, prepared to go to sleep again. " Don't you hear me, my lark 1" bawl ed the gambler, at the same time uncer• emonionsly raising the young man to his feet. " I wish to know what you are doing in this room 1" The young man, in a hollow tremulous voice, said, "oh, is it you,—" calling the wretch by name. " I suppose the boys locked me up, as I was on a spree last night." " What! you on a spree, you loafing vagabond. Have you been off one for the last two years 1" The young man gave him a look, that none but a gambler or rumseller's vic tim could have given. It was a humil iating, a pitiful, a forsaken look. He replied in broken accents, "oh! do not apply to me such horrid epithets." The big tears rolled down his cheeks ; and his looks spoke more plainly to the gam bler than a thousand tongues. " I am a ruined man !—you are accursed by God and man, for your evil deeds! You ruin one man that you may be better able to ruin another !" " What do you want to say? you vil lain !" said the gambler. "I want to acknowledge," said the poor wretch., " that I am"—his voice fal tered—" a loafer. But I was made a loafer in this cursed room. It was here I drank my first glass of wine—it was here I played my first game of cards— it was here I was stripped of a fortune of thirty thousand dollars, left me by my parents. Cold-hearted villains have it. May God protect the community from its possessors,—is the prayer offer ed by a degraded, ruined man." He then turned to leave the room. The gambler, with all the force of a powerful arm, thrust him headlong into the street. His head struck the curb stone, and he lay senseless. I ran down, raised him from the gutter, and discos" ered the blood flowing freely from a wound in the forehead. He soon revi ved, and placed his hand upon his head as if in pain. I gave him my bandker• chief, which he refused to take, until I pressed it upon his bleeding wound.— He then staggereJ off down the street. The gambler observed, "that is the last you will see of your handkerchief— he will pawn it for liquor before an hour." I was a hard-hearted- gambler—but that scene would have effected the heart [EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. WHOLE NO. 581. •of a barbarian. I replied, " you are a cruel man." He laughed, and said when you see as much of the gambler's life as I have, you will not think so." I felt sick at heart at witnessing the bloody act, and we parted. The next morning the stiffened corpse of that same young man was laid upon P— street wharf. The coroner was holding an inquest over it. He held my hand kerchief in his death grasp. The clot ted blood, mixed with mud, was still upon his brow. The jury's verdict was " death produced by intemperance."—l do not say that the fall, given him by the gambler, occasioned his premature death. I leave the reader to judge for himself. This victim was the son of the fond, confident parent, who saw no danger in the dark vista of the future to his only child—though vice in all its diversified forms prevailed extensively in the land. f A beautiful and thrilling speech was made by Hon. S. S. Prentiss, at a meeting in New Orleans for the relief of suffering Ireland, We have room but for a single paragraph : "If benevolence be not a sufficient in centive to action, we should be generous from common decency; for out of this famine we arc adding millions to our for tunes. Every article of food, of which we have a superabundance, has been doubled in value, by the very distress we are now called upon to alleviate.— We cannot do less, in common honesty, than to divide among the starving poor of Ireland a portion of the gains we are making out of their misfortune. Give, then, generously and freely. Recollect that in so doing you are exercising one of the most ge od-lik q ualities of your nature, and at the same time enjoying one of the greatest luxuries of life. We ought to thank our Maker that he has permitted us to exercise equally with himself that noblest of even the Divine attributes, benevolence. Go home and look at your family, smiling in rosy health, and thenithink of the Dale. fam ine-pinched cheeks of the poor children of Ireland; and I know you will give according to your store, even as a boun tiful Providence has given to you—not grudgingly, but with an open hand ; for for the quality of benevolence, like that of mercy, . . . Is not strained, It drappeth like the gentle rain from heaven. Upon the place beneath: It is twice blessed, It blesses him that gives, and him that takes." The Expenses of the yar. Though certain it is that the money which it requires to furnish the sinews of War" is in the eyes of Christianity and Philanthropy the smallest item in its bill of costs, still when Millions upon Millions of the public Revenues follow each other down its insatiate maw, and the cry of the sanguinary monster eon , tinues to be that of the daughter of the horse-leech ever "Give Give !" those who take the practical view of the sub ject may well become startled at the rapid expenditure which bloodshed,glory and conquest involve. The Army Bill which passed the House last week con tained appropriations to the amount of Thirty-four and a Half Millions of Dol lars, to pay and support our forces in the field against Mexico—the largest amount of appropriation ever made in any bill passed by Congress. Thus this War with feeble and imbecile Mexico is drawing more heavily upon our purse than that which we waged with England for the Freedom of the Seas and Sailors' Rights. It is estimated that the expen ditures authorized by Congress at its present session will not fall below SlX ,ry MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Al ready the National Debt has had Thirty three Millions of Dollors added to it ; jand on the other hand, it appears that jthe Revenue has begun to fall off rapidly Junder the operation of the Tariff of 1846.—York Republican. A Warm Wish A poor widow woman was relating to a neighbor, how fond her husband was of having a good fire; how busy he would make himself in fixing it so that it would burn, &c., " Ab, poor dear man," said she, " I hope he's gone where they keep good fires.' rJ- Some editor has wilfully perpe trated the following rhyme : Hail! fair maids of grace divine, Why do you wear a bump behind? To which a bustle-ing maid makes the following retort : Hail! young men with broad tailed costa, Why do you wear your hair like goatel OD'. Among other regulations stuck up in a school house in Maine, are the following: No snapping apple seeds at the master. No kissing the girls in the entry.